How To Write A School Trip Letter To Parents

When it comes to booking a  school trip , there are countless things to consider and plan – it’s an exciting time for all involved. But, after you have gained approval from the necessary channels, there comes a time when you must start promoting your school trip to your students and their parents – after all, planning can only go so far without their buy in.

The most common way to spread word about an upcoming trip is to send a letter to parents. But what should you include, and how much information is too much?

To help, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide of how to write a school trip letter to parents. Take a look below for inspiration, including a downloadable school trip letter template.

What To Include In Your Letter

1. what are the benefits of a school trip.

The main aim of your letter should be to convey how enriching a school trip can be for any student.

School trips are a fantastic way for students to learn – seeing new sights and experiencing unfamiliar cultures can be a great way to stimulate the brain, while creating a memorable case study to aid their learning.

In your letter you could make parents aware of exactly how beneficial and enriching a school trip can be for students. This will help to build a case for parents to see the how a trip will aid their child in the long term.

2. The trip logistics

As with any investment, parents will want to know precisely where their money will be spent before making a decision on whether to send their child on a school trip.

To put parents’ minds at ease, you  can inform them of the logistics of the trip. Make sure to include the trip’s price , dates , what the deposit will be , how many places there are , when a response is needed by , and a general outline of what the trip will include (if possible). Make sure to include which subjects or modules the school trip will be beneficial towards.

A slip  can be also provided along the bottom of the letter which can be filled out by parents to secure their child’s place. This will help to garner how many students would like to attend the trip.

3. Your school trip provider

Finally, when writing your letter, you should make an effort to introduce the school trip  provider  you have chosen. This will allow peace of mind for parents wishing to find out more about their child’s school trip. 

When introducing your school trip organiser, it is often beneficial to mention their point of difference. What was it that made you choose them? Put their minds at rest by confirming that the company has all the  accreditations to keep their child and their money safe.  Your school trip organiser should be able to help you with this.

Is there an example I can use?

If you’re looking for help with writing a letter to inform parents about an upcoming school trip, then this example letter should lend a hand.

For more information around planning your school trip, make sure to visit the Resources  section of our website where you can find packing checklists, insurance documents, planning guides, post-trip classroom resources and much more.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Comprehensive Letter to Parents About Your School’s Trip Abroad

What to include in your school trip letter.

Want some help? We’ve created this template to save you time and ensure you cover all the necessary information to inform parents about the trip. You only have to customize the template to suit your needs and provide additional information relevant to your trip.

Downloadable template: school trip letter to parents

Where should we send you the letter template?

Objectives and benefits of the trip

In this section, you should explain the reason for the trip, the educational goals, and what the students will gain from participating. 

It’s very important to provide a clear and detailed explanation of why the school has chosen to organize this trip. This way, you can help the parents understand why the trip is a valuable opportunity for their child.

Alandis Students in Havana, Cuba

Trip logistics

You should provide all the trip logistics details to ensure the parents have all the information they need to enroll their child in your school trip.

Provide a detailed itinerary of the trip that includes the dates, destinations, and activities that the students will be doing. In addition, describe the type of accommodation and the modes of transportation arrangements.

Safety is crucial since your students are minors, so outline the safety and security measures that will be taken to ensure students’ safety, such as emergency procedures and medical precautions. Hold back on your school trip rules email until you’ve confirmed student travelers and send it to them alone.

It’s really important to let the parents know about your tour operator so that they know you’ve chosen one that is reputable and fully accredited. Usually, your provider will help verify this. 

Also, don’t forget to provide the contact information of the trip leaders and teachers who can answer parent concerns. It ensures parents that their child’s safety and well-being are prioritized.

Alandis Students in El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico

Payment schedule

Parents and guardians should be provided with clear information on the cost of the school trip and payment schedule, including details on the cancellation policy and any associated charges. 

It will ensure parents are fully informed before committing, helping them plan and reduce the number of dropouts moving forward.

Lastly, you need to explain to parents all the steps they need to take if they want to sign up their children on your school trip. In most cases, the inscription comes along with the first deposit and a permission form. We recommend adding the permission slip at the end of the letter to make it as accessible as possible for them.

Also, you should include the details of when the parents’ evening or info session will be arranged. In addition, if the school has any social media accounts, you could share updates and additional information.

In conclusion, a well-written letter to parents about your school trip abroad can help ensure that parents are fully informed about the trip details so they can decide to sign their children up. Using a template and following the guidelines we provided above can save time and promote the trip effectively, turning your planning and preparation into a successful and valuable learning experience for your students.

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How Do I Write A School Trip Letter?

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Ready to launch your school trip? Then you’ll need to write a letter telling parents about it and (hopefully) getting permission from them for their children to go.

You’ll need to get a minimum number of students signed up to the trip to make it viable, so this is quite an important step (no pressure!).

So, how do you write a letter to parents for a school trip? What information do you need to give them right now and how do you encourage them to sign their children up for the trip?

We’ve been helping teachers to arrange school trips for nearly 40 years. In this article, we’ll look at what you need to include and what can wait until your parents' evening. We’ll also show you a sample letter (which you can also download) that should help you achieve the numbers you need to be able to run your trip.

What should a school trip letter contain?

  • A rough outline of your trip
  • Information on anything else that's confirmed
  • Reasons to go on the trip
  • Information on who's organising your trip
  • Details on what and when they need to pay

1. A rough outline of your trip

A hand on a globe

The Ultimate Guide to Promoting a School Trip to Parents and Students.

So, you’ve spent the last few months researching destinations, travel providers and debating travel itineraries. The School board has given you the go-ahead to run the trip and you have found a suitable travel date. Now you need to get the students signed up and the parents on board - Simple! Well, almost. That’s where our ultimate guide to promoting a school trip to parents and students comes in handy.

school trip message to parents

Getting your educational school trip off the ground isn’t always as straightforward as this. Trips often fail to take off due to low sign up numbers. This can be frustrating especially after the amount of work that goes into getting a trip to this stage.

The most effective way to promote a school trip is by ticking all the boxes for students and parents alike. These audiences are very different, but it’s essential that you speak to both of them. An enthusiastic student can persuade a parent to let them go on a trip just as easily as a keen parent can encourage a student onto one! A successful advertising campaign for your trip is essential to get parents and students on board. Unfortunately, you don't have the luxury of unlimited time to craft the perfect marketing strategy.

That's why we’ve created this ultimate guide to promoting a school trip to make advertising your trip as easy as possible and have the biggest impact. Less time spent on advertising means more time to do the things you care about most, like teaching.

‍ Inside this guide, you will find: 

  • How to promote school trips to students
  • How to promote school trips to parents
  • Useful tips for promoting school trips

school trip message to parents

Promoting Your School Trip to Students

Students primary interest in a school trip will always be to have fun. While it's important students know what will be learnt, they will be especially interested in the exciting activities on offer. Spending time away from home, and having a holiday with your friends are good points to focus on too.

We’ve broken the process of communicating with students down into 3 stages:

Firstly, you have to make students aware that a trip is happening and there are various ways to do this. Make an announcement to students during class. Ask your colleagues to tell their classrooms about the trip. Hand out flyers with inspiring photos, key information and the top activities included. The best opportunity to reach the biggest audience will be during assembly. This is a great chance to convey all the required information in a short space of time!

  • Showing video footage or pictures of the key activities is also a great way to create excitement.
  • Put your trip on the School’s Intranet, include a sample itinerary and information on the top activities.
  • Write a short article or advert in the school newspaper/bulletin or get on the school’s radio for a quick chat. Showcase trip posters in popular areas of the school, and hand out flyers to relevant classes. We have ready-made poster and flyer templates that teachers can use to advertise with. 

Educate & Empower

Arrange a meeting during break time for students, this is a great chance to get the first students on board and answer any questions they might have. If you can get a small group of ‘early adopters’ on board they can act as advocates and get others involved too.

Make it Fun

The language used between advertising to parents and students should be different. With the students, the aim is to excite them and create a buzz around the trip. Keep your content light on logistic details and heavy on the fun!

What can you do to ‘keep it fun’

Outline the top activities 

Talk up the experience of being away from parents - It’s a holiday with their friends after all!

Show trip videos such as:

  • Digital Media Academy  
  • Huntsville Space Camp
  • Camp KSC Orlando  

If the school has run similar trips in the past you could show pictures/videos of those trips. Or, ask a student who attended the trip to give a talk on their experience.

school trip message to parents

Promoting Your School Trip to Parents

You could have every single student in school interested, but if you can’t convince the parents of the trip’s value, you’ll struggle to get the sign-ups. Parents will need informative resources, detailed itineraries including logistical, financial and educational details. Your communication with parents must be professional and focused on educational benefits. The benefits of school travel extend far beyond the walls of the classroom. Key benefits include reinforcing classroom learning, providing real-world learning opportunities while developing social skills. Students will also build independence while creating life-long memories with friends. Your role as trip organiser is to put forward these benefits and communicate the value of the trip. Parents and students alike will be desperate to join the trip if you do this.

We’ve broken down communicating with parents into 3 steps:

Announce & Inform

Give Students letters to take home outlining all the most important details, and informing them of an information evening.

If possible add the trip to your school’s website and social media pages.

Contact through a school emailing list. 

Contact the parent-teacher associations and get the wider school community involved.

The aim of this evening is to inform parents of the travel arrangements, itinerary and outline the key educational activities of the trip. You will have the opportunity to address any concerns parents may have, explain who you will be travelling with and communicate interesting trip facts! It can be beneficial to have a representative from your school travel provider there to answer any more detailed questions. A parents evening is also your opportunity as trip leader to show the parents that you are responsible and passionate about their children's education. Using a powerpoint presentation is a great way to convey all the required information while keeping your presentation on track. Hosting a Q&A at the end of the evening is crucial in developing a relationship. Enthusiastic parents can become incredible advocates for your trip. If you have a few very keen parents it can make a world of difference in getting it off the ground!

