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Masters of Travel - The Planet D

Delve into a conversation with The Planet D, a duo known for their inspiring travel tales. The Masters of Travel Podcast brings their adventures to life.

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On this episode, we sit down with Deb and Dave from The Planet D. They are true Masters of Travel, having been to all seven continents and 110 countries to date.

We cover why Deb and Dave got into travel, where their favorite destinations are, and a few of the challenges they've overcome along the way. If you're thinking about taking a trip anytime soon, give this podcast a listen. Dave and Deb are full of inspiring stories that are sure to motivate you to book your next adventure.

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The Aids Alliance

In this episode, we had the pleasure of conversing with travel aficionados, Deb and Dave from The Planet D. Covering their vast experiences spanning seven continents and 110 countries, we delved into their travel inspirations, top destinations, and the hurdles they've faced. For those itching to embark on their next journey, this discussion offers both insights and inspiration.

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Adventure Travel Planning

Dave & Deb – The Planet D

Dave and Deb of The Planet D are known as Canada’s adventure couple, but they freely share their wealth of experience with all the world on their popular travel blog.

Dave & Deb wrote an article for about how they became world-class adventure travelers , so you might want to read it as well for more of their interesting and helpful insights.

Dave and Deb truly live a life of adventure, and now they’re going to share it with you as they take you on a journey with them to The Planet D.

ATM: You have a wealth of experience traveling as a couple. What are your top recommendations for others traveling as a team? The Planet D / Dave and Deb: When traveling with anyone be it your partner, spouse or friend, you have to be clear in the way you are going to communicate.

If things are bothering you, you need to be able to talk it out as adults. Don’t let things fester or build up because by the time you blow up, you won’t be rational and could say something you regret. But if you keep the channels of communication open throughout the trip, everyone should have a much easier time.

You need to be clear on your intentions. If you want your trip to be an adventure and spend your time camping, trekking and challenging yourself, but your travel partner wants to spend time at the spa, going to museums and relaxing on the beach, you won’t have a very good time at all. These things need to be discussed.

If you don’t have similar travel styles, you most likely won’t travel well together. That is not to say that you shouldn’t be willing to compromise. Nobody is exactly alike, so you need to talk things over and try something new as well. If someone wants to see a sight or try something different, you should be willing to go along.

I like The Planet D motto: “Anyone can do it!” What are some of the best first steps you recommend to jumpstart someone’s adventure lifestyle? Take it slow. You don’t have to go out and run across a desert or cycle a continent for your first adventure.

Start small and do what makes you feel comfortable. If hopping on a flight to Asia is an adventure for you, do it. You will find that once you get out there and try something new, you will want to do more and more and your fear of the unknown will start to subside.

Just make sure to take it slow at first so that you don’t turn yourself off of going on another adventure. You should enjoy yourself, not go through your travels with fears and frustrations.

And don’t let anyone tell you what a definition of adventure should be. Each person has a different idea of what adventure travel is and nobody is wrong.

You’re a very active couple. What would be on The Planet D top-10 list of adventure travel experiences? 1)   Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro 2)   Trekking to Mount Everest Base Camp 3)   Studying Muay Thai Kickboxing in Thailand 4)   Skydiving and Flying a Stunt Plane in New Zealand 5)   Flying over Mount McKinley in a 1966 De Havilland Beaver Bush Plane 6)   White Water Rafting Class 5 rapids in New Zealand 7)   Surfing in Bali and Sri Lanka 8)   Trekking the Headhunters Trail in Borneo 9)   Flying a Stunt Plane in New Zealand for Deb and Skydiving at the same place for Dave 10) Cycling from Cairo to Cape Town

What adventures are high on your bucket list? 1) Trekking in Bhutan 2) Making it to Antarctica 3) Traveling to the North Pole 4) Trekking in the Amazon 5) Crossing a desert by foot and Crossing the Sahara by camel 6) Riding a horse through Mongolia.

What are your thoughts on buying “adventure travel” insurance for those who like high-adrenaline (risky) activities? Do you use it? We always travel with insurance but we haven’t bought extra insurance for risky activities.

I love the travel video page on The Planet D blog. Can you tell us a little about your favorite adventure that you captured on video? Mount Kilimanjaro was a lot of fun to film. We loved going through the different climates and landscapes.

You start in a hot and muggy tropical rainforest and then end in below freezing conditions with piercing winds. We were in the best shape of our lives during that climb and we could take our time to really enjoy the experience as well as film each step of the journey. It was one of the most amazing and fun adventures we’d ever done and to have it on video makes it even better to be able to relive the moments again and again.

If you had to choose just one, what would be your favorite cultural experience? I think that would have to be a Kava Ceremony in Fiji. It is an important aspect of visiting any village in Fiji, and it is customary to present the gift of Kava Root to the executive head of the village. The villagers then grind up the Kava Root, strain it through a cloth and make a potent drink out of it.

First, the village chief drinks the Kava, and then it is passed around to the visitors starting with the men. It makes your tongue and mouth go numb and tastes a lot like mud. After the official ceremony of drinking is finished, you dance with the villagers as they sing and play music. It is a wonderful combination of tradition and festivities.

