View overlooking English Harbor, Antigua & Barbuda

Antigua & Barbuda

Antigua's corrugated coasts cradle hundreds of perfect little coves lapped by beguiling enamel-blue water, while the sheltered bays have provided refuge for everyone from Admiral Nelson to buccaneers and yachties. If you can tear yourself away from that towel, you'll discover that there’s a distinct English accent to this island. You'll find it in the bustling capital of St John's, in salty-glamorous English Harbour, and in the historical forts and other vestiges of the colonial past. Yet, Antigua is also quintessential Caribbean, full of candy-colored villages, a rum-infused mellowness and engaging locals who'll greet you with wide smiles.


Must-see attractions.

The male frigate with red throat pouch, which it inflates as part of its courtship behaviour, Antigua, Antigua and Barbuda, Leeward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America

Frigate Bird Sanctuary

Codrington Lagoon National Park protects a vast estuary that supports one of the world's largest colonies of frigate birds. More than 2500 of these black…

The pristine and hard to reach beach in the Rendezvous Bay in Antigua.

Rendezvous Bay

After a 90-minute walk through the rainforest (or by a far shorter stony path from Springhill Riding Stables in Falmouth) you'll arrive at one of Antigua…

Nelsons Dockyard, Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean

Nelson’s Dockyard National Park

Continuously in operation since 1745, this extensively restored Georgian-era marina is Antigua's top sightseeing draw and was made a Unesco World Heritage…

Rocky rugged limestone Atlantic coastline at Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay

Water the color of blue curaçao laps this white crescent in the remote southeast. Bodysurfers head to the south end, snorkelers to the calm waters north,…

Princess Diana Beach

Princess Diana Beach

This sublime southwest-facing beach is home to several ultra-exclusive resorts and housing developments under construction, but anyone is free to enjoy…

Shirley Heights

Shirley Heights

This restored military lookout and gun battery was named after Sir Thomas Shirley (1727–1800), who became the first Governor of the Leeward Islands in…

Mt Obama

Antigua's 'Everest' rises a modest 1319ft in the island's southwestern corner as part of the Shekerley mountain range. Known as Boggy Peak until 2009 (Mt…

Wallings Dam & Reservoir

Wallings Dam & Reservoir

Built by the British around 1900, this Victorian-style dam originally created a reservoir holding 13 million gallons of water and supplied it to…

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Shirley Heights, Antigua view.

Sustainable Travel

Nov 11, 2020 • 5 min read

With blissful beaches, diverse landscapes and wildlife-rich nature reserves, here are the best things to do as an ecotourist in Antigua and Barbuda.

St. Johns, the capital of Antigua.

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De Niro pushes ahead with Barbuda plans

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visit antigua and barbuda

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Antigua & Barbuda and beyond

Beach and red telephone box, Dickenson Bay, St. Georges, Antigua, Leeward Islands, West Indies, Caribbean, Central America


Ultimate Antigua & Barbuda Travel Guide | 44 Things To Know

visit antigua and barbuda

Welcome to Antigua & Barbuda, welcome to the country with 365 beaches. Recently I boarded a plane in London for my direct flight to the enticing island in the Caribbean: Antigua & Barbuda. A week long I was able to explore the best Antigua tourism has to offer. It was my first time visiting, a country many people most probably never heard of, but since I was a kid I was in love with their flag. Finally I got the chance to travel to Antigua myself!

Antigua, once discovered by Christopher Columbus means ancient in Spanish. The native Indians that lived here long before Columbus arrived called it the land of oil and many waters. Not to be mistaken with the Guatemalan Antigua, this Caribbean island is nowadays a prime beach destination and a popular vacation spot for Americans and Europeans that is still part of the Commonwealth but an independent country since 1981.

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That was it regarding the Antigua history lessons. Im sure you don’t mind a bit of background information, but you are probably more interested in all my Antigua travel tips, what to do, places to see, the best beaches, activities and anything else worth knowing before your Antigua vacation.

1. Where is Antigua & Barbuda

antigua caribbean map

When the Caribbean islands can be seen as a clock with Cuba at 12 o’clock and Aruba at 6 o’clock, then Antigua & Barbuda is located at 2 o’clock. Easy right? Antigua island is located in the northeastern Caribbean. The closest islands are Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Martin and Guadeloupe.

2. How to pronounce

Antigua, Guatemala is often mixed with Antigua & Barbuda. One of the main difference is the pronunciation. Antigua island in the Caribbean is pronounced as Antee - gah. The Guatemalan version is pronounced as Anti - guah. It was the first thing I learned when I traveled to Antigua & Barbuda.

3. Best time to visit Antigua

travel to antigua 2

Rainy season in Antigua and Barbuda is from June till November. September and October is the unpredictable hurricane season. If are traveling to Antigua on a budget this is the best time of year though as prices are significantly lower. The high season and also the best season weather wise is from December till April.

So the best time to visit Antigua is in May, that was when I was there! It was after the high season, and it was actually very quiet. Did it rain? It may have rained twice for just for a couple hours during trip to Antigua.

Click here to check out the  climate to travel website  where you can see exactly how much rainfall, average temperature and more per month in Antigua & Barbuda.

4. Is it safe to travel to Antigua

is it safe to travel to antigua

Drinking a Corona in the middle of the streets of St. John's. Totally safe, nothing to worry about! :)

Antigua is regarded to be one of the safest Caribbean islands. Traveling to Antigua & Barbuda is considered safe! I am a tall Dutch guy, which definitely makes things easier but I didn’t see anything suspicious nor did I felt uncomfortable during my trip. I even roamed around St. John’s with my professional camera and my GoPro in my hand as you can see in the picture above and not a single soul that looked weird at me.

The most beautiful places to visit in Antigua are secluded, use common sense and you will be totally fine. Even women in our group traveled around the island by themselves and experienced Antigua as a safe place to travel. Im sure in every Antigua travel blog people will speak highly about the safety on this island, so please don’t worry about safety if you are planning your Antigua & Barbuda holiday.

5. Arriving at Antigua Airport ANU (V.C. Bird International Airport)

You are arriving on a Caribbean island so no rush, Antigua Airport is super quiet. Most likely there will be a hotel pickup waiting for you. In case not there are multiple taxi drivers willing to take you anywhere around the island. A taxi should never cost more than $25 USD. At the airport you could potentially buy a local sim card (too expensive), there are ATM’s and you can exchange money.

what to do in antigua 2

When you travel to Antigua the first thing you will notice upon arrival are the Caribbean vibes. Warm and friendly people are waiting for you with a big smile willing to help you finding your first steps on the island. Believe me it feels straight away like you made the right decision visiting Antigua. Oh and the Antigua beaches are waiting for you...

6. Currency, ATM’s and exchange

There are multiple ATM’s around in the capital St. John’s and some hotels also have ATM’s. Withdrawing money is the easiest and safest option, but you can also bring Sterling, USD and Euros and exchange them for the local currency. I exchanged Euros for ECD in my resort and paid about 5% commission.

The official currency is the Eastern Caribbean Dollar (ECD), it is linked to the US dollar and $1 USD = 2.7 ECD. If you are an all inclusive guest there is no need to get the local currency, neither for doing the standard Antigua tourism things, but for local activities you will need some ECD or accept a shit exchange rate.

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Taking photos in front of the colorful houses is a fun thing to do in Antigua.

7. Antigua sim card

Avoid high roaming costs when visiting Antigua and buy a local sim card. According to many Digicel is the best Antigua sim card for tourists. I ended up buying a FLOW sim card, simply because they had better value for money. Check the link for my article about the best prepaid Antigua sim card for tourists .

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8. Official language

When traveling to Antigua & Barbuda there is no need to be worried about any language barriers. The official language in Antigua & Barbuda is English. Everyone speaks very good English and people are easy to understand.

9. Religion

st johns cathedral

The vast majority of the 100,000 people living in Antigua are Anglican. People are officially religious but it is not practiced as much anymore. Family is the most important religion!

This is the St. John's cathedral, around the island you will find many churches. Some are really charming, like the pink church in Antigua. More about that later in the things to do section.

10. Power plugs in Antigua

For being a former English colony and part of the Commonwealth I was prepared for English electricity plugs, but to my surprise all power plugs and sockets in Antigua were American standard plugs. Traveling to Antigua from Europe you will need a travel adapter .

11. Marijuana is decriminalised

Since February 2018 smoking weed won’t cause any problems anymore. Possessing up to 4 grams is considered personal use and thus decriminalised. Walking around St. John’s I saw a couple men smoking on the street. All easy brother… :)

I didn’t get a chance, but I would have totally loved having a smoke with locals. Next time when I travel to Antigua, this is on my list of things to do for sure. Everyone seems so friendly and welcoming to tourists.

12. You can drink the tap water

It is safe to drink the tap water when you travel to Antigua and Barbuda. A great effort in fighting the use of plastic bottles I would say! So think twice before drinking from a plastic bottle or even better bring your own water bottle and refill it every time. However, always double check with your hotel in Antigua if you can drink to tap water.

13. Plastic bags are banned

Antigua was the first Caribbean island that banned plastic bags and styrofoam, now 5 years ago already in 2018. Plastic straws are banned as well.

14. Antigua goes green

Antigua is staying ahead of the other Caribbean islands when it comes to going green. There are multiple projects running to reduce waste and use renewable energy sources. While exploring Antigua we passed by huge fields of solar panels for example in the interior of the island.

There was even held a Play It Out Concert to tackle plastic pollution in Antigua on June 1st, 2019. The hashtags used for that campaign were: #BeatPlasticPollution and #CoolisClean. Education is the way forward! 

15. How to get around Antigua

There are local busses but they run very infrequent. They cost around 3 ECD ($1). I went on a little adventure to visit St. John’s but waited a long time for the local bus. When after 45 minutes the bus showed up it was full and I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next one. Taking the local bus is cheap and also safe. Local busses are like vans, I sat in the bus with a lot of friendly old Caribbean ladies who told me a lot about the real life in Antigua. Loved the experience, not the waiting! :)

Taxi’s are the best way to get around Antigua for tourists. A taxi from one side of the island to the other side of the island is around $25. Antigua is a small island. Hiring a driver to take you around the island cost about $180 for the day, but it not worth it when you ask me. What to do in Antigua? Rent a car!

Renting a scooter is possible as well but it cost about $80. Somehow renting a car in Antigua is much cheaper. Unfortunately, as driving a scooter around the island would have been the best thing to do.

16. Renting a car

antigua beaches

The best way to get around Antigua is by renting a car. Most hotels and resorts offer car rental services in Antigua, but you can easily do it yourself and much cheaper. Through the internet you can easily find cars for $40 per day and they bring it to your hotel and pick it up there.

Keep in mind that when renting a car in Antigua you will need to purchase a temporary Antigua drivers license for $20. This is compulsory and you have to keep it with you when driving in case the police would stop you.

Hopping around the Antigua beaches is a great thing to do but you will need to rent a car.

17. Visiting St. John’s

local market antigua

Visiting the capital St. John’s is a great escape from the Antigua beaches. Be prepared though that this is not a pretty city neither a place where you would like to sit outside on a terrace having a beer. For those who like gambling there is a casino, but strolling through St. John’s is a real Caribbean city life experience. You could check out the cathedral, the local market and some colorful houses around town, but that is mostly it. If you like interaction with locals then this a great thing to do in Antigua and Barbuda.

Typical street life of St. John's. Ask people before taking pictures. This woman agreed, but didn't want to be on camera so she turned away.

You will only need about 1-2 hours for visiting St. John’s, it is a small town. I loved to see the city life and have some random chats with locals. Big Bananas is a cool joint to have a coffee and a snack. A nice place to sit on the waterfront is Java To Go Cafe. Rastapasta is a cool shop where you can go souvenir shopping, however the market across the street is where you can bargain for your souvenirs. If you are looking for things to do in St. John's Antigua you can also go to the casino or stroll through Heritage Quay.

what to do in antigua

In Heritage Quay you will find a couple shopping streets mostly catered towards the cruise passengers to flock here on a daily basis.

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This is Java To Go, great for coffee and also where the ferry from Antigua to Barbuda leaves from.

18. There are 365 Antigua beaches

travel to antigua

It is said that there are 365 Antigua beaches! Not sure if it is a saying or really true, but I can tell you on your Antigua holiday you can go to a different beach every day, for sure! We are in the Caribbean, what else did you expect? :)

By law all beaches in Antigua are public, although some beaches are inaccessible as they are on private resorts. Don’t worry there are a ton of stunning beaches for the grab and trust me they are mostly all deserted.

19. Best beaches in Antigua

best beaches in antigua

It is impossible to tell you what is the best beach in Antigua as all the locals I spoke with all had their own favorite. Half Moon Bay has been voted as one of the most spectacular beaches in the world. It is located in the southeast, it is stunning but you will need a car to get there. Pretty sure once you arrive you will find it completely deserted. No need to mention that finding your own deserted beach is a must do on your Antigua holiday.

Closer to St. John’s there is Dickinson Bay in the Northwest. Watching the sunset from Dickinson Bay Beach is one of the best things to do in Antigua. Another great sunset beach in Antigua is Valley Church Bay in Jolly Harbor.

A popular beach in the South is Pigeon Point Beach, close to English Harbor. The more you go off the beaten path the more likely these beaches will be deserted.

antigua tourism

This is a photo of Morris Bay all the way in the South, the resort you see on top of the hill is called Curtain Bluff. As you can see deserted beach and Antigua & Barbuda go hand in hand.

20. English Harbor

english harbor antigua

From all the places to visit in Antigua to me English Harbor is one of the most beautiful ones and also one of the liveliest tourist destinations on the island. Nelson’s Dockyard is a former British navy base located right in the heart of English Harbor. There are a couple bays and beaches and it is a popular marina for (super) yachts and sailing boats. I saw a bunch of restaurants all clustered around beautiful bays. Galleon Beach in English Harbor is a great place to go snorkeling in Antigua.

If you are looking for a cool night out, Seafood Friday in Nelson’s Dockyard is a cool thing to do in Antigua on Friday nights of course. Catherines Cafe often has live music from a nice local band called Itchy Feet. I really enjoyed being in English Harbor, to me one of the most beautiful places on Antigua island. Catherines Cafe is one of the best places to go for Antigua Nightlife.

21. Scuba diving

Be prepared that scuba diving in Antigua is expensive. At least according to my standards! May be I dove too much in Asia, where a fun dive costs around $30. In Antigua $150 per dive is a normal price. I guess that is an ongoing price in the Caribbean though as in Bermuda I paid the same. In Bonaire in the southern Caribbean islands it is slightly cheaper. Scuba diving in the Caribbean is always a good idea. Click here to read about my best scuba dive destinations in the world .

22. Snorkeling

One of the best things to do in Antigua if you want to see the amazing marine life and don’t want to break the bank is to go snorkeling. There are a ton of possibilities to snorkel and you can basically just rent snorkel gear and start exploring from the beach. Best snorkel spots are a little out though, so booking a tour is the best way to do so. There is also scooter snorkeling in Antigua. You get a little sea scooter that helps you swim faster through the water. You will spot stingrays, turtles, etc.

Galleon Beach in English Harbor is known for good snorkeling and there is a big chance of spotting sea turtles.

23. Shirley Heights

shirley heights

Probably the best place to visit in Antigua for sunset. Wow Im was impressed by the absolutely fantastic view on top of this hill. It is easily accessible as you can drive up all the way to the top of the hill.

shirley heights night

You can go every day, but I recommend you to go on either a Sunday or a Thursday. Going to Shirley Heights on a Sunday is one of the best places to visit in Antigua according to locals. There is a live band playing Soca music, there is food and of course ice cold beers or rum punch. Thursday nights are reserved for Reggae music.

This is how it looked when the party was over: Shirley Heights at night! Check out the Shirley Heights website for the latest info about the Sunday Parties.

24. Climb Mount Obama - Boggy Peak

The highest point in Antigua is officially called Mt. Obama, but the locals still like to call it Boggy Peak, its original name. On August 4th 2009 the birthday of the former US President Boggy Peak was renamed to Mount Obama. According to locals the mountain will soon be renamed to its original name again.

You can hike up to Boggy Peak which takes about 1 hour. From the top you are able to see the neighboring islands Montserrat and St. Kitts. It is one of the most active things to do in Antigua. Mount Obama is 1,319 feet (402 meters) high.

25. Signal Hill hike

hiking antigua

Hiking in Antigua is one of the best things to do in the early morning. The southwest of Antigua is lush green and there are many trails. I can recommend you to hike to the top of Signal Hill which is located in the Walling Nature Reserve. The hike to the top is only about 1 hour or so but the views from the top are spectacular. On a clear day you can see Montserrat and Guadeloupe, other Caribbean islands. There is an entrance fee of $10 for Wallings Nature Reserve. There are over 10 trails including one to Secret Beach and there are also caves and a big water reservoir in the rain forest.

26. Devil’s bridge

devils bridge antigua

This is the most northeastern tip of the island where the ocean is rough and waves crash into the cliffs. A natural bridge is formed creating some blowholes. It is called Devil’s bridge as in the years of the slavery it was a common place for people to commit suicide.

27. Pink Church

pink church antigua

In the center of the island there is a pink church, the church is pink, like pink panther pink. Yes it is a pink church, that is it. But you know we live in the Instagram era so taking a photo with a pink church is hot. The church quickly became one of the popular places to visit in Antigua. The pink church is officially called Tyrells Church Our Lady Of Perpetual Help, you can easily find it on Google Maps under pink church Antigua as well. Don't worry this Antigua activity won't take long, just a photo and back on the road.

28. Fort James

antigua vacation

One of the best places to visit in Antigua is Fort James, a historic fort ruin with cannons that served as the entrance to the St. John’s harbor. It was built by the British in the 18th century. From St. John’s city center it is a 45 minute walk, a little over 2 miles. Worth going when you are looking for some cool viewpoint in Antigua, the ocean views are amazing. The nearby Fort James Beach is a great place for sunset.

