Memory Alpha

Aurora (NC-17740)

The Aurora (NC-17740) was a 23rd century Federation Class J space cruiser . ( TOS : " The Way to Eden ")

  • 2.1 Background information
  • 2.2 Apocrypha
  • 2.3 External link

History [ ]

In 2269 , the Aurora was stolen by Dr. Sevrin and his followers , who were traveling in search of the mythical planet Eden . Consequently, it was pursued by the USS Enterprise .

When the Aurora approached the Romulan Neutral Zone in an attempt to evade pursuit, Captain Kirk deemed it necessary to tractor in the ship. In response, the crew of the Aurora pushed the ship to its limit, causing its engines to seriously overheat. The vessel was destroyed as the Enterprise transported the vessel's complement of six aboard. ( TOS : " The Way to Eden ")

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

The script draft of 12 November 1968, described the ship as "(...) small, rather like the Enterprise shuttlecraft." In that draft version the ship was still called Argo . (Scenes 3 & 5, p. 2) In the draft version of 18 November, the name was changed to Aurora and the description abbreviated to "space cruiser". (Scenes 3 & 4, p. 1)

The studio model used in the original edition of "The Way to Eden" for the Aurora was a modification of one of the two Tholian ship studio models that previously appeared in " The Tholian Web ". For its 2008 remastered counterpart, it was replaced by a newly conceived CGI model .

The registry of the Aurora was the tail number of the Waco cabin cruiser biplane owned by Matt Jefferies . ( Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 51)

The Aurora was listed as SS Aurora in the ship list. ( Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 327)

For further information on the model(s), see Class J starship studio model .

Apocrypha [ ]

An explanation of the strange original version look of the Aurora was attempted in the Star Trek Maps , which stated:

The diagram, appearing on Chart B, depicts the Aurora with a registry of NCC-C1200, and a nacelle-style more akin to those found on a class F shuttlecraft.

External link [ ]

  • Aurora (NC-17740) at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)

Aurora Class

This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

The Aurora -class spacedock is the smallest class of spacedock in Starfleet service. Though it dwarfs the largest non-spacedock station classes, it is less than half the size of the Spacedock -class and it is intended to serve in areas that need the support of a spacedock but where one of the larger stations is unnecessary. Serving a middle ground between the very large Spacedock and Guardian -class stations, Aurora -class stations are much less common than either the largest non-spacedock stations or their larger cousins, but they are frequently found at important junctions of the Federation's space lanes and anchoring defensive lines on the frontier where a larger station would be too vulnerable.

A member of the Spacedock family, the Aurora-class was first commissioned alongside the Excelsior -class . Though built with large enough openings to give these ships and the later Ambassador -class more than enough clearance, they are not large enough for Starfleet's Galaxy , Nebula , and Odyssey -class starships, which must use the four external docking ports instead. Despite this size limitation, the class is more than capable of servicing modern starships and is an important part of Starfleet's inventory.

  • 1.1.1 Upper Spires, Administrative Tower, & Upper Habitat Module
  • 1.1.2 Spacedock
  • 1.1.3 Interconnecting Bridges
  • 1.1.4 Habitat Ring
  • 1.1.5 Lower Habitat Module
  • 1.1.6 Reactor & Communications Module
  • 1.2 Engineering
  • 1.3 Docking & Cargo Facilities
  • 1.4 Defensive Capabilities
  • 1.5 Population & Stationboard Life
  • 2 Aurora -class History
  • 4 Aurora -class spacedocks In-Play


The smallest of the three spacedock-type stations, the Aurora -class is nevertheless a major space station with the capability to build and maintain starships and to serve as the administrative hub for an entire sector of space. This station's commercial and scientific facilities are more limited than her larger cousins, but they perform important roles in the Federation's trade and exploratory networks. Aurora -class stations are also well-armed and shielded, defending key frontier worlds and anchoring larger defensive networks.

At a glance, an Aurora-class station resembles the primary docking facility of a Spacedock -class station without the long stalk beneath it, and this is the origin of the design, but the specifics of this base differ significantly from that design: the spacedock is built in two halves like a mollusk shell, with the two domes joined by an equatorial band, which has four transfer bridges to a large habitat ring, and beneath the main hanger is a reactor and communications tower. Like the Spacedock-class , a travel core runs through the center of the station to link all of the areas together, but given its much smaller size, it does not have the multi-story trams found on the larger class.

Upper Spires, Administrative Tower, & Upper Habitat Module

The top of the station has five groups of spires, which are a mix of short and medium-range communications aerials and sensor suites, as well as subsidiary shield generators. The central group is attached to a tower, which contains station operations in a module at the very top and other administrative offices for senior leadership throughout the tower, as well as the station's six primary computer cores and its own shield generators. Beneath the tower and spires is a sloped disk-shape module approximately 30 decks tall that houses about half of the station's 5,000-person crew, as well as medical facilities, labs, secure cargo bays, and crew support systems. Near the center of this module is the station's arboretum, which is a cylinder five decks high. Unlike the Spacedock-class, the goal here is not to simulate a planetary environment but to simply provide green space and oxygen-producing plants.

The spacedock is the largest section of the station. Split into two halves with an interconnecting equatorial band, the walls of the spacedock contain contingency quarters for visitors and mission-configurable space. The bay itself has two identical central towers, with four wings accommodating two starships each, for a total of sixteen internal starship berths. The towers also contain half of the station's sixteen internal shuttle bays, with the other half (along with extensive cargo bays) facing into the bay in the equatorial band.

