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21 EPIC Travel Hobbies for Every Type of Traveler (2024)

Most people think of hobbies as something you do at home. 

Playing guitar, woodworking, or painting — these are things you leave behind when you step on the plane, right?

Not so fast.

Many normal hobbies can be turned into travel hobbies.

Traveling hobbies make travel even more fun. And if you’re on the road long term, they can keep you sane. One of my backpacking hobbies even helped me meet my wife while abroad!

So, whether you’re a seasoned backpacker or are planning your very first trip, choose one of these awesome travel hobbies to take your adventure to the next level. 

Table of Contents

Creative travel hobby ideas 

Outdoor travel hobbies, cultural traveling hobbies , travel-related hobbies you can do at home , which traveling hobbies are right for you, epic travel hobbies for every type of traveler.

Most of the best travel hobbies can be broken down into four categories:

  • Creative hobbies
  • Adventurous hobbies
  • Cultural hobbies
  • Travel-related hobbies you can do at home

You can skip to the section that looks most interesting to you. Or better yet, choose one hobby to pick up from each category.

Travel is an excellent way to unleash your creative side. Best of all, most creative travel hobbies are easily portable, making them the perfect outlet to document your adventures.

1. Photography  

Woman photographer at Carnaval

Let’s get the obvious one out of the way first. Everyone loves some fun holiday snaps, but if you really get into it, photography can change your entire travel experience.

You don’t need to invest loads in a fancy camera (unless you want to). Most recent smartphones are more than enough to get started. Use what you have, and don’t let a lack of professional equipment stop you from starting.

Youtube is a great resource to learn new photography skills. You can also take a bunch of awesome photography courses on this platform for free. 

2. Sketching

Sketching is like photography on steroids. 

Snapping a photo of a beautiful mountain is one thing. But enjoying its majesty for extended periods, focusing on all the details while carefully drawing the scenery—now that is a landscape you’ll never forget.

Don’t expect masterpieces as a beginner. Your first drawings probably won’t be anything to write home about. 

But even if they’re ugly, they’ll still be special. Plus, practice makes perfect.

When just starting, it can be tricky figuring out what to draw and how to practice. If you’re feeling “artist’s block”, search for drawing idea inspiration online. 

Start by carrying a simple pencil and sketchbook in your backpack. If you get hooked, you can upgrade to other art supplies.

Alternatively, you can carry an iPad (or other tablet) and make digital sketches.

graphic showing how drawing destinations on an ipad can be one of your travel hobbies

3. Journaling

A journal is a traveler’s best friend.

Disciplining yourself to write every day isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. I like to quickly jot down the events of the day, but more importantly, write out my thoughts and feelings connected to those events.

Over the years, these memories start to fade. And if you have a journal full of all your adventures, you can relive them whenever you want.

You can up your travel journal game even further by adding in sketches, artwork, watercolors, and even unique souvenirs (e.g., boarding passes, postcards, etc.). 

In addition to my personal journal, I also carry around a “Friend’s I Meet” journal. Whenever I make a friend, I ask them to draw a picture of the memory we had together, then sign it. 

travel friend drawing journal

It’s one of my most prized possessions.

4. Videography and blogging

Videos capture the moment better than photos. There’s no question about it. 

In fact, that’s one of the reasons we started our Youtube channel . We were trapped on a remote Cambodian island during the pandemic, and we wanted a way to relive our adventures when we’re old and wrinkly.

One thing led to another, and now our channel earns a nice passive income each month — Win-win!

The same goes for this blog. It started as a hobby, and eventually morphed into an awesome travel-friendly job .

But even if you never earn a cent, you can use a blog like a versatile, virtual journal.

You can add images, videos, journal entries…whatever your heart desires (although you’ll want to leave out private details). And unlike a physical journal, you won’t have to worry about losing it or getting stuck in an unexpected rainstorm.

This definitely isn’t the most portable traveling hobby. But if you can cope with lugging a small musical instrument with you, it can certainly be one of the most sociable. 

If you’re musically inclined but aren’t keen on hauling around an instrument, you’ve got options. 

Why not hire a local music teacher to give you lessons on a traditional instrument from the region? This can be a fantastic way to immerse yourself in a culture and practice your language skills.

If playing music isn’t your thing, you can still turn music into a travel hobby. For example, when in Cali, Colombia — the Salsa Capital of the World — hit up a salsa show like Delirio. Or if you’re headed to Vienna, consider a night out at the opera. 

Look for opportunities to experience the local music scene wherever you go.

Got a taste for adventure? Whether you’re an adrenaline junky or simply love getting out in the fresh air, these outdoor travel hobby ideas will spice up your trip.

What could be simpler than going out for a walk? 

Even if your idea of a “hike” is just a stroll around the neighborhood you’re staying in, you’ll be surprised what jumps out at you when you’re exploring on your own two feet. 

But maybe a leisurely traipse through the local market doesn’t cut it for you. 

Some of us are crazy enough to spend hard-earned vacations sleeping on the ground out in the wild. There’s nothing quite like wondering whether every small noise you hear is a hungry animal looking to chew on a meaty hiker.

If you fall in love with hiking, it may turn into even more than a hobby. Many travelers plan their entire itineraries based on trekking opportunities. 

This is especially true in the United States, where there are an estimated 57.8 million active hikers . This is no surprise considering the vast hiking infrastructure and stunning national parks.

But international hiking trips are also popular with adventurous travelers.

We traveled to Chile with the sole purpose of hiking the O trek in Torres del Paine, Patagonia. Was it the most comfortable travel experience in the world? Definitely not.

We almost starved to death. My wife cried daily. And a stomach bacteria in the water gave me the squirts for three weeks.

Nevertheless, I wouldn’t trade that experience for the world. 

Tip: Don’t forget to download offline maps like Google maps and before you go traveling. Google maps once saved me from getting lost in the desert! AllTrails is another must-have for hikers.

man backpacking in patagonia

7. Kayaking

Kayaking is one of the most underrated travel hobbies. 

You obviously can’t pack a boat with you in your backpack. That’s silly.

But you can rent them near many touristic bodies of water.

It’s an awesome way to experience beautiful scenery from a different perspective. 

You can also choose different levels of adrenaline — from hardcore whitewater canoeing and kayaking to lazily floating around a calm lake.

Kayaking in the Philippines

If you’re lucky, you may even bump into some cool animals along the way.

8. Wildlife watching

I never appreciated wildlife watching until I started traveling.

Growing up, my only experience was school field trips to the zoo (which in retrospect is a little depressing). But spotting wild beasts in their natural environment is a whole different ball game. 

Whether you’re bird-watching in Colombia, safari-ing in Africa, or exploring untouched nature in the Galapagos Islands, mashing travel with animals is a great way to give purpose to your trip. 

man posing next to giant turtle on galapagos islands

You could even make a bucket list of all the animals you want to see in the wild, then choose your destinations based on where you can find them.

9. Diving 

Diving opens up a whole new world to explore when traveling — the underwater world. 

This is a traveling hobby I recommend everyone try. The longer you wait to get your diving certification, the more destinations you’ll miss where you could have gone scuba diving. 

Two of the top (AKA cheapest) to get certified are Koh Tao, Thailand and Roatán, Honduras. I did my Open and Advanced certifications back-to-back on Koh Tao, and I can’t recommend it enough. My travel partner loved it so much that she seriously considered switching career paths to become a scuba instructor.

scuba diving in thailand

So this hobby could potentially turn into a full-fledged travel job. 

You could also combine it with another hobby on this list — photography. Here are the world’s best dive destinations for underwater photography.

That said, it’s not for everyone — it can be a bit stressful for some people — but you’ll never know until you try. 

Just watch out for sharks (Kidding! …kind of).

If scuba diving intimidates you, you could also try your hand at snorkeling and free diving. Sometimes you don’t need to go deep to see awesome stuff.

Snorkeling in Galapagos

10. Stargazing

Stargazing might well be the easiest hobby on this list. Ever looked up at the night sky? That’s it, you’re stargazing!

There’s more to it though. 

If you take the time to understand what you’re actually looking at, it’s pretty fascinating, especially for space nerds (myself included).

When you travel to different parts of the world, you see different constellations. To help you identify them, you can use free apps like Star Chart (there’s a bunch of similar apps as well).

travel the world hobbies

To take it to the next level, travel to destinations known for little light pollution. Once you get an unpolluted glimpse of the Milky Way, it may even inspire you to try your hand at night photography. 

Cultural hobbies help you immerse yourself in the local culture. Instead of thinking of them as hobbies, think of them as a foundation for your travels (which begs the question, is traveling a hobby in and of itself? Hmm…). After all, if you don’t get a taste of the local culture, why bother traveling across the planet in the first place?

11. Language learning

If you can only choose one cultural hobby, this should be it.

Learning the basics of the local language is your portal to unique, unforgettable opportunities. 

Sure, you can probably survive with just English, but it’ll be a superficial cultural experience. 

Even the most broken attempt at speaking the local tongue will endear you to the locals. It allows you to venture to areas where English isn’t commonly understood, and that’s where the best travel memories are made.

Make it a goal to learn the basics wherever you go. Greetings, numbers, foods, directions, bartering skills (“That’s expensive! How about __?”), and of course, how to ask for the bathroom.

To learn even more, consider taking lessons in your destination. I once did a 5-week homestay with a local family in Guatemala while taking daily lessons. Immersing myself made my Spanish “click”, and it’s an experience I’ll never forget.

Spanish school in San Pedro La Laguna, Atitlan, Guatemala

12. Dancing

Nowadays, this is my go-to travel hobby. I never expected it to be, but as I passed through Cali, Colombia, I figured it’d be a waste not to take a salsa class while in the Salsa Capital of the World.

That one class turned into two. Which turned into several hundred, property investments, and the love of my life.

salsodromo dancers in cali colombia

Now we scope out the salsa scene wherever we travel. We’ve even started planning trips specifically to learn different dance styles (tango in Argentina, bachata in the Dominican Republic, etc.)

It’s the perfect way to immerse yourself in a culture, make friends with locals, learn a new skill, and stay fit on the road.

Don’t be the traveler who flies across the globe just to eat the same chicken wings and pizza you can get at home (unless you’re in Italy, perhaps).

Eating traditional food from different countries can be your travel hobby.

In fact, many travelers have built successful blogs and Youtube channels doing exactly that — traveling to new places with the sole intent of tasting all the yummy foods.

And it’s not all about yumminess. It can also be an adventure.

Maybe you make it your travel goal to try all the most “exotic” foods — crickets, spiders, alligators, frogs. This obviously isn’t a vegetarian-friendly hobby, but these experiences always turn into crazy stories to share with friends and fam.

man eating a frog

If you’re traveling with friends, it’s also fun to all choose something different from the menu without knowing what it is.

Eating at small local joints can feel intimidating, but they often have some of the best, most authentic food. Just make sure to choose a place where you see a lot of locals eating. If it’s empty, think twice. 

And if you’re not quite that adventurous, you can also find food tours that will take you to all the best spots — places you’d never find alone.

We tried a Bangkok street food tour and a tour to find the best food in Athens, Greece — and both were scrumptious.

14. Cooking

Cooking is one of the best backpacking hobbies — and you may even pick it up without even trying.

If you stay in hostels with communal kitchens for long enough, you’re guaranteed to meet travelers from all over the world with mad cooking skills.

When you see someone whipping up a delicious-looking dish, it’s the perfect excuse to introduce yourself. You’ll not only add a new recipe to your repertoire, but you’ll also add a new friend. 

Apart from hostels, you could also make it your hobby to take cooking classes in each country you visit. During my very first backpacking trip, I took a Thai cooking class in Chiang Mai — and I’m still using some of those cooking skills six years later.

taking a Thai cooking class - a must do for any Chiang Mai itinerary

15. Collecting cool stuff

There’s nothing quite like trawling through the local markets and shops in different countries. You never know what you’re going to find. 

Souvenir hunting (in local markets) not only requires you to dip into local culture, but you’ll also come away with a cool travel do-dad that forever reminds you of your trip. 

woman shopping in Bangkok market

You can visit markets without knowing what you’ll find. Or you can hunt for a specific type of item. For example, my wife used to always buy picture frames from each destination. Now we have nowhere to store hundreds of picture frames, so we switched to magnets. 

Another family member collects license plates from each destination, which make cool decorations. 

Unless you choose a small item, souvenir collecting is best for short trips. If you’re traveling long-term, it’s best to either (1) save your shopping until the end, or (2) give gifts to friends you meet along your journey.

16. Wine tasting

If you’ve got “finer tastes” (I’m not sure why people say that), you can mix wine and travel for a buzzing hobby.

I never really appreciated wine until visiting the Concha y Toro vineyard near Santiago, Chile. It was quite fascinating. 

Concha y Toro vineyard, Chile

And no two vineyards are the same. 

You can imbibe your way around the world, visiting top wine regions like France, Spain, New Zealand, California , and even South Africa . 

Then, whenever you buy a wine from a certain region, it’ll remind you of your trip.

The pandemic threw a wrench in many of our travel plans. Fortunately, there’s plenty of travel-related hobbies you can do at home to inspire and prepare you for your next adventure — whenever that may be. 

17. Scrapbooking 

It can be hard to throw away travel memorabilia like ticket stubs, receipts, and foreign money you forgot to exchange. Some people call it hoarding. I call it nostalgia. 

If you’re inundated with bits of random travel paper, scrapbooking might be your thing. 

It’s an awesome hobby to unleash your creativity to design beautiful memory books of your adventures.

Nowadays, most people just have hard drives crammed full of pictures they rarely look at. But a scrapbook on your coffee table is a surefire way to keep your experiences fresh in your mind.

If you share them with house guests, you may even inspire them to take an adventure of their own. 

18. Reading

If you can’t go there just yet, reading about a destination is the next best thing. 

In fact, it’ll even enhance your experience once you are able to travel there. It allows you to experience a destination at a deeper level.

For example, when visiting Cambodia, I read a heartbreaking book about the Khmer Rouge genocide. 

Whenever we were traveling overland by bus, I looked out at the countryside and could imagine everything that happened there back in the 70s.

buying book from s-21 prison survivor

Whether you read history books or fictional tales based on a certain destination, it’s bound to inspire your next adventure.

19. Planning your next trip

What better way to get over the lockdown blues than planning your next trip? 

A recent study shows that travel planning during COVID lockdowns reduced stress and increased happiness among respondents. 

Even if the trip is a year away, simply the act of planning and anticipation can boost your mood.

couple using laptop

Heck, you don’t even have to book anything. Simply researching different destinations and dreaming of the places you could go and the routes you could take can be enough to cheer you up.

That said, if you’re itching to get out of the house, a short getaway to a nearby town or attraction can give you the same feelings. You don’t have to jetset across the world for an adventure — there are plenty to be had in your own backyard.

20. Learning outdoor skills

You don’t need to go any further than your backyard to unleash your inner Bear Grylls.

Upgrading your camping chops is a great way to temporarily scratch the travel itch. And when you do finally get the chance to travel, you’ll be armed with skills for a new type of adventure. 

To get your feet wet, find a hiking trail near your house that allows backpacking. Stock up on outdoor gear — a lightweight tent, sleeping pad, cookware, etc. — and head out into nature for the night.

If you’ve never done anything like that before, it might be best to rent or borrow gear. Then if you like it, you can invest in your own and eventually work your way up to longer, multi-day treks all over the world. 

21. Meditation

Meditation is a hobby that will benefit anyone who tries it.

It’s the perfect antidote to the unpredictable times we live in. It also can enhance your travels. 

Meditation teaches you to be more mindful. It’s the practice of living and experiencing the moment.

So instead of going through the motions in life, you start to become more aware of each moment — the feel of the ground under your feet, the cool breeze on your forehead, the smell of fresh pine in the forest.

meditating in Tatacoa Desert, Colombia

You can bring this new awareness into your next trip for a more fulfilling and memorable experience.

Odds are something in this list that stood out to you. 

If not, you may just be overwhelmed with options (or just hard to please). 

In that case, just choose one and get started. Sometimes you never know you love something until you try it.

That’s exactly what happened to me with salsa dancing. Before traveling to Colombia, I didn’t even know what salsa music sounded like. 

But after stepping out of my comfort zone and taking some classes, everything changed. I not only stumbled on a lifelong travel hobby I can do while traveling the world, but I also scored a smokin’ hot Colombian wife <3

If you’re stuck, just choose something your current destination is known for. If you’re in a hippy town, try meditation or yoga. If you’re on an island known for diving, grab your scuba certification. And if you’re ever in Cali, Colombia — hit me up so we can hit the dance floor.

profile photo for mitch

Mitch is your typical nomadic backpacker. Or at least, he was . But after stopping in Colombia to take “one week” of salsa lessons, his life took a sharp left turn. He met a cute Colombian girl in dance class, fell in love, and got married. Over half a decade has passed since he left his career to travel the world as a digital nomad, and he’s never looked back.

Nowadays, he’s the blogger behind Project Untethered — where he runs an awesome email newsletter and Youtube channel teaching adventure-craved wanderlusters how to escape the rat race, earn money from anywhere, and build an “untethered life”.

His advice has been featured in Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo, MSN, Reader’s Digest, Condé Nast Traveler, and more.

Mitch's Travel Recommendations: Travel Planning Resources - Everything you need to plan your trip on one convenient page. Going Cheap Flights Newsletter - Get flight deals from your airport up to 90% off sent straight to your inbox. Safetywing Insurance - This cheap travel insurance has saved me over $15,000 in medical bills. - Book accommodation without adding your credit card (in case you need to cancel). Trusted House Sitters - Take care of pets in exchange for free (sometimes luxury) accommodation. Flexjobs - Find remote jobs without having to sift through crappy ones. Skillshare - Free trial to take unlimited classes that teach digital nomad skills. Wise - Send and receive money abroad cheaply (great for freelancers).

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Travel Bugs World

29 Best Hobbies for Travel Lovers

piano on street

Hobbies can develop your creativity and make you feel happy. Additionally, they eradicate boredom. As the last couple of years have been about staying at home, due to coronavirus travel restrictions, we took the opportunity to explore new hobbies to replace the stimulation that traveling offered in the past. We have, therefore, compiled this list of best hobbies for travel lovers. They are for people who typically like to travel. 

These are hobbies that you can start while travel is still limited or even while traveling. Travelers love these hobbies as they make you feel like you are traveling, or they’re helpful while traveling.

Please read on for 29 Best Hobbies for Travel Lovers.

For more travel hobby ideas, and inspiration on things to do in your hometown, check out our post, 54 Things To Do On A Staycation in Your Home Town .

Hobbies You Can Do Anywhere 

These are hobbies you can do at home, in your hometown, in a hotel room, or traveling on a train. You can do them anywhere!

computer on table balcony with lake view

Drawing is an entertaining hobby to learn as it allows you to capture a moment or get creative.

You can draw things at home, and it is also one of the easier travel hobbies you can do when traveling. All you need is a sketchbook and a pencil. 

Additionally, you can get drawing patterns or do online drawing courses to acquire drawing skills.

Learn a language

When we travel, we love learning the language of the country we are going to. Learning the language of the country we are visiting enables us to communicate more effectively and meet more local people.

The best thing about learning a new language before traveling is that you will know some of the language the day you arrive in the new country.


Photography is a travel hobby that every traveler needs to get into. It allows you to capture your travel memories. It helps you see things differently.

Whether you are at home or traveling, photography is a great creative outlet. It is one of the very best hobbies for travel lovers.

Additionally, photography enables you to live in the moment. Read about it here –  How Photography Enables Me To Live In The Moment.

Road leading to blue lake


Reading allows you to escape, learn, and stay in touch with events worldwide. It can make you feel like you are traveling if you read guidebooks, blogs, or adventure stories.

Also, if you don’t have power (e.g. there’s a blackout), reading gives you entertainment. 

Yoga or meditation

Yoga will not only help you stay fit but will also increase peace of mind and help reduce your stress levels.

If you learn yoga, you can exercise anywhere in the world.

Alternatively, meditation is a helpful practice for those who travel as it can help ease travel-related stress and anxiety.

Additionally, with meditation, you can visualize yourself in beautiful locations all over the world.


Writing or journaling is a consuming hobby. For those who like to write, it is a way to express emotions and explore ideas.

It is a creative outlet that you can use to write a journal, stories, or even start a blog.

If you have always wanted to start a blog, right now is a great time as our host provider, Bluehost is offering a special for new bloggers. Sign Up here –

travel the world hobbies

*Travel Bugs World is reader-supported. This blog post contains affiliate links (meaning we may get a small commission if you buy through our links.) You won’t pay any more if you use these links, and it helps support the site. We Thank You.

Travel Hobbies You Can Do In Your Hometown

We have added to our list of best hobbies for travel lovers a list of hobbies for travelers who can’t travel farther than their hometown. These hobbies offer you a travel experience in your own hometown.

pizza and pasta dishes

If you make this one of your travel hobbies, you could feel like you’re on holiday all the time. Every time you go to a new restaurant, you could try new international cuisines to make you feel like you are visiting another country. 

Geocaching is a fun activity for travelers as you get to go on a treasure hunt. This riveting activity can take you to unique locations you have never seen before, even in your own hometown.

While we recommend this as a travel hobby in your hometown, you can take it around the world with you. The only thing you need is a mobile with GPS, WiFi, and a geocaching app.

If you can call shopping a hobby, it will make you feel better about spending all your earnings. 

It is also a great family outing that you can do each week. Make a day of it and also have lunch in a nice restaurant. 

You don’t always need to buy something. Window shopping and looking at things is fun too. Just like traveling, shopping is about exploring.

Food tasting & food tours 

Many larger towns have events that offer food tasting, including cheese tasting, whisky tasting, chocolate tasting, or degustation dinners. 

Food tours also enable you to discover specialties of your area that you may not have had the chance to try. They allow you to see your town with a tourist’s eye and give you the opportunity to try something new.

Additionally, starting with a happy hour always brings on that holiday feeling instantly.

Alternatively, and especially for smaller towns, make your own food-tasting adventure. Go to the local markets, buy some cheeses and fresh produce for an antipasto board, and have your food tasting experience at home.

Discovering new food is a huge part of travel. Food tasting & tours are one of the best hobbies for travel lovers. They can make you feel like you are on a foodie travel adventure no matter where you are.

Buffet lunch with sea views


While volunteering is not necessarily about travel. It is an activity that travelers love and get into predominantly when they travel. 

Volunteering can help you feel better about your situation in your life. Helping others also helps your emotional well-being. Further, it is a way to give back to the community and give back to the countries where you are traveling.

Watching sports is an activity that travelers like to do, especially when visiting countries where a particular sport is common.

Additionally, if you learn to play cricket or volleyball, you could get involved in these favorite sports activities when traveling.

Those who like to get involved in playing sports could join a recreational sports group close to home.

Alternatively, get your friends together for a lively sports event at the park.

Another favorite of adventure seekers is skiing or water sports. These activities can make you feel like you’re on holiday even if it is close to home.

Whether it is playing sports or watching sports, this travel hobby can fill you with excitement and joy. Participating in this popular hobby will keep you fit too.


Best Hobbies For Travel Lovers Stuck At Home

Whether you are stuck at home having to isolate yourself, not ready to go out anywhere, or just don’t have money to travel, these hobbies will make you feel like life is an adventure, the same way that travel makes you feel.

These are some of the hobbies that have kept us amused in the last year. They are the best hobbies for travel lovers who are stuck at home.

We love doing cooking classes when we travel. In Thailand, we learned a few delicious dishes that we now always cook at home. Cooking is a stimulating hobby to get into, but also beneficial as we all have to eat.

There are many cooking classes on the internet. They are also a fun activity you can do solo or as a couple. You could then have an international-themed dinner that will make you feel like you are traveling.

home baked cake

Music appreciation

Music appreciation is another hobby you can start at home. Start by watching international music performances online from all around the world. It can make you feel as if you have left your living room and gone traveling. There are many events online, such as festivals, orchestra performances, and rock concerts, that you can experience from your own living room.

On top of that, you could combine a themed international music night with a particular country’s food and music and have a fun night in your own home.

When it’s available, attend live performances in your hometown. 

Are you unable to leave your house at the moment due to having to isolate, stay-at-home orders, or another reason? You will love our post, 73 In-home Staycation Ideas During Lockdown . Read it and find out how you can turn your stay at home into a holiday experience to cherish.

Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are so much fun, yet many people prefer online games.

When traveling, we often find old jigsaw puzzles lying around hostels. However, unless it’s raining, we often don’t find time to complete them. At home, there are no time restrictions.