Continue the conversation 

Create a social media page on facebook or twitter. This is a great way to show parents that their kids are safe and having a great time! Taking videos during and after activities is a great way to reinforce educational learning. Sending your child abroad can seem like a daunting idea. A social media page helps reassure parents that they will be able to keep up to date with what’s happening on the trip!

Confirm Booking/Funding 

Ensure there is a clear process and deadline for accepting deposits, and payments. If you plan to fundraise part of the trip, create a calendar (or download our sample calendar) include key payment dates and fundraising activities.Communicate exactly what the fundraising target is and what the remaining payable balance will be. We send payment reminders to our clients ahead of time with useful resources to make collecting payments as easy as possible. 

Useful Tips 

  • Ask students or teachers who have travelled before to talk about the trip.
  • Show a slideshow of pictures and videos from previous school trips.
  • Get your colleagues on board early to help advocate your trip. The more staff members you have talking about the trip, the larger your potential audience will be.
  • Ask your travel provider to lead a presentation at an assembly, in class or to co-host your information evening. From experience, we have found that having a representative from your school travel provider is beneficial. Your representative will know all the trip details inside out.  This is something we do and we highly recommend it to all our clients.
  • Trip cost can sometimes be a barrier to entry. To mitigate this, pre-plan fundraising activities and make an estimate of fundraising targets.

What’s your experience promoting a school trip?

Thanks for reading our ‘Ultimate Guide to Promoting a School Trip to Parents and Students’.  We hope you found it useful and are able to use the above tactics to help get your educational school trip off your dream board and into reality! If you have used any successful promotional activities we would love to hear them!

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School Trip Final Instructions Parent Letter Template

final instructions

Communication is key to the success of a school trip. Use this customizable template to inform parents of the final trip details including student drop-off and pick-up location and time.

School Trip Final Instructions Letter Template

Hello Parents and Guardians!

The < ENTER GRADE LEVEL HERE> grade trip to <ENTER DESTINATION HERE> is quickly approaching. We have a few reminders and final instructions.

  • Students are to arrive no later than <ENTER ARRIVAL TIME HERE>.
  • Students are to report to <ENTER MEETING LOCATION HERE>.
  • Students are to remain in the assigned area until dismissed to load the buses.
  • Parents are expected to be at <ENTER SCHOOL NAME HERE> no later than < ENTER PARENT ARRIVAL TIME HERe> to pick up their child(ren).
  • We will send bus updates via <ENTER COMMUNICATION METHOD HERE (TWITTER, REMIND> and have students call informing parents of the time of arrival.
  • Avoid parking in the bus loading zone.
  • Designate a place to meet your child upon return.
  • We expect and will accept only excellent behavior from all students throughout the trip. We are representatives of <ENTER SCHOOL NAME HERE>.
  • Parents are asked to emphasize the importance of responsible and courteous behavior with students.
  • Students must realize traveling in a large group is different than when traveling with your family. Decisions are made and instructions are given with the safety and concern of the entire group in mind and not based upon the wishes and desires of any individual.
  • Each student is permitted one normal size suitcase and one “soft” carry-on bag.
  • Parents are required to check all luggage before bringing it to school to ensure the proper type of clothing, toiletry, and snacks have been packed. We are relying upon parents to supervise the packing process to ensure students do not bring items that may violate the school’s code of conduct or dress code.
  • Luggage should have identification tags and be clearly marked.
  • Students will be expected to carry their own luggage to the bus and to their rooms at the hotel.
  • Suitcases will be stowed beneath the bus; therefore, STUDENTS WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THEM. Anything needed during the day should be packed in the carry-on.
  • Glass bottles and items containing dairy are not permitted on motor coach buses.
  • Spending Money –  Parent discretion is advised. Money is only needed for souvenirs and meals listed as “on own” on the itinerary. The average spending money ranges from <INSERT MONEY AMOUNT HERE> to <INSERT MONEY AMOUNT HERE>.
  • Personal Belongings : Students are solely responsible for ALL of their belongings. Lost articles, including wallets, purses, and money ARE NOT the responsibility of the tour company, chaperones, and /or <INSERT SCHOOL DISTRICT NAME HERE>.
  • Hotel phones are not to be used for any reason.
  • Cell phones are acceptable for use on a limited basis. Students may bring cell phones but they are not to be on or used during touring and travel. Cell phones should be turned off and put away whenever a tour guide is talking or when touring various sites.
  • Students may use cell phones to call home to check in during “down” times throughout the trip (mealtime, hotel time, etc.).
  • In the event of an emergency, students may use their cell phones to contact <ENTER GROUP LEADER NAME HERE> at <ENTER GROUP LEADER CELL PHONE NUMBER HERE> (the number will be on the back of their student lanyard) or the tour company at 800.245.3511.

If you have additional questions regarding the dress code, please let me know. We look forward to a great trip!



Related Articles:

  • Field Trip Letter to Parents Template
  • Chaperone Recruitment Letter Template
  • Chaperone Trip Information Letter Template
  • School Trip Dress Code Letter Template

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How to Hold an Effective Parent Meeting About Your School Trip

school trip message to parents

Holding a parent information meeting is one of the most efficient and effective ways to communicate the details and benefits of the educational trip that you are planning for students.

It also is a great way to get the support from families that you will need to jump-start the registration process.

Teachers are beyond busy during the school day, and after the final bell rings, there is grading, coaching, planning, and meetings. So, it’s understandable that another late night at school may not sound appealing.

But trust me on this; the one night you spend at a parent meeting to discuss your school trip will pay off in tremendous time savings down the road.

Time-Saving Benefits

  • Get the information out there – Use handouts and a presentation (if possible) to provide families with the specifics of the trip such as dates, tour highlights, inclusions, and pricing. It also is a good time to explain the registration process and to emphasize important deadlines.
  • Help them understand the value – There is a lot more to student travel than seeing monuments and visiting museums. This is a great time to explain the benefits of an educational tour, including  curriculum enrichment , student growth opportunities , and social-emotional development.
  • Raising money – Discuss fundraising efforts planned to help pay for the trip. Pass out fundraising information and ask someone responsible for fundraising to explain the plans.
  • Reduce emails and phone calls – Answer questions that many families have during a Q&A session at the end of the meeting.
  • Outline next steps – Encourage registration and let families know how you will communicate moving forward. This usually includes an email follow-up after the meeting with information attached, a timeline leading up to the trip with important deadlines emphasized, as well as plans for a pre-departure family and student meeting prior to traveling.

Building Parent Trust and Support Your School Trip

Teachers on travel bus

  • During the presentation, they can see that a lot of thought, effort, organization, and heart have gone into the trip planning. Basically, they see you are trustworthy . You also can reassure them that you are working closely with a trusted student travel company like NationsClassroom to ensure a sound educational experience that is safe, affordable, and fun for the kids.
  • The administration and other teachers who are at the meeting show that there is widespread support for the trip within the school.
  • Parents see friends and other families they know and they can feel like they are “in it together.” This also creates buzz and excitement that can help registrations take off. 

Steps for Planning an Effective and Informational Parent Meeting

There are a few things that you can do to help make your meeting run smoothly so you can build the trust and support you need (and still get home at a reasonable hour).

  • Save The Date – Schedule a time and place with the person who does this at your school. Make arrangements with the custodial staff if they handle set up and takedown of chairs. And, arrange for your AV needs if you’ll require a projector, screen, microphone, or speaker.

Teachers with their students group photo

  • Send Notes Home – Require students to bring back a Meeting Invitation signed by a parent or guardian so you know that families are aware of the meeting. Determine a way for checking off the kids who have returned the Meeting Invitation. Kids who have not returned the form a week before the meeting can call a parent or guardian with you during homeroom or recess – hopefully, this is less than a handful. This helps reduce the number of families who say “we had no idea!” even though you’ve made the announcement at least ten times and in multiple ways.
  • Share Trip Information – Send trip and registration information along with the Meeting Invitation so parents can review it before the meeting. Have additional forms available at the meeting for families who need them. Another option is to ask your tour company to mail the registration information directly to home addresses. Your choice, but make sure parents have the information before the meeting.
  • Get Chaperones & Admin Involved – Recruit other teachers and administrators to help with the meeting. You will need help with greeting parents, handing out paperwork, answering questions, and helping with equipment and lights during the presentation. It also is a show of support for the trip. Bring them donuts or bagels the next morning to say “thanks!”, or your NationsClassroom consultant will be happy to do this for you!
  • Promotional Material – Prepare a digital presentation and do a test run with the technology you will use. Experienced student travel companies like NationsClassroom will provide you with a presentation to help guide your preparation. Consider running a photo slideshow of students on previous trips while families are entering the room. It’s a good way for families to see what the kids will get to do on the tour.
  • Speak Up – Use a microphone and speaker system if you are expecting a crowd of more than 40 people.
  • Prepare For Public Speaking – Start on time, try to smile through the nervousness, and remember you are doing this for the kids. That will help you overcome your nerves when you’re looking out at a sea of parents. Look for a family you know and focus on them. They will most likely be quick to smile back.
  • Get Ready for Questions – Have a Q&A session at the end. Ask parents at the beginning of the meeting to write down questions as you go and let them know you will take questions at the end. This will help keep you on track and avoid tangents, and chances are good the questions will be answered during your presentation.
  • Follow Up – Write down questions and follow up. If you don’t know the answer to a question, that is okay. It’s better to let families know you will look into it and get back to them than to give misinformation.

Yes, it’s another late night, but by communicating with parents en masse, you will save a lot of time in the end and you will gain the support you need to provide the kids with an opportunity of a lifetime.

For more information about educational group travel to the historic East Coast, please  Browse Our Tours  or  contact us at NationsClassroom to learn more.

