pt. medussa multi business center

Pelopor reservasi online, top 10 penjualan terbaik nasional hampir seluruh maskapai, semua transaksi dalam 1 system, keunggulan kami, transaksi 24 jam.

Support Transaksi dan Customer Service 24 Jam

MENU tarik saldo

Kapanpun dan dimanapun, Transfer Online dilebih dari 100 Bank Nasional

Produk Terlengkap

Tiket, Loket, Paket lebih dari 50 Lini Bisnis, tersedia juga API (Application Programming Interface) bagi anda yang sudah punya programmer


Top Up Otomatis tanpa Konfirmasi, melalui Transfer Bank / Virtual account


Kerjasama dengan terbaik, System dan Server Milik Sendiri, Buktikan langsung keunggulan system kami  

Pelopor Reservasi Online, Ticketing Booking Issued sendiri, Voucher Hotel, Multipayment

Fitur Terlengkap Tour Travel, PPOB, System MMBC Express

Lebih dari 700 rb member di seluruh Indonesia, Support Pelatihan, Training, Mentoring sampai bisa dan Sukses

Tersedia Web Auto Pilot , customer anda cek harga dan booking sendiri ke web anda, seperti traveloka dll


  • Booking Issued dan Cetak Tiket Langsung di Tempat Anda, Real Time 24 Jam 
  • Tiket PELNI
  • Tiket Kapal Ferry

Booking Issued hingga Pilih Seat dan Gerbong sendiri Langsung dari Sistem


Jaminan Harga Voucher Hotel Termurah di Seluruh Dunia

  • Payment Point Online Bank
  • Pulsa All Operator
  • Pembayaran Tagihan PLN, Token Listrik, BPJS, Speedy / Telkom, TV Kabel, Voucher Game, Multi Finance, dll
  • Top Up Merchant (GO PAY, GRAB PAY, TCASH, OVO, Paytren, dll
  • Tagihan Kartu Kredit
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Bisa di Akses dimanapun dan kapanpun
  • Tersedia Juga Transaksi Online WhatsApp / Virtual Assistants
  • Paket Tour Wisata Domestik Internasional
  • Tour Hoby (Moto GP & F1 Series)
  • Tour Muslim, dll
  • MMBC EXPRESS – Multi Expedisi  – Bebas Pilih Kurir – Cash Back Kiriman 



fasilitas lainnya

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mmbc travel ppob


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mmbc travel ppob


Jenjang karir.

Jika anda ingin mengembangkan Reseller bisa di mulai dari Middle plan dan Master Plan 

Basic plan "Agen"

Normal 3 jt.

  • Pelatihan basic system
  • Free system 60 % bonus NTA
  • Free lisensi Agen
  • Free System MMBC Airlines
  • Free System MMBC Express

middle plan "Distributor"

Normal 25jt.

  • Pelatihan Pengembangan System
  • Unlimited User ID
  • Profit 100% dari Biaya Register Agen
  • Free system 70 % Bonus NTA
  • Free System MMBC Airline
  • Free Lisensi Distributor
  • Support Seminar
  • Passive Income 10% dari Agen

master plan "CABANG"

Normal 325jt.

  • Website AutoPilot cara kerja seperti Traveloka
  • Free system 85 - 90 % NTA
  • Kontrak Notaris Cabang
  • Unlimited ID
  • Workshop Cabang
  • Passive income 25 % dari Agen
  • Passive income 15 % dari Distributor

* syarat dan ketentuan berlaku

Cabang mmbc berlaku 5 tahun, perpanjangan berikutnya 50%, free akun, jualan paket tour dan umroh hanya sebar link .

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Ok, Saya Mau.. Bagaimana Caranya?

Cukup 3 langkah, kuota promo masih tersedia, diskon hingga 80% terbatas.. garansi training & pelatihan sampai bisa dan sukses, ada pertanyaan saran dan keluhan hubungi kami.

Perkantoran INDO BERKAH SUKSES MULIA Jalan Saharjo no 115 BX ( Samping Pegadaian) Jakarta Selatan, 021-83702713


Klik Untuk Chat WA dengan Kami

Disclaimer !

-segala bentuk layanan / fitur dari vendor  bukan menjadi garansi dari system kami, karena sewaktu-waktu layanan dari vendor bisa berhenti di karenakan maintanance maupun berhentinya kerjasama layanan, -fitur mmbc express adalah gratis / tidak di jual terpisah karena masuk dalam fasilitas menjadi member mmbc bisa menjalankan semua lini bisnis kami.

  • City Guides


MMBC TOUR & TRAVEL for Android

Product screenshot

Developer's Description

MMBC Tour & Travel adalah Pelopor Keagenan dengan Sistem Reservasi Online terlengkap di Indonesia, didukung dengan sistem AUTO BOOKING, AUTO ISSUED dan AUTO DEPOSIT menjadikan MMBC sebagai Travel Agen dengan dukungan fitur serba otomatis dan terlengkap di Indonesia.

Dengan didukung fitur terlengkap, anda akan merasa nyaman berbisnis dengan kami. MMBC Tour & Travel melayani pemesanan:

- Tiket Pesawat Domestik & International

- Tiket KAI (Kereta Api)

- Reservasi Hotel Domestik & International

- Tiket PELNI

- Antar Jemput Bandara

- Bus AKAP dan Bus Travel

- Umroh & Haji ONH Plus

- Tour Domestik & International

- Beli Pulsa & Bayar Tagihan (PPOB)

- Transfer Online ke semua Bank

- Isi Ulang GOPAY, GRABPAY dan Kartu E-Money

- MMBC Express (Barang & Dokumen)

- Tiket Bioskop (Cinema 21, IIX dan CGV Blitz)

- Tiket Dufan, Wisata Dunia, dan WaterBoom

- MMBC Asuransi

- MMBC Cash (M-Cash)

- Pembuatan website travel dan Layanan MMBC Hosting

semua Layanan MMBC diatas bisa anda nikmati hanya dengan sistem satu deposit dan anda bisa memulainya dengan modal Rp. 0!

Butuh bantuan?

Silakan akses atau hubungi CS kami melalui WhatsApp di +62858-13052706

Butuh panduan penggunaan Sistem?

Silakan akses

[email protected] MMBC Tour & Travel is the Pioneer Agency with Online Reservation System complete in Indonesia, supported by the system BOOKING AUTO, AUTO and AUTO DEPOSIT ISSUED make MMBC as a Travel Agent with feature support is automatic and complete in Indonesia.

With the support of the most complete feature, you will feel comfortable doing business with us. MMBC Tour & Travel gives:

- Domestic & International Airline Tickets

- Tickets KAI (Railways)

- Reservation Domestic & International

- Tickets PELNI

- Shuttle service

- AKAP Bus and Bus Travel

- Umrah & Hajj ONH Plus

- Domestic & International Tour

- Buy Credit & Pay Bills (PPOB)

- Transfer Online to all Bank

- Refill GOPAY, GRABPAY and E-Money Cards

- MMBC Express (Goods & Document)

- Tickets Cinema (Cinema 21, IIX and CGV Blitz)

- Tickets Dufan, the World Travel and Waterboom

- MMBC Insurance

- Making travel website and MMBC Hosting Service

MMBC Service above all you can enjoy only with a deposit system and you can start with a capital of Rp. 0!

Please access CS or contact us via WhatsApp at + 62858-13052706

Need guidance systems use?

Please access

Have an idea?

[email protected]

Full Specifications

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Mulai Bisnis Travel Anda Sendiri dengan Mudah Bersama MMBC Travel

Cari tahu mengapa ribuan orang memilih MMBC Travel sebagai mitra mereka! Dapatkan Penghasilan Hingga Puluhan Juta Rupiah Per Bulan.

mmbc travel ppob

Sebelum Bergabung Bisnis MMBC Travel, Coba Anda Ingat Kembali:

  • Ingin punya penghasilan tambahan?
  • Ingin mencoba bisnis tapi bingung mulai dari mana
  • Tertarik bisnis travel tapi tidak memiliki pengetahuan teknis yang memadai.

Jangan khawatir! MMBC Travel hadir untuk mewujudkan impian bisnis travel Anda.


Apa Itu MMBC Travel?

MMBC Travel adalah platform keagenan yang menyediakan solusi bisnis travel lengkap. Dengan akses ke berbagai layanan travel seperti tiket pesawat, kereta api, bus, hiburan, paket umrah, tur wisata, reservasi hotel, dan pembayaran PPOB, Anda dapat memulai bisnis travel sendiri dengan mudah. Platform user-friendly kami memudahkan Anda mengelola transaksi bisnis dan kami juga menyediakan dukungan teknis serta customer service yang siap membantu. Bergabung dengan MMBC Travel dan wujudkan impian bisnis travel Anda!


Keunggulan Kami


Dapat menggunakan Brand Bisnis Anda Sendiri. Tanpa Buka Rekening Ke Bank Bersangkutan

Tampilan Mudah, dapat di mengerti dan dioperasionalkan oleh orang yang awam sekalipun


Dapat menggunakan Mata Uang Ringgit Malaysia, singapore Dollar, US Dollar, dan Indonesia Rupiah


Meliputi Tour Travel Kereta Api, PELNI, Bus, Kapal Ferry, PPOB, Dan Pengiriman Uang Serta Barang


Hanya 1 Sistem Deposit Pada Account untuk semua transaksi bisnis tour travel Anda

Sistem Helpdesk Manual untuk membantu Anda menghadapi kendala Transaksi

Produk & Layanan Kami MMBC Travel

Layanan Lengkap dan Mudah Digunakan untuk Memulai Bisnis Travel Impian Anda


  • Bisnis Tiket Pesawat
  • Bisnis Tiket Kereta Api
  • Bisnis Tiket Bus Travel (Cipaganti, Daytrans, XTrans, dan lainnya)
  • Bisnis Tiket Hiburan (Dufan, Lego Land, dan lainnya)
  • Bisnis Umrah dan Haji Plus
  • Bisnis Tour Wisata
  • Bisnis Reservasi & Voucher Hotel
  • Bisnis All Pulsa Elektrik
  • Bisnis Jasa Pengiriman Paket & Dokumen Multi Ekspedisi (Fitur MMBC Express)
  • Bisnis PPOB Online (Pembayaran BPJS, Listrik, Telp, Speedy-IndiHome, PDAM, Cicilan Motor, Kartu Kredit, KTA, Asuransi dll)

Komisi Agen

Raih Penghasilan Tambahan dengan Komisi Agen MMBC Travel!