We love them because, besides being a solo activity, they are a happy interactive activity for a couple or a few people. Additionally, we love that we create artwork when we put all the pieces together. Often it is a picture of a fantastic place somewhere in the world.

Whether you want to learn salsa, ballet, or hip-hop, there are many dance classes on YouTube. You can learn from the security of your bedroom. After you have built some confidence, you could join a dance class in your local town.

You could even base future travels around your newfound hobby. Salsa dancing in Cuba, anyone? 

salsa dancers

Play a musical instrument

Playing an instrument is exciting, even if you are not very good at it. But you don’t know until you try. And you could end up being good at it and be the traveler who pulls out a guitar and entertains fellow travelers. This is one of those traveling hobbies that can help you meet people easily.

Personally, we think a flute will be easier to travel with. It is also a cheaper instrument to buy. 

These days there are many beginner musical instruments you can buy cheaply. Also, there are free online classes. And even if you don’t continue the hobby, the instruments will be available for family, friends, and parties.


Brewing your own beer is a great way to evoke the tastes of your travels. You can buy beer or cider brewing kits online and try making your own homebrew.

As you get better, you can experiment with many international styles.

Hey! Making cocktails is also a fun hobby. Check out our favorite recipe – The Best Mojito Bacardi Recipe Ever Including the Secret Ingredient!

Hobbies For Outdoor Lovers  

If you love nature and exploring the great outdoors, these best hobbies for travel lovers will make you feel like you are on a travel adventure.

bush walking

Hiking or nature walks

Wherever you go, hiking is a travel activity that enables you to explore and enjoy nature. Also, hiking sometimes enables you to explore places you can’t get to with a car.

Additionally, besides being one of the easier adventurous traveling hobbies, hiking is an activity that allows you to get fit. 

It is a delightful hobby to get into, whether you are traveling or at home.

You could go hiking in a national park or go on nature walks in the local gardens if there are no national parks close to home.

Fishing is an enjoyable hobby because it also gives you the chance to have a delicious seafood feed. We like ours barbequed. 

Fishing allows you to spend the day at the water’s edge in calm contemplation. 

Alternatively, you can make it a group affair and enjoy the company of others while taking in the fresh outdoor air.

Animal watching

Animal experiences make you feel warm and fuzzy, especially if you get to see them up close in their natural habitat.

Take a trip to a nearby national park and spend the day trying to spot some animals in the wild.

If that is not an option, many larger cities have zoos where you can see animals. 

Experience the underwater world

While diving is not for everyone, it is a hobby that many people love. Many adventure travelers base their international travel itineraries on where they can explore the underwater world.

Alternatively, you can go snorkeling which is often more accessible to most. We love the underwater world and will most commonly go snorkeling. It is, in fact, our favorite hobby. 

Whether it’s something you do while traveling or at the local beach, lake or river, diving or snorkeling allows you to explore another world the same way traveling does.

Giant clam in water

Boat trips are another adventure activity we favor. Scenic cruises, wildlife spotting, or kayaking are some of the types of boat trips we enjoy. Wherever we go when we travel, we will always go on boat trips if available there.  

If you have a waterway near your hometown, take a boat trip and enjoy the water and nature. 

When traveling, we relish the opportunity to see the sky in other parts of the world. 

We visit dark sky reserves any chance we get. Additionally, we love visiting observatories and looking at the stars and the moon through their giant telescopes.

When we don’t get a chance to travel, many dark sky reserves now show you the delights of the dark skies online. 

You can also get apps to point to what you are looking at in the sky and explain which star, satellite, or planet it is. Stargazing can make you feel like you are traveling without leaving your backyard. 

Hobbies For The Discerning Traveler

These hobbies may not be for everyone, but some travelers get addicted to these best hobbies for travel lovers.

Wine with lake view

Wine tasting

We love visiting vineyards when we travel. It allows us to have a relaxing and indulgent day outdoors. We recommend this as one of the best hobbies for travel lovers who like to have an alcoholic drink.

Wine tasting is an entertaining hobby. It not only makes you merry, but you get to learn about wine.

Whether going to a wine bar or a vineyard, wine tasting is a refreshing experience, and often you get to enjoy good food along with the wine.

Antique hunting

Antique hunting in your hometown can make you feel like you are traveling.

Additionally, while this can be one of the more expensive hobbies for travelers, it can take you around the world on untold adventures. 

However, some people turn this hobby into a money-making venture that can fund their travels.

While we don’t buy many antiques, we love visiting antique stores. It is fun, and you get to see a slice of history.

Slow travel is not only a hobby of ours, but a way of life. Read Next – What is Slow Travel – & Why You Should Do It Too!


Some people say they find it boring, possibly because they have not seen many birds. Birdwatching is usually a hobby people acquire once traveling in areas with lots of wildlife. 

You can even do this at home, and once you get out, you can start noting the different species. You could also combine this hobby with photography.

bird in tree


Collecting is a hobby that you can easily do at home or when traveling. It is diverse – books, stones, coins, stamps, fridge magnets, or souvenirs.

Many travelers love to collect magnets from the countries they have been to. You could easily start this hobby by collecting magnets from local towns near you.

One time we went through a phase of fossicking for fossilized shark teeth. We were entertained every day after work and enjoyed finding the unique treasure and collecting the various sizes. 

You could collect anything really, as long as it is something you find enjoyable.

This art can keep your creative juices flowing as well as keep you entertained. 

When you are traveling, imagine being able to turn a piece of paper into a work of art. It is a great way to interact with locals.

It’s a hobby we would like to try, and we have just added it to our to-do list!

That’s the thing about hobbies. They help you have a renewed energy for life. And whether you think you will like them or not, try these hobbies for travelers. They are the best hobbies for travel lovers. Ultimately, you could find a hobby you are very passionate about, and you will never be bored.

Are there any hobbies related to traveling that you love that are not on this list? Please share in the comments as we love to find new travel hobby ideas.

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That’s a HUGE collection of hobbies, Oli! I think I only tried a small fraction so far. Some interesting stuff there. Just earlier today I found out that a friend of mine is really into antiques, a hobby I had never thought of, not for ordinary men or women anyway. 🙂

Can relate to a lot of these recently. Certainly photography, thats one im starting to get into. And been researching brewing, that’s next on the list plan on doing my own craft beers.

Great post enjoyed reading

I can identify with most things on these excellent lists except the more energetic and adventurous ones. TBH my favourite hobby is sitting watching the world go by with either a coffee or glass of wine in my hand, feeling how good it is to be detached from the working world for a while and just observing everyone else dashing around and playing their part in it 🙂

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  • List of Creative Hobbies (A-Z)
  • Blackout Poetry
  • Bonsai Keeping
  • Calligraphy
  • Candle Making


  • Start a Blog
  • Soap Making
  • Watercolor Painting
  • Hobbies to Make Money (Turn Your Passion into Profits)
  • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
  • Print-On-Demand
  • Start a Side Hustle
  • Food Hobbies (Delicious Hobby Ideas for Food Lovers)
  • Breadmaking
  • Change Your Diet
  • Cheese Making
  • Homebrewing Beer
  • Kombucha Brewing
  • Martial Arts
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Ant Keeping
  • Breakdancing
  • Houseplants
  • Learn a Language
  • Motorcycles
  • Volunteering
  • Music Hobbies | List of Hobby Ideas for Music Lovers
  • Bass Guitar
  • Huge List of Outdoor Hobbies (Spend More Time in Nature)
  • Bikepacking


  • Foilboarding
  • Ice Fishing
  • Kite Flying
  • Magnet Fishing
  • Metal Detecting
  • Orienteering
  • Rock Climbing
  • Skimboarding
  • Snowshoeing
  • Standup Paddle Boarding
  • Via Ferrata
  • Adult Sports Leagues
  • Hula Hooping
  • Slacklining
  • Huge List of Tech Hobbies (Computers, Gadgets, Metaverse & More!)
  • Drone Flying
  • Video Games
  • Virtual Reality

© 2024 Fresh Hobby

Travel Hobbies | Explore the World Through Your Passions

  • Post date April 7, 2023
  • Post categories In Lifestyle

travel the world hobbies

Discover the ultimate list of hobbies that make traveling even more exciting and fulfilling!

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a newbie wanderer, our comprehensive guide will help you find the perfect travel hobby that suits your interests and passions..

From geocaching and birdwatching to food tourism, photography, and voluntourism, we’ve got you covered with 20 amazing hobbies that will take your travel experiences to new heights.

So pack your bags, embrace your passions, and get ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime with our top travel hobbies that will enrich your adventures and create unforgettable memories.

travel the world hobbies

Geocaching is the perfect blend of treasure hunting, adventure, and exploration.

With over 3 million hidden caches worldwide, there’s always a new challenge to be discovered.

You’ll need a GPS device or a smartphone with a geocaching app, and a keen sense of adventure to get started.

As you uncover each cache, be sure to sign the logbook and exchange small trinkets, creating a memorable travel experience.

travel the world hobbies

Birdwatching , also known as birding, is a fantastic hobby for those who love nature and travel.

With thousands of bird species around the world, there’s always something new to discover.

Pack your binoculars, a field guide, and your sense of wonder as you embark on birdwatching adventures across the globe.

From twitching rare species to joining birdwatching tours, there’s no shortage of ways to indulge in this fascinating pastime.

Scuba Diving

travel the world hobbies

Explore the underwater world by taking up scuba diving!

This exhilarating hobby provides an unmatched opportunity to experience marine life up close and personal.

Travel to exotic destinations like the Great Barrier Reef, the Red Sea, or the Maldives to discover diverse ecosystems teeming with life.

Acquiring a diving certification will open doors to countless diving spots worldwide, allowing you to appreciate the beauty of the ocean in a whole new way.

Food Tourism

travel the world hobbies

For foodies with a penchant for travel, culinary tourism offers the chance to explore local cuisines and learn about food cultures around the globe.

From cooking classes in Tuscany to street food tours in Bangkok, there’s a wealth of gastronomic experiences to be enjoyed.

As you sample regional delicacies and learn about their histories, you’ll find that food is a universal language that brings people together.

Check out our Food Hobbies if you are looking for more great food-related hobby ideas…

Hiking and Trekking

travel the world hobbies

For those who love the great outdoors, hiking and trekking are fantastic ways to combine travel with physical activity.

From short day hikes to multi-day treks, there’s a wealth of options to suit all fitness levels.

Immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes of Patagonia, the challenging trails of the Himalayas, or the lush greenery of New Zealand.

As you conquer new terrain, you’ll also gain a sense of personal accomplishment and a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

travel the world hobbies

Photography is an incredible way to document your travels and develop a creative eye.

From capturing stunning landscapes to candid street scenes, photography allows you to relive your favorite travel moments and share them with others.

As you explore new destinations, attend workshops or join photography tours to learn from local experts and improve your skills.

The more you travel and shoot, the more you’ll develop your unique style and perspective.


travel the world hobbies

Combine your passion for travel with a desire to give back by participating in voluntourism.

This form of travel allows you to immerse yourself in local communities and contribute to meaningful projects, such as wildlife conservation, teaching, or building infrastructure.

Not only will you be making a positive impact, but you’ll also have the chance to learn about different cultures and form lasting connections with fellow volunteers and locals.

Check out our full article on volunteering for tips, resources and best practices…

Language Learning

travel the world hobbies

If you’ve ever wanted to become a polyglot, traveling is the perfect opportunity to practice and learn new languages .

Engage in language immersion programs or attend language schools in countries where your target language is spoken.

As you interact with native speakers and navigate daily life in a foreign country, your language skills will improve rapidly, and you’ll gain a deeper understanding of different cultures.

Practice a new language before taking your trip! A few language learning tools that we recommend include:

  • Rosetta Stone

Urban Sketching

travel the world hobbies

Urban sketching is a fantastic way to document your travels and improve your artistic skills.

This hobby involves capturing the essence of a city or town through quick, on-location sketches.

As you travel, take a sketchbook and drawing materials with you to create a visual diary of your experiences.

You can also join urban sketching groups or workshops to learn from fellow artists and explore new locations through a creative lens.

Train Spotting and Rail Travel

travel the world hobbies

For those with a passion for trains and transportation, train spotting and rail travel offer the opportunity to explore new destinations while indulging in your favorite hobby.

From luxurious heritage trains like the Orient Express to high-speed bullet trains, there’s a world of rail experiences waiting to be discovered.

Travel to iconic train stations, visit railway museums, or plan trips around scenic train routes, all while documenting your encounters with unique locomotives and rolling stock.

Cycling Tours

travel the world hobbies

Cycling tours and bikepacking are excellent ways to explore new destinations while staying active and enjoying the great outdoors.

With countless cycling routes worldwide, there’s something for every skill level and preference, from leisurely countryside rides to challenging mountain climbs.

Cycling tours also offer a unique perspective on local landscapes, allowing you to cover more ground and discover hidden gems that you might miss on foot.

Yoga and Wellness Retreats

travel the world hobbies

For those seeking relaxation and self-care, yoga and wellness retreats provide the perfect opportunity to combine travel with personal development.

Unwind in serene settings, from tropical beachfronts to tranquil mountain hideaways, as you immerse yourself in daily yoga and meditation practices.

Many retreats also offer workshops on nutrition, mindfulness, and other holistic wellness topics, ensuring a transformative experience that nourishes both body and soul.

Adventure Sports

travel the world hobbies

For adrenaline junkies, adventure sports can take your travels to new heights—literally!

From skydiving in New Zealand to white-water rafting in Costa Rica, there’s no shortage of thrilling experiences to be had around the globe.

As you push your limits and conquer your fears, you’ll create unforgettable memories and return home with a renewed sense of confidence and accomplishment.

Cultural Workshops and Classes

travel the world hobbies

Traveling is a fantastic opportunity to learn about different cultures and their unique artistic and creative traditions.

Engage in cultural workshops and classes, such as pottery making in Japan, flamenco dancing in Spain, or batik painting in Indonesia.

As you develop new skills and learn about the history behind these art forms, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse cultures you encounter on your journeys.

Astronomy and Stargazing

travel the world hobbies

Astronomy and stargazing enthusiasts can take their passion to the skies by planning trips around celestial events and destinations renowned for their dark skies.

Witness awe-inspiring phenomena like the Northern Lights in Scandinavia, meteor showers in the Atacama Desert, or the Milky Way in Namibia’s NamibRand Nature Reserve.

Join astronomy tours or attend stargazing workshops to enhance your knowledge and experience the night sky like never before.

Wine and Craft Beer Tasting

travel the world hobbies

For those who appreciate the finer aspects of beverages, wine and craft beer tasting can add an enjoyable dimension to your travels.

Visit renowned wine regions like Bordeaux, Tuscany, or Napa Valley, and embark on guided tours and tastings to learn about the local terroir and winemaking techniques.

Similarly, explore the thriving craft beer scene in cities like Portland, Munich, or Brussels, and discover the unique flavors and stories behind each brew.

Rock Climbing and Bouldering

travel the world hobbies

Rock climbing , bouldering, and via ferrata are excellent ways to challenge yourself physically and mentally while exploring new destinations.

From the limestone cliffs of Thailand to the granite walls of Yosemite, there are climbing destinations to suit all skill levels and preferences.

Join climbing tours or meet up with local climbers to discover the best routes and hidden gems in each area.

Genealogy and Ancestry Travel

travel the world hobbies

Discover your roots by embarking on a genealogy and ancestry journey.

Research your family history, and then visit the towns, cities, or countries where your ancestors once lived.

Walk in their footsteps, explore local archives, and connect with distant relatives to deepen your understanding of your family’s past. This unique form of travel can be a profoundly moving and enlightening experience.

Festival Hopping

travel the world hobbies

Experience the world’s diverse cultures by attending festivals and celebrations in various destinations.

From the vibrant colors of Holi in India to the energetic rhythms of Rio’s Carnival, there’s a festival for every interest and taste.

Plan your trips around these events, and immerse yourself in the music, dance, food, and traditions that make each culture unique.

Having enjoyable travel hobbies provides endless opportunities for personal growth, learning, and adventure.

By integrating your hobbies into your journeys, whether it’s scuba diving, urban sketching, or wine tasting, you’ll immerse yourself in the world’s diversity and create lasting memories.

Ultimately, any hobby can become a travel hobby with the right mindset and planning.

Embrace your passions and let them guide you as you explore the globe, fostering deeper connections with people, places, and cultures along the way. The adventure of a lifetime awaits!

Looking for more great hobbies? Check out our Huge List of Popular Hobbies from A to Z and start something new…

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10 hobbies that allow you to travel the world

Table of Contents

Hobbies that allow you to travel the world? Are you someone who loves to travel and explore new places? Do you feel like you’re missing out on unique experiences when you visit a new place and stick to the typical tourist attractions? If so, then incorporating travel-related hobbies into your trips could be the perfect solution. By engaging in hobbies that allow you to travel the world, you can immerse yourself in local cultures and experiences that you might not have otherwise discovered.

One of the most popular travel hobbies is photography. Whether you’re a professional photographer or enjoy taking photos for fun, capturing the beauty of a new place through your lens can be a rewarding experience. Not only does photography allow you to document your travels, but it also encourages you to explore different areas and seek out exciting subjects to photograph. Plus, the memories you create through your photos can last a lifetime.

In addition to photography, countless other hobbies can enhance your travel experiences . From artistic pursuits like painting and drawing to culinary adventures like cooking classes and food tours, there are endless ways to engage with local cultures and learn new skills while you travel. Outdoor activities like hiking, surfing, and skiing can also provide unique opportunities to explore new places and challenge yourself physically. And if you’re interested in mindfulness and self-reflection, practices like yoga, meditation, and journaling can help you connect with your surroundings on a deeper level.

Key Takeaways

  • Incorporating travel-related hobbies into your trips can enhance your experiences and help you discover new aspects of local cultures.
  • Photography is a popular travel hobby that allows you to document your travels and explore new areas.
  • Other travel hobbies include artistic pursuits, culinary adventures, outdoor activities, and mindful practices.

Photography While Traveling

hobbies that allow you to travel the world - maui

10 Hobbies That Can Take You Around the World

Traveling the world is a dream for many. While some save for vacations, others turn their passions into opportunities to explore new destinations. Here’s a list of hobbies that can give you the perfect excuse to globe-trot!

  • Travel Blogging & Vlogging :
  • What it is : Documenting your travels through articles or videos.
  • Travel Potential : Attend global conferences, get sponsored trips, or explore off-the-beaten-path destinations for unique content.
  • Photography :
  • What it is : Capturing the beauty of diverse landscapes, cultures, and moments.
  • Travel Potential : Participate in international photo exhibitions, or get assignments from global magazines and tourism boards.
  • What it is : Exploring the underwater wonders of our planet.
  • Travel Potential : Dive in world-famous sites like the Great Barrier Reef, Galápagos Islands, or Indonesia’s Raja Ampat.
  • Bird Watching :
  • What it is : Observing and studying birds in their natural habitats.
  • Travel Potential : Travel to renowned bird-watching spots in Costa Rica, Borneo, or South Africa’s Kruger National Park.
  • Wine Tasting :
  • What it is : Exploring the nuanced world of wines.
  • Travel Potential : Visit iconic wine regions like Bordeaux in France, Napa Valley in the USA, or Barossa Valley in Australia.
  • Hiking & Mountaineering :
  • What it is : Conquering terrains and mountains on foot.
  • Travel Potential : Challenge yourself with the Inca Trail in Peru, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, or the Everest Base Camp in Nepal.
  • Dance & Music Festivals :
  • What it is : Reveling in global rhythms and beats.
  • Travel Potential : Dance at Brazil’s Carnival, lose yourself at Tomorrowland in Belgium, or resonate with Rajasthan International Folk Festival in India.
  • Yoga & Meditation Retreats :
  • What it is : Seeking inner peace and holistic health.
  • Travel Potential : Attend retreats in Bali’s Ubud, India’s Rishikesh, or Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula.
  • Culinary Exploration :
  • What it is : Discovering flavors, dishes, and cuisines from around the world.
  • Travel Potential : Take cooking classes in Italy, savor sushi in Japan, or explore the street food scene in Vietnam.
  • Volunteering & Eco-Tourism :
  • What it is : Making a positive impact while traveling.
  • Travel Potential : Conserve wildlife in Kenya, teach in Cambodian schools, or help build sustainable communities in Guatemala.

Final Thought : Hobbies that allow you to travel the world

Hobbies that allow you to travel the world

These hobbies are more than just pastimes; they are gateways to experiencing the world’s diversity. Whether it’s the siren call of distant landscapes, the allure of unique cultures, or the thrill of new challenges, your passion can be your passport to globe-trotting adventures. Safe travels

Additionaly : Unique Travel Recommendations for POC Travelers :

People of Color (POC) travelers often seek destinations and experiences that are not just enriching, but also inclusive and sensitive to their unique backgrounds and experiences. Based on the list of hobbies and global opportunities provided above, here are some tailored recommendations for POC travelers:

Unique Travel Recommendations for POC Travelers :

  • Narrative Blogging & Vlogging :
  • What to Do : Chronicle your travels through a lens that highlights POC experiences worldwide, shedding light on diverse cultures, stories, and challenges.
  • Where to Go : Visit places with significant historical and cultural relevance for POC communities. For instance, explore the African diaspora’s roots in countries like Brazil, Cuba, and Jamaica.
  • Photography with a Focus :
  • What to Do : Capture stories of indigenous people, local communities, and their traditions.
  • Where to Go : Spend time with the Maasai in Kenya, the Quechua in Peru, or the Ainu in Japan. Showcase their stories, attire, and ceremonies.
  • Engage in Culinary Explorations :
  • What to Do : Explore global cuisines, emphasizing the histories, migrations, and the confluence of cultures.
  • Where to Go : Delve into Creole cooking in Louisiana, trace the Indian culinary influence in Malaysian dishes, or explore the Afro-Peruvian culinary scene in Lima.
  • Music & Dance Festivals :
  • What to Do : Engage with art forms that have evolved from POC heritages.
  • Where to Go : Attend the Zanzibar International Film Festival which focuses on African content, groove to reggae at Jamaica’s Reggae Sumfest, or learn about Flamenco’s Moorish and Romani roots in Spain.
  • Yoga & Meditation with a Twist :
  • What to Do : Seek spiritual practices rooted in non-Western traditions.
  • Where to Go : Join Vipassana sessions in Myanmar, learn ancient African spiritual practices in Ghana, or partake in indigenous-led Ayahuasca ceremonies in the Amazon rainforest (with respect and caution).
  • What to Do : Support initiatives that empower POC communities and protect their traditions.
  • Where to Go : Contribute to community projects in townships in South Africa, support sustainable tourism in indigenous reserves in Costa Rica, or teach in schools in regions like rural India.
  • Delve into Literary Trails :
  • What to Do : Read literature by POC authors and visit the places they describe.
  • Where to Go : Walk the streets of Calcutta through Jhumpa Lahiri’s narratives or explore the Mississippi Delta, keeping Jesmyn Ward’s poignant tales in mind.

Final Thought : Traveling as a POC offers an opportunity to reclaim narratives, build bridges, and foster understanding. It’s about connecting with diverse communities, sharing stories of resilience and celebration, and broadening the world’s perspective. Every journey can be a step towards a more inclusive world. Safe and insightful travels!

For More Info :

31 Healthy Hobbies for Travelers

Healthy hobbies for travelers.

Genuinely healthy hobbies for travelers, or anyone, are the kind that challenge the mind or the body, or even both at the same time,  and  give you the opportunity to connect with others if you want to. These hobbies are a step above crosswords or Sudoku, though those are great as well.

Truly healthy hobbies have the long-term potential power to age well – cognitive stimulation, an unending source of joy, something to look forward to and a community to share it with, on your terms. What follows are 31 hobbies for those of you who want to living longer, healthier, and happier.

Hobbies That Build Your Brain

1. learn a new language.

When you learn a new language, you increase your brain’s ability to process information, multi-task and focus. It improves your attitude and outlook on life, and gives you confidence in navigating the world around you.

Traveling with even just a rudimentary ability changes the way you see the world and the way the world responds to you.

How to Start

  • Free apps such as Duolingo are a fantastic way to begin learning a new language.
  • Enroll in a language course online or your local community college.
  • Immerse yourself in the culture and language you want to learn by visiting a new country and staying a while. Bring a pocket guide or language translator app, such as Google Translate, to help you as you learn.

2. Blogging

Building a blog is creativity in whatever direction you want to go, and sharing what you know to help others. It can be challenging, yet you can go at your own pace and receive as much help as you want along the way. 

And as you expand and connect with others, those others have similar values and goals and suddenly you are swimming in a community that suits you perfectly.

