travel insurance 7 day stability

Snowbird Advisor Insurance

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The Insurance Specialists for Snowbirds, Boomers and Seniors

Why you should consider a travel insurance policy with no stability period.

Regardless of whether you're in perfect health or have pre-existing medical conditions, your best travel insurance option could be a Personalized plan that  covers pre-existing medical conditions with NO stability period .

Travel Insurance Coverage for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions with NO Stability Period

Many Canadian travellers with unstable health or medical conditions are under the false impression that their travel medical insurance policy will cover them for treatment costs related to their pre-existing medical conditions while travelling.

However, the reality is that standard travel insurance policies won’t cover you for pre-existing medical conditions unless you meet the policy’s “stability” requirements. Any medical conditions that are not “stable” will be excluded from coverage under your policy.

This can have serious implications for travellers, as failing to meet your policy’s stability clause requirements is the second most common reason for having a travel insurance claim rejected 1 .

This problem is particularly common among Canadian snowbirds, boomers and seniors who often have one or more pre-existing medical conditions.

It’s essential for you to understand how stability clauses work, determine whether or not you meet the stability requirements of your policy and what your options are if you don’t meet these requirements.

Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions – regardless of whether they are stable or not - should strongly consider protecting themselves with a "Personalized" travel insurance policy that provides coverage for pre-existing medical conditions with NO stability period requirement .

What if I Don’t Have Any Pre-Existing Medical Conditions?

Even if you’re in perfect health and don’t have any pre-existing conditions, Personalized travel medical insurance plans can still offer significant benefits over Standard travel insurance plans. For example, the premiums for healthy travellers can often be lower under a Personalized plan than they would be under a Standard plan, and the medical questionnaires for Personalized plans are usually much shorter, simpler and faster to complete.

What is a Stability Clause & How Does it Work?

Most Standard travel medical insurance policies contain what is commonly referred to as a “stability” clause.

These clauses require your pre-existing medical conditions to be “stable” for a defined period of time prior to the date you leave on your trip. The stability period varies from policy to policy, but is often 90, 180 or even 365 days leading up to your departure date.

If there are any changes to one of your pre-existing medical conditions during the stability period, that condition will be excluded from coverage, meaning your policy will not cover any expenses you incur that are related to that condition while travelling.

Any Changes Means ANY Changes…

Keep in mind that any changes really means any changes, including some you may not think of such as starting or stopping a medication, increasing or decreasing the dose of a medication or seeing a doctor or receiving diagnostic testing related to a potentially new medical condition, even if that condition has not yet been diagnosed.

Beware of related medical conditions…

It’s also very important to be aware that under a stability clause, any medical treatment for a condition related to an excluded condition would also be excluded from coverage. To better illustrate this point, take the following example:

Let’s say Bob has diabetes that doesn’t meet his policy’s stability terms. In this case, it’s quite clear that Bob would not be covered for any treatment related to his diabetes while travelling.

What you may be surprised to learn is that Bob would also not be covered for any condition related to his diabetes. For example, if Bob was to have a heart attack while travelling, and the heart attack could be linked to having been caused by Bob’s diabetes, it is quite possible that treatment for his heart attack would also not be covered by his insurance, even though most people would consider diabetes and a heart attack to be two different and unrelated medical conditions.

The Bottom Line

If you are purchasing a Standard travel insurance policy with a stability clause, make sure you meet the terms of that stability clause or you could run into a serious problem if you need to make a claim.

What if I Don’t Meet the Stability Clause Requirements?

Travellers with pre-existing medical conditions who don’t meet stability clause requirements are essentially left with three options:

  • Wait until your medical conditions are “stable” before purchasing your policy . This is often not a realistic solution, as it would likely prevent you from travelling during your preferred travel dates. There’s also a good chance your medical conditions may never meet the stability requirements.
  • Purchase the policy knowing your non-stable medical conditions and any related conditions won’t be covered . This is a very risky strategy and not advisable, as you’d be exposing yourself and your family to serious financial risk if you require treatment while travelling and need to file a claim. Note that other medical emergencies unrelated to your existing conditions (such as a fall or food poisoning) could be covered.
  • Find a Personalized policy that provides coverage for pre-existing medical conditions with NO stability clause requirement . While these policies are not as well known or widely available as Standard travel insurance policies, they can be a real lifesaver and are often the best option for many Canadian snowbirds, seniors, boomers and other travellers with pre-existing medical conditions.

Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions with NO Stability Period

There’s good news for travellers who either don’t meet the stability clause requirements commonly found in Standard travel insurance policies or simply want the peace of mind of not having to worry about stability clauses altogether.

For individuals who fall into these categories, there’s a  lesser-known type of “Personalized” travel insurance policy that completely does away with the dreaded “stability” clause and provides coverage for pre-existing medical conditions with NO stability period requiremen t .

How Are These Policies Different?

Standard travel medical insurance policies determine your coverage eligibility and premiums by grouping you into categories with other travellers whose health and age may be different than yours.

On the other hand “Personalized” travel medical insurance policies base your coverage eligibility and premiums exclusively on your personal medical history and characteristics.

As a result, Personalized travel insurance plans are better able to accurately determine your coverage risk and the appropriate premiums based on those risks. This personal element also allows them to provide coverage for pre-existing conditions with no stability period requirement.

You can learn more about Snowbird Advisor Insurance’s personalized travel medical insurance plans here .

How Do I Qualify?

In order to qualify for a Personalized policy, you’ll need to fully and accurately disclose all of your pre-existing medical conditions at the time you apply, and as long as your conditions are eligible for coverage, you’ll be covered for all pre-existing medical conditions, regardless of how long they have been stable for.

Keep in mind that just like standard insurance policies, some medical conditions may make you ineligible for coverage.

And just like a Standard policy, you’ll still be required to inform your insurance provider of any changes to your health that occur after you purchase your policy and prior to any departure date.

Do I Need to Complete a Medical Questionnaire?

If you’re applying for a Personalized plan with no stability requirement, the only thing you will need to do is disclose any pre-existing medical conditions you have and answer any follow-up questions related to those conditions. This is usually a much faster and simpler process than completing the long and sometimes confusing medical questionnaires that are required for Standard plans. Be sure to disclose all of your medical conditions, regardless of whether you think they may be relevant or not.

How Much Do Personalized Policies Cost?

While you might think a Personalized policy with the added benefits it offers would be more expensive than a Standard policy, that’s often not the case.

In many situations, the cost of a Personalized policy is the same or less than a standard policy because Personalized policies are tailored specifically to your conditions and risks - so you won’t be grouped into a category with other travellers who may have more serious or numerous medical conditions.

Of course, there are situations when a Personalized policy will cost more than a Standard policy, but this is often due to certain pre-existing medical conditions being covered that would otherwise be excluded from coverage under a Standard policy.

Advantages of Personalized Travel Medical Insurance Plans

In summary, here are the main advantages provided by Personalized policies:

  • No Stability Requirement for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions: If you have pre-existing medical conditions, Personalized policies will cover you for those conditions without having to meet any stability period requirements.
  • Potentially Lower Premiums than Standard Policies: If you’re a healthy traveller, in many cases your premiums can actually be lower under a Personalized plan than they would be under a Standard plan.
  • Faster, Simpler Medical Questionnaire: Unlike the long, sometimes confusing medical questionnaires you need to fill out when applying for a Standard travel insurance policy, Personalized plans have much simpler, faster, and easier medical questionnaires that only require you to disclose your pre-existing medical conditions and any follow-up questions about those conditions.

1 KPMG survey of Canadian insurance providers commissioned by the Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada (THIA) (November 2014)

Disclaimer:  The material provided in the Snowbird Advisor Insurance Learning Centre is for informational purposes only and does NOT constitute insurance, legal, financial or other advice, and should not be relied on as such. If you require such advice, you should speak with a qualified professional to assist you.

Travel Insurance:

Manulife coverage is underwritten by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and First North American Insurance Company , a wholly-owned subsidiary of Manulife, PO Box 670, Stn. Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2J 4B8.* Manulife and the Block design are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it and its affiliates under license. 


Blue Cross coverage is underwritten by Canassurance Hospital Service Association and/or Canassurance Insurance Company .*

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* Certain terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions apply, see policies for details. Some products may not be available in all provinces.

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stability period for travel insurance

Understanding the Medical Stability Period for Travel Insurance in Canada

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Travel insurance is a critical aspect of planning for any trip, especially for individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. In Canada, understanding the nuances of the medical stability period within travel insurance policies is essential. This knowledge not only ensures adequate coverage but also provides peace of mind when traveling.

Defining the Medical Stability Period in Travel Insurance

The medical stability period is a defined time frame in which an individual’s pre-existing medical condition must remain unchanged to be covered under a travel insurance policy. This period can vary, typically ranging from 30 to 180 days, depending on the insurer. During this time, no new symptoms should arise, nor should existing conditions worsen or require changes in medication. Understanding this period is crucial as it directly impacts the validity of your travel insurance coverage.

Impact of Pre-Existing Conditions on Travel Insurance (Brief Overview)

Travelers with pre-existing conditions face unique challenges when securing travel insurance. Many standard policies include exclusions or limitations related to these conditions. It’s vital to disclose your full medical history when applying for insurance. For a more in-depth discussion on this topic, please refer to our comprehensive article .

Navigating Medical Stability Clauses

Finding travel insurance with favorable medical stability clauses requires careful consideration. It’s important to thoroughly read and understand the terms and conditions of your policy. Consulting with healthcare professionals can also provide clarity on whether your condition meets the stability requirements. Seeking policies that offer a more lenient interpretation of ‘stability’ can be beneficial, especially for those with conditions that vary in severity.

Comparing Travel Insurance Options for Pre-Existing Conditions

In Canada, a variety of travel insurance providers offer different coverage options for individuals with pre-existing conditions. It’s important to compare these options, considering factors like coverage limits, stability period requirements, and the process for medical assessments. Personalized medical assessments can significantly impact the coverage offered, making it a key factor in choosing the right policy. T he good news is that obtaining travel insurance is possible even with a recent change in health status (or with an unstable medical condition). Pioneering Travel Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions

Request a quotation, legal and regulatory aspects.

Understanding the legal and regulatory framework governing travel insurance in Canada is crucial, especially for policies covering pre-existing conditions. This knowledge not only empowers consumers but also ensures that their rights are protected.

Canadian Insurance Regulations:

In Canada, travel insurance, like all types of insurance, is regulated provincially. This means the rules and regulations can vary slightly from one province to another. However, all provincial regulations are designed to protect consumers by ensuring that insurance providers operate under fair and transparent practices. This includes clear communication of policy terms, especially clauses related to pre-existing conditions and stability periods.

Consumer Protection Laws:

Beyond specific insurance regulations, Canadian consumer protection laws play a vital role. These laws mandate that all insurance agreements must be drafted in clear, understandable language. Insurers are required to explicitly outline coverage limitations and exclusions, including those pertaining to pre-existing medical conditions. This ensures that consumers are fully informed about what their policy covers and can make educated decisions.

Role of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA):

The CLHIA is a voluntary association that many Canadian travel insurance providers belong to. It sets out guidelines and standards for its members, promoting ethical practices in the life and health insurance industry. Although adherence to these guidelines is not legally mandatory, members that comply demonstrate a commitment to higher standards of consumer protection and transparency.

