Best Tour & Travel Indonesia - Jakarta Barat, Dki Jakarta

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Merupakan salah satu jasa tour & travel di Kota Jakarta Barat. Kantor ini menyediakan berbagai macam paket liburan, wisata dan trip. Paket sudah termasuk tiket pesawat/kapal, akomodasi, transfortasi, makan, penginapan dan tour guide / pemandu wisata. Tersedia juga penjualan tiket pesawat dan laut.

Segera kunjungi tour travel terdekat ini untuk informasi lainnya seperti harga paket dan harga tiket.

Jam buka / kerja: Senin: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Selasa: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Rabu: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Kamis: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Jumat: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Sabtu: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, Minggu: Closed

Best Tour & Travel Indonesia Jakarta Barat beralamat di No. 125 A - B, Jl. Hayam Wuruk, RT.4/RW.6, Mangga Besar, Kec. Taman Sari, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11180, Indonesia.

Best Tour & Travel Indonesia Jakarta Barat dapat dihubungi melalui kontak nomor telepon (021) 2601888

Kode pos dari Best Tour & Travel Indonesia Jakarta Barat adalah 11180

Website Best Tour & Travel Indonesia Jakarta Barat dapat di akses online melalui

  • - Sinarahaka Tour & Travel - Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
  • - Ohayo Tour & Travel - Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
  • - Panen Tour - Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
  • - TX Travel Head Office - Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta
  • - Tamasya Tour & Travel. PT - Jakarta Pusat, Dki Jakarta

Cabang Hayam Wuruk

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Bersama Dwidayatour, Anda dapat menemukan momen terbaik liburan Anda langsung di 1 tempat! Dengan pengalaman sejak tahun 1967, Dwidayatour telah membantu lebih dari 3.000.000 traveler seperti Anda mendapatkan liburan impian dengan HEMAT!

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Dapatkan discount liburan hingga Rp 2 + 1 Juta*

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Hanya berlaku di seluruh cabang Dwidayatour di seluruh Indonesia 

Cashback Rp 500.000

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  • Berlaku untuk semua Jenis Kartu Kredit BCA Card  kecuali BCA SmartCash. Tidak berlaku  untuk corporate card

Discount tambahan Rp 1.000.000

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Discount tambahan Rp 500.000

  • Minimal transaksi Rp.1.500.000 dengan menggunakan Kartu Kredit BCA
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  • New York – Rp.
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Harga Spesial BCA x Singapore Airlines s/d 3 April 2022

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  • Bangkok – Rp.
  • Japan – Rp.
  • Maldives –
  • Dubai –
  • Eropa – Rp.
  • Australia  –
  • New Zealand –
  • USA – Rp.
  • Canada – Rp.

Mengapa Dwidayatour?

Daniel Mananta


Banyak perubahan dalam peraturan perjalanan? Dengan mengikuti tour Anda tak perlu lagi pusing dengan perubahan peraturan!

Berikut adalah harga tour yang berlaku pada event ini:

  • Amazing Turkey Tulip Festival /+ Mt Uludag /+ Mt Erciyes 11 hari mulai 7.899.000*
  • West Europe Vacation /+ Keukenhoff /+ Euro Disney /+ Colmar /+ Shopping Outlet 10 hari mulai Rp. 26.899.000
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Sudah ada tiket? Yuk, biarkan kami yang mengurus itinerary Anda!

Cek harga land tour kami berikut ini:

  • Iconic Singapore Tour 2 hari mulai Rp 1.745.000
  • Iconic Singapore + Sentosa dengan hotel 3 hari mulai Rp 2.985.000
  • Singapore Fun Tour 4 hari 3 malam mulai Rp 2.985.000

Hotel International Promo!

Cek harga hotelnya:

  • Hotel USA mulai Rp. 1.750.000
  • Hotel Eropa mulai Rp 660.000
  • Hotel Singapore mulai Rp  1.395.000
  • Hotel Australia mulai Rp 1.175.000

Resort World Sentosa, Singapore SPECIAL!

  • Hotel Michael – Mulai dari Rp 3.165.o00*
  • Hotel Equarius – Mulai Rp. 3.880.000
  • Hotel Crockfords Tower – Mulai dari Rp. 6.080.000
  • Resorts World Sentosa – Beach Villas – Mulai dari Rp. 22.215.000

All aboard!!

Pengalamanan berlibur Anda tentunya tak akan lengkap tanpa adanya kegiatan yang bermakna, bukan?

Cek harga kegiatan berikut ini:

  • Universal Studios Singapore Tickets mulai Rp 662.000
  • S.E.A Aquarium One Day ticket mulai Rp 442.000

Relax and sail away!

Anda suka laut dan suka makan? Cruise adalah jawaban untuk liburan terbaik Anda!

Berbagai jenis makanan dan pemandangan laut nan indah menanti dalam perjalanan Cruise Exclusive!

Berikut adalah harga Cruise Royal Carribean yang ditawarkan pada event kali ini:

  • Spectrum of The Seas – 3 Night Ocean Gateway (Singapore) mulai Rp.2.405.000/pax*

Dwidayatour Cabang Hayam Wuruk

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Dwidayatour adalah agen perjalanan terkemuka di indonesia sejak 1967, yang menyediakan paket tur, tiket pesawat, hotel, cruise dan berbagai pengalaman wisata terbaik untuk wujudkan liburan impian dan perjalanan dinas anda.


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BEST TOUR is a fully licensed tour and travel company that commits to handling all the travel related services and issues within both the domestic and international sectors for corporate and purposes. With offices located in Jakarta and Surabaya, Best TOur has grown steadily over the years to become one of the respected agents for international flight. The great effort and hard work of our experienced, dynamic and dedicated service team has made Best Tour become successful in the tourism industry. Our team is capable of meeting challenges and fulfilling complex requirements of corporate incentive programs or event trips. We are also known to be able to attend to the travel needs of individuals, families or smaller groups with heigh requirements.

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Dwidaya Tour

Dwidaya Tour

Dwidaya Tour


Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 121, Mangga Besar, Jakarta Barat , DKI Jakarta , Indonesia .

Berdiri sejak 19 Juli 1967, PT Dwidaya World Wide dipercaya sebagai salah satu travel agent terbesar di Indonesia. Di bawah nama brand Dwidayatour, kami memiliki lebih dari 90 cabang yang tersebar kota-kota besar di Indonesia.

Logo: Dwidayatour

Berdiri sejak 19 Juli 1967, PT Dwidaya World Wide dipercaya sebagai salah satu travel agent terbesar di Indonesia. Di bawah nama brand Dwidayatour, kami memiliki lebih dari 90 cabang yang tersebar kota-kota besar di Indonesia Indonesia. Setiap tahunnya beberapa penghargaan bergengsi berhasil didapatkan oleh Dwidayatour, diantaranya adalah ‘Top Travel Agent’ oleh beberapa maskapai penerbangan terkemuka dunia seperti Singapore Airline, Cathay Pacific, Qatar Airways, KLM Royal Dutch, Garuda Indonesia, Eva Air, Lufthansa German Airlines, dan masih banyak lagi.

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best tour hayam wuruk

Hotel & Penginapan di Hayam Wuruk

Akomodasi lainnya di hayam wuruk, hotel bintang di hayam wuruk, hotel lainnya di hayam wuruk, hotel dekat objek wisata populer, hotel di wilayah lainnya, temukan rekomendasi hotel terbaik di hayam wuruk di bawah ini.