  • Think about your niche and what you would like to focus on.
  • Read online or watch YouTube videos on the basics of blogging.
  • Enroll in an unbelievably fantastic course to get yourself going. Here’s a free demonstration of how my favorite one works.

3. Painting

The beauty of painting is that you don’t have to achieve excellence to achieve the benefits. It improves eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills and stimulates creative connections within your mind.

And last and possibly the most important, connects you with the place you’re in and the people you encounter along the way.

  • Read about the various styles online.
  • Watch YouTube videos about how to start in the style that works for you.
  • Purchase the basics you need and remember that it’s the joy you get from it that matters most.

4. Education

Constantly learning something new is one of the healthiest activities you can do for mental acuity, self-confidence and prevention of dementia.

Whether you’re taking a cooking class in Spain, an art history tour in France or basket weaving in Africa, you’re giving your mind a workout and connecting solidly with the community you’re in. Plus it’s a ton of fun!

  • Identify what you love to do.
  • Identify aspects of your love that you would like to learn something more about.
  • Watch videos or take a class to get yourself going in the right direction.

Patience, perspective, critical thinking, humility. You can acquire all of these in your efforts to learn and play chess and all of them improve your cognitive abilities.

In addition, nearly anyone of any age, everywhere in the world can play and quite often you will find yourself connecting over a chessboard in some random park thousands of miles from home, with someone twice your age. Or half your age.

  • Learn how to place chess online or from someone you know, preferably the latter.
  • Play with friends and family members.
  • Join a chess club, in person or online, at home and anywhere you travel.

6. Genealogy

Genealogy is the art and science of exploring your family history – names, relationships, marriages, births and deaths throughout the history of your family.

It can introduce and connect you to new people, events, cultures and ideas you never thought possible. It’s an adventure on its’ own, and a somewhat addictive one as well.

  • Read about the basics of genealogy online.
  • Join social groups with the same interest.
  • Share your new passion with friends and family.

7. Journaling

Travel journaling is telling a story of what you see, eat, meet, find, learn and do along your journey, in whatever detail your heart desires. You can write, draw, collect momentos to put in your journal or a combination of any of those.

All of these helps to cement the good memories and to process those little things that didn’t quite go as planned.

  • There are many kinds of journaling, even for travelers. Do some reading to identify the kind that speaks to you.
  • Purchase yourself a journal that you love.
  • Take it with you wherever you go.

8. Scrapbooking

Organizing and presenting your photos can be a creative and therapeutic stroll down memory lane. There are clubs, classes and supply stores, all overflowing with people you can celebrate this art with. What’s more, you’re creating something you’ll appreciate for decades to come.

  • Read about the various kinds of scrapbooking to identify the way you would like to present your photos and memories.
  • Choose a style that speaks to you and learn more about it by watching videos online or speaking to a knowledgeable friend.
  • Purchase your supplies and get going.

Hobbies That Build Your Body

9. plant appreciation.

Whether you’re gardening at home, strolling through a plant store in a foreign country, ducking under an enormous leaf on the trail or stopping to smell the flowers in a field overflowing with them, plants are peaceful.

Plant appreciation improves your mood, reduces stress and lowers blood pressure.

  • Include plant stores in your travels. You don’t have to buy anything, just appreciate and learn.
  • Include famous gardens in your journey to different places.
  • Include local gardens and farmers markets in your travels.

10. Dancing

Dance is for EVERYONE and is good for the heart, head and body. You can take classes or find places to dance pretty much anywhere because people all over the world love to dance.  Even more fun is learning new styles and the cultures that go along with them. Give it a try!

  • Read and watch videos online to learn about the different styles of dance.
  • Join a class in the style you most appreciate.
  • Locate clubs or communities wherever you go that are of the same or similar style or try a new style while out and about.

Regardless of your skill level, yoga will improve the quality of your life now and in your later years. It’s easy on the joints and builds even the tiny muscles that you need for better balance and coordination.

There is a stunning array of options available in most cities, and all you need to do is look. Indoor or outdoors, you’ll always find a community that welcomes you.  

  • Read about the several different kinds of yoga and identify which one you would like to start with.
  • Watch and participate in the free videos available on the internet.
  • Join a class at home or wherever you go.

12. Walking or Hiking

The most popular form of exercise in the U.S., possibly the world. Walking is good for your whole body . Fresh air, exercise and ever-evolving scenery along the way. There are nature trails, waterfall trails , beaches or sidewalks pretty much everywhere you go.

You can find walking tours and hikes for beginners just about everywhere and meet like-minded people in the process. Explore in a group or at your own pace and you will more fully appreciate your destination wherever you go.

  • Get yourself some comfortable shoes.
  • Find a friend at home or go solo and get outside.
  • Make a point of joining walking tours wherever you go.

13. Body building

Slightly more intimidating than yoga, but equally beneficial. Building muscle builds strength and coordination, which you need for everything in life. It increases bone density, enhances weight loss, helps prevent dementia and helps to maintain function and independence later in life.

Body building, and attending gyms around the world, provides an opportunity to meet new people, learn new techniques and welcome new ideas.

  • Buy yourself a set of weights for home use.
  • Join a local gym and consider a personal or group trainer.
  • Look for gyms wherever you go that have drop-in rates.

14. Geocaching

Geo-caching is an outdoor adventure that you can do anywhere, anytime. Search for caches hidden all over the world. Take something, leave something, sign the log.

Good for logical thinking, loads of laughter, community and physical exercise.

  • Join .
  • Explore locally.
  • Explore everywhere you go. It’s a fantastic way to see new and interesting aspects of a new city.

15. Stand-up Paddle or Kayaking

This has to be the most relaxing form of exercise I’ve ever tried. Especially if you’re sitting down for it.

You can usually find both group paddling tours and private rentals available, letting you choose the level of community and security. Many places even offer classes to teach you how to get started and help you figure out what to bring . It’s easy on the joints and soothing for the soul.

  • Take a class or go on a local event.
  • Consider purchasing your own board.
  • Identify trips wherever you go that offer paddle boarding. There are lots!

16. Group Fitness

Everything from yoga in the park, dancing in the dark, air kickboxing, HITT, bootcamp to pilates, there’s something for whatever interests you. All you need to do is keep an open mind and bring along workout wear. You get a workout and meet new people along the way.

  • Try Zoom classes you think you might enjoy.
  • Try different kinds of classes that you think you might like locally.
  • Try different classes when you’re away from home.

17. Running

Running is an incredible exercise. It improves your cardiovascular fitness, improves physical and mental endurance and provides the opportunity to see new things in new places. You can connect with running communities anywhere, travel for “competitive” races for the fun of it or go on your own.

  • Get yourself fitted for running shoes if you don’t already have them.
  • Start slow, a combination of walking and running, and go at your own pace.
  • Go outside, at home or away.

18. Star Gazing

Did you know you can find your way in the dark by using the stars for navigation? It’s fascinating and beautiful and there’s a worldwide community that loves it. There are meetups, classes and private tours that will take you away from the city, reconnect you with nature and inspire your imagination.

Some fantastic International Dark Sky Parks include Joshua Tree in California, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, and Mayo Dark Sky Park in Ireland.

  • You can read and watch videos about the basics of star gazing online for free.
  • Go on a star gazing tour at home and while away.

19. Trekking

Trekking is different than walking or hiking because trekking involves more than one day. It’s often a test of endurance, of both physical and mental strength and can be done alone or with others.

Think Camino de Santiago in Spain, the Inca Trail in Peru, the Great Ocean Walk in Australia, or the Cotswolds Way in the United Kingdom.

  • Identify a trek that speaks to you by reading online or in social groups.
  • Start training by walking longer and longer distances at home.
  • Start saving, money for your journey and vacation time from work.

20. Bird Watching

Patience, mindfulness, time in nature, the chance to see something stunning yet random. Bird watching is a global hobby for every kind of personality. It tends to lower stress levels, improve memory, encourage physical activity and promote friendship.

  • Learn about the kinds of birds in your area by reading online.
  • Learn the basics of bird watching with free videos and social groups in your area.
  • Get outside, on your own or with a group, locally or everywhere you travel.

The beauty of bikes is that it is low impact with an extremely high cardiovascular workout. Whatever you choose, bikes can take you places that just aren’t accessible any other way.

You can take a gondola up a mountainside and bike down. Take a bike tour that shows you half of Sweden. Rent an e-bike to explore Seville or even go up the Road to the Sun before vehicle traffic is allowed to.

  • Learn about the different kinds of biking and what most interests you.
  • Identify social groups in your community with the same interests.
  • Identify tours and events wherever you travel.

22. Swimming

Water sport or solo, swimming is generally low impact and offers an incredible cardio workout. Build your muscles and your community by finding a pool, pond or park that works for you.

Just remember your swimsuit, as different countries have different rules.

  • Find a local pool and use it, take classes if you need to learn to swim.
  • Stay in a hotel with a swimming pool.
  • Visit the beach and bring your swimsuit.

Hobbies That Feed Your Soul

These are a few hobbies that can relax you , inspire you or simply make you thankful.

Whatever kind of music you like, you will find peace, happiness, childhood memories, community and a glimpse into the culture of the community you’re in. It can be soothing and calm or joyous and uplifiting.

Local bands, concerts, kids on the street, musicals on Broadway, you can never go wrong with making music part of your travels.

  • Find a radio station you like.
  • Make a playlist of your favorite songs.
  • Find musicals, shows and concerts at home and wherever you go.

24. Photography

Photography changes the way you look at the world – be it an angle, the lighting, an expression or the feeling of a photo that calls to you. And you’re not alone. There are thousands of people in this world willing to talk for weeks on this topic, people who plan events simply so that they can spend time with like-minded strangers.

  • Learn the basics of photography online for free.
  • Practice at home and everywhere you travel.
  • Join photography tours locally or abroad.
  • Take vacations specifically for the photo opportunities!

25. Volunteering

Help others while helping yourself. Volunteering creates community and gets things done.

Whether you’re teaching English, building roads or building homes in a third world country, spending your time thinking of anyone but yourself will give you peace of mind , gratitude, perspective and a sense of accomplishment and community you’re unlikely to find any other way.

  • Do some online research to identify the volunteer options that interest you.
  • Sign up for local opportunities to see how you like it.
  • Sign up for volunteer opportunities around the world.

Join a book club, read a book, write a book – books are the easiest and least expensive way to travel outside of your daily life.

Book clubs are everywhere and even online as well. They bring a shared sense of purpose without demanding too much from you, but let you build the community that works for you.

  • Start reading, keep reading.
  • Join a book club, in person or online.
  • Visit bookstores and libraries everywhere you travel.
  • Read about your destination before you leave.
  • Read books set in whatever destination you plan to travel.

27. Textile Therapy

Yarn store shelves

Learn to knit, crochet or pick up embroidery. This is a peaceful process, even when you don’t know what you’re doing. Once you learn the basics, it’s easy to let your mind wander and relax while knitting, to reflect or to plan or to dream.

The world is full of people who enjoy this hobby and events you can attend. Find one as you travel and you will find friendship, peace and possibly even learn something new about style, techniques and materials.

  • Identify the type of textile therapy that most interests you.
  • Read about it and watch videos online.
  • Join a local club or event for it and then search for the same in new places.

28. Eco-preservation

A specific kind of volunteering, this one involves protecting, rebuilding or preserving some part of the natural world. Whether you’re cleaning beaches, protecting sea turtle nests, tagging birds or planting trees and repairing trails, you’re doing something you can be proud of.

And most likely, building meaningful and lasting relationships as well.

  • Ask yourself what interests you most, where do you want to see a positive change in the environment.
  • Explore options for volunteering in that area, at home and away.

29. Meditation

There are so many kinds of meditation, and all of them reduce stress, lower your blood pressure and provide perspective in this crazy world. The practice of meditation is sometimes slightly different depending on where you go, even though the end result is the same.

Give this kind of self-care a try, as part of a private class or a group instruction and open your mind to new possibilities and people.

  • Make use of free videos and apps to identify what speaks to you.
  • Identify local classes to help you get started and progress.
  • Identify classes, workshops or retreats around the world.

30. Martial Arts

Karate class

Whatever your age, you work towards small and big goals, develop a community, improve physical fitness, and enhance your sense of well-being and purpose.

When you travel and temporarily join a dojo, you are accepted as part of their community and goals. You learn new ways of doing the same thing and form lasting friendships where distance doesn’t matter.

  • This hobby takes a long time to be proficient, but only a day to get started. Learn about the different kinds of martial arts online and what might be the best one for you.
  • Join a free beginner class locally.
  • Sign up for a commitment, then look for classes and events wherever you travel.

Food connects us, all over the world. It’s central to our well-being and embracing it brings joy and community, as well as incentive to work out.

Whether it’s a cooking class, a farmer’s market, dining together or my personal favorite, food tours, a sincere appreciation of food will bring you a solid understanding of the culture and community you’re in.

  • Take a food tour, first thing, when you arrive at a new destination.
  • Sign up for a cooking class wherever you go.
  • Ask all about the food you’ve been given until you are satisfied with knowing as much as you would like to.

Bonus Hobby

Travel in new ways.

Traveling cultivates your curiosity , forces you to step slightly out of your comfort zone and gives you something to look forward to. Lastly, and possibly the most important, it cultivates friendships and community, with the people you meet on your travels and the ones you bring your stories home to. 

Do you always travel with the same people and in the same style? Challenge yourself to experience something new – solo, group travel , indie, girls only , or adventure.  Your imagination is the only limit.

  • Try something new at home, a local tour you’ve always thought about.
  • Take a solo trip or join a group travel experience if you never have.
  • Take a themed vacation, exploring all of the bookstores, museums, beaches, parks OR best restaurants in the area.

Which hobbies make you a better traveler?

Here are some cool travel hobbies that can help you make the most of your journey.

  • Photography – If you enjoy taking pictures, photography as a travel hobby can help you capture the essence of the places you visit and create lasting memories. You can also use your photos to create a travel diary or share your experiences with others.
  • Learning a new language – Learning the local language can help you communicate with locals, make new friends, and immerse yourself in the culture. It also shows respect for the local culture and can help you understand it better.
  • Reading – Reading books and articles about travel can help you learn about different destinations, cultures, and customs. This can give you a better understanding of what to expect and how to behave in different situations.
  • Hiking – Hiking is a great way to explore nature and get some exercise while traveling. It can also help you discover hidden gems and off-the-beaten-path destinations.
  • Cooking – Cooking classes or food tours can help you learn about the local cuisine and culture. You can also try new foods and bring back recipes to share with friends and family.
  • Writing – Keeping a travel journal or blog can help you reflect on your experiences and document your adventures. It can also help you remember the details of your trip and share your insights with others.
  • Visit Museums – Many people enjoy exploring museums to learn about different cultures, historical events, art, and science. Museums provide a great opportunity to expand your knowledge, discover new interests, and appreciate the creativity and innovation of others. Some people even travel the world specifically to see certain museums, collect souvenirs or take photos of their favorite exhibits to remember their experiences.

What are some hobbies that allow you to travel the world?

The best travel hobby is the kind that finances your adventures and trips. Being paid to do something you enjoy makes life more enjoyable on every level. Here are a few ideas to think about.

  • Travel blogging – Blogging about your travels can allow you to earn an income while seeing the world. By sharing your experiences and tips with your readers, you can build a following and potentially earn money through advertising, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing.
  • Photography – If you have a talent for photography, you can sell your photos to stock photography websites or offer your services as a freelance photographer. This can allow you to travel the world while earning an income.
  • Scuba diving, snorkeling or surfing – If you enjoy scuba diving, snorkeling or surfing, you can travel to destinations around the world to pursue these hobbies. You can also become a scuba diving or surfing instructor and teach others while traveling.
  • Volunteering – Volunteering for non-profit organizations can allow you to travel the world while doing good. You can find opportunities to volunteer in fields such as conservation, education, healthcare, or community development. While this doesn’t tend to pay in cash, you often receive free food and lodging in exchange.

What are some fun hobbies for women over 50?

There are countless fun hobbies that women over 50 can enjoy!

  • Painting or drawing – Many women find great joy in exploring their creative side through painting or drawing. Whether it’s watercolors, acrylics, or charcoal, there are endless possibilities for artistic expression.
  • Photography – Photography is a great hobby that allows you to capture the beauty of the world around you. You can experiment with different types of cameras and lenses, or even try your hand at editing and post-processing.
  • Gardening – Gardening is a wonderful way to get outside, get your hands dirty, and grow your own fruits, vegetables, and flowers. You can also create a beautiful outdoor space to relax and enjoy.
  • Yoga or Pilates – Yoga and Pilates are great low-impact exercises that can improve flexibility, strength, and balance. Plus, they can be done in the comfort of your own home or in a class setting.
  • Traveling – Traveling is a wonderful way to explore new cultures, try new foods, and see new sights. The hobby of traveling is a fantastic way to spend your life, whether you travel full time or once a year. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a trip around the world, there’s always something new to discover.
  • Reading – Reading is a great way to relax and escape into a good book. You can join a book club or start your own, or even write your own book if you’re feeling creative.

These are just a few ideas of healthy hobbies for older women, for any person actually, but there are countless hobbies out there to enjoy.

The best travel hobbies will be the ones that you enjoy, the ones that give you something to look forward to. The key is to find something that you’re passionate about and that brings you joy!

Frequently asked questions about traveling hobbies.

A travel hobby is an activity that involves exploring new destinations, experiencing different cultures, and discovering unique attractions. It often includes planning trips, visiting various locations, and immersing yourself in the joy of discovering new places, meeting new people and creating memories.

The hobbies of traveling alone are those of solo exploration, self-discovery, and independent adventure. They may involve activities such as solo hiking, photography, journaling, meeting locals, trying local cuisine, embracing solitude, and immersing yourself in the freedom of navigating new places at your own pace.

Traveling can be both a passion and a hobby. For some, it’s a deep-rooted passion that fuels their desire to explore and discover the world. For others, it’s a leisure activity that brings joy and fulfillment through the act of traveling itself.

Final Thoughts: Healthy Lifelong Pursuits

In summary, all of these are truly healthy pursuits and contribute to overall well-being and happiness. It takes time to build the basic skills and a little confidence to get started without them. 

It’s entirely okay not to be good at something and still love it. It makes you a more interesting person and it leads to better health, whatever your skill level.  Spending time with any of these traveling hobbies will build stability and community in your life, and challenge your mind on a regular basis.

Having an interest that can travel with you gives you a fantastic perspective on new places and peoples. Try one or all, but make sure to enjoy yourself along the way.

Dr. Tammi Kaeberlein is the owner and author of Wander Healthy, a longevity lifestyle blog that helps people incorporate healthier options into their daily lives. She's also a scientist in the biology of aging and has earned certification as a sports nutritionist and personal fitness trainer. When she isn’t writing about health and wellness, she is usually outside somewhere.

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Fun Travel Hobbies to Try in Different Countries

Family fishing on a river bank

Travelling around the world to different countries and cultures is a fantastic experience, that for some lucky people is a hobby itself. Whether you are travelling for work or pleasure, there are some activities and hobbies you can try that may make your trips more memorable and enjoyable.

We have put together this list of our favourite travel hobbies that anyone can use to add some extra fun into a work trip or bring a little extra adventure to a vacation. Here is our list of fun travel hobbies to try in different countries.

K eep a Journal of Your Travels

Journeys across the world and travels to distant destinations provide all kinds of amusing and interesting stories, some of which are too good not to share. Keeping a travel diary to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences on your travels is a great idea.

You could even dramatize events, or write a more fictional story inspired by your travels, and write a great adventure novel. Some success in this area could lead to a lifetime of globetrotting, turning your travel adventure into best-selling books!

Start a Collection or Two of Travel Souvenirs

Wherever you go in the world, you will find souvenirs to collect that are a small memento of your trip, and starting a collection of these can help you to remember your travels and help you tell stories of your adventures to your friends and family.

It could be t-shirts or baseball caps, or something you can find in a gift shop anywhere in the world. Having something with the name of a destination is always handy to help jog your memory. Another popular souvenir is a small jar of sand from the beaches you visit.


Take More Photographs and Not Selfies

Every moment of every day, people are taking thousands if not millions of photographs; but most will be of themselves. If you are travelling across the globe, be sure to take some pictures of yourself in the special places you visit, but your focus should be on the amazing sights you see in the different countries you visit.

From the people and culture to the unique nature that you can find in exotic destinations, the food and the architecture; there is so much for you to capture to help you remember your trip and show the world to your family and friends.

See our top tips from a family photograph pro how to best capture your holiday memories

Try a sport like fishing to help you explore.

Fishing is a great sport that can help you explore not just the coasts of a country, but also its lakes, rivers, and streams. Fishing is a way of life for humans in nearly every part of the world, and you can find a fishing spot and organized fishing tours just about everywhere.

Kayak new hobbies while travelling

Taking a fishing tour on a river is a great way to combine all of our hobbies listed here, and can give you a hobby to take home with you too. After a trip fishing and kayaking through a faraway river system, you may find yourself looking for a kayak of your own. In this buyer’s guide , you will find some great options.

Whether you travel rarely or make globetrotting a part of your daily business, there are plenty of hobbies and activities you can engage in when you travel to make your journey more memorable and make better use of downtime in airport lounges or awake with jet-lag.

Try a few of these hobbies next time you travel and you could find that you are getting more from your vacation than you ever have before, or you have turned a dull work trip into an adventure worth writing about.

travel the world hobbies

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25+ Fun Travel Hobby Ideas To Do At Home Or Away

25+ Fun Travel Hobby Ideas To Do At Home Or Away

Apart from travelling, what do you like to do?

It sounds like a simple question, but it’s really not.

See, for people who love to travel, travelling can be all-consuming. When you’re not planning your next trip, you’re exploring the places you’ve dreamed of visiting.

So what do you do when you need a break? How do you fill your time if you’re travelling for a long time?

Even the most seasoned and passionate traveller needs to do something different now and again. But, here’s the thing: many traditional hobbies are just not practical for travellers. I mean, you can’t exactly carry a sewing machine around with you right?!

Luckily, there are still plenty of hobbies you can do both at home and away.

To help you discover the perfect travel-related hobby, I’ve shared some of the best travel hobby ideas whatever your interests.

Ready to find a new hobby?

Fun Travel Hobby Ideas

Outdoor travel hobbies.

Is adventure travel your thing? Do you love connecting with nature during your trips? If so, these travel hobby ideas are for you!

There are so many destinations famous for their outdoor experiences. Two of my favourite memories are hiking in the Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Parks .

If you feel at home in the great outdoors, you don’t have to stop exploring just because you’re closer to home. I’ve focused on outdoor hobbies, but many cities have indoor facilities that can make practising your hobby more accessible.

Here are some travel hobby ideas to get you started:

  • Geocaching – Essentially, geocaching is a modern treasure hunting. Using a GPS, you can find containers left at specific locations all over the world. Some of these containers, known as geocaches or caches, contain small items, whilst others just have a log. Whatever your cache contains, it’s an addictive hobby!
  • Hiking – Whether you’re hiking in the mountains, or just in your local woods, hiking is one of the best travel hobby ideas and a great way to explore places that you’d otherwise miss.
  • Sports & Exercise – Playing sports is one of the most popular types of hobby. There are endless possibilities including water or even snow so there is bound to be one you love. Why not try a sport that is particularly popular in the country you’re visiting? I loved watching the Red Sox play baseball in Boston !
  • Stargazing – Have you ever looked up the sky and wondered what you’re actually looking at? Stargazing is the perfect hobby for anyone fascinated by space.
  • Fishing – Visiting somewhere close to water? Fishing is a relaxing hobby that will help you connect with nature and slow down. Just make sure you comply with any local regulations.
  • Animal Watching – I’m such an animal person and this is one of my favourite travel hobby ideas. I love any animal experiences, especially if it’s seeing wild animals in their natural habitat. Obviously what you can do depends on where you are, but to give you some ideas, I went Whale Watching in San Francisco and bird watching is really popular.

Creative Travel Hobby Ideas

Want to find a hobby that lets you unleash your creativity? There are plenty of creative travel-related hobbies that you can do.

If you follow me on my Instagram, you’ll know that I’m always doing something creative and I love crafting (needle felting is a new love of mine) . I find it’s the perfect way to relax and can even help you document your travels.

Obviously there are creative hobbies that you won’t be able to do whilst travelling, but there are always ways to adapt things.