Dispute Resolution and Consumer Advocacy:

In case of disputes regarding travel insurance policies, Canadians have several avenues for resolution. This includes provincial insurance regulators, ombudsperson services provided by the insurers, and independent dispute resolution services. These bodies ensure that consumers have a voice and that their concerns are fairly addressed, particularly in complex cases involving pre-existing conditions and stability clauses.

Recent Legal Trends and Developments:

It’s important to stay informed about recent legal trends and regulatory developments in travel insurance. For instance, there have been movements towards more inclusive coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions, influenced by both consumer advocacy and legislative changes. Understanding these trends can help consumers anticipate future changes in the insurance landscape and make more informed choices.

By being aware of these legal and regulatory aspects, travelers with pre-existing conditions can navigate the complexities of travel insurance more effectively. This knowledge not only provides a safeguard against potential issues but also helps in selecting the right insurance provider that aligns with their specific needs.

Understanding the medical stability period in travel insurance is crucial, particularly for Canadians with pre-existing conditions. Careful consideration of policy terms, legal aspects, and personalized needs will guide you in choosing the right coverage. With providers like, traveling with pre-existing conditions becomes a less daunting prospect.

What is a medical stability period in travel insurance? The medical stability period is a specified duration before your travel during which your pre-existing condition must remain unchanged for coverage to apply.

Why is disclosing medical history important in travel insurance? Disclosing your full medical history ensures accurate coverage and prevents potential disputes in case of a claim.

Can travel insurance cover all pre-existing conditions? Coverage varies by provider. Some, like, offer comprehensive coverage for a wide range of conditions.

How long is a typical medical stability period? It can range from 30 to 180 days, depending on the policy and insurer.

What can I do if I don’t fulfil the stability clause requirements?

Travelers with pre-existing medical issues not meeting the stability clause criteria typically have three alternatives:

  • Postpone buying your policy until your medical condition stabilizes. This approach might not be feasible, as it could interfere with your preferred travel plans. Additionally, there’s the possibility that your medical condition may never satisfy the stability criteria.
  • Opt to buy the policy with the understanding that your unstable medical condition and any related issues won’t be covered. This strategy is quite risky and not recommended, as it could leave you and your family vulnerable to significant financial burdens if you need medical care while traveling and have to make a claim. Note, however, that other medical emergencies unrelated to your pre-existing condition (like accidental injuries or food poisoning) might still be covered.
  • Seek out a policy that includes coverage for pre-existing medical conditions without any requirement for a stability period. This is the most suitable choice for a wide range of Canadian travelers, including snowbirds, seniors, and others with pre-existing conditions, whether stable or not.

Are there special travel insurance policies without requirement for a stability period in Canada? Yes, several providers, including, specialize in this type of insurance.

How does differ from other travel insurance providers? offers coverage without stability period limitations and covers over 2,000 medical conditions, using proprietary medical assessment technology.

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Author: Lawrence Ferron

With over twenty-five years of experience in financial services, Lawrence Ferron had held senior executive positions at leading Canadian financial institutions. Prior to founding Clear Compare insurance, he was Vice President and Head of Product & Marketing for Manulife’s direct-to-consumer Insurance division.

View all posts by Lawrence Ferron

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travel insurance 7 day stability

travel insurance 7 day stability

How Pre-Existing Conditions Impact Travel Insurance

It’s very important to understand how pre-existing conditions impact travel insurance because there is a lot of misinformation floating around about how pre-existing conditions are not covered at all. Sometimes people incorrectly assume that their existing conditions would not be covered by a policy. However, most of the time pre-existing conditions can be covered, as long as you disclose the condition to your broker so you are put on the proper plan, and the condition meets the plan’s stability criteria.

How Pre-Existing Conditions Impact Travel Insurance

What is stability?

Stability refers to the requirement of a policy, that there be no changes in a medical condition for a period of time. A change means a change in treatment or symptoms, including:

  • Being hospitalized;
  • Being put on a new medication;
  • An increase in a prescribed medication dosage;
  • Reducing or coming off a prescribed medication;
  • A flare-up, or worsening of symptoms.

Coming off a medication or having your dosage reduced is considered a change in stability even if it seems counter-intuitive

People are often surprised to learn that a reduction in dosage or being taken off a medication altogether is considered a change in stability. The reason is that you won’t know right away what effect coming off a medication will have. It may mean your condition worsens, but you won’t know until some time passes.

Coverage is available for conditions with as little as 7 days of stability

Different providers and plans have different requirements to qualify. A certain condition with 12 months of stability may qualify for a less expensive plan than the same condition with only three months of stability. For people with very recent stability changes, we offer a 7 day stability buy-down. Meaning, that as long as your condition and the treatment of that condition hasn’t changed for 7 days before departure, your condition will be considered stable.

Medical testing affects stability

If you’ve had medical tests and are awaiting results, that is considered not stable. If you have tests scheduled, it’s the same, you would not be considered stable.  If your doctor has told you that you will need testing, but no test have been scheduled yet, that may or may not be considered stable, depending on the insurance company. It can be complicated, so just let us know what is going on and we’ll let you know what it all means.

Your doctor is not a travel insurance broker

If your doctor says something will or won’t affect your travel insurance, take it with a grain of salt. They are not experts in insurance. Trust your doctor for medical advice, but leave the interpretations about the insurance side of things to us!

Track your medical changes, exact dates are very helpful

Knowing the exact date that a change was made can make getting on the right plan easier. And even though it may cost more, getting the right insurance can save you a lot of money in the long run. Keep track of your doctor’s visits and whether you have changes to medications and other treatments. You can use our client portal at  to track these changes in your medical history. And when it comes time to quote your travel insurance we’ll have the exact information because you’ve updated the information as it happened.

Don’t put off doctor’s visits

Go to the doctor now. If you’ve got travel coming up, give yourself plenty of lead time in case any medication adjustments are made. You’ll have more time between the change and your departure date, which means a longer period of stability. Don’t avoid the doctor for fear a change will affect your travel insurance costs negatively. Your health is the most important thing you have!

Watch our video below that discusses how pre-existing conditions impact travel insurance.

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The best travel insurance policies and providers

Katie Genter

It's easy to dismiss the value of travel insurance until you need it.

Many travelers have strong opinions about whether you should buy travel insurance . However, the purpose of this post isn't to determine whether it's worth investing in. Instead, it compares some of the top travel insurance providers and policies so you can determine which travel insurance option is best for you.

Of course, as the coronavirus remains an ongoing concern, it's important to understand whether travel insurance covers pandemics. Some policies will cover you if you're diagnosed with COVID-19 and have proof of illness from a doctor. Others will take coverage a step further, covering additional types of pandemic-related expenses and cancellations.

Know, though, that every policy will have exclusions and restrictions that may limit coverage. For example, fear of travel is generally not a covered reason for invoking trip cancellation or interruption coverage, while specific stipulations may apply to elevated travel warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Interested in travel insurance? Visit to shop for plans that may fit your travel needs.

So, before buying a specific policy, you must understand the full terms and any special notices the insurer has about COVID-19. You may even want to buy the optional cancel for any reason add-on that's available for some comprehensive policies. While you'll pay more for that protection, it allows you to cancel your trip for any reason and still get some of your costs back. Note that this benefit is time-sensitive and has other eligibility requirements, so not all travelers will qualify.

In this guide, we'll review several policies from top travel insurance providers so you have a better understanding of your options before picking the policy and provider that best address your wants and needs.

The best travel insurance providers

To put together this list of the best travel insurance providers, a number of details were considered: favorable ratings from TPG Lounge members, the availability of details about policies and the claims process online, positive online ratings and the ability to purchase policies in most U.S. states. You can also search for options from these (and other) providers through an insurance comparison site like InsureMyTrip .

When comparing insurance providers, I priced out a single-trip policy for each provider for a $2,000, one-week vacation to Istanbul . I used my actual age and state of residence when obtaining quotes. As a result, you may see a different price — or even additional policies due to regulations for travel insurance varying from state to state — when getting a quote.

AIG Travel Guard

AIG Travel Guard receives many positive reviews from readers in the TPG Lounge who have filed claims with the company. AIG offers three plans online, which you can compare side by side, and the ability to examine sample policies. Here are three plans for my sample trip to Turkey.

travel insurance 7 day stability

AIG Travel Guard also offers an annual travel plan. This plan is priced at $259 per year for one Florida resident.

Additionally, AIG Travel Guard offers several other policies, including a single-trip policy without trip cancellation protection . See AIG Travel Guard's COVID-19 notification and COVID-19 advisory for current details regarding COVID-19 coverage.

Preexisting conditions

Typically, AIG Travel Guard wouldn't cover you for any loss or expense due to a preexisting medical condition that existed within 180 days of the coverage effective date. However, AIG Travel Guard may waive the preexisting medical condition exclusion on some plans if you meet the following conditions:

  • You purchase the plan within 15 days of your initial trip payment.
  • The amount of coverage you purchase equals all trip costs at the time of purchase. You must update your coverage to insure the costs of any subsequent arrangements that you add to your trip within 15 days of paying the travel supplier for these additional arrangements.
  • You must be medically able to travel when you purchase your plan.

Standout features

  • The Deluxe and Preferred plans allow you to purchase an upgrade that lets you cancel your trip for any reason. However, reimbursement under this coverage will not exceed 50% or 75% of your covered trip cost.
  • You can include one child (age 17 and younger) with each paying adult for no additional cost on most single-trip plans.
  • Other optional upgrades, including an adventure sports bundle, a baggage bundle, an inconvenience bundle, a pet bundle, a security bundle and a wedding bundle, are available on some policies. So, an AIG Travel Guard plan may be a good choice if you know you want extra coverage in specific areas.

Purchase your policy here: AIG Travel Guard .

Allianz Travel Insurance

Allianz is one of the most highly regarded providers in the TPG Lounge, and many readers found the claim process reasonable. Allianz offers many plans, including the following single-trip plans for my sample trip to Turkey.

travel insurance 7 day stability

If you travel frequently, it may make sense to purchase an annual multi-trip policy. For this plan, all of the maximum coverage amounts in the table below are per trip (except for the trip cancellation and trip interruption amounts, which are an aggregate limit per policy). Trips typically must last no more than 45 days, although some plans may cover trips of up to 90 days.

travel insurance 7 day stability

See Allianz's coverage alert for current information on COVID-19 coverage.

Most Allianz travel insurance plans may cover preexisting medical conditions if you meet particular requirements. For the OneTrip Premier, Prime and Basic plans, the requirements are as follows:

  • You purchased the policy within 14 days of the date of the first trip payment or deposit.
  • You were a U.S. resident when you purchased the policy.
  • You were medically able to travel when you purchased the policy.
  • On the policy purchase date, you insured the total, nonrefundable cost of your trip (including arrangements that will become nonrefundable or subject to cancellation penalties before your departure date). If you incur additional nonrefundable trip expenses after purchasing this policy, you must insure them within 14 days of their purchase.
  • Allianz offers reasonably priced annual policies for independent travelers and families who take multiple trips lasting up to 45 days (or 90 days for select plans) per year.
  • Some Allianz plans provide the option of receiving a flat reimbursement amount without receipts for trip delay and baggage delay claims. Of course, you can also submit receipts to get up to the maximum refund.
  • For emergency transportation coverage, you or someone on your behalf must contact Allianz, and Allianz must then make all transportation arrangements in advance. However, most Allianz policies provide an option if you cannot contact the company: Allianz will pay up to what it would have paid if it had made the arrangements.