LOBBY Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique

Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique

BEDROOM Hotel at 108 by HIM

Hotel at 108 by HIM

EXTERIOR_BUILDING Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel

Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel

LOBBY RedDoorz Plus near Hayam Wuruk 2

RedDoorz Plus near Hayam Wuruk 2

BEDROOM Antoni Hotel

Antoni Hotel

BEDROOM 4N Residence RedPartner

4N Residence RedPartner

LOBBY Clean Room Near Monas (SPR) Max Check in 9 PM

Clean Room Near Monas (SPR) Max Check in 9 PM

BEDROOM Fresh Place RedPartner

Fresh Place RedPartner

BEDROOM OYO 92580 4n Residence

OYO 92580 4n Residence

BEDROOM OYO 93261 Fresh Hotel

OYO 93261 Fresh Hotel

BEDROOM W Guesthouse

W Guesthouse

LOBBY Rumah Kost 65E near Tamansari Mangga Besar

Rumah Kost 65E near Tamansari Mangga Besar

BEDROOM Peggy's Room

Peggy's Room

BEDROOM OYO 127 W Residence

OYO 127 W Residence

BEDROOM OYO 92180 Orange Garden 47

OYO 92180 Orange Garden 47

ห้องพัก Cozy 1Br At Green Central City Glodok Apartment

Cozy 1Br At Green Central City Glodok Apartment

LOBBY Nusalink Antoni Near Hayam Wuruk

Nusalink Antoni Near Hayam Wuruk

BEDROOM Fun Room near Mangga Besar Train Station (BOA)

Fun Room near Mangga Besar Train Station (BOA)

Fakta tentang hotel di hayam wuruk, penilaian user dari berbagai penginapan ataupun hotel terdekat di hayam wuruk, pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan seputar penginapan atau hotel di hayam wuruk, di mana area terbaik untuk menginap jika liburan di hayam wuruk.

Jika kamu sedang liburan di Hayam Wuruk, area terbaik untuk menginap adalah di sekitar Mangga Besar , Glodok , Pinangsia .

Apa saja hotel terbaik dan terdekat di Hayam Wuruk?

Hotel yang paling populer dan banyak dipesan oleh wisatawan diantaranya GHURFATI WEDANA , Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique , Hotel at 108 by HIM , Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel , RedDoorz Plus near Hayam Wuruk 2 , Antoni Hotel , 4N Residence RedPartner , Clean Room Near Monas (SPR) Max Check in 9 PM , Fresh Place RedPartner , OYO 92580 4n Residence

Berapa banyak hotel yang ada di Hayam Wuruk?

Saat ini, ada sekitar 19 hotel yang dapat kamu pesan di Hayam Wuruk

Menjelajahi Keindahan Hayam Wuruk 

Hayam Wuruk merupakan nama jalan di Jakarta yang menghubungkan Kota Tua dan Kota baru. Bagian tengah di sepanjang jalan ini terdapat Kali Ciliwung. Jalan Hayam Wuruk menjadi salah satu kawasan pembatasan lalu lintas Ganjil-Genap. Bus TransJakarta Koridor 1 rute Blok M - Kota juga melalui jalan ini serta MRT Jakarta Fase 2 sedang dalam tahap konstruksi.

Kondisi Cuaca dan Musim Terbaik untuk Mengunjungi Hayam Wuruk

Anda dapat mengunjungi Hayam Wuruk dan sekitarnya kapan pun. Kondisi cuaca di Jakarta umumnya menyengat dan mendung sepanjang tahun. Suhu harian biasanya bervariasi dari 23°C hingga 33°C. Hindari jam sibuk di pagi dan sore hari (waktu pulang dan berangkat kerja) untuk menghindari kemacetan.

Pesona Wisata di Sekitar Hayam Wuruk 

Terdapat beberapa tempat wisata dan pusat perbelanjaan di sekitar Jalan Hayam Wuruk, Taman Sari, berikut di antaranya:

1. Monumen Nasional

Disebut juga Monas, merupakan tempat penyimpanan dokumen yang sangat penting dalam sejarah kemerdekaan Indonesia. Monumen raksasa ini memiliki pemandangan yang indah dari atas puncaknya.

2. Masjid Istiqlal

Salah satu masjid terbesar di Asia Tenggara dan masjid terbesar keenam di dunia. Desain masjid modern dengan dinding dan lantai berlapis marmer.

3. Grand Indonesia

Kawasan perbelanjaan yang luas dengan berbagai gerai ritel ternama di pusat Jakarta. Anda juga bisa menikmati makanan lokal serta menikmati hiburan ramah keluarga di dalam mal ini.

Rekomendasi Hotel di Hayam Wuruk 

Hotel mewah di hayam wuruk.

Hotel mewah di Jalan Hayam Wuruk dan sekitarnya merupakan akomodasi populer untuk staycation , liburan keluarga, maupun perjalanan bisnis.

1. Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

Hotel dengan fasilitas bintang 4 ini terletak di Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 125, Glodok, Taman Sari, Jakarta.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

Deluxe (Twin/King), Premiere King, Santika Suite King

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

Parkir, lift, WiFi, AC, restoran, kafe, kolam renang

Layanan Tamu di Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

Resepsionis dan keamanan 24 jam, laundry

Info Lokasi Sekitar Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

Dekat Grand Paragon Mall (277 m), Hayam Wuruk Plaza (280 m), Stasiun Mangga Besar (1,10 km).

Review Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta oleh Pengunjung

Staycation di Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

Direview oleh Vivi N., 31 Agustus

Mantap banget nginep di Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk berasa honeymoon.

2. Antoni Hotel

Hotel mewah bintang 3 ini berada di Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 111 F-G, Hayam Wuruk, Taman Sari, Jakarta.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Antoni Hotel

Standard, Deluxe, Executive

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di Antoni Hotel

AC, lift, WiFi, restoran, layanan pijat

Layanan Tamu di Antoni Hotel

Resepsionis dan keamanan 24 jam, laundry, penitipan bagasi

Info Lokasi Sekitar Antoni Hotel

Dekat Hayam Wuruk Plaza (103 m), Grand Paragon Mall (144 m), Masjid Istiqlal (2,62 km).

Review Antoni Hotel di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung

Staycation di Antoni Hotel

Direview oleh Rizky f., 15 Desember

Lokasi strategis, tempat nyaman, WiFi lumayan.

3. Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

Hotel mewah bintang 5 ini terletak di Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1, Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

Deluxe King, Deluxe, Grand Deluxe King Or Twin, Grand Deluxe, Executive Grand Deluxe King Or Twin, Executive Grand Deluxe, Salon Suite King, Suite Salon

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

Parkir, lift, AC, WiFi, kafe, restoran, kolam renang, pusat kebugaran, spa, sauna

Layanan Tamu di Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

Resepsionis dan keamanan 24 jam, laundry , penitipan bagasi, staf multibahasa

Info Lokasi Sekitar Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

Dekat Grand Indonesia Shopping Mall (80 m), Stasiun MRT Bundaran HI (460 m)

Review Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung

Liburan Santai di Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

Direview oleh Angga A. B., 27 Maret

Wow, luar biasa 100 % dan resfring dunia terindah.

Hotel Murah di Hayam Wuruk

Punya akses cepat dan mudah, hotel murah di sekitar Hayam Wuruk ini juga jadi favorit untuk menginap.