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Komisi Distributor

Jadilah Distributor MMBC Travel dan Raih Penghasilan Luar Biasa!

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Simulasi Keuntungan Agen MMBC Travel

Raih Penghasilan Luar Biasa sebagai Agen MMBC Travel! Berikut Simulasinya:

Misalkan Anda memilih Paket Kemitraan Cabang MMBC Tour And Travel dan dalam satu bulan melakukan transaksi sebagai berikut:

  • Pembelian Tiket Pesawat Lion Air Sebanyak 5 Buah /Hari Baik Melalui Offline Maupun Online (Aplikasi atau Website) dalam 1 Bulan 150 Tiket Pesawat.
  • Penerimaan Pendaftaran Jamaah Umrah Sebanyak 3 Orang Jamaah
  • Penjualan lisensi Bisnis Travel Keagenan MMBC Sebanyak 6 Orang (5 Agen MMBC, dan 1 Distributor MMBC)

Harga Publish: Rp 1.681.300 Pajak Tiket: Rp 248.300 Harga Dasar: Rp 1.433.000

Komisi Maskapai: 3% x Harga Dasar= Rp. 42.990

Komisi Cabang: = Rp. 42.990 x 85% NTA= Rp.36.541 Komisi 1 Bulan:

= (Rp. 36.541 x 5 Tiket) X 30 Hari

= Rp. 5.481.250

~ Agen Rp. 1.500.000 X 5 = Rp. 7. 500.000

– Distributor Rp. 5.000.000 X 2 = Rp. 10.000.000

Total Penjualan Licensi Rp. 17.500.000

Pendapatan dalam satu Bulan: = Rp. 5.481.250 + Rp. 2.550.000 + Rp. 17.500.000 = Rp. 25.531.250

Persiapan Membuka Bisnis Multipayment MMBC​

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah persiapan yang perlu Anda lakukan sebelum membuka bisnis multipayment dengan MMBC:

  • Komputer / Laptop / Handphone
  • Koneksi Internet
  • Akun Email Yang Masih Aktif
  • Nomor Handphone Yang Aktif
  • User ID Agen MMBC

mmbc travel ppob

Berikut ini adalah testimoni dari agen dan distributor sukses kami

mmbc travel ppob

“Saya sangat bangga menjadi agen MMBC Travel. Mereka memberikan dukungan yang luar biasa dalam mengembangkan bisnis travel saya. Dengan akses ke berbagai layanan travel yang populer, saya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan dengan mudah. MMBC Travel adalah mitra terbaik bagi bisnis travel saya!”

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“Sebagai agen MMBC Travel, saya merasakan manfaat yang luar biasa. Mereka menyediakan platform yang user-friendly dan fitur-fitur terbaik untuk membantu saya mengelola bisnis travel. Dukungan tim teknis dan customer service mereka selalu responsif dan membantu. Saya sangat merekomendasikan MMBC Travel kepada agen travel lainnya.”

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“MMBC Travel adalah pilihan terbaik untuk agen travel. Saya mendapatkan akses ke berbagai layanan travel terkemuka dalam satu platform yang efisien. Dengan bantuan MMBC Travel, bisnis travel saya berkembang pesat dan saya mampu memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada pelanggan saya. Terima kasih, MMBC Travel!”

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“Sebagai agen MMBC Travel, saya merasa didukung sepenuhnya. Mereka memberikan pelatihan yang komprehensif, serta dukungan teknis yang hebat. Platform mereka sangat mudah digunakan dan saya dapat menjual berbagai layanan travel dengan mudah. Saya sangat senang menjadi bagian dari MMBC Travel dan merekomendasikannya kepada agen travel lainnya.”

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Wujudkan Kesuksesan Bisnis Travel Anda Bersama MMBC Travel!

Bergabunglah dengan MMBC Travel dan nikmati berbagai manfaat yang akan membawa Anda menuju kesuksesan dalam bisnis travel. Dapatkan akses ke layanan travel terkemuka, platform yang mudah digunakan, dukungan teknis yang responsif, serta peluang untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda dengan cepat dan efisien. Dengan MMBC Travel, Anda dapat membangun bisnis travel yang sukses dan menguntungkan.

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Mulai Petualangan Bisnis Travel Anda Bersama Kami!

Klik tombol “Daftar Sekarang” di bawah ini untuk mendaftar dan mulailah perjalanan menuju kesuksesan bisnis travel Anda bersama kami!


Promo khusus hari ini

Rp 1.000.000

Rp 299.000,-

  • Free Sistem Komisi 60% NTA
  • Berhak Access All Bisnis MMBC
  • Fasilitas Lifetime/Seumur Hidup
  • Tanpa Biaya Tahunan
  • Pelatihan Basic Sistem Reservasi


Rp 3.000.000

Rp 499.000,-

  • Pelatihan Pengembangan Bisnis
  • Free Sistem Komisi 70% NTA
  • UNLIMITED User id
  • Passive Income 10% dari Agen
  • Pelatihan Basic Sistem

Hal Yang Sering Ditanyakan (FAQ)

Temukan Jawaban untuk Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan tentang MMBC Travel

MMBC Tour And Travel adalah Perusahaan Tour And Travel yang berdiri sejak Tahun 2007. Berfokus pada pelayanan Penyediaan Sistem Reservasi Online Bagi Calon Pengusaha Tour Travel. Saat ini dipercaya Lebih dari 600.000 Agen Travel di Seluruh Indonesia, dan memiliki 230 Kantor Cabang Se Indonesia.

Pemilik MMBC Tour And Travel adalah H. Zulkarnaini S.Keh. Merupakan alumni dari Kedokteran Hewan IPB. Beliau adalah perantau asal Padang Sumatera Barat yang sukses mengembangkan dan mempelopori terbentuknya konsep Keagenan dengan sistem reservasi online di mulai dari Kota Jakarta. Konsepnya ini telah banyak digunakan oleh Tour Travel Lain dalam mengembangkan Bisnisnya diseluruh Indonesia.

Cara menjadi Agen/Perwakilan MMBC cukup mudah. Pertama Anda memilih paket kemitraan. kedua, membayar biaya registrasi. Ketiga, mengikuti Training di Kantor Perwakilan Kami atau Training Online agar dapat mengoperasionalkan Bisnis MMBC. NB. Keanggotaan bersifat LIFETIME atau seumur hidup. 1 Kali Investasi untuk Selamanya

mmbc travel ppob

Kami mengucapkan terima kasih atas kepercayaan Anda sebagai mitra bisnis kami di MMBC Travel. Kami berkomitmen untuk terus memberikan layanan terbaik dan dukungan penuh dalam pengembangan bisnis travel Anda. Jadilah bagian dari kesuksesan bersama kami dan wujudkan impian Anda dalam industri travel.

Copyright © 2023 MMBC Travel. Hak Cipta Dilindungi.

Cara Jadi Agen Tour & Travel –

  • Penjelasan MMBC Travel
  • Penjelasan MMBC Express
  • Paket & Harga Keagenan
  • Formulir Pendaftaran
  • Konfirmasi Pembayaran
  • Data Member
  • Website Autopilot
  • Mobile Application (Android)
  • Konfirmasi Hadir

Informasi Bisnis Keagenan Resmi MMBC Travel

3 Langkah Mudah Jadi Pengusaha Travel MMBC

Semua Transaksi Dalam 1 Sistem

1 sistem, 1 id login, 1 deposit untuk semua transaksi.

Produk MMBC Travel

Keunggulan Utama Bisnis MMBC

Tidak akan anda temukan di tempat lain, 3 keunggulan sekaligus hanya ada di mmbc.

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Member berhak miliki website auto pilot berkonsep seperti : traveloka, dengan brand anda sendiri..

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Member berhak miliki aplikasi android berkonsep seperti : traveloka, dengan brand anda sendiri..

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Member berhak mendapatkan pelatihan dan seminar berjenjang mulai dari basic hingga master., apa saja penjelasan & benefit menjadi member mmbc , multi bisnis multi income.

Kami hadir membuka sistem keagenan reservasi travel & ppob online, memberi kesempatan bagi anda yang ingin mengembangkan bisnis penjualan tiket pesawat, kereta api, bus travel, kapal pelni, hotel, tour, rekreasi, ppob serta pulsa dan paket data all operator dengan prosedur yang mudah, modal minimal dan keuntungan tak terbatas, mudah dimengerti dan cocok untuk siapa saja, baik yang pernah / sedang menjalankan bisnis serupa maupun untuk anda yang baru akan memulainya.

Apa Saja Produk Sistem Kami ?

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Tiket & Ekspedisi

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Hotel & Paket Tour

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Umroh & Haji Plus

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Rental Mobil & Bus

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PPOB & Pulsa

Apa saja fitur sistem kami .

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Sistem Online 24/7

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Brand Merk Sendiri

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TOP – UP Saldo

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Laporan Transaksi

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Bantuan CS 24/7

Tampilan aplikasi sistem reservasi mmbc.