Purchase your policy here: Allianz Travel Insurance .

American Express Travel Insurance

American Express Travel Insurance offers four different package plans and a build-your-own coverage option. You don't have to be an American Express cardholder to purchase this insurance. Here are the four package options for my sample weeklong trip to Turkey. Unlike some other providers, Amex won't ask for your travel destination on the initial quote (but will when you purchase the plan).

travel insurance 7 day stability

Amex's build-your-own coverage plan is unique because you can purchase just the coverage you need. For most types of protection, you can even select the coverage amount that works best for you.

travel insurance 7 day stability

The prices for the packages and the build-your-own plan don't increase for longer trips — as long as the trip cost remains constant. However, the emergency medical and dental benefit is only available for your first 60 days of travel.

Typically, Amex won't cover any loss you incur because of a preexisting medical condition that existed within 90 days of the coverage effective date. However, Amex may waive its preexisting-condition exclusion if you meet both of the following requirements:

  • You must be medically able to travel at the time you pay the policy premium.
  • You pay the policy premium within 14 days of making the first covered trip deposit.
  • Amex's build-your-own coverage option allows you to only purchase — and pay for — the coverage you need.
  • Coverage on long trips doesn't cost more than coverage for short trips, making this policy ideal for extended getaways. However, the emergency medical and dental benefit only covers your first 60 days of travel.
  • American Express Travel Insurance can protect travel expenses you purchase with Amex Membership Rewards points in the Pay with Points program (as well as travel expenses bought with cash, debit or credit). However, travel expenses bought with other types of points and miles aren't covered.

Purchase your policy here: American Express Travel Insurance .

GeoBlue is different from most other providers described in this piece because it only provides medical coverage while you're traveling internationally and does not offer benefits to protect the cost of your trip. There are many different policies. Some require you to have primary health insurance in the U.S. (although it doesn't need to be provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield), but all of them only offer coverage while traveling outside the U.S.

Two single-trip plans are available if you're traveling for six months or less. The Voyager Choice policy provides coverage (including medical services and medical evacuation for a sudden recurrence of a preexisting condition) for trips outside the U.S. to travelers who are 95 or younger and already have a U.S. health insurance policy.

travel insurance 7 day stability

The Voyager Essential policy provides coverage (including medical evacuation for a sudden recurrence of a preexisting condition) for trips outside the U.S. to travelers who are 95 or younger, regardless of whether they have primary health insurance.

travel insurance 7 day stability

In addition to these options, two multi-trip plans cover trips of up to 70 days each for one year. Both policies provide coverage (including medical services and medical evacuation for preexisting conditions) to travelers with primary health insurance.

travel insurance 7 day stability

Be sure to check out GeoBlue's COVID-19 notices before buying a plan.

Most GeoBlue policies explicitly cover sudden recurrences of preexisting conditions for medical services and medical evacuation.

  • GeoBlue can be an excellent option if you're mainly concerned about the medical side of travel insurance.
  • GeoBlue provides single-trip, multi-trip and long-term medical travel insurance policies for many different types of travel.

Purchase your policy here: GeoBlue .

IMG offers various travel medical insurance policies for travelers, as well as comprehensive travel insurance policies. For a single trip of 90 days or less, there are five policy types available for vacation or holiday travelers. Although you must enter your gender, males and females received the same quote for my one-week search.

travel insurance 7 day stability

You can purchase an annual multi-trip travel medical insurance plan. Some only cover trips lasting up to 30 or 45 days, but others provide coverage for longer trips.

travel insurance 7 day stability

See IMG's page on COVID-19 for additional policy information as it relates to coronavirus-related claims.

Most plans may cover preexisting conditions under set parameters or up to specific amounts. For example, the iTravelInsured Travel LX travel insurance plan shown above may cover preexisting conditions if you purchase the insurance within 24 hours of making the final payment for your trip.

For the travel medical insurance plans shown above, preexisting conditions are covered for travelers younger than 70. However, coverage is capped based on your age and whether you have a primary health insurance policy.

  • Some annual multi-trip plans are modestly priced.
  • iTravelInsured Travel LX may offer optional cancel for any reason and interruption for any reason coverage, if eligible.

Purchase your policy here: IMG .

Travelex Insurance

Travelex offers three single-trip plans: Travel Basic, Travel Select and Travel America. However, only the Travel Basic and Travel Select plans would be applicable for my trip to Turkey.

travel insurance 7 day stability

See Travelex's COVID-19 coverage statement for coronavirus-specific information.

Typically, Travelex won't cover losses incurred because of a preexisting medical condition that existed within 60 days of the coverage effective date. However, the Travel Select plan may offer a preexisting condition exclusion waiver. To be eligible for this waiver, the insured traveler must meet all the following conditions:

  • You purchase the plan within 15 days of the initial trip payment.
  • The amount of coverage purchased equals all prepaid, nonrefundable payments or deposits applicable to the trip at the time of purchase. Additionally, you must insure the costs of any subsequent arrangements added to the same trip within 15 days of payment or deposit.
  • All insured individuals are medically able to travel when they pay the plan cost.
  • The trip cost does not exceed the maximum trip cost limit under trip cancellation as shown in the schedule per person (only applicable to trip cancellation, interruption and delay).
  • Travelex's Travel Select policy can cover trips lasting up to 364 days, which is longer than many single-trip policies.
  • Neither Travelex policy requires receipts for trip and baggage delay expenses less than $25.
  • For emergency evacuation coverage, you or someone on your behalf must contact Travelex and have Travelex make all transportation arrangements in advance. However, both Travelex policies provide an option if you cannot contact Travelex: Travelex will pay up to what it would have paid if it had made the arrangements.

Purchase your policy here: Travelex Insurance .

Seven Corners

Seven Corners offers a wide variety of policies. Here are the policies that are most applicable to travelers on a single international trip.

travel insurance 7 day stability

Seven Corners also offers many other types of travel insurance, including an annual multi-trip plan. You can choose coverage for trips of up to 30, 45 or 60 days when purchasing an annual multi-trip plan.

travel insurance 7 day stability

See Seven Corner's page on COVID-19 for additional policy information as it relates to coronavirus-related claims.

Typically, Seven Corners won't cover losses incurred because of a preexisting medical condition. However, the RoundTrip Choice plan offers a preexisting condition exclusion waiver. To be eligible for this waiver, you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • You buy this plan within 20 days of making your initial trip payment or deposit.
  • You or your travel companion are medically able and not disabled from travel when you pay for this plan or upgrade your plan.
  • You update the coverage to include the additional cost of subsequent travel arrangements within 15 days of paying your travel supplier for them.
  • Seven Corners offers the ability to purchase optional sports and golf equipment coverage. If purchased, this extra insurance will reimburse you for the cost of renting sports or golf equipment if yours is lost, stolen, damaged or delayed by a common carrier for six or more hours. However, Seven Corners must authorize the expenses in advance.
  • You can add cancel for any reason coverage or trip interruption for any reason coverage to RoundTrip plans. Although some other providers offer cancel for any reason coverage, trip interruption for any reason coverage is less common.
  • Seven Corners' RoundTrip Choice policy offers a political or security evacuation benefit that will transport you to the nearest safe place or your residence under specific conditions. You can also add optional event ticket registration fee protection to the RoundTrip Choice policy.

Purchase your policy here: Seven Corners .

World Nomads

World Nomads is popular with younger, active travelers because of its flexibility and adventure-activities coverage on the Explorer plan. Unlike many policies offered by other providers, you don't need to estimate prepaid costs when purchasing the insurance to have access to trip interruption and cancellation insurance.

World Nomads offers two single-trip plans.

travel insurance 7 day stability

World Nomads has a page dedicated to coronavirus coverage , so be sure to view it before buying a policy.

World Nomads won't cover losses incurred because of a preexisting medical condition (except emergency evacuation and repatriation of remains) that existed within 90 days of the coverage effective date. Unlike many other providers, World Nomads doesn't offer a waiver.

  • World Nomads' policies cover more adventure sports than most providers, so activities such as bungee jumping are included. The Explorer policy covers almost any adventure sport, including skydiving, stunt flying and caving. So, if you partake in adventure sports while traveling, the Explorer policy may be a good fit.
  • World Nomads' policies provide nonmedical evacuation coverage for transportation expenses if there is civil or political unrest in the country you are visiting. The coverage may also transport you home if there is an eligible natural disaster or a government expels you.

Purchase your policy here: World Nomads .

Other options for buying travel insurance

travel insurance 7 day stability

This guide details the policies of eight providers with the information available at the time of publication. There are many options when it comes to travel insurance, though. To compare different policies quickly, you can use a travel insurance aggregator like InsureMyTrip to search. Just note that these search engines won't show every policy and every provider, and you should still research the provided policies to ensure the coverage fits your trip and needs.

You can also purchase a plan through various membership associations, such as USAA, AAA or Costco. Typically, these organizations partner with a specific provider, so if you are a member of any of these associations, you may want to compare the policies offered through the organization with other policies to get the best coverage for your trip.

Related: Should you get travel insurance if you have credit card protection?

Is travel insurance worth getting?

Whether you should purchase travel insurance is a personal decision. Suppose you use a credit card that provides travel insurance for most of your expenses and have medical insurance that provides adequate coverage abroad. In that case, you may be covered enough on most trips to forgo purchasing travel insurance.

However, suppose your medical insurance won't cover you at your destination and you can't comfortably cover a sizable medical evacuation bill or last-minute flight home . In that case, you should consider purchasing travel insurance. If you travel frequently, buying an annual multi-trip policy may be worth it.

What is the best COVID-19 travel insurance?

travel insurance 7 day stability

There are various aspects to keep in mind in the age of COVID-19. Consider booking travel plans that are fully refundable or have modest change or cancellation fees so you don't need to worry about whether your policy will cover trip cancellation. This is important since many standard comprehensive insurance policies won't reimburse your insured expenses in the event of cancellation if it's related to the fear of traveling due to COVID-19.

However, if you book a nonrefundable trip and want to maintain the ability to get reimbursed (up to 75% of your insured costs) if you choose to cancel, you should consider buying a comprehensive travel insurance policy and then adding optional cancel for any reason protection. Just note that this benefit is time-sensitive and has eligibility requirements, so not all travelers will qualify.

Providers will often require CFAR purchasers insure the entire dollar amount of their travels to receive the coverage. Also, many CFAR policies mandate that you must cancel your plans and notify all travel suppliers at least 48 hours before your scheduled departure.

Likewise, if your primary health insurance won't cover you while on your trip, it's essential to consider whether medical expenses related to COVID-19 treatment are covered. You may also want to consider a MedJet medical transport membership if your trip is to a covered destination for coronavirus-related evacuation.

Ultimately, the best pandemic travel insurance policy will depend on your trip details, travel concerns and your willingness to self-insure. Just be sure to thoroughly read and understand any terms or exclusions before purchasing.