Hotel ini berada di Jl. Taman Sari II No.66, RT.6/RW.1, Maphar, Hayam Wuruk, Taman Sari, Jakarta Barat.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di GHURFATI WEDANA

Superior Single, Superior Double

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di GHURFATI WEDANA

Parkir, WiFi, lift


Resepsionis 24 jam

Info Lokasi Sekitar GHURFATI WEDANA

Dekat Stasiun Sawah Besar (439 m), Harmonie Exchange (545 m), Monumen Nasional (1,78 km)

Review GHURFATI WEDANA di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung


Direview oleh Badruddin B., 17 Februari

Kamarnya rapi, bersih, ac dingiin. Besst.

2. Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique

Hotel bintang 2 ini berlokasi di Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.79B, Hayam Wuruk, Taman Sari, Jakarta.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique

Superior Double, Deluxe Double, Suite Double

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique

Parkir, AC, WiFi, lift, restoran

Layanan Tamu di Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique

Resepsionis dan keamanan 24 jam

Info Lokasi Sekitar Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique

Dekat Hayam Wuruk Plaza (469 m), Grand Paragon Mall (526 m), Masjid Istiqlal (2,13 km).

Review Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung

Liburan di Hotel Ro&Vi Boutique

Direview oleh Wulan w., 25 Desember

Puas banget, untuk harga segitu udah bagus banget.

3. Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel

Hotel bintang 2 ini berada di Jl. Hayam Wuruk No.68, Maphar, Kec. Taman Sari, Jakarta.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel

Standard Single

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel

Parkir, WiFi, AC

Layanan Tamu di Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel

Resepsionis 24 jam.

Info Lokasi Sekitar Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel

Dekat Gajah Mada Plaza (400 m), Hayam Wuruk Plaza (610 m), Monumen Nasional (2,26 km).

Review Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung

Staycation di Super OYO 91328 Fiducia Capsule Hotel

Direview oleh MUHAMAD R., 01 Mei

Betah di sini, pertama kali nginep 1 hari semalam yang kedua 3 hari 3 malam.

Rekomendasi Guesthouse di Hayam Wuruk

Guesthouse dengan fasilitas penunjangnya bisa jadi alternatif menginap di Hayam Wuruk dan sekitarnya.

1. City Icon Residence

Guesthouse bintang 1 ini berada di Mangga Besar Raya No.98, Mangga Besar, Taman Sari, Jakarta.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di City Icon Residence

Standard, Superior, Deluxe, Suite, 

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di City Icon Residence

Parkir, lift, AC, WiFi, kafe, restoran

Layanan Tamu di City Icon Residence

Info lokasi sekitar city icon residence.

Dekat Stasiun Mangga Besar (167 m), Rumah Sakit Husada (236 m)

Review City Icon Residence di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung

Liburan Santai di City Icon Residence

Direview oleh Ly Budiono, 06 Maret 

Kemana deket kemana mana dan mudah cari makan nya deket.

2. Social Hub by TwoSpaces

Guesthouse ini terletak di Jl. Sosial No.52 RW.2, Wijaya Kusuma, Kec. Grogol Petamburan, Jakarta Barat.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Social Hub by TwoSpaces

The Block 140, The Grand Block 140, The Grid 160, The Grand Grid 160, The Concrete 180, The Grand Concrete 180, 

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di Social Hub by TwoSpaces

Parkir, AC, WiFi, restoran, kafe

Layanan Tamu di Social Hub by TwoSpaces

Info lokasi sekitar social hub by twospaces.

Dekat Stasiun Pesing (673 m), Mal Ciputra Jakarta (1,09 km), Universitas Trisakti (1,27 km).

Review Social Hub by TwoSpaces di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung

Staycation di Social Hub by TwoSpaces

Direview oleh Mukhsin M., 24 Januari

Harga merakyat kualitas hampir sama kaya hotel berbintang.

3. Harlys Residence

Guesthouse bintang 2 ini berada di Jl. Tomang Tinggi Raya No.2, Grogol Petamburan, Tomang, Jakarta.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Harlys Residence

Standard, Superior Twin, Superior Single, Deluxe, Super Deluxe

Fasilitas yang Tersedia di Harlys Residence

Parkir, AC, WiFi, lift, restoran, fasilitas rapat

Layanan Tamu di Harlys Residence

Info lokasi sekitar harlys residence.

Dekat S Parman Busway Station (348 m), Universitas Trisakti (976 m), Metro Tanah Abang (2,79 km).

Review Harlys Residence di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung

Staycation di Harlys Residence

Direview oleh Lina I., 11 Februari

Kamar bersih. Kasur dan semua seprei bersih banget.

Hotel dengan Fasilitas Ramah Keluarga di Hayam Wuruk

Rencanakan liburan bersama anak-anak lebih seru dan berkesan, menginap di hotel dengan fasilitas ramah keluarga ini bisa jadi pilihan menarik.

Hotel Borobudur Jakarta

Hotel dengan fasilitas bintang 5 ini berada di Jl. Lapangan Banteng Selatan No. 01, Pasar Baru, Sawah Besar, Jakarta.

Tipe Kamar yang Tersedia di Hotel Borobudur Jakarta

Superior (Twin Bed/King Bed), Premier Deluxe (King Bed/Twin Bed), King Premier Pool View, Garden Wing Suite (One Bedroom/Two Bedroom/Three Bedroom), 1 Bedroom Pool View, Junior Suite, Club Suite, Club Suite Pool View, 2 Bedrooms Pool, 3 Bedrooms Pool

Fasilitas untuk Ramah Keluarga di Hotel Borobudur Jakarta

Kolam renang anak, klub anak, area main anak, acara hiburan anak, penitipan anak

Layanan Tamu di Hotel Borobudur Jakarta

Resepsionis dan keamanan 24 jam , laundry, penitipan bagasi,, staff multibahasa

Info Lokasi Sekitar Hotel Borobudur Jakarta

Dekat Taman Lapangan banteng (230 m), RSPAD Gatot Subroto (472 m), Masjid Istiqlal (528 m).

Review Hotel Borobudur Jakarta di Hayam Wuruk oleh Pengunjung

Liburan di Hotel Borobudur Jakarta

Direview oleh theresia l. b., 29 Desember

Kami sudah 2x menginap di sini dan selalu menyenangkan untuk anak anak.

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Tempattempat yang Disinggahi Hayam Wuruk Saat Kunjung ke Malang KEKUNOAN

The statue of prabu hayam wuruk, the king of the majapahit kingdom. editorial stock image.

Located in the heart of central Jakarta and only a 5-minute drive from Jakarta History Museum, Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta offers a great city accommodation featuring an indoor swimming pool and free WiFi access throughout the entire property. It takes about a 10-minute drive from the property to ITC Mangga Dua Shopping Centre.

Hayam Wuruk, the Famous King of Majapahit, in Ancient Java, Relief Editorial Photo Image of

Freebies. Situated in Gambir, MaxOne Platinum Hayam Wuruk is within a 10-minute walk of Merdeka Palace. It offers complimentary Wi-Fi, a 24-hour reception and meeting rooms. There are a range of amenities on offer to those staying at the hotel, such as room service, a lift and a laundry service. MaxOne Platinum Hayam Wuruk has 147 rooms that.

MaxOne Platinum Hayam Wuruk Review & Room Tour Hotel Bintang 3 Estetik di Pusat Kota Jakarta

Hayam Wuruk's name can be translated as "scholar rooster". He was the only son of Empress Tribhuwana Tunggadewi and Prince Kertawardhana (or Cakradhara). His mother was the daughter of Emperor Kertarajasa Jayawardhana, founder of Majapahit, while his father was the Duke of Tumapel "Bhre Tumapel", a lesser king of Singhasari.


