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AB InBev relance la mythique bière Piedboeuf Extra Pils

tour piedboeuf jupille

Journaliste / Secrétaire de rédaction

tour piedboeuf jupille

Les nostalgiques seront ravis. AB InBev a décidé de redynamiser la célèbre Piedboeuf Extra Pils, une bière imprégnée d’une riche histoire remontant au 19ème siècle alors que la famille Piedboeuf fait ses premiers pas dans l’art du brassage. Nous sommes alors en 1887. La renaissance de cette bière mythique souligne l’engagement d’AB InBev de répondre à la demande actuelle des consommateurs tout en chérissant le savoir-faire ancestral. Retrouvez là désormais en magasin.

Vers la renaissance d'un patrimoine chéri

Au 19ème siècle, la famille Piedboeuf prospère en tant que famille d'entrepreneurs dans l’industrie métallurgique, avec comme base animée, Jupille, abritant la construction de chaudières à vapeur et de machines. Cependant, un changement de cap remarquable se produit lorsque Théodore Piedboeuf entre dans le secteur brassicole après son mariage avec sa compatriote Marie Lhoest. Il se lance avec enthousiasme dans cette nouvelle aventure et dirige la brasserie jusqu’à sa mort en 1915.

AB InBev assume la responsabilité de perpétuer le riche héritage d’Henri Piedboeuf et d’Albert Van Damme.

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Lift-Ô-Loft - Jupille, Liège

  • +32 (0)4 277 30 37
  • [email protected]
  • Rue de Visé 140+ à 4020 Liège (Jupille)
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Lift-Ô-Loft à Jupille, Liège : lofts et appartements modulables, espaces professionnels,... - Logo

L’histoire du site

Un peu d'histoire..., lift-ô-loft, d'où vient ce nom .

A la base de ce nom, un concept. Les développeurs ont été inspiré par la hauteur (O) de l’impressionnante tour en briques du site, déjà visible depuis l’autoroute, au niveau du pont barrage. Ils ont alors imaginé y installer un immense ascenseur (LIFT) qui desservirait les lofts (LOFT).

Qui se cache derrière Lift-Ô-Loft ?

LiftOLoft : Fondateurs : Monique et Christophe Nihon - à la tête de Promactif Groupe

Monique et Christophe Nihon...

sont à la tête du Promactif Groupe . Fort de plus de 20 ans d’expérience de terrain, le groupe propulse des projets à caractère sociétal et à forte valeur ajoutée.

En 2019, amoureux de l’histoire entrepreneuriale de l’entreprise Piedbœuf, et conscients que les friches urbaines doivent être réhabilitées, ils décident de se lancer dans un projet immobilier d’envergure : Lift-Ô-Loft voit le jour.

Le patrimoine

La brasserie piedbœuf.

LiftOLoft : Brasserie Piedboeuf

Lift-Ô-Loft se situe à l'emplacement historique de la brasserie créée par la famille Piedbœuf à Jupille, au Nord-Est de la ville de Liège.

Les débuts de la brasserie Piedbœuf remontent à la fin du 19ème siècle. L'usine s'est développée jusqu'à la première guerre mondiale, période durant laquelle les bâtiments de l'entreprise florissante sont détruits. La brasserie renaît dans les années 20 et se développe à nouveau.

Sur le site de Jupille, en 1919, on pouvait compter 10 ouvriers et 3000 hl de bières produits par an. Il s’agit d’une brasserie de quartier, qui produit de la bière pour une population très locale. En 1980, elle atteint la première place sur le marché brassicole belge. C'est à Albert VAN DAMME, mari d’une descendante de la famille Piedbœuf et brasseur reconnu, que l'on doit l'extraordinaire croissance de la future Brasserie AB-InBev. Pour preuve, en 1998, ce sont près de 2066 ouvriers et/ou employés qui travaillent sur le site et plus de 3.155.000 hl produits par an, distribués internationalement.

Un ensemble de bâtiments emblématiques

La Brasserie Piedbœuf modifie le paysage jupillois depuis plus de 180 ans. D’abord composée d’un petit bâtiment, la brasserie s’agrandit avec les années. Au fur et à mesure de son succès commercial et de l’évolution des techniques de fabrication, plusieurs nouveaux bâtiments voient le jour de part et d’autre de la rue de Visé.

La pièce majeure, la tour Piedbœuf de 89 mètres de haut, achevée en 1939, surplombait le paysage liégeois à la sortie vers le Limbourg. Le bâtiment fait de béton coulé et de verre sur ses 3 derniers étages était surplombé par une tour-phare de 8 mètres de haut, ornée d’un quadruple cadran d'horloge. Cet immeuble était à la rencontre de 3 styles de l’époque Bauhaus, Paquebot et Art Déco et a été démoli en 2003.