What are the different types of travel insurance?

travel insurance 7 day stability

Whether you purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy or rely on the protections offered by select credit cards, you may have access to the following types of coverage:

  • Baggage delay protection may reimburse for essential items and clothing when a common carrier (such as an airline) fails to deliver your checked bag within a set time of your arrival at a destination. Typically, you may be reimbursed up to a particular amount per incident or per day.
  • Lost/damaged baggage protection may provide reimbursement to replace lost or damaged luggage and items inside that luggage. However, valuables and electronics usually have a relatively low maximum benefit.
  • Trip delay reimbursement may provide reimbursement for necessary items, food, lodging and sometimes transportation when you're delayed for a substantial time while traveling on a common carrier such as an airline. This insurance may be beneficial if weather issues (or other covered reasons for which the airline usually won't provide compensation) delay you.
  • Trip cancellation and interruption protection may provide reimbursement if you need to cancel or interrupt your trip for a covered reason, such as a death in your family or jury duty.
  • Medical evacuation insurance can arrange and pay for medical evacuation if deemed necessary by the insurance provider and a medical professional. This coverage can be particularly valuable if you're traveling to a region with subpar medical facilities.
  • Travel accident insurance may provide a payment to you or your beneficiary in the case of your death or dismemberment.
  • Emergency medical insurance may provide payment or reimburse you if you must seek medical care while traveling. Some plans only cover emergency medical care, but some also cover other types of medical care. You may need to pay a deductible or copay.
  • Rental car coverage may provide a collision damage waiver when renting a car. This waiver may reimburse for collision damage or theft up to a set amount. Some policies also cover loss-of-use charges assessed by the rental company and towing charges to take the vehicle to the nearest qualified repair facility. You generally need to decline the rental company's collision damage waiver or similar provision to be covered.

Should I buy travel health insurance?

travel insurance 7 day stability

If you purchase travel with credit cards that provide various trip protections, you may not see much need for additional travel insurance. However, you may still wonder whether you should buy travel medical insurance.

If your primary health insurance covers you on your trip, you may not need travel health insurance. Your domestic policy may not cover you outside the U.S., though, so it's worth calling the number on your health insurance card if you have coverage questions. If your primary health insurance wouldn't cover you, it's likely worth purchasing travel medical insurance. After all, as you can see above, travel medical insurance is often very modestly priced.

How much does travel insurance cost?

Travel insurance costs depend on various factors, including the provider, the type of coverage, your trip cost, your destination, your age, your residency and how many travelers you want to insure. That said, a standard travel insurance plan will generally set you back somewhere between 4% and 10% of your total trip cost. However, this can get lower for more basic protections or become even higher if you include add-ons like cancel for any reason protection.

The best way to determine how much travel insurance will cost is to price out your trip with a few providers discussed in the guide. Or, visit an insurance aggregator like InsureMyTrip to quickly compare options across multiple providers.

When and how to get travel insurance

travel insurance 7 day stability

For the most robust selection of available travel insurance benefits — including time-sensitive add-ons like CFAR protection and waivers of preexisting conditions for eligible travelers — you should ideally purchase travel insurance on the same day you make your first payment toward your trip.

However, many plans may still offer a preexisting conditions waiver for those who qualify if you buy your travel insurance within 14 to 21 days of your first trip expense or deposit (this time frame may vary by provider). If you don't need a preexisting conditions waiver or aren't interested in CFAR coverage, you can purchase travel insurance once your departure date nears.

You must purchase coverage before it's needed. Some travel medical plans are available for purchase after you have departed, but comprehensive plans that include medical coverage must be purchased before departing.

Additionally, you can't buy any medical coverage once you require medical attention. The same applies to all travel insurance coverage. Once you recognize the need, it's too late to protect your trip.

Once you've shopped around and decided upon the best travel insurance plan for your trip, you should be able to complete your purchase online. You'll usually be able to download your insurance card and the complete policy shortly after the transaction is complete.

Related: 7 times your credit card's travel insurance might not cover you

Bottom line

Not all travel insurance policies and providers are equal. Before buying a plan, read and understand the policy documents. By doing so, you can choose a plan that's appropriate for you and your trip — including the features that matter most to you.

For example, if you plan to go skiing or rock climbing, make sure the policy you buy doesn't contain exclusions for these activities. Likewise, if you're making two back-to-back trips during which you'll be returning home for a short time in between, be sure the plan doesn't terminate coverage at the end of your first trip.

If you're looking to cover a sudden recurrence of a preexisting condition, select a policy with a preexisting condition waiver and fulfill the requirements for the waiver. After all, buying insurance won't help if your policy doesn't cover your losses.

Disclaimer : This information is provided by IMT Services, LLC ( ), a licensed insurance producer (NPN: 5119217) and a member of the Tokio Marine HCC group of companies. IMT's services are only available in states where it is licensed to do business and the products provided through may not be available in all states. All insurance products are governed by the terms in the applicable insurance policy, and all related decisions (such as approval for coverage, premiums, commissions and fees) and policy obligations are the sole responsibility of the underwriting insurer. The information on this site does not create or modify any insurance policy terms in any way. For more information, please visit .

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Reduced Stability Period

The simple explanation to a very important notion.

First things first! No matter your age or medical history, any medical condition must have been “Stable and Controlled” for a certain time before your departure for that condition to be covered while on a trip. If a condition has not been “Stable and Controlled” for the 3 or 6 months (depending on your age) preceding your departure date, you won’t be covered should something related directly or indirectly to that medical condition happen while on your trip.

Fortunately, a solution exists: the Reduced Stability Period option.

Required stability period for a pre-existing medical condition to be covered:

Traveller aged between 3 months and 69 years old

3 months before the departure date

Traveller aged 70 and older

6 months before the departure date

(Exception: High blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol requires only two (2) months of stability before the Departure Date .)

Does this option meet your needs?

  • One of your pre-existing medical conditions won’t be “Stable and Controlled” for the required time before your departure date, but you want that condition to be covered.

“We purchased Tour+Med travel insurance to cover us for spending the winter at our home in Florida. We wanted Covid-19 coverage which our regular insurance company would only provide up to $200,000. We felt very comfortable going with the $5 million offered by Tour+Med.”

What else do you need to know?


This option is offered to travellers less than 86 years old. The approach differs, depending on the applicant’s age and trip length. Conditions apply, such as having at least 30 days of stability before the departure date. Contact your representative or read the policy wording for details. Medical questions will be asked.

69 years old and less: reduces the required stability period from 3 months to 30 days before departure.

70 to 85 years old: reduces the required stability period from 6 months to 30 days before departure, for a specific condition.

In both cases, our option provides coverage up to $5,000,000 on the concerned condition(s). (We are the only insurer to do this! Some of our competitors will offer similar options, but will only cover up to $200,000 or $250,000. That’s not enough!)

FAQs from travellers just like you

What do you mean by “stable and controlled”.

The stability of your medical conditions is probably the most important concept in your travel insurance policy, so understanding it is crucial.

To be “stable and controlled” means that there has not been any change pertaining to a medical condition within the 3 or 6 months before your departure (3 months for insureds of 69 years old and less, 6 months for insureds of 70 years old and over). And by “change”, we mean (among others): no new diagnosis, no new prescription or modification to an existing prescription, no test or evaluation, no recommendation to be seen by a specialist, no new symptoms, no aggravation of the condition, etc.

You must also be aware that even though your doctor said you were “stable”, “brand new”, or “good to go”, it does not necessarily correspond to the definition of “Stable and Controlled” in the policy. In the event of a claim, we will refer to the latter so make sure that you read it carefully, and that you understand it. You may also ask your representative for information.

What is the price of the “Reduced Stability Period” option?

There is no fixed surcharge for the option. Premium is calculated upon a combination of various factors, including your age, the concerned medical condition, and your other medical conditions. The best way to find out what your premium will be is to ask for a quote!

You could be interested by these other options

travel insurance 7 day stability

Optional Exclusion

Reduced premium in return for an exclusion on a given body system or organ.

travel insurance 7 day stability

25% Deposit Option

You pay 25% of the premium at the time of purchase. Balance is payable up to 2 weeks before your departure.

travel insurance 7 day stability

COVID-19 Rider

Simply reassuring!

travel insurance 7 day stability

Deductibles offering a discount on your premium

Traditional or Hospital-Care, you will save from 5% to 35%.

Get a quote

Contact your broker, get a quote online, or speak with one of our sales representatives.

(Some of the options may not be available on our online quoting tool. Speak with your representative if necessary.)

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How to Buy Travel Insurance for Long Trips

RV trip

Trip interruption benefits is especially important for long trips.

Trip interruption benefits can reimburse you for non-refundable, pre-paid trip costs when you have to interrupt your trip or end it early due to a covered reason. But that’s not all it covers. Trip interruption also can cover these costs following a covered interruption:

  • Extra accommodation fees, such as a single supplement fee from a cruise line, if you prepaid for shared accommodations and your traveling companion has to interrupt their trip.
  • Reasonable transportation expenses to continue your trip or return to your primary residence. Let’s say you’re spending months island-hopping in the Philippines when you get word that your sister is seriously ill. Your trip interruption benefits can reimburse you for the cost of your flight back to the United States.
  • Additional accommodation and transportation expenses if the interruption causes you to stay at your destination (or the location of the interruption) longer than originally planned. For example: You’re walking the Camino de Santiago through Portugal when you sprain your ankle. The injury isn’t severe enough to cancel your trip, but you need three days to rest and recuperate in a hotel. Your trip interruption benefits can reimburse you for the extra cost.

Even on the longest trips, Assistance is just a phone call away.

When you have Allianz Travel Insurance, you never travel alone. Every plan includes 24-hour assistance , accessible by phone or via the Allyz ®  TravelSmart app . Our staff of multilingual problem solvers is here to help with medical emergencies and travel-related problems, wherever you happen to roam.

Related Articles

  • When's the Best Time to Buy Travel Insurance?
  • Your Guide to Choosing the Best Travel Insurance for Your Trip
  • Can I Buy Travel Insurance After Booking?

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{{annualTravelBanText}} {{travelBanDateFormatted}}.

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Popular Travel Insurance Plans

  • Annual Travel Insurance
  • Cruise Insurance
  • Domestic Travel Insurance
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  • Rental Car Insurance

View all of our travel insurance products

Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Please see your plan for full details. Benefits/Coverage may vary by state, and sublimits may apply.

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Insurance benefits underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: 2 Mid America Plaza, Suite 200, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233), rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on your state of residence and plan chosen. A+ (Superior) and A (Excellent) are the 2nd and 3rd highest, respectively, of A.M. Best's 13 Financial Strength Ratings. Plans only available to U.S. residents and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are marks of AGA Service Company dba Allianz Global Assistance or its affiliates. Allianz Travel Insurance products are distributed by Allianz Global Assistance, the licensed producer and administrator of these plans and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage due to the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. Plans include insurance benefits and assistance services. Any Non-Insurance Assistance services purchased are provided through AGA Service Company. Except as expressly provided under your plan, you are responsible for charges you incur from third parties. Contact AGA Service Company at  800-284-8300 or 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 or [email protected] .

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Best Long-Term Travel Insurance

Josh Garber

Josh is a freelance travel writer who is passionate about remote work and finding amazing travel deals. He has visited over 60 countries and tries to work from a different location each month.