Jalan Gajah Mada and Jalan Hayam Wuruk (Gajah Mada and Hayam Wuruk Streets), formerly Molenvliet West and Molenvliet Oost respectively, is a major thoroughfare located in Jakarta, Indonesia.The two streets with its canal, the Batang Hari (formerly the Molenvliet), connect Glodok and Kota Tua Jakarta to the north with Harmoni Junction to the south. . Completed in late 1640s, the canal-street.

Hayam Wuruk, Raja Majapahit Masa Kejayaan

15. Book Your Stay Now. Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta - Book online Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta hotel in Glodok from 10-02-2024 - 11-02-2024, get the best hotel deals with no booking fee only on Traveloka.

King Hayam Wuruk Statue of the King of Majapahit Editorial Photography Image of carving

Book Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta on Tripadvisor: See 535 traveler reviews, 505 candid photos, and great deals for Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, ranked #56 of 1,395 hotels in Jakarta and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.. View prices for your travel dates.. The best part of this hotel that i love is the bedroom.. got the.

Hayam Wuruk Jakarta newstempo

The ultimate Hayam Wuruk travel guide. Find Hayam Wuruk's location on the map, discover iconic places to visit and must-do experiences, and book hotels.

MaxOneHotels @ Platinum Hayam Wuruk features free WiFi and rooms with air conditioning in Jakarta. This 3-star hotel offers a 24-hour front desk and room service. The property is a 15-minute walk from National Museum of Indonesia and a 17-minute walk from National Monument Park. At the hotel, every room comes with a desk.


Book Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta on Tripadvisor: See 462 traveller reviews, 498 candid photos, and great deals for Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, ranked #80 of 1,362 hotels in Jakarta and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

Hayam Wuruk Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia

These are the best experiences near Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk: Active Volcano, Rice Field, Hot Spring, Fruit market, Tea Plantation with Lunch; Private Half-day Tour : Visit Highlights Places of Jakarta (4 Hours) Jakarta City Tour (Explore Highlights places & Local activities) Jakarta Night Tour : Enjoyable Night time in Jakarta (Hotel.

King Hayam Wuruk Statue of the King of Majapahit Editorial Photo Image of face, regency 251388031

Dwidayatour. Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 121, Mangga Besar, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia . Berdiri sejak 19 Juli 1967, PT Dwidaya World Wide dipercaya sebagai salah satu travel agent terbesar di Indonesia. Di bawah nama brand Dwidayatour, kami memiliki lebih dari 90 cabang yang tersebar kota-kota besar di Indonesia.

Hayam Wuruk Menjadi Raja Termuda Dan Membawa Majapahit Di puncak Kejayaan YouTube

Hayam Wuruk1334-1389 Javanese ruler of Majapahit who extended the influence of his Hindu kingdom throughout much of what is now Indonesia. Using sea power, Hayam maintained a monopoly over trade throughout the region, but his division of lands between his sons led to the rapid decline of Majapahit and thus of Hindu influence in Java. Source for information on Hayam Wuruk: Science and Its Times.

2020 Downtown Jakarta Driving Around Tour. Jalan Kota Tua, Hayam Wuruk, Gajah Mada, Harmoni

OYO 3811 Best Inn Hotel is located at Jl. Hayam Wuruk 1blok Rq-rr in Gambir, 1.1 miles from the center of Jakarta. Istana Merdeka is the closest landmark to OYO 3811 Best Inn Hotel.. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at OYO 3811 Best Inn Hotel and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a.

Petilasan Prabu Hayam Wuruk YouTube

Experiences from S$149. See 1 Experience. National Archives Museum. 79 Reviews. Jl. Gajah Mada no. 111 West Jakarta, Jakarta 11140 Indonesia. 9 minutes from Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk. beauty+. 1 Review. Jl. Kerajinan Raya 38A, Gajah Mada Jl. Salak Masir No. 2B, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta 11130 Indonesia.

HOTEL HAYAM WURUK Updated 2024 Prices (Trenggalek, Indonesia)

Hayam Wuruk (born 1334, Java [now in Indonesia]—died 1389, Java) ruler of the Javan Hindu state of Majapahit at the time of its greatest power.. Hayam Wuruk inherited the throne in 1350 at the age of 16, when the great patih ("prime minister") Gajah Mada was at the height of his career. Under the two leaders, Majapahit extended its power throughout the Indonesian archipelago.

[74] Prabu Hayam Wuruk Raja Majapahit YouTube

Now $37 (Was $̶6̶4̶) on Tripadvisor: Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta. See 531 traveler reviews, 505 candid photos, and great deals for Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, ranked #56 of 1,382 hotels in Jakarta and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.


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Book Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel

Exterior view, Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel in Jakarta

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Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel

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Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel

In addition to the standard of Indonesia Care, all guests get free Wi-Fi in all rooms and free parking if arriving by car. Strategically situated in Gajah Mada, allowing you access and proximity to local attractions and sights. Don't leave before paying a visit to the famous National Monument (MONAS). Rated with 5 stars, this high-quality property provides guests with access to massage, restaurant and hot tub on-site.

Hygiene Plus

870 meters to public transportation

  • Front desk [24-hour]

Airport transfer

Great Breakfast

best tour hayam wuruk

Indonesia Care

Certifies impeccable cleanliness, hygiene, and contactless safety practices

  • Shuttle service
  • Fitness center
  • Swimming pool [indoor]

Free Wi-Fi in all rooms!

  • Check-in/out [express]

8.3 Excellent

3,692 reviews

8.4 Excellent

Location rating score

Rooms available at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel

  • Room size: 48 m²/517 ft²
  • Non-smoking
  • 1 queen bed
  • Room size: 115 m²/1238 ft²
  • 2 bathrooms
  • Room size: 30 m²/323 ft²
  • Room size: 28 m²/301 ft²
  • 2 single beds
  • Room size: 52 m²/560 ft²
  • Room size: 72 m²/775 ft²
  • 1 queen bed and 2 single be...
  • 1 double bed or 1 queen bed

Top things to do in Jakarta

Popular things to do

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Active Volcano, Local Coffee, Tea factory, and Hot Spring


Indonesia Data eSIM: 0.5GB Daily to 20GB-30 Days


CGK - Private Airport Transfer Service


Private Airport Transfer Jakarta (CGK) To All Destination


Full Day Private Jakarta Tour(Inc Lunch, Puppet show, & Souvenir)


Jakarta City Tour (Explore Highlights places & Local activities)


Jakarta Night Tour : Enjoyable Night time in Jakarta (Hotel Pick-up)

Frequently asked questions

What types of facilities are available for children at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel?

While on holiday with your loved ones, your kids can also enjoy the fun in sports and recreation facilities offered at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel such as kids pool.

What public parks are in close proximty of Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel?

While lodging at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel, take joy in your morning or evening wander at nearby park which include Taman Kantor Kelurahan Glodok, Monas Barat, and RPTRA Tanah Abang 3.

In which languages can Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel's personnel communicate?

Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel can communicate in 5 languages and supports well-known languages such as English and Mandarin Chinese for guest visitors traveling to this property. Please refer to the 'Amenities and facilities' section and in the 'Languages spoken' category to find out what other languages this property supports.

What do guests love most about Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel?

Past visitors that stayed at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel have given this property a rating of 8.655 for its exceptional cleanliness as the primary highlight for their stay.