Originally published February 2018, updated July 2021

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  • Residential visits: letters to parents Get tips on writing letters to parents about school residential visits, and download a template letter to make the task easier. Also, read examples from primary and secondary schools and a multi-academy trust (MAT).
  • Security lockdown procedures: informing parents and pupils Follow our guidance when discussing emergency lockdown procedures with your pupils, including how to talk to them in an age-appropriate way. Download our template letter to parents/carers.
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  • Thanking staff at the end of term: template letter to parents Use our template letter to reassure parents and pupils that they don't need to buy gifts for staff to show their appreciation. It encourages low-cost approaches like homemade cards, and explains how to give gifts if families still wish to do so.
  • Uniform policy change: letter to parents Use our template letter to communicate changes to your uniform policy so parents understand how you're securing best value for money and know when the changes will come into force.

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80 Unique Appreciation Messages to Parents from School!

Editorial Team

Appreciation messages to parents from school serve as a heartfelt way to acknowledge and express gratitude for the invaluable support and involvement parents provide in their child’s education. Parents play a crucial role in a child’s academic journey, and their partnership with the school greatly enhances the learning experience. These messages serve as a means to recognize the unwavering commitment, dedication, and sacrifices made by parents in nurturing their child’s growth and development. They highlight the immense value of parental involvement, not only in the academic realm but also in fostering a positive and nurturing environment that promotes the overall well-being of the child. Such messages not only convey gratitude but also strengthen the bond between the school and parents, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration in ensuring the child’s success.

Appreciation messages to parents from school also provide an opportunity to acknowledge the vital role parents play in the broader school community. These messages recognize the active participation of parents in various school activities, such as volunteering, fundraising, and organizing events, which greatly contribute to the school’s success. They highlight the profound impact parents have on the school’s culture and atmosphere, creating a warm and inclusive environment for all students. Additionally, appreciation messages serve as a reminder of the shared goal between the school and parents: to provide the best possible education and upbringing for the child. By expressing appreciation through these messages, schools convey their recognition and gratitude for the collaborative effort between teachers, administrators, and parents, ultimately benefiting the child’s educational journey.

Appreciation Messages to Parents from School

  • Dear parents, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and involvement in your child’s education. Your dedication has played a crucial role in their success. Thank you!
  • To the best parents ever, thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. Your continuous encouragement and partnership have made a significant difference. We appreciate you!
  • We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the parents who have shown exceptional commitment to their child’s learning journey. Your active participation has made our school community stronger. Thank you!
  • Dear parents, your consistent engagement in your child’s education has inspired us all. We are grateful for your continuous support and the positive impact it has on our school. Thank you!
  • We cannot thank you enough, dear parents, for your immense support and involvement in our school activities. Your enthusiasm and dedication make a world of difference. We appreciate you!
  • As we reflect on the academic year, we want to express our gratitude to the parents who have been incredible partners in their child’s education. Your collaboration has made our school a better place. Thank you!
  • Dear parents, your active participation in parent-teacher conferences and school events has been remarkable. Your commitment to your child’s education is truly commendable. Thank you for everything!
  • We want to take a moment to appreciate the parents who go above and beyond to ensure their child’s academic success. Your dedication is inspiring, and we are grateful for your support. Thank you!
  • To the amazing parents of our students, thank you for your continuous involvement in our school community. Your contributions and support have made a significant impact on the overall growth of our students. We appreciate you!
  • Dear parents, your presence at school events and your willingness to volunteer have made a tremendous difference. Your active engagement has created a nurturing environment for all our students. Thank you!
  • We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the parents who consistently communicate with us, providing valuable insights and feedback. Your involvement strengthens our partnership in shaping your child’s education. Thank you!
  • Dear parents, your commitment to your child’s education is evident in their progress and achievements. We are grateful for your unwavering support and for being such wonderful advocates for our school. Thank you!
  • We want to acknowledge the parents who actively collaborate with us to create a positive learning experience for their children. Your partnership has enhanced the educational journey of all our students. Thank you!
  • Dear parents, your active involvement in your child’s education has set a shindig example for all. We are grateful for your continuous support and the positive impact it has on our school community. Thank you!
  • We would like to extend our appreciation to the parents who consistently prioritize their child’s education. Your dedication to their academic growth inspires us all. Thank you for being amazing parents!
  • Dear parents, your ongoing support and encouragement have been instrumental in nurturing a love for learning in your child. We are grateful for your partnership in their education. Thank you!
  • We want to express our deepest gratitude to the parents who actively participate in their child’s education, attending meetings, and collaborating with us. Your involvement is invaluable. Thank you!
  • Dear parents, your continuous engagement in your child’s education shows your unwavering commitment as parents. We appreciate your efforts and the positive influence you have on our school. Thank you!
  • We would like to recognize the parents who consistently demonstrate their dedication to their child’s academic growth. Your involvement and support make a significant difference. Thank you for being amazing parents!
  • Dear parents, your active participation in school activities fosters a strong sense of community and belonging. We are grateful for your support and for being such wonderful advocates for our school. Thank you!

Appreciation Wishes to Parents from School

  • Dear parents, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support and involvement in your child’s education. Your dedication is truly inspiring. Thank you!
  • To the amazing parents of our students, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for your continuous encouragement and cooperation. Your partnership has played a significant role in creating a nurturing learning environment. Thank you!
  • Thank you, dear parents, for entrusting us with the education and well-being of your children. Your faith in our school and teachers means the world to us. We appreciate your support immensely.
  • We would like to take a moment to appreciate the parents who have consistently been there for their children, attending school events, volunteering, and actively participating in their educational journey. Your commitment is commendable. Thank you!
  • On behalf of the entire school staff, we want to express our gratitude to the parents who have shown great enthusiasm in engaging with our academic programs. Your involvement has enriched the learning experience for all students. Thank you!
  • To the wonderful parents of our students, we want to convey our sincere appreciation for your patience and understanding. Your collaboration during challenging times has been invaluable. Thank you for being remarkable partners in education.
  • We would like to extend a special thank you to the parents who have gone above and beyond to support their child’s education. Your dedication to their growth and development is truly praiseworthy. We are grateful for your commitment.
  • Dear parents, your consistent communication with teachers, active participation in parent-teacher conferences, and willingness to work together have made a significant difference in your child’s academic journey. Thank you for being phenomenal partners.
  • As we reflect upon the school year, we cannot help but acknowledge the remarkable parents who have continuously shown their support through fundraising efforts, organizing events, and contributing their time and resources. Your dedication is exceptional. Thank you!
  • We want to express our deep appreciation to the parents who have consistently emphasized the importance of education at home. Your commitment to fostering a love for learning in your children is truly commendable. Thank you for being outstanding role models.
  • Thank you, dear parents, for actively participating in our school’s extracurricular activities and sports events. Your presence and encouragement have created a sense of belonging and motivated our students to excel. We are grateful for your involvement.
  • We want to take a moment to acknowledge the parents who have volunteered their time to assist in classrooms, field trips, and school projects. Your selflessness and dedication have made a positive impact on the educational experience of all students. Thank you!
  • To the parents who consistently prioritize their child’s education by ensuring regular attendance and timely completion of assignments, we extend our heartfelt appreciation. Your commitment to their academic success is truly commendable. Thank you!
  • We would like to express our gratitude to the parents who have actively supported our school’s initiatives, such as fundraisers and community outreach programs. Your generosity and compassion have made a difference in the lives of many. Thank you!
  • Dear parents, your ongoing support and involvement have helped create a nurturing and inclusive school community. Your efforts to promote a positive learning environment are deeply appreciated. Thank you for being incredible advocates for education.
  • We want to take a moment to appreciate the parents who have been actively engaged in their child’s learning by providing a conducive environment at home, assisting with homework, and encouraging a thirst for knowledge. Your dedication is invaluable. Thank you!
  • To the parents who have consistently attended parent-teacher meetings and open houses, asking insightful questions and seeking ways to support their child’s education, we extend our sincerest gratitude. Your partnership is cherished.
  • Thank you, dear parents, for your active involvement in our parent-teacher association and school committees. Your valuable input and collaborative efforts have contributed to the growth and development of our school. We are grateful for your contributions.
  • We would like to express our appreciation to the parents who have consistently shown their appreciation for our teachers and staff. Your kind words and gestures mean a lot and serve as a source of motivation. Thank you for your encouragement.
  • Dear parents, your unwavering support, trust, and belief in our school and its mission have been instrumental in creating a positive educational experience for your child. We cannot thank you enough for your continued partnership.

Appreciation Messages to Parents from School

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Appreciation Quotes to Parents from School

  • “To the best parents in the world, thank you for entrusting us with your precious child’s education. Your support and involvement have been invaluable to their success.”
  • “We are grateful for parents like you who prioritize their child’s education. Your dedication and encouragement make our job as educators even more rewarding.”
  • “Thank you for being our partners in shaping the future of your child. Your involvement in their academic journey is truly commendable.”
  • “Parents like you inspire us with your unwavering commitment to your child’s education. Your support plays a significant role in their growth and development.”
  • “We are fortunate to have parents like you who consistently demonstrate their love and support for their child’s learning. Your involvement makes a difference.”
  • “Thank you for trusting us to provide your child with a quality education. Your belief in our school and teachers is deeply appreciated.”
  • “We appreciate parents like you who prioritize their child’s education and make it a priority in their lives. Your dedication sets a wonderful example.”
  • “Thank you for being actively involved in your child’s education. Your partnership with us has helped create a nurturing and enriching learning environment.”
  • “Parents like you make our school community stronger. Your contributions, whether big or small, have a lasting impact on the educational experience of all our students.”
  • “We are grateful for parents who consistently show their support for their child’s education. Your involvement makes our school a better place for everyone.”
  • “Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. Your confidence in our school and teachers is a testament to the strong partnership we share.”
  • “Parents like you make our job as educators fulfilling and meaningful. Your active participation in your child’s learning journey is truly inspiring.”
  • “We appreciate parents who go above and beyond to ensure their child receives the best education possible. Your commitment to their success is commendable.”
  • “Thank you for your continuous support and encouragement. Your involvement in your child’s education makes a significant difference in their academic achievements.”
  • “We are grateful for parents who actively participate in their child’s school life. Your presence and engagement contribute to a positive and nurturing learning environment.”
  • “Parents like you are a constant source of inspiration. Your dedication to your child’s education sets a remarkable example for others.”
  • “Thank you for being advocates for your child’s education. Your involvement in their academic journey helps us create a strong foundation for their future success.”
  • “We appreciate parents who consistently demonstrate their commitment to their child’s learning. Your active participation ensures they receive the best education possible.”
  • “Thank you for being partners in your child’s educational journey. Your support, guidance, and involvement are invaluable to their growth and development.”
  • “Parents like you make our school community vibrant and supportive. Your dedication to your child’s education is deeply appreciated by all of us.”