Meg Lee

Megan Lee joined the travel rewards team at NerdWallet with over 12 years of SEO, writing and content development experience, primarily in international education and nonprofit work. She has been published in U.S. News & World Report, USA Today and elsewhere, and has spoken at conferences like that of NAFSA: Association of International Educators. Megan has built and directed remote content teams and editorial strategies for websites like GoAbroad and Go Overseas. When not traveling, Megan adventures around her Midwest home base where she likes to attend theme parties, ride her bike and cook Asian food.

travel insurance 7 day stability

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Table of Contents

Factors we considered in long-term travel insurance

An overview of the best long-term travel insurance, top long-term travel insurance for u.s. citizens, long-term travel insurance coverage recapped.

If you take multiple trips a year, you may want to consider purchasing long-term travel insurance for emergencies. This is especially true if you go abroad for extended stays, as travel insurance typically covers you even when your U.S. medical insurance may not. 

Because the considerations and coverage for long-term plans differ from shorter, single-trip policies, NerdWallet has researched the best long-term travel insurance plans for U.S. citizens.

Here's our list of the best long-term travel insurance providers:

Allianz Global Assistance.

Travel Guard.

USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services.

» Learn more: The best travel insurance companies

We made the following considerations when selecting the best long-term travel insurance companies:

Coverage . We looked at the types of coverage offered and the amount of coverage you could purchase. 

Cost . Affordability is essential, as the best coverage worldwide won't matter if the policy is too expensive. 

Ease of purchase . Being able to quickly and easily find quotes and sign up for coverage is a crucial factor in choosing the right policy.

Customization . The more options you have to tailor a plan specifically for your needs, the better.

Note: We excluded companies that require you to list the length, locations or dates of your trips to purchase a policy. We recognize that most travelers likely don't know these details for all the trips they'll take a year in advance. 

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» Learn more: What to know before buying travel insurance

To compare prices and coverage levels, we looked at quotes for a one-year policy for a 35-year-old traveler based in California. If a company offered more than one tier of travel insurance, we went with their entry-level option. 

On average, the price of a policy offered by the listed companies was about $171. 

» Learn more: Does travel insurance cover award flights?

Let's take a closer look at our five recommendations for long-term travel insurance.

travel insurance 7 day stability

Allianz Global Assistance

What makes Allianz Global Assistance great:

Easy-to-use website.

Affordable coverage.

Different options for different budgets.

For our test, Allianz Global Assistance's basic coverage cost $138, about 19% lower than average.

Travel Guard by AIG

What makes Travel Guard great:

Includes dental coverage.

Offers security and emergency evacuation coverage .

Missed connection coverage of up to $500.

For our test, Travel Guard's basic coverage cost $259, about 51% above average.

travel insurance 7 day stability

USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services

What makes USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services great:

Budget-friendly option.

Includes emergency medical evaluation. 

For our test, USI Affinity Travel Insurance Services' basic coverage cost $100, almost 42% below average.

geoblue insurance

What makes GeoBlue great:

Certain prescription drugs are covered.

Covers medically necessary COVID-19 testing and treatment .

Allowed to take unlimited trips outside of the U.S. for a maximum of 70 days abroad per trip.

For our test, GeoBlue's basic coverage cost $125, about 27% below average.

heymondo insurance

What makes Heymondo great:

Offers a one-month refund policy, provided the trip has not started and no claims were made.

Easy to add coverage for electronics, cruises or adventure sports.

It has an app to file claims and chat with a doctor 24/7.

For our test, Heymondo's basic coverage cost $232, about 36% above average.

» Learn more: Does my Chase credit card have health insurance?

Most travel insurance companies offer annual plans as a cost-effective way for you to insure multiple trips in one year. Annual plans typically cover medical emergencies and basic benefits. Depending on the provider, some benefits such as baggage delay and trip cancellation are not always covered in annual plans. There are, at times, maximum trip durations per policy.

You can purchase an annual plan that covers multiple trips in one year (with restrictions on trip duration) or a specific long-term travel insurance plan if your trip is longer than three months. Annual plans are on a 12-month rolling basis. Long-term policies can last up to two years, depending on the travel insurance company.

Yes. If you're considering backpacking or taking a gap year, travel insurance companies have options for long-stay travel insurance. Policies vary by providers, but they'll typically include emergency medial treatment, legal protection and travel document replacements.

Yes, several travel insurance providers offer annual plans. Annual plans are a cost-effective way to insure more than one trip during the year. Depending on the plan, long-term trips may be excluded from coverage.

Before purchasing long-term travel insurance, you should think about the type of coverage you want, your budget and if you have any pre-existing medical conditions you wish to be covered.

Having the right plan may provide you with peace of mind and save you serious cash in the event of an emergency.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Reserve Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-10x Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $900 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Southwest Rapid Rewards® Plus Credit Card

1x-2x Earn 2X points on Southwest® purchases. Earn 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare. Earn 2X points on internet, cable, and phone services, and select streaming. Earn 1X points on all other purchases.

85,000 Earn 85,000 bonus points after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

travel insurance 7 day stability

Pre-existing stability period

Deluxe travel health plan.

Manitoba Blue Cross is not liable to pay benefits or accept liability for claims relating to services or charges resulting directly or indirectly from a pre-existing condition that was not stable:

  • for the Deluxe Blue Plan (under age 55) , the stability period is defined as the 7-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question.
  • for the Deluxe Gold Plan (ages 55 to 74) , the stability period is defined as the 90-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question.
  • for the Deluxe Silver (ages 55 plus) , the stability period is defined as the 365-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question.

You must be stable based on the definition of stable in the agreement, regardless of the opinion (written or verbal) of your physician or any other person who may provide an opinion on your medical condition.

Pre-existing condition: means a sickness, injury or medical condition, whether or not diagnosed by a physician, which existed prior to the departure date of your coverage.

A pre-existing condition is considered to not be stable if, within the specified time period noted above:

  • you exhibited worsening signs or symptoms; or
  • you required or received medical consultation, treatment or hospitalization; or
  • you were prescribed a new medication or given a change in medication.

The following would not affect the stability period of a pre-existing condition:

  • consulting a physician for a previously identified medical condition that has not changed, is not worsening and there has been no alteration in treatment prescribed or recommended or received for the stability period prior to the effective date of coverage for the trip in question.
  • changes from a brand name medication to a generic brand of the same dose or the routine adjustment of Coumadin, warfarin, insulin or oral medication to control diabetes (as long as they are not newly prescribed or stopped and there has been no change in a person's medical condition).

Deluxe Travel Health Plan with Coronavirus Coverage

Manitoba Blue Cross is not liable to pay benefits or accept any liability for claims relating to:

Coronavirus Pandemic

  • you have undergone a coronavirus test, and you have received a positive coronavirus test result; or
  • you have been diagnosed with coronavirus by a medical professional; or
  • because of contact tracing, you have been quarantined or self-isolated.
  • you experience any coronavirus symptoms, and those symptoms lead to a positive coronavirus test result during your trip. Symptoms may include but are not limited to: new or worsening cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, having a fever, chills, fatigue or weakness, muscle or body aches, new loss of smell or taste, gastrointestinal symptoms (abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting) or feeling very unwell; or
  • you have been exposed to anyone with coronavirus (This exclusion does not apply if, in the last seven (7) days before your departure date, you were tested for any coronavirus symptoms and received a negative coronavirus test result following the appearance of these symptoms.)

Tour Package Plan

  • for the Travel Health Benefits (under age 55) , the stability period is defined as the 7-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question.
  • for the Travel Health Benefits (ages 55 and over) , the stability period is defined as the 365-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question.
  • for the Airfare and Holiday Cancellation Benefits , the stability period is defined as the 180-day period prior to the date of purchase of coverage for the trip in question. If the cause of cancellation is a pre-existing medical condition, benefits are only payable if the attending physician verifies that the condition was stable for at least the 180-day period prior to the purchase date of coverage.

Annual Travel Plan

  • for the Annual Plan (under age 55) , the stability period is defined as the 7-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question.
  • for the Annual Plan (ages 55 to 74) , the stability period is defined as the 365-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question.

Annual Travel Plan with Coronavirus Coverage

Trip cancellation benefits.

Manitoba Blue Cross is not liable for claims relating to:

A pre-existing condition that was not stable during the 180-day period prior to the date of purchase of coverage for the trip in question. If the cause of cancellation is a pre-existing medical condition, benefits are only payable if the attending physician verifies that the condition was stable for at least the 180-day period prior to the purchase date of coverage.

The medical condition must be stable based on the definition of stable in the agreement, regardless of the opinion (written or verbal) of the physician or any other person who may provide an opinion on the medical condition.

If you are in doubt or need further assistance, please call our Information Service Centre at 204.775.0151 or toll free 1.800.873.2583 .

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The Right Time to Buy Travel Insurance

With travel slowly but surely trending upwards again, there’s no doubt that some of us are well past the dreaming stage and are fully immersed in the planning of upcoming trips. With so many steps involved in this stage (and so little practice for it during the pandemic), it’s easy to miss out on a step or two. Booking flights, accommodations, car rentals, tours and reservations at restaurants once again will sure feel like riding a bike, but buying travel insurance might get overlooked in all the excitement.

Travel insurance: buy now or buy later?

Not to worry, because there’s no purchase window for buying travel insurance, as long as you haven’t already left on your trip. Whether you’re planning on getting Single Trip or Multi Trip Annual coverage , travel insurance must be purchased before arriving at your destination. And although it’s not as thrilling as finally clicking the “buy” button for your next plane ticket, we recommend you read and understand your travel insurance policy beforehand . Not only will it help you decide when to buy travel insurance, but also why you should!

travel insurance 7 day stability

Don’t wait last minute to buy Emergency Medical Insurance

Emergency Medical Insurance protects travellers from sudden and unexpected situations. This typically includes accidents and unforeseen emergencies, which is why it’s wise to secure coverage before your trip planning gets too busy or overwhelming—it’s the last thing you’d want to forget taking with you!

Planning to visit Canada? Read about Visitors to Canada Insurance here .

TuGo’s COVID-19 Coverage

We realize that even as people start to travel again, we’re all a little more cautious this time around. As much as everyone wants to get past it, COVID-19 is on travellers’ minds, and so is finding protection against it. The good news is that travellers who purchased an Emergency Medical Insurance policy may have coverage under a COVID-19 benefit. Read these FAQs to learn more about what Canadians can expect with travel and COVID-19 .

travel insurance 7 day stability

Medical Questionnaire

If you’re 60+ and want to buy an Emergency Medical plan, you’re required to fill out a simple Medical Questionnaire to determine your travel insurance rate. Remember, this will only help us determine your cost for insurance, and not your eligibility for coverage. If you’re not familiar with the process or are curious about the types of questions that might be asked, take a look at some FAQs about TuGo’s Medical Questionnaire .

Pre-existing medical conditions

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, be sure you understand how pre-existing conditions can impact travel insurance claims. Stability periods for pre-existing conditions are important for travellers to factor in when trip planning and buying emergency medical travel insurance..

Here’s how pre-existing conditions may be covered under TuGo’s Traveller Emergency Medical Insurance:

  • For travellers 59 years and under, there’s a 7-day stability period for trips 35 days and less, and a 90-day stability period for trips over 35 days.
  • For travellers aged 60-74, there’s a 180-day stability period for all trip lengths.
  • For travellers 75 years and over, there’s a 365–day stability period for all trip lengths.