What is the verified guest review consensus about Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel's food?

72.0% of our verified visitor reviews have given a positive review and comments about this property's food. You can look up on more detailed customer reviews, and comments for Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel down in the review.

What is the average rating that past Solo travelers' have given to Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel?

Past solo travelers that have stayed at this property have given Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel an average rating of 8.3. You can look up more detailed customer reviews and comments by filtering for a specific type of verified travelers down in the review section.

What is the average rating that verified Business travelers' have given to Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel?

Past business travelers that have stayed at this property have given Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel an average rating of 8.2. You can look up more detailed customer evaluations and feedback by filtering for a specific type of verified travelers down in the review section.

What do local visitors think about Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel?

Past local travelers that have stayed at this property have given Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel an average rating of 9.0. You can look up on more specific customer evaluations, and comments for this property down in the review section.

What restaurants are close by Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel?

Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel’s local community is Gajah Mada which comprises of popular restaurants such as Bubur Kwang Tung, Bakso Rusuk Samanhudi, and Café Batavia.

Is breakfast offered at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel?

Wake up to an exceptional continental and buffet breakfast at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel. Guests can enjoy breakfast offered with an additional charge of 200000 IDR for adults if not included in the room rate. You can save more on breakfast costs with Agoda by booking a room with breakfast, which is often included for less than buying it at the hotel.