À la suite de la modernisation des lignes de production côté Meuse, les cinq bâtiments à flanc de colline, désaffectés, seront vendus fin 2018. Ils n’occuperont plus leurs fonctions initiales et appartiennent désormais au groupe Promactif.


La source charlemagne

La source Charlemagne, historiquement présente sous l’ancien bâtiment Piedbœuf était exploitée antérieurement pour la fabrication de la bière. Dans le cadre de la rénovation future du bâtiment, l’application géothermie/hydrothermie de l’eau de la source demeure l’une des pistes de valorisation pertinente, via un réseau de chaleur. Actuellement, l’eau arrive dans l’ancienne salle de brassage, à une température constante de 12°. Les anciens permis d’exploitation faisaient état d’un débit de la source autour de 10 m³/h.

LiftOLoft : Patrimoine

La fontaine Alpaïde

Historiquement, au Thier du Bac trônait la fontaine d’Alpaïde. Elle a été déplacée dans une zone de conservation de Jupille. Alpaïde du Château d’Oupeye était la maîtresse de Pépin de Herstal. Elle avait un frère, Dodon de Bolsée (Ans), auquel la tradition liégeoise attribue l’assassinat de l’évêque Lambert car il avait refusé de bénir le nouveau couple au Château de Jupille. Le bac d’Alpaïde suggérerait la cavité dans laquelle cette délicieuse créature prenait son bain.

LiftOLoft : Patrimoine

Escalier Thier du bac

La rénovation en profondeur des escaliers du Thier du Bac, reliant la place Gît le Coq à la rue de Visé, permettra de relier plus facilement cette partie du quartier avec les lignes de bus de la rue de Visé. Elle est prise en charge par la Ville de Liège. Dans le cadre de cette rénovation, l’intégration d’un cheminement de type rampe, accessible aux cyclistes et aux personnes à mobilité réduite, serpentant dans les talus et rejoignant chaque palier jusqu’en bas des escaliers a été étudiée.

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Piedboeuf Brewery (AB InBev)

Liège, Belgium

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tour piedboeuf jupille

Piedboeuf Jupiler Tauro

Strong Pale Lager · 8.3% ABV

About the brewery

Piedboeuf Brewery (Brasserie Piedboeuf) is a brewery based in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. It is owned by Anheuser–Busch InBev. The main brand is Jupiler, the most popular beer and best selling beer in Belgium.

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Piedboeuf Brewery

Jupiler is a Belgian beer introduced in 1966, now brewed by Anheuser–Busch InBev at Piedboeuf Brewery in the Jupille-sur-Meuse neighbourhood of Liège. Jupiler is the highest selling beer in Belgium, with around 40 percent share by volume.

tour piedboeuf jupille

More information and contact

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiler

Official Website of Jupiler http://www.jupiler.be/agecheck.php

Belgium Beer Brewery Tours http://www.tripomatic.com/trip/Belgium-Beer-Brewery-Tours/

Phone +32 0 4345 8466

Address Rue des Anciennes Houblonnières, 4020 Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium

Coordinates 50°38'54.724" N 5°37'58.047" E

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Relooking de l'ex-site Piedboeuf à Jupille : "Transformer cet édifice en un parcours muséal de la bière, avec dégustation et un espace de coworking"

De quoi créer un parcours muséal dans l’ancienne salle de brassage..

Charlotte Mikolajczak

  • Publié le 23-03-2022 à 14h30

La particularité de la maquette du complexe immobilier Lift-Ô-Loft à Jupille est d’avoir été façonnée en briques Lego.

Libre Immo | Le dossier

Son promoteur, Promactif Groupe, l'a appelé "Lift-Ô-Loft". Non qu'il veuille cacher le passé brassicole de son projet, au contraire, mais parce que ce qui l'a le plus marqué, dans le projet de réaffectation de l'ancien site Piedbœuf à Jupille (Liège), c'est l'aspect industriel des lieux, les hauteurs sous plafonds (4,5 mètres) et les énormes monte-charges qui serviront d'ascenseurs "permettant de monter, dans les lofts, de grands pianos, d'énormes divans…" , sourit Christophe Nihon, son gérant. "Et il s'agira de vrais lofts, aussi bien intérieurs qu'extérieurs" , ajoute-t-il.