How do you write a appreciation message to your parents from School?

  • Dear Mom and Dad, I want to thank you for always supporting and encouraging me throughout my school journey. Your love and guidance have been invaluable. I appreciate everything you do for me.
  • Mom and Dad, I am grateful for your unwavering belief in me. Your constant motivation has helped me excel in my studies and other activities. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleaders.
  • To my wonderful parents, your sacrifices and hard work have made it possible for me to receive a quality education. I appreciate all the efforts you put into ensuring my success. Thank you!
  • Dear Mom and Dad, your dedication to my education is truly commendable. Your willingness to go the extra mile to help me with my schoolwork has made a significant difference in my academic achievements. I am forever grateful.
  • Mom and Dad, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your financial support. Your willingness to invest in my education has opened doors of opportunities for me. Thank you for prioritizing my future.
  • To my loving parents, your constant presence at school events and parent-teacher meetings means the world to me. Your active involvement in my education shows me how much you care. Thank you for always being there.
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I am grateful for the values and principles you have instilled in me. Your teachings have shaped my character and helped me navigate through school life. Thank you for being my moral compass.
  • Mom and Dad, your words of encouragement have always motivated me to push my limits and strive for excellence. Your belief in my abilities has given me the confidence to overcome challenges. Thank you for your unwavering support.
  • To my amazing parents, your unconditional love has been my anchor during my school years. Knowing that I have your support and love has given me the strength to overcome obstacles. Thank you for being my rock.
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I appreciate your patience and understanding whenever I faced difficulties with my schoolwork. Your willingness to listen and provide guidance has helped me grow academically. Thank you for your endless patience.
  • Mom and Dad, your sacrifices to provide me with a quality education have not gone unnoticed. I am aware of the countless hours you’ve worked and the compromises you’ve made. Thank you for your selflessness.
  • To my dear parents, I am grateful for the opportunities you have given me. Your belief in my potential has inspired me to strive for greatness. Thank you for empowering me to reach for my dreams.
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I want to express my deepest gratitude for the values you have taught me. Your emphasis on integrity, hard work, and kindness has shaped me into the person I am today. Thank you for your invaluable life lessons.
  • Mom and Dad, your guidance in setting goals and planning for my future has been instrumental in my academic success. I am thankful for your wisdom and guidance. Thank you for helping me navigate my educational journey.
  • To my incredible parents, I appreciate your constant encouragement to explore my interests and passions outside of academics. Your support in extracurricular activities has enriched my school experience. Thank you for nurturing my talents.
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I am grateful for the sacrifices you have made to provide me with a safe and nurturing learning environment. Your commitment to my education has laid a strong foundation for my future. Thank you for everything.
  • Mom and Dad, your belief in my abilities has inspired me to believe in myself. Your unwavering support has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams. Thank you for being my biggest motivators.
  • To my amazing parents, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for the countless hours you’ve spent helping me with my homework and projects. Your dedication to my academic success is truly remarkable. Thank you for your tireless efforts.
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I am grateful for the values of perseverance and resilience you have taught me. Your example has shown me that setbacks are opportunities for growth. Thank you for teaching me to never give up.
  • Mom and Dad, words cannot fully express my gratitude for your love, support, and guidance throughout my school years. You have been my pillars of strength, and I am forever thankful for your presence in my life. I love you both dearly.

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Letter How

Write it Well

  • How To Write Field Trip Letter To Parents –  3 Samples.
  • By: Ray Martins
  • Date: January 14, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

school trip message to parents

Once in a while, students are required to go for field trip so that they can see firsthand, the different theories and concepts that they study in the classroom. However, before the children can go for the field trip, the school has to obtain consent from the parents. Thus, the school has to write a letter to the parents or guardians requesting them to consent that their children take part in the field trip.

In order to write a good field trip letter to the parents, it is important that the letter details the specific location that the children will visit, what they intend to see and learn, and any necessary preparations that need to be made by the parents in order to ensure that the field trip will be a success.

The introduction of the letter should be precise. Specifically, it should brief the parent on the actual date when the field trip is supposed to take place, the time that the school bus will be leaving, and when the bus is expected to arrive back from the trip.

How Do You Write No Objection Letter From Parents To Allow A Child To Travel?

If you have received a field trip letter from school informing you that your child is expected to go for a field trip, you will be required to write a no objection letter that will show you agree your child to take part in the trip. Here is a simple format you can use to indicate that you have agreed your child takes part in the field trip.

I have no objection to my child taking part in the field trip scheduled to take place on 15 th January 2022.

Sign and Date

Mary’s parents.

Sample 1 : Field Trip Letter To Parent

Dear Parent / Guardian

The fifth grade are scheduled to go for a field trip to the animal park in Texas on 23 rd January 2022 . In this trip, the children are going to see different wild animals that they have studied in the classroom. The school bus will leave at exactly 9.00 am and return about 2.00 pm. It is crucial that your child is not late for school on that date so that he/she does not miss the trip.

The field is paid for by the school. I however, require that you ensure you have consented and returned this letter by 16 th January 2022 so that we can have the names of the children going for the trip registered with the animal park. You are requested to pack snacks for your child so that he/she can enjoy the snacks on the bus.

This is a unique opportunity that shouldn’t be missed as the children will get a chance to see many wild animals that they have only seen on TV. The children should be dressed as they normally dress when coming to school on normal days.

It is my hope that you are going to consent your child takes part in the trip. In case you have any questions or concerns regarding the planned field trip, feel free to contact me any time.

Your Sincerely

Fifth Grade Sciences Studies Coordinator

Teacher Anne


Parent Trip Consent Slip

I _________________________ consent my child _______________________ attends the planned field trip on 23 rd January 2022.


Sign and Date 


Sample 2 : Field Trip Letter To Parent

Dear Parents

The school has planned for your child to go on a science field trip with the science club. The trip is a unique opportunity for your child to gain hands-on experience on different environmental issues such as how human activities have contributed to degradation of the environment.  The field trip might include a walk of about one mile in the forest, and in the farm. We are certain that this trip will be informative and beneficial to learning of your child.

In order to make sure that your child has unforgettable experience, we seek your assistance in the following:

  • Make sure that your child wears ideal shoes – no sandals. Hiking or sports shoes are the best.
  • Dress your child well. Layers are ideal so that they can be removed as needed.
  • Let us know about any underlying health conditions such as allergy and medication.

Thanks for doing your best in ensuring that your child has a positive learning experience. For any queries or questions, feel free to contact me.

Emma Watson

School Events Coordinator


Sample 3 : Information Letter To Parent About Planned Field Trip

I am writing to inform you that your child who is a 6 th Grader has an opportunity to visit Texas for a curriculum trip. We are all thrilled about this opportunity and it’s our hope that you are also thrilled.  The luxury coach is planned to leave school on Wednesday 8 th June 2021 at 5pm. We come back to school at 9:00am on Monday, 12 Th June . The total cost for the trip is $550 and it incorporates all costs to be incurred by the students.

Students are expected to be in school-appropriate dressing during the entire trip. When parking clothes for your sons and daughters, take into consideration the fact that the trip will happen during summer season. We will try our best to advise students prior to leaving about the forecasted temperatures.

We request that you sign the attached student consent slip and return it before 30 th April 2021 . After that, we are not going to accept any other reservations. We also request that you pay the fee of $500 before 30 th April so that we can be able make all the necessary arrangements.

I hereby conform that I have consented my child to go to the Texas trip taking place from June 8 to June 12 2021.

Name of student: ____________________________________________

Name of the Parent :_________________________________________

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Notice Writing For a Trip – Sample Notice for School Trip

school trip message to parents

  • Sample Notice Template: School Trip
NAME OF THE SCHOOL ADDRESS OF THE SCHOOL NOTICE Trip to ________ (Location) Date: __/__/____ (Date) Our school is going to organize a trip to ________ (Venue/ Location) on __/__/____ (Date). The trip will be for ________ (Number of days) and students will be accompanied by teachers and guides. The cost of trip reservation is _______ (Amount) which includes stay at ______ (hotel name), meals, amusement parks, transportation, _____ (mention details). Interested students need to deposit the mentioned amount to their respective teachers along with consent filled by parents. _______ (Your Name & Signature), _______ (Designation)

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School Text Messages to Parents: A Complete Guide

school trip message to parents

Instant messaging is one of the go-to communication methods between the school admin and parents. It’s an easy, convenient, and cheap method that bridges both parties. 

But, when we begin to think about the size of the parents’ population that we need to send messages regularly to, it is a daunting task. It is indeed uncomplicated, but imagine doing it again and again? Your fingers might even fall off. 

You might also miss out on sending the messages to some contacts. It’s also easy to get bored with the task because of the repetitive motion.

But, above everything else, sending correspondence to parents is an essential task. Sending school text messages is one of the vital communication tasks between both parties that build and strengthen the relationship. 

