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Star trek: voyager’s species 8472 villains explained.

Voyager's Species 8472 were groundbreaking Star Trek aliens and were so powerful that they even convinced Janeway to side with the Borg Collective.

  • Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager as the deadly aliens that scared the Borg Collective, impressing viewers with their CGI design.
  • Captain Janeway formed an alliance with the Borg to combat the dangerous Species 8472, who had the ability to wipe out all life in their galaxy.
  • Peace was eventually negotiated with Species 8472, but their potential return as antagonists in the Star Trek universe remains a possibility, especially with the destruction of the Borg and Starfleet's presence in the Delta Quadrant.

Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager season 3, billed as the Star Trek villains that were deadly enough to scare the Borg Collective. Impressed by the advances in CGI that allowed Voyager 's VFX team to realize the sentient macro viral life forms in "Macrocosm", plans were made to create a pure computer-animated alien species. Executive Producers Jeri Taylor and Brannon Braga, and CGI Effects Director Dan Curry are all credited with the genesis of this unique Star Trek alien. Voyager season 3 finally introduced the Borg, but the team wasn't willing to rest on their laurels when it came to big bads for Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) to face.

At a 2009 Star Trek convention in New Jersey, Kate Mulgrew stated (via Trek Movie ) that Species 8472 were her favorite Star Trek: Voyager aliens , and they proved popular with fans. It's easy to see why, as they resembled H.R. Giger's iconic Xenomorph designs for Ridley Scott's Alien , representing something truly extraterrestrial, hitherto unseen in Star Trek . So dangerous were Species 8472 that Captain Janeway entered into an alliance with the Borg Collective to defeat them. However, in keeping with the more open-minded and accepting worldview of Gene Roddenberry's original Star Trek vision, the terrifying aliens were actually just misunderstood.

Star Trek: Voyager's Species 8472 Explained

Janeway first encountered Species 8472 in the Star Trek: Voyager season 3 finale "Scorpion", when Kes (Jennifer Lien) learned of the aliens' intention to wipe out all life in their galaxy via her telepathic gifts. Telepathy was the only way that the aliens had to communicate until they began to replicate the Human form later in Voyager . Species 8472 had an incredible immune system that purged all foreign bodies, like Borg nanoprobes from their bodies, making them a formidable opponent. The DNA of Species 8472 was also deadly to other species as their cells were capable of consuming infected bodies from the inside.

In Star Trek: Voyager 's season 4 premiere, it became clear that the Borg had triggered a conflict with Species 8472 by entering into their native realm of fluidic space. This aggressive action was enough to convince Species 8472 that all life forms in non-fluidic space were hostile and must be destroyed. This belief wasn't helped by Janeway's Borg alliance to fight Species 8472. Later, to prepare for an invasion of the Federation, Species 8472 created a staging ground in the form of a fully-inhabited replica of Starfleet Academy. However, thanks to a budding - if unconventional - romance between Commander Chakotay (Robert Beltran) and the member of Species 8472 masquerading as Commander Valerie Archer (Kate Vernon), peace was negotiated with the aliens.

Will Species 8472 Return In Star Trek?

Peace can sometimes be a fragile thing in the Star Trek universe, so it's certainly possible that Species 8472 could return as antagonists. They were convinced in Star Trek: Voyager season 5 that the Federation posed no threat to them, but times do change. The final destruction of the Borg Collective and Starfleet's increasing presence in the Delta Quadrant in the early 25th century could be enough to inspire some members of Species 8472 to question their assessment of the Federation.

One of the more likely modern starships to encounter Species 8472 would be Star Trek: Prodigy 's new Voyager because the fully CGI aliens would work brilliantly in animation. In Prodigy season 1, Janeway stated a desire to right some of the wrongs from Voyager's original journey. The initial aggression between the Federation representatives and Species 8472 could be one of the Star Trek: Voyager mistakes that she wishes to rectify. Returning to fluidic space for an update on their progression could ease Janeway's conscience over her short-lived alliance with the Borg.