Note : If you’re only travelling in the Country and have a within Canada plan there’s no stability requirement for pre-existing medical conditions—simply secure yourself with travel insurance and you can be off on your way!

Get Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption Insurance sooner rather than later

While there’s no purchase window to buy Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption Insurance , it’s best to secure this coverage once your trip is booked and any deposit is paid. Trip Cancellation protects you by covering unexpected things that can happen before your departure—illness or injury, travel visa denials, or even job loss. And because there are no financial benefits to waiting later to buy this type of insurance, it’s in your best interest to get it sooner rather than later, in order to maximize your protection.

MyFlyt™ service

Now let’s say your flight’s delayed more than 2 hours, but your trip isn’t actually cancelled. Just by having TuGo Traveller Travel Insurance, MyFlyt™ gives you instant access to an airport lounge pass or a cash payout, to make your experience a little better. MyFlyt is a convenient complimentary service you can take advantage of when you get travel insurance ahead of time.

Even pre-pandemic, travel insurance was often an afterthought for most travellers. We get it—it might not be the most exciting part of your journey, but it is one of the most crucial. So even if you could technically wait until the last minute to buy travel insurance, why would you? You wouldn’t leave accommodation bookings until the day before you fly out. We recommend protecting yourself with the options listed above and enjoying some peace-of-mind early on in your journey, so you can focus on all the little details about your trip that we all miss. After all, it’s about time we all put the fun back in travel!

Safe travels, Justin

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The Best Snowbird Travel Insurance

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A Snowbird’s Guide to Understanding Travel Medical Insurance “Stability Periods”

Michael Camacho

Michael has over 20 years of experience in the Canadian travel insurance industry. He is currently the President at Toronto based insurance advisory firm CSI Brokers Inc. ,‎ was a founding member of the Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada and is currently on the Board of ‎Advocis Toronto.

"Stability Periods" for Snowbird Travel Medical Insurance

Many Snowbirds are not aware of some of the terms and conditions found in their travel insurance policies, in particular, the need for a medical condition(s) to be “stable”.

When you review your travel insurance policy, you may come across references to condition(s) needing to “stable” during the “stability period”. When applying for travel insurance, the insurer will require that your medical condition(s) be stable during the stability period, which can be 90-days, 180-days or longer, depending on the insurer.

So, how does the need for a stability period come about?

Typically, once an individual has been diagnosed with a medical condition, he or she may require ongoing treatment to manage their condition, such as taking medication. Common examples include type 1 diabetics and some type 2 diabetics who require insulin injections on a daily basis. Another example includes individuals with hypertension who are prescribed Ramipril (also referred to as Altace), to manage their condition. The recommended treatment might also include surgery or other therapy recommended by the patient’s health care professional.

Very often, the treatment protocol is not a cure per se but simply an attempt to manage the medical condition as best as possible. The treatment protocol may mean that the medical condition will remain unchanged or stable for months and quite possibly even years. 

From the insurance company’s point of view, if the medical condition remains unchanged or stable, the risk of making a claim is reduced, but not entirely eliminated. This is why the insurance company will include a stability clause, and a stability period of 90-days, 180-days or perhaps longer. 

Not all stability periods are the same

Each insurance company will establish their own stability period, so it is important to review the travel insurance application and the travel insurance policy carefully as they differ from company to company.

The stability period will also vary depending on the age of the applicant, the number of medical conditions experienced by the applicant and the severity of these medical conditions.

"Stability" means no change whatsoever!

For the purposes of travel insurance, “Stability” usually means NO CHANGE to your medical condition, including an improvement or a deterioration of your medical condition, during the stability period. It may also mean that there has been no alteration (for example, an increase, a decrease or a stoppage) in any medication for the medical condition. In addition, it may mean that no treatment can be administered or recommended during the stability period. Remember, it is important to let your insurer know of any changes , such as changes to your medications, planned surgeries, upcoming treatments or tests when applying for insurance and prior to the start of your trip.

New symptoms count too

It is also very important to recognize and be aware that just because your symptom or medical issue has yet to be diagnosed, it does not mean that you are “stable” under the terms and conditions of the travel insurance policy.

If you visit your medical professional with a pain or a symptom and you are then referred to another physician or you are required to undergo a test to determine the medical issue, you may no longer be “stable” during the “stability period” according to your travel insurance policy. Do not avoid the referral or refuse the tests as it may impact your long terms health.

Furthermore, avoidance does not help you avoid triggering the stability clause. In the event of a claim, the insurance company will likely deny a claim under these circumstances, as the symptom or medical issue, although not diagnosed, occurred during the stability period and this will be deemed a change during the stability period. 

When in doubt, find out

Whenever you have any of these situations occur, the wisest course of action is to call your insurance representative or the insurance company to determine your status under the travel insurance policy.  Never assume and always ask.

Finally, you should always follow the advice from the Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada:  “ Know Your Health. Know Your Trip, Know Your Policy. ”

Disclaimer:  The material provided on the website is for informational purposes only and does NOT constitute legal, tax, accounting, financial, real estate, medical or other advice, and should not be relied on as such. If you require such advice, you should retain a qualified professional to advise you.

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COVID-19 Update: True Senior Guard and True Escape Travel Medical Insurance plans provide coverage for coronavirus (COVID-19) related emergency medical expenses, if there is NO Level 3 (Avoid non-essential travel) or level 4 (Avoid all travel) advisory related to COVID-19 in effect at your destination before the date you leave for your trip.

To view the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Travel site .


You are not eligible for this insurance if, at the Departure Date:

- Are traveling against the advice of a Physician; or

- Know of any reason to seek consultation during the Policy Period; or

- Have a life expectancy of 6 months or less at the Departure Date.

Travelers 60+ year of age have to complete the medical questionnaire to determine the cost of their insurance.

Single Trip Plan

Covers you for your single trip outside of your home province/territory and Canada.

This plan can also be used as a top up to another plan.

Travel within Canada while outside your home province/territory : no stability requirements for pre-existing medical conditions.

After Departure

If this policy is purchased after your departure date from your home province/territory, a 3-day Benefit Waiting Period for illnesses (effective date + 48 hours) would apply. The Waiting Period is waived if there is no gap in coverage between an existing  policy and a new True Senior Guard policy.

In any case, the policy purchased after departure will not cover any medical Treatment, recurrence or complications related directly or indirectly to a Sickness or Injury which was diagnosed or for which symptoms first occurred, or medical Treatment was received after the Departure Date but prior to the Policy Effective Date of this insurance.

Multi Trip Annual Plan

You may travel as many times as you would like during one year up to the maximum allotted trip days chosen. You can choose from 4-day, 16-day, 31-day and 61-day annual plans.

Your trip days are calculated using the Departure Date from Canada and return to Canada. The Insured Person must meet stability requirements for pre-existing conditions prior to each Departure Date.

Travel within Canada but outside your home province/territory will be automatically provided, with no Stability requirements.

The Multi Trip Annual Plan must be purchased while You are in Your home province.

Family Plan

Family plans are available for individuals that are 59 or under with one spouse or common law spouse (also 59 or under) and dependent child(ren).

The full amount of the Deductible selected applies on each claim event. The Deductible will be applied in USD. The deductible applies to Hospitals, Emergency Rooms, Air/Land Ambulances and any internal or external Hospital clinics. The deductible does not apply to independent clinics.

Your coverage can be extended as long as:

- You do not have a claim on your file, and

- You call in prior to the Expiry date of this insurance

- You do not exceed the maximum number of days allowed by the plan

Review by the administrator is required for all extensions. The underwriter reserves the right to deny the request for extension at any time.

Automatic Extensions

Your coverage will be automatically extended without any additional premium for up to 5 days, upon notifying LS, if your Return Date to your Home Province/Territory is delayed beyond the Expiry Date of this insurance due to the following reasons:

-  The delayed arrival or departure of a Common Carrier

-  The vehicle in which you are travelling is involved in an accident or mechanical breakdown.

-  If driving, a delay due to inclement weather preventing you from returning to Your Home Province/Territory on or before your Expiry date of this insurance provided the return journey commences prior to the Expiry date of this insurance.

- Sickness or Injury for which you or your Travel Companion are not deemed medically Stable to return to your Home Province/Territory in the opinion of LS.

Note: If You or your Travel Companion must remain Hospitalized beyond the expiry date of your policy for medical treatment, coverage will remain in force for as long as you or your Traveling Companion remain confined to a Hospital, plus up to an additional 5 days after discharge from the Hospital.

Early Returns/Cancellations

A refund of the premium paid may be requested under the following circumstances:

Full refund : If Your entire Trip is cancelled and refund is requested before your Policy Effective Date.

Partial refund: If notification is made after your Policy Effective Date, your refund will be calculated based on the remaining days of coverage from the date of notification. Proof of non-departure is required.

If, after your Departure Date, you return to your Home Province/Territory (or Canada on Your Multi Trip Annual Plan when associated with a corresponding top up policy) before your scheduled Return Date,  you may request a refund of premium for the remaining days of coverage, provided no claim has been reported or initiated. Refunds of under $20 will not be made. Satisfactory proof (e.g. airline ticket or customs/immigration stamps) of your Return Date to your Home Province/ Territory (or Canada on your Multi Trip Annual Plan when associated with a corresponding top up policy) should be sent within 60 days of your Return Date.

Multi-Trip Annual Plans : a refund of premium is only available before your Policy Effective Date as shown on your confirmation of benefits. The premium is non-refundable after the Policy Effective Date.

Administration fees may apply for the processing of any modification of premiums.

On a single trip or top up policy you can temporarily return to Your Home Province/Territory for a maximum of 15 days without impacting your coverage. During your Trip Break the following conditions would apply:

• No benefits will be provided by the policy while in your Home Province/Territory

• Your new departure will be considered the Departure Date in accordance to the policy. Requirements such as but not limited to meeting eligibility will be required.

• Stability will be calculated based on your new Departure date, any and all Exclusions/Limitations would apply

Travel medical insurance does not cover everything. This insurance has exclusions, conditions and limitations. Please read them and understand the policy before you buy this insurance.

Pre- Existing Medical Condition Exclusion

Benefits are not payable under this policy if losses sustained or expenses incurred are the direct or indirect result of your Pre- Existing conditions that have not been Stable within a stability period before your departure date as outlined on your Confirmation of coverage.

For 0-59 years of age : a standard stability period is 45 days  with option of a 7-day stability period at additional cost.

For 60+ years of age : a standard stability period is 365 days with options of a 180-day, 90-day and 7-day stability period at additional cost.

Stable – a medical condition (other than minor ailment) for which all the following statements are true

1. Has been no new diagnosis, Treatment or prescribed medication.

2. No test results showing a deterioration in Your condition.

3. No Hospitalization, referral to a specialist (made or recommended) or You are not awaiting test or Treatment.

4. No change in Your medical Treatment and/or change in dosage of a medication


•  The routine adjustment to Coumadin, Warfarin or insulin to maintain optimal levels is not considered a change.

• If You change from a brand name to a generic with the same dosage this condition will remain stable.

Stability is calculated at the departure date of your trip.