Aplikasi Menu MMBC Travel

AYO! Download Aplikasi MMBC Tour & Travel

Download Aplikasi Android MMBC Travel

Produk Yang Dijual Pada Sistem MMBC

Layanan & produk keagenan mmbc : tiket pesawat domestik dan internasional tiket kereta api tiket bus travel (cipaganti, daytrans, x-trans, dll) & akap tiket pelni/ferry/dlu tiket rekreasi (dufan, waterboom, wisata dunia, moto-gp, dll) tiket bioskop umroh dan haji plus paket tour / wisata voucher hotel ppob / bayar tagihan (bpjs, pln token/pascabayar, telkom, indihome, pdam, cicilan leasing, kartu kredit, gas pgn, asuransi, kredivo, home credit, tv kabel, dll) pulsa & paket data internet pengiriman paket & dokumen (jne, tiki, j&t express, lion parcel, sicepat, anter aja, ninja xpress, garuda indonesia cargo, lalamove, rpx, dll) top-up multipayment (go-jek, grab, ovo, dana, e-money, tapcash, brizzi, link, shopeepay, tix id, voucher game, dll) transfer bank online pbb online spp online e-samsat samolnas (samsat online nasional), perhitungan komisi keagenan mmbc, tabel komisi produk & pelayanan lainnya.


Ilustrasi Perhitungan Komisi

Anda memilih paket keagenan CABANG dan melakukan transaksi pembelian tiket maskapai Sriwijaya Air sebanyak 4 (empat) kali dalam satu hari.

Tiket Sriwijaya Air

  Penghitungan komisi per-Tiket

  Total komisi yang didapat dalam sehari

Maka KEUNTUNGAN yang didapat dalam satu bulan, 30 x Rp 217.400,- = Rp 6.522.000,-

Hal-Hal Yang Dibutuhkan Untuk Menjadi Agen Travel MMBC

Komputer/laptop/smartphone koneksi internet akun e-mail yang masih aktif nomor handphone yang masih aktif, sejarah awal bisnis mmbc.

Kantor Pusat MMBC Travel

PT. MMBC Tour & Travel adalah perusahaan Tour & Travel dengan brand “MMBC Tour & Travel” yang memiliki kantor yang semula berada di dalam sebuah gang kecil dan kemudian pindah ke daerah Gatot Subroto Jakarta Selatan. Gagasan mengembangkan konsep Keagenan Tour & Travel Sistem Reservasi Online menjadikannya sebagai Pelopor Keagenan Tour & Travel Sistem Reservasi Online Pertama di Indonesia. Hingga saat ini PT. MMBC Tour & Travel mempunyai ribuan agen, ratusan distributor dan puluhan cabang yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Pendiri & penggagas bisnis mmbc.


Direktur MMBC adalah Bapak H. Zulkarnaini. Beliau adalah lulusan Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, pernah bekerja disalah satu perusahaan di Jakarta dan saat ini tinggal di Bogor. Beliau awalnya mendirikan usaha travel ini hanya karena ingin naik pesawat. Berbekal ilmu IT dan Manajemen serta kegigihan memperjuangkan mimpinya itu, telah membawanya kepada kesuksesan “MMBC Tour & Travel” yang didirikan dan dirintis sejak tahun 2007 silam. Hingga saat ini MMBC mempunyai ribuan agen, ratusan distributor dan puluhan cabang yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Legalitas & izin bisnis mmbc, surat izin usaha perdagangan.
















Testimonial & Bukti Pembayaran Member MMBC

Di usia saya yang saat ini masih tergolong muda dengan omset penjualan 100jt/bulan, saya sangat bersyukur karena bisa bergabung di MMBC semuda mungkin, berkarya dan memberi manfaat serta peluang usaha bagi orang lain, Alhamdulillah. WIWI NOVALIZA, A.Md.Keb. CEO Khadijah Travel
Saya sebagai CEO perusahaan tour sangat terbantu untuk sistem tiketing pesawat terbang menggunakan MMBC, pemesanan real-time, langsung direct ke maskapai, konsumen senang omset pun gemilang perbulan 179 Juta, MMBC memang luar biasa ! BUDI SETIAWAN, S.E., M.M. CEO Weekend Corporation
MMBC sangat bagus dalam penerapan sistem penjualan tiketnya, sangat membantu customer untuk mendapatkan tiket promo murah, karyawan pun mudah dalam mengoperasionisasikan sistemnya. Hingga saat ini untuk omset penjualan di MMBC sekitar 150 Juta per bulan. IMAN FIRMANSYAH, S.T., M.M. Direktur Weekendtravel

Bukti Transfer 1

Kantor & Counter Member MMBC

Counter MMBC Travel Makassar

Harga Paket Usaha Keagenan MMBC

Rp 1.500.000.

  • Komisi 60% x NTA (Komisi Airline)
  • Mendapatkan 1 User-ID
  • Mendapatkan Sertifikat Resmi Agen
  • Berhak Access All Bisnis & Produk MMBC
  • Fasilitas MGM
  • Pelatihan, Konsultasi CS & Group WA 24 JAM

Paket ini cocok untuk anda yang baru memulai bisnis tour & travel.


Rp 5.000.000, rp 1.499.000.

  • Komisi 70% x NTA (Komisi Airline)
  • Mendapatkan Unlimited User-ID
  • Mendapatkan Sertifikat Resmi Distributor
  • Bisa Mendaftarkan Agen
  • Bebas Menentukan Biaya Daftar Agen
  • Mendapatkan Bonus Transaksi (10% x NTA) Dari Agen Yang di Daftarkan

Paket ini cocok untuk anda yang sudah faham serta mengerti bisnis tour & travel.


Rp 10.000.000, rp 2.999.000.


Paket ini cocok untuk anda yang sudah expert dan ingin mengembangkan bisnis tour & travel.


Cash Back Deposit Member MMBC Travel

GRATIS Deposit 100 RIBU

Spanduk Member MMBC Travel

GRATIS Spanduk Travel

Kartu Nama Member MMBC Travel

GRATIS Kartu Nama Travel

Printer Mini Member MMBC Travel

GRATIS 1 Unit Printer Mini

Laptop Member MMBC Travel

GRATIS 1 Unit Laptop

Data member gabung sampai hari ini .


ANDA BERUNTUNG ! PROMO INI BERLAKU HANYA UNTUK HARI INI SAJA ! KHUSUS “5 QUOTA” PENDAFTAR PERTAMA var months = ['Januari', 'Februari', 'Maret', 'April', 'Mei', 'Juni', 'Juli', 'Agustus', 'September', 'Oktober', 'November', 'Desember']; var myDays = ['Minggu', 'Senin', 'Selasa', 'Rabu', 'Kamis', 'Jum'at', 'Sabtu']; var date = new Date(); var day = date.getDate(); var month = date.getMonth(); var thisDay = date.getDay(), thisDay = myDays[thisDay]; var yy = date.getYear(); var year = (yy   BESOK HARGA NORMAL HUBUNGI CS ATAU ISI FORM BOOKING QUOTA DIBAWAH INI SEGERA !

Gambar Panah

Kantor Operasional

TOURTRAVEL.ID Jl. Salam Raya No. 51 Rawa Belong Jakarta Barat – Indonesia 11540

Telp. 021-22124-777 | 0761-7436-266 Mobile. 0852-6535-9555 | 0852-6429-6524 Email. [email protected] Career. [email protected]

Hari & Jam Kerja

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3 Tips Sukses di Bidang Bisnis Tour And Travel

Hello teman-teman sahabat MMBC. Sukses adalah sesuatu hal yang sangat di impi-im…

Cara Menyisipkan Waktu Berkualitas Anda Untuk Keluarga

Hello sahabat MMBC Tour & Travel apa kabar semuanya semoga baik-baik saja y…

Are you sure?

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Dipercaya 700,000+ Agen di Seluruh Indonesia

Permasalahannya, pernahkah anda terfikir, membuka bisnis pengiriman barang.

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Ta npa Anda Sadari Bahwa Bisnis Pengiriman Barang Memiliki Prospek Sangat Menjanjikan

Dengan Semakin Banyaknya Pelaku Ekonomi Ecommerce Dan Transaksi Online

Membuka Kesempatan Kita Untuk Membuka Bisnis Pengiriman Barang

Faktanya Membuka Bisnis Pengiriman Barang

Sangat sulit, harus memiliki tempat.

Harus Ruko atau Kios Permanen, Berlantai Keramik dan AC. Lokasi Harus Memiliki Lahan Parkir

Harus Berbadan Usaha

Legalitas Harus Berbadan Hukum PT/CV/Yayasan/Koperasi Yang Terdaftar di Kementerian Hukum

Mengikuti Aturan Zonasi

Harus Sesuai Jarak Minimum Tertentu Dengan Lokasi Counter Lain Seperti Jarak Minimal 500M - 1KM

Memiliki SDM Tertentu

Harus Memiliki Karyawan Dengan Kriteria Dan Jumlah Tertentu

Wajib Mencapai Target

Dalam Masa Percobaan Harus Memenuhi Target Penjualan Tertentu

Harus Uang Jaminan

Menyerahkan Uang Jaminan / Security Cash Deposit


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MMBC EKSPRESS Fitur Canggih dari MMBC Tour Travel

MMBC EKPRESS Adalah Sebuah Fitur Dari Sistem Reservasi Agen MMBC Tour Travel Yang Menyatukan Banyak Layanan Perusahaan Pengiriman Barang Ke Dalam 1 Dashboard Yang Mudah Digunakan Oleh Siapapun

Dengan Menjadi Agen MMBC Tour Travel Secara Otomatis Andapun Dapat Memulai Bisnis Pengiriman Barang Dengan Multi Ekspedisi 

Legalitas PT. MMBC



Banyak Pilihan Bisnis Yang Bisa Dilakukan, Tetapi MMBC EKPRESS Mempunyai Banyak Keunggulan Dibanding Bisnis Lain, Yaitu :

Bisnis Aman

Sejuta Kurir Dikembangkan Oleh Salah Satu Perusahaan IT Terbaik Yaitu PT. MEDUSA MULTI BUSINESS

Investasi Ringan

Tanpa Modal Puluhan Juta, Tanpa Sewa Ruko, Fleksibel Dengan Keadaan & Kebutuhan Anda. Bisa Dirumah dan Dijemput Ke Rumah Anda

Cocok Bagi Pemula

Bagi Anda Yang Mau Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tetapi Masih Pemula Di Bidang Kurir

Multi Ekspedisi Dalam 1 Sistem

Terintegrasi Dalam Satu Platform Jasa Kurir

Tracking Real Time

No AWB/ No Resi terbit secara real-time dan Anda bisa kirimkan melalui email atau WA ke Customer


Dengan MMBC Express kita bisa memilih dan menentukan harga pengiriman terbaik yang bisa dipakai.