Here are some creative travel hobby ideas to give you some inspiration:

  • Sketching, Drawing & Painting – I envy anyone who can draw well. It’s something I wish I could do but sadly I struggle with stickmen. For those of you with more ability than me, this is one of the most creative and portable travel hobby ideas.
  • Photography – There is no better way to combine your love of travel with a creative hobby than getting into photography. You’ll be able to document your travels for years to come!
  • Journaling – Not only is journaling a great way of remembering your travels, but it can also be great for mindfulness. The beauty is that you do as much as you want; you could write a line a day or dedicate pages to different locations.
  • Blogging – I *might* be a little biased about this, but I think blogging is one of the best travel hobby ideas. It’s completely portable and you get to combine lots of different hobbies like photography in one big project.
  • Videography – Prefer your photos to move? Why not learn how to edit and shoot videos of your travels? You could use a GoPro to film adventures or even start a YouTube channel.
  • Podcasting – Podcasting is becoming more and more popular. Aside from a microphone and a laptop, it requires very little equipment making it the perfect hobby for travellers to share their stories.
  • Crafting – There are so many different crafting hobbies that it would be impossible for me to list them all. Although quite a few require extensive equipment, hobbies like crochet or knitting just require yarn and needles/hooks. Maybe you could learn a traditional craft on your travels and continue it whilst you’re home?!

Travel hobby ideas

Cultural Travel Hobbies

One of my favourite things about travelling is that you get to experience a new culture.

If you’re the same, you’re going to love these cultural travel hobby ideas:

  • Reading – I think there is something magical about books and how they can let you escape to another world. I love reading books (both fiction and non-fiction) about places I’m visiting to really connect with the destination.
  • Cooking – Are you a master chef or just want to impress your friends? Learning how to cook a traditional meal from another country is a great way to satisfy your inner foodie. You could even take a cookery class and learn from a chef!
  • Learn A Language – Learning a new language, especially one that is commonly spoken in a country that you’re visiting, will not only help you during your trip, you’ll also develop a deeper understanding of the culture.
  • Postcarding – There’s nothing quite like receiving a postcard in the post. Postcarding used to be really popular but has become less so thanks to instant updates via social media and emails. Whether you send it to a friend or just to yourself at your home address, it’s a lovely way to document your travels.
  • Meditation – I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure which category to pop meditation into. So many people swear by meditation to help keep them grounded, especially in spiritual countries in Asia. If you’re visiting this region, why not go to a class and practice what you learnt at home?
  • Play Games – Whether this is playing dominoes with the locals in Miami or online gaming with people from around the world, gaming is an extremely portable hobby that you can do wherever you are.
  • Volunteering – If you want to make a difference to a community, I can’t think of a better way than to volunteer your time. There are plenty of opportunities both at home and abroad, but I recommend doing some research to be sure your project is ethical and sustainable.
  • Collecting – People collect everything so it’s unsurprising that this is one of the most popular travel hobby ideas. From stamps and snow globes to keyrings and shot glasses, pick something you love and look for them on your travels. You could even go antique hunting around the world!
  • Music – I feel like music is something that has the power to bring people together regardless of the language of the country. Visiting Nashville made me fall in love with country music which I still listen too now! You could learn a song from another country, learn how to play a traditional instrument, attend a concert or just make a playlist of songs that remind you of certain places.
  • Dance – Similar to music, traditional dancing is another great travel hobby idea. of somewhere different. It’s completely up to you if you learn it or just watch it.
  • Museums – I’m a huge museum geek and love visiting them in different places, especially when it’s to do with archaeology. Find a museum that appeals to you and learn about the history of the places you are visiting.
  • Theatre – If you’re a regular reader of my blog or follow me on social media, you will know that my other main passion aside from travel is theatre . Watching the preview of Anastasia The Musical on Broadway was such an amazing experience for me, and I’d love to see more shows in other destinations.
  • Food & Drink Tasting – Do you enjoy a glass of wine? Do you love chocolate? Tasting locally produced food can give you a great insight into a location and is one of the best travel hobby ideas. I’ve done everything from Scotch Whisky tasting in Edinburgh to Chocolate tasting in York . Why not even do a food tour of your local area and discover something new?
  • Watch Documentaries – Want to learn more about a specific place or topic? Watching travel documentaries are a good way to get an overview or remind you of previous travels.
  • Attending Events – I know this sounds very vague but hear me out. Some people love attending specific events such as food festivals or music festivals both at home and abroad. This is such a great way to combine multiple interests and see things from a new perspective.

What are your favourite travel hobby ideas? Let me know in the comments below!

travel the world hobbies

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Travel Hobby Ideas

I think it’s great that you’re reminding travellers how much there is to do at home that they might still be interested in. I didn’t realise how creative I was until I read your creative hobby ideas!

I’m so glad you’ve found it helpful! Everyone’s always more creative than they think!

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Why you should take your hobby with you when traveling

Bailey Freeman

Nov 12, 2019 • 6 min read

travel the world hobbies

Taking a cooking class is a great way to get a deeper understanding of culture as well as meet other travelers © Anders Ryman / Getty Images

Pursuing a passion can be difficult when you’re frequently on the road. Schedules get disrupted, classes and events are missed. But the good news is that loving travel doesn’t mean you always have to choose between your wanderings and your hobby or side hustle. You might even discover a new one while you’re gone!

A woman hangs face down by a rope from a colorful ceiling

In addition to being a writer, I’m also an aerialist and aerial instructor. I fell in love with the world of aerial acrobatics several years ago thanks to a Groupon and an aversion to traditional fitness classes, and now I spend as much of my time as I can in the air. That said, the activity exercises muscles that aren’t always used in daily life, or even at the gym — hand grip, forearm strength, the ability to lift your legs above your head, etc. How do I stay on top of training when I’m away from home?

I began seeking out aerial classes in the places I travel, and I’ve had some of my most wonderful experiences with the aerial community to date. Not only have I learned new skills in the air, but I’ve benefited from different teaching techniques and gotten chances to polish up my analytical skills in a different language. I took aerial hammock class in Paris , tested my acrobatic endurance in tropical heat in Mexico , learned aerial rope skills in one of London ’s railway arches and nerded out at the Montreál Cirque Festival — each destination felt even richer thanks to my time in the local circus community.

Passions and hobbies come in many forms — read the stories below and get inspired for your next trip.

A band plays on a small stage in front of an active audience

Travel for the live music junkie

A few coworkers and I have music backgrounds, all playing instruments from hobby to professional level. When we are on the road for work, we always look for something music or arts related to break up the stress of work week. Being able to enjoy something we are passionate about brings the stress level down and brings me a level of joy that not much else can match. We have been to Voodoo Fest and all kinds of music venues in New Orleans , a metal concert in Pittsburgh , Phantom of the Opera in Baltimore , a steakhouse with live jazz music in Orlando to name a few.

Cassie Malmquist, Tennessee

Snuba, anyone?

[My husband] and I typically go on vacation near the ocean, and about six years ago we discovered an activity called Snuba – a cross between snorkeling and scuba that doesn’t require certification but allows the use of an oxygen tank to stay under water. I’m not a strong swimmer and found a scuba training session overwhelming, so it’s been a good in between for us! We’ve sought it out on all trips since. So far we’ve done snuba in Grand Cayman , St. Thomas, Maui , and the Great Barrier Reef !

Amanda Wahrer, Colorado

a group around a campfire under a starry sky

Find the stars

One of my hobbies is stargazing. I grew up under the New Mexico sky and my dad passed his love for astronomy on to me by always taking us out to look through his telescope when we were kids. When I moved to a big city, I realized how much I missed seeing the stars, because there is so much light pollution. I started incorporating stargazing purposefully into my travel plans just because it's something I can't really experience at home in London. Some of the best night skies I've had were in Central Asia – remote Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have some of the clearest, darkest, starriest skies on earth. I also made a pilgrimage to the Cosmic Campground in my home state – it's a dedicated dark-skies site with low light pollution and platforms for telescope setup. My interest in astronomy has also taken me on hunts for cool space-themed museums, one of the best of which was the Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow , where you can see Belka and Strelka – the first two dogs to go into space – preserved in taxidermy for the world to pay tribute!

Megan Eaves, UK

Nature’s treasure hunt

My travel hobbies include looking for rocks and mushrooms. Since traveling out west [USA], I’ve been interested in the geology and the hidden ecology of the lands that I visit. The Tucson mountains have rocks with strands of mica, giving a beautiful sparkle under the desert sun to the earth tones amidst the saguaro cacti in Tanque Verde . Bryce Canyon in Utah amazes me with its hoodoos formed by temperature extremes. Snow Canyon is striated with black volcanic rock from ancient volcanoes. I like to hold the rocks in my hands and absorb the warmth of the sun. On a recent trip to Lake Saint Clair along the US/ Canada border, I looked for mushrooms in the woods, peeking under trees and leaves to see how many different varieties I could find. It’s like a scavenger hunt for small treasures that most of the time we’d pass by without noticing. This sort of exploring helps me learn about the natural history, to connect to and feel grounded in the places I visit.

Christy Rose, Tennessee

a line of people wearing aprons have woks and food in front of them

Cook up new experiences

I am passionate about cooking and improving my kitchen skills at home everyday. So, each time I travel, I try to find a local cooking class and I always learn so much more than I could by following a recipe. Peruvian ceviche. Pasta in Italy . Paprikash in Hungary . Krapo in Thailand . The best part, though, is meeting the chefs and other students from around the world.  

Jon Phillips, Illinois

Hit the dance floor with new friends

My two passions apart from my job are dancing and traveling, so why not mix them up together? I do many styles of dances: salsa, bachata, merengue, kizomba, Argentine tango, swing, contra dancing, waltz, a little bit of flamenco – I try pretty much anything “danceable.” I have danced in Colombia , Mexico, Spain and the United States , and I had incredible experiences in cities like Salento, Medellín, Oaxaca, Ciudad de México, Boston, New Orleans and Seville. I travel solo a lot, and dancing has been a fantastic way to meet people, to discover different [dance] styles, and, of course, feel fulfilled. I feel like dancers in general are pretty open and social, and I usually find friends to share experiences with, which makes my trips super special! 

Lucía Fraile, Kentucky

I enjoy reading local books while on location, attending readings and joining a local book club, if I can. Sites like Meetup help you find local book clubs you can join, while bookstores are great places to learn about readings and sign up for clubs. I've done it in the Virgin Islands, France , Iceland , Ireland , and Mexico; Shakespeare and Company in Paris, for instance, hosts the Feminist Book Club every 3rd Sunday of the month and anyone can join. Reading is a strong way of immersing in another culture and way of thinking. You are able to discuss different subjects with locals and understand how they experience life. Travel is a great way of widening our perspectives, of being more aware of how others live, and books are, to me, cultural and social barometers we can use to see a place beyond the surface.

Melissa Alvarado Sierra, Puerto Rico 

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6 Portable Hobbies That Enable You to Travel Deeper

  • Photography
  • Slow Travel

Deep travel is about being so present and immersed in your surroundings that you register every sound and flavor, the unique feel of a place’s air on your skin and the ever-changing slant of light. Instead of rushing to mark off museums and monuments on a checklist, slow travel leaves you with meaningful memories and a genuine connection with a destination and its people.

How does a traveler realize this goal? While being open and in the moment helps, having hobbies you can do anywhere provides a unique way to connect with cultures and landscapes all over the world. Adopting a hobby that overlaps with travel will promote an authentic means of interaction and give you a special lens on each moment you experience. Read on to discover six travel hobby ideas that will facilitate more immersive experiences and enable you to travel with a purpose.

1. Photography

Everybody snaps photos when traveling. But if you take the time to learn a little more about your camera and photo composition, your photos will drastically improve—as will your appreciation of a destination’s beauty. Like artists, good photographers slow down and pay close attention to what’s in the frame. “Photography enables you to experience a destination in a deeper, more meaningful way, as it trains your eye to seek out finer details,” says photography expert Lucia Griggi . “It encourages you to form a type of narrative, which builds your emotional engagement to your surroundings.” With that kind of focus, you’ll notice the quality of light, the smile on a face and the lines of buildings, thus bringing you closer to the authentic beauty of a destination.

travel hobby ideas - photography

2. Sketching

Whirlwind travel can leave you with the unsatisfied feeling of barely scratching the surface of a culture. Sketching makes you slow down and interpret your surroundings. It’s a highly portable hobby, since all you need is a sketchpad and pencils. It’s also a magnet for conversation—people will want to come over and see what you’re drawing. Discussing destination-specific topics encourages us to consider a place from various perspectives, as we absorb the knowledge and opinions of others.

Whether you’re a musician or a music appreciator, songs and rhythms are like the heartbeat of a culture. Music has deep roots in human society, going back at least 35,000 years. Music hobbyists can attend performances on their travels, whether listening to the traditional bera drums of Sri Lanka or witnessing the fantastic spectacle of Chinese opera. Live performances align with the deep travel tenet of being present and in the moment. The audience shares the experience of listening to musicians play a tune, knowing that no two performances will ever be the same.

travel hobby ideas - music

The world has more than 10,000 different bird species that live in virtually every habitat, according to BirdLife International. From puffins in Iceland to flamingos in Chile, you’re almost guaranteed to see birds on your travels. Exploring the world by understanding the behaviors of these fascinating creatures—from learning what a Peruvian Pelican eats to where a Blue-footed Booby nests—also helps you understand the local ecosystems. Taking the time to appreciate these winged marvels cultivates a sense of awe towards Mother Nature.

5. Wine Tasting

Wine tasting goes way beyond sniffing, swirling and swallowing. There’s enough to learn about techniques and terroir to keep the intellectually curious busy for a lifetime. The study of wine connects us to human history, from the Middle East and Europe, the tradition-bound birthplaces of wine , to the maverick techniques of New World winemakers. In-depth attention to terroir—the soil, climate and other environmental conditions of a region—enhances one’s sense of place.

travel hobby ideas - wine tasting

6. Star Gazing

Humans around the world have studied the night sky for millennia. “Just as we look up and see patterns and stars that immediately demand our attention, ancient peoples recognized those stars and constellations that seemed particularly bright, useful and beautiful,” explains Alexandra Edwards , a Silversea Expedition Expert and specialist in cultural anthropology. But as you travel around the globe, even the same constellations appear different depending on your geographic location and the season.

The name a culture gives to a particular constellation also reflects its different myths and particular beliefs, meaning stargazing incorporates anthropology, archaeology, and history. “Learning about the social and practical uses given to particular stars reveals a lot about our human nature and the extent of human ingenuity,” Edwards adds. Remember to pack a pair of astronomical binoculars and let your fellow travelers have a peek at the stars. After all, stargazing is among the most rewarding hobbies and offers a compelling way to build human connections.

travel hobby ideas - stargazing

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

How to Travel Around the World – The Ultimate Travel Resource

Written By: The Planet D

Travel Planning

Updated On: February 9, 2024

Do you want to travel the world? There is finally light at the end of the tunnel and the world is opening up to tourism again. Now that people are getting used to working remotely, many are starting to look for other places to work from once borders begin to open.

There’s never been a better time to start planning for that trip around the world. It took us several years and a lot of researching everything we could about travel to finally bite the bullet at travel full time. The world isn’t quite ready to open up, so why not start planning now so you are ready to hit the road when it does. If you start planning now, you may find yourself on a plane by the end of this year or at least in early 2022.

From deciding on a budget to creating your itinerary we’re here to help you travel the world. We’ve compiled all our resources in one place to give you a step-by-step guide for world travel. 

Table of Contents

How to Travel the World

With these comprehensive travel tip s from our 10 years of experience as full-time travelers and 20 years of traveling the world you’ll be armed with the tools and resources to start traveling the world.

Want to Travel the World?

how to get paid to travel the world

We’ve been right where you are now. We started dreaming of traveling the world in 2000 after a five-week trip to Thailand. It took us another three years of planning before we finally left for an extended journey. Also read: 21 Ways to Get Paid to Travel

It was 2003 and Toronto was in the grips of SARS. Our careers in the Toronto film industry were under threat but we knew we had to make a change. Little did we know, that travel would eventually become our career. It was the best year of our lives. So to help you start planning, we have a lot of information to share. Read more: Best Travel Jobs to Spark New Ideas for Your Future Career

Planning for Travel Around the World – Quick Links

From planning your budget to choosing your destinations and packing the right gear , these will help get you started. Check out these in-depth articles for more detailed tips to travel around the world.

  • How to Save Money for Travel: 15 Tips to Get You Started Now
  • Ultimate Pre-Travel Checklist
  • Travel Packing List – What to Pack for Long Term Travels
  • Our Best Travel Tips – From 20 Years of Traveling the World
  • 10 Tips to Help You Plan Your Dream Trip
  • 7 Common Travel Mistakes First Time Travelers Make

Step by Step Guide – Where to Start

The biggest concern most people have for traveling the world is money. How do you find it and how to you save it. We have some great money saving travel tips to get you started.

Save Money for World Travel

budget travel tips | money

It is easy to find extra money if you really set your mind to it. If travel is something that you really want to do, you’ll find the ways. There are plenty of ways to also find deals and funds for your travels.

Think of things like selling your excess clutter on Kijiji, cutting out excess expenses, canceling all those binge-watching networks, and looking for free activities in place of your expensive hobbies.

Choose Cheap Hobbies

When we first started out, we spent a lot of time exploring our backyard and honing our adventure skills by camping a lot, learning to kayak, and mountain biking, as well as going for hikes on trails near our house. We gained valuable skills to help us when we started traveling, and we saved a lot of money by doing activities that didn’t cost much.

Instead of spending money on expensive vacations, expensive dinners out, and nights at the bar, we put money in our pockets for travel, while still having adventures at home. Once we hit the road, we were prepared for anything.

  • We have an in depth post on How to Save Money to Travel the World

Travel the World on a Budget

ways to travel the world with rewards credit cards

It is amazing how you can make your money last while traveling and how you can find ways to make your money go farther. You just have to think outside the box.

Below we go through some good travel tips that allowed us to travel cheaper. With a bit of knowledge, you can use travel hacks to book cheaper flights, earn rewards, and travel in luxury on a budget.

  • For and in depth guide to stretching your dollar read: How to Travel on a Budget – Our Top Cheap Travel Tips

Travel Credit Cards and Rewards

Even if if you have a tight budget there are ways to be able to travel. A great start is to take advantage of travel rewards cards . The biggest mistake we made when we first starting our travel planning was to not enroll in a travel credit card. You can save a lot of money for travel by using a rewards credit card to make purchases.

  • Sign up for travel rewards credit cards and get instant bonuses. Cards like American Express offer 50,000 bonus points just for signing up.
  • As you shop and save for your travels, use those cards to build the points. (but be sure to pay them off each month so you don’t travel with debt)
  • Check to see what points they cover. American Express lets you move points 1-1 to Star Alliance.
  • Our biggest piece of advice, is to be loyal to one program. That way you can build points faster for free flights and accommodation.
  • If you are building piecemeal, you may have a lot of points to different programs with nothing that you can really use. So look into each card and reward program and make sure they all complement each other.

Check out this complete credit card comparer tool: Credit Card Comparer

Choose Cheap Destinations

How to travel the world cheap - budget destinations

A huge travel hack we have to keep living expenses on the road low is to look for destinations that are affordable. You can live like royalty in cheaper destinations. Cheap accommodations in Southeast Asia can be beautiful, while expensive accommodations in places in Australia and Europe can be horrid.

If you are wondering how to travel the world on a budget, the first thing you need to consider is choosing affordable destinations over the more expensive options.

For Example:

We all love the idea of over the water bungalows in the Maldives, but affordable guesthouses in Vietnam or Cambodia is the better option for stretching your dollar and keeping living expenses low.

  • Read Our information Cheap Destinations to Travel

Travel Cheap and And Even Travel for Free

Depending on your comfort level, you can find free accommodation by being creative.

From booking sites like Couchsurfing to Housesitting and even working on a farm, there are creative ways to travel the world on a shoestring budget. Finding free accommodation is a great start for those looking for how to travel the world with no money. (we talk about accommodations further down this post you can click here to skip to it directly.)

If you combine using free accommodation ideas and looking for travel jobs, you can virtually travel for free and even make a little cash while you are at it. Dave and I now travel and not only get paid, but we make money and are able to save money for our retirement. It didn’t happen overnight, but it eventually did.

Read these resources for finding free accommodation:

  • How to Find Free Accommodation Around the World
  • Why You Should Start House Sitting – Plus 5 Top Tips to Get You Started

So, can you travel for free? It is possible…in a way. But you have to work for it. It’s not free travel, it’s earned travel. If you can make enough money to have it all even out, it turns out to be free! If you mix finding free accommodation (as mentioned above) with working on the road, you can travel on a shoestring budget.

So, how do you work while traveling? We have some ideas below.

Travel Jobs

Get paid to travel guide in china

If you want to travel but find that you don’t have enough money why not look for travel jobs and finding different ways for getting paid? There are so many amazing ways to get paid to travel here are a few ideas. But be sure to check out our full article Ways to Get Paid to Travel for even more ideas.

  • Teach English overseas – One way to go abroad and get paid is to teach English. Of you have a degree you can make a lot of money teaching English overseas. But even if you don’t there are jobs for English teachers.
  • Teach English Online – But if you want the freedom to travel wherever you want, teaching online is also a great option for getting paid while traveling with more flexibility. See our full guide here.
  • Working at resorts – You can apply to work at five-star resorts from working as entertainment and poolside staff to bartending and serving.
  • Teaching scuba diving – Get certified and teach scuba diving anywhere that has water!
  • Tour leader – become a tour leader for companies like GoAhead Tours or and Intrepid Travel
  • Cruise Line – There are plenty of options to working on a cruise ship, from bartending and waiting tables to entertainment staff and housekeeping.
  • Casino Dealer (I’ve done this and it’s fun!) – Cruise Lines also need casino dealers. This is an easy way to work abroad without needing a visa.
  • Travel Photographer and Blogger – It is still possible to make money as a travel photographer but you need to have your hands in a lot of pies. I combine my photography skills with travel blogging and social media.
  • Woofing – You’ll need to read the post below to see what this is.
  • Check out more ways of making money while traveling here

Think outside the box

Are you good with kids? Perhaps you could be an Au Pair. If this is something you are interested in, AuPair World i s a good place to start looking It can place you in a position abroad. Do you have a medical background? Look into places that offer medical internships abroad. Or look into Doctor’s Without Borders. They need everything from pharmacists, to nurses and sanitation specialists.

Think about your skills and put them to work. It is easier than ever to work remotely. We have hired social media assistants, people with website design experience, and technical help.

Are you thinking, I want to travel the world, but don’t know where to begin? Read About more ways to make money and travel:

  • How to Get Paid to Travel
  • How to Be a Professional Travel Blogger – 12 Steps to Financial Freedom
  • How to Start a Travel Blog in 11 Easy Steps

How Much Does it Cost to Travel the World?

The cost of traveling the world depends on a lot of factors and varies greatly on what your style of trip you plan to have.

  • What your budget is?
  • Are you a solo traveler?
  • Are you traveling with your family?
  • Are you a couple?

But, it costs less than you probably imagine. Nomadic Matt explains how to travel the world cheap in his book, Travel the World on $50 a Day. If you want to learn how, check it out.

But it also depends on what type of experiences you want. We could spend very little money hanging out on a beach in Vietnam, but if we want to do epic adventures, it costs more. We spent more than our full monthly budget climbing to Everest Base Camp, but it was worth it. You need to budget for that “wow” experience during your travels.

If you are in the planning stages and want a good reference, the website Budget Your Trip is a good resource for figuring out your budget country by country.

To decided how much you think you will spend when traveling the world, you have to take these factors into consideration:

  • What countries you are visiting
  • What type of accommodation you want to stay in
  • How long you plan to stay at each place.
  • Are you taking organized tours or traveling independently?

If you travel in Southeast Asia you could travel on $50 (per person) a day that Nomadic Matt’s book recommends.

If you want to stay in more luxurious accommodations, Southeast Asia is a good choice to stay in luxury on a budget. In Thailand, we stayed in the beautiful Royal Orchid Sheraton for less than $100 per night. It was luxurious and a great location for only $50 per person per night.

But note: Southeast Asia also has beautiful five-star hotels that can break the bank too. You can’t just expect to travel on a budget without doing your research.

In Europe and Australia, you are looking at at least $125 – $150 per day per person for budget travel.

New Zealand has very expensive adventures and activities that can cost anywhere from $100 – $250 NZD per person, but travel can be quite affordable. We first toured New Zealand with the Flying Kiwi . This was a bare-bones tour with camping as accommodations and bbq meals included. It was a great way to get around the country on a budget. The Cost was approximately $115 per person per day.