Forgotten Trek

Designing Species 8472

Concept artist Steve Burg had to design the first non-humanoid alien of Star Trek . Species 8472, which would first appear in “Scorpion”, was a departure from any race seen yet.

It would also be the first fully computer-generated species of Star Trek .

Although the technology was still far from perfect, according to VFX supervisor Ronald B. Moore, it was good enough for Voyager ’s needs.

“We’d suggested it before,” but the producers were reluctant. “With CGI you’re always on the cusp. We’re not really good at people yet. Jurassic Park was showing us that we could do things as long as they weren’t too real.”

The seeds had been sown in the Season 3 episode “Macrocosm”, which featured giant microbe-like creatures that were completely computer-generated.

The producers had been impressed by what they saw and wished to take the technology further. So when they came up with an alien race that was destroying the Borg, they were ready to experiment with a CG alien.

Determined to take full advantage of this technology, VFX producer Dan Curry suggested that, if it was going to look really alien, the creature should have three legs.

“We had a script for a vicious alien creature that had to be so powerful and so fearsome that it was able to chop up and destroy the Borg,” he recalled.

When we got the story, I was interested in creatures that had weird locomotive properties. I guess it goes back to the old fifties sci-fi book The Day of the Triffids , about these tripod plants that come to Earth and cause trouble.

Curry did some crude sketches and worked with John Teska and Steve Burg, swapping drawings back and forth until they came up with the 8472.

Curry’s proposal, however, was not immediately passed on to Foundation Imaging, the company which would make the CGI. Ron Moore explained that this was because he did not want to impose a design on the people he works with too early in the process:

We approached Ron Thornton at Foundation and said, “Look, here’s what we’re trying to do. Why don’t you have your guys draw something up and we’ll look it over.” The way I like to work with the CG houses is to be nebulous. I don’t like to be real specific, because it ties their hands in.

So, with plenty of room for latitude, Foundation Imaging turned to Burg, a veteran of films such as The Abyss and Contact , and of several earlier Foundation Imaging projects, including Hypernauts . Steve had designed the three-legged Gloose that had stuck in Curry’s mind. Burg worked with Thornton, Foundation Imaging’s owner, who passed all of Curry’s and Moore’s comments onto him.

Big and ferocious

“The main desire,” said Burg, “was to do a creature that was definitely not a man in a suit, just to see how that would work out. They were still writing the script at that moment, so there was only a very brief description.”

It said it was big and ferocious and terrifying and moved very quickly; it was 14 feet tall at one point. That was about it. There aren’t really that many limitations on what you can accomplish. It’s mostly about artistic choices. You don’t have to think about physical limitations like with a puppet creature. I would say creatures and robots are very much like character design for animation. You just have to try to evoke a certain feel and create an overall impression.

Burg’s initial drawings, however, did not particularly impress the producers. “They thought that it was too human-like,” he said, “and too similar to the creature from Alien .”

I think it was the head they were most concerned about. They wanted something like the alien, but they didn’t want a ripoff. They wanted something that was that distinct; something very nasty and powerful. It also had to be intelligent. The thing about an alien, unfortunately, is making it smart usually means making it something we can relate to on a human level. Probably, real aliens would be so weird that they’d be unfathomable. But this is film and television; we have to be able to understand it fairly quickly.

Once the first drawing had been rejected, Thornton told Burg he should produce some quick sketches showing a variety of looks they could choose from.

The next batch were just basic silhouettes. Some have three legs; some have two legs; some of them have a split, tripodal base, with below the knee bifurcated. I don’t think I had any real strong idea. In that situation you basically try to do as many variations as you can and hope that one of them will click.

The series of drawings included several three-legged creatures that were close to what Curry was looking for. The producers chose one of these drawings and asked Burg to develop it further. This involved a fair amount of work, since the view they had chosen showed the creature from behind and not its face.

Species 8472 concept art

Burg concentrated on the creature’s body. As he confronted the difficulties of its alien anatomy, it started to take on a more definite form.