What are some of the more interesting foods you’ve encountered while on your journeys for The Planet D? We’ve had bugs in Mexico and Cambodia and Snake in Vietnam.

We didn’t try any dog or scorpion in China. We actually felt very bad for the scorpions and the dogs there. The Scorpions had skewers pushed through their skin, but not enough to kill them, so they were kept alive suffering until someone bought them. They were then thrown into oil and instantly deep fried.

The dogs were kept alive in small cages and taken out one by one when someone bought them, killed right in front of the cage and then had their fur blow torched off right in front of the dogs that were waiting to be killed next. It was devastating.

We aren’t huge on trying foods that are killed in inhumane ways, and if I had to do it again I wouldn’t eat the snake in Vietnam because I think that they suffer quite a bit as well.

I know that a lot of people will say that everything suffers that we eat, but sometimes things are just far too inhumane for me to justify eating simply for the experience of saying that we have tried it.

Please tell us about one of your favorite exotic experiences. What intrigued you most about it? That would have to be our first time at the Thaipusam Festival in Malaysia. It is a shocking event where 1.5 million people converge on the Batu Caves outside of Kuala Lumpur to honour the Lord Muruga.

Worshippers put spikes through their cheeks, hooks in their backs, they carry heavy kevadis on their backs and pull chariots and people connected to their hooks by chords. It looks extremely painful and these people are completely devoted. They put themselves into a trance and as you walk through the crowd and hear the drums beating in the middle of the night, you almost feel as if you, too, are going into one.

We spent 2 full days and nights at this festival and it was amazing. A very exciting adventure and event to witness.

Do you have a favorite destination, or two? If so, what is it that keeps bringing you back? There are a few destinations that we have been to more than once: Thailand, Mexico and France.

Thailand is amazing because it’s central to everywhere in South East Asia. It’s easy and cheap to travel around, and it’s beautiful. It makes for a great home base when touring that part of the world.

Mexico is one of our favourite destinations; we love the culture, the music and the energy of the country. It is so large that you can go back over and over again and discover something new.

France is another place that we love. We love the food, the wine and the history. It’s a beautiful country and we never tire of visiting Paris.

So, where is the next destination on The Planet D list, and what do you plan to do there? Next up is the Mongol Rally, a cross continent road rally from England to Mongolia.

We’re traveling through 15 countries from Western and Easter Europe to Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and a few more “Stans” until we reach Mongolia. It’s all for charity.

We’re raising funds for the Christina Noble Foundation. A project that supports homeless and abandoned children in Mongolia and we’re donating our car to Adventures for Development at the end of our journey.

Travel advisor: Dave & Deb of The Planet D

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  • Canada’s Most Dynamic Duo: Modern Day Globe Trotters, The Planet D
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By Melina Notidou

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Who among us would not relish a life of travel and adventure?  When one month includes a gruelling two day mountain trek to see the cultural richness and clan completion at the  Bhutan Highland’s Festival and the next,  perhaps seeing polar bears in their natural habitat in Manitoba, Canada. For most of us, these types of experiences are only a fantasy but for one dynamic duo, it is just  another day at the office.

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When it comes to both adventure and lavish travelling, Dave Bouskill and Debra (Deb) Corbeil have become true connoisseurs of almost every corner of the globe. Known and loved collectively as The Planet D, the couple are a dynamic travel influencer couple from Toronto, Canada, who decided to break away from the daily grind to pursue what they truly love: travel.

But, the beginning of their travel career wasn’t an easy feat. Following over a decade of hard work and graft in the Toronto film industry, the couple began to fall out of love with their careers. Not only this, they noticed that they had begun to drift apart from each other. With their separate, busy schedules and lengthy projects, spending quality time together had become a luxury for the pair; a luxury they discovered through adventure travel.

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Then, in 2008, they had an epiphany. “There’s way more to life than just work and just thinking about the next movie and the next career”, Deb recalls thinking before the pair decided to pursue their dream life. Dave and Deb later left their film careers behind and took their first step towards a life of exploration and excitement: a four-month cycling tour from Cairo to Cape Town, Africa.

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“We wanted to do a television show being ordinary people doing extraordinary things”, says Dave when explaining their initial plan for their African cycling tour. Whilst this idea was certainly nothing short of extraordinary and a huge physical and mental challenge for the duo, they discovered that they generated more interest from starting a blog to share their experience with the world. Thus, was born, where Dave and Deb began to inspire folks around the world from any economic background to travel to their dream locations. “You don’t have to be an ultra-athlete.You don’t have to be super rich in order to be an adventurer. You can be a normal everyday person just like we were”, says Dave. Their aim of wanting to be relatable, as well as their motto ‘adventure is for everyone’, was just the beginning of The Planet D’s future success.

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Two years of unpaid travel later, Dave and Deb’s unwavering commitment to building their brand earned them an offer to become official travel ambassadors for American Express Credit Cards. From then on, the couple’s success skyrocketed. As their blog began to grow, so did their social media presence.