So, if you are yet to start sending regular messages to parents, go over this list to know what the other expects.  

6 Messages Parents Expect to Receive 

1. school reopening dates  .

First of all, parents expect to receive messages stating important dates . One of the most important dates that they should be aware of is, obviously, the school reopening dates. 

This message doesn’t only refer to the opening, per se. It usually also includes the preparation dates. Preparation dates refer to admission dates , the release of class sectioning, and the list of school requirements. 

They don’t need a whole block of messages. A simple two-sentence message will suffice. It’s also a smart move to make use of the school’s website to make the message shorter and straight to the point. 

Take a look at the example template below. 

Hi Mr/s. *Family Name*,

*School Name* will resume classes on *Date of Reopening*. Details regarding the admissions process are available at *mention school website here*. 

You can end the message abruptly, or you can include the school’s contact details. 

Some might think that this message is unimportant. But, trust us. Some parents become far too busy with other responsibilities that they forget to update themselves with the latest school updates. 

It’s better to be a proactive institution rather than a reactive one. 

2. Fees Collection Reminders

Next, we focus on fees collection reminders. 

Out of all the templates we have in line for you, this message has the most frequent usage . Depending on the school’s payment structure, these messages are sent almost monthly or quarterly. 

The most common template goes like, “Good day! Reminding you of your child’s outstanding balance of *insert total amount*. Please settle the amount on or before *deadline of payment*. If payment is already settled, please disregard this message. Thank you.”

It may appear long and bulky, but all the information are presented immediately. For these types of messages, it is important to include the correct details. We’re talking about money here. Any miscalculations or wrong sent messages will raise an unprecedented alarm. 

This message alert is a great help for parents who have children who consistently fail to remind them of upcoming payment deadlines. Instead of relying on their children to relay the news, the SMS alert is a more reliable notification system. 

3. Performance Updates

Parents will always appreciate receiving timely updates regarding their children’s current academic performance, even before the end of the quarter of the semester. 

These updates are not necessarily about failure to submit or possible failing grades. Performance updates also include messages of congratulations when their children top an exam or become qualified for specific awards. 

But going back to sending updates about possible failing grades, parents find these timely alerts helpful to help their children get back on track. Sometimes, all their children need is a little push and extra guidance from their parents to save their grades. 

Also, this places much emphasis on sending messages promptly. 

You can use either of these templates to send the updates. 

“CONGRATULATIONS! Your child, *mention name of student*, is part of the honour roll for this semester with an average grade of *mention grade average*.”

Even the shortest congratulatory message from the school feels more than enough for parents who saw how their children worked so hard for the recognition. 

On the other hand, you can also use this type of message. 

“We are sending this message to inform you that your child, “name of student”, failed to submit one of the major requirements for English Literature, “name of the project.”

Simple and succinct. There is no need to go over the details as the student knows them already. This message aims to give a head’s up, a reminder, that their child needs to submit the requirement. 

4. Grades Posting Update

Like the progress updates, parents also expect a separate and distinct message to inform about the release of grades. 

Like most school processes nowadays, releasing of grades also happens online. And because of this, most parents forget that it’s already the time of release. 

What you can do is to send out text reminders a day before the official release. It’s efficient and they have ample time to prepare themselves, rather than sending the alerts on the release date.

You can use this short message template. 

“Official release of final grades will be tomorrow, MM/DD/YYYY.”

As straightforward as that. But, you can choose to include the name of the school or the name of the student. 

5. Cancellations

Next on the list is the message alerts for cancellations. 

As much as parents expect to receive these types of announcements, it is also the school’s responsibility to disseminate this information appropriately. 

Cancellation messages don’t only cover cancelled classes but also upcoming events, especially those that require the attendance of the parents. 

An excellent cancellation alert should start with an honest apology. The message should, ideally, include a plan of action to remedy the lapses. 

“We regret to inform you that the upcoming Parent’s Day on MM/DD/YYYY will be cancelled due to the ongoing typhoon. We will reschedule the event and let you know as soon as we can. As of now, let’s all stay safe.”

In this type of message, it’s also best to lose the air of indifference and show a little bit of personality. Despite the reason for the cancellation, it caused an inconvenience in some way.

6. Upcoming Events

If there are alerts for cancelled events, then, of course, there are message reminders for planned events. 

Similar to the rationale behind sending messages for cancelled events, these events require a considerable portion of the parents’ time. They have their schedules to work around, so prompt reminders about upcoming events let them plan their weeks better. 

A message as simple as this will suffice.

“This is to remind you that the Parent’s Day celebration will be on MM/DD/YYYY. We hope to see you there!” 

Efficient Tool to Send School Text Messages to Parents

Despite using message templates, it’s still too much work to send them manually. Let me introduce you to a tool that will help you schedule and send automated messages. 

School management software systems will take over this role, carrying all the hassle from you. 

GoSchooler , in particular, is an all-in-one school management software that allows you to draft, schedule, and send messages to specific recipients . 

You can quickly tick off the box on this screen to indicate which of the following shall receive the message. Moreover, you can choose to send the message through SMS or the mobile app. You can even select both for the best measure.

GoSchooler also abides with the latest restrictions from the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) . The system will now only send messages that are approved by the committee after days of checking. A disclaimer is explicitly stated on the Send SMS page.

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What is the best way to communicate with parents, key takeaways .

Parents expect timely updates. Whether it’s from their children or the school, they wish to receive some kind of alert as they are also major institution stakeholders. 

From the simple back-to-school reminders to fee collections alerts, it’s best to prepare an influx of school message templates to keep them in the loop. Sometimes, their kids aren’t the best source of information when it comes to these matters. 

And to save you from the hassle of sending these alerts manually, make sure to invest in school management software with an embedded communication system. GoSchooler allows you to schedule and send bulk emails and text messages with a few clicks.

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Parents’ feedback for a wonderful trip

feedback by parents

Dear Isha ma’am

I would like to thank you for all your tremendous efforts and hard work in making the Nainital trip a success. The trip was perfect with excellent organization!! My son, Avyaan Sachdeva, in grade – 6 CSB thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Though initially couple of parents like me were very sceptical about it due to bad weather conditions, but with your assurance and positive vibes we felt comfortable sending our children.

I again appreciate all yours, other teachers and camp organizers efforts in organising this trip. I’m also very grateful to Saswati ma’am for putting her best efforts in managing all students and providing them such comfort throughout the trip. Answering parents queries, sending regular updates while taking care of students is definitely not an easy task but she made it possible with all her positivity, love and care. Also, thank you once again both of you for being so approachable.

Thanks and best regards Shikha Sachdeva (Mother of Avyaan Sachdeva)

Dear Sunita Ma’am.. Mehak kalia has come back home & is super happy too. Please accept our thanks & gratitude for making this a super learning & fun tour for our kids.

Special thanks and appreciation for you & your efforts / leadership to make this trip possible and that too inspite of your injury. Wish a speedy recovery for you. Best Regards Rupinder Kalia & Manish Kalia

Good evening Ma’am Thank you so much to you and every teacher at the camp for these awesome few days. Tashvi had a wonderful time at Jim Corbett. Camp tales still continue with her bad throat

Thank you so much for taking good care of the children ma’am ojasvi is all gaga about the trip.. he hasn’t stopped talking abt that ..looks lk kids had a blast on the trip

Good evening ma’am Thank you so much for such a wonderful trip. Siya will cherish these memories whole life.Big heartfelt gratitude. Regards Shivani

Darsh had a great time. Thanks for your guidance and support.

Thank you mam for taking care of Ishika .. she thoroughly enjoyed the trip

Good evening ma’am…. Thanks for taking such good care of the kids…. Kids really had a great time.

Hello Ma’am, Thank you for taking care of Kenisha and the other kids during the trip. The kids had a wonderful time together having fun as well as learning things. Hope you have a relaxing evening. Warm regards.

Hi ma’am Once Emya comes back , I will be busy in hearing all the camp stories and I am sure you will be busy at your home too. Wanted to extend my gratitude for taking care of Emya so well. Your love and care towards her especially during the camp time means a lot to us. I am sure they all are carrying great memories. Also thanks for sharing regular updates. Always be grateful

Thank you so much maam for all your cares and looking after the kids.

Thanks a lot Ma’am !! Adish is so full of life after this trip & we owe it to you. I was so skeptical but then I guess this is how parenting is. We experiment , learn & evolve . Thanks for taking so good care of our kid & being the guardian. Can’t thank you enough for giving adish this memorable time!

Thank you ma’am for taking care of the kids. Ethan loved the camp.

Thanks Ma’am for all the care and a fun trip!

Thanks for making such a wonderful memorial trip for all kids. Sahil Sahoo

Thanks a lot sir for coordinating and updating us at all times. Your messages were our lifesaver.

Thank you so much sir for the safe trip, the constant updates and for the pictures!

Thank you Muskaan mam for taking care of Shivi. We are blessed that you are her teacher . Deep gratitude

Thank you so much.. this video is a keepsake. Hope Tatvam did not trouble you much, he is all praises for you. Thank u so much for taking care of him and for your kind words. Take rest & God bless.

Thank u mam for building confidence in d kids .. they sure have learnt a lot on this trip .. thanks to Scottish high…

Thanks ma’am for taking such good care of Arnav! He really enjoyed himself!! Regards

Thankyou so much mam for taking such good care of our children. They had a blast … truly appreciated

Thank you Karishma God bless you and thanks for this wonderful trip

Thank you so much ma’am She really enjoyed and is your big fan now ☺️

This trip was very good learning for her

This is precious ma’am..Kaira is all praises about you…she cannot stop talking about the amount of fun she has had and how supportive you have been…thank you for making this camp memorable for these kids…you have won yourself fans for a lifetime..