Other Exclusions

NOTE: The product-related information is for illustration purpose only. Please refer to the Policy wording for details on the coverage provided, conditions, exclusions, limitations and claim procedure.

Please call at 416-493-0101 or 1-877-443-0101 for more information, to get a quote and to buy insurance.

or  Ask Your Question ONLINE

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How can we help you?

Do you offer emergency travel medical insurance coverage for unstable pre-existing conditions, bcaa travel insurance can offer optional coverage up to $300,000 for unstable pre-existing conditions, however the stability period varies dependent on your age and what policy you are purchasing. cxo - carptravel cxo-travelsales jan 23, 2024 • knowledge.

BCAA Emergency Medical Travel Insurance offers optional coverage of up to $300,000 CAD for unstable pre-existing conditions. Stable pre-existing conditions may be covered in the base policy, subject to a pre-existing condition stability period, which varies depending on your age. Here are the stability periods based on age:

If you are 59 years of age or under, the stability period is 90 days before your departure date

If you are 60 years of age or older, the stability period is 180 days before your departure date

Here is an overview on when you may or may not require Pre-Existing Condition Coverage:

If there has been no change noted for your pre-existing condition within the above outlined stability period, then you may not need to purchase the optional Pre-existing Condition Coverage. Your stable pre-existing conditions would be covered under the policy limit of $10 million, subject to policy terms and conditions. 

If there is any change noted for your pre-existing condition within the above outlined stability period, then you will need to purchase Pre-existing Condition Coverage to have coverage relating to your unstable medical condition up to $300,000. All other stable medical conditions would be covered under the policy limit of $10 million, subject to policy terms and conditions.  

Here is how BCAA defines stable:

  • There has been no deterioration of the condition as determined by a physician, and
  • There have been no new symptoms or findings or more frequent or severe symptoms or findings, and
  • There has been no change in medical treatment or no alternation in any medication for the condition, and
  • There has been no new medical treatment prescribed or recommended by a physician or received.  

You can learn more about pre-existing conditions and BCAA Travel Insurance in our policy wordings .  

Was this article helpful?

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Seven Corners Travel Insurance Review

  • Seven Corners Travel Insurance Plans

Additional Coverage Options Offered by Seven Corners

How much does seven corners cost, how to file a claim with seven corners, compare seven corners travel insurance.

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Seven Corners Travel Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

Seven corners travel insurance review 2024.

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

Offering the right coverage is not always the same as paying claims and honoring coverage. In our experience, there's a lot of ground in between. Finding the carrier for your needs means looking at the whole picture. With nine plans and plenty of add-ons available, Seven Corners may have exactly what you need. 

Competitive with some of the best travel insurance companies, see if Seven Corners travel insurance is right for you. 

Seven Corners Seven Corners Travel Insurance

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Diverse coverage options such as CFAR, optional sports equipment coverage, etc.
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Available in all 50 states
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Prices are higher than many competitors
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Reviews around claims processing are mixed
  • Trip cancellation insurance of up to 100% of the trip cost
  • Trip interruption insurance of up to 150% of the trip cost
  • Cancel for any reason (CFAR) insurance available

Over 30 years, Seven Corners , Inc. has provided travelers with a wide array of coverage options. US-based travelers can find an array of options for traveling abroad or domestically. Non-US citizens can also find options for traveling to the US. The carrier also offers supplemental riders to tailor coverage to your precise needs, such as adventure sports coverage. It is also among the best CFAR travel insurance providers.

Additionally, many of its single-trip policies can be extended up to 364 days. It also offers annual multi-trip insurance for international trips, making it on our list of the best international travel insurance for long-term travel.

Seven Corners is reviewed positively among customers, receiving an average of 4.2 stars out of five across over 5,100 reviews on Trustpilot. Seven Corners does even better on SquareMouth, receiving 4.38 stars across 3,700 reviews.

Seven Corners Plans Available

As noted above, Seven Corners Travel Insurance offers many travel insurance plans and riders. Each features distinct benefits, inclusions, exclusions, and claim limits, so it's vital to read the plan documents thoroughly before you finalize your purchase. Here is a summary of its core products:

Trip Protection 

Comprehensive coverage for US residents traveling domestically or internationally. Specific coverage benefits and services will vary by state, but the broad coverage areas are as follows:

  • Trip cancellation (optional CFAR addition for qualified travelers)
  • Trip interruption
  • Missed connection
  • Change fees
  • Accident and sickness medical expenses
  • Emergency dental expense
  • Emergency medical evacuation/medical repatriation/return of remains
  • Accidental death and dismemberment
  • Baggage and personal effects
  • Baggage delay
  • Covid-19 coverage

Trip Protection Annual Multi-trip

This plan is for travelers who intend to go on multiple trips, internationally or domestically, within a 365-day period.

  • Trip cancellation: $2,500 to $10,000
  • Trip interruption: up to 150%
  • Trip delay: up to $200 per day and $2,000 per year
  • Missed connection: $1,000 per year
  • Travel medical expenses: up to $250,000 or $50,000 for New Hampshire residents; $100 deductibles
  • Emergency dental expenses: up to $750; no deductible
  • Emergency evacuation and repatriation: up to $500,000
  • Lost baggage: up to $2,000 with $500 limit per item; $100 deductible
  • Baggage delay: up to $100 per day and $1,000 per year
  • 24/7 travel assistance services

Trip Protection USA

This plan is for international travelers visiting the US. Its base plan offers coverage for trip cancellation and interruptions, but you can add onto your coverage with the medical bundle and air travel bundle.

  • Trip cancellation: 100% of trip cost up to $20,000 per traveler
  • Trip interruption: up to 125% of trip cost

Optional air travel bundle

  • Trip delay over six hours: $100 per day, up to $300
  • Travel inconvenience: $150 for missing work or travel diversion
  • Baggage and personal effects: $250 per item, up to $500
  • Baggage delay over six hours: $100 per day, $250 maximum

Optional medical bundle

  • Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains: up to $250,000
  • Emergency accident and sickness medical expense: up to $50,000
  • Emergency dental expense: up to $250

Travel Medical (Excluding/Including US)

Seven Corners offers standalone travel medical insurance plans for travelers who don't want other travel insurance coverage. It offers separate policies for travel plans including and excluding the US.

Travelers can also choose between the Basic and Choice plans, with additional add-ons. Coverage length can range from five to 364 days. Here are some of the highlights of Seven Corners' Travel Medical plan.

Travel Medical USA Visitor

This plan is for non-US citizens and non-US residents visiting the US, especially those worried about the cost of medical care while traveling. Travelers can choose between the basic and choice plans, the choice plan offering more coverage. The following are highlights of the basic plan: 

  • Lifetime plan maximum: $1,000,000
  • 14 days to 69 years: $50,000; $100,000; $150,000
  • 70-99 years: $50,000; $100,000
  • Hospital room and board: $1,100 per day, 30-day maximum
  • Hospital ICU: Additional $500, 8-day maximum
  • Covid-19 treatment: Same as other illnesses
  • Surgery (both inpatient and outpatient: $3,000
  • Anesthetist: $500
  • Emergency room services: $350
  • Prescription drugs: $200 per period of coverage
  • Local ambulance: $300
  • 14 days to 69 years old: up to $50,000
  • 70 to 79 years old: up to $25,000
  • 80+ years old: N/A
  • Medical emergency evacuation: $100,000
  • Travel assistance services

Travel Medical Annual Multi-trip

Like the Trip Protection annual plan, this policy is for travelers who are planning multiple trips within a year. However, this plan lacks much of the coverage for travel expenses that Trip Protection offers, excluding any travel cancellation insurance.

Here are a few of the highlights of Seven Corner's Travel Medical Annual Multi-trip insurance:

  • Coverage terms: 30 days, 45 days, 60 days
  • 14 days to 64 years old: $1,000,000
  • 65-75 years old: $100,000
  • Deductible options: $0, $250, $500
  • Coinsurance (within the US): 90% for the first $5,000 then 100% to the medical maximum
  • Coinsurance (outside the US): 100% to the medical maximum
  • Hospital room and board: URC to the medical maximum
  • Covid-19 treatment: URC to the medical maximum
  • Urgent care visit: URC to the medical maximum, $15 copay
  • 14 days to 64 years old: $20,000
  • 65-75 years old: $2,500
  • Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation: $1,000,000 separate from medical maximum
  • Lost checked baggage: $50 per article, $500 per occurrence
  • Baggage delay: $250 per occurrence
  • Trip interruption: $5,000
  • Optional adventure activities: URC to the medical maximum

This is a basic plan for international travelers, with medical expenses and some travel expense coverage. 

Travel medical expenses

  • Medical maximum: $50,000
  • Deductible: $0 to $500
  • Acute onset of pre-existing conditions: $25,000 
  • Medical expenses due to terrorist activity: $10,000
  • Optional adventure activities: up to medical maximum

Emergency services and assistance

  • Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation: $50,000
  • Emergency medical reunion: $2,000
  • Return of mortal remains or local burial or cremation: $25,000
  • Natural disaster evacuation: $10,000
  • Political evacuation and repatriation: $10,000

Travel expenses

  • 24/7 travel assistance

Mission and NGO

This plan is for travelers volunteering with a mission or a nonprofit organization. Plans can last as long as 180 days.

Travel Medical Expenses

  • Medical maximum: up to $500,000 based on traveler's age
  • Deductible: from $0-$500
  • 14 days to 64 years old: up to $50,000
  • 65-79 years old: up to $10,000
  • Covers up to $25,000 of medical expenses due to terrorism

Emergency Services and Assistance

  • Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation: up to $100,000
  • Emergency medical reunion: up to $2,000
  • Return of mortal remains or local burial or cremation: up to $25,000
  • Political evacuation and repatriation: up to $10,000
  • Natural disaster evacuation: up to $25,000

Trip expense protection

  • Trip interruption: up to $5,000
  • Trip delay: $150 per day for up to four days
  • Loss of checked baggage: $50 per item, up to $500
  • Baggage delay: up to $250

Medical Evacuation and Repatriation

This plan is primarily for non-US citizens studying abroad in the US.

  • Return of remains: $50,000
  • Local burial or cremation: $50,000)
  • Accidental death and dismemberment: $10,000 for the insured, $5,000 for spouse of the insured, $1,000 for child

These benefits must be organized through Seven Corners Assist to be covered.

Seven Corners understands there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Even with several customized plans, customers may want combinations not offered. So Seven Corners allows its customers to extend coverage with a few riders. Riders are additional coverage options travelers can add to a base plan for an additional fee.

  • Air Travel Bundle: Trip Delay, Trip Inconvenience, Baggage and Personal Effects, and Baggage Delay
  • Medical Bundle: Emergency Medical Evacuation, Repatriation of Remains, and Emergency Accident and Sickness Medical
  • Cancel for Any Reason: Covers up to 75% of the nonrefundable insured trip cost
  • Trip Interruption for Any Reason: Covers up to 75% of your nonrefundable insured trip cost.
  • Rental Car Damage: Covers up to $50,000 in damage to your rental car
  • AD&D Other than Common Carrier: Covers up to $20,000

Several factors ultimately determine the cost of travel insurance . A few examples include the trip destination, trip duration, trip cost, and age of the travelers. It's best to think of your insurance cost as a percentage of your overall trip cost.