Une maquette en Lego

Grand habitué du Mipim, il y a amené une maquette réalisée en Lego par Monique Kallen, son épouse. De quoi taper dans l’œil des rédacteurs de la revue Mipim News, distribuée gratuitement à plusieurs milliers d’exemplaires aux visiteurs, qui lui ont dédié une photo-légende.

Ce projet de rénovation-démolition-reconstruction, dessiné par le bureau d'architecture Altiplan, comprend trois entités : une tour existante de 60 m de haut qui sera rénovée (13 étages, 24 lofts) ; un bâtiment à front de rue d'une trentaine de mètres de haut, à rénover également (21 lofts, 1 500 m² de bureaux, et, dans le socle attenant, 350 m² de commerces de proximité et des parkings) ; et un nouveau bâtiment de 45 m de haut à construire à l'emplacement de l'ancienne tour Piedbœuf jadis surplombée de l'horloge à quatre façades (11 étages, 55 appartements plus classiques). "La nouvelle tour sera moins haute que celle qui a été démolie, pour un meilleur équilibre entre les trois pans du projet, mais on y ramène l'horloge" , insiste Christophe Nihon. "Les lofts seront vendus casco (gros œuvre fermé, NdlR) et donc accessibles au plus grand nombre."

Mobilité, patrimoine et modularité

La proximité à venir du tram apporte un indéniable aspect mobilité au projet. "On offrira aux acquéreurs un abonnement tram d'un an ainsi qu'une trottinette ou un vélo électriques" , détaille le gérant de Promactif Groupe, propriétaire des lieux depuis trois ans. "La mobilité est d'ailleurs un des trois grands thèmes autour desquels s'articule Lift-Ô-Loft avec le patrimoine et la modularité."

Le processus court depuis un an et demi. Les permis sont attendus d'ici quatre mois. Les travaux seront réalisés en deux phases : les rénovations d'abord, la construction ensuite. "Le collège de la ville a rendu un avis favorable, ajoute Christophe Nihon. Le fonctionnaire délégué de la Région a fait des remarques qui ont donné lieu à un dépôt supplémentaire de plans précisément le 16 mars, en plein Mipim."

Mais son actualité tient aussi à l'appel à projets lancé au Mipim auprès de jeunes designers et architectes pour l'aménagement intérieur de l'ancienne salle de brassage Piedbœuf (1956), posée sur le même terrain, mais de l'autre côté de l'escalier historique du Thier du Bac rénové par la Ville (pour un budget estimé à 2 millions d'euros). "L'idée est de transformer cet édifice fait de béton, d'acier et de verre en un parcours patrimonial et muséal de la bière, assorti d'un restaurant avec dégustation et d'un espace de coworking, décrit Christophe Nihon. Le choix sera validé fin 2022."

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The Brussels Times Magazine

AB InBev relaunches production of historic Piedboeuf lager

AB InBev relaunches production of historic Piedboeuf lager

AB InBev is launching a third pilsner brand in the Belgian market, the historical Piedboeuf Extra Pils.

The Piedboeuf family joined the brewing industry in Jupille, in 1887, setting up their own brewery which would later introduce Jupiler in the 1960s.

Piedboeuf Extra Pils only hit the market after the Second World War, about two decades before Jupiler. Jupiler’s renowned success likely accelerated the end of its older counterpart, which disappeared in the 1970s.

"But Piedboeuf remains a strong brand, especially in the Liège region," an AB InBev spokesperson explained the product’s revival. Despite numerous similar beers in its portfolio, the Belgian subsidiary of the brewing giant believes this resurrection supplements the current beer offering.

tour piedboeuf jupille

Credit: Belga

Positioned at 4.5% ABV, Extra Pils is at the crossroads of light pilsners like Jupiler Blue (4%) and classic heavyweights of the Belgian market, which stand at 5.2%. "We’re targeting a different audience with Extra Pils," added the spokesperson.

The product may appeal to the segment of the public who never believed in Jupiler Pure Blonde, a "light" pilsner (3.1%), launched in spring 2018, but no longer in production today.

Available in 33 and 50-centilitre cans, Piedboeuf lager will not be available in pubs and is priced lower than other AB InBev pils.

It is produced at its historic site in Jupille. A century after its establishment, the Piedboeuf brewery merged with Artois in Leuven to become Interbrew, laying the foundation stone for the world’s largest brewing group.

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Piedboeuf Brewery (Jupille)

tour piedboeuf jupille

Country: Belgium

Website: Visit

Added By: Jeroen On March 18, 2017 09:24

Piedboeuf Brewery (Brasserie Piedboeuf) is a brewery in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. It is owned by AB InBev.

The main brand is Jupiler, the best selling beer in Belgium.