Kaira Kapoor 6 A

Thank you Muskan mam for taking care of Shivi. We are blessed that you are her teacher . Deep gratitude

Shivina Nagwanshi 6 A

Thank you so much.. this video is a keepsake. Hope Tatvam did not trouble you much, he is all praises for you. Thank u so much for taking care of him and for your kind words🙏. Take rest & God bless.

Tatvam Giri 6 A

Thank you so much mam for a wonderful trip.. Ruman had an amazing time.. he is very happy and has been narrating the stories of his trip to everyone in the family. I know for teachers it’s a very big responsibility to manage all the kids and ensure everyone is safe and back home happily. Kudos to all your efforts and for being a friend and a mentor at the same time. Thank you so much mam…

Just wanted to thanks once again for the wonderful trip.. Aaira enjoyed a lot.. off course special thanks for keeping us posted on her medicine schedule.

Aaira Madan 6 A

Thanks a lot Ma’am for taking such good care of the children. They had a very good time 🌹

Myra Jain 6 A

Thanks for such a lovely experience for all kids

Ayaan is saying “ Maam was is in full fun mode

Thank you so much ma’am for all your love and support during the entire trip to make it memorable for Siya

Samarth had a blast It was a very enjoyable trip Thanks for your support

Thanks ma’am for quick response and timely update every time. Pearl really enjoyed a lot and was very happy. Thanks once again !!

Dear Muskan Maam thank you for taking good care of kids during the trip. Adya had a terrific experience and really enjoyed to the core.

Lovely videos Thanks for all the support and love you showered the kids with. Aarna had an awesome time there with all her friends. Hope you had a great time too.

Aarna Gupta 6 A

Thanks ma’am, for all the efforts u made. Ashima couldn’t stop talking about you n the fun through out the trip. Thanks a lot.

Thnx mam thnx alot for ur special efforts n he has become ur fan Muskan mam loves me alot we enjoyed alot thnx to take care of our kids

Agneya Gupta 6 A

Ma’am thank you so much for all your love, care, and above all patience😊 It was wonderful to see the kids back home. Mysia just can’t stop talking about the trip( Non stop Have a good night and take rest. God bless you. Regards

Ma’am I’m really thankful and grateful to you for taking care of each and every kid. It’s really not an easy task but you did with all your positive energy and love. Avyaan felt so comfortable with you in the entire trip and as a parent it means a lot to us. Thank you so much once again.

Thank you Ma’am. The kids had a wonderful time.

Vihaan really enjoyed his trip. Thank you all for organizing a wonderful outing!

Vihaan dayal 6 CSA

Dear ma’am , thank you for all your hard work in planning and executing this trip, good night!!

Thank you Mam. Angad has come back very happy.

Thank you mam for taking care of our kids all thro

Thanks a lot for taking care of the kids and all the arrangements, Sir!

Thanks a lot Ma’am for taking such good care of the children. They had a very good time

Adya Dwivedi 6 A

Thank you so much Ma’am for taking care of kids in general and Tvisha in particular. She had a good time and came back with loads of core memories. Great day ahead.

Good morning ma’am, Shreya had great experience with nature, friends and teachers. Thank you for your guidance and support and taking our kids to next level being independent and confident

The trip was well organized and the teachers kept us informed of the activities and sent us pics and videos regularly.

  • Kids will learn to stay and manage their things independently, a much needed trait for future hostel Life.
  • Indulge in group activities and being social, again required for future.
  • Played various team building games, essential for personality development.
  • Lastly, had a good time with school friends, creating ever lasting memories.
  • Such trips should be held more frequently.

Lastly, a big thanks to you Nidhi mam for your efforts and hard work with all kids.

No doubts that we trust SHIS teachers a lot and so we are able to send her for such trips

This is a personal thanks for the wonderful trip that my child Rivka Vaidya 6E went to with her classmates and Karishma ma’am Karishma mam ensured that we as parents stay updated and feel secure about our child This was her first ever alone trip and she came back so happy and cheerful She learnt new things and made new friends and most of all had a lot of fun It’s not at all easy to handle so many kids of this age and kudos to Karishma ma’am and entire team who put up this wonderful show

Thanks once again ! vaidya roma

Dear Karishma Mam,

Being a emotional mother, I was very worried about Samaira. But I really appreciate for your efforts in making it such a memorable trip.She was so happy. She is not stopping praising you 

Whenever she felt little low too  u were always right on time always & make her cheerful. You always helped not only her but the whole class.  She is telling soo many wonderful stories with you specially. She is saying Mam is so sweet, kind and always helpful. Thank you again for everything mam

And special thanks for sending beautiful pics all the time and making me more comfortable

Regards, Shagun Guglani Mother of Samaira Guglani Grade: 6-E

Hi sir, 

This is regarding the feedback on the camp

Organised by Scottish high for grade 6. My Daugher ruhika studying in 6E was travelling into this camp and was under supervision of Ms Karishma Bisht mam . I must say the camp was very Very well organised and was operated with no hassle to students and parents at all. Karishma mam was very responsive in providing updates to parents and kept us informed about the well being and fun by also sharing photos and videos.  Must say kids had a blast and everything was very well taken care of and Karishma mam really made sure that parents were also not anxious about well being of their children . Extremely thankful to school for all the arrangements and teachers for executing it so well. It was a great experience for us and kids both. 



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Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) was held for students in Initials, Primary, and Senior levels to review their progress for the academic year (2024-25). The meeting enabled teachers to address the gaps and facilitated the sharing of valuable inputs among parents, teachers, and students.


Up to 19 Olentangy Liberty varsity baseball players suspended following Georgia trip

school trip message to parents

Most of the Olentangy Liberty High School varsity baseball team was suspended for underage drinking violations following a weeklong spring break trip to a Georgia sports camp the week before Easter, ruining what was to have been a promising season and leaving parents to question who was supervising them.

According to students and five sets of parents, as many as 19 of 24 players were suspended from either future games and/or school following the trip to Baseball Village, part of the LakePoint Sports complex in Emerson, Georgia.

One parent called the week "a drunken drug fest" with no accountability by coaches. The head coach was not disciplined for alcohol violations but received a written warning for a separate issue since the trip, The Dispatch learned.

None of the parents wanted to be named, fearing retaliation against their children from coaches or other players.

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Olentangy school official initially denied Dispatch's requests for records, citing federal privacy laws

The Dispatch recently requested disciplinary records of Liberty students who violated the district's alcohol abuse policies during the week in Georgia, along with complaints from parents or students about the team's coach, Ty Brenning, who also teaches history and social studies at Liberty High School.

Olentangy Local School District Treasurer Ryan Jenkins, who is responsible for public records requests, initially refused to release even redacted student records for that week, citing federal student privacy laws. He later released Liberty's discipline log for the entire month of March, which indicated 14 student code violations for "Narcotics, Alcoholic Beverages and Drugs" resulting in "out-of-school" suspension.

The 14 incidents would be suspensions from school and not from games, possibly explaining the discrepancy.

While names, dates and other data are redacted, the log lists six seniors, five juniors and three sophomores from Liberty High School.

The district also released a copy of an April 1 email from Darin Meeker, Liberty's athletic director, to unnamed parents of the "Varsity Baseball Team" to inform them that the high school's administrative team had held one-on-one meetings with varsity players to discuss "concerns relating to possible violations of the Athletic Code of Conduct during last week's Spring Break trip." Also attached was at least one response from what is presumed to be a parent asking to speak with Meeker.

Christian Ross, the district's communications director, previously confirmed only that students were disciplined, but he refused to say how many, for what or to provide other specifics.

"There was disciplinary action taken for violations of the student code," he said. "But as far as specifics, I'm not able to provide them to you."

District officials denied The Dispatch's requests to interview Brenning, Meeker and Principal Michael Starner.

The decimated Liberty Patriots varsity team lost six consecutive games April 2-18, being outscored 71-29. It has rebounded since April 16, winning five of six games.

Last year, the team's record was 27-4. The team won the state Division I championship in 2018.

Olentangy Liberty parents describe 'a drunken drug fest' in Georgia the week before Easter, leading to hospitalization

One of the parents told The Dispatch that their son was not involved in the violations but became concerned that the school, specifically Brenning and his assistant coaches, blamed only the students and took no responsibility for chaperoning them or checking in with them during the trip to Georgia.

The team stayed at a Tru By Hilton about a 15-minute drive from the sports complex. Buses shuttled them back and forth. Parents were encouraged to stay at other hotels.

In an email to The Dispatch, a parent described "a drunken drug fest where 19 kids served suspension (after their return) and the coaches faced no dismissal or any visible punishment for that matter."

Said another parent: "It does very much feel like kids are being blamed and we (administrators) don't want this to get out. … Let's just be quiet and let it go away."

Two parents said they were forced to hire attorneys to appeal their child's punishment, including threats of expulsion, during hearings with school administrators.

The most excessive partying occurred during what parents were told was to be a team-building event on Thursday, March 28. Miniature golf or bowling were discussed.

"We thought that they were going putt-putting with the coaches," the parent said. But Brenning instead flew back to central Ohio, reportedly to attend his daughter's volleyball game.

The most serious alcohol use left many kids sick, the parent said. One of the students was taken to a local hospital, reportedly after taking too many THC gummies, parents have learned.

Olentangy Liberty baseball coach Ty Brenning garners criticism from parents, documented warning from administrators

Brenning held a meeting with parents a few days after their return, placing blame on the students, according to those who attended.

"I don't remember the words 'I'm sorry' come out of his mouth," the parent of a player said. "Usually, these things happen top down. So, I was surprised that no one was held responsible."

Administrators regard the care of students on such trips to be their highest priority. Some have gone so far as to apply tape to the outside of students' doors to deter misconduct and mingling with others.

Brenning, who became head varsity coach in 2011 , said in pre-season comments on the team's Facebook page: "Leadership keeps improving every single day and there are a lot of hungry athletes who are waiting to get on the field."