The photo is from the sunset view from Fort James in St. John's, one of the best places to visit in Antigua for sunset. Great place to bring your Tinder date! :)

29. Mangroves tour

things to do in antigua

Good fun out on the ocean is a mangroves tour. The calm water in the mangroves are easy to paddle through by kayak and you will get to see upside down jellyfishes and other marine life when you are lucky. I saw a baby shark! It was a great Antigua activity for the morning when it was not too hot yet.

30. Zip lining

antigua zip line tours

When looking for adventure when visiting Antigua then may be zip lining through the rainforest is something for you. The zip lining company is called Antigua Rain Forest Canopy Tour and is located in the lush green hills in the southeast of the island. There are several canopy tours you can choose from.

31. Kitesurfing in Antigua

There is a kitesurfing school in the northeast side of the island at Jabberwock Beach. They are open from December to August whenever there is enough wind. You can rent kites, boards and gear from the kitesurfing school. Darkwood Beach is another famous kitesurfing beach in Antigua and it is located in the southwest side of the island for kitesurfing in the Caribbean Sea. Im not sure if you can rent kitesurfing gear at Darkwood Beach. I couldn’t find anything about it in other Antigua travel blogs.

32. Stingray City Antigua

One of the most popular Antigua activities, but according to many also one of the worst things to do in Antigua: Stingray City. Although the stingray encounters are in the wild it is NOT recommended to feed them. Because the wild animals are fed and therefore indirectly used for tourism purposes many wildlife experts discourage these kind of activities. It is a controversial thing when visiting Antigua. I leave it totally up to you. 

33. Donkey Sanctuary

A more animal friendly thing to do in Antigua is to visit the donkey sanctuary. This registered animal welfare charity houses approximately 150 donkeys. If you are traveling to Antigua on a budget then you can volunteer here and get housing in return. The Donkey Sanctuary in Antigua is listed on WorkAway , click here for more info about it.

34. Drink rum

When you travel to Antigua there is no escaping from rum punch. It is the to-go drink on this Caribbean island, but Im the last one complaining. On most tours they give you a couple free rum punch and be careful they kick in I can tell you. You don’t really taste the alcohol but after two rum punch you will start the feel it! :)

Especially while watching the sunset they go down very well!

35. Sunset cruise

sunset cruise antigua

One of the best things to do in Antigua and the highlight of my trip is a sunset cruise on a catamaran. We left from St. John’s harbor and cruised around Fort James and continued North along the shore. There was an open bar and the ‘rum-punch aka baby makers’ got the party started. It was a trip to remember and something I would totally recommend for your Antigua vacation.

36. Floating Bar

floating bar antigua

Definitely one of the coolest places to visit in Antigua is the floating bar in Dickenson Bay. To get there grab the red flag on the beach and keep on waving till someone at the bars spots you. You will then be picked up by a little dinghy. You can of course also swim! Getting drunk and watching the sunset from the floating bar is a must do when you visit Antigua. So much love for this place! The rum punch goes down well here.

37. Sheer Rocks restaurant

The Sheer Rocks restaurant must be included in this Antigua travel guide. Probably one of the most amazing pool views on the island and amazing places to take pictures for Instagram. 

Sheer Rocks restaurant is located in the Cocobay Resort one of the best hotels in Antigua. You don’t need to be a Cocobay guest to go to Sheer Rocks restaurant. You can reserve lounge chairs for the day or for sunset. The restaurant is pricey, but views are unbeatable. 

38. Barbuda Island

Mostly everyone just solely speaks about Antigua, but Barbuda is equally stunning. In 2017 hurricane Irma passed directly over the tiny island and caused a lot of damage. It took a little while but Barbuda is slowly becoming the paradise it once was. Princess Dianna used to vacation on Barbuda.

Unfortunately I did not visit Barbuda myself on this Antigua holiday, but surely next time I want to check out the Pink Beach and if my ears allow me I definitely want to go scuba diving in Barbuda. Barbuda is completely flat and that is the reason why a lot of ships stranded in the past. There are about 120 shipwrecks in the waters around Barbuda, every scuba divers dream. Visiting Barbuda’s bird sanctuary is another great thing to do as the largest Frigate Bird colony in the world lives on the island.

A secret travel tips for Barbuda: camping on the beach in Barbuda is allowed and a common thing to do. So your trip to Barbuda doesn’t have to break to bank.

39. How to get to Barbuda?

If you are limited on time a day trip to Barbuda is worth it when visiting Antigua. In the St. John’s harbor there are two ferries to Barbuda. 

Barbuda Express

how to get to barbuda

The more expensive one is called Barbuda Express. They charge $85 for a round trip or $164 for a full day tour including lunch. They leave 9.00am from Antigua and the boats leave Barbuda at 5:30pm. The trip take 90 minutes. Click here to check the Barbuda Express website to find out the latest information.

Caribe Breeze Ferry

ferry antigua to barbuda

This is a much cheaper ferry from Antigua to Barbuda and there are 2 boats every morning. The first ferry leaves at St. John’s harbor at 7:00am and at 7:30am there is another one. The trip takes about 2 hours and cost 180 EC ($67) return and 100 EC ($37) one way. There is only one boat back at 4:05pm.

Im pretty sure this is the info the lady gave me when asking for the ferry schedule from Antigua to Barbuda. But two boats going and only one coming back sounds odd… :)

40. Sailing Week

Every year at the end of April there is Antigua Sailing Week, one of the biggest happenings on the island. There are races, festivals and amazing events mainly concentrated in English Harbor. Uncountable ships and boats travel to Antigua to witness this incredible event. Have a look at the Sailing Week Antigua website for the latest information on their event.

41. How much does a trip to Antigua cost

street food antigua

When traveling to Antigua keep in mind that you are on a secluded island in the Caribbean. Things are not cheap in Antigua! It of course depends how you travel and what kind of budget you have, but expect Western prices.

For a night out in a nice beach front restaurant expect to pay around $50 per person minimum. Local beers cost mostly somewhere around $3 to $5. Even street food is not really cheap either and starts from $5 onwards.

42. Travel to Antigua on a budget

If you are a solo traveler then it will be an expensive destination. First because there is no hostel in Antigua. There are cheap guesthouses but they also charge about $70 per night. Your best bid when you travel to Antigua on a budget is renting an Airbnb. You can find them from $50 per night onwards.

43. All inclusive heaven

antigua caribbean

By researching some hotels I stumbled across many amazing all inclusive resorts in Antigua. I am not the biggest all inclusive hotel fan as I would have a severe FOMO on all the amazing places to visit and cool things to do in Antigua. But when on the contrary paying that much for a night in an all inclusive I would find it hard to leave the resort! LOL

Loads of all inclusive resorts in Antigua are sold by Antigua holiday packages including flights and are popular with American tourists. Most of these amazing hotels have quiet private beaches and ocean views. So if you are looking to kick back then an all inclusive resort would be my Antigua travel tip.

The photo above is taken in one of the private pool villas at the Hammock Cove Antigua .

44. Where to stay in Antigua

There are numerous amazing places to stay in Antigua and it is hard to tell you which one is the best. These are some popular luxury (all inclusive) resorts:

Verandah Resort - 8.8 review score - 40 reviews

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This is the Antigua resort where I had the time of my life for one week long. IT is located on the northeastern tip of the island next to Devil’s Bridge. My stay at Verandah Resort definitely was a highlight from my Antigua trip. There was an open bar until midnight, funny staff, a lot of entertainment and the rooms where very spacious and had good ocean views. The food in the restaurant was good, I loved the breakfast and the Verandah Resort has two pristine private beaches in secluded bays. The sea is super calm and great for swimming, relaxing and water sports.

South Point Antigua - 9.0 review score - 50 reviews

This elegant small 5 star resort in English Harbor Town has the best views over the marina and the tranquil bay. The swimming pool and the balconies face the marina and views are unbeatable. This resort is located in a quiet area in one of my favorite places on the island.

Cocobay Resort - 9.1 review score - 90 reviews

This is one of the most well-known Antigua all inclusive resorts and a very popular place to stay. Also it has one of the best review scores on the island, so it is probably a great place to stay. I didn't stay here myself, but visited the onsite Sheer Rocks Restaurant. The sunset views are amazing as the resort is facing west. There are cottages with a private pool on their balconies as well as hammocks. Your Antigua holiday at Cocobay is a guaranteed success.

Sleep in a sail boat

Looking for a unique experience on your Antigua holiday then this is may be something for you. I was actually looking for cheap places to stay in Antigua when I stumble on a small sailing boat on Airbnb. It is very small, but how cool is that and it is only $50 per night. Perfect when you are traveling to Antigua on a budget. Unfortunately the sail boat is sometimes there, sometimes not... therefore I can't link to it directly as the owners take the sail boat off Airbnb when they are gone. But check Airbnb.

My experience traveling to Antigua

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My trip to Antigua was one to remember for sure as I was staying with about 40 colleagues and friends in Verandah Resort & Spa. The resort is somewhat secluded in the Northeast tip of the island away from most of the cool things to do in Antigua. At first I was a little nervous, because I am all about adventure travel and going places. Plus I was not used to an all-inclusive hotel but in the end I think that really added up to my trip.

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This Antigua holiday/work trip was my first ever all-inclusive experience and I must say I had more than an amazing time. If you are with a group of people like we were than staying in an all-inclusive hotel is a great idea.

Normally I always travel solo and go on adventures on my own. As of August 2023 I am already traveling the world as a nomadic travel blogger for more than 10 years continuously and 2 years ago I came up with the idea to visit every country in the world .

antigua travel blog 3

What I missed a little about my trip to Antigua was that I couldn't roam around the island the way I wanted. Getting around Antigua is simply a little complicated. You will constantly have to order a taxi. I wanted to rent a scooter to explore the island by myself but that wasn't as easy as I thought it would be and it was expensive as well. Renting a scooter in Antigua & Barbuda starts from around $80 USD per day and I found that a little overpriced to be honest.

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Enjoy your trip to Antigua & Barbuda!

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Antigua and Barbuda

visit antigua and barbuda

  • 1.1 History
  • 1.2 Climate
  • 1.3 Electricity
  • 1.4 Tourist information
  • 4 Other destinations
  • 5.1 By plane
  • 5.2 By boat
  • 6.1 By ferry
  • 6.2 Car rentals
  • 10.2 Shopping
  • 16 Stay safe
  • 17 Stay healthy

Antigua and Barbuda are two Caribbean islands that form a country that lies between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east-southeast of Puerto Rico , off the coast of South America .

Understand [ edit ]

Antigua , pronounced "an-tee'-gah", is perhaps the island which most typifies the modern day view of a small Caribbean destination. With few other natural resources, tourism dominates the local economy of both islands. Stunning white sand beaches abound, and on Antigua there is no shortage of attendant high-end resorts. Barbuda still has the beaches but little tourism-based infrastructure.

Investment banking and financial services also make up an important part of the economy with many major foreign banks taking advantage of the nation's liberal banking laws. That may all change though after the 2009 arrest of Antigua-based Texan billionaire Allen Stanford who is accused of perpetrating an enormous fraud which may have bilked investors of some US$8 billion.

Cricket is a huge sport here and this tiny nation has produced several genuine all-time world greats of the game. Cricket fans will certainly not be short of locals to chat with.

Antigua and Barbuda are nicknamed "Land of 365 beaches" due to the beaches that surround the two islands.

History [ edit ]

The Siboney were the first to inhabit the islands of Antigua and Barbuda in 2400 BC, but Arawak and Carib Indians populated the islands when Columbus landed on his second voyage in 1493. Early settlements by the Spanish and French were succeeded by the English who formed a colony in 1667. Slavery, established to run the sugar plantations on Antigua, was abolished in 1834. The islands became an independent state within the Commonwealth of Nations in 1981.

Climate [ edit ]

The climate is tropical marine with little seasonal temperature variation. The islands experience hurricanes and tropical storms (July to October), and periodic droughts.

Electricity [ edit ]

Officially 230 V 60 Hz. Most outlets are the standard British type. Generally speaking, U.S. and Canadian travellers should pack adapters for these outlets if they plan to use North American electrical equipment in Antigua & Barbuda. Contact your hotel and ask to be sure. Many places are now built to North American standards.

Also in use are non-grounded North American outlets. These require an adapter to work with plugs that have the third grounding plug. Older North American outlets may not be polarized (with one slot wider than the other). Adapters are available which accept a polarized plug and adapt it for use with a non-polarized outlet. See the electrical systems article for more information.

Tourist information [ edit ]

  • Visit Antigua and Barbuda website

Regions [ edit ]

visit antigua and barbuda

Cities [ edit ]

  • 17.121111 -61.844722 1 Saint John's - capital, on the island of Antigua
  • 17.633333 -61.833333 2 Codrington - a town on the island of Barbuda
  • Dickenson Bay
  • 17 -61.766667 3 English Harbour
  • 17.016667 -61.783333 4 Falmouth
  • Half Moon Bay

Other destinations [ edit ]

Get in [ edit ].

All EU citizens can enter without a visa.

Citizens of the following countries may also enter without a visa: Albania , Argentina , Armenia , Australia , Azerbaijan , Bahamas , Barbados , Belarus , Belize , Botswana , Brazil , Brunei , Canada , Chile , China , Cuba , Dominica , Eswatini , Fiji , Georgia , Grenada , Guyana , Hong Kong , Jamaica , Japan , Kazakhstan , Kenya , Kiribati , Kyrgyzstan , Lesotho , Liechtenstein , Macau , Malaysia , Malawi , Maldives , Mauritius , Mexico , Moldova , Monaco , Namibia , New Zealand , Nauru , Norway , Papua New Guinea , Peru , Russia , Saint Kitts and Nevis , Saint Lucia , Saint Vincent and the Grenadines , Samoa , Seychelles , Singapore , Solomon Islands , South Africa , South Korea , Suriname , Switzerland , Tajikistan , Tanzania , Tonga , Trinidad and Tobago , Tuvalu , Turkey , Turkmenistan , Uganda , Ukraine , United States , Uzbekistan , Vanuatu , Venezuela , Zimbabwe , and citizens of British Overseas Territories.

If you do need a visa, you must have a passport valid at least 6 months after time of visit, a completed application form, and 1 passport size photo. A single entry visa costs 30GBP and multiple entry costs 40GBP.

If you are of a nationality that normally requires a visa and you are entering Antigua and Barbuda as a port for a cruise ship, you do not need a visa provided the ship will be leaving the day it arrives.

By plane [ edit ]

V.C. Bird International , ( ANU  IATA ) located in north eastern Antigua on the outskirts of St John's , is the country's main international airport. The airport serves flights from the United States, Canada, Europe and other Caribbean islands.

The following international airlines serve the airport:

From the US: American Airlines/American Eagle (Charlotte, Miami, and New York-JFK), Delta Air Lines (Atlanta and New York-JFK), JetBlue (New York-JFK), Seaborne Airlines (San Juan), United Airlines (Newark)

From Canada: Air Canada (Toronto-Pearson), Sunwing Airlines (Montreal-Trudeau), WestJet (Toronto-Pearson)

From Europe (UK): British Airways (London-Gatwick) and Virgin Atlantic (London-Heathrow)

From the Caribbean: ABM Air (Barbuda, Montserrat), British Airways (Providenciales, St. Kitts, Tobago), Caribbean Airlines (Barbados, Kingston, and Port of Spain), FlyMontserrat (Barbuda, Montserrat, Nevis), InterCaribbean Airways (Tortola), Seaborne Airlines (San Juan), Sky High Aviation Services (Santo Domingo–Las Americas), St. Barth Commuter (St. Barthelemy), Tradewind Aviation (St. Barthelemy), VI Airlink (Tortola), Winair (Sint Maarten, St. Barthelemy)

By boat [ edit ]

Montserrat Ferry has ferries from Montserrat.

You can also arrive from Guadeloupe on one of Jeans for Freedom's infrequent "discovery days."

Many excursionist come in via cruise ships and enjoy their day in Antigua. Many cruise lines travel to Antigua.

Yacht charters offer another alternative in and around the islands.

Get around [ edit ]

visit antigua and barbuda

Tourists mainly get around by taxi or tour operators.

There is however a fleet of local buses, usually minibuses with about 12-14 seats, which run set routes (you can tell from the number on a circular badge on the upper right corner of the windscreen as the bus approaches you) and you can wait at a stop or walk along the road and hail a passing one. They're very cost-effective (*much* cheaper than a private taxi), and will stop wherever you want to on the route, although the network only really covers the main roads. There is also no set timetable but one usually passes every 10-15 minutes. The drivers are speedy and it can be an adventure!

If you stay a week or more, rates for rental cars can become quite reasonable (see below).

By ferry [ edit ]

Barbuda Express runs ferries between Barbuda and Antigua.

Car rentals [ edit ]

There are various car rental agencies, so they're unlikely to be hard to find.

Talk [ edit ]

Languages spoken are English (official) and local dialects. There is also an expanding Spanish-speaking migrant population.

See [ edit ]

visit antigua and barbuda

  • Nelson's Dockyard in English Harbour
  • The British forts and the views from Monk's Hill in Falmouth
  • Frigate birds on Barbuda
  • Boggy Peak , the nation's highest point and a national park, which was named Mount Obama, for U.S. President Barack Obama on his 48th birthday in 2009 until 2016.

Do [ edit ]

Buy [ edit ], money [ edit ].

The currency of the country is the East Caribbean dollar , denoted by the symbol: " $ " or " EC$ " (ISO currency code: XCD ), which is also used by seven other island nations in the Caribbean. The EC dollar is subdivided into 100 cents. It is pegged to the United States dollar at an exchange rate of US$1 = EC$2.70.