Piedboeuf Triple

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Style: Table beer
  • Alcohol Content: 3.8%
  • Global Rating:

Piedboeuf Foncée

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Alcohol Content: 1.5%

Piedboeuf Excellence

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Alcohol Content: 2%

Piedboeuf Brune

tour piedboeuf jupille

Piedboeuf Blonde

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Style: Belgian Style , Pilsener
  • Alcohol Content: 5.2%

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Alcohol Content: 5%

Sernia Pils

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Alcohol Content: 4.6%

Sernia bock

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Style: Belgian Style , Table beer

Platzen Pils

tour piedboeuf jupille

Piedboeuf Tripel

tour piedboeuf jupille

Piedboeuf Dubbel

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Alcohol Content: 1.7%



Gambrinus Pils

tour piedboeuf jupille

Gambrinus Bock

tour piedboeuf jupille

Derby Bruin

tour piedboeuf jupille

Derby Blond

tour piedboeuf jupille

Delhaize Bruin tafelbier

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Alcohol Content: 0%


Delhaize Blond Tafelbier

tour piedboeuf jupille

  • Style: Belgian Style , Blond

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Jupiler celebrates its 50th anniversary !

There is a most beautiful Belgian blonde who just turned fifty ! Much appreciated by all Belgians, especially in periods of festivities, Jupiler has remained Belgium’s sweetheart, despite the years that have passed.

tour piedboeuf jupille

Jupiler’s history started at Jupille in the province of Liège, in the Piedbœuf brewery located in the heart of the village. In the fifties Albert Van Damme, member of the Piedbœuf family who was eager to deal with the German competition, decided to brew a blond bottom fermentation malted beer. That’s how Jupiler « Urtyp » was created, while the final syllable « er » gave its name a Germanic consonance !  

Seeing the success of Jupiler Urtyp, the brewer engineers of the Piedbœuf brewery decided to expand its range by lager-type beers. Thus, thanks to the initiative of Albert Van Damme, « Jupiler 5 », which corresponds to the current Jupiler, was launched on 5 September 1966. This beer was immediately successful and became one of Belgium’s favourites. The number 5 referred to the alcohol content and to the number of components in the beer. It was withdrawn later.

In the village of Jupille, Jupiler is a family history. The connection between the brewery and the inhabitants of Jupille passes the generations and is still very strong today. People adore to reminisce over a nice cool Jupiler !

At present, Jupiler is still produced in Jupille by the AB Inbev multinational. It is highly successful with the Belgian public and especially with the age group between 18 and 35. 

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We can organize and operate this trip as a private group departure with a minimum group size of 8 persons. Start organizing your private Russia art adventure here .

Best time to travel: June for the “White Nights” Best gateway city: Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia Moscow and St. Petersburg Slide Show

Experience the art treasures of Moscow and St. Petersburg with guide, Amy Osaki. Begin in Moscow, continental Europe’s largest city, the seat of the government of Russia, and now home to over twenty billionaires! View iconic sites such as the Kremlin (which began as a fortress in the eleventh century), Red Square, and the sixteenth century St. Basil’s Cathedral. Then explore the art masterpieces at the Tretyakov Gallery, the National Museum of Russian Fine Art encompassing works from the eleventh to the twentieth century. Visit the Armory at the Kremlin filled with Imperial treasures including Faberge eggs once exchanged by the tsar and tsarina at Easter. Conclude your Moscow experience at the quiet seventeenth century Novodevichy Convent, one of many World Heritage sites included in the trip.

After a short flight, continue the trip with five days in St. Petersburg where you’ll be immersed in the opulence of Imperial Russia. Established by Tsar Peter I in 1703, St. Petersburg (known as Petrograd and Leningrad for most of the twentieth century) was the capital of the Russian empire for over two hundred years until the Russian Revolution of 1917. The Hermitage—said to be the largest art museum in the world with a collection of over three million objects housed in four main buildings—rivals the Louvre in Paris for both the quantity and quality of its treasures. Founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great, and open to the pubic for over two hundred years the museum is so vast that we’ll spread our visit out over several days and organize it by different themes. Also on the schedule is a visit to the Peter and Paul Fortress—the original citadel above the river founded in 1703—as well as some of the Imperial palaces in and around St. Petersburg such as Peterhof, a World Heritage Site. Peter I hired French architects to work on his many palaces, including Jean Baptiste Le Blond who worked with Andre Le Notre at Versailles. Consider enhancing your Russian experience by purchasing tickets to a performance—perhaps a ballet at St. Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theatre (also known as the Kirov).