More about Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel

More about Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel

Experience Luxury and Comfort at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel Welcome to Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , a luxurious 4-star hotel located in the vibrant city of Jakarta, Indonesia. With its convenient location and world-class amenities, this hotel is the perfect choice for both business and leisure travelers. Upon arrival, guests are greeted by the warm and friendly staff, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free check-in process. Check-in time starts from 02:00 PM, allowing guests to settle in and start their Jakarta adventure without any delay. The hotel boasts a total of 483 well-appointed rooms, offering a wide range of options to suit every traveler's needs. Whether you are traveling alone, with a partner, or with your family, you will find the perfect room to make your stay comfortable and memorable. At Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , every detail is designed to provide the utmost comfort and convenience. The spacious rooms are elegantly furnished with modern amenities, ensuring a restful and rejuvenating stay. Each room is thoughtfully equipped with a flat-screen TV, minibar, and a private bathroom with complimentary toiletries. With the hotel's impeccable service and attention to detail, guests can expect a truly luxurious experience. Families traveling with children will appreciate the hotel's child policy. Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel allows children between the ages of 2 to 12 to stay free of charge. This makes it an ideal choice for families looking to explore Jakarta's attractions while enjoying a comfortable and budget-friendly accommodation. The hotel also offers a range of family-friendly facilities, including a swimming pool and a children's playground, ensuring that both parents and children have a memorable stay. Check-out time is until 12:00 PM, giving guests ample time to enjoy a leisurely breakfast at the hotel's restaurant or to squeeze in some last-minute sightseeing before departing. Whether you are visiting Jakarta for business or leisure, Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel is the perfect choice for a luxurious and unforgettable stay. Book your stay today and experience the best of Jakarta's hospitality. Unwind and Indulge at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel 's Entertainment Facilities At Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , we believe in providing our guests with the ultimate relaxation and entertainment experience. Our hotel boasts a wide range of entertainment facilities that are designed to help you unwind and indulge during your stay. Indulge in a refreshing drink and lively atmosphere at our stylish bar, where you can socialize with fellow guests or simply enjoy a quiet evening alone. For those seeking ultimate relaxation, our spa offers a range of rejuvenating treatments and therapies that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. If you're looking to unwind after a long day of exploring the city, our massage services are the perfect option. Our skilled therapists will help melt away your stress and tension, leaving you feeling relaxed and revitalized. For the ultimate relaxation experience, our hot tub, sauna, and steam room are the perfect places to unwind and rejuvenate your body and mind. In addition to these facilities, our hotel also offers a shared lounge/TV area, where you can catch up on your favorite shows or connect with fellow travelers. And if you're looking for a souvenir to remember your stay, our gift/souvenir shop offers a range of unique and locally-made items. At Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , we strive to provide our guests with an unforgettable entertainment experience. Whether you're looking to relax, socialize, or indulge in some pampering, our entertainment facilities have got you covered. Unwind and Stay Active at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel 's Sports Facilities At Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , guests can enjoy a range of sports facilities that are designed to help them unwind and stay active during their stay. Whether you're looking to swim a few laps or break a sweat in the fitness center, this hotel has you covered. Start your day with a refreshing dip in the indoor pool, perfect for those who prefer a controlled environment. The pool is heated, ensuring a comfortable swimming experience regardless of the weather outside. If you prefer the outdoors, head to the spacious outdoor pool, where you can bask in the sun and enjoy a leisurely swim. The poolside bar offers a variety of refreshing drinks and snacks, allowing you to relax and unwind while enjoying the poolside ambiance. For those who want to maintain their fitness routine while traveling, the hotel offers a well-equipped fitness center. With a range of cardio and strength training equipment, you can work up a sweat and stay in shape during your stay. Best of all, the fitness center is free for all guests, making it accessible to everyone. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or simply looking to relax by the pool, Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel 's sports facilities have something for everyone. So dive in, break a sweat, or simply soak up the sun – the choice is yours! Convenience at its Finest: Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel 's Facilities Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel offers a wide range of convenience facilities to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free stay for its guests. With 24-hour room service, guests can enjoy delicious meals or snacks in the comfort of their own rooms at any time of the day. The hotel also provides laundry service and dry cleaning, making it convenient for guests to have their clothes cleaned and pressed without having to leave the premises. For added security, the hotel offers safety deposit boxes where guests can store their valuables. The friendly and attentive concierge is always ready to assist with any requests or inquiries. With Wi-Fi available in both public areas and all rooms, guests can stay connected and browse the internet with ease. Additionally, the hotel features a designated smoking area for guests who smoke. There is also a convenience store on-site, providing guests with easy access to essential items. The hotel offers daily housekeeping to ensure that rooms are always clean and comfortable. For a seamless check-in and check-out experience, express check-in/check-out services are available. Lastly, luggage storage is provided for guests who need to store their belongings before or after their stay. With these convenience facilities, Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel ensures that guests have everything they need for a convenient and enjoyable stay. Convenient Transport Facilities at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel At Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , guests can enjoy a range of convenient transport facilities that make exploring Jakarta a breeze. For those arriving by air, the hotel offers airport transfer services, ensuring a hassle-free journey from the airport to the hotel. Additionally, the hotel provides a shuttle service, making it easy for guests to explore the city's attractions and landmarks. For guests who prefer to drive, the hotel offers a car park onsite, providing a secure and convenient parking option. Self-parking is available, and what's even better is that the car park is free of charge for hotel guests. For those who prefer not to drive, the hotel also offers a car hire and taxi service, allowing guests to conveniently explore Jakarta at their own pace. Furthermore, the hotel provides a ticket service, making it easy for guests to book tickets for various attractions and events in the city. With these transport facilities, guests at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel can easily navigate Jakarta and make the most of their stay. Luxurious Room Facilities at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel Experience a truly indulgent stay at the Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , where every detail has been carefully curated to ensure your utmost comfort and satisfaction. Our rooms are equipped with top-notch amenities, including air conditioning to keep you cool and refreshed even on the hottest days. Get ready for a night out on the town with ease, as each room is furnished with a hair dryer, allowing you to style your hair effortlessly. Whether you're attending a business meeting or exploring the vibrant city of Jakarta, our mini bar offers a wide selection of beverages and snacks to keep you energized throughout the day. For those seeking an extra touch of luxury, select rooms at our hotel feature a cozy fireplace, creating a warm and inviting ambiance. Imagine curling up by the fire with a good book or enjoying a glass of wine after a long day of sightseeing. At Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , we strive to provide you with the ultimate comfort and convenience, ensuring that your stay with us is truly unforgettable. Indulge in a Culinary Delight at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel offers a range of dining facilities that cater to every palate and preference. Whether you're craving a quick coffee fix, a hearty meal, or a delectable breakfast spread, this hotel has it all. Start your day off right with a sumptuous breakfast buffet, featuring a variety of continental dishes that will satisfy even the most discerning taste buds. For those seeking halal options, the hotel also boasts a halal restaurant, ensuring that all guests can enjoy a delicious meal with peace of mind. With 24-hour room service and a coffee shop on-site, you can indulge in your favorite dishes and beverages at any time of the day. The hotel's restaurant offers a diverse menu that showcases both local and international cuisines, prepared by skilled chefs using the freshest ingredients. With daily housekeeping ensuring a clean and comfortable dining environment, you can dine in style and luxury at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel . Comfort and Variety at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel offers a wide range of room types to suit every traveler's needs. From spacious Business Suites to cozy Superior Twins, there is something for everyone at this luxurious hotel. The Business Suite provides ample space with its 44 square meters and features a comfortable Queen Bed. For those seeking a regal experience, the Executive Suite offers the same generous size with a plush King Bed. The Deluxe King and Deluxe Twin rooms are perfect for solo travelers or couples, with their 30 square meters of space and either a King Bed or two Single Beds respectively. The Superior Queen and Superior Twin rooms, each measuring 28 square meters, provide a cozy retreat with a Queen Bed or two Single Beds. With such a diverse selection of room types, guests can find the perfect accommodation to suit their preferences and needs. Booking these rooms on Agoda ensures that guests not only have access to the best prices but also enjoy a hassle-free experience. Agoda's user-friendly platform allows travelers to easily compare room types, rates, and availability, ensuring they find the best deal for their stay at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel . With Agoda's secure booking system, guests can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their reservation is confirmed and their payment is protected. Whether it's a business trip or a leisure getaway, booking through Agoda guarantees a seamless experience, making the process of reserving a room at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel effortless and enjoyable. Exploring the Vibrant Gajah Mada District in Jakarta Nestled in the heart of Jakarta, the Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel offers an ideal base for exploring the vibrant Gajah Mada district. Known for its bustling streets, colorful markets, and rich cultural heritage, Gajah Mada is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking an authentic Jakarta experience. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and flavors of Gajah Mada as you wander through its lively streets. Discover a myriad of local shops, where you can find everything from traditional textiles to modern electronics. Indulge in the aromatic scents and flavors of Indonesian cuisine at the numerous street food stalls and local restaurants that line the district. For a taste of Jakarta's history and culture, visit the nearby Museum Sejarah Jakarta, where you can explore exhibits showcasing the city's past. Don't miss the iconic Istiqlal Mosque, one of the largest mosques in Southeast Asia, located just a short distance from Gajah Mada. Whether you're a history buff, a shopaholic, or a food lover, Gajah Mada has something to offer everyone, and the Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel is the perfect starting point for your adventures in this vibrant district. Convenient Airport Transfers to Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel Located in the bustling district of Gajah Mada, Jakarta, Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel offers a prime location for both business and leisure travelers. Getting to the hotel from the nearest airports is a breeze, with various transportation options available. If you are arriving at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, the most convenient way to reach Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel is by taxi. Taxis are readily available at the airport and offer a comfortable and hassle-free journey. The hotel is approximately 25 kilometers away from the airport, and the journey takes around 45 minutes, depending on traffic conditions. For those arriving at Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport, taxis are also the recommended mode of transportation. Taxis can be easily found outside the airport terminal, and the journey to the hotel takes approximately 30 minutes, covering a distance of around 15 kilometers. Alternatively, you can also pre-arrange airport transfers with the hotel for a seamless arrival experience. Discover the Tranquility of Vihara Maha Dharma near Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel Nestled in the heart of Jakarta, Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel offers guests a serene retreat amidst the bustling city. Located nearby, the Vihara Maha Dharma is a captivating landmark that provides a tranquil escape from the urban chaos. Vihara Maha Dharma, a Buddhist temple, is a hidden gem that exudes a sense of peace and spirituality. As you step inside, you will be greeted by intricate architecture, vibrant colors, and the fragrance of incense. The temple's serene atmosphere invites visitors to take a moment of contemplation and find solace in its tranquil surroundings. Guests of Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel can easily explore this spiritual haven and immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of Jakarta. Whether you are seeking a moment of reflection or simply want to admire the temple's beauty, Vihara Maha Dharma is a must-visit attraction that will leave a lasting impression on your journey in Jakarta. Delicious Dining Options at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel When it comes to dining options near Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel , guests are in for a treat. Just a stone's throw away from the hotel, you'll find a variety of restaurants that will satisfy any craving. Indulge in the famous Bakso A Kiaw 99, known for its mouthwatering meatballs and flavorful broth. For a taste of authentic Indonesian cuisine, head to Soto Tangkar & Sate Kuah h Diding or Warisan Indonesian Soul Food. If you're in the mood for some comforting noodles, Mie Ayam Jamur Family is a must-visit. For those craving Japanese cuisine, Menya Ichiza offers a range of delectable ramen dishes. For a unique dining experience, check out Jelly Potter Gajah Mada, where you can enjoy delicious desserts and refreshing drinks. Kuotie Sanjaya22 Gajahmada is a great spot for dumpling lovers, while Djiba Bakut Teh is perfect for those who enjoy a hearty bowl of pork rib soup. Kantin Ira and Warung Goreng Gajah Mada are also nearby, offering a variety of local dishes that will leave you wanting more. With such a diverse range of dining options just steps away, guests at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel will never run out of delicious choices. Affordable Luxury: Experience Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel at an Unbeatable Price Indulge in the opulence of Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel without breaking the bank. With an average room price of just $77, this luxurious hotel offers exceptional value for money, ensuring a memorable stay in the heart of Jakarta, Indonesia. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in the city, which stands at a modest $44, Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel provides an unparalleled experience at an affordable price. Immerse yourself in the elegance of well-appointed rooms, featuring modern amenities and stylish decor, all designed to provide utmost comfort and relaxation. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, this hotel offers the perfect blend of luxury and affordability. With its prime location in Jakarta, guests can easily explore the vibrant city and its numerous attractions, including shopping malls, cultural landmarks, and renowned culinary destinations. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the grandeur of Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel at a price that is unmatched in the city. Great Hotel with Clean Rooms and Professional Staff Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel is a great choice for your stay in Jakarta. With a nice lobby, clean rooms, and excellent facilities, this hotel offers a comfortable and peaceful environment. The staff is professional and friendly, ensuring that your needs are met throughout your stay. The rooms are clean and well-maintained, with comfortable beds that guarantee a good night's sleep. Located in a convenient area, you'll have easy access to explore the city. The food at the hotel is amazing, and the bathrooms are nice and well-equipped. Overall, you'll have an amazing stay at this hotel. Exceptional Customer Ratings at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel has consistently received outstanding customer ratings, making it a top choice for travelers visiting Jakarta, Indonesia. With an overall rating of 8.3, guests have praised the hotel for its exceptional value, excellent facilities, and high standards of cleanliness. One of the standout features of this hotel is its exceptional staff performance, with a rating of 8.3. Guests have consistently praised the friendly and attentive staff, who go above and beyond to ensure a memorable stay for every guest. Whether it's providing local recommendations, arranging transportation, or addressing any concerns, the staff at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel are dedicated to providing top-notch service. Another highlight of this hotel is its convenient location, which has earned it a rating of 8.4. Situated in the heart of Jakarta, guests have easy access to popular attractions, shopping centers, and business districts. Whether you're visiting for business or leisure, the hotel's prime location ensures that you're never far from the city's vibrant energy. With its exceptional customer ratings for value, facilities, cleanliness, location, comfort, and staff performance, Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel is a top choice for travelers seeking a memorable and enjoyable stay in Jakarta. Book your stay today and experience the outstanding hospitality that this hotel has to offer.