Eastern Europe is much cheaper than Western Europe. You can travel for $50 to $75 per day per person. We stayed in some great apartment rentals for less than €50 Euro per night.

Africa and South America can be very affordable as well in the $50 to $100 per day range.

Budget Your Trip has in depth information on cost of travel destinations.

Ways to Keep Living Expenses Low

travel the world for a year and hire local guides to save money

Save on Food

Food has always been a problem for Dave and I. We put a lot of pressure on eating out but we found the best thing to do was simply go for a walk, look for a busy restaurant filled with locals and walk inside. Avoid the restaurants recommended in guide books and travel apps. Instead, go local.

Book accommodation with a kitchen so you can eat the majority of your meals at home. Having breakfast in your room and packing a lunch can save a ton of money.

When you can, pack a picnic lunch and enjoy the scenery of your destination.

Hire Local Guides

One of the best travel tips we can give you is to hire local guides when you get to your destination instead of booking in advance.

Booking tours online is easy and we do love Get Your Guide, but to save money, hire local guides at your destination. Often times you’ll have a more authentic experience at a fraction of the price.

  • Read: Organized Tours vs Independent Travel

Take advantage of free walking tours

Nearly every city in the world offers free walking tours and they are an excellent way to get acquainted with a city. You learn a lot and save a ton of money. All they ask for in the end is a tip for their service. Usually, $5 – $10 is all you need.

Travel Slow

how to travel the world with no money  - house sitting apartment stays

Naturally, you are going to spend more money if you move a lot. The beauty of traveling the world is that you can take your time to get to know a destination.

If you are a solo traveler, it is also nice to stay in one place to get to know people. We have made lifelong friends just by sticking around a destination for longer than a couple of weeks.

Plus, if you stay in one place for a couple of weeks, you can save a lot of money and have a better experience.

Modes of Transportation

When you do book your transportation do your resarch.

Good flight comparison tools like Skyscanner help you save money on flights.

You can save a night’s accommodation on your budget by traveling on an overnight bus or train. And it makes for a great adventure.

Types of Accommodation

how to travel the world with no money - camping is cheap

And finally, don’t just book hotel rooms online. Get creative and start looking for alternate accommodations. There are so many ways to save money on accommodation if you are willing to think outside the box.

  • Book Air BnBs – After the pandemic, AirBnBs are looking more attractive. to the average traveler. Accommodations are cheaper when you book an apartment and you have a more local vibe.
  • Apartment Rentals – There are other apartment rental sites like HomeAway, and even Booking and TripAdvisor offer apartment options for accommodations now.
  • Hire a campervan – If you want to travel with a lot of freedom, a Campervan is a great option. In places like Australia and New Zealand, there are a lot of rental companies like Jucy, Hippy Campers or Spaceship. Read our experience – Explore New Zealand by Campervan
  • 10 Things You Need to Know Before Living in a Campervan
  • How to Live in an RV on Less Than $2,000 Per Month
  • Utilize campgrounds – they have free WiFi, great amenities, and are very reasonable. Camping is also a great way to meet people. We traveled to the South of France and spent €20 a night!
  • Book local guesthouses upon arrival
  • Housesitting – Many digital nomads swear by housesitting. It is a way to have free accommodations and to have a more authentic experience. When you are in a residential neighborhood, you can meet people that actually live in the destination. See more at How to Become a House Sitter – Tips Start House Sitting
  • Couchsurfing – We haven’t Couchsurfed personally, but it’s a great option too that many people swear by it.How to Find Free Accommodation Around the World
  • Road Trip – Another cheap way we traveled across Africa, Europe, Asia, and New Zealand was on a road trip. With a car, we had the freedom to camp in cheap campsites, and in places like Mongolia and Kazakhstan, we could camp for free. Great ways to book a road trip is to either rent a campervan or even a car (as we did in Europe) and use a tent for sleeping.
  • We also camped our way through Spain and France with a car and a two-man tent. You can and save a lot of money by sleeping in a tent. Most campsites in these countries are located close to the city and often have free shuttles to downtown.

But the best accommodation we’ve found are usually once we arrive at the destination and look for a locally run budget guesthouse or local B&Bs. If you are creative and have the time, you’ll be able to stretch your dollar far for your travels.

Packing and Paperwork

travel the world packing tips

So you’ve saved for a year or so and have your daily budget decided for the way you want to travel, now it is time to start planning.

If you need some help with that, check out our 5 Tips to Get You Started Saving Money Now .

If you want to skip directly to packing check out these articles:

  • Packing for Europe – Tips That Will Make Your Travel Life Easier
  • Essential Tips for Essential Travel
  • The Best Anti Theft Travel Bags and Accessories
  • The Best Travel Gear – Unique Ideas for Smart Packing

Choosing Luggage for RTW Travel

Surprisingly the first thing you need to keep in mind is the type of luggage to use. luggage. Many people make the mistake of overpacking. Dave and I are guilty of this.

  • We traveled through Central America carting all our scuba diving gear with us and we were miserable.
  • We’ve carried large suitcases through Europe and suffered while navigating the metro system.

Don’t make the same mistakes we made. Pack light and use a backpack or something that you can easily hoist over your shoulders on places with a lot of stairs or uneven terrain.

We are fans of Backpacks for exended travel. When running to catch trains or buses it’s great to have your gear on your back so you hands are free.

What Type of Traveler are You?

Think about how you want to travel across the world. Are you taking more organized tours or going completely independent. We have met some people who take a year-long cruise to see the world.

Are you going to go the more Luxury route of travel or is Budget accommodation fine?

Will you be staying in one place and house sitting or renting an apartment for months on end? You can probably pack a suitcase since you won’t be moving too much.

Or are you going to be on a lot of buses and trains changing locations often? That is when you will really want to use a backpack. You won’t have to worry about lugging a bag upstairs and you don’t have to worry about curbs and doors.

Plus, you will often be flying in small planes and a lot of smaller airplanes only allow soft and light luggage. This is where a soft and durable backpack is a must.

Documents for Travel

how to travel the world documents in order

Chances are you are planning an extended trip anywhere from 6 months to a year, so make sure your documents are in order. Know what countries you need visas for, how long your passport needs to be valid for, and what vaccines are required.

COVID vaccines will probably be required for future travels, but there are some paces that require vaccines to enter a country already. For example, some countries in Africa require a Yellow Fever vaccine upon entry. Go to a travel clinic and ask a doctor what specific vaccines you will need.

Passports and Visas

A lot of countries won’t let you in without a passport that will expire within 6 months. Make sure it has at least a 6 month buffer from the end of your trip.

Also, look into countries that you may need Visas for . You can’t just cross borders without the proper paperwork. Check to see if you can get Visas ahead of time for the country you want to visit or if you can get them as you go.

Since you are going for an extended period, you will have time to apply for a Visa at the destination. So you will have to account for spending more time in one destination while you wait for your visa in another.

We have bought Visas both ways. We’ve had all our paperwork lined up before leaving Canada and we have bought visas as we went along. It all depends on how much you plan your schedule.

Buying Visas in advance limits the time you spend at each destination. Visas have specific dates you must enter and exit the country, so you will have to plan your schedule and route ahead of time.

For example, while traveling through Southeast Asia, if we enjoyed a place we have gone to the embassy to apply for a Visa to Vietnam while staying in Bangkok.

For our Visas for our trip down Africa and through Eastern Europe to Mongolia, we bought our visas in advance. This restricted how long we could stay in each country as we had to be at each border by a specific date. However, it was needed because it could be tricky purchasing Visas along the way.

If you need help booking Visas for travel, a good service is The Visa Machine.

Travel Insurance

Ways to travel the world - staying healthy and safe

Travel Insurance has never been more important. We never leave home without it and can personally attest that we have saved tens of thousands of dollars thanks to insurance. Read: Airlifted from the Amazon, our worst fears realized.

You will need to have good coverage with medical evacuation coverage and COVID-19 coverage. Even if you are the healthiest person on earth, anything can happen.

The best advice we can give is to phone the insurance company and ask them specific questions. Tell them of any underlying conditions that could void your coverage, ask what activities are included in coverage. (for example skydiving and bunjy jumping are not covered)

As about every detail that you can think of. Many people complain that their insurance didn’t cover them when needed and blame the company, but nine times out of ten it is the error of the purchaser not getting the correct coverage.

We have several articles on Travel Insurance

  • Do I Really Need Travel Medical Insurance?
  • How We Choose Travel Insurance To Best Suit Our Needs
  • Busting 5 Common Travel Insurance Myths
  • 6 Reasons you Need Medical Evacuation Protection
  • Travel Insurance During Covid-19 What You Need to Know

Plus, you will want to check for evacuation insurance so you can be airlifted should the worst-case scenario occurs.

Travel Apps

I want to travel the world where do I start - travel apps

Our smartphones have become our best tool for researching and booking around the world travel. We use KnowRoaming for data and phone calls when traveling for a short one to two-week trip. KnowRoaming can be used for as little as $3.99 a day. We usually use that for short stays, but if we are staying longer, we activate it only for our first day or two until we buy a local SIM for a monthly fee.

If you are traveling for the long term, purchase a local SIM card. These are often very cheap, have better coverage and are easy to install. You can often get them right at the airport when you land.

Before you fly, make sure you have some of the best travel apps loaded on to your phone. We keep our favorite booking websites, flight networks, and organizational apps on our phones.

Our go-to-apps are TripIt Pro, Google Translate, XE Currency Converter, Skyscanner and But we have others as well. See our complete list:

  • 31 Best Travel Apps for 2020
  • The Best iPhone Photo Apps to Help You Shoot Like a Pro

Booking your flights

how to travel the world on a budget booking flights online

When we took our first several month long trip, we booked our flights in advance with an RWT Ticket. I wouldn’t do this again, as flight schedules are set, you must fly in and out of a specific city and there are stipulations like “if you miss one leg of a trip it could void the entire trip”

We prefer to book one leg at a time, that way if we like a place we are in, we can stay longer. If we aren’t jiving with a destination, we can fly on to our next country of choice. Plus, if you are flexible with your dates of travel, you can save hundreds of dollars on flights.

travel around the world flights skyscanner

Booking sites like Skyscanner and Kayak are great for comparison.

We have an entire post on Travel Hacks for Flying

City and Rail Passes

travel around the world apps

If you are traveling in Europe, a Eurail Pass is a great way to get around and save money. Having a rail pass offers flexibility and discounts.

CityPasses are also a fantastic way to see a lot on a smaller budget. We love using CityPAss when we are new to a city as it usually has all of the top attractions in one place. Many passes like the ParisPass offer free entrances, skip the line tickets and transportation around the city.

Note : with CityPasses, you want to make sure want to see all the attractions in the city. These passes are only budget friendly if you plan on seeing and doing a lot. If you only want to see one or two things in a city, it might be better to book tours individually.

The great thing about CityPasses is that you don’t have to use them right away. They are usually good for up to a year after purchase. But, once you activate them you have 24 to 72 hours to finish up. (Depending on the package you choose)

Travel Tips for On the Road

travel the world tips

Chances are you’ve done your homework and you know what to do once you are traveling the world, but here are a few insider travel tips we learned from our years of travel.

Health and Safety

Just because you are traveling, doesn’t mean you won’t get sick or run into troubles. It’s important to be safe and think about the travel scams, illnesses and emergencies that can happen.

We’ve already talked about the importance of good travel medical insurance. But we have other references to help you have safe and healthy travels.

  • Travel Safety Tips – How to Have a Safe and Healthy Vacation
  • Top 10 Tips for Healthy Travel
  • Travel Scams Around the World and How You Can Avoid Them
  • Best Travel Snacks – Tip for Staying Healthy on a Flight

And that should help you get started traveling the world. Be sure to click the links to find out more about each subject and bookmark this post for future reading and travel planning.

So, are you ready to travel around the world? I know we are all going a little stir crazy with lockdowns and closures, but instead of being upset about not being able to travel the world right now, start planning for the future. Most people take at least a year to plan an around the world trip so the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

What are you waiting for? Plan for an exciting future today! By the time you leave to travel the world, you will be ready! Happy travels.

More How to Travel the World Resources

  • Check out our City Guides Page t o find out what to do and where to stay in Cities Around the World.
  • See how to Save Money to Travel the World
  • Our Best Travel Tips from 20 Years of Traveling the World

If you enjoyed all of these tips to travel around the world, why not share them to Pinterest for future reference.

how to travel around the world

See more of our travel tips

  • Freedom to Travel – Never Take it for Granted
  • How to Teach English Online Without a Degree

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

Join thousands of others who get our monthly updates!

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10 thoughts on “How to Travel Around the World – The Ultimate Travel Resource”

I am a traveler and I love to travel to new places. I visited some of the amazing places in the world and found themself unique and beautiful. I want to explore the whole world and visit all the places which some of us just wished to travel. Thansk for sharing this article it makes me more inspired and motivated.

While it’s gonna be a while before I can wander the Earth, I have every intention of doing so within the next few years! Your guide is a big help to me!

The article is little long but very informative. Most of the time I focus on budget travelling but I was really unable to manage it properly. But now after reading your article I found myself that I should save money in food, taking advantage of free walking tours, modes of transportation and hiring a local guides. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Nice and very informative article. It really taught me a good way how to travel the world? More than that it guides me how to plan a travel around the world while focusing on budget. Yeah, definitely we have to save on food, take advantage of free walking tours, hire local guides, etc to keep living expenses low. Thanks for sharing your experience.

great posts, loved the quotes

these are great posts and really do have alot of helpful information

Totally what I need right now. Sweet. .-= Candice´s last blog .. Dumpster love =-.

Thanks for including me here 🙂 I also field a lot of emails about people who are so interested in taking the plunge into RTW travel, but intimidated by the costs, fears, and so much of what Anil’s e-book covers 🙂 .-= Shannon OD´s last blog ..A Little Contemplation…Readjusting to a Dose of Reality =-.

Thank you very much for the review! I hope that people feel like traveling as much as they want is really within their reach after reading the ebook. I think other long-term travelers and digital nomads will also enjoy reading since we all have fears and deal with changing conditions no matter where we are. .-= Anil´s last blog .. Questions and Comments Frequent Travelers Hear Frequently =-.

@Anil You are absolutely right, I loved reading it and I am a long term traveler. I also loved the quotes from other travelers that you included and all of the great links that you provided!

Hobby Cents

Traveling As a Hobby? [A Detailed Guide]

If you’re the adventurous type that is excited to explore the unknown, then you should try traveling. Read on to learn more about traveling as a hobby.

We live in a big world, full of many unknowns. Unfortunately, we only live one life, and with the benefits that traveling has to offer, it’s in everyone’s best interest to consider making it a hobby.

Whether it is exploring new destinations, tasting new foods, learning about new cultures, or getting out of your comfort zone, there are numerous reasons to travel, and even more so if you make it a hobby. 

This comprehensive read will cover traveling as a hobby, reasons to engage, and how to go about it. 

What is Traveling?

Traveling is simply defined as the act of moving from one place to another. In this regard, it’s going from one destination to the next. 

Can Traveling Be a Hobby?

Yes! A quick Google search will tell you that a hobby is any activity that’s done for enjoyment. As with any other individual endeavor, traveling can also be considered a hobby. 

What Types of People Like Traveling? 

With the numerous types of travel and reasons to travel, it’s no surprise there are multiple types of travelers. Here are the most common types of travel personalities:

1. Adventurous

Traveling usually involves venturing into the unknown, engaging in new experiences, and meeting new people. Most travelers naturally have an adventurous spirit. 

2. Empathetic

The diverse cultures and experiences are often a drive for empathetic people to become travelers. 

3. Soul Searchers

If you are looking to find yourself, then traveling is highly likely to become your hobby. 

4. Typical Traveler

These people would rather visit a place with a tourist guide as they prefer when everything is well-planned and structured. 

traveling as a hobby benefits

Benefits: Why Traveling Could Be a Good Hobby

The world is vast, with numerous sites and experiences to provide. Here are some of the common reasons people make traveling a hobby:

1. Discover What Makes You Tick

If you have been feeling like life has just been rumbling along without a passion, then picking traveling as a hobby may help open up the world in new and amazing ways. This will allow you to try new things and figure out what you love. 

Traveling is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in culture, languages, history, biology, geography, etc. It enriches your mind and educates you far beyond any book or travel guide.

You not only learn about different lifestyles, languages and landscapes, know amazing facts about animals in their natural habitats, and taste local cuisines but also learn about yourself along the journey. 

3. Delve into Different Cuisines

The world is full of different people and cultures, and as a result, varying and interesting cuisines. Food is one of the primary reasons people take traveling as a hobby as it presents a unique way to experience different destinations. 

4. Take a Break from Work

We live in a world where everyone has hectic schedules with the aim to survive. Taking a step away from work, however, is advisable for your physical and mental health as well as work. By traveling, you get to see the bigger picture and build a stronger team at the end of the trip. 

5. Admire Nature

Travel presents the opportunity to see how small we are compared to the vast beauty of Mother Nature. From lush greenery to crystal blue waters and pink sands, our planet is packed with sites, sights, colors, and sounds that no computer screen can replicate. 

6. Learn About Other Cultures

Each destination in the world has a unique style and history. With proper guidance, you will be able to immerse yourself in a world that is entirely different from what you are used to. 

7. Strengthen Relationships

There’s just something about sharing travel experiences that brings people together. Whether it’s a family vacation, a weekend trip with your significant other, or a trip with your friends, chances are you’ll build a lifelong bond. 

Are There Drawbacks to Choosing Traveling as a Hobby?

1. travel is expensive.

One of the apparent downsides to traveling is the issue of money. Traveling, especially to faraway destinations for long, can quickly become expensive. And while traveling on a budget is possible, the pressure that the endeavor puts on your pockets cannot be overlooked. 

2. The Fear of the Unknown

If you knew precisely what you would come across in a location, it would hardly be worth visiting. On the flip side, however, venturing into new places can be scary.

We all fear being lost and stranded, robbed, hungry, tired, cold, etc. And when things begin to go south, fears are magnified to a point where they become overwhelming. 

3. Adjusting to Different Social Norms and Customs

Until you’ve amassed enough experience to immerse yourself in a different culture, it can be challenging to understand what’s normal for you may not be perceived the same way in other places. Things you take for granted in your country may be offensive or amusing in other places. 

4. Homesickness

As with most travelers, you’re bound to feel homesick. When you’re constantly surrounded by new experiences, it becomes easy to miss what you had back home, regardless of the monotony you experienced.

Sometimes it is hard to replace your old friends and family, especially when you need them the most.

traveling as a hobby how to start

How to Start Traveling as a Hobby

Compared to most hobbies, you don’t need a lot to begin traveling as a hobby. 

Equipment Required

It goes without saying that you need to be well-equipped in order to enjoy any trip. Some of the essential gear needed for traveling include:

  • First Aid Kit – While traveling is amazing, it comes with its fair share of bumps and bruises. As such, it is best to have a well-stocked first aid kit in case you fall during a hike, become dehydrated, or have to deal with mosquitos. Ensure you include antiseptic cream, antihistamine tablets, plasters, bandages, painkillers, and the like. 
  • Photocopies of Your Details – This is something that most travelers overlook, but losing your passport, travel insurance, driving license, and other important documents can easily make your trip a nightmare. 
  • Portable Battery – Having a portable battery is essential in keeping your phone, laptop, camera, and other devices juiced up when in new lands. 

Other important things include a flashlight, clothes, and toiletries.

Start-Up and Ongoing Costs

Traveling expenses all come down to the type of travel, destination, and duration. There’s no one-size-fits-all budget, and that’s why it is best to do your homework before visiting any destination. 

RELATED READING: Can Driving Be A Hobby?

Can You Make Money From Traveling?

Yes, this digital age has presented numerous ways to make money, including while traveling especially if you have a knack for vlogging or making documentaries. By posting travel videos on platforms like YouTube, you can monetize your content and even get brand deals to certain destinations.

In addition, you can make a website or blog and create content for people who like to travel and make money through advertisements and affiliate marketing. 

Similar Hobbies to Traveling

If you like traveling but want to venture into something different with a similar feeling, you can engage in similar hobbies like cycling, hiking , mountaineering, kitesurfing, and even photography.

Alternative Hobbies to Traveling

If you cannot afford to travel, no matter the reason, you can a pick a new hobby in yoga, videography, blogging, journaling, kayaking , wildlife watching, diving, language learning, music, stargazing, eating, cooking , wine tasting, collecting cool things, or drawing. 

Where You Can Learn More About Traveling

In this day and age, there are limitless places to learn about traveling. Excellent online resources include blogs, social media, forums, YouTube videos, and online classes or courses.

In addition, you will come across many books on Amazon that can teach you the basics and requirements of ideal traveling. Lastly, you can consult seasoned travelers for expert advice.

Haven't Found What You Are Looking For?

Ask us or suggest a hobby.

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10 Travel-Inspired Hobbies You Can Start While You’re Stuck Inside

travel the world hobbies

June 12, 2020


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With travel on pause and lots of us facing down extra free time indoors, now is pretty much the perfect time to pick up a new hobby. And where better to look for inspiration than your past travels?

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Chances are, you can find something that not only brings back fond memories of a past trip, but also will also enrich your future travels—and that’s a win-win. Here are 10 travel-inspired hobbies to help you pass the time until you can get back to globetrotting.

Travel photos on a wooden background

Here are 10 travel-inspired hobbies to help you pass the time until you can get back to globetrotting.

Learning a Foreign Language

What says “travel” like learning a foreign language? If you want a hobby that will both keep travel top-of-mind and set you up to be an even better traveler when the pandemic is finally in the past, take a stab at learning another tongue.

From simple (and free!) apps such as Duolingo to serious software like Rosetta Stone, there are language-learning tools out there at all different price points, letting you cater your approach based on whether you’re looking to pick up a few key phrases or going for all-out fluency.

travel the world hobbies

A screenshot of an introduction to Spanish language lesson using Duolingo free app.

And don’t count out the possibility of live lessons, either: You can get language instruction from a teacher via Zoom, or supplement whatever tool you’re using by joining a conversation group.


For most of us, photography makes its way into our travels in one form or another. Why not use the extra time at home to develop your skills and get yourself ready to document your next vacation like a pro?

Close up modern DSLR camera

Get yourself ready to document your next vacation like a pro by using the extra time at home to develop your photography skill with DLSR camera from Amazon.

Don’t worry too much about the camera you have; you can cater your approach to whatever you’ve got, whether it’s an iPhone, a DSLR camera  or anything in between. You can still study up on the core principles—aperture, ISO and shutter speed—and practice around the house in various light conditions. Between your dinners, the view out your window and whomever you’re quarantining with, you’ll be able to try out a range of styles, too, including landscape, still-life and portraiture.

Online, you’ll find more photography tutorials than you could ever hope to watch in a lifetime, so you won’t want for options there. Look for classes or demos from someone whose style resonates with you.

Food is such an integral part of a country’s culture, and for many travelers, an integral part of their travel experience. And cooking is a great way to bring a piece of that travel experience home with you. Try recreating meals you had on your trip or whipping up iconic dishes specific to your destination. If you brought foodstuffs home with you, even better!

travel the world hobbies

Try recreating meals you had on your trip or whipping up iconic dishes specific to your destination. You may try these meals from around the world with international food subscriptions from Cratejoy.

If the thought of learning to cook seems overwhelming, search for a delivery box  that suits your taste; as they send you only the necessary ingredients and quantities—along with clear instructions—they take some potential missteps out of the equation.

There are also lots of fun, interactive ways to get into cooking these days. Search for a “cook along,” where someone streams their cooking process and viewers make the same dish at home simultaneously.

If you want to add an extra element of travel-inspired fun, you can start to dive into the world of wine pairings  as well!

travel the world hobbies

Weaving on your own at home.

Inspired by the textiles in countries such as India, Morocco or Mexico? Try your hand at weaving your own! You can purchase simple wooden looms online , and weaving kits come with all the other necessary supplies. You can find all the instructions you’ll need to create your own tapestries on YouTube or on art-focused platforms such as Brit + Co (which has been running great deals on all its classes!).

When you’re done, hang your finished product on the wall or give it a functional use in your home to remind you of your favorite travels.


If you’re one of those people who has tons of maps, ticket stubs, photos and other travel scraps just lying around, why not try your hand at scrapbooking ? It’s a great way to get organized (a.k.a. empty that overflowing drawer where you’ve been stashing memorabilia) and create a keepsake that tells the story of your travels.


If you want something you can more easily display in your home, try making a mini-version of a scrapbook inside a shadowbox. These can hang on the wall or sit on top of a table, and you can theme them to your various trips.

travel the world hobbies

Lovely couple having fun dancing at home.