Coins circulate in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 25 cents and 1 dollar. Banknotes circulate in denominations of 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollars.

Shopping [ edit ]

  • Galley Boutique , English Harbour, has great clothes.
  • 1000 Flowers , St. John's, has great clothes.

Learn [ edit ]

  • Antigua State College
  • Antigua and Barbuda International Institute of Technology
  • Antigua and Barbuda Hospitality Training Institute
  • University of the West Indies (Open Campus)
  • University of Health Sciences Antigua
  • American University of Antigua

Learn about local heritage and culture. Learn a bit of dialect along the way. Buy a copy of the local newspaper The Observer : they have a nice cartoon in local creole which helps with the interesting Antiguan dialect.

Work [ edit ]

Working longer than three months requires an official working licence, to be filed with the employer. The employer also has to pay for it. There might be good jobs at the tourism sector and the entertainment industry (especially on-line casinos and sports betting).

Eat [ edit ]

visit antigua and barbuda

The national dish is fungie (pronounced foon-gee ) and pepper pot. Fungie is a dish very similar to the Italian Polenta being made mainly of cornmeal. Other local dishes include ducana, seasoned rice, saltfish and lobster (from Barbuda). Local confectionaries include sugarcake, fudge, raspberry and tamarind stew, and peanut brittle. The various restaurants around the island sell both local and international food.

  • Lunch might be anything that can be easily bought from a nearby shop, especially a bakery.
  • Dinner will typically be rice, macaroni or pasta, vegetables/salad, a main course (fish, chicken, pork, beef, etc.) and a side dish like macaroni pie, scalloped potatoes or plantains.

On Saturday be prepared to find many drive-by barbecues at important road crossings all over the island. They are serving rice and chicken, dumplings, soup, and alike. Sometimes they even have a sound system for entertainment.

Sunday is the day when the culture is most reflected in the food. For breakfast one might have saltfish, eggplant, eggs, bacon, sausages, or lettuce. Dinner may include pork, baked chicken, stewed lamb, or turkey, alongside rice (prepared in a variety of ways), salads, and a local drink.

  • Harmony Hall , near Freetown. It closes for the summer on May 6. The best restaurant on the island.
  • Mama Lolly , Redcliffe Quay, St. John's. Vegetarian and vegan friendly home cooking.
  • Calabash , Redcliffe Quay's "Vendors Mall", St. John's. Vegan cuisine. Owned by a raw chef who used to work in New York.
  • The Roti King , corner of St Mary's Street and Corn Alley, St John's. Serves Roti, which is an East Indian dish of rolled Indian flat bread filled with hot and spicy curries and tamarind sauce.

The only American fast food chains operating on Antigua are KFC, Burger King and Subway, all with two locations in and out of St. John's.

Drink [ edit ]

visit antigua and barbuda

Local drinks are

  • Tamarind juice
  • Mango juice
  • Coconut water
  • Cavalier Rum , Antiguan Rum.
  • Wadadli , Antiguan Beer
  • Oasis , Desalinated water.
  • Papa Zouk , Bar and fish and chips restaurant 2 min outside of St. John's.

Sleep [ edit ]

There are many hotels resorts and other kinds in Antigua so finding one should not cause too much of a hassle(?)

Stay safe [ edit ]

Though Antigua is generally a safe place, secure your purses and wallets. Walk only with the necessary money, avoid street urchins and vagrants and don't be afraid to ask for help. If you rent a car, park in a well-lit area.

Stay healthy [ edit ]

visit antigua and barbuda

Avoid taking unusual risks, eat more from packaged goods. However the public market is a great place to mingle and get inexpensive provisions.

There are some signs on the road of St. John's, providing you with the ten principles of healthy living:

  • Breathe deeply
  • Drink water
  • Sleep peacefully
  • Eat nutritiously
  • Enjoy activity
  • Give and receive love
  • Be forgiving
  • Practice gratitude
  • Be accepting
  • Take your time

Tap water is generally drinkable, but people complain about the taste and it may upset your stomach at first if you're not used to it, so most visitors drink bottled water.

Respect [ edit ]

The locals are very friendly and respectable. Approach them in a courteous manner and it will undoubtedly be returned to you. Approach them with a smile and remember please, thank you, good afternoon.

Connect [ edit ]

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Ultimate Travel Guide for Antigua and Barbuda: Tips, Secret Beaches, Hotels & More!

Things to do in Antigua

If you are looking to visit Antigua and Barbuda soon, this travel guide is for you! I have compiled the best things to do in Antigua and Barbuda if you are looking to explore the island. I have also included some of the best restaurants in town and my top recommendations for places to stay!

Antigua and Barbuda was a Caribbean destination that I honestly didn’t know too much about at first! I had started to look for reasonable flights out of Toronto and it popped up! I had no idea there was direct flights to this underrated island.

My husband and I described it as a mix of Mo’orea ( in French Polynesia) combined with Turks and Caicos. It has lush and mountainous settings paired with some of the clearest water I have ever seen! I was truly blown away by it’s beauty.

Facts about Antigua and Barbuda, West Indies

visit antigua and barbuda

One of my favourite parts about travelling is learning about different cultures and the history of each place I visit. The facts about Antigua and Barbuda really fascinated me as I started to learn more about this country!

Here are some facts about Antigua and Barbuda worth noting before you visit:

  • The National sport of Antigua and Barbuda is CRICKET! When you land at the airport you will likely pass by a beautiful cricket arena. If I had more time I would have loved to go watch a match!
  • Antigua and Barbuda- though it sounds like only 2 islands- is actually made up of 3 islands!!
  • This Caribbean island is home to some pretty unique wildfire. Barbuda especially! The Antiguan racer snake is one of the rarest snakes in the world and it can only be found here. Happy to report I didn’t have a run in with it though haha  
  • Antigua and Barbuda is one of the smallest countries in the world.
  • It has a big British influence and is still part of the United Kingdom ‘s Commonwealth
  • They have a Prime Minister over a President. Their current Prime Minister is Gaston Browne
  • Princess Diana used to vacation at “Princess Diana” beach in Barbuda

Explore the 365 Beaches in Antigua

Probably one of the most interesting facts about Antigua and Barbuda is that it is home to 365 beaches. This means that you can literally visit a new beach everyday if you wanted to! Seems like next time I will have to extend my trip by say 50 weeks or so 😉

Antigua and Barbuda Weather: What is the best time to visit Antigua and Barbuda?

Antigua and Barbuda

The best time to visit Antigua and Barbuda would be between December through April. This is when the amount of rain is the smallest and the temperates are consistently beautiful.

We visited in November and honestly the weather was perfect. It rained a bit at night time ( 10PM onwards) and we loved waking up to the smell of fresh rain. It always cleared up by the time the morning hit and it was nothing but sunshine!

Prices are a bit lower during November and in May so I would explore these months if you are looking to avoid the crowds and save a bit.

Hurricane season runs from June- October so I would avoid these months if you can. In October in particular the island experienced a pretty bad tropical storm and the roads and infrastructures endured some damages. Climate change has definitely made the seasons a bit more wonky overall I would say

What is the currency in Antigua and Barbuda?

The best currency in Antigua and Barbuda to use is the East Caribbean Dollar or USD. Many restaurants accept both.

We did grocery shopping before getting to our hotel and both grocery stores that we went to accepted our credit cards. Bigger restaurants also accept credit cards but it’s very important to have ECD or USD currency in Antigua for when you visit smaller beach restaurants or if you event want to use a water taxi.

We had to hit up a ATM when we discovered this cute rum bar that we wanted to try. They accepted the East Caribbean dollar as well as USD!

How many days do you need in Antigua and Barbuda

visit antigua and barbuda

I would definitely recommend a week in Antigua and Barbuda. This would give you enough time to relax, explore near by attractions and even do a day trip to Barbuda

If you want to spend a few days in Barbuda, I would recommend 10 days total so you aren’t rushed.

We met some families who were there for 2 weeks and while being on vacation in the Caribbean certainly is not a bad idea- I think I would personally find it too long!

The Best Hotels in Antigua and Barbuda

visit antigua and barbuda

Since Antigua and Barbuda is such a small country, it doesn’t have loads and loads of massive resorts.

You can certainly find places to suit your needs (whether you are looking for adult only or a more family oriented property) but you won’t find a beach area that is lined with massive hotel chain one by one….and thank GOD for that.

I truly think this is what makes Antigua super unique and special. While I love popular hotel chains at times, I often find myself drawn to boutique hotels that offer something special. The hotel we stayed at in Antigua was just that.

Tamarind Hills

visit antigua and barbuda

Tamarind Hills might just be one of the best hotels I have stayed at! It is a luxurious cliff side resort and villa property located on the west coast of Antigua aka the best coast in my opinion!

Each suite or villa has stunning ocean views, kitchenettes or even full kitchens in each room, and an aesthetic that is straight out from a design magazine. I was blown away by all the details there!

Between their sleek modern pool and quite arguably best beach on the island, we really wrestled each day on where we should set up shop for the day. My kind of vacation problems!

Some features that I particularly loved about it were : Having the ability to cook onsite for dinner if you wanted ( this was so key with the kids), their daily breakfast on the ocean view terrace, the multiple areas to relax in ( felt like I had the place to myself some days), their trendy on site restaurant, the stand alone tubs in the bathroom AND……it’s on site MOKE that they use to transport some guests with. Dream car!

Interested in other Caribbean Destinations? Check Out These Posts Below:

  • Inside the Luxury Hotel Wymara Villas in Turks and Caicos
  • Best Caribbean Islands for First Timers ( Saint Kitts + Saint Lucia and more!)
  • Travel Guide to Montego Bay, Jamaica
  • Review on Beaches Turks and Caicos
  • 27 Dream Destinations to Add To Your Bucket List
  • Grenada Travel Guide: Caribbean’s Best Kept Secret

Antigua and Barbuda Air Bnb Option

visit antigua and barbuda

There is no getting around it- Antigua is expensive. It is one of those luxurious Caribbean islands – flat out!

The majority of hotels there are 5 stars and if they are not- they are priced to reflect that you are on a really exclusive island.

If you are looking to visit on a budget ( and it’s VERY much possible- don’t get me wrong), I recommend looking at some Antigua and Barbuda Air BNB options.

So many of the beaches are public meaning even if you aren’t staying at a fancy hotel, you can still visit the beach it resides on. Hot tip 😉

Here are some Antigua and Barbuda Air Bnb Rentals Worth Exploring:

  • Sea View Studio ( Walking Distance to English Harbour)
  • Blue Pearl Cottage ( Located on Long Beach Bay- Private and Unique Air Bnb in Antigua)
  • Condo Rental in St. Philips area ( amazing infinity pool!)

Other Notable Hotels in Antigua and Barbuda:

visit antigua and barbuda

Hermitage Bay – Luxury Adult Only Hotel in Antigua

Hermitage Bay is situated on a secluded bay on the west coast of Antigua, providing guests with a private and tranquil setting. The resort offers individual cottages and suites nestled on the hillside or beachfront, providing stunning views of the Caribbean Sea. The accommodations are designed for privacy. Their plunge pools are especially a real draw here!

Curtain Bluff – Best Family Friendly Hotel in Antigua

If you are bringing the kids along, an all inclusive resort is the way to go ( though I would still choose our hotel with kids since we had our own kitchens but depends what you are after!). In addition to the beautiful settings, they also have a ton of restaurants to choose from and lots of activities right on the property.

Coco Bay Resort – Another Adult Only Hotel in Antigua

Coco Bay Resort- like Hermitage Bay and Tamarind Hills- is located in the Saint Mary’s district of the island aka you can’t go wrong with any of them. One of the best and most popular restaurants on the island ( Sheer rocks!) is located within Coco Bay and while the hotel is super private and luxe- I would say it’s a bit more lively than Hermitage Bay if you are comparing the two.

Best Excursions in Antigua and Barbuda

Excursions in Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda is known for it’s beaches and as tempting as it is to just sit on the one at your resort, I highly encourage you to explore them by boat! There are so many excursions in Antigua that can take you to many secret beaches that are only accessible by water.

If boats are not your thing, there are so many excursions in Antigua and Barbuda that are cuisine and food centered, adventure based and even ones that have you learning about the history of the country. Something for everyone!

Swim with Pigs in Antigua

visit antigua and barbuda

Looking for a truly unique out of this world experience? You need to check out Pigs in Paradise! T his one of a kind experience gives you the chance to SWIM with piggies!

You get to feed them ( out of milk bottles), carry them, run down the beach with them and overall just have a pig-tastic time getting to learn all about them. It is seriously worth every penny -especially since the beach alone that it is situated on is one of the most beautiful ones on the island ( it looks like it’s from the movie Moana!)

The guides who run the tour are also phenomenal and do a great job at making every second interesting. I was so intrigued by all the pig facts that I learned.


  • You need to secure your own transportation to this private beach. The road leading to it is very rough and due to some recent weather conditions has become undriveable unless you have a big SUV. Additionally – even if the roads were perfect- the location is a bit tricky to find so I would book a transport
  • Here is a Water Taxi Company I used via Whatsapp 1-268-771-5355. They can pick you up right in front of your hotel!
  • Here is a SUV transportation company: 1-268-781-3204. His name is Arthur
  • We brought our kids to the tour and I would say it’s suitable for kids 5 + up. Our youngest was still a bit scared of the piggies ( and also jealous they had bottles of milk haha)
  • Pricing includes water, juice or rum punch
  • Pricing is as follows as of 2023: Adults (16+) – $100.00 USD, Children (6 -15 yrs) – $50.00 USD , Infants (0 months – 5 yrs old) – FREE 

Explore the Secret Beaches of Antigua and Barbuda

visit antigua and barbuda

While some of the main beaches in Antigua and Barbuda are breath taking, I really urge you to go off the beaten path and hire a boat to explore some lesser known beaches and gems. There are actually a lot of secret beaches in Antigua that many tourists do not visit!

  • Stony Horn at Pearns Point
  • Hells Gat Island
  • Carpenter’s Rock Trail ( more cliff side/rock formation but beyond stunning)
  • Heavenly Beach Bay-Critters Cove
  • Mermaid Gardens
  • Rendezvous Bay

Take a Day trip to Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda are neighboring islands in the Caribbean. While Antigua is the most populated island and is where the majority of hotels and tourism is, Barbuda is certainly something special!

Barbuda offers a quieter and more secluded experience. It has started to build up a bit with an exclusive ocean club setting up shop there and even a Nobu!

Here are some things to do in Barbuda

Things to do in Antigua and Barbuda

  • Barbuda is famous for its pink sand beaches, and one of the best-known is Princess Diana Beach (formerly known as K Club Beach). Enjoy the soft pink sand and crystal-clear waters.
  • Explore the Codrington Lagoon National Park , home to one of the largest colonies of frigate birds in the world. The sanctuary is a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.
  • Sushi lovers, this is for you. Nobu is one of the most popular fresh sushi and sashimi spots with locations around the world.

How to get from Antigua to Barbuda:

visit antigua and barbuda

There are a few ways to get from Antigua to Barbuda. You can take a private boat, do an excursion that takes you there and includes a boat transfer, take a flight from the airport ( really not necessary unless you plan to not explore Antigua) OR you can take the ferry from Antigua ( most popular and most economical option)

Ferry from Antigua to Barbuda

Take a ferry from St. John’s, Antigua to Codrington, Barbuda. The ferry ride takes about 90 minutes each way and runs every day so it’s pretty easy to hop on one! Most times depart around 7:30AM and come back from Barbuda around 3:30PM

Number for the Barbuda Expre ss: 1-268-560-7989

Website: Email:   [email protected]

Antigua Snorkeling Tours

Snorkelling in Antigua

One of the best things to do in Antigua and Barbuda is to explore their beautiful waters and all the sealife that is there

They have a water spot in particular called “Sting Ray City” that is filled with sting rays that you can snorkel and swim with! It also happens to be in an area that is so clear making everything very visible.

I felt like I was in a computer screen saver

Go on a Rum Tour

visit antigua and barbuda

It doesn’t take long to learn that Rum is the beverage of choice in Antigua! There is Rum punch everywhere, on every menu and likely one of the first things your hotel will offer you once you arrive. Yes Please! Shortly after arriving, I was sipping on some Rum Punch and that theme continued during the majority of my trip.

Learning about the history of rum on the island was really neat and made me appreciate the liquor even more!

We did one official tour where we visited a Rum Distillery in St John’s and then we also did an unofficial rum tour where we visited multiple rum bars that were on the beach haha. Both equally enjoyable. The pictures above were from a local rum bar called Sunset Horizon just a 5 minute walk from our hotel and was a VIBE! Strong ( and delicious) punch and great fresh fish!

The Best Restaurants in Antigua and Barbuda

Best Restaurants in Antigua

A lot of hotels in Antigua have delicious restaurant options on site ( or some are all inclusive) making it tempting to not even try any other places on the island! Our Hotel- Tamarind Hills- had a stunning restaurant on site called Wild Tamarind. I would recommend coming here for a cocktail and mid day lunch! The setting is such a vibe!

Here are some restaurants in Antigua and Barbuda that I would not miss!

  • Sheer Rocks: Cliff side restaurant with awesome music, an exquisite cocktail and food menu, open air seating and even a pool if you want to extend your visit! This was absolutely our favourite place on the island to eat at and I could not recommend it enough!

visit antigua and barbuda

Sheer Rocks Restaurant- a must visit

  • Rum Bus Beach: When the locals tell you about a place, then you know you have to try it out! I always trust local recommendations when it comes to cuisine that the island is known for. Rum Bus Beach Bar is such a spot spot in St. Mary’s.