Amenities and facilities


173 mentions

82 mentions

Food & Dining

45 mentions

32 mentions

Languages spoken

  • Chinese [Cantonese]
  • Chinese [Mandarin]

Internet access

  • Internet services
  • Wi-Fi in public areas

Things to do, ways to relax

  • Swimming pool [outdoor]
  • Ticket services

Cleanliness and safety

  • Anti-viral cleaning products
  • Body thermometer
  • Breakfast takeaway service
  • Cashless payment service
  • Daily disinfection in all rooms
  • Daily disinfection in common areas
  • Doctor/nurse on call
  • Face coverings on staff
  • First aid kit
  • Free face masks
  • Guest rooms seal after sanitization
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Hot water linen and laundry washing
  • Hygiene certification
  • Individually-wrapped food options
  • Physical distancing of at least 1 meter
  • Protective screens in common areas
  • Room sanitization opt-out available
  • Rooms sanitized between stays
  • Safe dining setup
  • Sanitized kitchen and tableware items
  • Shared stationery removed
  • Staff trained in safety protocol
  • Sterilizing equipment
  • Temperature check for guests and staff

Dining, drinking, and snacking

  • Breakfast [buffet]
  • Breakfast [continental]
  • Breakfast service
  • Coffee shop
  • Poolside bar
  • Restaurant [halal]
  • Restaurants
  • Room service [24-hour]

Services and conveniences

  • Air conditioning in public area

Cash withdrawal

  • Contactless check-in/out

Convenience store

Currency exchange

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Dry cleaning
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Food delivery
  • Gift/souvenir shop
  • Grooming service
  • Ironing service
  • Laundry service
  • Luggage storage
  • Meeting/banquet facilities
  • Postal service
  • Safety deposit boxes
  • Smoking area
  • Xerox/fax in business center

For the kids

  • Babysitting service
  • Family room
  • Swimming pool [kids]
  • CCTV in common areas
  • CCTV outside property
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Pets allowed
  • Security [24-hour]
  • Smoke alarms

Getting around

  • Car park [free of charge]
  • Car park [on-site]
  • Taxi service

Available in all rooms

  • Air conditioning
  • Blackout curtains
  • Coffee/tea maker
  • Free bottled water
  • In-room safe box
  • Ironing facilities
  • Private bathroom
  • Refrigerator
  • Satellite/cable channels
  • Wi-Fi [free]

Food and dining

  • Continental

Harmoni Square

  • Cuisine: American, Asian, Chinese
  • Menu: Buffet, A-la-carte
  • Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport (HLP) 13.8 km
  • Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (CGK) 18.7 km

Public transportation

  • Stasiun Sawah Besar Railway Station 910 m
  • Juanda Railway Station 1.4 km

Hospital or clinic

  • Immanuel 230 m
  • Grand Indonesia Mall 3.9 km
  • ATM on-site

What's nearby

Popular landmarks.

  • Istiqlal Mosque 1.7 km
  • Jakarta Cathedral 1.8 km
  • National Museum 1.8 km
  • National Monument (MONAS) 1.9 km
  • Gambir Train Station Building 2.2 km
  • Museum Bank Indonesia 2.7 km
  • Jakarta Old Town 3.0 km
  • Ancol Dreamland 4.3 km
  • Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park 20.4 km

Nearby landmarks

  • Gajah Mada Plaza 160 m
  • Jakarta Fruit Market Gajah Mada 200 m
  • RPTRA Kejora 310 m
  • Vihara Maha Dharma 320 m
  • K24 apotek 420 m
  • Puskesmas Kelurahan Maphar 450 m
  • Puskesmas Kelurahan Kebon Kelapa 460 m
  • Posyandu Gerakan Sayang Ibu 510 m
  • Hayam Wuruk Street 520 m

Property policies

Children and extra beds.

Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose. Please check the individual room capacity for more details.

All children are welcome.

  • When booking more than 5 rooms, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

Some helpful facts


  • Check-in from :  14:00
  • Check-out until :  12:00
  • Airport transfer fee :  385000 IDR
  • Breakfast charge (unless included in room price) :  200000 IDR

The property

  • Number of restaurants :  1
  • Number of rooms :  483
  • Room voltage :  220

Property announcements

The hotel has an ‘ALL Safe Officer’, a dedicated health and safety officer to oversee all procedures and assist guests with queries related hotel operations and preventative measures

Food and beverage options such as breakfast might be limited or unavailable during this time. Please contact the property for more information.

Reviews of Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel from real guests

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Great hotel for business traveller ”

Had customer meetings around Harmoni / Kota area. Convenient location, great hotel facilities. Breakfast can be quite crowded due to event participants.

Dear Mr. Hartono, Thank you very much for spending your time to review our hotel on this platform. We have proudly shared your feedback to the entire team. Your feedback will make us to consistently achieve the level of service that you and other guest expecting from us. We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon Best Regards Rury Mashuri General Manager

Great for Visitors”

Good hotel with great facilities. I love the room and gym facilities. The swimming pool, hot spring, cold spring, and sauna are perfect. The gym is nice and would be perfect if they have new yoga mat.

Dear Mrs. Bella, Thank you very much for spending your time to review our hotel on this platform. We have proudly shared your feedback to the entire team. Your feedback will make us to consistently achieve the level of service that you and other guest expecting from us. We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon Best Regards Lalu Aswadi jaya General Manager

Good and helpful staff. Clean, spacious, and comfortable room. Strategic location near many dining places. The breakfast is complete with a lot of delicious options. Choose Grand Mercure for a safe and comfortable vacation.

Dear Mrs. Wawa, Thank you very much for spending your time to give us feedback at this online review. We are happy to hear that you enjoy stay in our hotel. Your positive review about our hotel really appreciate. Thank you again for sharing your experience on and we do look forward to welcoming you again in the near future. Best Regards, Subendi General Manager

hotel review”

location good but because of the ongoing construction work of the MRT extension in front of the hotel , crossing the road the opposite shopping mall right opposite of the hotel was not convenient

Dear Mr. Boon, Thank you very much for spending your time to review our hotel on this platform. We have proudly shared your feedback to the entire team. Your feedback will make us to consistently achieve the level of service that you and other guest expecting from us. We are looking forward to welcoming you back soon Best Regards Rury Mashuri General Manager


The super duper comfortable hotel. The ambiance is comfortable, cool, and bright. All staff are friendly and always greet you from reception to cleaning staff. The parking lot is spacious. There are many food stalls around the hotel, so no worries if you get hungry. You can also call for Grab or Gojek. We didn't buy breakfast, but it's very recommended.