Paket/Dokumen Dijemput di Tempat Anda sebagai Agen MMBC Express

FASILITAS TRAINING Nyaman & bersahabat

Team kami memiliki suport System yang siap membimbing anda dari nol/gaptek sekalipun


Ekspedisi besar yang sudah kerjasama merupakan ekspedisi yg sudah memiliki perwakilan disetiap daerah di indonesia


Barang Bisa Di Pick Up / Diambil Di Merchant Anda Maupun Langsung Customer Anda


No Resi Keluar secara langsung dan bisa di Tracking secara Online


Dengan adanya training rutin akan mempermudah mitra dalam membuka usaha dengan lancar,anda bisa bertanya dan bertukar pengalaman dengan mitra lain yang sudah bergabung


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  • Konsumen yang ingin mengirim barang datang ke merchant dan memilih layanan pengiriman. Apakah menggunakan J&T, siCEPAT, Lion parcell, Anter aja, Ninja atau yang lainnya.
  • Merchant mengisi data pengirim lengkap dan juga data penerima lengkap.
  • System MMBC Express akan mengeluarkan nomor transaksi dan nomor Resi.
  • KURIR dari Ekspedisi resminya akan memjemput barang di merchant
  • Barang akan dikirimkan sesuai alamat tujuan

700.000+ Agen di Seluruh Indonesia

Mmbc ekspress partner bisnis anda.

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Keuntungan menjadi mitra MMBC

Banyak Keuntungan Yang Anda Dapatkan Dengan Membuka Bisnis ini

Setiap Mitra Memiliki ID Login Tersendiri Untuk Melakukan Transaksi Pengiriman Barang

Software Agen Tour Travel Perjalanan Dan Multi Pembayaran Lainnya

Keanggatoaan Anda Dan Fasilitas Seumur Hidup Tanpa Batas Waktu

Training Penggunaan Sistem Secara Online. Lakukan Sampai Anda Mahir

Media Grup WhatsApp sebagai wadah berkomunikasi dan sharing




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Apa Kata Mereka Yang Sudah Bergabung?

Video tampilan menu, mmbc ekspress.

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anda bebas memilih kurir, barang akan diambil/pick up ke tempat/outle/merchant anda

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Bahkan ada yg komisi sampai 25%

Mereka Yang Sudah Bergabung, Liat Testimoni di Bawah Ini…



Selain Menjalankan Bisnis Jasa Kurir dengan MMBC Express, Anda dapat menjalankan Bisnis Tiketing ( Bus AKAP, Bus Travel, Kereta Api, Kapal Laut, Pesawat ), Umroh, Tour Travel, & PPOB dan lini usaha lainnya dalam 1 System yang sama

Dibawah ini daftar lengkap usaha yg bisa anda jalnkan beserta daftar komisi

Berbagai Macam Usaha Yang Dapat Anda Pasarkan :

📦 KURIR EKSPEDISI BARANG dalam dan luar negeri komisi hingga 25% Kurir Reguler : *J&T,RPX,SiCepat,AntarAja,Ninja,Goexpress(Cargo garuda),REX,Lion Parcel,MMBC Ekspress Kurir Instan : GoSend & Grabexpress,Lalamove Kurir COD Kurir luar negeri: kurir RPX ✈ TIKET PESAWAT       ➡ Domestik Fee 2-8%       ➡ Internasional Fee 5$ 🚈 TIKET KERETA API Fee Rp5.500 🚈 TIKET KERETA MRT jkt Fee 10% 🚈 TIKET KERETA Api KTM Malaysia Fee 10% 🏢 VOUCHER HOTEL Fee 3%        ➡Domestik        ➡Internasional 🚍 TIKET BUS Fee Rp. 9.000       ➡ Bus Travel       ➡ Bus Antar kota Antar Provinsi       ➡ Bus Pariwisata 🚢 TIKET kapal PELNI Fee Rp. 9.100 🚢 Tiket kapal ASDP FERRY fee 10%

🕋 PAKET UMROH/HAJI Plus fee 1jt- 2 jt

🗼 PAKET TOUR Fee 10%         ➡Domestik         ➡Internasional

🎡 TIKET REKREASI       ➡ Wisata Dunia Fee bebas markup       ➡ WaterBoom Fee up to 50%       ➡ Dufan Fee 10%                    ➡ Moto GP Fee bebas markup

🚘 ANTAR/JEMPUT BANDARA Fee 10% 📱 Isi PULSA HP &PPOB terlengkap Indonesia &malaysia Fee bebas markup

💵 TRANSFER UANG ONLINE Fee Rp. 4.000 🏢 TIKET BIOSKOP Fee Rp. 2.500 🏪 belanja online di toko MMBC

💵 Tukar Pulsa jadi uang 🏧 ATM MMBC Kash (mengambil uang dari  seluruh ATM indonesia,malaysia dan seluruh dunia) 💰 ASURANSI Ⓜ MULTIPAYMENT Fee Rp2.500-5000      ➡ Bayar Shopping      ➡ Bayar Cicilan Kartu kredit 💰 TOP-UP Merchant Fee Rp 2.500      ➡OVO      ➡ DANA      ➡ E-Toll      ➡ GOJEK      ➡ GRAB PAY      ➡ TOKO PEDIA      ➡ BUKALAPAK      ➡ SHOPEE      ➡ PAYTREN      ➡ E-Money Mandiri      ➡ BCA Flazz      ➡ BRIZZI      ➡ Tap Cash BNI      ➡ Home credit      🗓 PPOB Fee bebas markup      🔵 BILL PAYMENT            ➡ PLN Bulanan            ➡ PLN Token            ➡ PLN non Taglis            ➡ BPJS Kesehatan            ➡ PGN gas            ➡ Telkom/Indihome            ➡ SPEEDY            ➡ TV Langganan            ➡ PDAM            ➡ Kredivo            ➡ LinkAja      🔵 PASCABAYAR      🔵 VOUCHER GAME                🔵 MULTIFINANCE      🔵 pajak PBB online      🔵 Pajak Daerah      🔵 E-samsat online pajak kendaraan 🔵 Bayar SPP online


Ya, saya ingin buka bisnis ekspedisi.

Mulai bisnis ekspedisi Anda dengan investasi terjangkau disertai support grup dengan cara menjadi Agen MMBC Tour Travel. Pilih Salah Satu Paket Keagenan MMBC Travel Berikut ini :


  • – Sistem keagenan level agen
  • – Mendapatkan 1 User-ID
  • – Tidak bisa daftarkan mitra dan agen
  • – Free sistem tiketing Komisi 60% x NTA (Komisi Airlines)
  • – Free Sistem Ekspedisi komisi 2-15%
  • – Link cetak Softcopy sertifkat agen
  • – Link cetak Softcopy roll banner, neon box, spanduk,card name
  • – Pelatihan,Konsultasi CS Group WA
  • – Berhak access all bisnis & produk mmbc ekspress
  • – Team CS Support 24 jam
  • – Pendaftaran aktif sekali seumur hidup
  • —————–
  • Paket ini Cocok untuk Anda yang baru memulai Bisnis Tour And Travel


  • – Sistem keagenan level Distributor
  • – Mendapatkan User unlimited (tanpa batas) untuk mendaftarkan member
  • – Bisa daftarkan member
  • – Bebas menentukan harga member
  • – Mendapatkan passive income 10% dari komisi transaksi tiketing agen
  • – Mendapatkan passive income 1 % dari komisi transaksi ekspedisi agen
  • – Free sistem tiketing Komisi 70% x NTA (Komisi Airlines)
  • – Free Sistem Ekspedisi komisi 2-25%
  • – Link cetak Softcopy sertifkat Distributor
  • – Link cetak Softcopy roll banner,neon box,spanduk,card name
  • – Tools mendapatkan kontak whatsaap aktif seluruh dunia
  • – Investasi 1 kali seumur hidup
  • Paket ini Cocok untuk Anda yang ingin mendapatkan PASIF INCOME dibidang Tour & Travel serta Tiket Online

Kerugian Bagi Anda

Kerugian JIka Tidak Jadi Agen MMBC Tour Travel

Pengguna smartphone dan internet semakin besar sehingga transaksi akan semakin meningkat

Semakin tingginya minat dan bertambahnya pasar maka harga paket keagenan akan selalu naik

Seiring bertumbuhnya Marketplace dan Online Shop yang signifikan sangat disayangkan apabilan anda melewatkan kesempatan menjadi Agen Kami

Buka bisnis ekspedisi memiliki syarat yang cukup banyak dan rumit. Dengan tidak bergabung disini artinya Anda akan mencoba mengikuti persyaratan diperusahaan lain.