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Fast forward to 2020, The Planet D’s blog is now the ultimate gold mine of information full of nuggets of wisdom on how to plan and prepare for one’s next destination. Over the past decade, they have also created their multiple social media platforms – including YouTube, Instagram and Twitter – in addition to their blog to reach their audience in different ways. Using video, photography, writing and marketing, they promote evergreen content for their following.

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Over the years, The Planet D’s success has been colossal. Their undying passion for travel has taken them to a staggering 110 countries and counting across the world’s 7 continents. This couple are so dedicated to their work that they have been awarded Forbes Top 10 Travel Influencer in the world. They are also four-time Gold winners of Best Travel Blog , awarded twice by the Society of American Travel Writers and twice by the North American Travel Journalists Association. In addition to this, The Planet D have featured on the likes of National Geographic, CNN, the BBC and more. “This journey that we’ve been on for the past ten years has been nothing short of amazing”, Dave exclaims.

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One of the couple’s favourite past travel experiences was in 2016, where they indulged in the crystal-clear waters and soft, sandy beaches of the Maldives. Situated in a stunning overwater-bungalow overlooking the divine horizon on a private island, Dave and Deb still made sure to incorporate a little bit of adventure into their stay. Scuba diving, dolphin-watching on a yacht and scenic flights were on their list of thrilling pastimes during the day, followed by a succulent lobster dinner in the evening. “We still feel luxury and adventure can go hand in hand”, says Deb, elated at the perfect balance between the two during their visit.

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Up next, the pair plan to return to Africa in the near future. More specifically, they intend to go to Uganda and then Rwanda to see its glorious gorillas in an exhilarating jungle walk.

For the seasoned traveller, advice from The Planet D is sure to stay. “Always add an element of adventure into your travels”, frequently urges Dave. “Do something that scares you a little, because every time you do something that scares you a little, you grow”, adds Deb. The pair also encourage travellers to immerse in the culture of a particular destination and meet the people. Beyond the hotel, resort, or hike, The Planet D firmly believe that the people are paramount to the quality of one’s travel experience.

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From the very beginning of their journey to now, The Planet D have already accomplished so many phenomenal things. From this moment on, who knows what the pair will achieve next.

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Melina Notidou

Melina Notidou is a travel writer based in Newcastle, UK. Born into a Greek family, her summer visits to sunny Greece inspired her to combine her passion for travel with her love of writing. She has shared some of her international adventures on Vocal and is currently daydreaming of her next destination.

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The Planet D Adventure Travel Blog – Exploring the World

The Planet D Adventure Travel Blog

Welcome to The Planet D adventure travel blog dedicated to inspiring you to live your life to the fullest through exploration and adventure. Our mission is to demonstrate that adventure is for everyone, regardless of age, background, or experience. We believe in pushing boundaries, exploring the unknown, and sharing our experiences to inspire others to step out of their comfort zones.

The Planet D was born from the shared passion of Dave and Jane, a couple who left their conventional lives behind to pursue a life of adventure. With over a decade of travel experiences spanning every continent, Dave and Jane have transformed their love for exploration into a resource for fellow adventure enthusiasts.

What sets The Planet D apart is our commitment to authentic, immersive experiences. We don’t just visit places; we delve into cultures, engage with local communities, and seek adventures that challenge and change us. Our blog combines practical travel advice with captivating storytelling, bringing you a unique perspective on adventure travel.

Table of Contents

What is The Planet D?

Recognized as a top travel blog by Forbes, The Planet D adventure travel blog is an acclaimed blog created by the husband-and-wife team, Dave and Deb. Their journey is a familiar tale in the travel blogging world: over twelve years ago, they quit their jobs, sold their possessions, and embarked on an endless journey of exploration.

Founded in 2007, The Planet D has evolved into a prestigious and award-winning site, dedicated to inspiring and assisting others to embrace a similar lifestyle of travel and adventure. Dave and Deb recognized as influential figures in travel, have crafted their blog with the philosophy that “travel is for everyone.” 

The blog offers a wealth of articles, firsthand experiences, and resources, making global travel accessible to all, regardless of financial status or physical prowess. Their extensive travel experiences, covering more than 115 countries across all continents, have positioned The Planet D as a primary resource for reliable travel advice, city guides, motivational stories, and much more.

Beyond Forbes, The Planet D has also been featured on prominent platforms such as BBC, CNN, and National Geographic. This review will provide a detailed exploration of what sets The Planet D apart, examining its advantages and drawbacks, and guiding readers on how to best utilize the resources available on the blog.

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Destination Guides of  The Planet D Adventure Travel Blog

Exploring the Globe: Dive into our comprehensive destination guides, meticulously crafted for every continent and country. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene landscapes of Iceland, our guides are your gateway to the world.

Discovering Hidden Gems: We go beyond the usual tourist spots to uncover hidden gems that offer unique experiences. Join us as we explore underrated destinations and give you insider tips on finding these special places.

Seasonal Wonders: Timing is everything in travel. Our guides include seasonal recommendations, helping you choose the best times to visit each destination for ideal weather, events, and fewer crowds.

Cultural Journeys: Experience the world through its diverse cultures. Our guides provide insights into local traditions, customs, and experiences, immersing you in the heart and soul of each place.

What’s a Feature that Stands Out on The Planet D Website?