Interconnecting Bridges

The bridges connecting the spacedock to the habitat ring are home to the station's largest cargo bays, as well as the sixteen runabout pads (four per bridge). There is little space in these areas that is not taken up by either mechanical space or storage areas, so there are two trams per bridge that take passengers rapidly from the central travel core out to the habitat ring, with an intermediate stop in the middle to access the runabout pads.

Habitat Ring

The habitat ring is home to the station's civilian population, with space for up to 50,000 residents in this area. Quarters face both towards the body of the station and away from it, with outwards-facing quarters being reserved for residents who have been aboard the station longer. There are four starship docking ports, one where each of the interconnecting bridges meets the habitat ring. Around these docking ports are receiving bays for cargo. A promenade runs through the middle three decks of the habitat ring, largely consisting of green space approximately fifty meters wide, which contains access to holodecks, lounges, and recreational facilities. The station's restaurants, lounges, bars, and other commercial venues are concentrated in four plazas in the areas near the four docking ports.

Lower Habitat Module

The lower habitat module is a toroidal (ring-shaped) module under the spacedock, about thirty decks tall. Its primary purpose is to house the rest of the station's 5,000 crewmembers. Quarters in this area are larger than the ones in the upper module, and are generally reserved for families. The 'green belt' is an area that runs through the center five decks of this module and provides parkland and access to recreational facilities, similar to the promenade in the habitat ring. This module contains additional accommodations for 20,000 civilians or Starfleet personnel. When the station's population is not close to its cap, this space is generally reserved for emergency situations where the station might need to house a large group of people for whatever reason.

Reactor & Communications Module

The lowest module is the reactor module, which contains four large fusion reactors to power the station, as well as the station's primary long-range communications array. It is attached by a short 'stalk' that joins the spacedock in the center of the Lower Habitat Module. This module contains additional laboratory space and engineering fabrication bays.


The Aurora -class design is just past its 100th birthday. Newer stations have been built with the latest technology integrated into the design as well as it can be, while older stations have received regular updates. It is not obsolete or antique in any way, but it is also not cutting-edge like the Guardian-class, because of the simple fact that integrating the absolute latest and greatest technologies into a base of this size would require substantial re-engineering of the entire structure.

Computer systems remain isolinear and interfaces are standard LCARS touch panels rather than holographic ones in most cases, but the majority of these stations have been upgraded with station-wide holographic projectors for the use of EMH programs. Some Aurora -class stations have been equipped with point-to-point transporters, but the majority rely on standard turbolifts and the interconnecting bridge trams.

Main power is provided by four large fusion reactors in the reactor module, with secondary power provided by a hundred smaller fusion reactors spread throughout the station for maximum redundancy. These modules are very similar to the impulse reactors you would find aboard a starship, offering consistent, reliable performance with low maintenance.

Like all spacedocks, the Aurora -class is a subspace relay station, and its communications hubs are one of the systems that remains at the cutting edge, since these important subspace network hubs can't be allowed to fall behind the technology of the other links in the chain.

Docking & Cargo Facilities

star trek aurora class

This class of station's primary function is to service starships, both Starfleet and civilian. The upper half of the spacedock is reserved for Starfleet traffic under most circumstances, with civilians using the lower doors. This keeps traffic orderly and allows stations to pre-position the appropriate personnel and resources needed to handle the needs of visiting ships. The station was designed to accommodate up to sixteen Excelsior -class starships in its spacedock at any one time, and it can still handle up to sixteen vessels of classes up to the width of an Ambassador -class heavy cruiser, but the largest starships must dock at one of the four external ports on the habitat ring. All twenty of these berths can fully refuel or resupply a starship within a few hours, but major repairs generally need to be conducted within the spacedock itself. Aurora -class ships intended to service larger starships on a regular basis have drydock facilities nearby instead. Generally speaking, though, if Starfleet anticipates using a base to regularly service the largest explorers, it will instead build a Spacedock or Guardian -class station.

Aurora-class starships can and do build starships, especially small starships like the Saber -class or Reliant -class. However, due to the limited space within the docking facility (building a starship ties up a berth for months or even years, while impeding the traffic of the adjacent one), these stations are more often used for overhauls and refits than building ships from scratch, unless they're specifically intended to serve as shipyards. Even in that case, they often serve as the anchor, parts supply and crew accommodations for a series of independent drydock facilities rather than tying up the internal bay.

Cargo facilities are spread throughout the station but are concentrated in the interconnecting bridge, near the four docking ports, and the equatorial band of the spacedock. Cargo transfers are handled by workbee within the spacedock or by large-scale cargo transporters and elevators in other areas. In addition to the passenger trams in the interconnecting bridges, there is a cargo tram for moving large cargo from the spacedock out to the bays in the bridges or near the docking ports, especially cargo that cannot be transported. Short term cargo storage is available within the central docking towers.

Shuttles are stored within the spacedock in sixteen bays spread between the central docking tower and the equatorial band, making this class relatively unusual in that it does not have any space-facing shuttle bays, which makes them a poor candidate to host fighter squadrons. Runabouts are launched and recovered from sixteen runabout pads in the interconnecting bridges, a feature added in the 2360s. Starfleet is considering upgrading these facilities to be able to handle small starships, such as the Defiant -class and Nova -class that are equipped with landing legs, but this has not yet come to fruition. Though poorly-suited to employing fighters, Aurora-class bases are sometimes provided with two squadrons of sixteen fighters when the tactical situation warrants.