From salsa to tango to samba and beyond, there are so many international dance styles worth learning, and some of them may remind you of your favorite trips. Cue up some YouTube videos and get moving; in addition to being a lot of fun, dance is a great way to get some exercise indoors. Plus, when it’s safe to travel again, you can plan a vacation around putting your new skills to use!

Playing an Instrument

Girl playing guitar

Music is a great way to evoke memories; jazz transports us to New Orleans’ Frenchmen Street, fado to Lisbon’s winding stone alleys, and trad to Ireland’s cozy pubs. You can turn on recordings in your home, sure—but if you’re looking for a fun challenge, why not learn to play a new style yourself?

Let’s be honest: More of us have instruments under the bed or in the back of a closet than we’d like to admit. Whether it was something you shelved after high school or bought and never took the time to learn, your instrument can provide tons of at-home entertainment (and you can use the time you’re saving on your daily commute to practice)!

There are plenty of resources to take you down the video learning route if you don’t want to sink money into your new pursuit, but doing virtual lessons online is another option if you want to get a little more serious about it.

travel the world hobbies

Home Brewing of Beer

Got a yard and a taste for German wheats, Irish stouts or Belgian sours? You might want to consider taking up brewing . You can order starter kits online to get you going, and once you’ve gotten a couple tries under your belt, you can start branching out into your favorite international styles.


Birdwatching from your own backyard may not be as thrilling as, say, having your guide point out different species on a trek through the Amazonian jungle or listening to a naturalist on a zodiac boat in the Antarctic. But here, it’ll be the activity that’s reminiscent of your travel experiences, rather than the wildlife itself.

travel the world hobbies

Young girl bird watching

Give birdwatching  a try at home and you may just wind up cultivating an appreciation for a part of your region you never paid much thought to. And if it turns out you’re a natural, you’ll have one more thing to love about where you live.

travel the world hobbies

Two women practicing yoga relaxation exercise in a studio.

If you’re looking for a global activity that will also help keep you calm during these crazy times, look into meditation . There are so many styles of meditation and different ways to practice, with roots tracing back to countries including China, India and Egypt, to name just a few.

Bonus:Towel Origami

travel the world hobbies

Kissing swan origami towels 

Here’s another fun idea for those of you who really  miss hotels: Learn to fold towels into swans and other animals (or fun designs). A cursory search of YouTube reveals tons of easy-to-follow online tutorials, and the equipment requirements are minimal!

Final Thoughts

travel the world hobbies

Instead of thinking of quarantine as a disruption or a setback, see if you can reframe it as an opportunity: an opportunity to try something new, to relive your past travels and to pick up skills and interests you can put to use on trips in the future. If you’re lucky and can uncover a new hobby you truly love, this whole stay-at-home thing might not wind up sounding so bad after all!

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Best Time to Book a Flight

Matt Fitzgerald

14 Minute Read

travel the world hobbies

17 Minute Read

travel the world hobbies

Charlie Lewis

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travel the world hobbies


What Are Some Hobbies That Will Allow You to Travel the World?

Table of contents, so, what are some hobbies that will allow you to travel around the world, 1. traveling, 2. bungee jumping, 3. photography, 5. travel blogging, 6. mountain climbing, 7. collecting, 8. cooking and food tasting, 9. watching sports, 10. boat trips, 11. birdwatching, 12. stargazing, 13. language learning, bottom line.

What Are Some Hobbies That Allow You to Travel the World?

Hobbies can make you feel happy, remove boredom and improve your creativity.

While you can engage in many hobbies from home, some individuals usually love to travel.

Hobbies that allow you to travel are even more fun and will enable you to learn and meet new people.

Many hobbies provide you with a chance to travel the world. Traveling itself is a hobby and allows you to discover memorable places worldwide. Other hobbies that will enable you to travel the world including; photography, bird watching, falconry, snow skiing, surfing, cooking, gardening, snorkeling, diving, fishing, architecture, ancestral research, boating, golf, tennis, music, and others.

Is It Weird to Want to Go on Vacation Alone? (SIX REASONS)

Thirteen World Wide Travel Hobby Ideas

Traveling itself is a hobby that can combine educational and recreational elements.

You will learn and share a lot of knowledge with your acquaintances as you travel to other cities and countries.

Depending on the travel distance and transport means, traveling as a hobby requires proper planning regarding finances and the equipment needed during the travel.

This hobby will allow you to travel the world, visiting various cities as well as natural features around the world.

How Expensive Is Traveling as A Hobby?!? (FULLY EXPLAINED)

Today, most individuals want to escape the busy walls of home and office apartments.

For this reason, people get an urge for an extreme sport to diversify from the monotonous gray life.

This has contributed to the tremendous popularity of both new and old types of sporting extremes in the current society.

Rope jumping is one of the hobbies that will see you out of your monotonous life.

This hobby has become famous among individuals eager to add fun to their lives with an adrenaline shot.

When jumping, one feels the free fall for a while, and then the rope is stretched, throwing you up.

The best thing about the hobby is that you can practice it everywhere, with almost all cities having a unique platform for this.

Photography is one of the main hobbies that allow you to travel worldwide.

It enables you to capture memorable travel memories.

Whether you are traveling or at home, photography is a creative outlet and one of the best hobbies for travel lovers.

The recent smartphones are sufficient to get started. Just use what you have, and don’t allow the lack of professional cameras to stop you from starting the hobby.

How Expensive Is Photography as A Hobby? (Four Tips To Decrease Costs)

Music is another great hobby if you love traveling around the world.

Music enthusiasts look forward to attending music festivals in different countries to enjoy a band elsewhere for the difference in set or crowd list.

If you already have a passion for music, just look at your favorite music festival outside your home city and enjoy going from one place to another.

Another great hobby that allows you to travel is travel blogging.

If you are passionate about writing, you can consider pairing your love for writing with travel as well as photography.

Travel writing is famous although not so well-paying.

However, if you are doing it as a hobby, you can write an excellent entry for various venues and get free accommodations.

What Are Some Hobbies for Map Lovers? (Nine Ideas!)

Mountain climbers are always obsessed with traveling abroad regardless of how good the climbing in their nearby area looks.

There are many incredible places to take on mountain climbing, such as;

  • the California dreams of Yosemite Big Walls
  • the Spanish Sport Climbing
  • bouldering Rock Lands of South Africa
  • and Alpine ascents in Patagonia.

Some mountain climbers travel in vehicles, staying on the road for months, while others save for years.

Generally, traveling abroad to increase your hobby experience is a significant part of the climbing culture.

Is It Better to Take a Vacation Abroad or in Your Own Country?

Collecting is also a fun hobby for some people. If you love collecting, you might need to travel different types of the world collecting beautiful and valuable collectibles.

For rock lovers, you can combine the rock collection with the love of archaeology and history as you travel to historical sites and remote ancient ruins.

What Are Some Hobbies Perfect for History Lovers?

Food and cooking are two big things when traveling across the world.

The hobby can involve cooking, eating, sampling different foods, or learning about food in other locations.

You can go for market or food tours, take cooking classes or buy cookbooks.

Lots of travelers have created popular YouTube channels and blogs as they travel to new places and taste different yummy foods.

Cooking tours and food tasting are among the best hobbies for travel enthusiasts.

Can Food Be a Hobby? (13 Exciting Culinary Hobbies)

Watching sports is one of the more passive hobby options.

If you love watching sports , you will love to travel and watch different sports, such as pro wrestling and baseball, depending on the standard sport in the country you have visited.

This is the same with other live events, particularly festivals and concerts.

Does Watching Sports Count as A Hobby (On TV Or In Person)?

Boat trips and water sports are other hobbies to see you travel through the world.

Aquatic spotting, scenic cruises, fishing, or kayaking are some of the boat trips you will enjoy.

Whether there is a waterway in your local area or you need to travel, the hobby will see you enjoying nature and the water.

Is Kayaking an Expensive Hobby? (Nine Beginner Considerations)

Some individuals find bird watching boring, probably because they haven’t watched many birds.

Birdwatching as a hobby is often acquired once you start traveling to places with many wildlife.

You can also develop the hobby from home so that when you travel for bird watching, you can begin to note the different species.

Stargazing is one of the easiest hobbies to engage in if you love traveling.

It involves looking up at the sky during the night and enjoying the view.

However, there is also more to stargazing than it seems.

If you take enough time to understand what you are staring at, this hobby can be fascinating, particularly for space nerds.

What Are Some Nerdy Hobbies Worth Pursuing? (Eight Ideas!)

You can travel from one place to another, watching and identifying different constellations.

Learning different languages is the portal to unforgettable traveling experiences.

While you will probably survive with only English, even having the most broken attempt at speaking the local language will impress the locals.

Is Learning a Second Language a Productive Hobby or a Waste of Time?

This will also enable you to go to areas where English is not commonly used, and this is where you will make the best travel memories.

Always  learn the basics such as greetings, food, and numbers.

You might also consider taking some language lessons at your destination.

These are some of the hobbies that enable you to travel the world.

Hopefully, you have found a hobby that will allow you to travel the world.

The choice of the activity depends on character, personal qualities, and preferences.

Generally, you should choose a hobby that corresponds to your passion, and you won’t be bored.

For additional hobby ideas, pay a visit to our hobby ideas directory page.

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Hobbies are what keep us sane when our work and family commitments become stressful. A hobby you can enjoy at home and on vacation is ideal for those who have made their hobby part of a routine. If you’re looking for inspiration, here are five travel hobbies you should take up for the next time you're on a much-needed getaway.


travel the world hobbies

Breathtaking shots of the world’s most exotic places are often what attract us to the idea of visiting in the first place. Unfortunately, for many of us, our own photographs fall short of those we see in glossy magazines. Signing up for a photography workshop in your city or joining a local photography club will equip you with the basic skills you need to transform those hurried shots into ones worth hanging on your wall when you get home.

Taking up this skill encourages you to slow down when visiting new places, and soak up what's around you. Whether it's waking up early for a sunrise shot or spending a few extra minutes to allow a crowd to disperse, photography teaches patience and awareness, two things that make traveling much more enjoyable.

If your budget allows, sign up for a photography expedition such as this one with National Geographic . For something a bit more wallet-friendly, find a professional who’s based where you’re headed and see a city through their eyes as you take a walking tour together. With a bit of advice and some technical help, your work will surely improve.

Before you take your next trip, be sure to grab a travel tripod ; you'll be glad you did.

Painting or Drawing

travel the world hobbies

There’s something therapeutic about the time it takes to create a half-decent painting. Whether you fancy drawing with a sketch pad or think you’ve got what it takes to create a masterpiece in oils, there’s an artistic vacation out there that’s perfect for you. As with photography, painting and sketching require you to slow down and stay still, enjoying the moment as you attempt to capture it on your canvas. Artists might pass a whole day watching the cycles of a landmark or natural scene, coming to understand and appreciate it much better than the tourists who quickly shuffle past with their phone cameras snapping away.

Some of the world’s most scenic landscapes deserve more than a hurried glance, so park yourself behind an easel or a sketchbook and create your own interpretation of what’s before you with the help of an expert. Websites such as Painters Online compile a useful roundup of courses and trips.

travel the world hobbies

If you're a natural in the kitchen, consider honing your skills as you tour the cuisines and flavors of the world. Even a basic knowledge of cooking techniques and flavors will give you a greater appreciation for the new and unknown tastes you encounter on the road.

Cooking is a great way of keeping those holiday memories alive. It’s also one of those hobbies that family and friends can get involved with. While you’re away, consider booking a food tour . Accompanied by a knowledgeable local guide, you’ll learn about the ingredients that make a cuisine complete and how select meals are served in the most authentic restaurants. Take it one step further by signing up to a dedicated cooking school where a chef will teach you how to create those meals yourself.

Here are seven cookbooks we recommend that will introduce you to cooking methods from around the world.

travel the world hobbies

For those who like their hobbies a little less sedentary, cycling is a popular option. Whether you prefer a leisurely, long-distance ride or an adrenaline-fueled descent down a rough mountain track, this is one hobby that can be adapted to most ages and fitness levels. It's a fantastic way to experience new landscapes, while also being an eco-friendly way of getting around.

If you find yourself in Salzburg, Austria, during warmer months, book a spot on the Fräulein Maria’s Cycling Tour . This tour is Sound of Music- themed, so expect to belt out some classics while you pedal around this charming city. Too tame? How about cycling Bolivia’s Death Road? Numerous companies offer rides on this infamously treacherous route, but pick a reputable operator such as Gravity Bolivia and do your homework on safety before signing up.


travel the world hobbies

Seeing unfamiliar wildlife while on vacation is a dream for many of us, but birdwatching can easily be done in your own backyard or local park. Get a pictorial guide to the native and migratory species you can expect to see and invest in a decent pair of binoculars.

If you're searching for more adventure than your neighborhood park can offer, book a trip to a destination that’s well known for its bird life such as Costa Rica, Kruger National Park in South Africa, or the Galapagos Islands. If you’re especially keen on seeing a particular species, try Iceland for puffins, South Georgia for penguins, or Kenya for flamingos. It’s also worth signing up for a dedicated birdwatching holiday with a reputable organizer such as Discover the World or Naturetrek .

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travel the world hobbies

Fun travel hobbies that make travel that much better

A list of fun travel hobbies that make travel that much better.

While there are always the usual fantastic aspects of travel that you’d be looking forward to before you travel; The food you’ll be eating, the fantastic locations you’ve only ever seen on TV, experiencing the culture of the location, etc. You may not know of some of the following little hobbies and ideas that may make your travel experience that little bit more exciting. Travel is of course already exciting, but what’s the harm in a tiny bit more?

Photography (Of course!)

This being a photography blog, naturally this has to be the first in the list right? It’s not really the least known activity while travelling. Hell, it may even be one of the more known activities. But usually the photos taken by the casual traveller aren’t anything to write home about. You might look at them on your computer, print a few out for the heck of it but otherwise never think of them again. Try to make a point of taking great photos all the time while travelling, this way you’ll have an excellent record of your adventure you won’t be ashamed to show your friends. I don’t know about you, but showing 10 billion ‘selfies’ of yourself in front of places blocking the view does not make a good representation of your adventure. Don’t do this! Your friends are probably more interested in the people of your place, try to capture the living culture of the location through what the locals are doing. Or if you are going to post selfies of you at landmarks or whatever, make sure it provides a sense of scale, take photos of your whole body in front of the Taj Mahal, don’t get too close to the camera. Also be original when holding up the leaning tower of Pisa, perhaps take photos of everyone else doing it and laugh as how stupid they look?



Your photographs need to illustrate your stories as animatedly as you tell them. A picture says a thousand words right? You shouldn’t really be talking back to it though, a simple ‘wow’ should suffice. And that’s what your photographs should do . Try to capture vivid colours from the location you’re photographing. A Japanese shrine should have plenty of red, look for blues and yellows in India, etc. Couple these with simplistic patterns and lines spreading throughout your frame without over complicating the scene. Simplicity here is key, you don’t want to be looking at psychedelic pattern of nothingness, what’s your focal point? That painted African dancer, or the flowers in a field from Europe? Make sure they stand out from the background.

Also remember just having a camera in your hand could cause you to have adventures you wouldn’t normally have! if you have a camera in your hand, you’re allowed absolutely anywhere! Well not really.. but it often ends up that way. It’s sometimes a fun travel hobby just to push the boundires a bit on where you’re allowed to take photos from.. Just don’t be afraid to make a bit of a fool of yourself while capturing the best angle. Climb the pole there to get a higher shot, get on the floor to shoot that weird looking bug. You’re a tourist! YOU’RE ALLOWED TO!

Strickland Falls Hobart Waterfalls

Really the motivation behind this blog entry. Geocaching is really a fun travel hobby and  game playable all over the world and can be really enjoyed as a secondary thought to your real motivation of visiting the place you’re travelling to. It won’t distract you from your goals in travel, but will make the trip that much more rewarding, you’ll also be likely to discover places you hadn’t thought of before arriving; I know I have.

geocaching logo

Geocaching is a free real-world outdoor treasure hunt. Players try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using a smartphone or GPS and can then share their experiences online. Say for example I want to visit Tokyo tower, I can plan my entire day and visit down to a ‘T’ but no matter what there will always be down time. Perhaps a member of your travel group needs to have a rest, or maybe your group is taking too long eating lunch or shopping? What are you going to do? Rather than waste your precious time in this amazing foreign country, you could go find a geocache. A good example of this is when my family recently visited the Big island of Hawaii. We travelled up the slope of Mauna Kea, (the largest mountain in the world from base to top). We spent some time in the visitor’s center waiting for it to get dark and revel in it’s famous starscape visible from the mountain. So while waiting I got out my GPS and went geocaching. We discovered an impact crater that looked a little like the wormhole from ‘Star Wars’ that wasn’t marked on any tourist maps. We would never had visited it if it weren’t for Geocaching.

The contents of the geocache at Buckden Rake

The contents of the geocache at Buckden Rake

The real fun thing about Geocaching however is the treasure hunt; just finding a little container, or even something elaborate like a pirate’s chest is just so much fun, especially if you have kids in tow. You can even take this one step further and use what’s known as ‘trackables’ and see them being logged as they travel in other hobbyists’ hands around the world. A fantastic fun travel hobby you can even enjoy around your local area, good fun too.

There are similar fun travel hobby games too like Munzees and Pokemon GO where you play the game on your smartphone.

Collect something

While buying suitcases full of souvenirs can be fulfilling, how much of it do you associate with the actual travelling part? and not just for personal use like clothing, home furnishing or whatnot? Personally I collect keychains. I have a keychain for every new location I spend more than a night in I then can conveniently combine them all and label them per trip I take. Others collect postcards, which I guess can be easy to display in frames, or flat stowed away somewhere. Other ideas are pins, spoons (although this seems to be a Europe or Australian thing), stuffed toys, stamps. You can probably think of something that’s relevant to you, perhaps it’s even geocaches? 🙂

Purposely get Lost

Seriously, get lost! You’ve travelled so far to get to this new amazing spot you’ve never been to before, and yet you’re not adventurous enough to go off the beaten path? You’ve probably planned your trip quite well, so you might be hesitant to experiment a bit and wander off unexpectedly, but sometimes for me these are the times I get to experience some of the better locations I’ve been to. Great opportunity for different photos too.

Steven Duncan in front of a sign

Steven Duncan in front of a sign

Have some fun with travelling! Try new things, you’re travelling to see and experience the places you’ve only heard of before, why not make the absolute most out of the experience? These fun travel hobbies just adds a little spice to your travels, you need to supply the meal to put it on!

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21 Most Popular Hobbies Worldwide

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When it comes to relaxation and destressing in your daily life, there are few activities that are more effective than spending some time on your favorite hobbies.

Making sure you balance out the time you have for work, and the time you have to enjoy yourself, is key to ensuring you live both a productive but also healthy life.

Hobbies can benefit you in numerous ways such as boosting confidence, lowering stress levels, inspiring creativity, as well as giving you a distraction from daily worries.

Whether you have some hobbies already or are looking to start one for the first time, join us in taking a look at the most popular hobbies in the world, and perhaps you’ll find one (or more) that is right for you.

woman reading while lying in bed

Reading can be a deeply engaging and rewarding hobby to pursue as it actively powers your imagination.

The catalog of reading material is expanding by the hour and it will not stop anytime soon, effectively meaning you have an infinite selection to choose from.

Knowledge is also something that reading can provide you, whether it be fiction or nonfiction, the topics that books cover have such a variety that you could really find out almost anything about any given area.

Reading can also be a great way to unwind and just take some time to imagine yourself in a different place, as well as a powerful tool in expanding your vocabulary.

2. Television and/or Online Streaming Services

In recent years, TV and shows available on online streaming services have only been getting better and providing greater access to amazing shows.

Sites like Netflix , Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video have an extraordinary wealth of content that can range from older shows you might have missed out on, to newer exclusive releases on the platforms themselves.

Similar to reading, watching television can help you unwind and immerse yourself in a world away from your day to day worries.

Documentaries also offer a way to boost your knowledge on a wide range of topics and maybe help you discover some other hobbies along the way.

couple watching movie while relaxing on the sofa

Going to movies has been a popular pastime for years and with good reason. Whilst you could watch films on your TV at home, nothing compares to the full movie theatre experience.

Sitting in front of the big screen with your snacks, to watch that new release, is an experience you just cannot achieve with the same effect at home.

Going to the movies can also allow you to spend time with friends and family and enjoy a unique activity together.

In terms of relaxation, most people who enjoy fishing will tell you it is up there with the best of the hobbies.

Being out in nature for hours on end can provide ample time to just sit and soak in your surroundings, the choice of which is up to you.

From the sea to lakes, to small rivers and streams, the places you might choose to fish can have beautiful environments and many different kinds of fish to catch.

It is also appealing due to it having a tangible reward, you can physically take the fish home to make meals with.

Why not take a salmon fishing trip to Norway or other popular venues?

5. Online Gaming

Online gaming has been around for quite a while now, but in recent years it has really exploded in popularity.

There is a crazy amount of games out there with a huge array of genres, from fantasy games, cooking games, party games to military simulation games.

One of the major benefits of online gaming is that you get to enjoy them with your friends and spend time with them.

Most can be played perfectly fine on their own but are made all the better for bringing some company.

Online games can help improve skills and qualities like problem solving, teamwork and leadership.

6. Gardening

Gardening is a relatively accessible hobby that can provide you with visible rewards for your time spent, as well as being a great way to unwind.

Even if you do not have access to a garden, using your balcony or just having plants to take care of on windowsills in your home can be a great hobby to take part in.

A big benefit is that you get to directly see the effect over time and therefore it makes to care you have given to the plant feel very rewarding.

The other main benefit is obviously that it will make your environment look great and you get the freedom to make it look however you want.

Hiking is another hobby that can let you spend time enjoying the natural beauty of the world around you.

Some hikes are more intensive than others and may require some investment in hiking gear (such as boots and hiking poles).

However, there will also be less intensive hikes that can be done without any such additional equipment and both types of hiking can be a very good way to get some exercise in.

Probably the main benefit to most people will be seeing some of the paths through nature that hiking will take you on.

The physical exertion can help you unwind as you only have to worry about where you’re going and then getting back to where you were.

woman playing acoustic guitar musical instrument at home

8. Playing and/or Listening to Music

Music is one of those hobbies that is incredibly diverse in terms of what it can offer you.

If you have no musical experience but have always wanted to learn, then taking up an instrument as a hobby could be very rewarding for you.

There is such a wide variety of instruments to choose from and recently many apps have become available that can help you to learn an instrument without the need for you to go to physical lessons and let you set the pace at which you learn.

Listening to music is also a hobby that many people enjoy, and it is now more accessible than ever.

No longer do you need to have the specific CD for whichever album you want to listen to as there are online streaming services that can offer you instant access to a wide variety of music.

This gives you more freedom in trying out the latest music, that if you had to buy a whole CD, without knowing if you actually liked it, may have caused you to spend money on something you would never use.

9. Arts and Crafts

This is an excellent hobby to get into with surprisingly little initial investment.

You are most likely to already have things such as glue and paper sitting in cupboards around your home. which can be enough for a lot of arts and crafts projects.

You get the opportunity to let your imagination take you in whichever direction you want to go, and, in the end, the only limits are your supplies and your imagination itself.

If you are starting for the first time and are not sure what to do, there is a bounty of guides, both online and in books that can help give you some inspiration.

Once you master the basics you can use these building blocks to experiment on different potential projects.

Yoga is yet another hobby that requires next to nothing to get started with.

This particular hobby is great if all you want from time is to unwind and even learn to relax better.

What yoga can do is reinforce healthy habits that can allow you to focus on yourself and take your mind away from your worries by utilizing different breathing, meditation, and balance techniques.

Yoga can be done in a class but if you would rather do it alone you can download an app or find a guide online that you can follow to help you.

Doing yoga often can help to refocus you and strengthen your body and mind and so a lot of people tend to give it a go.

Yoga retreats worldwide are extremely popular.

woman busy cooking in the kitchen

11. Cooking

When you go out to a restaurant, is there one meal that you often choose over the rest?

If you have ever thought that it would be brilliant to be able to recreate that meal in the comfort of your own home, then maybe you should try cooking.

Cooking can help strengthen things like patience and creativity as well as being a nice activity to share with friends and family.

Perseverance is another thing that cooking can teach you. It is unlikely you’ll finish your first recipe without making a mistake, but if you keep trying, you will eventually end up with a result that you will be proud of and then you can start to branch out and try new things.