Dave and Deb

A standout feature on The Planet D website is its extensive and detailed itineraries. These itineraries are particularly valuable for travelers who want to explore new destinations around the world but may not have the time or resources to research all the attractions and logistics themselves. Each itinerary on The Planet D is carefully tried and tested, ensuring that users make the most of their time in a given location, see all the key attractions, and have a truly immersive travel experience.

These itineraries cover various global destinations, including regions like Europe, North America , and Asia. They are structured in a user-friendly manner, often with a table of contents and links to each section, making navigation easy and efficient. The itineraries include comprehensive information such as accommodation options (ranging from luxury to budget), modes of transportation, costs, and daily activity suggestions. They also come with interactive maps, created using Google Maps, to visually break down the attractions and help plan the travel route effectively.

This level of detail and practicality in their itineraries is a significant draw for the website and one of the best features appreciated by users, setting The Planet D apart in the travel blogging community.

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What Destinations Are Covered on The Planet D Website?

The Planet D website covers a wide range of destinations across the globe. While I can’t provide a current, exhaustive list of every destination featured, based on their history of extensive travel and the comprehensive nature of their blog, you can expect to find information on a variety of locations including, but not limited to:

  • North America: Detailed guides and experiences across the United States and Canada, including popular destinations like New York , California, the Canadian Rockies, and Alaska.
  • Europe: Insights into various countries from Italy and France to less-traveled destinations like Iceland and the Balkans, covering major cities, countryside escapes, and historical sites.
  • Asia: Extensive coverage of popular destinations like Thailand, India, and Japan, as well as off-the-beaten-path locations in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East.
  • South America: Adventures in places like Peru, Brazil, and Argentina, including treks in the Andes, Amazon explorations, and cultural experiences.
  • Africa: Safari experiences in countries like Kenya and Tanzania, journeys through Morocco, and trips to less-traveled destinations across the continent.
  • Oceania: Travel stories and guides from Australia and New Zealand, covering both popular tourist spots and remote areas.
  • Antarctica: Unique experiences from one of the most remote and pristine places on Earth, offering a look into expeditions and wildlife encounters.
  • Arctic Regions: Adventures in the Arctic Circle, including destinations like Greenland and the Canadian Arctic.
  • Islands and Beach Destinations: Coverage of tropical paradises, including the Caribbean, the Maldives, Fiji, and more.

Remember, this list is indicative and not exhaustive. The Planet D Adventure Travel Blog continuously updates its blog with new destinations and experiences, so there might be more recent additions to its coverage. For the most current information, visiting their website directly would be the best approach.

Future Trends in Adventure Travel

Predictions and trends in the travel industry.

The travel industry is continually evolving, and adventure travel is at the forefront of this change. We delve into the latest trends shaping the future of adventure travel. From the rise of digital nomadism to the increasing demand for experiential and immersive travel, we explore how these trends will influence the way we explore the world. Additionally, we discuss the impact of technological advancements like VR and AI on travel planning and experiences.

Emerging Destinations and Activities

As the world becomes more connected, hidden gems and unexplored destinations are gaining popularity among adventure travelers. We spotlight emerging destinations that are set to become the next big thing in adventure travel. These include remote regions like Central Asia’s Silk Road and the deep forests of the Congo. Alongside destinations, we explore new activities gaining traction, such as drone photography tours and extreme sports like volcano boarding.

Sustainable and Responsible Travel Initiatives

Sustainability is becoming a crucial aspect of travel. We focus on how the adventure travel industry is adopting sustainable practices and promoting responsible tourism. This includes eco-friendly travel options, conservation efforts, and community-based tourism initiatives that benefit local populations. We also highlight destinations and operators leading the way in sustainable adventure travel, providing insights into how travelers can make positive impacts during their journeys.

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As we reflect on the journey of The Planet D Adventure Travel Blog, it’s clear that what started as a simple platform for sharing travel stories has evolved into a rich and vibrant community of adventure seekers and travel enthusiasts. Dave and Deb’s passion for exploring the world and their commitment to bringing their experiences to a global audience have made The Planet D more than just a blog; it’s a source of inspiration, information, and a gathering place for like-minded individuals.

The blog’s journey through various countries, cultures, and experiences has not only provided invaluable insights and guidance but also highlighted the unifying power of travel. It has shown us that adventure is not just about the destinations we visit, but the stories we create and the connections we forge along the way.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) for “The Planet D Adventure Travel Blog”:

What is The Planet D Adventure Travel Blog?

The Planet D is an award-winning adventure travel blog created by Dave and Deb, a couple who have dedicated their lives to exploring the world and sharing their experiences and tips.

Who are Dave and Deb?

Dave and Deb are the founders of The Planet D. They are seasoned travelers who left their regular jobs over a decade ago to travel the world and have since visited over 115 countries on all seven continents.

What kind of content can I find on The Planet D?

The blog offers a variety of content, including detailed travel itineraries, tips for budget and nomadic living, personal travel stories, gear reviews, guides for adventure activities, and insights into sustainable travel.

Is it expensive to use The Planet D website?