Defensive Capabilities

Originally equipped with Type-IX phaser banks (a novel type of phaser developed specifically for this base with improved power from the Type-VIII used aboard the Excelsior -class), the weapons aboard this station have been routinely upgraded over the decades, first to the Type-IX array in the 2340s, then the Type-X in the 2350s, and now to the Type-XII by the 2380s. The original design only had phaser banks on the habitat ring, but armaments were expanded significantly in the face of the Borg and Dominion threats. The dorsal and ventral surfaces of spacedock and of the habitat ring each have twelve arrays spaced at 30 degree intervals. These forty-eight phaser arrays provide comprehensive energy weapon coverage. In addition, Aurora-class stations now carry torpedoes: the end of each interconnecting bridge has four torpedo turrets, two dorsal and two ventral, for a total of sixteen launchers.

The station's shields are quite powerful, with multiple generators spread around the station. Most of these stations still use standard graviton shielding, but the power of their generators is substantial enough to whether even the most concerted attacks. While not armed-to-the-teeth like the Guardian -class, this station is still more than capable of holding its own against most threats. Bases in especially contested areas are often provided with orbiting defensive platforms.

Population & Stationboard Life

Small by spacedock standards, the Aurora -class has a maximum total population of 75,000. Most stations of this class have a permanent crew of 5,000 and 10,000 civilian residents, but this varies based on the station's location and exact mission. Stations anchoring shipyards might have a much larger Starfleet contingent that is not part of the station's actual crew, as drydocks do not typically have accommodations themselves.

Aurora-class stations are very comfortable, with large, private quarters for almost all residents and crewmembers. Because civilians are housed in the habitat ring and Starfleet personnel are housed within the main body of the station, Aurora-class bases can develop a sort of split personality, with distinct civilian and Starfleet cultures emerging because of their physical separation, something that isn't helped by needing to take a tram to the outer ring. Most station commanders work to overcome this by hosting cultural events, and the station's promenade serves as a natural mingling point for not just the station's two populations but also for them and the crews of visiting ships.

Despite being the smallest of the spacedock-type station classes, Aurora -class stations have the longest promenades of any station in the fleet, with nearly four kilometers of length. Not all of this space is occupied by venues, though, and much of it remains dedicated to greenspace. Being smaller does mean the lack of an arboretum dome like the Spacedock -class, as they instead have a much smaller cylindrical arboretum, but some stations of this class are being equipped with technology designed for the Guardian -class that can simulate an M-class environment through holographic deception.

Medical facilities are well-equipped, with a large infirmary each in the central docking tower and near the four docking ports. The station's hospital occupies three full levels of the upper habitat module, and additional small infirmaries are spread throughout the station to provide comprehensive access to coverage.

Aurora-class stations are something of a middle child between the very largest stations and the much more common Presidium and Unity -class stations that anchor many starbases. They're huge, but not enormous, providing a sense of scale and being in a city in space, but without many of features of her larger sisters that can make one feel as though they are on a planet's surface. These bases tend to be in frontier areas, where the ability to support a large number of starships is necessary which smaller classes can't handle but where a larger base would either be too costly to build or too vulnerable, which usually means that they're at least slightly more exciting to live on. A larger spacedock might go months or even a few years without needing to go to red alert, because they are located so far from trouble, but that's not always the case for the Aurora -class.

Aurora -class History

Earth Spacedock was completed in 2267 the Federation -class dreadnought was the largest starship not only in service but imaginable in the first place. The advent of the larger Excelsior -class in the 2280s tested this station's capabilities, as its docking bay doors barely accommodated Starfleet's newest and greatest ship. In addition, the design was extremely costly and time-consuming to build, with the original station taking almost seventeen years to build! Starfleet had already green-lit a project to scale Earth Spacedock 's design up significantly (to the design that would be known as the Spacedock -class), even as additional stations were contemplated for Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar, but this only increased the gap between Starfleet's largest station and its frontline bases, such as the K-class and Watchtower -class, both of which were becoming increasingly outdated and unable to service modern starships effectively. As the Spacedock -class project proceeded, Starfleet ordered the Corps of Engineers to develop a new station design based on the principles of Earth Spacedock but at a scale that could reasonably be built in frontier locations relatively quickly.

The Aurora-class design process involved taking the most essential features of Earth Spacedock and breaking it into components that could be constructed at scale. The spacedock itself was shrunk in width, but had its doors expanded to twice the width of the Excelsior -class, with the goal of future-proofing it. It was also decided that the upper and lower sections would mirror one another, providing four more space doors. The bulk of the station, its 'stalk', was truncated significantly to take out the arboretum dome, habitat modules, and large spherical reactor module, the latter being replaced by a much smaller cylindrical unit. In addition, a docking ring was added, presaging the day when starships would be too large to enter the main spacedock and for traffic that would be on a quicker turn-around than the internal bay could provide.

The first Aurora -class station, which replaced a Watchtower -class base as the core of Starbase 201, began construction in 2290 and took eight years to build, thanks to many of its sections being built at shipyards and then towed into position, rather than the base being built entirely in situ like Earth Spacedock was. An additional dozen bases followed in the next decade, and until the late 2320s when the first Spacedock -class station was finished, the class was the largest space station design other than Earth Spacedock in the Federation.

In service, the Aurora -class performed well, exceeding by far the capabilities of smaller bases, but Starfleet's priorities shifted to building several dozen of the new, larger Spacedock -class class stations spread throughout the Federation supported by members of the Regula -class family, rather than a larger number of Aurora-class stations, as it was not felt that the performance increase over smaller bases or the cost savings over larger bases was worth it for about 80% of the locations selected. In the mid-24th century, several Aurora -class bases were dismantled and moved from locations in the core to locations closer to the frontier, and now there are very few of these bases close to the heart of the Federation. Even by the 2330s, the station's defenses were considered inadequate, and they were on of the first systems to be updated: first by adding torpedo launchers, and then by adding a series of increasingly powerful arrays.