Why not try one of the international culinary schools to hone up your cooking skills?

12. Running

With a little to no initial investment required, running is another hobby that is very accessible and provides an avenue for you to relax and get some exercise at the same time.

Whilst running maybe a workout for your body, what it can also do is allow for your mind to destress and focus on just the running itself.

It is also rewarding in the sense that you can see your progress in the distance you can cover each time you run and be proud of what you have accomplished.

Another benefit is being able to spend more time in nature which also aids in the relaxation process.

There are many running competitions worldwide that you could consider attending or competing in!

couple cycling together down wet road

13. Cycling

Cycling is not only a convenient way to travel to and from work whilst keeping your environmental footprint low.

Similar to running, you can use cycling to relax your mind as you work out your body.

Typically, you will be able to cover greater distances when you cycle as opposed to run and this can allow you to use your cycling as a vehicle to get to places that would usually be out of reach.

For example, there may be a nearby lake you want to visit but would be further than you would typically walk or take longer than you would like, and so instead you could cycle which would be faster and allow you to travel the distance more easily – as well as providing you with a workout.

There are many forms of cycling that you can partake in Road cycling, Mountain Biking, Track Cycling, BMX Racing, and many more that might grab your attention and interest.

There are international cycling competitions held throughout the year in which cyclists throughout the world compete.

14. Writing

If you really enjoy reading as a hobby, then writing may have been something you have thought to pursue.

Writing is a wonderful way to transfer your creativity and vocabulary (that you can work on by reading) into a physical representation.

You could write any number of things that you could keep for yourself or share with others, whether it be a journal, poetry or for letters to send people.

Some other benefits of writing could be, helping keep track of tasks, learning how to communicate more clearly, and to be able to write out your thoughts to help process them.

Writers throughout the world join writing programs, conferences, residencies, and retreats which might inspire you to pursue a wonderful hobby in writing.

15. Collecting

This is another hobby that can really be tailored to your specific interests.

What you collect is up to you and could be anything from Pokémon cards to gemstones to little rocks that looks like animals – it really can be anything you want.

You can use your collection to decorate your home or you could keep them in display cases, which gives you another way to appreciate this hobby.

The task of hunting down additional items for your collection can also be a fun and rewarding experience, as at the end of it you will have a physical object to keep.

Collecting can also be an enjoyable way to display your interest to others when they are visiting your home.

Most forms of collections have an international group associated with it. Research your favorite theme on the internet, you’re bound to find a group of similarly minded people you can share your hobby with.

best friends sitting by the pool enjoying a bottle of juice

16. Swimming

Hobbies that involve exercise can be extremely beneficial and swimming is no different.

Some people enjoy swimming competitively, but it can also be enjoyed as a more casual hobby instead.

Going for a swim can provide an opportunity to relax as you don’t have to swim under any time constraints if you don’t want to, you can just unwind and enjoy your time in the water.

If you choose to, you can also use swimming as a way to work out and strengthen your body which can be one of the best ways to work out.

Whether you travel the world to find challenging swimming events or choose to swim in the local lake or sea, there are safety aspects that should be considered. This article on ‘open-water’ safety is necessary to read.

17. Camping

Camping is a great hobby to take part in if you feel you do not get to spend enough time in nature.

When you are out in the wilderness you can really relax as you are away from the distractions of modern life, such as computers and phones.

If you were to go camping with friends or family, it also provides an opportunity to socialize and spend some quality time with them that you may not be able to achieve otherwise.

One other benefit of camping is that it can help to reset your sleeping pattern back to its more natural state, which can be really useful if you have noticed you are sleeping at times that are getting frustrating.

Travel the world to different camp sites with your companions and enjoy different cultures, nature and scenery.

family having fun while playing board games at home

18. Board Games

This hobby can be good if you feel as though you may have been spending too much time looking at screens, be it a phone or computer, but would still like something fun to do, with family or friends, within your home.

Usually, board games have relatively simple rules, meaning that you and the people you are with will be able to get to playing almost straight away and enjoying your time together.

You may not be aware that board games first appeared around 3000BC – that of Backgammon – check out the list of the highest-selling board games of all time – you may well find a new board game to play with your gang.

19. Learning a Language

If you have ever thought about visiting a foreign country but are worried about the language barrier, maybe it is time to consider trying to learn an additional language.

Nowadays, there is a multitude of apps that can help you to learn new languages gradually over time in an interactive way.

Obviously, the main benefit of learning a new language is that you can now speak another language and therefore converse with native speakers of this new language, which can open up new employment, travel, and migration possibilities.

One thing people often miss, however, is that learning a second language can actually help you understand your original language even more – something that will benefit you in everyday life.

woman checking her cake if it is baked perfectly

Although similar to cooking in concept, baking requires a different approach.

When cooking it can be rewarding and fun to change the build of a recipe on the fly and try new things, however, with baking you really need to stick to a recipe to achieve the desired result.

For example, if you are baking a cake and you decide to change up the amount of flour you are adding it can result in an end product that is inedible.

Baking is more suited to teaching you discipline and precision when in the kitchen and if you make something that you are proud of you can share it with your family and friends (or just keep it all to yourself).

Every country in the world has their own particular baked goods. You could experiment with your own baking – ask for an international baking book for your next birthday and enjoy baking recipes from around the world.

21. DIY Projects

Sometimes you may be walking around your home and notice something that could be improved upon, say for example a shelf that is not straight or maybe the paint on your walls could look better as a different color.

Taking up DIY projects can help fix these issues in your home, as well as giving you an activity to do that can be both fun and rewarding.

Even tinkering with little things around your home can provide you with a sense of satisfaction as you will see your home transform before your eyes into something that is more your style.

Attending home exhibitions is an ideal opportunity to gain knowledge and ideas to enhance your own surroundings. A quick search of the internet will give you both local and international events available.

To conclude, there is such a great wealth of hobbies out there that you are bound to find something that you can enjoy doing.

Hopefully, this article has helped you find a hobby that can be rewarding, fun, creative, productive, or just an effective way to pass the time for you.

Even if these hobbies weren’t for you, don’t stop searching as it’s important to try and balance out your work and relaxation.

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travel the world hobbies

Is Travel a Hobby? Exploring the Benefits of Becoming an Adventurer

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Most people enjoy going on vacation and exploring new places, but is travel a hobby? If you are doing it regularly in your leisure time for pleasure, then it is a hobby according to the definition of the word ‘hobby’.

For some people, traveling may be a hobby because they enjoy experiencing new places, trying new things, and meeting new people. They may enjoy planning and organizing their own trips, researching destinations, and exploring new cultures. They may also enjoy taking pictures, writing about their experiences, or sharing their travels with others.

Whether or not travel is considered a hobby will depend on the individual and how they engage with it. Some people may only travel occasionally and may not consider it a hobby, while others may make it a regular part of their lives and may consider it one of their main hobbies. Ultimately, the definition of a hobby is subjective and will vary from person to person.

To understand why it is important to explore the world and what makes travel so enjoyable, let’s look at the benefits travel as a hobby can give you.

Travel is Fun and Relaxing

One key aspect that makes travel similar to other hobbies is that it is fun and relaxing. 

Whether you are visiting another country or just visiting someplace you have never been before, the thrill of experiencing something new can be exhilarating. The excitement of learning about different cultures and meeting people from around the globe can make travel feel more like an adventure than a chore. 

Plus, taking time away from work and home life to explore new places can be extremely refreshing and invigorating.

Travel Expands Your Horizons

Another benefit of traveling is that it encourages you to expand your horizons. By experiencing different areas, cultures, and people, you can gain insight into different perspectives while also broadening your view of the world. 

It’s easy to get stuck in our own routines when we stay in one place for too long; however, with travel experience comes the understanding of different values, attitudes, beliefs, customs, etc., which helps us become more open-minded individuals.

Travel Builds Lifelong Memories

Traveling builds memories that last forever. Going on trips with family or friends creates amazing bonding experiences that will always remain close to our hearts. Even solo trips create memories that will last forever! 

Being able to experience unique activities such as zip lining through jungles or dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant allows for exciting stories to tell for years to come—stories that no one else has experienced quite as you did!

travel the world hobbies

Travel Teaches You New Skills

Traveling is an incredibly fulfilling hobby. When you visit different places, you not only gain new experiences that may forever change you – but also pick up new skills! 

Think of it this way: when you travel, you become a different person – one who is brave enough to try something different. You interact with different cultures and environments, and in the process learn to adapt to different situations and possibly even languages, making different parts of the world feel all the more familiar. 

So why not go out there and explore different countries? Who knows — maybe you will come back as a completely different person with a whole bunch of nifty skills!

Travel Brings You Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Are you stuck in a rut at home and feel like you need to get out of your comfort zone? If so, travel could be the hobby for you! 

Your travels might even allow you to gain new perspectives on your home country, helping to open your mind and create empathy for others. 

Best of all, with the countless new thrills that travel has to offer, it won’t take long for this hobby to zap away feelings of boredom and monotony!

Travel Fills the Leisure Time With Fulfilling Experiences

For those out there that have an overwhelming passion for different cultures, beautiful places, and plenty of spare time, travel might be the perfect hobby. 

An avid traveler sees the world as a blank canvas waiting to be explored and takes complete advantage. Exploring different cultures is not only enjoyable but also incredibly informative. Not to mention it’s a great way to make unforgettable memories. 

There’s nothing quite like being on the other side of the globe from home, experiencing new places every day, and taking part in different traditions that are unlike your own. 

Filling spare time with experiences like these can truly open one up to different perspectives and means of living, leaving them invigorated, inspired, and ready to explore more!

Travel Makes You Better at Planning

For seasoned travelers and road-trip veterans, planning is a breeze. Traveling as a hobby has given these adventure-seekers the ability to plan for any situation, no matter how outrageous or unexpected. 

The seasoned traveler knows that planning ahead of time can be the difference between getting their passport and tickets in time or making them miss their flight. 

Such planners also have an eye for the unexpected, allowing them to turn the most unplanned activity into a truly unique experience.

Travel Can Become a Side-Hustle

Traveling can be an incredibly fulfilling hobby, but it can also become a source of income if you let it! 

Now more than ever digital nomads are taking their globetrotting lifestyle to the next level and using travel as a side hustle. 

Start by creating a travel blog and promoting it on your social media channels. Before you know it, you may no longer consider traveling just a hobby, but rather, a fruitful venture in its own right!

travel the world hobbies

Is traveling a hobby in a resume?

In general, a resume should focus on your skills, experiences, and accomplishments that are most relevant to the job you are applying for. Whether or not traveling is a hobby that you include on your resume depends on how it relates to the position you are applying for and the relevance it has to your professional experiences.

For example, if you are applying for a job that involves international travel or working with people from different cultures, you may want to mention your interest in traveling and any relevant experiences you have had, such as studying abroad or volunteering in a foreign country. This can show that you are comfortable with travel and have experience adapting to different environments, which can be valuable skills for the job.

On the other hand, if the job you are applying for does not involve travel and your interest in traveling is not directly relevant to your professional experiences, you may not want to include it on your resume. Instead, you can save it for the personal interests section of your resume, or mention it during an interview as a way to show your personality and interests outside of work.

Overall, the most important thing is to focus on the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the job you are applying for and that will help you stand out as a qualified candidate.

Is traveling a skill?

Traveling in and of itself is not typically considered a skill, as it is something that most people do at some point in their lives. However, traveling can involve a variety of skills, such as planning and budgeting, navigating unfamiliar environments, adapting to different cultures, and communicating with people from different backgrounds.

For example, if you have traveled extensively and have experience planning and organizing your own trips, you may have developed skills in time management, decision making, and problem solving. If you have traveled to different countries and have experience navigating unfamiliar environments and adapting to new cultures, you may have developed skills in cultural awareness, adaptability, and communication.

In general, whether or not traveling is considered a skill will depend on the specific context and how it relates to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job that involves international travel or working with people from different cultures, you may want to mention your travel experiences and any relevant skills you have developed in your resume and during an interview. This can show that you are comfortable with travel and have experience adapting to different environments, which can be valuable skills for the job.

travel the world hobbies

In conclusion, traveling is an amazing hobby because it offers many benefits such as relaxation, expanding your horizons, and creating lifelong memories. 

But be careful not to turn travel into work or something that you just have to do because that’s what is expected in a vacation. That takes some magic out of the whole experience.

So if you’re looking for something fun and rewarding to do this summer (or any time!), consider exploring the world with travel!

Travel tips and tricks:

  • Save big on flights with – This incredible tool lets you find the most affordable airfare to your dream destination. You’ll love their “Whole Month” feature, which displays the best prices for the entire month. If you’re flexible with travel dates, this is a game-changer for scoring the cheapest tickets.
  • Stay in the heart of the action – I always find the perfect accommodation on . Their map view lets me filter hotels by my budget and select ones that are right in the center of it all. Trust me, you won’t want to miss this easy way to book your ideal stay!
  • Go beyond the resort – I’m all about making the most of my trips, and has been a lifesaver for booking unforgettable tours and day trips. It’s the most hassle-free way to dive into the local culture and explore the hidden gems in every new place.
  • Hit the road with – There’s no better way to explore your destination than by car! Renting a vehicle has never been easier, and with their competitive prices, you’ll have the freedom to create your own adventures.

I highly recommend trying these tools for yourself – not only will you save money, but you’ll also create memories that last a lifetime. Happy travels!

1 thought on “Is Travel a Hobby? Exploring the Benefits of Becoming an Adventurer”

travel the world hobbies

I totally agree with you that travel gets you outside your comfort zone and if you are constantly out of your comfort zone it makes it easier to do that in every aspect of your life and therefore you are likely to see progress in your life as nothing of significance ever happens inside our comfort zone.

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Couple Travel The World

29 Best Hobbies for Couples To Strengthen Your Relationship!

By: Author coupletraveltheworld

Posted on Last updated: July 9, 2023

Categories Couple Activities

Looking for the Best Hobbies for Couples?

If you are in a relationship and are getting a little tired of movie night, or you are looking for something fun and interesting for you and your significant other to do together to bring you closer, look no further.

This article will give you ideas on 29 hobbies you and your partner can try. Some of these you can do at home, while others you will have to leave home to do. Some fun ideas for married couples looking for something new  and exciting to do.

Many are fun, but some of them might require a little work. Either way, these hobbies will surely break you out of the boredom of movie night while strengthening your bond. Never wonder what are good hobbies for couples again with this epic list of ideas.

1. Play Tennis

Tennis is a great sport that can become a lifetime hobby if you learn how to play and enjoy it. While it can be a competitive sport, it is also reasonably easy to play and fun. Furthermore, tennis is beneficial to your physical and psychological health.

Tennis is an excellent way for you and your partner to bond and connect because you can talk to each other about anything while playing a fun game and getting exercise at the same time. You can play one-on-one with your partner or make it a double date night and play doubles with another couple.

2.   Take a Ceramics or Pottery Workshop

Taking a ceramics class or workshop is a superb idea for a special date night and can also become a fun hobby. Making pottery takes a lot of dedication and undivided attention, but it is also relaxing. It also brings out your creative side, and it can be fun to see your partner’s side.

Once you take the class or workshop, if you both enjoy it, you can continue to make pottery at home. Whether you only take a class or two or make it a regular hobby, it will be fun to do together. And since you get to keep what you make, you will be reminded of your special time together every time you see your creation in your home.


3.   Take Ballroom Dancing Lessons

Ballroom dancing is more than just waltzing around the dance floor. There are several ballroom dance styles, including the cha-cha, foxtrot, paso doble, quickstep, rumba, tango, and waltz. And ballroom dancing is an activity that centers around couples and can be a romantic bonding experience.

Even if you don’t have experience dancing, this can still be a fun experience. If both have never tried it before, it’s something you can learn to do together, and you will learn more about each other in the process! Ballroom dancing is also a great way to work out and relieve stress if you have had a rough week.

4.   Play Chess

Some may think that chess is a serious and dull game, but it can be a fun yet challenging game. It also teaches you problem-solving skills and improves your focus and memory.

Chess is a great activity for couples because it helps you to be able to understand things from another perspective. If you both enjoy chess and each other’s company, chess might be the perfect hobby to pursue as a couple. A great at home date idea .

5.   Go Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is for couples who live more on the adventurous side of life. However, you don’t have to enjoy extreme sports to have fun with rock climbing. You can find an indoor rock climbing wall, which is safer than climbing rocks outdoors. Plus, it’s an excellent way to get a workout, and a climbing wall is a lot more fun than standard gym equipment.

In addition to giving you a full body workout, rock (or rock wall) climbing also boosts confidence, improves your ability to focus, and is a great stress reliever.


6.   Volunteer in Your Community

Volunteering has been known to improve physical and mental well-being and can also benefit your social well-being. Volunteering is an excellent thing to do all around, but there are many benefits to volunteering as a couple.

Volunteering is a great bonding experience for couples as it provides them a chance to spend time together, talk and get to know each other better, and get to know each other’s shared values while doing something for the greater good. It is also an opportunity to try new things and to become better involved in your community.

7.  Join (or Start) a Book Club

Do you both like to read but often find yourself reading alone and not reading the same books or not discussing the books you read with each other? It might be a good time for you to find a book club to join together.

Or, if you can’t find one that interests you enough, start your own. Even if it begins with the two of you, you can build it up and invite friends over time. You can also join a virtual book club.

By joining or starting a book club, the two of you will read the same book and get to discuss it if this is something you haven’t already done. You’ll also discover new books, read outside your comfort zone, learn new things, and possibly make new friends.

8.  Attend a Wine Tasting

Wine tasting is a unique hobby that involves all your senses. You don’t just taste the wine; you perceive its aroma, color, flavor, and how it feels inside your mouth. You get to observe the quality and value of the wine and whether it’s ready to drink or if it needs to be stored a little longer.

Wine tasting is an excellent hobby for couples, especially those who appreciate a good glass of wine because you get to try new things together. And you may even come out of it with a new favorite wine (or two or three)!

If there isn’t anywhere near you that offers wine tasting, consider doing a virtual wine tasting. In a virtual tasting, the winery comes to you. They ship the wine to you or let you know what to purchase before the event. Then you have a scheduled online meeting with someone who works at the winery. They describe the wines, give food pairing suggestions, and you may even get a virtual tour of the winery and vineyard.


9. Bake Something Delicious

Baking can be fun! Don’t be too hard on each other, and learn to laugh off your mistakes. You can also create many memories baking together and reminiscence about old ones by sharing baking memories from when you were younger or family recipes. It is also less expensive than most other hobbies because all you need to buy is the ingredients for whatever you decide to bake!

10. Refinish Furniture

This hobby is fun because part of it is like an adventure! To refinish old furniture, you must first find furniture. This involves hitting up yard sales, estate sales, thrift stores, and flea markets. The best part is you never know what you’re going to find!

Then refinishing the furniture together gives you a chance to bond, have some time to talk, and explore each other’s creativity. This can also be a very therapeutic hobby.

11. Start a Collection

Collecting things is a fun hobby, and it’s pretty easy to start. It doesn’t matter what the two of you decide to collect; it can be almost anything. It might be easier to pick something to collect if you have mutual interests. If you both like music, consider collecting vinyl records.

Is the beach your favorite place to go as a couple? Start a seashell collection. Other collectibles include coins, stamps, comic books, vintage movie posters, Funko pops, vintage tableware, refrigerator magnets, guitar picks, and rare books.

There are many benefits to starting a collection. You can learn a lot culturally and even historically about items, mainly if you collect antiques or vintage items. Collecting things also improves your memory and focus.

12. Do Yoga Together

It can affect your relationship even if just one of you is feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Doing yoga as a couple is a great way to help both of you release stress and strengthen your relationship, not just physically!

Couples yoga can help a couple build their communication skills, as well as build up their trust in each other. And in addition to reducing any anxiety and stress either of you might have, yoga improves your overall health.


13. Hit up a Flea Market

Going to the flea market can be a fun weekend hobby for couples, and it can also be a profitable one. You can also visit the flea market as a shopper or set up your own booth as a seller. However, selling isn’t the only place you can make a profit. Many people find treasures at the flea market and can flip them for a profit.

14. Learn a New Language

No matter how many years of school you have under your belt or how many years young you are, it’s never too late to learn something new! Learning a new skill, especially together, can be a fantastic bonding experience for couples. You’ll get to encourage and be proud of each other’s progress, and you may even get a good laugh trying to fumble through new words and phrases.

Learning a new language is also fun and will boost your confidence in yourself and each other. Additionally, being multilingual will help enhance your travel experience if you like to travel.

15. Follow a Podcast

Podcasts are increasing in popularity and require less focus than what is needed to watch a movie. You can listen to a podcast while you’re on the road, cooking dinner, or even while taking a stroll around the neighborhood.

There are hundreds of podcasts out there with topics ranging from true crime to history to science to entertainment. Plus, podcasts are cheap- most of them are free. Furthermore, when the podcast is over, it allows the two of you to discuss what you listened to and your thoughts about it.

16. Go Birdwatching

Birds are beautiful, magnificent creatures, and their beauty is often taken for granted. Not only is birdwatching a fun hobby, but it also boosts your mental and physical health.

Birdwatching is also a great hobby because there are birds everywhere. There are different birds in different places, and there may be more species in some areas than others. But you can pretty much walk out into your backyard and spot a bird or two.

If one or both of you have been looking for a way to get outdoors more or become more physically active, taking on birdwatching together is great. The fresh air and sunshine will help your overall mental well-being, and observing nature together will strengthen your bond.

travel the world hobbies

17. Play Laser Tag

Laser tag is an exciting and inexpensive hobby that couples of all ages can enjoy, whether they have experience or not. Laser tag is a terrific mental and physical workout because it challenges you to think strategically, and you are constantly on the move. Furthermore, if you enjoy a little friendly competition, laser tag is perfect.

Laser tag is great for couples because it strengthens your communication skills and builds your trust in one another. And if you don’t have another couple to play with or against, it’s a great way to meet new people!

18. Go Camping

Going camping is a great way to de-stress, unplug, unwind, and explore nature. Camping benefits couples because it gives you a chance to get away from all distractions, explore new places, talk, and genuinely enjoy each other’s company.

Camping is an excellent way for couples to bond. You can try new experiences such as hiking or fishing. If camping is something one of you enjoys or used to do when you were younger, this is a great way to share past experiences with your partner.


19. Gardening

Gardening is a perfect couple’s hobby because it will improve your mental and physical health. Gardening is a great way to relieve stress. If both of you had a busy, hectic work week, spend some time letting out that stress in tension in the garden over the weekend.

Gardening is also considered a moderately intense workout. Spending a couple of hours gardening can be as effective as working out at the gym. Additionally, this will benefit your heart health. Furthermore, plants clean your air by filtering out the CO2 and replacing it with fresh air.

Lastly, it’s an opportunity for the two of you to talk and bond while doing something rewarding together.

20. Take a Hike

Like many of the hobbies listed above, hiking is an upstanding hobby for couples that can strengthen their bond and provide mental and physical benefits. Hiking is calming and can also reduce depression and sharpen your mind. The fresh air clears your lungs, and the sun exposure gives you Vitamin D.

Hiking can also strengthen your relationship. It will build your trust in one another as you navigate trails together and allow you to spend quality time together without distractions. A great hobby for couples of all ages – in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and even 60s!


21. Open up Your Home to Foster Animals

You may not consider fostering animals a hobby, but it is a great way to help and make a difference in an animal’s life and your own. Many shelters need people to foster animals that are sick and need extra attention or to foster the little ones until they’re old enough to be adopted.

And once you have opened up your home to a couple of foster animals as a hobby, you may even decide to make it permanent and give them a forever home.

22. Try White Water Rafting, Canoeing, or Kayaking

Trying a challenging water sport like white water rafting, canoeing, or kayaking can bring you closer together as a couple. It’s a way for you to support each other and allows you to disconnect from technology and enjoy each other’s company. Additionally, you can enjoy the beautiful sights of nature.

Furthermore, each is a great way to get a physical workout together. They improve muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. It can also be a peaceful time together or give you an adrenaline rush, depending on where you go!

hobbies for couples

23. Learn to Ride a Motorcycle

If neither of you or only one of you has experience riding a motorcycle, it’s a great way to learn something new together. You can also discover new places together while on your ride. Riding motorcycles as a couple brings you closer together, both literally and in general. If you ride together, not only are you sitting extra close, the passenger usually has to hold onto the driver. For couples, this can be romantic and a time for you to enjoy each other’s company.

Riding a motorcycle is also beneficial to your physical and mental health. It works several muscles at the same time and can strengthen your posture. Motorcycle riding can also relieve anxiety and stress and improve brain functionality.