Antigua Beach Bar

  • Cloggy’s: Cloggy’s is not just a restaurant, it is an institution in Antigua. You will find this restaurant on almost all “Where to Eat in Antigua” lists. Considered a true “Sailor Bar”, it turns into a happening place as the sun goes down.
  • Pillar’s Restaurant: This place looks like it’s not even real. You feel like you are brought back in time to the 18th century where you are dining Al Fresco outside of their Plantation style hotel. It’s located in English Harbour which is a must visit spot when you are in town
  • Ana’s On The Beach: Located in Dickenson’s Bay, Ana’s on the beach is a spot that is perfect for beautiful cocktails right on the beach! They have a tapas menu and even a great brunch if you want to get there early!

visit antigua and barbuda

Important Things to Know before visiting Antigua and Barbuda

  • Language in Antigua and Barbuda: English is widely spoken everywhere.
  • Transportation in Antigua: If you truly plan to just stay at your hotel or resort and maybe do 1 day trip only, you wouldn’t need a car. However if you plan to visit a restaurant or two off site and factor in how much shuttle service is to and from the airport
  • Is Antigua and Barbuda Safe? The people we met in Antigua were some of the friendliest. No one was pushy or made me feel like I should be concerned or scared. I never felt unsafe once- even when we went off the resort to some more local spots.

Secret Beaches in Antigua

Though the landscapes and scenery of Antigua are mind blowing, the peaceful and luxurious vibe that is felt during your time there is truly unmatched. I can’t wait to go very soon and hopefully stay a bit longer!

It is a dream destination that should be on everyone’s list!


visit antigua and barbuda

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I love this read of my birth home Antigua and little Brother Barbuda. 🇦🇬

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I lived in Antigua 1978 – 1982. I’m looking forward to returning for a visit to the island in next year or two. I’m sure there has been tremendous change since I was there last. Living there left a lasting impression on how I live my life.

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Comprehensive guide to Antigua and Barbuda! Your post captures the essence of these beautiful destinations. Thanks for the insights!

[…] The Ultimate Guide to Antigua and Barbuda […]

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Our villa was impeccably clean, tastefully decorated, and equipped with all the amenities we could ask for, including a fully equipped kitchen, comfortable beds, and a private patio where we enjoyed our morning coffee overlooking the ocean.

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explorers away

Antigua and Barbuda: Ultimate Traveler’s Guide, According to Locals [2024]

The sister islands of Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean are home to beautiful beaches and luxe beach resorts, making them the dream of many a winter-weary traveler. However, their appeal doesn’t stop there, with everything from delicious local food, rich history, and incredible cultural events drawing travelers from around the world to these shores.

We tapped local experts at luxe Antigua accommodations like Villa Papillon and long-time visitors to help create an ultimate guide to Antigua and Barbuda after we had such a memorable visit. Read on for recommendations on the best places to stay in Antigua and all the best things to do outside the walls of your resort in this island paradise.

pearns point beach

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Antigua and Barbuda

It’s hard to dream of a more impressive Caribbean island destination than Antigua and Barbuda. This independent country consists of two populated islands on the eastern edge of the Caribbean Sea, considered part of the Lesser Antilles.

Larger Antigua is significantly more developed than Barbuda and is home to the majority of the country’s population, welcoming nearly all of the country’s visitors to its white sand shores. While Barbuda is less frequently visited than Antigua, it’s known as a pristine island paradise, with miles and miles of undisturbed beaches and a much more laid-back, natural feel than its larger sister.

Antigua is well known for having exactly 365 beaches – one for every day of the year! While it’s unlikely you’ll be able to visit them all, Antigua is well known for its incredible white-sand beaches above all else, making it an ideal destination for a Caribbean beach getaway.

Whether you choose to visit Antigua or Barbuda or split time between both, these islands are undeniably gorgeous, even romantic. Many honeymooners choose Antigua for its world-class resorts , many offering private villas nestled among the hillsides for stunning views of the Caribbean Sea.

Even if Antigua’s generally pricey resorts and busy beaches aren’t to your taste, it’s hard to deny that Antigua and Barbuda is a truly beautiful destination. Even detractors will agree: Antigua and Barbuda handily earned their reputation as one of the gems of the Caribbean.

Plan a Trip to Antigua and Barbuda

  • 12 Best Beaches in Antigua
  • 30 Best Caribbean Island Destinations
  • 10 Hotels in Antigua (You’ll Love!)

Best Time to Visit Antigua and Barbuda

The best time to visit Antigua and Barbuda is between December and April, when the skies are perfectly blue, and the waters are calm. They’re also the high season of travel and are when resort prices are at their highest.

  • High Season:  December – April
  • Shoulder Season:  May – June
  • Low Season:  July – November

If you’re looking for less-crowded beaches, or you want to travel on a budget, consider traveling between May and November. Particularly, the shoulder season months of May and June are a fantastic time to travel, as the weather still tends to be quite sunny and prices are considerably lower than they are just a few months earlier.

antigua barbuda

Getting to Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua is one of the most accessible islands in the Lesser Antilles of the Caribbean, especially for travelers visiting from North America. If you’re looking for a Caribbean island destination where you can be on the beach with a drink in hand just a few hours after leaving home, Antigua is a fantastic choice.

Getting to Antigua

Antigua is home to the country’s only international airport, making it the first stop for most travelers visiting the islands. Travelers fly into Antigua through V.C.   Bird International Airport (ANU) , which is located just outside of the island’s capital city of Saint John’s.

You’ll find direct flights between a number of U.S. cities and Antigua. While not offered every day, direct flights make for a convenient way to reach the island. Travelers can also consider a stopover in other Caribbean destinations to connect to Antigua, though for most travelers, this isn’t necessary.

Getting to Barbuda

Travelers who don’t have access to their own boat on a private charter can visit Barbuda via the high-speed ferry that connects it with Antigua, or by taking a quick flight between islands. Ferries between the two islands operate six days a week, and the journey takes about 90 minutes.

Travel Essential

Don’t head out on your adventure without comprehensive travel insurance! Good travel insurance may cover lost or stolen gear, medical emergencies, delayed or canceled flights, and more.  Check out the policies available from  SafetyWing or compare plans using  Visitors Coverage .

antigua barbuda

Things To Do in Antigua and Barbuda

1. visit barbuda’s pink sand beach.

Antigua might be famous for its 365 beaches, but there’s one unique beach destination in Barbuda worth taking the ferry for: one of the Caribbean’s few true pink sand beaches. Officially known as Pink Sand Beach, naturally, this beach is a stunner both for its impressive color and gorgeous, clear waters with natural surroundings.

Pink Sand Beach stretches on for nearly eight miles, making it one of the longest beaches in Antigua and Barbuda. While some sections are more bright pink than others, it’s an impressive, mostly empty beach you can enjoy with relative solitude.

Want to stick around for the evening? Stay at the Barbuda Belle Luxury Beach Hotel located directly on the beach. This is our number one choice for travelers looking to stay in Barbuda.

shirley heights

2. Visit Shirley Heights Lookout

Perched high above English Harbor in southern Antigua, Shirley Heights is a historic military fortress and gun battery-turned breathtakingly beautiful viewpoint.

The views from the lookout are breathtaking at any time of day but even more spectacular at sunset. If it works in your itinerary, try to plan your visit for a Sunday evening at sunset. The entire lookout transforms into a party spot for locals and visitors alike and will be one of your favorite memories from your trip to Antigua.

Read More: 25 Best Things To Do in Antigua

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pigeon point beach

3. Explore 365 Beaches

Antigua is well known for being home to 365 beaches, including some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean . Even if you’re planning on a low-key resort vacation, spending some time beach hopping across the island is one of the best things to do in Antigua .

Jolly Beach

Over a mile of pristine white sand on an impressive section of Antigua’s desirable western coast makes Jolly Beach one of the most popular beaches in Antigua . Offering water sports, snorkeling, and plenty of space for rest and relaxation, it’s a clear fan favorite and among one of the more built-up beaches in Antigua.

Ffryes Beach

Considered among the best beaches in the Caribbean , the white sand Ffryes Beach is a popular (yet not overrun) favorite you should definitely add to your itinerary. Relatively easily accessible from the capital of Antigua and the port, it’s a convenient and stunning beach option in Antigua not to miss.

Half Moon Bay

Looking for a more tranquil, laid-back beach in Antigua ? The stunning Half Moon Bay on the island’s southern coast is a perfect choice. Keep in mind that sections of the beach can get wavy and that you won’t find as many beach amenities here as you will elsewhere. However, the bay’s secluded feeling and gorgeous scenery make it well worth it!

Best Places to Stay in Antigua

  • Copper and Lumber Store Historic Inn ($ – $$)
  • Royalton Antigua ($$)
  • Villa Papillon ($$$)
  • Jumby Bay Island ($$$$)

4. See the Islands By Water

One of the very best ways to experience Antigua and Barbuda is by water. Some of the most popular excursions on the islands include boat tours with plenty of beach hopping and snorkeling . These excursions usually offer lunch and drinks , plus all the beach gear and snorkeling gear you’ll need to enjoy some of the island’s best beaches along the way.

Alternatively, consider spending your entire visit to Antigua on the water by changing a resort stay for a boat charter. Antigua is one of the world’s most desirable sailing locations, and Dream Yacht Worldwide makes it easy for anyone to enjoy these waters in style with bareboat charters for experienced sailors or skippered charters that allow you to relax and let someone else take care of the sailing.

villa papillon

Where To Stay in Antigua and Barbuda

There are just a few places to stay on Barbuda, but Antigua in particular is well known for its array of luxury hotels and resorts that are the envy of its Caribbean neighbors. These are some of the best places to stay on both islands:

Villa Papillon

Best Private Villa in Antigua

Antigua is so much more than just its resorts and hotels. For those looking for a luxurious stay with plenty of space for family and friends to tag along, Villa Papillon might be a perfect choice, certain to impress even the most discerning traveler.

Villa Papillon wows with its well-appointed and luxurious yet comfortable spaces, though the home’s incredible views overlooking Pearns Point and the clear waters lapping along Jolly Harbor are hard to beat. Six bedrooms, each with its own private bathroom , spread across the villa’s multi-level layout maximize views and provide plenty of privacy.

Villa Papillon: A Private Villa Stay in Review

jumby bay antigua

Jumby Bay Island

Best Resort in Antigua

Perched on the shores of a private island just two miles off the coast of Antigua, Jumby Bay Island is one of the most sought-after resorts in Antigua and Barbuda. Spread across 300 acres and surrounded by white sand beaches and coral reefs, bicycle paths and shady trails replace roads at this paradise known for barefoot luxury.

The resort just underwent an extensive refurbishing and is even more impressive than ever. Every detail of Jumby Bay Island is designed to set it apart from other resorts, positioning it as one of the best resorts in the entire Caribbean.

Reviews and Bookings: Jumby Bay Island

carlisle bay antigua

Carlisle Bay

Best Family-Friendly Resort in Antigua

Carlisle Bay  has plenty to offer couples, but it’s also a favorite destination for travelers visiting Antigua with the whole family . Young children stay and eat for free at the resort, and a kids club offers an excellent array of activities and programming that keep the family entertained while parents enjoy the rest that the resort has to offer.

Reviews and Bookings: Carlisle Bay  

barbuda belle

Barbuda Belle Beach Hotel

With just a few places to choose from when deciding where to stay in Barbuda, Barbuda Belle Beach Hotel should definitely be at the top of your list. While this gorgeous resort is the nicest place to stay in Barbuda, it isn’t over-the-top by any means, perfectly capturing Barbuda’s laid-back, relaxed vibes for travelers .

Reviews and Bookings: Barbuda Belle Beach Hotel

Antigua & Barbuda Accommodation Guides

  • 15 Best Resorts in Antigua
  • 10 Best Hotels in Antigua

villa papillon view

Antigua and Barbuda Travel Tips

When speaking with locals and tour guides in Antigua and Barbuda, a few popular Antigua and Barbuda travel tips came up again. These are the recommendations worth considering as you plan your trip.

1. Ditch The Resorts – Stay in a Villa Instead

Antigua is well known for having some of the most beautiful and luxurious resorts in the Caribbean, as well as a number of lively hotels and affordable guesthouses, but have you considered staying in a villa instead? If you’re looking for unparalleled seclusion, truly personalized service, and a home-away-from-home feeling on your Antigua vacation, renting a villa should be top of mind.

From luxurious and spacious Villa Papillon to more remote guest houses on little-visited corners of the island, there’s plenty to choose from here. If you’re traveling with a group, many of these exclusive properties can actually be more affordable than a stay at one of the island’s resorts.

2. Take in the Islands By Sea

Antigua is one of the most desirable destinations for sailing in the world, meaning that one of the best things to do in Antigua is to take in the beauty of the islands from the water. Whether you have time for a half-day boating excursion to beaches and snorkeling spots or want to circumnavigate Antigua , you’ll have plenty of options to take to the sea.

Don’t forget to consider spending part or all of your trip to Antigua on the water for the best way to experience the island. While spending a vacation in the Caribbean on a yacht may seem like it’s just an attainable reality for just a select few, it’s actually much more affordable than most travelers think.

Depending on your vessel and the number of passengers on your ship, a sailing excursion with Dream Yacht Worldwide can often be more affordable than staying at one of the impressive resorts in Antigua.

carlisle bay

3. Skip Overcrowded Beaches

Antigua is home to 365 unique beaches , but it often seems like the majority of the visitors to the island congregate on just a select few of them. Popular spots like Turner’s Beach, Dickenson Bay, and Jolly Beach are lovely, but during the high season of travel, they can get overly crowded.

With so many incredible beaches in Antigua, there’s no need to fight for chairs and umbrellas with hundreds of other beachgoers. Head to some of the island’s less-visited beaches instead. For example, just minutes north of the popular Dickenson Bay is hidden Bush Bay. Or, head across the island for the impressive Half Moon Bay, which tends to be much less visited despite its natural beauty.

Read More: 12 Best Beaches in Antigua

4. Barbuda is (Sometimes!) Better

While the vast majority of the visitors in Antigua and Barbuda stick to the more developed, populated island of Antigua, Barbuda might be a better choice for travelers looking for something special out of their island vacation .

With untouched, miles-long beaches free from crowds and development, Barbuda feels a world away from its larger sister island. This less-visited, off-the-beaten-path destination isn’t right for everyone, but many travelers actually end up preferring Barbuda over Antigua.

Keep in mind that Barbuda is only accessible via a 90-minute high-speed ferry ride offered just six days a week or by flights from Antigua. However, if you’re looking for less-crowded shores, incredible natural beauty, and more of a desert-island feel, head to Barbuda over Antigua.

carley rojas avila

Carley Rojas Avila

Carley Rojas Avila is a bilingual New York-based travel writer, editor, content marketer, and the founder of the digital travel publications Explorers Away and Home to Havana. Carley is an expert on all things Latin America, the Caribbean, and Cuba, having lived and worked in four different countries in the region. Her writing has appeared on the Associated Press wires and in Travel + Leisure, Yahoo, MSN, Euronews, The Weather Channel, and more. When she's not writing about her travels, find her front row at a Bad Bunny concert, befriending street cats, and taste-testing every pizza in Havana.

  • Couples-Only Resorts
  • Wedding Essentials
  • Romantic Experiences
  • Vendors’ List
  • Wellness Month
  • Wellness Guide
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  • Island Personalities
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About Our Islands

  • Antigua Sailing Week 2024
  • Getting To Barbuda
  • Island Accommodation
  • Must-See Attractions
  • Things to do
  • Food and Drink
  • Travel Guides
  • Certified Tourism Businesses
  • Getting Around
  • Travel Advisory


The tropical islands of Antigua and Barbuda are located in the heart of the Caribbean about a thousand miles to the east of Jamaica and half that distance from Trinidad on the coast of South America. We are at 17- N latitude, about the same as the Cape Verde Islands and Bombay and 61- W longitude.

The island of Antigua was born out of the sea by a volcano about 30 million years ago. A young island in geologic time. On the northern flank of this volcano, reefs were formed, hence the greater part of Antigua is low lying and is composed of limestone rock.

The highest point of Antigua is 1,319 ft in the south-west and is called Boggy Peak, but the limestone Highlands of Barbuda rise to only 125 ft. The area of Antigua is 108 square miles, while Barbuda is 62 square miles. The population of the former is approaching 80,000, but the latter is relatively unpopulated at 1,300. Days and nights are refreshingly cooled by the gentle trade winds.

Barbuda became separated from Antigua by about 28 miles, when the sea-levels of the world rose considerably at about 10,000 BC. Today parts of Barbuda are geologically flooded to form interesting lagoons. Here may be seen the largest breeding and nesting colony of the Magnificent Frigate Bird in the world. Barbuda supports a tremendous diversity of native habitats, as yet unthreatened by development. Reef-fringed Barbuda may be one of the best kept ecological secrets in the West Indies. Her rugged scenery, beautiful beaches, (one at least 12 miles long), lagoons and abundant wildlife may be a resource as valuable as its fisheries.

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Explore With Lora

27 Fun Things to Do in Antigua and Barbuda Beyond the Beach

By: Author Lora Pope

Posted on Published: June 6, 2023  - Last updated: June 12, 2023

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Looking for things to do in Antigua and Barbuda? I worked remotely from Antigua in 2021 and recently had the chance to visit on a press trip, exploring all the island has to offer by land and sea. In this guide, I’m sharing all my favorite gems!

The island of Antigua is only 108 square miles, most famous for its pristine white-sand beaches. It has one for every day of the year!

But don’t think a trip to Antigua is just lying around working on your tan. While that’s certainly an option, I get bored of sitting on the beach pretty quickly.

Luckily, there are plenty of fun and adventurous Antigua and Barbuda attractions beyond the beaches.

lora in the caribbean ocean looking at the sunset over the horizon of the ocean in antigua

Big thanks to Traverse Events and Visit Antigua & Barbuda for hosting me! Some of these activities were kindly paid for by the tourism board. As always, all opinions are my own.