By 2399, the Aurora-class is a middle-child spacedock, serving in its role well but generally not being chosen where a smaller base will suffice or where a larger base is worth the investment. Currently, two of the most important Aurora-class stations are Starbase 86 near The Triangle and the station serving as the heart of Devron Fleet Yards , both situations where a spacedock was necessary but where it would have taken far too long to build a larger station.


Aurora -class spacedocks In-Play

  • Like other spacedocks, Aurora -class stations are among the largest in the Federation. They're much smaller than the other two classes, though, even if they do dwarf those in the next size category. This makes them less likely to be built than the stations larger and smaller than them, as they're a significant investment while at the same time being less capable than the larger spacedocks. These bases are pretty uncommon, as mentioned in the text above, but not because of any design flaw per se, just because there is a lot overlap in what they can do with other classes.
  • Despite their age, Aurora -class stations are still very capable bases. If your ship is in need of repairs, this type of base is more than up to the challenge. Indeed, that's why they exist at all: to service starships. Your very large ship might not fit through the doors, though, and in that case you'll have to dock at the habitat ring.
  • Bravo Fleet Canon
  • Specifications
  • Federation Starbase Classes
  • Federation Space Station Classes

Cygnus-X1.Net: A Tribute to Star Trek

S.S. Aurora NCC-C1200

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Nova patch.png

The USS Aurora (NCC-72321) was a Federation Nova-class starship assigned to Starbase 39 -Sierra in the Alpha Centauri Sector Block. Designated as a Light Research Cruiser, the ship and her crew were responsible for short-term scientific assignments and planetary surveying in the Alpha Centauri Sector Block, mainly along the Romulan Neutral Zone . In 2381, during Theurgy's war against the parasites , she was commanded by Captain Rebecca Anders.

  • 1.1 Construction, Launch and Commissioning
  • 2.1 Tactical Systems
  • 3 Deck Layout
  • 4.1 Commanding Officers
  • 4.2 Command Crew

Construction, Launch and Commissioning

As one of the first ships of the Nova-class, closely following the prototype USS Nova (NX-72230) herself, the ‘keel’ of the USS Aurora was laid down at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on February 5th, 2368 alongside those of her sister ships; the USS Anticipation (NCC-72319) and the USS Asimov (NCC-72320). Only two months into the assembly of the primary hull however, a problem presented itself with one of the pre-fabricated modules of the three sister ships. During the construction process of the USS Nova these modules had been built by hand but, for the mass production of the Nova-class ships, the design was copied into pre-fabricated modules that could easily be joined together in the orbital shipyards. One of these modules came with a very miniscule miscalculation that misaligned the secondary deflector on Deck 3 with the primary deflector on Deck 6 by a fraction of an inch. If left unaddressed, this misalignment had the potential to result in a resonance that could negatively impact the performance of the advanced sensor systems which flanked the secondary deflector on both sides. This forced Utopia Planitia to recalculate the design of the entire module and, as they subsequently fabricated entirely new ones, the construction of the three sister ships incurred a delay of several months.

The next significant delay would present itself just two years later, in mid-2370, when the USS Aurora was just mere months away from completion. At this point in time, Utopia Planitia was preparing the three sister ships for launch and had already scheduled extensive test flights, but the disappearance of the USS Equinox (NCC-72381) during a routine scientific survey near the Badlands put a sudden and unexpected stop to this. The disappearance of the USS Equinox, coupled with the fact that the Nova-class was a new class, led to concern over the design and Starfleet ’s Advanced Starship Design Bureau ordered further construction to be halted following a detailed analysis of the USS Nova and all other Nova-class ships. It was only after the analysis revealed no discernible design flaws when Utopia Planitia was allowed to resume construction of the three Nova-class ships, but by then the project had once again suffered a delay of several weeks.

Physical Arrangement

Appropriate for her mission profile, the USS Aurora was essentially a flying sensor platform. Her design consisted of a saucer section with a curved triangular shape, which featured a secondary deflector and advanced sensor systems. These sensor systems were the most finely tuned and generally considered to be unparalleled in their application on Starfleet vessels at the time. Additionally, the secondary deflector was tied directly into the already oversized sensor systems, which allowed for much further scanning ranges. The secondary hull was directly attached to the underside of the saucer and housed the primary deflector dish, as well as the pylons of the two warp nacelles.

The small size of the USS Aurora made her one of the few vessels which were able to tolerate not only atmospheric flight, but also planetary landings. This made her uniquely suited for her role as a planetary survey ship, because the USS Aurora would frequently land and act as a field base for her various scientific survey teams.

Tactical Systems

While the USS Aurora was considered a Light Research Cruiser, she had a wide assortment of weaponry which allowed her to handle many threats on her own. Due to the original incarnation of the Nova-class as a torpedo gunship, the Aurora was equipped with eleven strategically placed phaser arrays; eight on the saucer and three on the secondary hull, two forward-facing photon torpedo launchers at the bow of the saucer opposite of the secondary deflector, and one aft-facing launcher.

Deck Layout

Commanding officers.

  • Captain Rebecca Anders, Human

Command Crew

  • Commander Took, Caitian
  • Lieutenant Amilee Monroe, Human
  • Ensign Lucy Hunt, Human
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade Jesra Ries, Trill
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade Hailey Bennion, Human
  • Lieutenant Dr. James Owen, MD, Human
  • Lieutenant Dr. Amber Beale, PhD, Human
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade Dr. Amanda Ashby , MD, Human (2379 - 2381)
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade Arasina Gadiras, Bolian (2381 - Present)

Aurora (cargo ship)

  • Edit source

The Aurora is a small space ship that operated in a lawless sector just outside the Federation around 2270 . The Aurora is a refitted Monitor -class gunship, formerly used during the Earth-Romulan War . ( Star Trek: Aurora )

  • 3 Personnel
  • 4 External links

History [ ]

The Aurora was built by Kara Carpenter during the 2260s from the century-old, mothballed, decommissioned gunship USS Monitor . She replaced the warp drive , impulse engines , sensors , communications systems, and deflector shields with more modern equipment, added a navigation deflector where the forward laser cannon had been and upgraded the living areas.