To better estimate the cost of an average travel insurance plan with Seven Corners , we got estimates through Seven Corners and SquareMouth

If you need to file a claim with Seven Corners travel insurance, the company makes it easy to get in touch. It provides multiple contact methods, including a text line and WhatsApp number for your convenience. Text lines are supported Mondays through Fridays, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Here's how to reach customer service or claims:

  • Phone (Domestic): 1-800-335-0611
  • Phone (International): 1-317-575-2652
  • Text: + 1-888-655-1402
  • Whatsapp: +1-317-430-1140
  • Email: [email protected]

As part of the claims process, you'll likely be asked to provide supporting documentation for your claim. When you're ready to submit that documentation, you can do so via its claims submission page or by mailing any paperwork to the following address:

Seven Corners, Inc.

Attn: Claims

PO Box 211760

Eagan, MN 55121

See how Seven Corners Travel Insurance stacks up against the competition.

Seven Corners vs. Allianz Travel Insurance

At first glance, Seven Corners and Allianz are relatively similar. Both offer multi-tiered, single-trip, and annual travel insurance plans . Both companies also provide supplemental riders for cancel for any reason coverage and rental car damage protection. In an ideal world, customers of both companies would enjoy more control over coverage amounts and claim limits.

However, at this time, Allianz does not offer group policies. So, if you're planning on traveling with ten or more people, you'll likely be able to get a better deal with Seven Corners. On the other hand, if you're especially concerned about claims processing time, Allianz may be the better bet between the two.

Read our Allianz Travel Insurance review here.

Seven Corners vs. AIG Travel Insurance

Similarly, AIG travel insurance is comparable to Seven Corners. Each provider boasts a comprehensive insurance plan with varying levels of customization. In addition, both providers offer annual and standalone medical travel insurance plans.

Still, there are some differences between the competitors. For its part, Seven Corners offers a plan for non-US residents traveling to the United States. Meanwhile, AIG has a "Pack 'N Go" plan for last-minute travelers who don't need trip cancellation coverage. Both companies have ample opportunities to improve claims processing times.

Read our AIG Travel Insurance review here.

Seven Corners vs. World Nomads

On the other hand, World Nomads travel insurance and Seven Corners have more distinct differences. While Seven Corners has a wide array of travel insurance plans, World Nomads' selection is more streamlined. To date, it only provides two comprehensive insurance plans, one of which has more inclusions and higher coverage limits than the other.

If you're looking for something other than comprehensive coverage, Seven Corners might be the way to go. If you're okay with all-size-fits-one coverage, World Nomads could be a great option, particularly if you plan on doing any adventure activities while on your trip. For many occasional travelers, bundling to cover bases they might not see is appealing. Of note, adventure sports coverage is included in the World Nomads base plan, while it is only available with Seven Corners for an additional fee.

Read our World Nomads Travel Insurance review here.

How We Reviewed Seven Corners Travel Insurance

In reviewing Seven Corners travel insurance, we compared it against other popular travel insurance providers within the industry. Specifically, we examined the available plan options, including any available riders, claim limits, coverages, exclusions, and typical policy costs.

Choosing the best policy for you and any co-travelers is about selecting a policy with the right type of coverage and adequate coverage limits. Ideally, you should ensure that it works well in your budget and allows you to submit a claim quickly. You can read more about how we rate travel insurance products here.

Seven Corners' single-trip insurance covers pre-existing conditions if you booked within 20 days of your initial trip payment and 15 days of any additions. Additionally, travelers must be medically able while purchasing insurance. Seven Corners' annual plan begins covering pre-existing conditions 60 days after the plan has started.

No, you cannot purchase insurance from Seven Corners for a trip already in progress. However, you can extend certain policies currently in progress.

Availability for Seven Corners varies from state to state. Additionally, Seven Corners does not insure travel to certain countries and similarly, doesn't insure international travelers in the US from certain countries. 

Traditional travel insurance is generally more comprehensive than credit card travel protection , and Seven Corners is no exception. Seven Corners has robust coverage for international travel, medical emergencies, and evacuation, which many travel credit cards do not cover.

travel insurance 7 day stability

Editorial Note: Any opinions, analyses, reviews, or recommendations expressed in this article are the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer. Read our editorial standards .

Please note: While the offers mentioned above are accurate at the time of publication, they're subject to change at any time and may have changed, or may no longer be available.

**Enrollment required.

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  1. Travel Insurance Plans

    For travelers under 60 years of of age, most travel medical insurance plans require a 90-day stability period for coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. Offers a 7-day stability period for pre-existing condition coverage if your trip duration does not exceed 35 days. Require a 45-day stability period before your departure date, with an ...

  2. The Best Travel Insurance for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

    The Insurance Specialists for Snowbirds, Boomers and Seniors. The. Insurance Specialists. for Snowbirds, Boomers and Seniors. 1-855-478-3490 Call us for a FREE Quote. Online Quote Click for a FREE Quote. Excellent. 4.8 out of 5 based on 4,033 reviews.

  3. What is Travel Insurance Stability?

    The policy's stability requirement is important to adequate travel insurance coverage. As defined in TuGo's Traveller Emergency Medical plan, a "medical condition" is considered "stable" when: There has been no deterioration of the medical condition as determined by a physician or other registered medical practitioner, and.

  4. Pre-Existing Condition & Travel Medical Insurance Plans

    Qualifying for a Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Waiver. To qualify for a waiver in order to bypass the look-back period, policyholders must meet a few requirements. Age: No age limit for a waiver on the majority of plans. Cost: No additional premium for a waiver. Health: Traveler must be medically fit to travel.

  5. Understanding the Medical Stability Period for Travel Insurance in

    Defining the Medical Stability Period in Travel Insurance. The medical stability period is a defined time frame in which an individual's pre-existing medical condition must remain unchanged to be covered under a travel insurance policy. This period can vary, typically ranging from 30 to 180 days, depending on the insurer.

  6. How Pre-Existing Conditions Impact Travel Insurance

    For people with very recent stability changes, we offer a 7 day stability buy-down. Meaning, that as long as your condition and the treatment of that condition hasn't changed for 7 days before departure, your condition will be considered stable. ... Your doctor is not a travel insurance broker. If your doctor says something will or won't ...

  7. Unstable Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Impact Claims

    For Canadians, there are 3 factors— age, trip length and stability —that can impact coverage for your pre-existing medical conditions, so make sure you have the right coverage for your needs. There's often a focus on mature travellers and pre-existing conditions, but we know that people can experience medical conditions at any age.

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    Travel Insurance and Pre-Existing Conditions. For the purposes of buying travel insurance, a pre-existing condition is defined as any illness, disease, injury or other condition that happens prior to a plan's effective date and for which you experienced symptoms or sought treatment. Insurance providers check to see if you were medically ...

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    For a single trip, multiple trips or long term. Covered by most policies. $15/25. IMG. Single trip or multiple trips (travel insurance and travel medical insurance options are available). Waived under set conditions for travel insurance; covered but capped for single-trip travel medical insurance. $17/$94.

  10. Reduced Stability Period

    Coverage. 69 years old and less: reduces the required stability period from 3 months to 30 days before departure. 70 to 85 years old: reduces the required stability period from 6 months to 30 days before departure, for a specific condition. In both cases, our option provides coverage up to $5,000,000 on the concerned condition(s).

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    Best travel insurance category. Company winner. Best overall. Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection. Best for emergency medical coverage. Allianz Global Assistance. Best for travelers with pre ...

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    Some have a maximum trip length of 45 days; for others, it's 90 days. Allianz Global Assistance offers four plans that can protect trips of up to 180 days: OneTrip Basic is an economical plan with emergency medical and other post-departure benefits. Trip cancellation and trip interruption benefits have maximum limits of $10,000, so make sure ...

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    Travel Guard. $259. Travelers going to destinations where safety may be a concern, as security evacuation is included in the coverage. Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered by this ...

  14. IAMAT

    Stability periods - also known as look back periods - vary and can require you to be medically stable for 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 365 days or more. GOOD TO KNOW. ... Your travel health insurance plan is a legal contract. When you purchase a policy, you have to adhere to the terms set out within that specific policy for the insurer to fulfill ...

  15. Unstable Medical Conditions

    This policy carries a 30 or 90-day stability rider with up to $150,000 in coverage for unstable pre-existing medical conditions. All medical conditions must have been stable for at least 30 or 90 days prior to departure. The policy's coverage level for stable medical conditions is $5 million. This policy normally has a lower cost than TuGo ...

  16. Pre-existing Stability Period

    for the Travel Health Benefits (under age 55), the stability period is defined as the 7-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question. for the Travel Health Benefits (ages 55 and over), the stability period is defined as the 365-day period prior to the departure date of coverage for the trip in question.

  17. When Should I Buy Travel Insurance for My Trip?

    Here's how pre-existing conditions may be covered under TuGo's Traveller Emergency Medical Insurance: For travellers 59 years and under, there's a 7-day stability period for trips 35 days and less, and a 90-day stability period for trips over 35 days. For travellers aged 60-74, there's a 180-day stability period for all trip lengths.

  18. Emergency Travel Insurance

    It includes 15 days per trip, with a 90-day stability clause, and with no Supplementary Travel Insurance option available. Plan Contracts. The contracts provide details on the coverage, limitations, exclusions, and length of term for ARTA's Emergency Travel Insurance coverage. ... Completion of a Declaration of Insurability is required if you ...

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    Applicable to the Bronze plan a) Your pre-existing diabetes, heart and lung conditions must be stable in the 365 days prior to the application date of the Policy; and b) all other pre-existing conditions must be stable in the 180 days prior to the application date of the Policy. The traveler may be able to obtain coverage, by buying the ...

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    Best Travel Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions Tin Leg Travel Insurance. Tin Leg Travel Insurance is a great fit for travelers with medical issues in particular. Seven of Tin Leg's eight travel ...

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    Travel Insurance Expert. Updated: Jun 1, 2024, 9:47am. Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations ...

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    From the insurance company's point of view, if the medical condition remains unchanged or stable, the risk of making a claim is reduced, but not entirely eliminated. This is why the insurance company will include a stability clause, and a stability period of 90-days, 180-days or perhaps longer.

  23. AwayCare True Senior Guard Travel Insurance for Canadians

    True Escape Plan. The True Senior Guard Travel Medical Insurance offers coverage for reasonable and customary costs incurred by you in case of an unexpected Accident or Sickness while you are travelling outside your province/ territory and Canada. Single trip and annual multi-trip plans provide coverage for up to $5,000,000 CAD.

  24. Do you offer emergency travel medical insurance coverage for ...

    BCAA Emergency Medical Travel Insurance offers optional coverage of up to $300,000 CAD for unstable pre-existing conditions. Stable pre-existing conditions may be covered in the base policy, subject to a pre-existing condition stability period, which varies depending on your age. Here is an overview on when you may or may not require Pre ...

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    Single 30-year-old seeking annual travel insurance, $500 deductible with 30-day of travel per trip Medical Travel: $278.10 Trip Protection: $375.50 ($2,500 cancellation annual limit)

  26. Employment benefits

    VA careers provide comprehensive benefits, including paid time off, medical insurance, retirement planning, and competitive pay. ... We're here anytime, day or night - 24/7. If you are a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified responders for confidential help. Many of them are Veterans themselves.