The Best Things to Do in Antigua on The Water

Antigua is the main island of the country called Antigua and Barbuda, located in the northeast Caribbean. First, let’s explore everything you can do in Antigua in the sea.

#1. Embrace the sailing culture

group of friends on a sailing charter in antigua. they are smiling holding drinks looking at the camera.

If you’re interested in sailing, Antigua is the best Caribbean island to visit. With calm harbors and a steady Atlantic breeze, it offers perfect sailing conditions. It’s known as the super yacht capital of the world!

Many aspiring sailors come here to train and find work on boats. As a young traveler, the second question you’ll likely be asked after meeting someone is what boat you work on. If you’re interested in trying it out, you can take a one-day sailing class with the National Sailing Academy.

There’s also Antigua Sailing Week , the event of the year, during which sail lovers and professionals gather to compete in races. Of course, there are also many parties and gatherings during the week. 

But of course, the best way to get a taste of sailing culture in Antigua is to get on a sailboat!

lora smiling on the deck of a sailboat holding a beer. behind her is the caribbean ocean with an orange and yellow sunset.

During my recent trip to Antigua, we spent a day on the water with Dojo On The Waves , which offers luxurious private customized sailing trips.

It was one of the most memorable days of the trip, sailing along the gorgeous coastline, sharing drinks and laughs with new friends.

The crew working on this boat are so much fun and will ensure you have the best time. They supplied plenty of alcohol, food, and made us feel right at home.

After an afternoon of Caribbean bliss, we ended the tour with a stunning sunset before being dropped off in Carlisle Bay.

Dojo On The Waves can customize your tour to be exactly what you want (even around the Caribbean). It could be one of the most romantic things to do in Antigua!

#2. Scooter snorkeling

green sea turtle swimming in the turquoise caribbean ocean

One of the most unique things to do in Antigua underwater is going on a scooter snorkeling adventure .

Also known as sea scooter diving, this activity combines the excitement of snorkeling with the ease and speed of a specially designed underwater scooter that allows you to glide effortlessly through crystal-clear waters.

This allows you to cover more distance and explore a larger area of the reef, all while conserving your energy. Using the scooter, you can effortlessly navigate through the water, getting closer to the marine life and immersing yourself in the vibrant underwater world.

I didn’t have a chance to try scooter snorkeling, but many friends did and said it was an absolute blast!

#3. Stingray City

lora standing next to a stingray with clear turquoise water around her

If you’ve ever dreamt of being surrounded by hundreds of stingrays, this can happen in Antigua! Located in the clear, shallow warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, Stingray City offers a unique wildlife experience.

Board a boat and set off to the Stingray City sandbar, where you’ll be greeted by a friendly and knowledgeable guide who will introduce you to the stingrays. Wade into the water and watch as they glide around you. Be prepared – they will touch you!

Aside from interacting with the stingrays, you’ll also have the chance to snorkel in the surrounding waters, which have vibrant coral reefs and tropical fish.

I don’t love that they let you take photos holding the stingrays, and I would refrain from doing this.

#4. Catamaran Cruise

lora and friend smiling looking at the camera on a catamaran in antigua. the ocean and hills are the backdrop.

Another great way to enjoy the landscapes of Antigua is on a sunset catamaran trip.

Our group of creators took a sunset cruise from St. John’s with Tropical Adventures , which was a blast. We sailed into the sunset, had a dance party/conga line, and enjoyed plenty of delicious rum punches from the open bar.

In 2021, I also took a daytime catamaran trip with Wadadli Cats from Dickenson Bay.

The trip takes you on a 360-degree circumnavigation of the island, stopping at some of the most beautiful beaches. Along the way, the catamaran will pass by Long Island, where you might spot some celebrities, as it’s home to several million-dollar residences, including Oprah’s!

From there, the boat will anchor for snorkeling, followed by a delicious lunch near Green Island, where the water here is crystal-clear. The beaches on Green Island are full of soft, white sand to relax on. It’s some of the nicest I visited during my time in Antigua.

lora looking out at turquoise water in antigua with clouds in background

On the cruise back to Dickenson Bay, plenty of rum will be included. I did this trip with an ex, and it was a good way to meet some other travelers, but it’s very touristy and packed with people. I enjoyed the sailing trip with Dojo much more, but Wadadli is a good option if you’re traveling solo.

#5. Snorkel at Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay is a gorgeous white-sand beach that’s so named because it’s shaped like a giant half-moon. As you drive down to the beach from the road and see it suddenly appear, you can’t help but stop and take a photo.

While this pristine beach is one of the most popular on the island, it also happens to be one of Antigua’s best snorkeling and windsurfing spots. This is because it’s on the eastern side, facing the Atlantic.

The beach is protected from the ocean’s strong waves by a reef just off the shore, naturally creating a spot where you can easily walk off the coast and snorkel in calm and clear water. There isn’t anyone renting snorkeling gear at the beach, so make sure to bring your own.

Aside from the cost of getting there, this is one of the cheap things to do in Antigua!

#6. Take a snorkeling or diving tour

lora in turquoise water walking past a white boat that says coco vibes tours

Antigua and Barbuda boast beautiful diving sites that attract divers from all around the globe. Explore the vibrant coral reefs, swim alongside tropical fish, and discover the fascinating marine life beneath the surface.

I went diving here in 2021 with Soul Immersion and saw a lot of marine life, including sea turtles, stingrays, and reef sharks. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced diver, there are dive sites suited to all skill levels.

On my recent trip, we took a snorkeling trip with Coco Vibes , which was fantastic. Our guide provided a ton of info about the island and took us to some beautiful beaches and a fantastic shipwreck that we got to snorkel in.

He also offered rum, because you know, Antigua. I also loved that they included eco tips on minimizing your impact on the reefs and provided reef-safe sunscreen!

Top things to do in Antigua on land

#7. explore the islands by e-bike.

group of people biking on salt lake with mountains in backdrop

Biking is one of my favorite ways to explore a new place, but with the heat in Antigua, you won’t want to pedal hard, or you’ll be drenched in sweat. That’s why this e-biking tour is the perfect way to explore the island!

This unique, eco-friendly activity is a great way to see the islands’ scenic landscapes and charming villages. Cruise along coastal roads, pedaling effortlessly with the assistance of the e-bike’s motor.

On our e-bike tour from Dark wood beach, we also got to bike on a dried-up salt lake which was so much fun! We even took a detour to make a small hike up to a stunning viewpoint.

The guides provided plenty of local knowledge and stories about the area, and a support truck followed us with Ziplineter and coconuts supplied at stops.

#8. Ziplining through the rainforest

lora on a zipline smiling with green rainforest in background

For an adrenaline-fueled adventure, head to Antigua Raziplinet Zipline Tours and soar through the treetops on a ziplining excursion.

They offer zip-lining courses for varying levels. We did the 6-course zipline, and I wish it had been the 12 because the first four were very short in length. The last one, however, the screamer, was a blast!

Feel the rush as you glide from one platform to another, marveling at the lush vegetation and stunning scenery below.

#9. Walk Around Nelson’s Dockyard National Park

Nelson’s Dockyard was once a British maritime hub and has since been fully restored as a working dockyard home to hundreds of sailing boats, as well as restaurants and shops.

The Naval Dockyard is the only UNESCO World Heritage Site in Antigua. Although it has been updated with modern facilities, its historic feel has been well preserved, making it a charming place to explore historic sites and go for a walk. You can also join this guided tour if you want to learn more about the history.

It’s part of Nelson’s Dockyard National Park , which also contains Clarence House and Shirley Heights. The park occupies 15 square miles of coastline and is Antigua’s center for heritage and sailing.

There’s also a fantastic restaurant here called Copper and Lumper – I highly recommend stopping here for lunch. The restaurant’s interior is beautiful, the staff are friendly, and the food is fantastic (as is the rum punch)!

#10. Hike with Goats

lora looking out at ocean on a hiking trail in antigua. sailboats are in the distance.

If walking among goats sounds like your kind of day, then you’ll definitely want to check out Middle Ground Trail. While that’s the official name, it’s known locally as “the goat trail” due to the friendly animals you’re sure to encounter along the way.

It’s a one-mile trail that takes about an hour to hike, starting from Pigeon Beach and ending at Nelson’s Dockyard (or vice versa). It climbs steeply at first and then levels out before descending down toward Fort Berkeley and the dockyards. At the top, you’ll be rewarded with gorgeous panoramic views of both Falmouth Harbour and English Harbour.

Stretching more than 15 square miles along the coastline, the park is the island’s center for sailing and heritage. It’s a great place to go for a walk and dream about what life on a yacht would be like.

#11. Visit the Pillars of Hercules

Another interesting geological formation to check out is the Pillars of Hercules. These naturally occurring limestone columns on the coastline guard the entrance to Freeman’s Bay and English Harbour.

These natural rock formations have been carved out by decades of rain, wind, and waves. The best way to appreciate them is from the sea. If you are taking a diving tour from English Harbour, you’ll likely pass the Pillars along the way, as many of Antigua’s top dive sites are nearby.

They can also be reached from a hiking trail from the end of Galleon Beach and then scrambling over large boulders.

#12. Watch the Sunset at Shirley Heights Lookout

lora looking out from shirley heights viewpoint. behind her are sailboats, rolling hills, and a pink sunset.

Shirley Heights is a retired military lookout 490 feet above the sea, offering an incredible view of English and Falmouth Harbours. It’s famous for its Sunday night parties at the restaurant with a BBQ and live reggae music.

Even if you can’t make the party, it’s still worth heading up here, as the views are some of the best on the island. It’s the perfect place to watch the sunset. On a clear day, you can see as far as the neighboring islands of Montserrat and Guadeloupe.

You can drive straight to the viewpoint, but many visitors and locals walk or hike up from Galleon Beach. If you plan to do this, aim to go early in the morning or at sunset to beat the heat. This is one of the best free things to do in Antigua!

#13. Walk on Devil’s Bridge

lora walking on a natural rock arch in Antigua

One of the best places to visit in Antigua and Barbuda is Devil’s Bridge National Park in the northeast part of the island.

It’s where the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea meet, and powerful waves have carved a large limestone rock into a bridge. Natural blowholes surround the natural arch, making for a spectacular scene as the waves splash up.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can walk across Devil’s Bridge, but be warned that the rocks can be very slippery, and it can be dangerous if the sea is rough.

#14. Rent a car and get lost

Renting a car and driving around is one of my favorite ways to explore a country, and Antigua is no exception. You can drive around the island in a single day, although there are so many beautiful places to stop that you’ll need at least a few.

Since many of Antigua and Barbuda’s tourist attractions are spread out across the country, renting a car is one of the best ways to get around. Besides, local transportation is not that reliable, and the scenery along the coastlines is spectacular.

Be sure to drive along Fig Tree Drive, which goes through the middle of the island, giving you a chance to see the beautiful interior landscapes.

#15. Take in the views at Signal Hill

lora from the back with arms out wide overlooking rolling green hills with the blue ocean behind them

If you’re looking for a rewarding hike, climb to the summit of Signal Hill. Starting from Wallings Nature Reserve on Fig Tree Drive, this trail takes you up through the lush rainforest. Along the way, you’ll pass by Walling’s Dam, a historic Victorian-era dam that’s home to many kinds of plant life and wildlife.

The trail is steep, but in less than an hour, you’ll be standing on the second-highest point in Antigua. From the top, you’ll get to enjoy stunning 360-degree views of the island, including Carlisle Bay, Rendezvous Bay, and the capital city, St. John’s. The trail is one-way, so plan to spend at least two hours on this hike.

Note: Several other trails cut through the rainforests from Fig Tree Drive, including one to Rendezvous Bay.

#16. Explore St John’s

St. John’s is the capital city of Antigua (not to be confused with St. John’s, Newfoundland ) and is worth spending an afternoon exploring. Its streets are lined with colorful houses, shops, and restaurants serving delicious Antiguan cuisine.

Be sure to stop at the Saturday market, where you can find a rich assortment of fruits and vegetables. Keep an eye out, especially for the famous tiny pineapples — they’re adorable and as delicious as the ones you’re familiar with. The market is also a great place to go shopping for groceries if you’re renting an apartment.

lora holding a tiny pinnaple in Antigua on the beach. she is wearing a yellow t shirt and blue glasses, smiling at the camera.

If you’re interested in learning more about the island’s history, stop in at the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda , which is in a historic colonial house. You can visit Fort James, an 18th-century fort built by the British at the entrance to the harbor of St. John’s.

#17. Glamp on the Beach

glamping tent on a beach in antigua with ocean in background

If you’re looking for a unique place to stay, check out Wild Lotus . It offers six glamping tents set on a secluded beach near Jolly Harbour.

Staying here is an experience in itself — and you won’t want to leave! The inside of the tent is furnished with a comfortable queen-sized bed and couch, along with a gorgeous outdoor shower surrounded by tropical plants.

Everything here is entirely off-grid and sustainable, yet it still feels like you are staying in luxury. There are also yoga classes in the morning and campfire dinners, adding to the experience.

Of course, the best part is being able to step outside onto a gorgeous white-sand beach anytime you want. Yes, you can even go swimming under the stars! 

#18. Party in English Harbour

If you’re looking for things to do in Antigua at night, a visit to English Harbour is a must. This historic area, known for its maritime heritage, also offers a lively party scene that attracts both locals and tourists.

Start your evening by exploring the charming Nelson’s Dockyard, which houses various bars and restaurants. Enjoy a refreshing cocktail or a local beer while soaking in the ambiance of the harbor.

Afterward, head to one of the lively bars or clubs in the area, where you can often find live music during the high season. The Garrison is where most locals hang out, and while it’s nothing fancy, it’s always a good time.

#19. Take photos with the spaceman

lora walking a spaceman status on a wooden dock with the ocean in background

At Hodges Bay Hotel in Antigua, you’ll encounter a captivating and thought-provoking art installation known as the Spaceman. This mesmerizing sculpture adds a touch of creativity and wonder to the hotel’s surroundings.

The Spaceman art piece portrays an astronaut, clad in a spacesuit and helmet, standing tall and capturing the imagination of all who see it. It’s a great place to take photos and one of the reasons this hotel was given the title of one of the most Instagrammable hotels in Antigua!

#20. Hike to the highest point on the island

lora looking out at rolling green hills from mount obama in antigua

For adventurers and nature enthusiasts, a hike to the summit of Mount Obama (formerly Boggy Peak) is an absolute must-do activity in Antigua.

Standing at 402 meters (1,319 feet) above sea level, Mount Obama is the highest point on the island and offers breathtaking panoramic views that make the trek well worth the effort.

Be warned that the road here is not well paved – we couldn’t make it in our little rental car but thankfully got picked up by some travelers in a jeep!

#21. Indulge in the Restaurant Scene

plate of ceviche with glass of rum punch on a table next to white sand beach and turquoise water

Antigua & Barbuda are known for their vibrant and diverse culinary offerings, making them a paradise for food lovers. From local Caribbean delicacies to international cuisines, the restaurant scene on the islands offers a delightful gastronomic experience.

We were lucky enough to be visiting during restaurant week, which was such a great experience. From fine dining experiences in English Harbour to a casual BBQ lunch on the beach, each meal in Antigua was memorable!

#22. Party on a private island

aerial view of prickly pear island in antigua. travelers stand on the white sand island with shades of blue water around it.

By far, my favorite memory of my last trip to Antigua was spending the night on Prickly Pear Island at Hodges Bay. This stunning island is accessible as a short boat ride from the hotel and is the perfect venue for an unforgettable night.

#23. Learn to make rum

As the Caribbean’s rum capital, Antigua offers a perfect setting to learn about the art of rum production.

Join a guided rum-making tour at one of Antigua’s renowned rum distilleries, where expert craftsmen will take you on a journey through the fascinating process of rum-making. Discover the rich history and heritage of rum production on the island, dating back centuries to its colonial past.

With guidance from the experts, unleash your creativity and create your own signature blend of rum. At the end of the class, take home your own bottle of handcrafted rum, a perfect souvenir to remember your time in Antigua!

#24. Take a buggy tour

With the wind in your hair and the excitement in your veins, explore the islands’ rugged terrains, scenic trails, and hidden corners on this buggy tour built for off-road exploration.

Follow knowledgeable guides as they lead you through the stunning landscapes, sharing fascinating insights along the way. Traverse sandy beaches, lush forests, and rocky terrains, taking in the breathtaking views and immersing yourself in the natural beauty that Antigua and Barbuda have to offer.

#25. Relax by a hotel pool

people sitting in a restaurant next to a pool that overlooks the ocean.

After all the outdoor adventures and explorations in Antigua, it’s time to unwind and recharge by indulging in some relaxation by a hotel pool. Most all-inclusive resorts and hotels in Antigua offer exquisite pool areas that provide a tranquil oasis for guests to enjoy.

Some hotel pools in Antigua and Barbuda offer stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, whether it’s overlooking the calm waters of the Caribbean Sea or nestled amidst lush tropical gardens. Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance, surrounded by natural beauty, and let the peaceful atmosphere wash over you.

If your hotel doesn’t come with a pool, in English Harbour is a great place to hang out.

#26. Chill on the beach

lora wearing a red and blue dress standing bearfoot in the water as the sun sets behind her in shades of red and orange

Of course, I can’t write a post about Antigua without mentioning the beaches. While there are plenty of things to do in Antigua and Barbuda beyond the beach – you can’t visit without admiring its pristine white sand beaches.

With crystal-clear turquoise seas and rolling hills as the backdrop, enjoying the pristine, soft white-sand beaches is undeniably one of the best things to do in Antigua. The sunsets are always spectacular, so this is one of my favorite ways to end a day there.