She named her ship Aurora after Aurora 7 , the Mercury-Atlas 7 spacecraft piloted by M. Scott Carpenter in 1962 .

As of 2270 the Aurora was flying cargo to the Xaneerian system via a shortcut through the Thundercloud Nebula, taking advantage of the Aurora' s heavy radiation shielding.

The ship has a main hull and two warp nacelles capable of warp factor 6 (or 5 when the cargo bay is full). The navigation deflector and bussard collectors have retractable armour matching the heavy armour of the original Monitor -class hull.

Inside it had the bridge , crew quarters for two, galley with food synthesizer , head, engineering , and a cargo bay .

It had escape pods but no shuttles or transporters .

Personnel [ ]

  • Kara Carpenter , captain
  • T'Ling , first mate

External links [ ]

  • Ship Specifications article on the Star Trek: Aurora web site   wbm
  • 1 Daniels (Agent)
  • 3 Dominion War

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  • Misc. Star Trek

Starstation Aurora Size Comparison Charts

  • Thread starter Stibbons
  • Start date Jan 15, 2019

Lieutenant Commander

  • Jan 15, 2019

Hi all, new poster here (and apologies if this has come up before). Recenty I got hold of a large collecton of the Starstation Aurora Federation Size Comparison Charts. Now there are two on the Cygnus X-1 Starship Blueprint Database, and these were included, but there was another set of two and two more separate sheets as well. I've posted them up on the "Far Trek" RPG MeWe site here on my account as "Andrew Tucker" Now I've never even heard of these before, and that second sheet in the first set has some REAL wierd ones like the Cahuya Science/Survey-class and the bizarre Apache Cruiser-class. Anyone ever seen these before and able to give me an idea of when they appeared. Ta.  

Damn, just realised that non-members can't see the blasted content. You can sign up if you want (Far Trek is a damned good TOS Era RPG) or I'll try and get them on Pinterest and repost them here. Give me a mo...  

Now you should be able see these, trying Pinterest first, if that doesn't work I'll try another free hosting site.  


Rear Admiral

Stibbons said: Click to expand...
  • Jan 16, 2019

Dammit, not having much luck here, just noticed I duplicated one of the links above. And that was the link to the image I wanted people to look at. Too much butterscotch vodka yesterday... Here's the missing sheet.  

Bernard Guignard

Bernard Guignard

Fleet captain.

  • Jan 19, 2019

star trek aurora class

  • Jan 20, 2019

Thanks for that. Got all those save the Dreadnought Comparison Chart. It's just that last sheet I posted up that had me wondering, that's not on this catalogue. It's 1982 dated and came in an envelope together with the first of those Special Edition sheets. Just never seen it before.  


Vice Admiral

A lot of that got put into book form around the time of Star Trek VI, and Generations.  

If I remember correctly the Version that you have could be ordered from Starstation Aurora from an ad in Starlog around copyright date. It predates the special edition. The catalog that I put up was a also printed much later.  


  • Jan 22, 2019


Stibbons said: Thanks for that. Got all those save the Dreadnought Comparison Chart. It's just that last sheet I posted up that had me wondering, that's not on this catalogue. It's 1982 dated and came in an envelope together with the first of those Special Edition sheets. Just never seen it before. Click to expand...

That seems to be the answer then, this is the first edition size comparison chart. Thanks all, I am better informed.  

F. King Daniel

F. King Daniel

Fleet admiral.

  • Jan 24, 2019
Bernard Guignard said: The copyright date are on the sheets. The ship comparison charts came in out in the 1980's I believe there are 2 different versions there was the original that had the ships that you refer to and the Special Edition chart which cygnus has posted. here's a catalog showing some of their material. I hope this helps Click to expand...


King Daniel Beyond said: [30 years later] No Todd Gunther did NOT design the Saladin/Pompeii!! Click to expand...



Ah, and all this time i thought it a bizarre typo which withstood decades.  

  • Jan 25, 2019

Of course, Carey also gives a registry number for her Pompeii that is different from FJ's Pompey . So, different ships, and Carey's explicit one-naceller need not be Guenther's flat two-naceller, either. What's bizarre is McIntyre's insistence on lowercase "constellation class" for Kirk's ship... Timo Saloniemi  


  • Jan 26, 2019
Timo said: Of course, Carey also gives a registry number for her Pompeii that is different from FJ's Pompey . So, different ships, and Carey's explicit one-naceller need not be Guenther's flat two-naceller, either. What's bizarre is McIntyre's insistence on lowercase "constellation class" for Kirk's ship... Click to expand...

Andrew Meknitsch

  • May 13, 2020
Stibbons said: Hi all, new poster here (and apologies if this has come up before). Recenty I got hold of a large collecton of the Starstation Aurora Federation Size Comparison Charts. Now there are two on the Cygnus X-1 Starship Blueprint Database, and these were included, but there was another set of two and two more separate sheets as well. I've posted them up on the "Far Trek" RPG MeWe site here on my account as "Andrew Tucker" Now I've never even heard of these before, and that second sheet in the first set has some REAL wierd ones like the Cahuya Science/Survey-class and the bizarre Apache Cruiser-class. Anyone ever seen these before and able to give me an idea of when they appeared. Ta. Click to expand...