Hal yang Sering Ditanyakan

Berikut beberapa hal yang sering ditanyakan oleh mereka yang akan mengambil paket keagenan mmbc tour travel dengan fitur multi ekspedisi multi kurir. Apabila ada pertanyaan yang belum terjawab, Anda dapat menghubungi Kami Langsung.

BISA. Anda dapat menggunakan fitur ini untuk diri Anda Sendiri atau konsumen Anda. Selama Anda Memilih Layanan Pengiriman Di Salah Satu Dari  Ekspedisi Yang Ada Di Sistem.

Setelah keluar RESI ASLI Dari Layanan Agen Ekspedisi. Kegagalan, kehilangan, kerusakan menjadi tanggung jawab penuh masing-masing Ekspedisi.

Kantor Ops. MMBC Pusat :

Jl. Kp. Pasir Gaok Kaum, Pasirgaok

Kec. Ranca Bungur Bogor, Jawa Barat 16310

Sistem Akan Menerbitkan Resi Dari Perusahaan Ekspedisi Secara Realtime

  • Komputer/Laptop/Smartphone
  • Koneksi Internet
  • Akun Email Yang Masih Aktif
  • Nomor Handphone yang masih Aktif
  • Printer Biasa atau Mini
  • Timbangan Barang
  • Alat Pengukur atau Meteran

TIDAK ADA. Tetapi Anda Tetap Bisa Menerima Pengiriman Dari Customer. PICK UP Transaksi Hari Minggu/Libur Nasional Akan Di Lakukan Di Hari Berikutnya.

Harga Sama Dengan Layanan Ekspedisi Langsung, Karena Yang Menerbitkan Resi Adalah Ekspedisi Yang Bersangkutan.

Mohon Maaf, Tidak Bisa . Pastikan Anda Telah Teliti Dan Mengambil Keputusan Dengan Tepat.

Tabel berikut untuk mengetahui pembulatan berat kemasan SEJUTA KURIR. 1. Berat 0 – 1.30 kg, akan dihitung 1kg 2. Berat 1.31kg – 2,30kg, akan dihitung 2kg 3. Berat 2,31kg – 3,30kg, akan dihitung 3kg dan seterusnya… Contoh: – Berat 1,3kg akan dihitung 1kg – Berat 1,4kg akan dihitung 2kg – Berat 2,9kg akan dihitung 3kg Penting! Berat dan volume barang yang akan dihitung harus termasuk kemasan/Box packaging

Setelah keluar RESI ASLI Dari Layanan. Kegagalan, kehilangan, kerusakan menjadi tanggung jawab penuh masing-masing layanan masing masing ekspedisi.

TIDAK. Asuransi bukan menjadi komponen transaksi.

MMBC Express dikembangkan oleh PT Medussa Multi Business Center (MMBC) dari tahun 2008, hingga saat ini MMBC Express mampu menjadi salah satu bisnis yang produktif di tengah pandemi ini.

LEGALITAS PT MMBC Ekspress Lengkap 1. AKTE pendirian perusahaan 2. BPWPT MMBC 3. DOMISI. MMBC.TT 4. Surat ijin gangguan HO 5. IUK( izin usaha kepariwisataan) 6. NPWP Perusahaan 7. PERUBAHAN AKTE MMBC 8. PIUK (Pemberian Izin Usaha Kepariwisataan) 9. SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan) 10. SK KEMENKUMHAM 11. TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan) 12. SK Umroh kemenag RI no 177 th 2017

Penghargaan PT. MMBC


MMBC Express Merupakan Produk/Fitur Dari Sistem Reservasi Online MMBC Tour Travel. Hati-hati Terhadap Oknum Yang Mengatasnamakan MMBC Dalam Memasarkan Hal Sejenis Dan Sebagainya. Pastikan Anda Hanya Mendaftar Kepada Website Yang Berafiliasi Langsung Kepada MMBC Tour Travel Agar Mendapatkan Informasi Lengkap Dan Pelatihan Setelah Anda Memutuskan Bergabung.

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Bisnis Ekspedisi terbukti bisa bertahan dsaat pandemi-covid 19. Tidak hanya bertahan, tetapi malah meningkat dengan signifikan dikarenakan tren belanja dan bekerja dari rumah. Manfaatkan peluang ini dan segera ambil bagian Anda.

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Dapatkan komisi saat kirim barang, dan Miliki Bisnis Jasa Pengiriman dengan Modal Minimal Hasil Maksimal

Keuntungan Gabung MMBC Express

  • Multi Income & Multi Layanan Kurir
  • Modal Minimal, Untung Maksimal
  • Cepat Balik modal
  • Nyaman & Bersahabat

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Beberapa Jasa Pengiriman dalam Layanan MMBC Express

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Pernahkah Anda Menginginkan Berbisnis Tanpa Modal banyak dan Produk Sangat dibutuhkan?

Jasa pengiriman barang sangat dibutuhkan dan berkembang pesat apalagi di kondisi pandemi Corona saat ini. Untuk itulah MMBC Express hadir mengintegrasikan layanan perusahaan jasa Pengiriman ke dalam Satu Platform Digital Sehingga Menciptakan Peluang Bisnis Baru. Kemudahan Bagi Anda Dalam Menjadwalkan, Melacak Dan Mengelola Ribuan Data Pengiriman Setiap Saat. 

Berdasarkan Data Kurir Naik 30%, Konsumen lebih tertarik Membeli Barang Secara Online

Kondisi saat ini banyak konsumen bekerja dan belajar di rumah sehingga kebutuhan sehari-hari meningkat dan mereka memesan barang dari rumah sehingga permintaan jasa pengiriman barang juga mengalami kenaikan dan kebanjiran order. Trend kebutuhan akan jasa pengiriman barang akan naik terus.

mmbc travel ppob

MMBC EXPRESS, Platform Jasa Pengiriman Dengan Banyak Layanan

MMBC Express Adalah salah satu layanan di MMBC, Solusi Bagi UKM, Pebisnis Online, Dan Anda Yang Baru Ingin Membuka Sebuah Bisnis dengan modal terjangkau, bisnis yang makin dibutuhkan serta mudah menjalankannya.

Alasan Kenapa Memilih MMBC Express

Banyak pilihan bisnis yg bisa dilakukan tetapi MMBC Express mempunya banyak keunggulan dibanding bisnis lain, yaitu :


Terintegrasi dengan berbagai platform jasa kurir​


No AWB/ No Resi terbit secara real-time dan Anda bisa kirimkan melalui email atau WA ke Customer​


Dengan MMBC Express kita bisa memilih dan menentukan harga pengiriman terbaik yang bisa dipakai.


Paket/Dokumen Dijemput di Tempat Anda sebagai Agen MMBC Express

Proses Kerja MMBC Express

  • Konsumen yang ingin mengirim barang datang ke merchant dan memilih layanan pengiriman. Apakah menggunakan J&T, siCEPAT, Lion parcell, JNE, TIKI, Ninja atau yang lainnya.
  • Merchant mengisi data pengirim lengkap dan juga data penerima lengkap.
  • System MMBC Express akan mengeluarkan nomor transaksi dan nomor Resi.
  • KURIR akan memjemput barang di merchant
  • Barang akan dikirimkan sesuai alamat tujuan

MMBC Cocok Bagi Anda Yang Ingin ..

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Berbisnis Dirumah

Punya Penghasilan Jutaan

Bisnis Jasa kirim Barang

Bisnis Modal Minimal

Tidak Perlu Keluar Rumah

Mendapatkan Multi Income

Keuntungan yang akan Anda dapatkan jika bergabung di MMBC

Selain Menjalankan Bisnis Jasa Kurir dengan MMBC Express , Anda dapat menjalankan Bisnis Tour Travel & PPOB dalam 1 System yang sama.

Beli 1 Bisnis , Dapat 3 Bisnis Sekaligus

Tiket & ekspedisi.

Pelayanan tiket pesawat domestik dan internasional, kereta api, bus travel, kapal pelni, tiket rekreasi serta pengiriman ekspedisi.

Hotel & Paket Tour

Pelayanan booking hotel dan tour secara online dan issued real-time 24 jam 7 hari seminggu untuk domestik dan internasional.

Umroh & Haji Plus

Pelayanan pendaftaran calon jama’ah umroh atau haji plus dimana saja di seluruh indonesia dengan pilihan fasilitas terbaik.

PPOB & Pulsa

Sistem transaksi online pembayaran tagihan pln, telkom, indihome, pdam, leasing, dll serta pulsa & paket data all operator.

Tampilan Layanan Yang ada di System MMBC

Dengan bergabung di MMBC, anda bisa menjalankan semua transaksi yang ada di system. Beberapa layanan yang ada di system MMBC seperti tampilan berikut ini :


Cara Bergabung di MMBC

mmbc travel ppob

  • Mengisi data pendaftaran Agen / Distributor
  • Melakukan transfer biaya registrasi Agen / Distributor MMBC
  • Melakukan Konfirmasi setelah melakukan transfer biaya registrasi MMBC
  • Aktivasi account Agen MMBC Tour & Travel setelah transfer tervalidasi maksimal 1 x 24 jam

Dapatkan Bonus Istimewa Untuk Anda Hari Ini

Bagi anda yang bergabung dengan MMBC dari website ini akan mendapatkan bonus seperti berikut ini : 


Senilai 1.000.000


Senilai 500.000

paket PLR

Senilai 2.000.000


Paket yang bisa dipilih untuk bergabung dengan MMBC

Harga Normal

 ̶r̶p̶.̶ ̶2̶.̶0̶0̶0̶.̶0̶0̶0̶, rp. 399.000.