With over 365 to choose from, it can be hard to know which to visit. Some of the best beaches are Dickenson Bay and Jolly Bay, which offer amenities like restaurants, beach chairs, and umbrellas. Dickenson Bay is also home to a British telephone booth, which makes for one of the cutest photos in Antigua.

lora next to a red telephone booth on a beach in antigua

If you prefer to get away from the crowds, adventure over to Rendezvous Bay, which is only accessible by four-wheel drive or footpath.

I also love Darkwood Beach, which has a nice beach restaurant for lunch with mesmerizing views of turquoise water. It was my favorite swim of my recent trip!

Last but not least, Pigeon Beach Point is always a good choice if you’re staying in English Harbour. It’s not as beautiful as the others, but it’s always a good time with many of the yachtees hanging out there.

#27. Take a day trip to Barbuda

male frigate bird with red neck

While exploring Antigua, don’t miss the opportunity to take a day trip to the nearby sister island of Barbuda. Hop on the public ferry or hire a charter to experience the unspoiled beauty and tranquility of this hidden gem. There are plenty of things to do in Barbuda to keep you busy for a day!

Upon arrival, embark on a guided tour to visit the famous Frigate Bird Sanctuary, home to over 100 species of birds, including a large frigate bird colony (the same ones you see in the Galapagos) ! Marvel at their impressive mating rituals when the males make their bright red necks balloon up to impress the females.

Afterward, relax on Barbuda’s pristine pink sand beaches, known for their breathtaking beauty and seclusion. Enjoy a beachside picnic or indulge in water sports such as kayaking, paddle boarding, or snorkeling in crystal-clear waters.

Barbuda offers a serene escape for nature lovers, allowing you to unwind and immerse yourself in the untouched natural wonders of the Caribbean.

This trip made me fall back in love with Antigua, and miss living and working remotely in the Caribbean !

Whether you’re seeking adrenaline-pumping activities or a more relaxed exploration, there’s no shortage of fun things to do in Antigua and Barbuda. Take a rum-making class, take a sailing trip, or simply unwind by a hotel pool, soaking up the Caribbean sun. And don’t forget the thrilling experiences of ziplines and buggy tours, which allow you to see a different side of the island.

Antigua and Barbuda’s natural beauty, warm hospitality, and diverse range of outdoor adventure activities make it a dream destination for those looking to immerse themselves in nature and relax in world-class hotels.

lora in ocean staring at sunset with text overlay that says things to do in antigua and barbuda beyond the beach

Lora is a full-time digital nomad on a quest to visit every country in the world and pet as many dogs as she can along the way. Over the last 15 years, she has traveled to 70+ countries and six continents solo. She currently calls Puerto Vallarta, Mexico home and enjoys ending each day with sunset and tacos on the beach.

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Antigua   Travel Guide

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14 Best Things to Do in Antigua

Antigua's many beaches are the highlight of any visit to the island. While there are 365 to choose from, some of the most popular include Galley Bay Beach (for surfing), Valley Church Beach (for crystal clear, calm waters), Half Moon Bay (for

  • All Things To Do

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Shirley Heights Shirley Heights

Wear some comfortable shoes and make the hike up the half-mile Lookout Trail from Galleon Beach in English Harbour to the summit of Shirley Heights. On a clear day, the panorama (located approximately 490 feet above sea level) affords views of the southern island of Guadeloupe and the active volcano Montserrat, which recent visitors called simply breathtaking. 

The lookout, which is named after Sir Thomas Shirley, former governor-in-chief of the Leeward Islands, was first used as a signal station during the War of American Independence in the late 18th-century. Visitors can still see remnants of the lookout’s military past scattered around the site, including barracks. 

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Nelson's Dockyard Nelson's Dockyard

U.S. News Insider Tip: Witness the incredible seedwork of artisans who have carried on the tradition first created by enslaved African women. The intricate art form includes stitching tamarind seeds to create items like earrings and placemats sold at the entrance of Nelson’s Dockyard. – Kristin Braswell

If you only break from the beach for one day, head to the beautifully restored English Harbour, where you'll find Nelson's Dockyard. Part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the naval dockyard was once the home of the British fleet during the Napoleonic Wars, and served as the headquarters of Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson from 1784 to 1787.

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Dickenson Bay Dickenson Bay free

Located in northwest Antigua in St. John Parish, Dickenson Bay is considered the island's premier beach. That's because Dickenson offers a little something for every type of beachgoer. Do you like relaxing on the warm sand? Check. Prefer to sip a rum cocktail in a floating bar? Check. Maybe you want to try your hand at water sports to get your heart rate pumping? Check – Dickenson has it. Dickenson Bay is one of the more accessible Antiguan beaches – it’s only a 15-minute drive north of the cruise port, and there's a nearby taxi stand if you're not staying in one of the area hotels, such as the Sandals Grande Antigua . Because of its accessibility and popularity with the cruise crowd, it’s not necessarily quiet and peaceful, according to reviewers. 

Plenty of umbrellas and beach chairs are available to rent, according to recent beachgoers, who reported paying $20 for two beach chairs. The beach's convenient location attracts a lot of families; trek 1 mile south to Runaway Bay if you want more peace and quiet or consider a beachside stroll. Local vendors set up kiosks for a little light souvenir shopping, and there are also a handful of moderately priced shops and eateries in the area. 

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Popular Tours

Adventure Antigua - The Xtreme Circumnavigation

Adventure Antigua - The Xtreme Circumnavigation

(593 reviews)

from $ 190.00

Stingray City Experience Antigua - ROUND TRIP INCLUDED

Stingray City Experience Antigua - ROUND TRIP INCLUDED

(47 reviews)

from $ 140.90

Salty Dogs UTV Adventure

Salty Dogs UTV Adventure

(54 reviews)

from $ 155.00

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Stingray City Antigua Stingray City Antigua

Home to hundreds of Southern stingrays, the appropriately-named Stingray City is located in the shallow waters of the North Sound, just off the northeast coast of the island. Awaiting your arrival in the shallow, crystal clear waters are the friendly sea creatures, who are used to human interaction. Guides will provide food like squid to feed the stingrays, and it will only be a matter of seconds before they swim right up to you. Gear is provided for snorkeling through the nearby coral reefs as well. 

For many, a visit to Stingray City was the highlight of their Antigua vacation. Travelers enjoyed the friendly interaction with the stingrays and praised the professional, knowledgeable boat crew, who they say are helpful and patient. They did warn, however, that tours can often get crowded, so be prepared to navigate your ocean adventure with other tourists, or opt for one of the morning tours. Travelers also suggest packing things like reef-safe sunscreen and a waterproof camera. 

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Valley Church Beach Valley Church Beach free

Just south of Jolly Harbour on the island's west coast, you'll find the serene waters and soft sands of Valley Church, and maybe even some dolphins, according to recent visitors. The natural beauty of the palm tree-lined beach is a pleasant contrast to the buzz from the nearby casino and restaurants. Despite the calmness, the water is not very clear; snorkeling is better saved for other beaches like those at Hawksbill or Galley Bay .

Local vendors stroll along the shore and personal watercraft are available for rent, but most recent visitors agreed this beach is best for lounging. And though reviewers described it as "idyllic," they also warned that the beach attracts large crowds of cruise ship passengers every day between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Time your visit for before or after to avoid the rush.

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Half Moon Bay Half Moon Bay free

U.S. News Insider Tip: Just steps away from Half Moon Bay, head to Smiling Harry’s and enjoy some authentic Antiguan cuisine, including curry goat and grilled fish. – Kristin Braswell

You'll have to put a little effort into visiting one of the most breathtaking beaches of Antigua, as easternmost Half Moon Bay is far away from just about everything, but recent visitors promised it's well worth it. The trek has its advantages, though, namely fewer beachgoers to distract from the charm. Windsurfers will appreciate the sizable waves toward the beach's center, while snorkelers can find calm waters near the edges. For those looking for a place to relax, the soft white sand at Half Moon Bay offers a comfortable viewpoint to enjoy the vast seascape.

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Galley Bay Beach Galley Bay Beach free

U.S. News Insider Tip: If you have your own car, take a 15-minute drive from Galley Bay to Redcliffe Quay and order a glass of South African wine at C&C Wine House, located in a quaint courtyard near a collection of boutique shops. – Kristin Braswell

Galley Bay Beach on the northwest coast of the island has some of the best surfing waves in Antigua. Plus, it's a must-see for animal lovers. Sea turtles often leave their eggs here to nest (several times a year, but most frequently in summer). Bring your camera and plan a nighttime visit: You just might see the baby turtles hatch. If daytime is more your thing, get your snorkeling gear ready and grab a glimpse of Galley's underwater wildlife.

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Hawksbill Beaches Hawksbill Beaches free

The four secluded Hawksbill beaches – Royal Palm Beach, Sea Grape Beach, Honeymoon Cove and the clothing-optional Eden Beach – are technically on the property of the Hawksbill Resort Antigua, but they're open for all tourists to enjoy. You'll want to visit Hawksbill if you're looking for more peace and quiet than Dickenson Bay can offer or calmer waves than you'll find at Half Moon Bay .

There's ample parking at the hotel and it's just a short, 10-minute walk down to the four Hawksbill beaches; you'll know you're in the right spot when you see the peculiar-shaped rock jutting from the water, which resembles a hawksbill turtle. It's this formation that gives the bay its name. 

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Round-Trip Transfer between Antigua Airport and Antigua Hotels

(60 reviews)

from $ 32.00

Scenic Full Day Tour of Antigua

Scenic Full Day Tour of Antigua

(262 reviews)

from $ 141.53

Turtle Beach Power Snorkeling Adventure

Turtle Beach Power Snorkeling Adventure

(391 reviews)

from $ 117.49

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Dow’s Hill Interpretation Centre Dow’s Hill Interpretation Centre

For some of the best views on the island, head up to the Dow’s Hill Interpretation Centre, which overlooks English Harbour. Thanks to its hilltop perch, which affords panoramic views that stretch toward both mountain and ocean, it’s a popular site for weddings. An on-site museum provides an in-depth look at Antigua’s history, from colonization and slavery all the way up to the present day, via a multimedia show called “Reflections of the Sun.” Recent travelers note this presentation is an informative, engaging way to learn more about the island. There is also a cafe and gift shop on the grounds. 

For another educational activity, check out “Rum in the Ruins,” a weekly historical and archaeological conversation held every Friday at 5 p.m. Led by park officials who specialize in heritage research, the presentation takes visitors through a history of human life on the island, as well as the integral role of sugar and rum in shaping the island’s economy and society. The topic of the discussion changes each week, but a planter’s punch rum cocktail is always included. Reservations are required in advance, and tickets cost $25, inclusive of two drinks.  

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Friday Fish Fry at English Harbour Friday Fish Fry at English Harbour

When the weekend begins, head to the south shore of the island to the lively English Harbour. Every Friday night beginning at around 6:30 p.m., hungry residents and visitors make their way to the historic Copper & Lumber Store Hotel for a seafood buffet that includes plates of grilled lobster, coconut shrimp and conch fritters. The atmosphere is casual and conversation flows easily. Vendors sell a number of cocktails, Caribbean music, including calypso and reggae, fill the air, and the sound of steel pan drums or a live DJ inevitably inspires some dancing. 

Travelers recommend venturing to the hotel’s deck, where you can view some of the mega-yachts that Antigua is known for. 

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Devil's Bridge Devil's Bridge free

Millions of years of reef formation amount to this: Devil's Bridge. The natural limestone arch located in eastern Antigua – near Indian Town Point in the Saint Philip Parish – has sustained the crash of ocean waves for hundreds of years to form the distinct shape it is today. At the meeting point of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea, this natural wonder leaves an impression on sightseers.

The limestone can get very slippery when wet and walking across the bridge is not advised. The bridge is also surrounded by blowholes (natural sea caves that blast sea water and air during certain weather conditions). Experts warn that those blowhole blasts can be dangerous, especially on windy days. This isn't the best outing for young kids. Know, too, that you're not allowed to swim near the bridge.

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Donkey Sanctuary Donkey Sanctuary free

First established in 1991 by the Antigua & Barbuda Humane Society, this sanctuary shelters more than 150 donkeys. The nonprofit organization was created to provide a safe environment for the island’s neglected and injured donkeys. Upon arrival, visitors are given a brush to stroke the donkey’s hair. You can also adopt one of the social animals for approximately $30; this fee helps provide food and covers some veterinary fees. 

Recent visitors appreciate the care that the donkeys are given at the sanctuary and enjoyed being able to leave a donation, as many of the animals were formerly mistreated. They also suggest planning to visit for about an hour. There are a number of dogs and cats on the grounds too, as well as a gift shop that sells souvenirs like T-shirts and cookbooks.  

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Museum of Antigua and Barbuda Museum of Antigua and Barbuda

Small, but packed with information, the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda takes a look at the history of the islands, with exhibits displaying everything from pottery to pre-Colombian and historical artifacts. Located in the former St. John's Courthouse, which was built in 1750 and is believed to be the oldest building in town, the museum is described by recent travelers as informative and worth a visit. On the main floor, exhibits include information on the geological formation of the islands, the Amerindian peoples and cultures who inhabited the island prior to European settlement and recent Antiguan cultural practices and icons. Upstairs in the library, visitors will see faunal remains, metal objects, texts, maps and photographs.

The museum, located in St. John Parish, is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is a small admission fee. There is also a small gift shop with locally made crafts. For more information, visit the museum's website .

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Stingray City Experience Antigua - ONLY TICKET

(23 reviews)

from $ 89.90

Antigua Round Island Tour

Antigua Round Island Tour

(81 reviews)

from $ 85.21

Private Snorkeling and Sightseeing Tour of Antigua

Private Snorkeling and Sightseeing Tour of Antigua

(122 reviews)

from $ 125.00

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Betty's Hope Betty's Hope

Established in the mid-17th century and named after the daughter of one of its former owners, Betty's Hope was one of the first and largest sugar plantations on the island. It's no longer a working mill, but it illustrates Antigua's role in British colonial history, including the country's reliance on the system of slavery.

The main mill has been restored with new sails and crushing machinery, while most of the other buildings on the former plantation remain in ruins. You can get a better feel for what the grounds used to look like by making a stop in the former cotton house store room on-site, which is now a visitor center and small museum. The museum helps detail the horrific stories of the more than 400 enslaved people who were forced to work at the mill during its most prosperous production years; however, the museum leaves some visitors itching for even more information. Reviewers recommended visiting Betty's Hope with a local guide as part of a larger tour of the island, saying you'll enjoy a broader historical context than if you stopped by on your own.

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16 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Antigua and Barbuda

Written by Karen Hastings Updated Apr 14, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Antigua and Barbuda boast some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean . Antigua proudly proclaims it has "a beach for every day of the year," and Barbuda, Antigua's sleepy sister island, is also blessed with some pristine stretches of pink-tinged sand sprinkled with chic resorts.

Morris Bay, Antigua

Antigua draws the majority of visitors and has a plentiful selection of beautiful resorts. Many tourists arrive at the cruise ship port in the colorful capital of St. John's, where shopping, museums, and historic buildings are the prime attractions. Animal lovers can swim with friendly stingrays.

Peaceful Barbuda has less than two percent of the islands' combined population. Seclusion seekers and nature lovers cherish the tranquility, while birders love the fabled frigate sanctuary.

Water sports abound on both islands; diving, swimming, fishing, sailing, and windsurfing are all popular things to do, and golfers will find a couple of scenic courses on Antigua.

Plan your perfect Caribbean getaway with our list of the top tourist attractions and places to visit in Antigua and Barbuda.

1. Shirley Heights Lookout, Antigua

2. stingray city, antigua, 3. nelson's dockyard national park, antigua, 4. valley church beach, antigua, 5. devil's bridge: indian town national park, antigua, 6. betty's hope, antigua, 7. half moon bay, antigua, 8. darkwood beach, antigua, 9. dickenson bay, antigua, 10. museum of antigua and barbuda, antigua, 11. st. john's, antigua, 12. frigate bird sanctuary, barbuda, 13. fig tree drive, antigua, 14. 17 mile beach, barbuda, 15. martello tower, barbuda, 16. darby cave, barbuda.

Shirley Heights Lookout

The best view of Antigua is from Shirley Heights Lookout , which towers above the island's southernmost point. A former military lookout, this picturesque attraction lies 490 feet above sea level, rewarding tourists with panoramic vistas of the "best view in Antigua." Both English and Falmouth Harbors can be glimpsed below.

This is also home to a restored gun battery, guardhouse, parade grounds, officers' quarters, and other interesting reminders of the area's past. The restaurant is a real draw for those who enjoy the taste of fresh local dishes while being serenaded by steel drum music.

If you're looking for romance during your couples' vacation, head here before dusk. This is the best place to watch a sunset .

Visiting Shirley Heights Lookout on a Sunday evening is one of the best things to do in Antigua, especially for families. Live music, fabulous food, and endless fun help locals and tourists welcome the new week ahead from 4pm to 10pm. It's so popular that they've added Reggae Heights, a dinner and music event on Thursday afternoons.

Address: English Harbour, Antigua

Stingray City

If you have a lifelong fear of stingrays, this fun face-to-face adventure should banish those fears forever.

A five-minute speedboat ride off the island's east coast, Stingray City is a shallow pool with a sandy bottom amid a tropical reef, where hundreds of friendly southern stingrays glide through the crystal-clear waters waiting to be fed by visitors. The trip to Stingray City is one of the most popular things to do in Antigua.

Depending on your comfort level, you can stand, swim, or snorkel with stingrays , and after your encounter, you can explore the surrounding coral reefs. Feeling their smooth, satiny bodies brush against your skin is a highlight of this exhilarating adventure.

Be sure to bring the kids along for this adventure, as this is one of the best attractions for families .

Historic building in Nelson's Dockyard National Park

Nelson's Dockyard National Park , in English Harbour, is a hot spot for tourists, packed with multiple attractions. Its main claim to fame is that it remains the only continuously operating Georgian dockyard in the world — it's home to Antigua's former 18th-century British Naval Dockyard, which was inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List in July, 2016.