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Borg Cube V. Aurora-class Battleship - (Star Trek V. Stargate)

  • Thread starter War Doctor
  • Start date Aug 23, 2019

Who will win?

  • Total voters 20

War Doctor

[Insert Title Here]

  • Aug 23, 2019
  • An Aurora- class Battleship takes on a Borg Cube from Star Trek!
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  • 46x Weapon Arrays
  • 12x Focused Neutron Banks
  • 24x Tractor Beam Emitters
  • 1x Shield Depletion Pulse
  • 1x Magnetometric Guided Charges
  • Battle of Sector 001
  • Star Trek TNG
  • Lantean Pulse Weapons
  • Lantean Drone Weapons
  • Lantean-Wraith War
  • Stargate series
  • In a place caught between time and space
  • Both sides start 2,000 km apart
  • Win by destroying enemy vessel
  • No surrender
  • Both ships can use jump drives in combat
  • Both ships have their full compliment of auxiliary craft
  • ROB uses his powers to convice the two sides into blowing each other up
  • Round 1 - Mid-Range
  • Round 2 - High-End



Fiyah the phazahs and damn the topedas.

This is a fun one. Does the aurora have a zpm?  

SoulReaper0924 said: This is a fun one. Does the aurora have a zpm? Click to expand... Click to shrink...

cube probably gets plastered in the first salvo. that many drones wouldnt give it time to adapt before taking catastrophic damage. this is assuming that the drones could get past the shields of the cube, which isnt guaranteed.  

The cube may be able to shoot the drones, it probably won't get all of them, but it might get enough. If the Aurora has a strong enough alpha, they may be able to kill the Cube. If the battle lasts long enough for the Cube to adapt, the battle swings the other way. I think that's probably true of any battle with a Borg Cube. Win quickly, or lose. That being said, if the Borg adapt, they aren't going to win quickly. ZPM powered Auroras are tanky as F if I recall correctly. The problem is, The Borg have more options to get passed that tankiness. They drain shields with their tractor beam, and they can beam drones aboard through shields. I don't recall, did Lanteans have beaming tech?  

Ertwin said: The cube may be able to shoot the drones, it probably won't get all of them, but it might get enough. If the Aurora has a strong enough alpha, they may be able to kill the Cube. If the battle lasts long enough for the Cube to adapt, the battle swings the other way. I think that's probably true of any battle with a Borg Cube. Win quickly, or lose. That being said, if the Borg adapt, they aren't going to win quickly. ZPM powered Auroras are tanky as F if I recall correctly. The problem is, The Borg have more options to get passed that tankiness. They drain shields with their tractor beam, and they can beam drones aboard through shields. I don't recall, did Lanteans have beaming tech? Click to expand... Click to shrink...


SoulReaper0924 said: cube probably gets plastered in the first salvo. that many drones wouldnt give it time to adapt before taking catastrophic damage. this is assuming that the drones could get past the shields of the cube, which isnt guaranteed. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

star trek aurora class

RDpirate said: Stargate works like that too. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
  • Aug 24, 2019
SoulReaper0924 said: we know that they can go through Goa'uld shields, but what about that tech journal pic says they adapt to frequencies? especially since their main enemy was the Wraith, who didnt even use shields? is the tech journal even canon? i wonder. it also puts the bridge of the 304s here. unfortunately, we see sheppard and caldwell on the bridge with the missile tubes right in front of it which puts the bridge directly amidship, not on the stern like in the tech journal. so i question just how valid that journal is. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

star trek aurora class

Major Diarrhia

Since the two vessels go in knowing there is a fight, the Aurora is going to have shields up immediately which should prevent a Borg drone from being beamed in to read the systems. The Aurora has never before encountered shields so they have the benefit of the doubt. Voyager indicates it takes a bit of time to adapt after an attack, because of how the Queen orders a specific kind of adaption in an episode as if she is the one coming up with it. That means sending ten drones at once is more likely to avoid adaption than sending ten drones at one second intervals. That also fits with the Enterprise-D's first and subsequent times firing on a Cube. So, sending a thousand drones in one big salvo, as per the norm, should have a chance of killing the cube. But, that swarm of Aurora's drones has to luck into a random critical system. In First Contact we see Picard targeting what seems like nothing, but turns out critical and blows the cube up. The book of First Contact, though not canon, says it was a temporary vulnerability Picard picked up due to a lingering connection to the Borg. The closest we get to it being normal is with Species 8472, but they have unusual weapons and senses. Notably, combining five or so of their ships lets them blow up planets, so they're an outlier, among other weirdness. My guess is the Aurora is going to make the same mistake the crew of the Enterprise-D made. They'll attack and do a lot of damage, far more than enough to kill a normal ship. But, if the drones can't hit a random critical system then the Borg defenses will adapt to some degree, and the hull will regenerate. Noticing the regeneration the Aurora will either keep its attack going or restart its attack, however it will take more drones or more time to make progress after each wave of attack. If it goes on too long then regeneration will outpace the Aurora's drones ability to destroy the hull, and they'll have to switch to beam weapons. There will be time to adapt too, because the normal mode of drone attack is to flow through openings made by preceding drones without opening those holes wider. They keep flowing back toward the target to open new holes over and over until the ship is dead. The drones are meant to be reused, but we see them used as single shot weapons too, so they're not invincible. This is going to come down to how many drones it takes to punch through just the material of a cube, then the material and partial defenses which gradually become more and complete. If the Aurora uses its drones and beams at the same time then I think it might win. The cube will also be attacking the the whole time with energy draining beam weapons, torpedoes, and tractor beams. If the shields go down the cube will either beam a Borg drone over to take information, or the cube will cut a sample from the hull, crew and all. If the Cube survives long enough to drop the Aurora's shields then the Cube can win and the Aurora may have to retreat.  