Day 1 Overnight in Moscow Arrive in Moscow and transfer to your centrally-located hotel, your base for the next two nights. Enjoy an afternoon and early evening walk through Red Square (Krasnaya Ploshchad) past St. Basil’s Cathedral, and GUM department store all of which are back-dropped by the walls of the Kremlin fortress. Remember that we are here during the fabled “White Nights” when the summer days linger with light-filled evenings.

Day 2 Overnight in Moscow Within the walls of the Kremlin fortress, visit the Armoury Museum, one of Moscow’s oldest museums established at the start of the nineteenth century. The Kremlin Armoury was the royal arsenal; it produced and stored the weapons, jewelry and other regalia of the tsars. The museum’s collection encompasses four thousand items of applied art from Russia and elsewhere dating from the early fourth century to the twentieth century. Later in the day, visit the collection of masterpieces of the renowned Tretyakov Gallery. The Tretyakov collections were begun by the philanthropist Tretyakov brothers in the early nineteenth century. The gallery is recognized by many as a key repository of Russian art spanning the nation’s artistic tradition from early Orthodox icons to art nouveau, impressionist, and avant-garde works.

Day 3 Overnight in St Petersburg Enjoy a morning visit to the sixteenth century Novodevichy Convent named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2004. The convent’s name is sometimes translated as “New Maidens’ Monastery” to differentiate is from the convent within the walls of the Moscow Kremlin. Surrounded by white crenellated walls, this complex of churches has remained essentially intact since the seventeenth century. Here you’ll find the five-domed Cathedral of Our Lady of Smolensk with its spectacular iconostasis and the tall, red and white Gate Church of the Transfiguration which is often cited as a fine example of “Moscow Baroque” architecture. The neighboring Novodevichy Cemetery is the final resting place of the likes of Anton Chekhov, Sergei Prokofiev, Dmitri Shostakovich, and Boris Yeltsin. This afternoon fly to St. Petersburg, Russia’s second largest city situated on the banks of the Neva River where it empties into the Gulf of Finland.

Day 4 Overnight in St Petersburg Start of your exploration of St. Petersburg with a visit to the Peter and Paul Fortress, the original citadel of St. Petersburg. The fortress was built to the designs of the Swiss Italian architect Domenico Trezzini in the early eighteenth century. Trezzini’s Peter and Paul Cathedral dominates the fortress grounds and its iconic golden spire punctuates into the Baltic sky. Later visit the Yusupov Palace on the Moika, acclaimed as an “encyclopedia of St. Petersburg aristocratic interior design.” The palace was the home of the Yusupov family from 1830 and 1917 and was the place where Grigori Rasputin, a spiritual mentor to Tsar Nicholas II and the Royal Family in the early 20th century, was assassinated. A visit to the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood built between 1883 and 1907 rounds out the day. The church was built in “Russian Revivalist” architectural style by Tsar Alexander III in commemoration of his father, Alexander II. The church occupies a conspicuous location on St. Petersburg’s Griboedov Canal and contains 7,500 square meters of mosaics; the interior walls and ceilings are completely covered by mosaics.

Day 5 Overnight in St Petersburg Seeing St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum in a day would be like trying to see the Smithsonian in a day! Rather than a forced march through the galleries at a rapid pace, we will slow down and savor the masterpieces. Remember, there are nearly seven miles worth of exhibitions! Today we focus on “Imperial Russia,” touring the rooms decorated for members of the Russian Imperial Family and viewing the art they commissioned and collected. This is the art that influenced the style of the grand palaces of the era. View the Grand Suite of rooms, Peter I’s collection of gold, and the jewelers art owned by the Russian Imperial Family (including Fabergé eggs, gold and diamonds). Here, too, are the rooms of Catherine II and her son Paul I with their fifteenth to eighteenth century French paintings and sculpture (Poussin, Watteau, Fragonard, Chardin, and Houdon).

Day 6 Overnight in St Petersburg Return for a second dose of the Hermitage! Today is dedicated to the famous European masterpieces exhibited at the Hermitage. Feast your eyes on memorable works by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Tintoretto, Tiepolo, Velazquez, and El Greco. At the Hermitage, you can revel in Rembrandt; there are twenty of his works in the museum’s collection. After lunch, enjoy the eighteenth to twentieth century masterpieces of Monet, van Gogh, Gauguin, Rodin, Picasso, Matisse and Kandinsky. Digest the art and reflect on this unique collection of human creations. Consider an evening performance, possibly at the Mariinsky Theatre.