The Planet D website offers its entire range of content, including blogs, itineraries, and travel tips, completely free of charge. Users can freely explore all the travel resources they provide. When it comes to bookings, The Planet D does not handle them directly; instead, they offer recommendations through links to external third-party sites, based on what has proven effective for them in their travels.

Are the travel itineraries on The Planet D suitable for beginners?

Yes, the itineraries are designed to cater to both beginners and experienced travelers, offering detailed guidance to help anyone navigate new destinations with ease.

Does The Planet D offer tips for sustainable and eco-friendly travel?

Absolutely. The blog is dedicated to promoting responsible travel and includes many tips and guides on how to travel sustainably and respectfully.

How does The Planet D help with travel planning?

The blog provides comprehensive guides and resources, including how-to guides for planning trips, reviews of travel gear and technology, and resources for booking flights, accommodations, and tours.

Can I find budget travel advice on The Planet D?

Yes, The Planet D has a dedicated section for budget travel tips, offering advice on saving money on flights, accommodations, and daily travel expenses.

What makes The Planet D stand out from other travel blogs?

The unique perspective of Dave and Deb, their comprehensive and well-researched content, and their commitment to helping all types of travelers make The Planet D stand out in the travel blogging community.



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planet d travel blog

What is the planet d.

Listed as one of the top ten travel blogs on Forbes, The Planet D is an adventure travel blog started by founders and husband and wife duo Dave and Deb. Their story is similar to those of many with thriving travel blogs; the couple left their jobs over twelve years ago, sold everything they owned, and decided to live the rest of their lives going on a never-ending adventure.

The travel blog was founded in 2007 and has since then become an award-winning website that helps others live and travel the same way Dave and Deb do. They’ve been recognized as top travel influencers and their blog is aimed toward helping others travel more. The couple believes that “travel is for everyone” and has articles, experiences, and resources that enable anyone to travel the world, even if they’re not athletic or rich. It’s filled with information and tips that have been tried and tested during their own travels, which spans over 115 countries in all seven continents. This has made their travel blog a leading source of travel tips, city guides, inspiring stories, and so much more.

In addition to Forbes, The Planet D has been featured on BBC, National Geographic, and CNN among other networks. This review will take an in-depth look at what makes The Planet D stand out, the pros and cons of utilizing the travel blog, and how you can make the most of what the website offers.

How can you use The Planet D website?

Dave and Deb have managed to find a way to make a living out of their passion for travel and you can use The Planet D website to do the same – while also finding information and resources on where to travel, what to expect, and tips and tricks that will make it easier for you.

Their experiences engage with over 600,000 people on social media, and they have over a million active monthly users on their blog – so how can you use The Planet D website for you?

  • Find travel destinations that are suitable for you, no matter if it’s popular tourist attractions in the USA or exotic unknown regions in the middle of Botswana.
  • Use travel guides to pick things to do in each country, plan a travel budget, find transportation and accommodation, and even figure out what to pack.
  • Learn from their experiences, whether it be on what to do (or not do) while on a safari in Africa or finding the best viewpoints while going on the ultimate Big Sur road trip.
  • Make use of their detailed sample itineraries from popular cities around the world . All the work is done for you so that travel is made easy, and you can make the most of your time abroad.
  • Save money, pack accordingly, and have the best possible time by learning from their experiences and making the most of their travel tips.
  • Find resources such as ways to book accommodation , find cheap flights , getting around abroad (good luck finding an Uber in a village in Sri Lanka ), buying the best travel gear, and so much more.

What will you find on the The Planet D website? How easy is it to use The Planet D website?

The Planet D website is extremely easy to navigate. The homepage has the navigation bar at the very top where you can easily access their blog, destinations, experiences, itineraries, nomadic living, and travel tips, which has a drop down for the best travel tips, travel resources, and budget travel tips. The homepage also has a search bar where you can search top destinations or travel related topics for quick access to find what you need.

As you scroll further down, you’ll see links to their most recent blog posts, links to how they can help you travel more (destination suggestions and detailed itineraries), and about Dave and Deb, where you can learn about their story and how they’ve become such a popular travel blog duo.

Further down there are links to some of their most popular blog posts and an intro to their latest travel video. A new travel video is uploaded each week and covers everything about what they’ve been up to and where they are.

At the bottom of the homepage, you’ll find easy access links to their travel resources, social media pages, as well as ways to collaborate with them, contact them, etc.

As mentioned, the website is extremely easy to navigate and each of these links take you to the appropriate pages. The only slightly negative aspect about The Planet D website that I could find is that they have an advertisement banner that stays at the bottom of the page even as you scroll. It could be a little distracting but at least it’s not an even more annoying pop-up ad.

What’s a feature that stands out on The Planet D website?

Visitors and users of The Planet D website will find several beneficial features but one that stands out the most are their itineraries. This is especially great for people who want to travel to destinations around the world but don’t have the time to research the attractions, etc. and just want to buy their ticket and go. Each of their itineraries have been tried and tested to make sure you make the most of your time in a particular place and that you are able to see all the attractions and really immerse yourself in your travel.