Parents say leaderships should have concerned themselves with more than baseball drills and box scores.

"I think there should be consequences, and I’m doing my part to prevent them from just sweeping it under the rug," the parent said in an email to The Dispatch.

Brenning did receive a "documented warning" but not for violations during the Georgia trip.

According to his personnel file, he "admitted to letting his emotions get the better of him when a suspended baseball player laughed, gyrated body parts, and ineffectively participated in a team meeting."

In an April 24 letter to Brenning from Meeker and Starner, the warning came "in the wake of the recent baseball trip, where a number of players were suspended from school and baseball for violations of the student handbook and athletic code of conduct." Brenning also agreed to leadership counseling with a consultant.

This is not the district's only recent coaching controversy. In March, Liberty High School's hockey coach and two assistants resigned after complaints that they used abusive language and tactics.

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Rochdale school evacuated after threatening messages - parents told not to approach building

We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story.

Matthew Moss High School has been evacuated after recieving threatening messages

  • 13:07, 29 Apr 2024
  • Updated 13:50, 29 Apr 2024

A school in Manchester has been evacuated after receiving 'threatening messages' by email.

Parents have been told not to approach Matthew Moss High School in Rochdale, Greater Manchester , where pupils have been evacuated "as a precaution" after receiving an email that the school describes as 'threatening' in nature.

A statement issued just before 1pm today from Matthew Moss High School's official Twitter account reads: "Matthew Moss High School have received a threatening message by email and have evacuated the school as a precaution. All learners and staff are safe and the police are in attendance.

It continues: "Please do not travel to the school at this time to allow police and staff to manage the situation."

Responding to the statement on Facebook , one concerned parent wrote: "Why cant you allow my child to come home instead of keeping her on Springfield park? I would rather she come home than to go back into that building today!!" Another added: "I want to go get my child this is shocking.."

The nature of the email has not been revealed and no further details have been released, but pupils at the school are thought to have been evacuated to a nearby park as a result. Parents who have contacted their children posted on social media with an update that students 'seem to be OK' and were following instructions of teachers.

The school is located on Matthew Moss Lane in the Marland area of Rochdale, off Bolton Road in Greater Manchester. Pupils are thought to have been evacuated to the nearby Springfield Park.

A parent told Manchester Evening News that a warning to evacuate the school was relayed via the building's tannoy system. They said: "All we know is that about an hour and 10 minutes ago, there was a tannoy announcement that went to the whole school.

"Pupils and staff were told to collect all their belongings and to vacate the school immediately. With the tannoy announcement, they could tell things were not right. Some parents have turned up at the school and the police and fire service are all there. It's bedlam around there. The whole area has been evacuated and sealed off", the parent added.

Children and staff who were evacuated gathered close to the tennis courts at nearby Springfield Park, another parent told M.E.N: "They were all evacuated to Springfield Park and are being held near to the park's tennis courts. We have been told there has now been a second email threat. People are being told not to go to the school, but they are turning up. The pupils are fine, but it's freezing out there."

The parents added that a GCSE Spanish exam was due to take place in the school on Monday afternoon.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesperon later said in a statement that after conducting a search of the school, no threat was found.

The statement reads: "At around 12noon today (Monday 29 April), officers received reports of a threat being made towards a school on Matthew Moss Lane, Rochdale. Officers have conducted a search of the school and found no threat to the school or wider area."

The news comes shortly after a school was forced into lockdown on April 24 after a stabbing left two teachers and a teenager injured.

A teenage girl was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after police swooped on Ysgol Dyffryn Aman comprehensive - or Amman Valley School - in Carmarthenshire. The two teachers and the teenager were rushed to hospital after paramedics performed advanced critical care support. Their injuries are not life-threatening.

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Roanoke parents react to proposed school schedule changes

This comes after a survey on transportation.

Abbie Coleman , Multimedia Journalist

ROANOKE, Va. – “The transportation issues is causing all kinds of other issues. It’s a ripple effect,” mom Kristen Doss said.

Kristen Doss’ four-year-old son is in preschool in Roanoke City, but after hearing the school’s recommendations for new start times of 7 a.m. for elementary school and 9:30 for middle school, she’s not so sure she wants him to stay.

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“I’ve never felt so tempted to home-school in my life. Or move, get a different house,” Doss said.

The recommendations come from a collection of 3,600 community responses on transportation adjustments and procedures for cell phone usage.

But Doss tells us she felt the questions were too vague.

“As basic and generic as the questions could be, they were a little below that. You know what I mean, it was very broad,” she said.

Highland Park PTA President Jessie Coffman echoed that sentiment.

“Yes, I said that I was fine with staggered start times. But when you ask me, am I fine with staggered start time, where one child will go to school at 7:00 and the other will go to school at 9:30, that’s a very different question,” Coffman said.

Coffman has a child in elementary school and another in middle school, and that gap in times would be the case for her family.

“They’re interpreting it to, I guess bolster what they already want to do. And so I feel like there must be other things that could be considered, optimization of the current routes, it’s a very aggressive plan for families,” she said.

Both Doss and Coffman said they plan to attend the next school board meeting, along with other parents and students, to make their opinions heard.

“It seems like we went through this exact same problem a year ago, and here we are going through the exact same scenario a year later with a different vendor. And perhaps the onus needs to be on the school system instead of the parents every single time,” Coffman said.

The next school board meeting for people to speak at will be May 14 at 6:30 p.m. at Patrick Henry High School.

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About the Author

Abbie coleman.

Abbie Coleman officially joined the WSLS 10 News team in January 2023.

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When is it OK to take your kids out of school for vacation?

"We can’t keep taking trips during the school year because you’re getting older, and it’s getting harder to miss school," I told my daughter. But here’s the thing: I’ve been telling my 11-year-old daughter this for at least the past three years.

Every year, like so many other families, we struggle to decide whether we should take our children out of school for a family vacation. Whatever the reason might be – smaller crowds, lower prices, a great opportunity – families have lots to weigh before pulling kids out of school for a vacation during the school year.

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What educators think about taking kids out of school for vacation

Mom of three and longtime educator Holly Hatcher-Frazier sees both sides of the coin. When she was in a school leadership position, she discouraged parents from taking family vacations during the school year.

“It is disruptive to learning and the curriculum is designed to account for regularly scheduled school vacations set by the administration," Hatcher-Frazier said. "Taking additional vacations throughout the school year can hinder academic progress for a student because there may be gaps in instruction due to absences.”

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However, the Pittsburgh mom who gained fame when she starred with her daughter Nia on the reality show "Dance Moms" said the emotional side creeps in when you're looking at it from the other side of family travel.

"I can find valid reasons to justify that decision and there is no denying family vacations can be incredibly educational, worthwhile experiences. However, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of pulling kids out of school for family vacations, I would still err on the side of resisting the urge. Of course, there are extenuating circumstances that may be once-in-a-lifetime opportunities which need to be considered."

That’s exactly what happened to my family. We were given a chance to travel on an Adventures by Disney trip to South Africa. The 10-day trip was packed with amazing experiences , including safaris, first-hand accounts of apartheid and Nelson Mandela, and African cultural experiences. It was an opportunity we couldn't pass up, even though it meant taking the kids out of school to do it.

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The problem was the trip was scheduled for right after the school year started. In situations like this, Hatcher-Frazier said if you decide to take the trip, you should talk to school officials as soon as possible.

"Telling the school the day before that your child will be missing school for a week for a family vacation does not usually sit well for many," she said.

Hatcher-Frazier also noted that it's not a fair expectation to assume teachers will prepare work ahead of time for your child for unexcused absences.

"Curating lesson plans for an individual child is creating more work for a teacher in addition to the teachers' regular responsibilities, lesson plans and workload," she explained. "If parents treat the school officials with reasonable expectations, courtesy, and respect, then I think most schools will try their best to work together with parents to ensure the success of the child."

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Once I saw the itinerary for our trip to South Africa, I knew there would be no time for schoolwork. It was a jam-packed family trip, but it was filled with activities that included some extraordinary form of learning every single day. And from the first day of the trip I knew we made the right decision to experience this family vacation, even though it meant missing school.

Every day was filled with educational experiences, from something as simple as learning that traffic lights in South Africa are called robots to finding out the meaning behind all the colors of the South African flag. The animal interactions on the trip were unreal, and with them came lessons on the lions, giraffes, monkeys, and everything else we saw. 

By the end of our first safari ride, my three kids were even able to tell which animal left the droppings we saw. They were also taught how to make a toothbrush out of tree branches and what tree bark can be ground down to make toothpaste. There was tons of information thrown at my children, and I do wonder what they will retain. My daughter kept a daily journal, which I know we’ll all continue to look back on to help remind us what we learned and how we learned it.

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Once we returned home, there was some makeup work that needed to be done, but everyone, including my kids' teachers and school administrators, agreed this was an incredible experience. 

Hatcher-Frazier said, in the end, trust your gut.

"You know your child best and whether or not this is a vacation that can't wait until an upcoming school break. Parents need to consider the consequences of their child missing school. Does your child work independently? Most likely, your child will have to do work on their own without the help of an instructor or in-class discussion if they miss class. Does your child take initiative?"

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Truth be told, in the weeks after the trip, my daughter struggled a bit with all the makeup work. There were some nights when I questioned if we made the right decision because I hated seeing her so stressed. In the future, I’m not sure we’ll be so quick to take our children out of school for a trip we can easily reschedule. However, if another once-in-a-lifetime opportunity arises, we’ll give it careful consideration.

Once all the work was made up, my daughter told me she would 100% do the trip again. As a family, I think we made the right choice. We have amazing memories we talk about daily. The family vacation allowed us to make friends with people from all over the world whom we otherwise would have never met, and it taught my children to differentiate between rhino poop and zebra poop – a lesson I don’t think they’ll ever learn in the classroom. 