Day 7 Overnight in St Petersburg Journey by hydrofoil across the Gulf of Finland to experience Peter I’s palace at Peterhof, a series of palaces and gardens that evoke comparisons with Versailles which Peter visited in 1715. Begun in 1714 with the construction of the Monplaisir palace and expanded by later Imperial generations who added Rococo and Neo-classical elements, Peterhof is now a World Heritage Site. The creative mastery of architects, engineers, artists and craftsmen from throughout Europe is on display here and all is choreographed to celebrate water in homage to Peter, the maritime emperor.

Day 8 Overnight in St Petersburg Go behind the scenes with an excursion to the Hermitage Museum’s Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Center on the right back of the Neva River north of Kamenny Island. This vast treasure house is only accessible by private tour. Later, travel to Vasilvesky Island across the river from the Hermitage to visit Menishkov Palace completed in 1721 and now the oldest stone building in St. Petersburg. Enjoy a farewell dinner this evening.

About your guide : Amy Osaki holds a master’s degree from the Winterthur Museum. She studied art at the Louvre Museum in Paris and worked as a museum curator for over a decade including six years at the Portland Art Museum. She is an award-winning art educator who has led art trips around the world for the last fifteen years with Walking Softly Adventures. Many of these trips were offered for graduate credit from Portland State University where she is an Adjunct Professor.

Resources for Further Learning

  • Preview part of the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery at its website.
  • Learn more about the Moscow Kremlin .
  • Prepare yourself to experience the Hermitage . You can even shop on-line at the museum’s on-line museum store!

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  • Preplanned tours
  • Daytrips out of Moscow
  • Themed tours
  • Customized tours
  • St. Petersburg

Theatres in Moscow

Cultural life of Moscow city is various and rich! Operas, ballets, symphonic concerts... Russian composers have created some of the most beautiful classical music. Russian classical music is very popular in Moscow. It is performed in many beautiful historical venues. Do not forget to include a visit to a concert hall in your itinerary when you are planning your stay in Moscow! And do it in advance.

There are almost no restrictions on dress code in Russian theatres. Visitors may wear jeans and sports shoes, they may have a backpack with them. Only shorts are not allowed.

A typical feature of Russian theatre – visitors are bringing a lot of flowers which they present to their favorite performers after the show.

Here are some practical advices where to go and how to buy tickets.

The Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is the oldest, the most famous and popular opera and ballet theatre in Russia. The word “Bolshoi” means “big” in Russian. You can buy a ticket online in advance, 2-3 months before the date of performance on the official website . Prices for famous ballets are high: 6-8 thousand rubles for a seat in stalls. Tickets to operas are cheaper: you can get a good seat for 4-5 thousand rubles. Tickets are cheaper for daytime performances and performances on the New Stage. The New Stage is situated in the light-green building to the left of the Bolshoi's main building. The quality of operas and ballets shown on the New Stage is excellent too. However, you should pay attention that many seats of the Bolshoi’s Old and New Stages have limited visibility . If you want to see the Bolshoi’s Old Stage but all tickets are sold out, you can order a tour of the theatre. You can book such a tour on the official website.

If you want, following Russian tradition, to give flowers to the performers at the end of the show, in the Bolshoi flowers should be presented via special staff who collects these flowers in advance.

In August the Bolshoi is closed.

The Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theatre

This theatre is noteworthy. On one hand, it offers brilliant classical opera and ballet performances. On the other hand, it is an experimental venue for modern artists. You can check the program and buy tickets online here http://stanmus.com/ . If you are opera lover, get a ticket to see superstar Hibla Gerzmava . The theatre has a very beautiful historic building and a stage with a good view from every seat. Tickets are twice cheaper than in the Bolshoi.

The Novaya Opera

“Novaya” means “New” in Russian. This opera house was founded in 1991 by a famous conductor Eugene Kolobov. Its repertoire has several directions: Russian and Western classics, original shows and divertissements, and operas of the 20th and 21st centuries. It is very popular with Muscovites for excellent quality of performances, a comfortable hall, a beautiful Art Nouveau building and a historic park Hermitage, which is situated right next to it. You can buy tickets online here http://www.novayaopera.ru/en .

Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center

The Opera Center has become one of the best theatrical venues in Moscow. It was founded in 2002 by great diva Galina Vishnevskaya. Nowadays its artistic director is Olga Rostropovich, daughter of Galina Vishnevskaya and her husband Mstislav Rostropovich, great cellist and conductor. Not only best young opera singers perform here, but also world music stars do; chamber and symphonic concerts, theatrical productions and musical festivals take place here. You can see what is on the program here http://opera-centre.ru/theatre . Unfortunately “booking tickets online” is available in Russian only. If you need help, you can contact us at and we can book a ticket for you. 