RDpirate said: 1: The Ancients were not facing just the Wraith. In fact they seemed to have had most of the tech we see when they first encountered the Wraith in any serious capacity. Remember while galaxy wide they did not directly control the whole galaxy. As the space shown on the galaxy map of the Ancients was termed to be either theirs or protected by them. Meaning there were and are probably other species out there. Not to mention the other 3 Great Races and any splinter factions. 2: It is technically right as that is deduced to be the flight ops bridge where the fighters are coordinated. It is probably also able to be a secondary bridge. The main problems in the journal are sizes as they seem to come out who knows whom's ass. Here even the Wraith keep those separate: Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Major Diarrhia said: Since the two vessels go in knowing there is a fight, the Aurora is going to have shields up immediately which should prevent a Borg drone from being beamed in to read the systems. The Aurora has never before encountered shields so they have the benefit of the doubt. Voyager indicates it takes a bit of time to adapt after an attack, because of how the Queen orders a specific kind of adaption in an episode as if she is the one coming up with it. That means sending ten drones at once is more likely to avoid adaption than sending ten drones at one second intervals. That also fits with the Enterprise-D's first and subsequent times firing on a Cube. So, sending a thousand drones in one big salvo, as per the norm, should have a chance of killing the cube. But, that swarm of Aurora's drones has to luck into a random critical system. In First Contact we see Picard targeting what seems like nothing, but turns out critical and blows the cube up. The book of First Contact, though not canon, says it was a temporary vulnerability Picard picked up due to a lingering connection to the Borg. The closest we get to it being normal is with Species 8472, but they have unusual weapons and senses. Notably, combining five or so of their ships lets them blow up planets, so they're an outlier, among other weirdness. My guess is the Aurora is going to make the same mistake the crew of the Enterprise-D made. They'll attack and do a lot of damage, far more than enough to kill a normal ship. But, if the drones can't hit a random critical system then the Borg defenses will adapt to some degree, and the hull will regenerate. Noticing the regeneration the Aurora will either keep its attack going or restart its attack, however it will take more drones or more time to make progress after each wave of attack. If it goes on too long then regeneration will outpace the Aurora's drones ability to destroy the hull, and they'll have to switch to beam weapons. There will be time to adapt too, because the normal mode of drone attack is to flow through openings made by preceding drones without opening those holes wider. They keep flowing back toward the target to open new holes over and over until the ship is dead. The drones are meant to be reused, but we see them used as single shot weapons too, so they're not invincible. This is going to come down to how many drones it takes to punch through just the material of a cube, then the material and partial defenses which gradually become more and complete. If the Aurora uses its drones and beams at the same time then I think it might win. The cube will also be attacking the the whole time with energy draining beam weapons, torpedoes, and tractor beams. If the shields go down the cube will either beam a Borg drone over to take information, or the cube will cut a sample from the hull, crew and all. If the Cube survives long enough to drop the Aurora's shields then the Cube can win and the Aurora may have to retreat. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SoulReaper0924 said: you still havent answered the question of "what part of that journal page gives drones the ability to adapt to shield frequencies?" the only shields we ever see them go through tmk are Goa'uld and asuran shields. during the return, we see a drone bounce off makeshift shields on a jumper, so they dont just go through all shields. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
RDpirate said: Considering that the Drones are pretty much made to specifically combat shields and as the only time we see a shield even be able to take note of them is an outlier. I sorta doubt the drones will have problems. Also while the the main conflict we see hear the Aurora in is the Wraith war, they existed before that as well. Hell in SG species tend to stick to a design to the point that bouth the Asgard and Goa'uld use designs hundreds of years old, with minimal changes. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
RDpirate said: 1: I do not own the manual. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
RDpirate said: 2: It is what makes sense considering they themselves have shields and we have seen the Vanir do it with theirs to pass into Atlantis. There is also the Shield piercing tech on Tau'ri missiles. Then that part in Universe where they examined a captured drone and discovered their narrow frequency band weapons, as such they then kept their shield in that narrow band making the drone weapons useless. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Major Diarrhia said: Since the two vessels go in knowing there is a fight, the Aurora is going to have shields up immediately which should prevent a Borg drone from being beamed in to read the systems. The Aurora has never before encountered shields so they have the benefit of the doubt. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SoulReaper0924 said: the shields and impact deflectors would make it possible for it to keep ramming its way through a hull as long as the drone has energy. that doesnt mean that its made just to get through shields. after all, during the battle of asuras, they were expecting drone attacks. why would they go up against ships that can ignore their shields? they wouldnt, which means that their shields must be effective against them or that entire fleet would have been torn to shreds in minutes. as it was, they only lost a couple of ships, one hive and one traveler ship. so they dont go through all shields and treating the drones like they would is an NLF. me neither, but i dont see anything on what you have posted that gives it the abilities that you described. the vanir are an off shoot of the Asgard, who are the most technologically advanced race barring the ancients. these guys had 10,000 years to study ancient tech from the pegasus galaxy. the shield piercing tech on the Tau'ri missiles did nothing to the Goa'uld. the only time their missiles could have said to have worked was during the battle of asuras and even that is iffy as hell. as for universe, that was against drone weapons fire, not drones themselves. i would also point out that destiny is so damn old that those types of shields likely arent even in use anymore. none of this explains why posting a tech journal page automatically means that drones can detect and alter their frequency to match shields. this is pure speculation and shouldnt be tossed around as fact. the truth is, we dont know why the drones can go through shields. another theory is that they just have enough energy to punch through, albeit with a significant energy drain. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
another theory is that they just have enough energy to punch through, albeit with a significant energy drain. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