They have readymade itineraries to Europe, North America, and Asia. I took a look at their “The Perfect 3 Days in Singapore Itinerary” as an example to see how it’s broken down. The itineraries have a table of contents with links to each section, so it makes it even easier to navigate and jump to a particular section. A breakdown of the itinerary included information on where to stay in Singapore, getting around Singapore, how to reach the city from the main airport, attractions for each day, and links to helpful resources while traveling in Singapore.

They’ve gone into lots of detail so even sections such as where to stay in Singapore are broken down into luxury hotels, budget hotels, etc. The getting around Singapore section discusses different modes of travel and suggests the fastest way of travel – you’ll even get an idea of how much it would cost.

You’ll see suggestions on how to spend the day; for example, the Singapore itinerary suggested visiting Marina Bay on the morning of your first day, SkyPark at Marina Bay Sands and Merlion Park in the afternoon, and Clarke Quay in the evening. They also include lots of attraction options so that you can customize your time based on what interests you.

What I really love about the itineraries are the interactive maps that they’ve included in each. The maps, which are done using Google Maps, break down the attractions mentioned for each day so you can see where they are, where to get started, how long it will take you to get from one to the other, and how you can travel between the attractions.

The itineraries are extremely detailed, full of information, and are by far one of the best features I’ve come across in any travel blog.

Another feature on The Planet D website that deserves a shout-out is the page filled with budget travel tips. It suggests ways to s ave money on booking flights , choosing cheaper destinations, finding alternative accommodation such as camping or staying at a hostel, how to make the most of travel reward points on credit cards, and other ways to travel for cheap, such as taking advantage of free attractions and traveling during off-peak times. The information is quite helpful and is definitely worth making the most of when utilizing the travel website.

Their Nomadic Living section is also extremely helpful if you’re interested in living the nomadic lifestyle. Working remotely and finding a career in travel can be exceedingly difficult if you don’t know where to start. The Planet D duo share all of their resources, advice, tools, and tips to make it easy for anyone who wants to. You’ll learn how to travel while juggling a career or making travel your career if that’s what you chose. Some of the topics covered include discovering your passion, simple steps on how to start a travel blog, ways to get paid to travel, finding travel jobs such as teaching English abroad, how to live remotely, and so much more.

What destinations are covered on The Planet D website?

It’s important that a travel blog is all encompassing when it comes to destinations because then it could apply to a varied style of reader and adventurer. Dave and Deb have done just that in their many years of travel. Some of the regions they’ve explored are Asia, Africa, Europe, Caribbean, North America, South America, Oceania, and the polar regions.

This adds up to over 115 countries in all seven continents with some popular destinations being the United States, Canada, Morocco, South Africa, Italy, Scotland, Cuba, Jamaica, Maldives, Philippines, Japan, Colombia, and Venezuela.

What will you find on The Planet D blog?

The Planet D blog has over 10,000 subscribers who eagerly await their weekly blog post because it is just so informative and interesting to read – even if you’re not planning to travel any time soon. While you’ll find links to their latest blog posts on the main page, the right-hand side navigation bar has links to their most popular posts.

Some of their most popular posts cover topics like the best travel quotes in the world, the best travel vloggers on YouTube, and Canadian slang and sayings. You’ll also find articles such as ‘29 Awesome Things to do in San Francisco’, ‘Top 13 Best Treks in Nepal to Help You Choose the Right Trek For You’, and ‘22 Best Luggage Brands Of 2022 For Every Budget’.

The blog covers anything and everything travel related and you’ll find some interesting articles for your future adventures.

Is it expensive to use The Planet D website?

The Planet D website is completely free to use. You can access all of their blogs, itineraries, travel tips, and more at absolutely no cost to you. All of the travel resources listed on their website link directly to third party sites so nothing you book goes through them; they’re just suggestions made based on what has worked best for them.

What kind of experiences will you find on The Planet D website?

The experiences tab on The Planet D website is a fantastic way to find places to travel and tips to help based on your hobbies and interests. Their bucket list experiences can inspire you when deciding on where to go and what to do. You can browse through road trips they’ve been on, safaris, hiking destinations, the tropics, adventurous trips, and even the time they’ve spent in Antarctica.

You can also use this page for particular experiences such as historical sites, honeymoon destinations, wonders of the world, festivals, and even a list of places you have to visit in your lifetime. It’s a wonderful way to find your next vacation destination based on what you love to do.

Does The Planet D have a mobile app?

The Planet D does not have a mobile app but is easily accessible through your mobile internet browser. They are also active on various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.

How do you contact someone at The Planet D?

If you scroll all the way to the bottom of The Planet D website, you’ll find several footer links, including one that says ‘Contact Us’. The link takes you to an online form to submit where you fill in your name, email, and message, and it says that someone will get back to you within a week.

David Jones -lifetime-traveler-travelsites

I am a professional travel writer and travel enthusiast who traveled the world twice, so I am sharing my firsthand knowledge about everything related to travel and spending time abroad.