Tchaikovsky Concert Hall and The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory

These are two major concert halls for symphonic music in Moscow. Both feature excellent acoustics, impressive interior, various repertoire and best performers. You can check the program here http://meloman.ru/calendar/ . You need just to switch to English. Booking tickets online is available only for owners of Russian, Ukrainian and Belorussian phone numbers. If you need help, you can contact us and we can book a ticket for you. 

Moscow International Performing Arts Center (MIPAC)

This modern and elegant concert hall houses performances of national and foreign symphony orchestras, chamber ensembles, solo instrumentalists, opera singers, ballet dancers, theatre companies, jazz bands, variety and traditional ensembles. Actually, it has three concert halls placed on three different levels and having separate entrances. The President of MIPAC is People’s Artist of the USSR Vladimir Spivakov, conductor of “Virtuosy Moskvy” orchestra. You can see pictures of the concert halls here http://www.mmdm.ru/en/content/halls . The program is impressive in its variety but is not translated into English. You can contact us at and we can find a performance for you.


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  2. nouvelle mairie de la Commune Libre de Roture 2003

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  3. À propos

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  4. Le projet de l’ancienne brasserie Piedboeuf à Jupille obtient le feu

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  5. Un parc éphémère sur le site de l’ancienne tour Piedboeuf à #Jupille

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  6. Jupille : l'ancienne brasserie Piedboeuf bientôt transformée en lofts

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  1. Mes 6 sources de revenu en 2023

  2. Le succès n'est qu'une question de patience


  1. Piedboeuf Brewery

    Piedboeuf Brewery (French: Brasserie Piedbœuf, French pronunciation: ... History. In 1812, the company was founded in Jupille by Jacques-Pascal Piedboeuf (1782-1839). It was not a brewery, but a boiler works manufacturing not only brewing equipment, but also stationary engines, ship boilers, ...

  2. Our story

    In 1959 the Piedboeuf brewery launched Jupiler Urtyp, a name derived from Jupille-sur-Meuse. This new blonde beer was intended to compete with the popular German beers of the time…and compete it did! Following on from the success of Urtyp, the brewery expanded to create Jupiler 5, so called because of its ABV percentage and number of ...

  3. AB InBev relance la mythique bière Piedboeuf Extra Pils

    Historique Tour Piedboeuf, à Jupille (Liège) Animés par un engagement fort en faveur de la qualité supérieure et une ambition sans limites, ils conquièrent même le titre de la plus grande brasserie de Wallonie dans les années 1930. Cette progression est symbolisée par l'imposante tour Piedboeuf, le plus haut gratte-ciel industriel d ...

  4. Notre histoire

    Eh bien, l'histoire commence dans la banlieue liégeoise de Jupille-sur-Meuse tout au long de la révolution industrielle ; c'est ici que les Piedbœuf fondent la brasserie à leur nom et créent leur première bière en 1853. Lire la suite. ... En 1959, la brasserie Piedboeuf lance Jupiler Urtyp, un nom dérivé de Jupille-sur-Meuse. ...

  5. L'histoire du site

    Lift-Ô-Loft se situe à l'emplacement historique de la brasserie créée par la famille Piedbœuf à Jupille, au Nord-Est de la ville de Liège. Les débuts de la brasserie Piedbœuf remontent à la fin du 19ème siècle. L'usine s'est développée jusqu'à la première guerre mondiale, période durant laquelle les bâtiments de l'entreprise ...

  6. Jupiler

    Jupiler is a European Pale Lager style beer brewed by Brasserie Piedboeuf in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. Score: 69 with 364 ratings and reviews. Last update: 04-26-2024.

  7. Jupiler

    Jupiler ( French: [ʒypilɛʁ]; Dutch: [ˈʒypilɛr] or [ʒypiˈleː]) is a Belgian beer introduced in 1966, now brewed by Anheuser-Busch InBev at Piedboeuf Brewery in the Jupille-sur-Meuse neighbourhood of Liège. Jupiler is the highest selling beer in Belgium, with around 40 percent share by volume. [1]

  8. Brouwerij Piedbœuf

    Deze groep heeft vier brouwerijen in België, waaronder de locatie te Jupille, die omgedoopt werd tot Brasserie Jupiler. Monument. Tussen 1935 en 1939 werd de Tour Piedboeuf gebouwd in functionalistische stijl. Architect was Léopold Broquet. De toren heeft een vierkante plattegrond en is 67 meter hoog.

  9. Piedboeuf Brewery (AB InBev)

    Piedboeuf Brewery (Brasserie Piedboeuf) is a brewery based in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. It is owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev. The main brand is Jupiler, the most popular beer and best selling beer in Belgium. Claim this brewery. Find bars, beer stores, and restaurants near me selling Piedboeuf Brewery (AB InBev) beer.