  • Investasi Hanya 1 Kali Seumur Hidup
  • Komisi/cashback saat transaksi
  • Komisi 60% x NTA (Komisi Airline)
  • Mendapatkan Sertifikat Resmi Agen
  • Berhak Access All Bisnis & Produk MMBC
  • Pelatihan, Konsultasi CS & Group WA 24 JAM
  • Bisa Upgrade Ke Distributor


Harga normal , ̶r̶p̶.̶ ̶5̶.̶0̶0̶0̶.̶0̶0̶0̶, rp. 999.000.

  • Komisi 70% x NTA (Komisi Airline)
  • Mendapatkan Sertifikat Resmi Distributor
  • Bisa Mendaftarkan Agen
  • Bebas Menentukan Biaya Pendaftaran
  • Mendapatkan pasif Income dari Agen yang didaftarkan
  • Bonus Landing Page Promosi


Dapatkan sekarang juga paket bisnis yang bisa menghasilkan omset terus menerus seumur hidup, apakah masih ada yang ingin anda tanyakan atau ada hal yang kurang jelas silakan kontak kami via whatsapp dengan klik tombol di bawah ini :, hal yang sering ditanyakan.

Sejuta kurir adalah layanan dari MMBC Express, Sebuah Platform Digital Expedisi di Indonesia yang sudah bekerjasama dengan 10 expedisi ternama di indonesia yaitu JNE,TIKI,JNT, SICEPAT, NINJA EXPRESS, ANTER AJA, GARUDA CARGO, LION PARCEL, GRAB EXPRESS & GOJEK EXPRESS.

MMBC Express dikembangkan oleh PT Medussa Multi Business Center (MMBC) dari tahun 2008, hingga saat ini MMBC Express mampu menjadi salah satu bisnis yang produktif di tengah pandemi ini.

Untuk bisa menggunakan layanan MMBC Express, anda bisa memilih paket bisnis sebagai Agen atau Distributor. Dengan bergabung sebagai member, anda selain menjalankan bisnis kurir, sekaligus bisa bisnis tour travel & PPOB.

TIDAK. Bentuk Kerjasama adalah dibidang teknologi, bukan keagenan. Kami melarang seluruh agen untuk mengklaim hal tersebut.

BISA. Selama customer anda memilih layanan pengiriman yang bekerja sama dengan kami

IYA. Resi asli langsung di terbitkan saat itu juga tiap transaksi dan bisa dikirim ke customer anda melalui WA, EMAIL atau SMS.

Affiliate Banner Unlimited Hosting Indonesia

MMBC membuka Pendaftaran Keagenan System MMBC Tour & Travel, BUKAN membuka Pendaftaran untuk menjadi agen dari penyedia jasa kurir yang ada dalam System MMBC Express. Website ini bukan web resmi perusahaan, hanya website distributor sebagai sarana promosi.

Things to do in Moscow: how to visit Moscow | Unmissable, cool & unusual

  • September 2, 2023

Things to do in Moscow best

What are the best things to do in Moscow? What to do in Moscow? First, I will list the main places to visit by theme, passing by the must-sees, but also more unusual places in Moscow. Then, I will describe what to see in Moscow in one day and how to visit Moscow in 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 days. Let’s go!

Good to know. For more information, click on the places to open the dedicated blog posts.

Main places to visit in Moscow & best things to do in Moscow

I worked in Moscow and I loved this city for its dynamism and energy. We find there from time to time to see friends, remember good memories and enjoy this giant city! Then the time has come for us to share with you our practical guide.

TOP 5 must-see places in Moscow

  • Moscow Red Square
  • St. Basil’s Cathedral
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Bolshoi Theatre

Places of cultural, historical and religious interest in Moscow

  • Novodevichy Convent and cemetery
  • Tretyakov Gallery
  • Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts
  • Kremlin Izmaïlovo (pseudo-historic place, recently built in the image of the old, one of the best things to do in Moscow for your Instagram account 😉 )
  • Park and ancient village of Kolomenskoye

Visit Moscow of the Soviet era

  • Moscow State University and Sparrows Hill
  • VDNKh and the Museum of Astronautics, one of the key landmarks of the Soviet era in Moscow
  • GULAG Museum
  • Metro stations
  • The Stalinist skyscrapers, scattered all over the city

Less touristy places in Moscow

  • Gorky Park and the GARAGE museum
  • The old Krasny Oktyabr factory
  • Zaryadye Park
  • Center for Contemporary Art, WINZAVOD
  • Business center, Moscow City

Main districts of Moscow to visit

  • Patriarch Ponds
  • Tchistye Prudy
  • Kuznetsky most
  • Arbat Street

However, regardless of the length of your stay, whether you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days or in 2, you need a visa. The article Obtaining a tourist visa for Russia could then be useful in any case.

What to do and see in Moscow in one day?

List of things to see and do in Moscow in one day:

  • Go to Red Square
  • Visit St. Basil’s Cathedral
  • See Kremlin walls (but not to visit)
  • Visit Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Discover Kuznetsky most districts and see Bolshoi Theatre building
  • And if you have time at the end of the day: go to the Sparrows Hill or to the Moscow City for a beautiful view

Things to do in Moscow in 2 days

If you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, there are 2 purposes: do not miss the essential places of Moscow and optimize travel.

  • First day: Red Square , Saint Basil’s Cathedral , Zariadye Park, Bolshoi Theatre , Kremlin
  • Day 2: Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the former Krasny Oktyabr factory on Balchug Island, Gorky Park, Moscow State University (one of the Seven Sisters buildings ) and Sparrow Hill

As 2 days os really short, be sure to choose an accommodation in the best districts where to stay in Moscow .

Walking on Red Square in Moscow: one of the unmissable things to do in Moscow

Iconic place and one of the must-see places in Moscow and even in Russia! Besides, if there was only one place to visit in Moscow in 2 days, this place would then be Red Square, without hesitation. Therefore, starting the city tour with Red Square is ideal . Several buildings are on the square, but not all of them have to be visited. Check out my blog post about Moscow’s Red Square in detail to learn more and not miss anything.

Red Square Moscow

Visiting Saint-Basil’s Cathedral inside

Even more emblematic than Moscow’s Red Square! Built in the middle of the 16th century under the orders of Tsar Ivan Le Terrible, this cathedral is one of the most beautiful monuments of Orthodox art, and definitely one of the unmissable places in Moscow. Visiting Saint-Basil’s Cathedral inside is one of the most beautiful things to do in Moscow!

  • Visit estimate time : 1h30
  • Entry ticket : 700 RUB. Tickets can be purchased on the cathedral’s official website 45 days before the tour.
  • Audio guide (recommended): 500 RUB
  • Opening hours : June to August 10 am-6pm; from November to April: 11 am-5pm; May, September, October 11 am-5pm. Cathedral closed on Wednesdays. Entrance is closed 45 minutes before closing.
  • Find out more in the dedicated article: Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow

Saint Basil's Cathedral

Take a walk in Zariadye park: one of the coolest things to do in Moscow after visiting Red Square

Zaryadie Park is just a 10-minute walk from St. Basil’s Cathedral, so it’s easy to include in your itinerary if you’re going to visit Moscow in 2 days. From its heights, you can see the red walls of the Kremlin. But, the most impressive point of view is the platform which overlooks the Moskva river. A must see! And clearly one of the coolest things to do in Moscow!

  • Open 24 hours a day
  • Good to know! Park Zaryadye is also a place to visit in Moscow in winter. Find out more here: What to do in Moscow in winter?

What to do in Moscow

See the Bolshoi Theatre and discover the Kuznetsky Most district

The Bolshoi Theatre is the most famous Russian theater in the world. The most economical way to see a presentation at the Bolshoi Theater is to take the tickets on the theater’s official website in advance, so here is our tutorial to help you: How to buy entrance tickets to the Bolshoi? In addition, several pedestrian or one-way streets

The Bolshoi Theater is the most famous Russian theater in the world. The most economical way to see a presentation at the Bolshoi Theater is to take the tickets on the theater’s official website in advance, so here is our tutorial to help you: How to buy tickets to the Bolshoi? In addition, several pedestrian or one-way streets are located north of the theater. It is therefore very pleasant to find them to leave the main axes of the megalopolis.

IMG_3040 tickets Bolshoi Theatre dress code

Visit the Moscow Kremlin

Visit Kremlin is on top of things to do in Moscow. A place of power for centuries, the Kremlin then shows us a whole different image when viewed from the inside. If you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, the Kremlin is certainly one of the must-see places in Moscow.

  • Opening hours : Daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Thursday.
  • See our blog post about visiting the Moscow Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin: skip-the-line tickets and 8 things not to miss

Visit the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

This impressive Moscow Cathedral is the seat of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is a must see if you visit Moscow in 2 days and clearly one of the things to do in Moscow. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was first built in 1883 in memory of Russia’s victory over Napoleon’s Grand Army. Then in 1931 Stalin ordered its destruction. It was then rebuilt again (identically) only in 2000.

  • Where? Ulitsa Volkhonka 15. At the foot of the Kropotkinskaya metro station.
  • Opening hours . Daily: 10: 00-17: 00, except Monday: 13: 00-17: 00
  • Free entry (some closing restrictions, for example a short)

Good to know! In orthodox religious places, one must avoid excessively uncovered clothing. Women should cover their heads. After visiting the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, you can explore Bolotny Island and Gorky Park. This is one of the routes our guide to Moscow.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The old Krasny Oktyabr factory: one of the coolest things to do in Moscow

If you cross the Moskva River by a pedestrian bridge which is located just in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, you will enjoy a beautiful view of the city and at the same time you can discover Balchug Island. Furthermore, if you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, you can include this island in your itinerary between the cathedral and Gorky park. Here is the old confectionery factory Krasny Oktyabr, which has gradually turned into a fashionable micro-district. There are then some elements of street art, cafes and restaurants and some Moscow bohemian side. At the end of the island you can see a gigantic 98-meter-high monument dedicated to the Russian reforming tsar Pierre The Great.