  • Operated by husband-and-wife duo who have actual experience in making a living out of travel
  • Prominent blog featured on several platforms such as Forbes, National Geographic, CNN, and BBC
  • Creators have traveled to over 115 countries in all seven continents
  • Travel guides help you find your next destination, find transportation and accommodation, plan a budget, etc.
  • Detailed itineraries to several cities around the world make travel easy; includes details on hotels, transportation, attractions, etc.
  • Travel tips cover a range of topics that is useful for users; you can even learn to make money while traveling
  • Experiences let you find places to go based on your hobbies and interests whether it be dangerous safaris, hiking locations, and more
  • Tons of links to resources that make travel easier such as hotel booking sites, buying travel gear, etc.
  • Website is extremely easy to use and the navigation bar at the top of the page lets you find everything in a flash
  • Blog and vlog are updated weekly and cover a number of topics that are interesting even if you don’t have any immediate travel plans
  • Easy to read blog posts, usually set out in list form
  • Comments section under each article where readers can leave feedback
  • City guides present useful information in packs
  • Find inspiring destinations by traveler categories
  • Footer advertisement at the bottom of the website that is distracting when you’re trying to read an article
  • No actual services, etc. sold directly on the website; instead, there are links to third-party websites
  • No mobile app but can be accessed through a mobile internet browser

12+ Alternative Sites to The Planet D

Nomadic Matt's Travel Site -

The Planet d Adventure Travel Blog

The Planet d Adventure Travel Blog

The planet d adventure travel blog they left behind their careers as rigging gaffers in the film industry to pursue their passion for travel and blogging.

The Planet D website features a wide variety of travel tips and resources including itineraries for popular destinations around the world. They also have a tab dedicated to experiences such as road trips, safaris, hiking destinations and the tropics.

About The Planet D

Dave and Deb, a couple who live by the motto “Adventure is for Everyone,” run The Planet D, a travel blog. They left their careers over twelve years ago to travel the world and share their experience with their readers. Their stories are inspiring and demonstrate how anyone can take a leap of faith to achieve their dreams.

In addition to their blog, the Planet D website also contains travel guides and itineraries. These itineraries are helpful for those who want to travel but do not have a lot of time to research their destinations. They also include tips and advice on how to save money while traveling. The Planet D is a great resource for those who are looking to travel on a budget.

Another great feature of the Planet D website is its experiences tab. It features a variety of different travel experiences, including road trips, safaris, the tropics, and more. It’s a great way to find a trip that suits your interests and is a good place to get inspiration for future travel plans.

This website is easy to navigate and offers a variety of benefits for its users. The homepage has a navigation bar with links to their blogs, destinations, experiences, itineraries, and nomadic living. There are also drop-down menus for different categories of travel, including tips, budget travel, and top destinations.

The Planet D also includes detailed sample itineraries for popular cities around the world.

The team designs the itineraries to help travelers make the most of their time in each city. They also include tips on how to travel on a budget and what to pack for each destination.

A couple from Canada runs The Planet D, an adventure travel blog.

Founded by a Canadian couple, the Planet D Adventure Travel Blog has become one of the most influential travel blogs in the world. They live by the motto “Adventure is for Everyone,” and prove that you don’t need to be a super-athlete or adrenaline junkie to enjoy a life of travel and adventure. Dave and Deb left their jobs in the film industry to pursue their passion for travel, and now their site is a source of detailed city guides, personal travel tips, and inspirational stories.

The Planet D Adventure Travel Blog is easy to navigate and features a simple homepage design. A top bar with links to their blogs, destinations, experiences, itineraries, and nomadic living gives readers quick access to the information they need. They also include a search bar where visitors can easily find their favorite posts.

This blog is a great resource for people who are planning a trip to any destination in the world. Its writers provide in-depth guides and tips that help travelers have a smoother journey. They also offer advice on budget travel and a variety of other topics that can make the trip more enjoyable.

One of the best things about this blog is that it is free to use.

The authors provide their readers with the latest and most helpful information on The Planet D, and they don’t charge for their content. Instead, they make money through affiliate marketing, which allows them to keep the blog running at no cost to their readers.

In addition to its extensive list of travel guides , this blog offers plenty of other helpful resources for budget backpackers. They recommend ways to save money on airfare, hostels, and hotels. They also suggest ways to get the most out of your travel credit cards and other rewards programs. In addition, they provide advice on how to travel safely and responsibly.

The Planet D is a must-read for any traveler. The authors write engaging articles on a wide range of topics, from how to find cheap flights to tips on how to stay safe when traveling abroad. The authors also share their personal experiences and stories, which makes their website more relatable to their readers.

About The Authors

The Planet D is one of the most popular adventure travel blogs. It was founded by Dave and Deb, a couple who left their jobs to travel the world full-time. The blog features articles about their travel adventures and tips for other travelers. It is updated frequently, and it is a great resource for anyone interested in exploring the world.

The website also features videos of their adventures, as well as photos from their various destinations. They are also active on social media, which gives them a much wider audience than other travel bloggers. In addition, they have a variety of advertising placements, including banner ads and pop-up video advertisements.

This couple travels the world on a budget, and their blog is a useful resource for other travellers looking for budget-friendly travel ideas. They share their experiences and offer advice on a wide range of topics, including packing, eating on a budget, and planning a trip. Their blog is also very easy to navigate and offers a wealth of information.