  10. Piedboeuf Brewery in Liège

    Jupiler is a Belgian beer introduced in 1966, now brewed by Anheuser-Busch InBev at Piedboeuf Brewery in the Jupille-sur-Meuse neighbourhood of Liège. Jupiler is the highest selling beer in Belgium, with around 40 percent share by volume. ... , 4020 Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. Coordinates 50°38'54.724" N 5°37'58.047" E. Sygic Travel - A ...

  11. Relooking de l'ex-site Piedboeuf à Jupille : "Transformer cet édifice

    Relooking de l'ex-site Piedboeuf à Jupille : "Transformer cet édifice en un parcours muséal de la bière, avec dégustation et un espace de coworking" ... comprend trois entités : une tour existante de 60 m de haut qui sera rénovée (13 étages, 24 lofts) ; un bâtiment à front de rue d'une trentaine de mètres de haut, à rénover ...

  12. Piedbœuf

    Piedbœuf. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Château Piedboeuf . Piedbœuf est une marque de bière appartenant au groupe Anheuser-Busch InBev, brassée à la brasserie Jupiler (anciennement brasserie Piedbœuf) à Jupille-sur-Meuse (ville de Liège ).

  13. Brasserie Piedboeuf

    Brasserie Piedboeuf in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. Beers, ratings, reviews, styles and another beer geek info.

  14. Piedboeuf Triple

    Oct 02, 2006. Piedboeuf Triple from Brasserie Piedboeuf. Beer rating: 69 out of 100 with 14 ratings. Beers > Brasserie Piedboeuf >. Piedboeuf Triple is a European Pale Lager style beer brewed by Brasserie Piedboeuf in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. Score: 69 with 14 ratings and reviews. Last update: 05-27-2022.

  15. AB InBev relaunches production of historic Piedboeuf lager

    Credit: Belga. AB InBev is launching a third pilsner brand in the Belgian market, the historical Piedboeuf Extra Pils. The Piedboeuf family joined the brewing industry in Jupille, in 1887, setting up their own brewery which would later introduce Jupiler in the 1960s. Piedboeuf Extra Pils only hit the market after the Second World War, about two ...

  16. Piedboeuf Brewery (Jupille)

    Piedboeuf Brewery (Jupille) Country: Belgium Website: Visit. Social: Added By: Jeroen On March 18, 2017. Piedboeuf Brewery (Brasserie Piedboeuf) is a brewery in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. It is owned by AB InBev. The main brand is Jupiler, the best selling beer in Belgium.

  17. Jupiler celebrates its 50th anniversary

    Jupiler's history started at Jupille in the province of Liège, in the Piedbœuf brewery located in the heart of the village. In the fifties Albert Van Damme, member of the Piedbœuf family who was eager to deal with the German competition, decided to brew a blond bottom fermentation malted beer. That's how Jupiler « Urtyp » was created, while the final syllable « er » gave its name a ...

  18. Moscow metro tour

    Moscow Metro. The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours' itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin's regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as "a people's palace". Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings ...

  19. Jupiler NA

    Drinkability : a beer in alcohol free style not very good. Review translated from french 6-1-2008. Jupiler NA is a Low-Alcohol Beer style beer brewed by Brasserie Piedboeuf in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. Score: 64 with 17 ratings and reviews. Last update: 05-27-2022.

  20. Moscow and St. Petersburg Art Adventure « Art Tours by Amy

    This vast treasure house is only accessible by private tour. Later, travel to Vasilvesky Island across the river from the Hermitage to visit Menishkov Palace completed in 1721 and now the oldest stone building in St. Petersburg. Enjoy a farewell dinner this evening.

  21. Exploring Moscow

    I've been living in central Moscow for just over a week now so I thought it was about time for me show you around this beautiful city! My original plan for t...

  22. Jupiler Pils

    330ml bottle BB: 09/12/2021 £2.18 Bought from BelgianBeerCompany, Stoke/UK as part of a large pick-your own consignment to London. Jupiler Pils is a German Pilsner style beer brewed by Brasserie Piedboeuf in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium. Score: n/a with 5 ratings and reviews.

  23. Theatres in Moscow

    Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center. The Opera Center has become one of the best theatrical venues in Moscow. It was founded in 2002 by great diva Galina Vishnevskaya. Nowadays its artistic director is Olga Rostropovich, daughter of Galina Vishnevskaya and her husband Mstislav Rostropovich, great cellist and conductor.