Good to know! You can find on this island are the trendiest nightclubs in Moscow. On weekends, there are taxi caps after midnight so there are so many people. On the other hand, if you go there in winter and during the day, the island is quite empty and less interesting to see.

Gorky Park is one of the TOP places to visit in Moscow, because it allows you to better understand the life of the locals and their rhythm. In fact, it’s a huge entertainment park. For example, in winter there is a giant ice rink and in summer – free dance or yoga lessons, sandy beaches for playing volleyball, an outdoor cinema. So, like the locals, have a Stakantchik (ice cream or cooked corn), and enjoy the atmosphere of the place: that’s one of the interesting things to do in Moscow to discover the city.

  • Where? Krymsky Val 9. 20 minutes’ walk from Krasny Oktyabr, along the quays.

Sparrow Hill and Moscow State University

The Sparrow Hill, Vorobiovy Gori in Russian, is the highest point in Moscow. It is rather known to Russians, but less to travelers. A nice view on Moscow opens from the hill, and in particular on the Luzhniki Stadium. In addition, on the hill itself is the Moscow State University: an impressive skyscraper from the Soviet era.

  • How to get there? By bus T7 (35 min) from Oktyaborskaya station, near Gorki Park. By metro (Vorobiovy Gorki station) + climb the hill on foot. On foot along the Moskva along the Gorky Park (1h30) + climb in funiculars.

Good to know! It is possible to cross the Moskva river by funicular. We actually tested it and it was pretty cool! That is one of our favorite things to do in Moscow!

What to do in Moscow

What to do in Moscow in 3 days?

If you are going to visit Moscow in 3 days, it would be interesting to dive into the Soviet era which strongly marked the country and the city. After the Bolshevik Revolution, the capital was transferred from Saint Petersburg to Moscow, in order to mark the change of power. Moscow then became the world showcase for communist ideology. Here are the best things to do in Moscow for 3-day-trip!

VDNKh, visit Moscow of the Soviet era

VDNKh is a large exhibition center in the north of Moscow, where there are still several striking witnesses of the USSR. The most interesting are the Museum of Cosmonauts and the Statue of the Worker and the Kolkhozian , which will certainly impress you with its size!


GULAG History Museum

The explanations of the museum are very well done. We really have the feeling of going back in time. If you are going to visit Moscow in 3 days and you are interested in history and this subject in particular, I recommend this museum. Visit the GULAG History Museum is one of the most interesting things to do in Moscow.

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Discover the Patriarche Pounds district

It’s a nice neighborhood in Moscow where you can come across rather affluent locals, but not necessarily very bling-bling. Take a walk in this area is really a cool thing to do in Moscow! In addition, the Ponds of Patriarch is one of the places of Bulgakov’s novel “Master and Margarita”. As this is an interesting area to see, we have included it in a walking tour of Moscow. The route ends at the Moscow Kremlin, which is very convenient, because you will be able to visit Moscow in 3 days by optimizing your trips.

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What to visit in Moscow in 4 days: TOP things to do in Moscow in 4 days

If you want to visit Moscow in 3 days, you will already see a lot of things. On the other hand, if you stay one more day, you have plenty to do! The Novodevichy Convent, the Tchistie Proudy district and the Izmaylovo Kremlin are very good candidates for you, if you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days.

Visiting Novodevichy Convent in Moscow

The Novodevichy Convent is one of the most brilliant examples of Russian architecture, according to UNESCO. This beautiful complex was built in 1524 and today consists of the convent, but also of a cemetery whose status could be compared to that of Père-Lachaise in Paris. Visiting Novodevichy Convent is one of the great things to do in Moscow, if you want to go a little bit outside of the center!

What to see in Moscow in one day

Discovering Tchistye Proudy district

It’s one of the most popular areas of Moscow, with many cafes, restaurants and bars nearby. It is therefore a place to discover if you want to visit Moscow in 4 days. It is just as pleasant for a stroll as for the discovery of local life. For example, in winter the pond turns into an ice rink.

Visiting the Izmaylovo Kremlin, one of the coolest things to do in Moscow!

The Izmaylovo Kremlin is more of a tourist than a historic place. On the other hand, it is a pretty impressive place to discover, especially on weekends. Inside the Kremlin, there is a flea market where you can find a little bit of everything, but mostly good souvenirs to bring from Moscow. For example, chapka, traditional Russian scarves or matryoshka (Russian dolls). Add the Kremlin and the Izmaïlovo market to your itinerary if you are going to visit Moscow in 4 days, because it is a nice and very colorful place! Visiting the Izmailovo Kremlin is one of the things to do in Moscow, if you want to put colors in your Instagram account! 😉

Things to do Moscow blog

In 4 days, we will have the opportunity to see several Moscow: Classic Moscow, Moscow of old Russia, Soviet Moscow and a little bit of the new Moscow. So what to visit in Moscow on the 5th day of travel?

What to visit in Moscow in 5 days?

Art lovers will be delighted to discover the Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, while others will prefer to stroll along Arbat Street, see the buildings of Moskva-City or visit Bunker 42.

Admiring Russian art at Tretyakov Gallery

Founded in 1856 by an industrialist and great lover of art, the gallery has grown over the decades, and then bequeathed to the state. Today the collection includes more than 140,000 pieces, 15,000 of which are paintings. Visiting the Tretyakov Gallery is one of the things to do in Moscow if you want to discover Russian art!

  • Where? Pereoulok Lavrouchinski 10. A 5-minute walk from Tretiakovskaya station
  • Opening hours. Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Closed on Mondays.
  • Entry tickets. 500 RUB.

Museum to see

Visiting the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts presents the treasures of ancient Egypt, the paintings of Rembrandt and Cézanne, a fine collection of Impressionism.

  • Where? Ulitsa Volkhonka 12
  • Opening hours. Daily: 10: 00-20: 00, except Thursday: 11: 00-21: 00. Closed on Mondays. The boxes close an hour before closing.
  • Entry tickets. The prices vary according to the collections from 300 to 750 RUB.

Walking on Arbat Street

All Russians know Rue Arbat. So, walking on Arbat street is one of the things to do in Moscow. However, after the years, little by little it became very touristy. This is a pedestrian street only. There are souvenir shops, restaurants and cafes there, but it is no longer the most authentic neighborhood in the city.

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Seeing the buildings of Moskva-City (Moscow City)

Moskva-City is Moscow’s business center, much like Paris’s Defense district. The skyscrapers of Moskva-City are among the tallest in Europe: 373 meters high! Very nice place to see at dusk.

Good to know! You can admire a nice view of Moscow City from the docks of Tarasa Shevchenko. It’s especially beautiful in the evening with all the lights on.

Bunker 42, one of the most unusual things to do in Moscow

Bunker 42 is a secret military complex which was to be used by the Soviets in the event of a nuclear attack: a space of 7000 m² 65 meters underground!

  • Where? 5 Kotelnitcheski Lane, 11.
  • Prices. 2200 RUB per person
  • Opening hours. Open daily from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Restaurant inside. Original, but rather a tourist trap.

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What to visit in Moscow in 6 days or more?

There are still so many places to see, because Moscow is a big megalopolis and there is always something exciting to do there. For example: the ancient Kolomenskoye village or the WINZAVOD contemporary art center .

If you are interested in history and want to see Russian cities on a rather “human scale”, it would certainly be interesting for you to discover the cities of the Golden Ring . For example, it is very easy to get to Sergey Posad from Moscow (less than 2 hours in train). Visiting the Golden Ring is one of the best things to do in Moscow if you are staying more than a 5-6 days.

There are still plenty of places to see in Moscow, however I did my best to list here the best things to do in Moscow, what to see in Moscow in one day, but also in 2, 3, 4 or 5 days in Moscow!

Moscow travel tips:

  • Airport transfer: how to go to Moscow?
  • Where to stay in Moscow (hotels, districts)?
  • Tourist voucher for Russian visa
  • Christmas and New Year in Moscow
  • What is the best time to visit Moscow?

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Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

· everything to know about visiting moscow, including the best things to do and how to get around. ·.

the red st basils church in moscow on a white winters day

Moscow is Russia’s vibrant capital city, and it also happens to be the largest city in all of Europe. The city’s long and infamous history makes it one of the most unique places we have ever visited.

The architecture ranges from centuries-old palaces to uniform, gray concrete buildings. The people range from cold and private to warm and welcoming. Moscow is a city is strong juxtapositions, and we learned a lot during our time there.

This post will break down all you need to know about visiting Moscow, including the best things to do, how to get there, how to get around, and more.

man and woman standing in front of main church in moscow

The Best Things to Do in Moscow

1. explore the red square.

The Red Square is the heart of Moscow. Most of the city’s top attractions can be found here, including just about everything on this list. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and Lenin’s Mausoleum are all located here, and the State Historical Museum and GUM are not far from here, either.

The Red Square is a common home for parades, protests, and seasonal celebrations. There are massive Christmas celebrations here, with food vendors and carnival rides set up in numbers.

red orthodox church in moscow russia red square on a winter day

2. Check Out the Ziferblat

The Ziferblat is a café in Moscow that is unlike any café we have ever been to. While most cafes charge you for your drinks and food, the Ziferblat charges you for your time.

Upon arrival, you are given a clock. When you leave, the barista calculates how much time you spent in the café and charges you accordingly. This concept was created to help visitors to be more intentional with their time, and the cafe itself is incredibly charming.