Adventure travel blogger Cameron Martindell has explored 180 countries in the last decade. His blog is filled with inspiring stories and breathtaking photos of unique destinations around the world. His goal is to inspire people to take the plunge and try new activities, and he shows that you don’t have to be an adrenaline junkie to enjoy a good adventure.

The site’s design is clean and simple, and it is well-organized into categories such as “Earth,” “Water,” and “Snow.” The blog also features articles about specific outdoor adventures and gear. Its authors are dedicated to making the outdoors accessible to everyone. They strive to inspire people to value and understand our planet’s ecosystems.

Whether you are interested in learning about the planet d’s favorite travel destinations or simply want to get inspired to make your own travel dreams come true, these adventure travel blogs will help you find the right way to see the world. They feature travel adventures of varying intensity, and they provide tips for navigating different cultures and environments. Many of these blogs also include mouthwatering photos of local cuisine.

About The Blog

This travel blog is a great resource for anyone interested in traveling off the beaten path. The content is both informative and entertaining, and the photos are beautiful. In addition, the website is easy to navigate and full of helpful tips.

The Planet D is a husband-and-wife travel blog that features articles about international destinations, as well as a few domestic adventures. The authors are on a mission to inspire others to step outside their comfort zones, and they do so in a way that is both fun and engaging. Their posts include photos of local cuisine and attractions, as well as tips for avoiding common travel pitfalls.

Unlike many other travel bloggers, Dave and Deb discovered their passion for travel later in life. After a long time in the corporate world, they decided to pack up their lives and explore the globe. They started their blog as a way to share their experiences with other travelers. They have since become one of the most popular travel blogs on the internet. Their website includes plenty of useful information on travelling around the world, including detailed itineraries and budget guides.

A mother-daughter duo runs the excellent adventure travel blog called Hopscotch the Globe. The authors use beautiful photographs and custom graphics to create a unique, one-of-a-kind site. Posts on the site are organized in a clean and concise manner, categorized by continent and then by topic.

For those looking for a truly unique experience, the site offers advice on things like eco-communities and living in an Airstream.

A Canadian family who loves to travel writes this travel blog. They have a wide variety of topics, but they also feature plenty of family-friendly activities. For example, they have a post about whitewater rafting in Canada, as well as a post about hiking in the Rockies. In addition, they have several other articles about family-friendly travel. Their blog is a great resource for people who are planning a trip with their kids.

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  • Website Planet

How To Start a Travel Blog in 2024: It’s Easier Than You Think

Suzanne Stewart

  • Before You Begin

Choosing a Sub-Niche

The Blonde Abroad home page

  • Solo travelers
  • Women travelers
  • Empty nester/couples-only trips
  • Region-specific trips
  • Activity-specific adventures like road trips or backpacking
  • Luxury travel
  • Work/business traveling
  • Family adventures
  • Accessible travel for those with disabilities
  • “Off the beaten path” adventures
  • Retirement traveling

Who Do You Read?

Who will be your reader, do you have a budget and a plan.

  • Choose a Good Domain Name
  • Choose a Reliable Web Hosting Service

Hostinger Mananged WordPress features

  • Install WordPress and Set Up Your Travel Blog

Hostinger WordPress installation with pre-selected plugins

Choose a WordPress Builder and Theme

WordPress plugins section

Consider These Useful Plugins

AIOSEO plugin

  • Set Up and Customize the Most Relevant Pages
  • An About Me page. Give the reader some insight into who you are, why you do what you do, and what kind of personality you have.
  • Contact page. This can be as simple as displaying your email address to setting up a detailed contact form. Make sure to be specific about what types of inquiries you’ll respond to, though.
  • Privacy and Disclosure pages. Privacy pages notify your readers about the use of cookies and if you collect any other personal data (such as emails). You’ll also want to add a Disclosure page if you work with certain brands or earn a commission from any sales made through your blog.

Sample travel blog page with embedded map and image carousel

  • Photo and Video Gallery. You’ll probably want an attractive gallery page of your best travel photos. Or, if you don’t have enough content to create a gallery right away, do what I did and include an image carousel widget at the bottom of each blog post.

Elementor website builder customization menu

  • Revise, Test, and Publish Your Travel Blog

test blog front page

  • An Easier Way To Get a Travel Blog Online

Squarespace Souto travel blog template

You’re All Set To Start Your Travel Blog Journey Today

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  • You're All Set To Start Your Travel Blog Journey Today

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  2. 20+ Best Travel Blogs to Arouse Your Sense of Adventure (2023)

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  3. About The Planet D -The Planet D

    About THE PLANET D. Hi, we're Dave and Deb, the founders of this award-winning travel blog. Since we started The Planet D back in 2007 we have become experts in the travel space and were even named Top Travel Influencers by Forbes Magazine. We want to help you travel more!

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    4) Skydiving and Flying a Stunt Plane in New Zealand. 5) Flying over Mount McKinley in a 1966 De Havilland Beaver Bush Plane. 6) White Water Rafting Class 5 rapids in New Zealand. 7) Surfing in Bali and Sri Lanka. 8) Trekking the Headhunters Trail in Borneo. 9) Flying a Stunt Plane in New Zealand for Deb and Skydiving at the same place for Dave.

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