The story When is it OK to take your kids out of school for vacation? first appeared on .

More from FamilyVacationist:

  • 28 best places to go with kids in 2024 . 
  • Why every family should try an all-inclusive resort at least once.
  • 9 skip-gen destinations perfect for grandkids and grandparents . and are owned and operated by Vacationist Media LLC. FamilyVacationist covers family vacation ideas ; family vacation spots ; all-inclusive family resorts ; and theme park vacations for families. TourScoop covers guided group tours and tour operators , tour operator reviews , tour itinerary reviews and travel gear recommendations . The views and opinions expressed in this column are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of USA TODAY.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: When is it OK to take your kids out of school for vacation?

The New Jersey Lottery Festival of Ballooning is back at Solberg Airport in Readington.


  1. The school trip

    school trip message to parents

  2. Field Trip Letter To Parents Template

    school trip message to parents

  3. Free Thank You Note To Parents From School Pdf in 2021

    school trip message to parents

  4. Pin on hs

    school trip message to parents

  5. Permission Letter for School Trip (Parent Consent)

    school trip message to parents

  6. Field Trip Reminder Letter to Parents

    school trip message to parents


  1. School trip

  2. School 🏫🎒 Trip


  1. How To Write a School Trip Letter To Parents

    A slip can be also provided along the bottom of the letter which can be filled out by parents to secure their child's place. This will help to garner how many students would like to attend the trip. 3. Your school trip provider. Finally, when writing your letter, you should make an effort to introduce the school trip provider you have chosen.

  2. School Trip Announcement Letter to Parents Template

    School Trip Announcement Letter to Parents Template. We are with you from start to finish for your group trip, and all the steps in between. Throughout every stage of your tour planning, we want you to have the highest quality materials. Customize this school trip announcement letter to announce your trip to parents and invite them to your ...

  3. School Trip Letter to Parents

    Students need to be in proper school uniforms and wearing the ID card would be mandatory. _____ (Mention all other important information). For, _____ (School Name), _____ (Signature/ Stamp), _____ (Name) Incoming Search Terms: school trip letter to parents samples; sample letter to parents informing about picnic

  4. PDF School Trips: Template Letter to Parents

    Dear Parent/Guardian . School Name and Trip . A trip has been arranged for _____ students for _____. The cost of the trip is _____ based on at least _____ paying persons. The price includes: Extra money wi ll be needed for public transport, spending money, and lunch and evening meals. A deposit of £100 should be paid before

  5. A Step-by-Step Guide To Writing A Comprehensive Letter To Parents About

    Once you've perfectly planned your faculty-led trip and the school approves it, it is time to promote it to your students and parents. Strong promotion is key for turning all the planning and preparation you've done into a reality. One of the most common ways to spread the word about your trip is by writing a school trip letter to parents and guardians. So, if you need guidelines to help write ...

  6. How Do I Write A School Trip Letter?

    How to write a school trip letter. Be concise. Make sure all the important information about the trip is included. Make sure the permission slip gives the appropriate permissions. 1. Be concise. We'd really recommend keeping the letter itself as concise as possible. Too wordy, and parents just won't read it.

  7. The Ultimate Guide to Promoting a School Trip to Parents and Students

    Announce. Firstly, you have to make students aware that a trip is happening and there are various ways to do this. Make an announcement to students during class. Ask your colleagues to tell their classrooms about the trip. Hand out flyers with inspiring photos, key information and the top activities included.

  8. Letter Template to Parents Announcing School Trip Openings

    Filling school trip openings may lower the cost per person. Use this customizable template to invite parents to fill the available seats on a school trip! A school trip is an excellent opportunity for parents to spend more time with their child and explore a new city. School Trip Openings Letter Template . Hello Parents and Guardians! Exciting ...

  9. School Trip Final Instructions Parent Letter Template

    Hello Parents and Guardians! The < ENTER GRADE LEVEL HERE> grade trip to <ENTER DESTINATION HERE> is quickly approaching. We have a few reminders and final instructions. Departure. We will depart promptly at <ENTER DEPARTURE TIME HERE> on <ENTER DEPARTURE DAY OF THE WEEK HERE>, <ENTER DEPARTURE DATE HERE>. Students are to arrive no later than ...

  10. PDF Letter to Parents/Guardians Template

    Information on your child's upcoming school trip RAF Museum Midlands Year 6 students of Longwood Primary School 16th December 2022 £00.00 £00.00 due 2/12/22, £00.00 due 9/12/22 ... We know that communicating your trip to parents is very important, so we have provided a handy template for you. Below is an example of a completed parent ...

  11. Holding Parent Meetings About School Trips

    Holding a parent information meeting is one of the most efficient and effective ways to communicate the details and benefits of the educational trip that you are planning for students. It also is a great way to get the support from families that you will need to jump-start the registration process. Teachers are beyond busy during the school day ...

  12. Sample Permission Letters for School Trip (Parent Consent)

    Greenfield High School. [email protected]. (555) 123-4567. Sample Letter for School Trip to Music Festival Permission. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Garcia, I am writing to you with an exciting update regarding an extracurricular activity that we believe will be of great interest to your daughter, Emily Garcia.

  13. Letters to parents

    Get everyone on board with your approach to keeping pupils with allergies safe in school. Find letters, a factsheet and resources aimed at building support and cooperation among pupils, parents and staff. Behaviour incidents: letters to parents. Use our template letters to communicate behaviour incidents with parents.

  14. Permission Letter to Go on Educational Trip (Samples)

    sample. Dear Mr. Ford, I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Jordan Matthews, a 10th grader at Springfield High School. I am writing to seek your permission to attend an upcoming educational trip organized by the National Science Foundation, focusing on marine biology and environmental conservation.

  15. 80 Unique Appreciation Messages to Parents from School!

    Appreciation Quotes to Parents from School. "To the best parents in the world, thank you for entrusting us with your precious child's education. Your support and involvement have been invaluable to their success.". "We are grateful for parents like you who prioritize their child's education.


    on the school grounds and walking field trips within the community throughout the year. You can help by: • Dressing your children for outdoor learning every day. In fall, winter, spring and summer. • Providing a change of clothing and shoes in case they are needed. If your child gets dirty, they have been active and engaged in their learning.

  17. How To Write Field Trip Letter To Parents

    Sample 1 : Field Trip Letter To Parent. Dear Parent / Guardian. The fifth grade are scheduled to go for a field trip to the animal park in Texas on 23rd January 2022. In this trip, the children are going to see different wild animals that they have studied in the classroom. The school bus will leave at exactly 9.00 am and return about 2.00 pm.

  18. Field Trip Template Letter

    Use our easy-to-download Field Trip Template Letter when you're planning a field trip for your students. This is a simple way to notify parents, guardians, and caregivers of the upcoming trip by letting them know details such as the dates, times, cost, what to wear, whether lunch is provided or not, specific planned activities, and a section ...

  19. Field Trip Editable Parent Note (Teacher-Made)

    This helpful resource provides you with a school field trip permission slip to send home to parents. Perfect for all types of trips, this resource can be easily edited to suit your needs. How can I use this school field trip permission slip? Use this school field trip permission slip whenever your class are taking a trip outside of school.

  20. Notice Writing For a Trip

    Interested students need to deposit the mentioned amount to their respective teachers along with consent filled by parents. _____ (Your Name & Signature), _____ (Designation) Incoming Search Terms: sample notice for the trip organized by the school; school trip sample notice; sample notice for school for trip

  21. PDF Field Trip Letter to Parents

    Field Trip Letter to Parents. Saint Patrick School 284 East Main Street Smithtown, New York 11787. December 10, 2021. Dear Parent(s) / Guardians: We are pleased to inform you that we are taking both 7th grade classes to see a live performance of "A Christmas Carol," which they have been reading in English Language Arts class. Mrs.

  22. School Text Messages to Parents: A Complete Guide

    6 Messages Parents Expect to Receive. 1. School Reopening Dates. First of all, parents expect to receive messages stating important dates. One of the most important dates that they should be aware of is, obviously, the school reopening dates. This message doesn't only refer to the opening, per se.

  23. Parents' feedback for a wonderful trip

    Dear Sir. This is a personal thanks for the wonderful trip that my child Rivka Vaidya 6E went to with her classmates and Karishma ma'am. Karishma mam ensured that we as parents stay updated and feel secure about our child. This was her first ever alone trip and she came back so happy and cheerful.

  24. Olentangy Liberty high school baseball players suspended after GA trip

    According to students and five sets of parents, as many as 19 of 24 players were suspended from either future games and/or school following the trip to Baseball Village, part of the LakePoint ...

  25. Rochdale school evacuated after threatening messages

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  26. Mount Horeb school shooting: 'I just ran,' student says

    Mount Horeb shooting: Students 'saw something' as teen approached school, notified staff. Others who stayed inside the school said Damian then fired his weapon, Gavin said. "They say he was just smiling and laughing and shooting up into the air," he said. Gavin said he heard four shots; others said they heard five.

  27. Houston ISD Parents clash with Miles over test date switch

    HISD's Mike Miles changes testing dates to last week of school, angering parents. ... The HISD honcho sent out a message to schools ... Harvard Elementary School had a 3rd-grade field trip planned ...

  28. Roanoke parents react to proposed school schedule changes

    Kristen Doss' four-year-old son is in preschool in Roanoke City, but after hearing the school's recommendations for new start times of 7 a.m. for elementary school and 9:30 for middle school ...

  29. Pepper spray used to break up fight at Clemmons Middle School

    A message was also sent to parents. The school's principal said in the message that while no one was harmed, some students and staff were close to the spray and may have minor irritation from it.

  30. When is it OK to take your kids out of school for vacation?

    In situations like this, Hatcher-Frazier said if you decide to take the trip, you should talk to school officials as soon as possible. "Telling the school the day before that your child will be ...