Ibu Jennyfer yang terhormat, Kami sangat berterima kasih atas komentar Anda mengenai kunjungan Anda di Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni. Sangat menyenangkan bagi kami untuk menerima umpan balik/tanggapan positif. Kami akan memberitahukan komentar Anda kepada tim kami. Kami yakin bahwa umpan balik ini akan menjadi motivasi bagi semua staf kami karena kami berusaha untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas layanan kami. Sekali lagi terima kasih karena Anda telah memberitahukan pengalaman Anda, dan kami berharap kunjungan Anda berikutnya akan sama memuaskan seperti kunjungan sebelumnya. Hormat kami, Subendi General Manager

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    Best Tour Head Office Jl. Hayam Wuruk 125 AB Jakarta - Indonesia 11180 Tel. +62 21 2601888 SMS. +62 816 958360. Best Tour Branch Office ... About the company BEST TOUR is a fully licensed tour and travel company that commits to handling all the travel related services and issues within both the domestic and international sectors for corporate ...

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    Miniature Of Indonesia Tour . This is the best way to experience Jakarta. You can stroll around the park knowing a bit of every part of Indonesia in miniature. VIEW ... Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 121, Mangga Besar, Jakarta 11180 P. [62-21] 6231 9878 F. [62-21] 6263 145 E. [email protected].

  5. Cabang Hayam Wuruk

    Bersama Dwidayatour, Anda dapat menemukan momen terbaik liburan Anda langsung di 1 tempat! Dengan pengalaman sejak tahun 1967, Dwidayatour telah membantu lebih dari 3.000.000 traveler seperti Anda mendapatkan liburan impian dengan HEMAT! Ingin tahu ada promo apa saja yang berlaku saat ini di cabang Dwidayatour Hayam Wuruk.

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    Lapangan Stasiun no. 1 Opposite side of Jakarta Kota Train Station, Jakarta 11110 Indonesia. Experiences from $110. See 1 Experience. Santa Maria de Fatima Church. 8 Reviews. Jl. Kemenangan III No.47 RT 3 / RW 2,Tamansari, Jakarta 11120 Indonesia. Experiences from $52.

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    See 1 photo and 2 tips from 18 visitors to Best Tour. "What u think of this place?" Travel and Transportation in Jakarta, Jakarta. Foursquare City Guide. Log In; Sign Up; Nearby: Get inspired: Top Picks; Trending; ... Hayam wuruk raya no 125 Jakarta Jakarta Indonesia. Get directions +62 622 12601888.

  9. Best Tour Tamasyaria Dunia Tour & Travel Service

    BEST TOUR TAMASYARIA DUNIA TOUR & TRAVEL SERVICE 125 AB Jl. Hayam Wuruk, 11180 Jakarta - Indonesia Categories Main category Schools and educational services, nec (8299) Secondary categories Travel agencies (4724) Yellow pages categories Travel Agencies (017202) ...

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  11. Objek Wisata Terbaik Dekat Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta

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  12. Best Tour

    BEST TOUR is a fully licensed tour and travel company that commits to handling all the travel related services and issues within both the domestic and international sectors for corporate and purposes. ... Best Tour Head Office Jl. Hayam Wuruk 125 AB Jakarta - Indonesia 11180 Tel. +62 21 2601888 SMS. +62 816 958360. Best Tour Branch Office

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    The best way to get to Hayam Wuruk Street is by taxi or ride-hailing services such as Grab or Gojek. From the Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, travelers can take a taxi or airport shuttle bus to reach Hayam Wuruk Street. For those who prefer public transportation, the TransJakarta bus system is a convenient option. ...

  14. Dwidayatour

    Dwidayatour. Jalan Hayam Wuruk No. 121, Mangga Besar, Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia . Berdiri sejak 19 Juli 1967, PT Dwidaya World Wide dipercaya sebagai salah satu travel agent terbesar di Indonesia. Di bawah nama brand Dwidayatour, kami memiliki lebih dari 90 cabang yang tersebar kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Dwidaya Tour.

  15. Rooms available at Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta

    Don't miss out on the opportunity to stay at Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta, where luxury meets affordability. Book your stay now and experience the best of Jakarta without breaking the bank. Excellent Service, Spectacular Breakfast, and Clean Rooms Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta has received rave reviews from its guests ...

  16. 19 Hotel di Hayam Wuruk Terdekat Diskon s.d. 68%, Jakarta Barat

    Resepsionis dan keamanan 24 jam, laundry. Info Lokasi Sekitar Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta. Dekat Grand Paragon Mall (277 m), Hayam Wuruk Plaza (280 m), Stasiun Mangga Besar (1,10 km). Review Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk Jakarta oleh Pengunjung.

  17. Bali Classic and Fun 5 Days 4 Nights

    BALI - BEDUGUUL + TANAH LOT SUNSET (B) After breakfast at hotel, the tour will visit TAMAN AYUN Royal Family Temple in Mengwi, then drive up to BEDUGUL an attractive mountain resort located about 1100 meters above sea level.There lies tropical market and an ancient Lake Beratan with its magnificent "floating" Ulun Danu Temple dedicated to the goddess of the water dwelling in this area.

  18. Hayam Wuruk

    According to the Nagarakretagama, Canto 1, Stanzas 4 and 5, Hayam Wuruk was born in 1256 Saka year, corresponding to 1334 CE, the same year that Mount Kelud erupted. Mpu Prapanca, author of the Nagarakretagama, argued that this was the divine sign that Batara Girinata (the Javanese name for Shiva Mahadewa) had manifested himself on earth, reincarnated as the Javanese king.

  19. Baker's Corner Hayam Wuruk

    Jl. Hayam Wuruk Popular Market Hayam Wuruk, Denpasar Indonesia +62 878-8483-8781 Website Menu. Open now : 07:00 AM - 11:00 PM. Improve this listing. See all (135) There aren't enough food, service, value or atmosphere ratings for Baker's Corner Hayam Wuruk, Indonesia yet. Be one of the first to write a review!

  20. Hayam Wuruk (1334

    Hayam Wuruk inherited the throne in 1350 at the age of 16 when the patih (prime minister) Gajah Mada was at the height of his career. Under his rule, Majapahit extended its power throughout the Indonesian archipelago. According to Pararaton and Kidung Sunda, in 1357 King Hayam Wuruk was expected to marry Dyah Pitaloka Citraresmi, the princess ...


    5 Jalan Hayam Wuruk No 05 Rt.6/rw.2, Jakarta 10120 Indonesia. Lugano Arte Homestay. ... Share your best travel photo. Let the world see your hotel experience through your eyes. Post a photo. ... Tours Add a Place Travel Forum Airlines Travelers' Choice Help Center $ USD.

  22. Hayam Wuruk Jakarta newstempo

    2020 Downtown Jakarta Driving Around Tour. Jalan Kota Tua, Hayam Wuruk, Gajah Mada, Harmoni. Now $37 (Was $̶6̶4̶) on Tripadvisor: Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta. See 531 traveler reviews, 505 candid photos, and great deals for Hotel Santika Premiere Hayam Wuruk, ranked #56 of 1,382 hotels in Jakarta and rated 4.5 of 5 at ...

  23. Rooms available at Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel

    Grand Mercure Jakarta Harmoni Hotel. Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 36 - 37, Gajah Mada, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10120 - See map. In addition to the standard of Indonesia Care, all guests get free Wi-Fi in all rooms and free parking if arriving by car. Strategically situated in Gajah Mada, allowing you access and proximity to local attractions and sights.