During a visit, you can learn more about the dockyard's rich history at The Dockyard Museum in the former Admiral's House Museum . But you can also soak up the ambience by wandering around all the beautifully restored stone warehouses, which contrast strikingly with the glitzy superyachts in the marina. Most of these old buildings are now home to hotels, restaurants, shops, and galleries.

If you want to explore a little further afield, the area is also home to some of the island's best nature trails, which lead to historic forts with panoramic views. Perched on the hilltop at Shirley Heights, Fort Shirley , offers the best vistas (bring your camera), and you can also hike to Fort Berkeley , at the west entrance to the harbor.

The park is also home to 18th-century Clarence House , originally built for the future King William IV, and you can watch a fascinating multimedia presentation on the island's history at the Dow's Hill Interpretation Centre , along the Lookout Trail near Shirley Heights.

Valley Church Beach

It's easy to see why Valley Church Beach is deemed one of the best places to visit in Antigua. Based on the edge of Jolly Harbour on Antigua's southwest coast, this fab beach boasts everything you'd hope for in a dream beach vacation: sugar-white sand, turquoise waves, and tall palm trees whose leaves provide much-needed shade on hot afternoons.

Tourists love to swim in the warm and crystalline sea, lounge on the sand, or enjoy a meal at one of the beachside restaurants . Restrooms, as well as chair and umbrella rentals, are available on-site, making it easy to spend an entire day here.

Add some romance to your couples' beach vacation by visiting at a quieter, off-peak time. You can avoid the cruise ship clientele by arriving early in the day (ideally before 11am) or after 4pm.

Devil's Bridge

Along the rugged northeast coast, the dramatic scenery of Indian Town National Park features the natural limestone Devil's Bridge, sculpted over the centuries by the pounding surf. At high tide, waves force geysers of water through blowholes in the nearby rock.

The park also offers some rewarding hikes and excellent birding . More than 36 avian species roost in the park among the acacia trees, and the eastern point of the park is believed to have been an Arawak campsite.

Be careful if you're traveling as a family, as there are no safeguards set up in this locale. You'll have to hold on tightly to your children's hands.

You should expect to spend about 30 minutes admiring the view and wandering around this small but captivating point of interest.

Location: Northeast shore, Antigua

Betty's Hope

History buffs will drool over a visit to Betty's Hope. A former sugar plantation, this attraction is peppered with ruins that date to the mid 1600s .

These include a set of two stone windmills, one of which has been fully restored to its sugar mill state, with updated sails. This was once the largest sugar plantation on the island, and visitors will be amazed by the sheer size of some of the remaining structures.

Today, these buildings and their accompanying museum stand as monuments honoring the hundreds of slaves who worked here prior to their emancipation. A visit will enlighten tourists about the area's colonial past.

The museum, which is housed in the former cotton house storeroom, is interesting and worthy of a visit. It lies atop a hill, just outside Pares Village.

Note: The museum is closed Sundays.

Address: Pares Village, St. Peter's, Antigua

Half Moon Bay

At the southeastern end of Antigua, Half Moon Bay is fringed by one of the Caribbean's most beautiful beaches. Protected by a reef, this idyllic crescent of fine white sand and azure sea resembles a crescent moon, hence its name.

The beach is backed by natural foliage and offers excellent snorkeling on calm days , making it a great spot for families. That said, when the wind is up, the surf can be rough, so keep hold of children.

This pretty area boasts 132 acres of oceanfront and 3,200 feet of soft, white sand, not to mention a lush national park. A small restaurant serves snacks just off the beach, and you can rent chairs and umbrellas here, too.

Note that the beach is difficult to find, so a GPS will come in handy. Its secluded status means you won't have to share the beach with too many tourists, adding to its relaxing and romantic allure. Leave before sunset to ensure you can return to your hotel safely.

Darkwood Beach

If you're hoping to spend an entire day by the shore, we've found the perfect place to visit: Darkwood Beach. It's one of the largest beaches on Antigua's southwest coast, and the soft tan sand and offshore coral reef make this one of the most sought-after beaches, too.

There is plenty of room to stretch out for a day, as well as a restaurant serving up refreshing drinks and tasty meals. Sun loungers and umbrellas can also be rented on-site. If you're expecting to eat quickly, don't. This is the Caribbean after all; things happen at a more relaxed pace.

Kids will love the inflatables course in the water , as well as the multitude of sea creatures on show while snorkeling close to shore. Couples will enjoy the peaceful environment and silky soft sand. Arrive in the morning, and you'll have the beach pretty much to yourselves.

Insider's tip: Weekends tend to get busier, with locals vying for a spot on this idyllic beach, so if you're looking for a quieter, more romantic experience, visit during the week.

Dickenson Bay, Antigua

In the far northwest of Antigua, Dickenson Bay is one of the most popular and beautiful beaches in Antigua. You'll find everything you need here for a relaxing — or invigorating — day by the sea.

Resorts and restaurants line this mile-long stretch of powdery white sand, and you can try your hand at a full range of water sports . Protected by an offshore reef, the bay is great for swimming, and you'll find activity booths along the sand renting everything you need for other aquatic activities, including jet skiing , snorkeling , and kayaking . The bay is also the hub for Antigua's windsurfing scene.

If you just want to stake a spot on the sand and stare out at the mesmerizing blue sea, you can rent sun loungers and umbrellas . Dickenson Bay is also home to the iconic red phone booth, which features in many a tourist's Instagram photo op.

After a day in the sun, you can feast on fresh seafood at one of the restaurants overlooking the beach or book a relaxing massage along the shore.

Dickenson Bay is also home to some of the island's most popular resorts, including Sandals Grande Antigua Resort & Spa and Siboney Beach Club .

Museum of Antigua and Barbuda

The Museum of Antigua and Barbuda is a great place to visit to get a feel for the history of these beautiful islands.

You don't need much time here. The exhibits are all contained in one room, and they cover topics such as the island's geological origins, colonial history, slavery, archeology, sports, and political independence in 1981.

Highlights include a full-scale replica of an Arawak dwelling, as well as pottery, weaving, tools, and exhibits on the islands' different ecosystems. The museum is located in the former 18th-century Courthouse in St. John's.

Address: Long Street, St. John's, Antigua

St. John's, Antigua

St. John's, the capital city and cruise ship port of Antigua and Barbuda, is a kaleidoscope of candy-hued colonial cottages and market stalls piled high with tropical fruits and flowers.

Looming above the skyline are the white neo-Baroque towers of St. John's Cathedral , one of the city's most distinctive buildings. It is currently undergoing a thorough restoration.

For an overview of the island's history, head to the petite Museum of Antigua and Barbuda in the 18th-century former Court House, and to soak up more stories from Antigua's past, take a stroll around Betty's Hope , the 17th-century ruins of the island's largest sugar plantation. A small museum here highlights the lives of the slaves who built it.

Since the capital is a popular cruise ship stop, it's no surprise that shopping is one of the most popular things to do in St. John's, Antigua. Duty-free shops abound at Heritage Quay , souvenir stalls beckon from touristy Redcliffe Quay , and the lively harborside public markets are the place to be on Fridays and Saturdays.

For beautiful city and harbor views hike the steep trail to Fort Barrington , built to protect St. John's from the French.

Frigate Bird Sanctuary, Barbuda

Barbuda's Frigate Bird Sanctuary is a haven for birders. Accessible only by boat, the bird sanctuary lies in Barbuda's northwest lagoon and is home to one of the largest nesting colonies of frigate birds in the Caribbean.

These large sea birds are known for their bright red gullets and one-and-a-half-meter wingspan. The reserve also attracts about 150 other species of birds such as herons, cormorants, and pelicans.

Fig Tree Drive

Along Antigua's southern coast, Fig Tree Drive winds through rainforest, farmlands, and fishing villages. This picturesque drive offers a glimpse of local life. Banana trees (called "figs" by the locals), mango trees, and coconut palms dot the landscape, as well as the ruins of sugar mills. Look for the roadside stands selling fresh-picked fruit — especially the super juicy pineapples.

Along the route, the Fig Tree Studio Art Gallery sells vibrant local art, and if you're looking for something more active, stop by Antigua Rainforest Zipline Tours for an exhilarating canopy tour.

17 Mile Beach, Barbuda

Those who lay eyes on Barbuda's 17 Mile Beach, will probably never see a more ravishing stretch of coast. Lapped by pale aqua seas, this stunning stretch of pink-tinged sand separates the Barbuda lagoon from the Caribbean Sea and impresses even the most jaded of beach connoisseurs.

Strolling along these sublime shores is one of the most popular things to do in Barbuda. The sand here is soft as flour, and its remote location means you can walk for miles and not see another soul.

Getting to 17 Mile Beach: You can either access the beach by boat, or if you prefer a bird's-eye view, fly over it in a helicopter. Tours often include a delicious lunch on the beach. You can also combine a visit here with a stop at a nearby frigate bird colony. Both these attractions are popular Antigua day trips.

Insider's Tip: This beach has no facilities — and no shade — so if you're not on an organized tour, you should bring your own food and water, as well as plenty of sun protection.

Martello Tower

The 17-meter-high Martello Tower is the tallest building in Barbuda and an important landmark on the island. The British constructed these defensive buildings all over the British Empire, and this particular structure is thought to be the oldest of its kind in the Caribbean.

The tower lies on the beach at River, a few miles south of the village, and was built by the British in the early 19th century on the site of a previous fort that was probably constructed by the Spanish.

In 2017, the tower's strength was tested, when Hurricane Irma walloped the island, destroying 90 percent of Barbuda's structures. The Martello Tower was one of the few left standing.

Today, the thick stone walls and gun platform of this small defensive fort are mostly intact, and the ruins are attached to the remains of the previous fort. You can't climb the tower, but you can scale the back section and soak up sweeping views along the coast.

Darby Cave, caused by dissolution of the limestone, is one of Barbuda's most intriguing natural features. Although it is often described as a cave, the site is actually a sinkhole more than 100 meters in diameter.

In contrast to the dry surrounding brush, the lush vegetation flourishing inside resembles a rain forest, with ferns, tall palmetto palms, and thick lianas lacing around the tree trunks. Many birds can be spotted amid the foliage. Dripping water has also created stalagmites under the overhang.

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Antigua and Barbuda

Travel Advisory July 17, 2023

Antigua and barbuda - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Exercise normal precautions in Antigua and Barbuda.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Antigua and Barbuda.

If you decide to travel to Antigua and Barbuda:

  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the Country Security Report for Barbados, which covers Antigua and Barbuda.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel. 

Embassy Messages

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Quick Facts

180 days following your departure date.

1 page required for entry stamp.

No, but see entry-exit requirements below.

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Bridgetown   Wildey Business Park   St. Michael BB 14006  Barbados, W.I.  Telephone:  +(246) 227-4000  Email:   [email protected]

Consular Agency: 


Location: Jasmine Court, Suite #2, Friars Hill Rd. St. John’s, Antigua  Mailing Address:  P.O. Box W-1562, St. John, Antigua  Telephone:  (268) 463-6531 (office), (268)726-6531 (cellular)  Hours:  Mondays and Fridays – 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon; Wednesdays – 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.  An appointment is required. 

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Passports and visa:  U.S. citizens must have a U.S. passport that is valid for 180 days following your departure date. No visa is required if you have an onward or return ticket, confirmation of accommodation, and can produce evidence of your ability to maintain yourself. Passport cards are not accepted. NOTE:  Generally, all U.S. citizens are required to present a valid U.S. passport when traveling to Antigua and Barbuda, as well as proof of anticipated departure from the country. This includes travelers arriving by airplane and by private sea-going vessel. Those traveling to Antigua and Barbuda on a cruise may use another Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) compliant document. However, we strongly recommend visitors obtain a passport before travel in case of an unforeseen emergency that requires a cruise passenger to disembark and return by air. HIV/AIDS: The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Antigua and Barbuda.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction  and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

Crime:  U.S. citizens are not specifically targeted for crime in the Eastern Caribbean islands. However, crimes of opportunity such as petty larceny, burglary, automobile break-ins; as well as incidents of violent crime, such as murder, sexual assault, robbery, shootings, and drug related crimes do occasionally occur. As you would in any major metropolitan area of the United States, use the below personnel security measures while traveling:

  • Do not leave valuables unattended in public areas, on beaches, unsecured in hotel rooms, or in rental homes
  • Avoid walking alone, especially at night, on beaches, and in isolated or poorly lit locations
  • Go out in groups or with a companion and limit nighttime activities to established safe and reputable venues
  • Use only clearly marked taxis and avoid rides with strangers
  • Stick to well-lit and well-traveled routes
  • Avoid displaying flashy jewelry, expensive electronics, and large amounts of cash
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you see something suspicious or unusual contact local police to report immediately
  • Use added caution when shopping in crowded areas, especially during the holiday season
  • Use added caution when attending crowded events, celebrations, music festivals, etc
  • Do not leave drinks unattended in public venues as this could create a potential vulnerability for the use of “date rape” drugs in furtherance of criminal activity
  • Do not be predictable; vary your daily routes and schedules
  • Do not engage in illegal activity
  • For boaters: Be wary of unfamiliar persons or crafts approaching your boat, whether at anchor or at sea.

Firearms:  Do not enter Antigua and Barbuda with firearms or ammunition without prior express consent from the Antigua and Barbuda government. Please contact the  Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda  with questions regarding travel with firearms. 

Victims of Crime:  Report crimes to the local police at 911 or 999 and contact the U.S. Embassy at (246) 227-4000.

Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information on scams. We can:

  • help you find appropriate medical care
  • assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • explain the local criminal justice process in general terms
  • provide a list of local attorneys
  • provide our information on  victim’s compensation programs in the United States
  • provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • replace a stolen or lost passport

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance at (246) 227-4000.

Watersports Advisory:  Carefully assess the potential risks of recreational water activities and consider your physical capabilities and skills. Never venture out alone, particularly at isolated beaches or far out to sea. Avoid entering the water above your waist if you have been drinking and always be mindful of jet ski and boat traffic in the area. 

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, hospitals are able provide urgent medical treatment, though very serious injuries often require medical evacuation. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance.

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned.

Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs or firearms are severe. Convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our  webpage  for further information. Firearms:  Do not enter Antigua and Barbuda with firearms or ammunition without prior express consent from the Antigua and Barbuda government. Please contact the  Embassy of Antigua and Barbuda  with questions regarding travel with firearms. Faith-Based Travelers:  See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTI Travelers:  Consensual same-sex sexual activity between adult men is illegal under indecency statutes and carries a maximum penalty of 15 years. Local law does not extend spousal rights or privileges to LGBTI individuals married outside of Antigua and Barbuda. 

See our  LGBTI Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance:  Access to buildings, pedestrian paths, and transportation is extremely difficult for persons with mobility issues. Sidewalks (if they exist) are very uneven and will only occasionally have ramps or curb cuts at intersections. Pedestrian crossings are also very infrequent and can be poorly marked. Buses and taxis do not have special accommodations.

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips . Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travel ers .

Medical facilities in Antigua and Barbuda do not meet U.S. standards. There is no hyperbaric chamber, and divers requiring treatment for decompression illness must be evacuated from the island.

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare and Medicaid programs do not apply overseas. Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation. If traveling with prescription medication, check with the  government of Antigua and Barbuda  to ensure the medication is legal in Antigua and Barbuda. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription. 

The following diseases are present:

  • Chikungunya

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Be extremely careful when driving, riding in a vehicle, or crossing roads on foot. Major roads are in average to poor condition, and you may encounter wandering animals and slow moving heavy equipment. Drivers often stop in the middle of the roadway without warning. Always maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you and watch for signs of sudden braking. Automobiles may lack working safety and signaling devices. Please refer to our  Road Safety page  for more information.

Traffic Laws:  Driving is on the left-hand side of the road. There is relatively little police enforcement of traffic regulations. Public Transportation:  Buses and vans are frequently crowded and may travel at excessive speeds. Make certain that taxi drivers are licensed and are members of the official taxi association. Unlicensed taxi operators have been known to extort money from passengers, despite having agreed to a fare beforehand. This can sometimes amount to double or triple the agreed-upon fare.

See our  Road Safety page  for more information. Aviation Safety Oversight:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Antigua and Barbuda’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Antigua and Barbuda’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Antigua and Barbuda should also check for  U.S. maritime advisories and alerts . Information may also be posted to the  U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the  NGA broadcast warning s .

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Antigua and Barbuda . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA )  report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, antigua and barbuda map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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Caribbean National Weekly

Antigua and Barbuda are set to enhance their tourism sector significantly with the introduction of Sunrise Airways to the nation’s aviation scene. 

This strategic move is expected to play a crucial role in promoting regional travel and supporting upcoming local events.

Enhancing inter-island connectivity

The importance of improved inter-island connectivity cannot be overstated for Antigua and Barbuda, especially as the islands prepare to host prestigious events such as the Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States and the ICC T20 World Cup. 

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Speaking with Loop News, Collin James, CEO of the Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority, highlighted the ease of travel that comes with adequate airlifts, which are essential for facilitating the influx of regional visitors.

Strategic airlifts to support marketing efforts

The integration of new flight routes from St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Barbados, and Trinidad into Antigua and Barbuda’s itinerary is a calculated move to bolster the islands’ marketing activities. 

For instance, the upcoming Carnival and other promotional events like road shows across Trinidad malls are anticipated to benefit significantly from these new connections, ensuring that the message of Antigua and Barbuda’s rich cultural offerings reaches a broader audience.

Launch of Sunrise Airways’ new service

On May 25, Sunrise Airways commenced a new service within the Eastern Caribbean, linking Dominica, Antigua, St. Kitts, and St. Lucia.