star trek aurora class

the vlka fenryka

Ertwin said: The cube may be able to shoot the drones, it probably won't get all of them, but it might get enough. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SoulReaper0924 said: this is assuming that the drones could get past the shields of the cube, which isnt guaranteed. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SoulReaper0924 said: but what about that tech journal pic says they adapt to frequencies? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SoulReaper0924 said: especially since their main enemy was the Wraith, who didnt even use shields? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SoulReaper0924 said: is the tech journal even canon? i wonder. it also puts the bridge of the 304s here. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
RDpirate said: Don't we see Tau'ri missiles ignore Al'kesh shields? While they do not really bother to try against bigger ships? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
RDpirate said: Also it seemed that the only Asuran drone attack happened at the Traveler Aurora which was some ways away. Tho we do see weapons fire but it could be bought from the pulse or drone weapons as they use the same coloration and effects. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
RDpirate said: The Asurans shot drones back at the incoming drones. That was their most effective defence. Meaning that if one miss judges the incoming fire they lose the rock-paper-bomb contest. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
RDpirate said: We see that with the Ori... The shields react quite visually. Something that they fail to do against the drones. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Cybernetically Enhanced Cube of Jell-O

Haven't seen enough TNG to provide much but in Ep.1 of DS9 there's a borg cube that shoots a wide beam thingy at a ship which, after a second, completely eats away a large chunk of the hull. If the shields can't hold up against that it will be devastating for the Aurora.  

cyberjello said: Haven't seen enough TNG to provide much but in Ep.1 of DS9 there's a borg cube that shoots a wide beam thingy at a ship which, after a second, completely eats away a large chunk of the hull. If the shields can't hold up against that it will be devastating for the Aurora. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Reece said: The wraith did use shields, there's an old WoG quote from gateworld saying they used shields, but that the shields they used were just shit and too low powered to stop anything but a beaming; I think it was then retconned into being a jamming signal. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Non-Homicidal Chatbot AI.

  • Aug 25, 2019
Trinoya said: That is its tractor beam. The damage is caused by its cutting beam which.. well... just obliterates the target. You can see it the casually stop the ship and go on to murder whatever else it wants. Almost every ship at that battle was completely destroyed. Only one vessel was not a total loss, and I believe the death toll for the fight was just under 11,000 lost or assimilated. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
cyberjello said: So, Aurora's pretty much screwed if it gets hit by that. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Federation starship classes
  • 24th century Federation starship classes
  • Mirror universe starship classes
  • Terran Empire starship classes
  • 24th century Terran Empire starship classes
  • Science vessel classes
  • Lamarr class starships

Lamarr class

In the mirror universe , the Lamarr class was a Terran ship type and operated by the Empire 's Starfleet . ( PRD episode : " The Mirror Universe ")

  • 1 History and specifics
  • 2 Known vessels
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 3.2.1 Appearances
  • 3.2.2 References
  • 3.3 Background
  • 3.4 External link

History and specifics [ ]

Voyager and Protostar

USS Voyager -A alongside the USS Protostar .

ISS Voyager-A fires

Terran Empire Lamarr -class in the mirror universe .

ISS Voyager-A bridge

The bridge of the ISS Voyager -A in 2384 .

The USS Voyager -A, a ship of this class, was launched from the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards over Mars in the year 2384 . It was equipped with the latest and greatest technology acquired by Starfleet in general and the original USS Voyager on its travels in the Delta Quadrant in particular. The ship had a crew complement of 800 and 28 decks. It was larger than previous ships Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway had commanded . ( PRD episode : " Into the Breach ")

Janeway's previous command was the Dauntless II -class science vessel USS Dauntless , which itself was larger than the Protostar -class . ( PRD episode : " Lost and Found ")

Embarked craft included runabout -sized shuttlecraft . In addition, Voyager -A carried a specialized Infinity scout ship for a mission through a temporal wormhole . ( PRD episode : " Into the Breach ")

The Infinity was stored in a cargo bay and could exit Voyager -A through a hatch on the ship's port. ( PRD episode : " Who Saves the Saviors? ")

The interior was dominated by stark metal design. Cetacean ops was crewed by a humpback whale . In the mirror universe , the ship carried the same sections and was dominated by Terran sigils and red lighting. Unlike the primary universe counterpart, the Terran Lamarr class had red Imperial markings painted on the hull . Ships of the class were armed with phaser beam arrays and defended by deflector shields . In the mirror universe, the bridge could be operated by as few as two bridge officers . ( PRD episode : " The Mirror Universe ")

Known vessels [ ]

  • alternates [2]
  • ISS Voyager (NCC-/ISS-74656-A) [2]

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], appearances and references [ ], appearances [ ].

  • PRD episode : " Into the Breach " (first appearance)
  • PRD episode : " Who Saves the Saviors? "
  • PRD episode : " The Mirror Universe "

References [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 PRD episode : " Into the Breach ".
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 PRD episode : " The Mirror Universe ".

Background [ ]

  • Hedy Lamarr WP was a 20th century Human scientist .

External link [ ]

  • Lamarr class article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)
  • 3 Lamarr class


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    Aurora wins ofc. great job, i also like its assymetrical design. isn't the prometeus supposed to be smaller ? That is very cool modded or unmodded as there are several very cool zpm mods and drone mods. I need this. Yass I love it. 479 votes, 20 comments. 145K subscribers in the Stargate community.

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