For a detailed look at everything you need to know before you visit, make sure you read my post about visiting the Ziferblat Cafe in Moscow .

white lcocks on a table

3. Marvel at St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil’s Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style. The church is of the Russian Orthodox faith, and the inside is just as wondrous as the outside.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is located on the edge of the Red Square, making it incredibly convenient to visit. Entrance for non-worshippers costs 800 rubles, and tickets can be bought at the church

woman in winter jacket standing in front of St Basils Russian Orthodox in moscow on a winter day

4. Explore the Kremlin

The Kremlin is the largest active fortress in Europe, and it is the site of most of Russia’s government affairs. In addition to government buildings, the Kremlin Complex is filled with courtyards, towers, and museums that are open to the public. If you have the time, you could spend a couple of days fully exploring all that there is to see in the Kremlin.

selfie of man and woman pointing to the Kremlin in Moscow

5. Walk Through Lenin’s Mausoleum

Vladimir Lenin is one of the most important figures in Russian history, and his body is located perfectly embalmed in a mausoleum in the Red Square. The Mausoleum is open to the public to visit, and as long as you are willing to go through a few security checks, it is easily one of the best things to do in Moscow. Its convenient location in the Red Square makes it a can’t miss attraction.

There is absolutely no photography allowed inside the Mausoleum. Do not test this rule.

red exterior of lenins mausoleum in moscow russia

6. Wander Along Arbat Street

The Arbat is a very popular street in Moscow that is lined with stores, cafes, and other touristy attractions. It is one of the oldest streets in the city, dating back to the 1400s. This street is both quaint and trendy, and there are many walking tours that introduce tourists to the neighborhood’s wonders and highlights.

man in sinter jacket standing in arbat street moscow at night with glistening white lights strung from the buildings

7. Catch a Show at the Bolshoi Theatre

As a lover of the arts, it is hard to think of Moscow and not think of ballet. Russia has always been a top dog in the world of fine arts, and Bolshoi Theater is one of the best places to catch a performance. We were lucky enough to attend an Opera here, and it is a venue that you don’t want to miss out on if you enjoy opera, ballet, or orchestral performances.

8. Visit the State Historical Museum

The State Historical Museum is one of the most respected museums in Moscow. Despite its name, it is not really focused on the history of Russia as a nation. Rather, it contains a collection of artifacts from all throughout Russia’s history.

The museum’s collection is very broad in nature. It houses some items from indigenous tribes that used to occupy the region, pieces collected by the Romanov family, and more.

9. Wander Around GUM

GUM is an absolutely massive mall within walking distance of the Red Square. It isn’t just the size that draws visitors here; it’s the sense of luxury. The mall is so beautiful inside, much like the metro stations.

While visiting a mall might not sound like it belongs on a bucket list, this mall does. You will not want to miss out on visiting GUM while in Moscow.

people walking inside GUM mall in russia with christmas lights

10. Admire the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

While St. Basil’s Cathedral is the most iconic church in Moscow, it isn’t the only one. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is absolutely stunning, with massive golden domes. It is the tallest Orthodox church in the world, and it is the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.

It is located just about a mile from the Red Square, just south of the Kremlin Complex. You can walk to it from the Red Square in about 20 minutes.

How to Get to Moscow

Flying to moscow.

Moscow has three major international airports: Sheremetyevo (SVO) , Domodedovo (DMO) , and Vnukovo (VKO) . All three of them are directly connected to downtown Moscow by the Aeroexpress trains, which leave every 30 minutes throughout the day. By Aeroexpress train, you can expect to get to the city center in 25-45 minutes depending on the airport that you fly into.

Sheremetyevo is the biggest and busiest of the three airports, and it is the one you are most likely to fly into – especially if you are coming from outside of Europe or the Caucus region. We flew into Sheremetyevo on a direct flight from New York City.

I usually provide backup airport options, because flying right into the city isn’t always the cheapest way to get where you’re going. Unfortunately, when it comes to Moscow, don’t really have a choice other than to fly right into Moscow. It is a very remote city, and it is usually the cheapest place to fly into in Russia as a whole.

Since Sheremetyevo is so busy, you will probably find a great flight option anyway. I wrote in  my post about finding cheap flights  that using hub airports will lead to more affordable airfare, and the same logic applies here. Even though Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot, is no longer a member of the SkyTeam Alliance, Moscow is still a major hub connecting passengers from all over the world.

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Train or Bus to Moscow

Trains and buses are one of the most popular ways to get around Europe. However, they’re of very little use when you’re trying to get to Moscow.

Moscow is hundreds of miles from the nearest major cities. The only major European city that can even be reached within 8 hours on the ground is St. Petersburg, and even the Baltic capitals of Riga, Vilnius, and Tallinn are over 12 hours away.

If you want to get to Moscow, the best option is almost always to fly. While the train routes to Moscow are scenic, they simply take forever.

How to Get Around Moscow


Moscow has one of the most memorable metro systems in the world. Its metro lines are very deep underground, and the stations are absolutely stunning. Each station has its own unique style, but all of them contain escalators that seem to go on forever.

turned-on chandelier on ceiling of moscow metro

The system was built in an effort to showcase the power of the Soviet Union and its bright future. The plans were a form of propaganda, but they resulted in what is still one of the most visually appealing subway systems on earth.

Moscow’s metro system isn’t just pretty. It is also very useful and accessible. The system has 17 lines that connect the city and its surrounding area.

But wait; there’s more!

The Moscow metro system is also incredibly affordable, with each ride costing less than a dollar. The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow, as it is almost impossible to beat the connection times and the low cost to ride.

Tickets can be bought at electronic, English-speaking kiosks in stations, or directly from ticket counters at certain larger stations. There are also day passes available, which are a very solid option if you plan on riding the metro several times per day.

long gray escalator in moscow russia

The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow.

In addition to the metro system, Moscow also has a network of buses, trams, and trolleys. This system is nowhere near as convenient or well-connected as the metro, though, and is likely of little use to you during your trip. There is no Uber in Moscow, but a similar app named Yandex is available if you need a ride in a pinch.

How Many Days Do You Need in Moscow?

Moscow is the biggest city in all of Europe, and it is absolutely loaded with things to do. You could spend weeks in Moscow and still find new things to do. Of course, most travelers don’t have that kind of time to spend in one place!

I recommend spending no less than three full days in Moscow, and ideally closer to five or seven.

Moscow is very spread out, and it can take some time to get from one major point to another. There are also so many places that are nice to just sit back and relax, which is hard to do when you’re in a hurry trying to cram activities into just a few days.

If you only have a week to visit Russia, I’d advise spending all of the time in one city. If you decide to split your time between Moscow and St. Petersburg, I recommend not trying to squeeze in any day trips beyond those two cities.

moscow bridge at night with lights

When Is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Moscow?

There are two different ways to approach this question. Personally, I think the best time to visit Moscow is around Christmas and New Year’s Day. While the weather will be absolutely freezing, Moscow is a surreal winter wonderland in December and January.

We were in Moscow right before Christmas. While it was very cold, you can always bundle up. Exploring the Christmas markets and pop-up ice skating rinks throughout Moscow is one of my favorite memories from anywhere I’ve traveled, and I dream of going back to do it again.

If you aren’t fond of the cold, Moscow is beautiful in the summer. It tends to get pretty cold in the shoulder seasons, so if you want warm weather, you should plan to visit in the summer. Moscow actually gets pretty warm in July and August, and there are a bunch of fantastic places to soak up the sun within the city.

The best time to visit Moscow is either around Christmas or from late May to August.

group of people walking in moscow red square at night with christmas lights everywhere

Is Moscow Safe to Visit?

While Moscow is a truly wonderful city, there’s no denying that visiting Russia comes with risks. As the country is run by an infamous communist dictator, concerns about visiting are valid. While we didn’t experience any sort of threat or negative treatment during our time in Moscow, we visited in a peaceful time.

In our experience, Russia doesn’t seem to detain normal Americans or Westerners to use as pawns. As a regular person, as long as you don’t commit any crimes, there is a slim chance you will run into any issues. However, Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

To make matters worse, Russia has a bad reputation for gang violence. While the Russian mafia has very little interest in normal Western tourists, they won’t hesitate to pick a fight with anyone who ventures into their sphere of influence. If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

Finally, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, things are all very different. Russia is currently at war, and there are battles raging within 8 hours of Moscow. While it is still relatively safe to visit, that could change at any time as the war with Ukraine continues.

Is Moscow Worth Visiting?

Without a doubt, Moscow is worth visiting. It is one of the most unique major cities we have ever visited, and we hope to make it back one day. The Russian Orthodox churches are stunning, the city’s history is unlike any other, and the food is to die for.

While many visitors prefer St. Petersburg to Moscow, I think Moscow deserves a lot of hype of its own. Moscow is the beating heart of Russian culture and history, and it’s a place I highly recommend checking out if you have the chance.

woman in head scarf hugging bronze statue of angry bear

That’s all we have for you about Moscow! I hope this post was helpful as you plan your trip to Russia’s capital.

Have you been to Moscow? Or is this your first time visiting? Comment below if you have anything to add to our travel guide!

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.

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  18. Things to do in Moscow: how to visit Moscow

    Things to do in Moscow in 2 days. If you want to visit Moscow in 2 days, there are 2 purposes: do not miss the essential places of Moscow and optimize travel. First day: Red Square, Saint Basil's Cathedral, Zariadye Park, Bolshoi Theatre, Kremlin. Day 2: Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the former Krasny Oktyabr factory on Balchug Island ...

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  20. Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

    3. Marvel at St. Basil's Cathedral. St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil's Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style.


    There are lots to see in the city centre of Moscow, so we decided to start our series of Russia travel videos by showing you around the most historical part ...

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  23. Travel to Russia: Walking in Moscow city 4K 60fps. ( travel Moscow

    Moscow International Business Center!The Moscow International Business Center (MIBC) (Russian: Московский международный деловой центр, tr. Moskovskiy mezhdun...