Operating six days a week, this service excludes Tuesdays and employs a 30-seat Embraer EMB 120, underlining the Haiti-based airline’s commitment to facilitating travel in the region.

This expansion by Sunrise Airways is more than just an increase in flight options; it represents a pivotal support to the local tourism authority’s efforts in marketing and partnerships, aiming to attract more visitors to the shores of Antigua and Barbuda.

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Caribbean National Weekly

8 Reasons Why The Dry Season Is The Best Time To Visit Antigua

This is the best time to visit Antigua and the top reasons for travelers to go abroad and explore this destination.

Sarah Rand • May 31, 2024

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Antigua is one of two major islands. Both of the islands make up the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda . Antigua has a lively culture and extensive natural beauty, which has caused it to gain popularity as a tourist destination. The island is versatile and travelers will likely be able to enjoy many different pursuits. Travelers can party, get active, sightsee, lounge at the beach, and learn about the island’s culture during their visit. The best time to visit Antigua is during the dry season since the island has so much to offer during that time. 

Average Temperature This Time of Year

  • 70-85 Degrees F


The weather in Antigua is enjoyable during the dry season. Antigua has a tropical climate nearly year-round, so travelers do not have to worry about fickle temperatures during their visit. The relatively cool temperatures of the dry season make it the best time to visit Antigua. Expect warm temperatures that are not too overwhelming. The season also has lower levels of precipitation so travelers can enjoy outdoor activities without being rained out.

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Travel Tip : The dry season in Antigua runs from December to around May, but it is also the high tourist season.  If travelers want to save money, they should visit in May. 


Due to the pretty consistent tropical climate in Antigua, visiting the beach is a great way for travelers to spend their time. Antigua is known for its ample beaches, with 365 of them across the island. Those beaches have either white or pink sand. The various beaches of Antigua have coral reefs. Travelers can enjoy the beaches of the island much more during the dry season due to the weather. The waters of the Caribbean are typically warm and calm during the dry season, which is a great benefit for beachgoers. 

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Travel Tip : Since the dry season has ideal weather, travelers may experience some crowds during that time. For more lush greenery travelers should visit at the beginning of the dry season. 

There are events throughout the dry season for travelers including unique festivals that provide intriguing experiences for travelers. Antigua has a kite festival which is a colorful and interactive event that happens between late March and early April. The kite festival is often attended by children but people of all ages are welcome. Travelers can make traditional homemade kites soar on sunny and warm days during the dry season. 

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Travel Tip : Antigua’s kite festival is an international event that travelers do not have to make reservations for. Kite flying on the beach is a great way for travelers to relax and meet locals. 

Antigua and Barbuda Art Week 

The art culture of Antigua is thriving. That creative aspect of the island is clear since it even has a week where travelers can celebrate art. The appreciation week usually is held during a week in both November and December. The Antigua Art Week celebrates many different mediums of art. Travelers can enjoy and create music, dance, film, and paintings during the celebration. Other art forms that are highlighted during this week include sculptors, poets, and more. This event is a great opportunity for travelers to discover local artists and the art culture of Antigua. 

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Travel Tip : Each day of the art appreciation week in Antigua travelers will have a chance to take interactive tours, view intriguing creative projects, and maybe even network with an international group of artists. 


Travelers who enjoy boat activities will see why the dry season is the best time to visit Antigua for sailing. The thrill of sailing season runs from November to April in Antigua with boat tours that lead up to scuba diving, snorkeling, and swimming opportunities. There is also a yacht show and sailing week in Antigua during the dry season. The Antigua Charter Yacht Show is typically held in December while Antigua Sailing Week is in late April to early May.

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Travel Tip : During the dry season, travelers who appreciate a sailing experience will notice favorable winds. Since there are cool night temperatures, travelers should wear light layers.

Travelers can progress in their wellness journey during their trip to Antigua. Since the dry season has very pleasant weather, travelers can expect to spend their trip in total relaxation. The wellness experiences available to travelers around the island make Antigua a great place to have a self-care experience. The Antigua and Barbuda Wellness Month is typically held in January. During this month, visitors are encouraged to create balanced lifestyles and enhance their quality of life. Travelers can enjoy spa experiences, hike trails , and take part in wellness retreats and yoga excursions during the wellness month. 

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Travel Tip : Massage oils are a way for travelers to improve spa treatments during the wellness week in Antigua. 

Historic Sites

Although travelers often visit Antigua just for the tropical weather, there are sites that travelers may be interested in exploring during their visit. For travelers who are history buffs, visiting a historic site may be the perfect interactive activity during their stay in Antigua. Travelers can opt to take historical tours or walk the streets of Antigua with a sense of curiosity.  Some of the most popular historic sites in Antigua include national parks and places like Shirley Heights and Heritage Quay. Travelers with an interest in history and nature would be wise to visit Antigua during the dry season. 

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Travel Tip : Travelers should try to visit the amazing Fort James historical site in Antigua during their dry season visit. 

A Natural Paradise 

The natural beauty of Antigua makes visiting a no-brainer. The local wildlife of Antigua is typically the main event for travelers, but nature is also an appealing feature. Some of the more popular aspects of nature on the island include coral reef ecosystems, extensive wetlands, and more. The island has a pretty laid-back ambiance as well, so travelers can thoroughly appreciate the nature that surrounds them. With warm temperatures and cloudy skies in the dry season, it is no surprise that the season is the best time to visit Antigua. 

Antigua is a natural paradise, espeically in the dry season. Pictured: Antigua

Travel Tip : Travelers who are visiting Antigua to enjoy the natural paradise can wake up earlier than usual so that they can catch a beach sunrise. It is one of the most precious moments travelers may have. 

Overall, Antigua is a cultured and interesting place for travelers to visit. The calm ambiance, weather, and many cultural events throughout the dry season make it an appealing time to get to know the land and locals. Travelers should enjoy the photo-friendly island with much to offer during the best time to visit Antigua.  

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Hyatt Is Opening Its First Caribbean “Centric” Hotel in Puerto Rico 

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Sunrise Airways Just Launched Its First Flights to St Kitts, Antigua and Dominica  

Sunrise Airways has officially embarked on its Eastern Caribbean expansion. 

The newly-reinvigorated regional carrier began its new flights to Antigua, St Kitts and Dominica this weekend. 

The new routes are part of a broader push in the intra-regional market, operated on Embraer 120 twin-prop service. 

beach with blue water and white sand

The new flights help fill the void left by the departure of longtime regional airline LIAT. 

But Sunrise Airways is not alone. More and more airlines are starting to get into the intra-regional market, including Turk and Caicos’ InterCaribbean and, perhaps most notably, both Frontier Airlines and JetBlue, which have begun adding routes around the region out of San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

To learn more, visit Sunrise Airways. 

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There are different resorts for different vacations, different tastes, different moods. For some, there’s something delicious about a pint-sized, tiny Caribbean resort, where the emphasis is on the intimate, the serene. Where the soundtrack isn’t a piped-in DJ set, but […]

Curacao Travel Is Booming, With More Hotels, Added Flights and a New Energy 

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The colorful streets of Willemstad; the floating bridge; the all-day party at Mambo Beach; the endless possibilities at Jan Thiel. Curacao has always been one of the most diverse places to visit in the region. Now, travelers have finally started […]

stage with performers

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Grammy-winning superstar Mary J. Blige has joined the lineup for the upcoming St Kitts Music Festival.  The “Family Affair” singer will add serious star power to a slate of stars that already includes Rick Ross, Small Axe Band, Freddie Jackson, […]

Cancun, Punta Cana and Now Antigua. Royalton CHIC Just Opened Its Newest Resort.  

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The Caribbean’s Most Exciting New Rooftop Bar Is In Antigua 

antigua rooftop

Sipping on an ice-cold Negroni on a warm Caribbean afternoon, peering out at the super yachts in the Caribbean Sea, a DJ set bumping in the background. This is precisely the purpose of the Caribbean’s newest (and most exciting) rooftop […]

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  1. Antigua and Barbuda in Pictures: 18 Beautiful Places to Photograph

    visit antigua and barbuda

  2. Antigua and Barbuda Travel Guide

    visit antigua and barbuda

  3. 16 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Antigua and Barbuda

    visit antigua and barbuda

  4. 11 Best Things to Do in Antigua

    visit antigua and barbuda

  5. Tailor-made Antigua and Barbuda holidays 2024/2025

    visit antigua and barbuda

  6. 5 Reasons to Visit Antigua and Barbuda This Summer

    visit antigua and barbuda


  1. Visit Antigua & Barbuda

    Welcome to our twin-island paradise. Antigua's shoreline is washed almost exclusively by the Caribbean Sea and is hugged by 95 miles of superb coastline. Her sister Barbuda, is surrounded by protective reefs and features a large lagoon and Frigate Bird sanctuary. The islands are best known for their friendly and welcoming people, pink and ...

  2. Antigua and Barbuda / Homepage

    The official website of the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Tourism, containing a full guide to the islands: location, climate, history, culture, events, transportation, accommodation, restaurants.

  3. Antigua & Barbuda travel

    Antigua & Barbuda. Caribbean. Antigua's corrugated coasts cradle hundreds of perfect little coves lapped by beguiling enamel-blue water, while the sheltered bays have provided refuge for everyone from Admiral Nelson to buccaneers and yachties. If you can tear yourself away from that towel, you'll discover that there's a distinct English ...

  4. Things To Do

    Barbuda's four-day Caribana Festival is also an opportunity to immerse oneself in the local culture and savour a lively atmosphere filled with music, food, and entertainment. Speak to a local tour operator for more information on their range of activities. Excursion/Tour Operators. Levi John. 1-268-788-5378.

  5. Ultimate Antigua & Barbuda Travel Guide

    3. Best time to visit Antigua. Rainy season in Antigua and Barbuda is from June till November. September and October is the unpredictable hurricane season. If are traveling to Antigua on a budget this is the best time of year though as prices are significantly lower.

  6. Visit Antigua & Barbuda

    Antigua, the larger island comprising the twin-island destination of Antigua and Barbuda, is known for its rich history and a multitude of activities to keep you busy. Whether you are looking to relax on the beach or explore the island's culture, there's something for everyone. Here are ten activities to choose from when you visit Antigua.

  7. Latest Travel Advisory

    The Government of Antigua and Barbuda has updated its travel advisory effective August 29, 2022 to facilitate the smooth movement of passengers to and from the country. Antigua and Barbuda has benefitted from a highly successful strategy of mass vaccinations, quick detection of imported and community-spread infections, and proactive public ...

  8. Tours & Activities

    The Antigua Rainforest Company is located in the heart of the island's Fig Tree Drive rainforest just after the village of John Hughes. We are Antigua's only zip line and rope adventure operators and have been in successful and safe operation for over 10 years. Figtree Drive 1-268-562 6363

  9. Antigua and Barbuda

    edit on Wikidata. Antigua, pronounced "an-tee'-gah", is perhaps the island which most typifies the modern day view of a small Caribbean destination. With few other natural resources, tourism dominates the local economy of both islands. Stunning white sand beaches abound, and on Antigua there is no shortage of attendant high-end resorts.

  10. Trip Planner

    1. Decide the length of your trip. - Select the number of days for your Trip Plan using the slider. The days will be laid out below the slider. 2. Create your Trip Plan. - Using the pulldown menu, select the category of destination you wish to add to your Plan. - Drag destinations to the Day of your choice.

  11. Ultimate Travel Guide for Antigua and Barbuda: Secret Beaches & More

    Take a ferry from St. John's, Antigua to Codrington, Barbuda. The ferry ride takes about 90 minutes each way and runs every day so it's pretty easy to hop on one! Most times depart around 7:30AM and come back from Barbuda around 3:30PM. Number for the Barbuda Expre ss: 1-268-560-7989. Website:

  12. Antigua And Barbuda Travel Guide, According To Locals [2024]

    Best Time to Visit Antigua and Barbuda. The best time to visit Antigua and Barbuda is between December and April, when the skies are perfectly blue, and the waters are calm. They're also the high season of travel and are when resort prices are at their highest. High Season: December - April. Shoulder Season: May - June.

  13. Things to Do in Antigua and Barbuda

    Things to Do in Antigua and Barbuda, Caribbean: See Tripadvisor's 141,895 traveler reviews and photos of Antigua and Barbuda tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in June. We have reviews of the best places to see in Antigua and Barbuda. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  14. 21 Top Things to Do in Antigua and Barbuda

    The Barbuda Belle, a boutique hotel on Barbuda, has been rebuilt and expanded since Hurricane Irma hit in 2017. Photo taken in November 2021. Bathed by cooling trade winds year round, the best time to visit Antigua and Barbuda is between November and April. The rainy season takes place between May and October and it can also be especially windy during the summer.

  15. About Our Islands

    The area of Antigua is 108 square miles, while Barbuda is 62 square miles. The population of the former is approaching 80,000, but the latter is relatively unpopulated at 1,300. Days and nights are refreshingly cooled by the gentle trade winds. Barbuda became separated from Antigua by about 28 miles, when the sea-levels of the world rose ...

  16. 27 Fun Things to Do in Antigua and Barbuda Beyond the Beach

    First, let's explore everything you can do in Antigua in the sea. #1. Embrace the sailing culture. If you're interested in sailing, Antigua is the best Caribbean island to visit. With calm harbors and a steady Atlantic breeze, it offers perfect sailing conditions. It's known as the super yacht capital of the world!

  17. 14 Best Things to Do in Antigua

    14 Best Things to Do in Antigua. Antigua's many beaches are the highlight of any visit to the island. While there are 365 to choose from, some of the most popular include Galley Bay Beach (for ...

  18. 16 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Antigua and Barbuda

    Address: Pares Village, St. Peter's, Antigua. 7. Half Moon Bay, Antigua. Half Moon Bay. At the southeastern end of Antigua, Half Moon Bay is fringed by one of the Caribbean's most beautiful beaches. Protected by a reef, this idyllic crescent of fine white sand and azure sea resembles a crescent moon, hence its name.

  19. 21 Useful Things to Know Before You Visit Antigua

    The Xtreme Circumnavigation (an all-day boat trip around the island) Antigua Buggy Tour. This exceptionally popular catamaran cruise out to nearby uninhabited islands. Eli's Original Eco Tour. Reef Riders Self-Drive Boat and Snorkeling Tour. Nicole's Table (a local cooking class) A two-hour guided jet ski tour.

  20. The 23 best things to do in Antigua And Barbuda

    6. Visit the donkey sanctuary. If you are particularly fond of animals, you might want to check out the Human Society, an animal welfare organization committed to rescuing all the endangered animals of Antigua & Barbuda. They have quite a big population of donkeys which you normally see roaming around the island.

  21. Antigua and Barbuda

    Antigua and Barbuda (UK: / æ n ˈ t iː ɡ ə ... b ɑːr ˈ b uː d ə /, US: / æ n ˈ t iː ɡ w ə ... b ɑːr ˈ b j uː d ə /) is a sovereign island country in the Caribbean.It lies at the conjuncture of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the Leeward Islands part of the Lesser Antilles.. The country consists of two major islands, Antigua and Barbuda, which are approximately 40 ...

  22. The Best Time to Visit Antigua and Barbuda: The Ultimate Guide

    Most people visit Antigua and Barbuda for the best weather, so it gets crowded during winter and spring months. On the other hand, the least crowded time is when it gets a bit rainy and slightly hotter here - the summer and fall months. This is when you will find the least crowds on these islands. However, keep in mind that the fall months ...

  23. Antigua and Barbuda International Travel Information

    Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Antigua and Barbuda. If you decide to travel to Antigua and Barbuda: Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter. Review the Country ...


    4.5. Value. 4.4. Welcome to Royalton CHIC Antigua, an exceptional adults-only resort experience on Antigua's beautiful Dickenson Bay. Just 15 minutes from V.C. Bird International Airport, our All-In Luxury® resort is the ultimate holiday escape for singles, couples, and groups. Enjoy poolside relaxation, pristine beaches, hand-mixed cocktails ...

  25. Antigua anticipates tourism boost through Sunrise Airways

    Antigua anticipates tourism boost through Sunrise Airways. May 28, 2024. By Joanne Clark. Antigua and Barbuda are set to enhance their tourism sector significantly with the introduction of Sunrise Airways to the nation's aviation scene. This strategic move is expected to play a crucial role in promoting regional travel and supporting upcoming ...

  26. United flights to Antigua and Barbuda

    Visit the Museum of Antigua and Barbuda to understand the lives of the Arawaks and Caribs, the island's pre-colonial inhabitants. Tour the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, known for its twin towers and Baroque architecture. The iron statues of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, which date to 1789, illustrate the church's role in ...

  27. 8 Reasons Why The Dry Season Is The Best Time To Visit Antigua

    Antigua is one of two major islands. Both of the islands make up the Caribbean nation of Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua has a lively culture and extensive natural beauty, which has caused it to gain popularity as a tourist destination. The island is versatile and travelers will likely be able to enjoy many different pursuits.

  28. Deputy Secretary Verma travels to Colombia and Antigua and Barbuda

    Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources Richard R. Verma will travel to Bogotá, Colombia and St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda, from May 27 to 30. In Bogotá, he will lead the U.S. delegation to the 11th U.S.-Colombia High Level Dialogue and reaffirm the ties of friendship and cooperation that unite the United States and Colombia.

  29. Royalton Chic Antigua

    Royalton Chic Antigua. Secure your winter vacation to sunny destinations and save $1,000 per family of 4* or $250 per person*. Applicable to select vacation packages to Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America; and select Flight & Hotel packages to Hawaii. 1st checked bag free & more.

  30. Sunrise Airways Just Launched Its First Flights to St Kitts, Antigua

    In Antigua and Barbuda, a Must-Visit Caribbean Event for Foodies. From Sheer Rocks to Le Bistro, Nobu Barbuda to Roquita, the dining scene in Antigua and Barbuda has never been buzzier. Now, the ...