24. Go Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is an exhilarating hobby that can be perfect for couples. You need a diving buddy anyway, so why not take your significant other? Scuba diving is a great way to work on teamwork and communication skills as a couple. It also builds your trust in each other because you have to look out for one another underwater.

You also get to travel! If you take up scuba diving as a hobby and enjoy it, you can start planning your vacations around diving spots. Not only will you get to enjoy your hobby, but you’ll also get to discover and explore new places together!

25. Take a Painting Class

Even if you think you have absolutely zero artistic skills, taking a painting class together as a couple is a great way to boost your creativity and strengthen your relationship.

Whether you’re a new couple or have been together for years, painting together will help you learn how the other thinks creatively. It will also tell you a lot about the other’s personality.

hobbies for couples

26. Get Into Photography

Photography is a great way to express your creativity, document events, and make memories. So why not enjoy that as a couple?

It’s also a lot of fun, and you can go on adventures together because photography can go hand in hand with other hobbies. You can set off on a road trip to get some great shots, explore nature, or hit up a concert or festival and enjoy that while taking some great pictures.

One of the best cheap hobbies for couples for sure (that is, if you already have a camera!). Don’t have one? Well it might not be that affordable initially but it is a great investment. We use a Nikon D750 and love it!!! Best investment ever! Another good option is the Sony A7III .

  • See more: How to take couples photos by yourself

27. Go Bowling

Bowling is ideal for couples because it gives you a chance to get a little friendly competition going while still having fun. And bowling is one of those sports that it doesn’t matter if you’re terrible at it; you can still have a lot of fun.

You also get plenty of time to talk, and bowling can be combined with other activities like dinner, drinks, or a movie. It’s also a fun way to be active without having to do too much strenuous activity.

28. Go Horseback Riding

You get to spend time together outdoors, participate in physical activity, enjoy nature, and have fun. Sure horseback riding can be a solo sport, but think about how romantic it would be for the two of you to try it together.

It’s also a therapeutic, stress-reducing hobby, so it would be great to enjoy in the evenings or on the weekend after a busy week.

Horseback riding also boosts your self-confidence, strengthens responsibility, and teaches accountability, empathy, and kindness, all excellent traits to improve as a couple.


loving couple riding on horses across the field

29. Become Tourists in Your Own Town

Sure traveling out of state and even abroad is exciting, but have you considered all the amazing things you could discover or rediscover by becoming a tourist in your town? There may also be buildings or attractions you have passed every day but didn’t know the story behind.

You can also meet new people and get a fresh perspective on sights you may have seen countless times. This is an excellent hobby for couples, even if you have both lived in the same city for years. You’ll get to try out new places and things together and learn alot about each other in the process.


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The Maya Train Will Get You to All of Yucatán’s Best Spots. But Not Yet.

In December, the train began running on its first route through Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula. On a five-day journey a few months later, the author encountered enthusiasm, and scheduling hiccups.

A singular train track, with one short train, cuts through a lush deep forest.

By Elisabeth Malkin

Elisabeth Malkin has been visiting the Yucatán Peninsula for three decades.

I stepped off the platform at the gleaming new Maxcanú train station, eager to see the magnificent Maya archaeological site of Uxmal. All I needed was a taxi to take me there, a trip of about 30 miles away.

There are no taxis, said the stationmaster, as we stood on the polished limestone floors of the high-ceilinged station, which was cool and breezy despite the brilliant late-morning sun outside. And I was the third person in two weeks to get off at Maxcanú expecting to reach Uxmal, he said.

I was midway through a five-day trip to explore the brand-new Maya Train and several of its destinations in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico . Designed to run 965 miles (1,554 kilometers) around a loop of 34 stations when completed, the train will whisk passengers in cool comfort through colonial cities, archaeological sites, splashy resorts and tropical forests.

Now I was stunned. Wrangling a taxi has never been a problem in Mexico. But the drivers gathered in the main square of Maxcanú offered only beat-up vans that hopscotch through small towns, where I might or might not find a taxi to Uxmal. The next van was leaving in 45 minutes.

Yucatán’s layers of history have long held me spellbound. During earlier car trips, I have clambered up deserted Maya temples and palaces, stepped into the cool naves of massive 16th-century churches and visited restored haciendas, testaments of the ostentation — and hardship — of the peninsula’s 19th-century plantation economy. Traveling by train, I thought, would allow me to steep myself in more of that history.

But as I found in Maxcanú, a train won’t necessarily get you to where you want to go.

During my February trip, I traveled on the only route then available, an east-west leg that opened in December and runs from Cancún to Mérida, and then south through the port city of Campeche to the Maya site of Palenque (a short route between Cancún and Playa del Carmen opened last month, with three trains a day). I encountered scheduling confusion, unfinished stations and a dearth of trains — just two operating daily each way between Cancún and Campeche, and only one to Palenque. Overnight sleepers and special dining trains seem years away.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador considers the Maya Train his showcase development project, and wants to inaugurate the rest of the train before he leaves office on October 1. Based on my experience, that goal seems elusive.

A $29-billion route through the jungle

I started my journey in Cancún, where in the pre-dawn gloom the station hovered like a glowing spaceship. An attendant scanned the ticket I had bought online and a half-dozen more pointed me toward my tourist-class car, which was about a quarter full. I planned to go to Campeche, about 300 miles away, stopping once each day. At 120 kilometers (about 75 miles) an hour, the train covers the route in about six hours, the same as a car. (When construction is complete, the train’s speed should increase to 160 kilometers an hour.)

The car’s wide windows looked out at a wall of low jungle. The blue-green seats were comfortable and there was ample space between the rows. I bought a very good cappuccino at the snack bar, but declined the plastic-wrapped sandwiches. The rest of the merchandise was fruit cups, milk boxes and junk food.

The train will ultimately cost much more than the $29 billion budgeted so far, and it’s not the first time ambitious planners have alighted on the region. Cancún was once a tiny fishing village, selected half a century ago as a tourist hub. Last year 10 million international tourists flew into its airport, more than the airports of Mexico City, Los Cabos and Puerto Vallarta combined.

But uncontrolled growth has stressed the Caribbean coast’s fragile environment. The Maya Train, scientists warn , will push those problems south, threatening the area’s water supply, its unique system of underground limestone caves and its vast nature reserves.

Mr. López Obrador has charged ahead, handing the train over to the military , and arguing that it will spread Cancún’s wealth and attract new visitors. Mexico received more than 42 million overseas tourists last year and they spent almost $31 billion .

Local governments see an opportunity. “The train will allow people to disperse throughout the peninsula,” said Michelle Fridman, the tourism secretary for Yucatán state, which promotes dozens of attractions far beyond highlights like Mérida and Chichén Itzá .

Now that the train is operating, transport companies will begin to connect stations with lesser-known sites nearby, she said.

It’s fair to ask whether the train is the most effective way to develop the peninsula’s tourism. Tour companies already run trips to many sites from major cities, which are well served by buses. Driving a rental car through most of the area is considered safe , according to U.S. State Department travel guidance .

Route of Mexico’s Maya Train

Canceled trip.

It took two hours (and one time-zone change) to reach Valladolid, a colonial city of handsome streets and ancient churches, where I bought the rest of my tickets at the station. A tourist-class ticket from Cancún to Valladolid costs 472 pesos (around $28) for foreigners and 355 pesos (around $21) for Mexicans. First class, with wider seats, costs 755.50 pesos and 566.50 pesos, and discounts are available for older travelers and residents of the five states along the train’s route. (A first-class bus from downtown Cancún to Valladolid costs between 222 and 344 pesos, depending on the time of day, and takes half an hour longer.)

It was impossible to run the new Maya Train tracks into dense city centers and the Valladolid station, like the rest, was outside the urban core. A waiting bus took disembarking passengers downtown, a 15-minute ride for 35 pesos.

That day I toured Ek Balam , the site of a ninth-century Maya kingdom that is dominated by a 100-foot palace distinguished by a facade of carvings depicting winged warriors, stylized animal features and geometric patterns bordered by giant fangs. Admission to the site includes entry to the X-Canché cenote, one of thousands of limestone sinkholes that were sacred to the Maya.

Later that afternoon, I was wandering through the Museum of Ethnic Clothing, a private collection of traditional dress, embroidery and hats, when a WhatsApp message from the ticket office blinked on my phone. My train scheduled for the following day was canceled.

I decided to deal with the problem in the morning and enjoy the city. As I wandered past the antique shops and boutique hotels of the elegant Calzada de los Frailes, it was clear that Valladolid’s tourism, and the infrastructure to handle it, was well established. The Maya Train is simply an alternative way to reach a city that tourists discovered years ago.

‘We’re on the Tren Maya!’

In the morning, I found that my train had not been canceled, but the station for which I had a ticket, Tixkokob, was closed. I got off instead one stop earlier at Izamal, known for its ocher streets and the giant Franciscan convent of San Antonio de Padua, built atop the ruins of a pyramid.

During the 90-minute ride, I heard widespread enthusiasm among fellow travelers who expressed a willingness to give the train time to work out the kinks. “We’re an experiment,” said Oliva Escobedo Ochoa, 64, who was vacationing from her home in central Mexico.

Leticia Iliassich, 57, who is Mexican, was traveling with her Croatian husband along with relatives from Mexico and Croatia. They had initially been scheduled on an earlier train to Mérida that had been canceled. “We knew that it was a new project,” she said. “We don’t mind.”

The group had already sent a video to friends declaring, “We’re on the Tren Maya!”

At the Izamal station I hitched a 15-minute ride into the town center with a man who had asked me to take his photo alongside the train and his father. From there I negotiated a taxi to Hacienda San Lorenzo Aké, a working hacienda that still turns the fiber from an agave plant called henequén into coarse rope. Global demand for henequén, known as Yucatán’s “green gold,” brought fantastic wealth to the region in the mid-19th century, speckling the peninsula with more than 1,000 haciendas. ( Many are now sumptuous hotels.)

Where geometry, nature and the divine merge

It was during my third day that I found myself stuck in Maxcanú, after a 90-minute train ride from Izamal. The stationmaster, an army captain, offered me a ride to Uxmal, just as he had to the stranded tourists before me.

Eying Uxmal’s 4 p.m. final ticket sale, I accepted.

My situation made it clear just how distant the Maya Train’s promises are for tourists seeking to explore more of Yucatán. In time, that will change, said Ms. Fridman, the tourism secretary. “The idea is to have more hotels along the train line,” she said. “That will happen little by little.”

But Uxmal , among the most stunning of the Maya sites, made up for the inconvenience. Uxmal’s grand buildings are faced with intricate decorative masks as well as friezes in which geometry, nature and the divine merge. New plaques at each structure offer detailed information in English and Spanish, part of the government’s investment in improving displays at Maya sites for the train project.

Most tourists either take day trips by car or bus to Uxmal from Mérida or stay at one of three nearby hotels. As I finished dinner at my hotel, the dining room began to fill up: 47 Polish tourists had arrived.

Panama hats and a cramped van

My plan for the day was to go by taxi to Bécal, a town where Panama hats are woven in limestone caves to keep the fibers soft, and then pick up the afternoon train in nearby Calkiní for the port city of Campeche.

But I spent so much time watching the hat-making demonstration and then fitting my new hat and buying gifts that we set off with little time to reach the station. To my chagrin, I missed the train, the last one of the day.

On Calkiní’s central square, I found a van that was leaving for Campeche. Cost: 65 pesos. Time: about 1 hour and 20 minutes, similar to what I would have spent on the train. Of course, I was trapped in a cramped seat and had to listen to the driver’s choice of sentimental ballads, but I was dropped off in downtown Campeche, close to my hotel.

The next day, I toured the Museum of Maya Archaeology , an expertly curated collection that included haunting jade funeral masks, glyphs and delicate ceramic figures.

José Madrigal, 45, an engineer from Fremont, Calif., was trying to make Maya pottery interesting for his twin sons. The boys had just turned 5 and their birthday present had been a ride on the Maya Train. “They love trains,” Mr. Madrigal said. Then the family moved on, keeping up a brisk clip through the museum. They had another train to catch.

Should you take the train?

Yes, if you are traveling between larger stations. The train also offers a way to get to Palenque, which is harder to reach and has roads with security concerns. Travelers can stow bicycles on board.

To see train times, check the destinations on the website . You cannot buy tickets online more than a week in advance. But when you finally board, the ride is smooth — and the coffee is excellent.

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Mumbai:  Spend 36 hours in this fast-changing Indian city  by exploring ancient caves, catching a concert in a former textile mill and feasting on mangoes.

Kyoto:  The Japanese city’s dry gardens offer spots for quiet contemplation  in an increasingly overtouristed destination.

Iceland:  The country markets itself as a destination to see the northern lights. But they can be elusive, as one writer recently found .

Texas:  Canoeing the Rio Grande near Big Bend National Park can be magical. But as the river dries, it’s getting harder to find where a boat will actually float .

These 5 Arizona hotels were just named among the world's best. Here's why they stand out

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Five Arizona hotels were just named among the best in the world for 2024.

Travel + Leisure unveiled its 2024 T+L 500 list of the world's best hotels, compiled based on ratings from its readers, in its May issue. The list includes five Arizona hotels, including four that made T+L's 2023 best hotels in Arizona ranking .

Readers evaluate based on their levels of quality, luxury, service and amenities. Here's a look at which Arizona hotels made the Travel + Leisure 2024 best hotels list.

For more hotels recognized as being among the best of metro Phoenix, read about the honorees in  U.S. News & World Report's 2024 ranking ,  Forbes' 2024 Star Awards , and  Esquire's best new hotels in the world .

Five Arizona hotels selected by Travel + Leisure

Readers of Travel + Leisure, America's largest travel media brand, selected five Arizona hotels on its 2024 ranking of the world's best hotels:

  • Castle Hot Springs, Morristown.
  • The Hermosa Inn, Paradise Valley.
  • Mountain Shadows Resort, Paradise Valley.
  • Sanctuary Camelback Mountain, A Gurney's Resort & Spa, Paradise Valley.
  • Tanque Verde Ranch, Tucson.

“We’re honored to be recognized on the highly coveted T+L 500 List,” said Andrew Chippindall, general manager of Mountain Shadows Resort. “It’s a true testament to our team’s unwavering commitment to providing exceptional experiences for our treasured guests.”

How Travel + Leisure World's Best hotels 2024 were chosen

The T+L 500 list is derived from T+L's annual World's Best Awards, selected based on reader reviews and feedback. Readers were surveyed about their travel experiences around the world, including hotels, cities, islands, airlines, cruise ships and other experiences.

Readers rated hotels based on their rooms and facilities, location, service, food and overall value. They scored each category on a scale from "excellent" to "poor."

The hotels recognized this year are favorites among the publication's readers, who named Castle Hot Springs the best Arizona hotel of 2021 and 2022 and the Hermosa Inn the state's best of 2023. All except for Tanque Verde Ranch were included on last year's list of the 10 best hotels in Arizona.

Michael Salerno is an award-winning journalist who’s covered travel and tourism since 2014. His work as The Arizona Republic’s consumer travel reporter aims to help readers navigate the stresses of traveling and get the best value for their money on their vacations. He can be reached at   [email protected] . Follow him on X, formerly Twitter:   @salerno_phx .

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Blinken to travel to Saudi Arabia amid renewed push for a hostage deal

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Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to Saudi Arabia this week for meetings with regional partners, including Palestinian, Egyptian and Qatari leaders, to discuss efforts for securing the release of hostages and a cease-fire in Gaza, the State Department said in a statement . Blinken, who will participate in a World Economic Forum meeting during his visit, will discuss with regional partners the recent uptick in delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, it added.

The foreign ministers of Britain, Germany and France are expected at the WEF meeting, alongside the Saudi foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan al-Saud, WEF President Borge Brende said at a news conference . “There is some new momentum now in the talks around the hostages and also for possible way out of the impasse that we are faced in Gaza,” he said.

In March, Blinken traveled to the country to discuss a plan to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel as a path to a two-state solution espoused by the United States.

Blinken’s visit comes amid a renewed push for a deal with Hamas, which released videos of three hostages last week, including of a dual U.S. citizen. The latest video, released Saturday, shows U.S.-born Keith Siegel, 64, and Omri Miran, 47, who were taken hostage on Oct. 7 when Hamas killed an estimated 1,200 people and kidnapped more than 250 in Israel. Earlier in the week, another video featured U.S.-Israeli citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin.

The released footage has added to pressure on Israel to negotiate a deal for their release.

Here’s what else to know

Pro-Palestinian protests unfolded outside the White House correspondents’ dinner on Saturday , with demonstrators posing as slain Gaza journalists outside the Washington Hilton. They laid out press vests to mark those killed in the enclave and unfurled a Palestinian flag out of a window at the venue.

More than 600 people have been arrested on campuses across the United States for demonstrations over the Israel-Gaza war, as university leaders struggle to balance demonstrators’ freedom of expression with the need to keep campuses safe and welcoming. Jill Stein, a presidential candidate for the Green Party, said late Saturday on X that she, her campaign manager and deputy campaign manager were arrested at Washington University in St. Louis.

Activists who organized an aid flotilla to Gaza said Saturday that their mission was canceled after authorities from Guinea-Bissau withdrew their country’s flag from two of the three ships. The flotilla was scheduled to depart from a port near Istanbul on Friday after multiple delays. On Thursday, the Guinea-Bissau International Ships Registry requested a last-minute inspection, activists said in a statement, calling the decision to remove the flags “blatantly political.”

At least 34,388 people have been killed and 77,437 injured in Gaza since the war began, according to the Gaza Health Ministry , which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants but says the majority of the dead are women and children. Israel estimates that about 1,200 people were killed in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, including more than 300 soldiers, and says 261 soldiers have been killed since its military operation in Gaza began.

Israel-Gaza war

The Israel-Gaza war has gone on for six months, and tensions have spilled into the surrounding region .

The war: On Oct. 7, Hamas militants launched an unprecedented cross-border attack on Israel that included the taking of civilian hostages at a music festival . (See photos and videos of how the deadly assault unfolded ). Israel declared war on Hamas in response, launching a ground invasion that fueled the biggest displacement in the region since Israel’s creation in 1948 .

Gaza crisis: In the Gaza Strip, Israel has waged one of this century’s most destructive wars , killing tens of thousands and plunging at least half of the population into “ famine-like conditions. ” For months, Israel has resisted pressure from Western allies to allow more humanitarian aid into the enclave .

U.S. involvement: Despite tensions between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and some U.S. politicians , including President Biden, the United States supports Israel with weapons , funds aid packages , and has vetoed or abstained from the United Nations’ cease-fire resolutions.

History: The roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and mistrust are deep and complex, predating the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 . Read more on the history of the Gaza Strip .

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  1. 21 EPIC Travel Hobbies for Every Type of Traveler (2024)

    Start by carrying a simple pencil and sketchbook in your backpack. If you get hooked, you can upgrade to other art supplies. Alternatively, you can carry an iPad (or other tablet) and make digital sketches. One of our travel sketches on an iPad. 3. Journaling. A journal is a traveler's best friend.

  2. 29 Best Hobbies for Travel Lovers

    Photography. Photography is a travel hobby that every traveler needs to get into. It allows you to capture your travel memories. It helps you see things differently. Whether you are at home or traveling, photography is a great creative outlet. It is one of the very best hobbies for travel lovers.

  3. Travel Hobbies

    Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or a newbie wanderer, our comprehensive guide will help you find the perfect travel hobby that suits your interests and passions. From geocaching and birdwatching to food tourism, photography, and voluntourism, we've got you covered with 20 amazing hobbies that will take your travel experiences to new ...

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    Incorporating travel-related hobbies into your trips can enhance your experiences and help you discover new aspects of local cultures. Photography is a popular travel hobby that allows you to document your travels and explore new areas. Other travel hobbies include artistic pursuits, culinary adventures, outdoor activities, and mindful practices.

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    The most popular form of exercise in the U.S., possibly the world. Walking is good for your whole body.Fresh air, exercise and ever-evolving scenery along the way. There are nature trails, waterfall trails, beaches or sidewalks pretty much everywhere you go. You can find walking tours and hikes for beginners just about everywhere and meet like-minded people in the process.

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    Travelling around the world to different countries and cultures is a fantastic experience, that for some lucky people is a hobby itself. Whether you are travelling for work or pleasure, there are some activities and hobbies you can try that may make your trips more memorable and enjoyable. ... Try a few of these hobbies next time you travel and ...

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  8. Weekend Warriors

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    Nature's treasure hunt. My travel hobbies include looking for rocks and mushrooms. Since traveling out west [USA], I've been interested in the geology and the hidden ecology of the lands that I visit. The Tucson mountains have rocks with strands of mica, giving a beautiful sparkle under the desert sun to the earth tones amidst the saguaro ...

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    Discover 6 travel hobby ideas to go deeper into a destination with Silversea. From art to nature, these portable hobbies can enhance your travels. ... having hobbies you can do anywhere provides a unique way to connect with cultures and landscapes all over the world. Adopting a hobby that overlaps with travel will promote an authentic means of ...

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    Cards like American Express offer 50,000 bonus points just for signing up. As you shop and save for your travels, use those cards to build the points. (but be sure to pay them off each month so you don't travel with debt) Check to see what points they cover. American Express lets you move points 1-1 to Star Alliance.

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    Photography. Ok, this hobby is pretty popular with travelers and is obviously coherent with the travel lifestyle. When you travel the world you will have all kinds of interesting things to take pictures of. Landscapes, buildings, animals, people etc. Some people use drones, underwater cameras, or GoPros.

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    The world is full of different people and cultures, and as a result, varying and interesting cuisines. Food is one of the primary reasons people take traveling as a hobby as it presents a unique way to experience different destinations. 4. Take a Break from Work. We live in a world where everyone has hectic schedules with the aim to survive.

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    Annual Fee: $95. Read Our Take Learn More. Chances are, you can find something that not only brings back fond memories of a past trip, but also will also enrich your future travels—and that's a win-win. Here are 10 travel-inspired hobbies to help you pass the time until you can get back to globetrotting. Here are 10 travel-inspired hobbies ...

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    Many hobbies provide you with a chance to travel the world. Traveling itself is a hobby and allows you to discover memorable places worldwide. Other hobbies that will enable you to travel the world including; photography, bird watching, falconry, snow skiing, surfing, cooking, gardening, snorkeling, diving, fishing, architecture, ancestral ...

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    For those who like their hobbies a little less sedentary, cycling is a popular option. Whether you prefer a leisurely, long-distance ride or an adrenaline-fueled descent down a rough mountain track, this is one hobby that can be adapted to most ages and fitness levels. It's a fantastic way to experience new landscapes, while also being an eco ...

  18. 4 Enriching Travel Hobbies You Can Take Up Anywhere You Go!

    Knitting. Embroidery. Lace making. Paper crafts, like Quilling or Origami. Jewelry Making. Aside from larger projects, most of these DIY crafts travel well, with just a few basic tools. For some hobbies, you can collect the materials while you travel, such as hand-dyed materials, hand-made papers, and unique gemstones.

  19. Fun travel hobbies that make travel that much better

    Geocaching is really a fun travel hobby and game playable all over the world and can be really enjoyed as a secondary thought to your real motivation of visiting the place you're travelling to. It won't distract you from your goals in travel, but will make the trip that much more rewarding, you'll also be likely to discover places you ...

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    Travel the world to different camp sites with your companions and enjoy different cultures, nature and scenery. 18. Board Games. This hobby can be good if you feel as though you may have been spending too much time looking at screens, be it a phone or computer, but would still like something fun to do, with family or friends, within your home.

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    Travel Fills the Leisure Time With Fulfilling Experiences. For those out there that have an overwhelming passion for different cultures, beautiful places, and plenty of spare time, travel might be the perfect hobby. An avid traveler sees the world as a blank canvas waiting to be explored and takes complete advantage.

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    4. Play Chess. Some may think that chess is a serious and dull game, but it can be a fun yet challenging game. It also teaches you problem-solving skills and improves your focus and memory. Chess is a great activity for couples because it helps you to be able to understand things from another perspective.

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    How Travel + Leisure World's Best hotels 2024 were chosen. The T+L 500 list is derived from T+L's annual World's Best Awards, selected based on reader reviews and feedback. Readers were surveyed ...

  27. Blinken to travel to Saudi Arabia amid renewed push for a hostage deal

    Blinken's visit comes amid a renewed push for a deal with Hamas, which released videos of three hostages last week, including of a dual U.S. citizen. The latest video, released Saturday, shows U ...

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