With CG, even if things don’t have to support their own weight, you still have to think about how it will move in a general sense. The biggest problem was dealing with that third leg. In the end it became like a human leg, but it started out as more of a symmetrical tripod; all the legs pointed out from the middle and the body was more centrally located. A tripod is one of those things that sounds great, but if you have a tripod, and the creature still has a front and back, what do you do? I think it moved back toward something you could relate to; it became sort of a centaur.

By this stage, Burg was starting to develop a clear idea of what Species 8472 would look like, even if the final design was still forming with each successive drawing.

The thing about any of these things, it’s not like it’s any one moment the design suddenly appears. It’s more of a process that evolves. There are various people who affect it. Your job is to try to capture the quality that people are looking for in a visual. I think that once this guy got underway, he began to take on his own identity. It’s really good when that happens. It’s almost like these things come out of a fog. It’s a gradual thing, but by the end it becomes its unique self.

Creating the CG

The task of creating the CG version of the Species 8472 was given to John Teska at Foundation Imaging.

By the time Teska became involved, Burg had already produced a set of drawings that showed what the creature should look like, but a lot of creative work remained to be done.

Species 8472 rendering

In fact, the producers handed him several drawings with instructions to use different elements from each one. These gave Teska an idea of what they wanted, but there was room for interpretation. The finished model turned out similar, but not quite identical, to Burg’s final concept drawings.

“It was something of a Frankenstein’s monster,” said Teska.

The key features, the things that distinguished the creature, were the three legs, the tendons in the neck and the basic head shape, all of which had been laid out in Steve’s artwork.” I followed that fairly closely. But, in addition to pulling these designs together, I had to go in and do deeper detail like sorting out the colors and working out literally what the flesh would look like — the wrinkles and things like that. Certainly, there was plenty of room to put my own ideas in and breathe life into it.

Species 8472 rendering

Species 8472

star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

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Species 8472

  • Non-humanoid species
  • Races and cultures
  • Extradimensional races and cultures
  • Telepathic species
  • View history
  • 1.1 Early events
  • 1.2 Armada timeline
  • 1.3 25th century
  • 1.4.1 First Splinter timeline
  • 4 Technology
  • 5 Known individuals
  • 6.1 Behind the scenes
  • 6.2 External links

History [ ]

Early events [ ].

This interdimensional race originate from a region of space outside the known universe with their home being a place that had no stars or planets but instead consisted entirely of bio-matter. ( ST video game : Armada II )

The extra-galactic realm that was their home dimension was known only as fluidic space. However, their origins were largely unknown and it was not even clear whether the race had a homeworld. Speculation by some indicated that Species 8472 may have formed within the organic fluids that populated their dimension. Regardless, what was known was that they were the only race to form within fluidic space and the concept of other species was completely alien to them. ( Decipher RPG module : Aliens )

The earliest known encounter with the species was in the 2370s when the Borg Collective began their failed attempt to assimilate the race. ( VOY episode : " Scorpion ")

The Borg driven from their realm, Species 8472 became aware of the Milky Way Galaxy and initiated a purge of all other life forms, starting from Borg space. All their attacks against the Borg were victories and it is possible that in a matter of time, the Borg would have been potentially destroyed had it not been for the interference of the Federation starship USS Voyager who formed an alliance with the Collective and developed an effective weapon against Species 8472. After facing their first losses from the weapon, Species 8472 retreated back into their realm. ( VOY episode : " Scorpion ")

Despite the call to return, a few members of this race were left behind some of which became prey of the Hirogen , prized as unique trophies. ( VOY episode : " Prey ")

Another stranded 8472 found itself in another extra-dimensional realm, on a Borg Cube trapped within the graveyard that circled the Forge , it and its spawn were killed as part of a deal made between the Borg and the USS Voyager's Hazard team . ( VOY video game : Elite Force )

By 2375 groups of 8472 had returned to the galaxy where they built space station habitats that would simulate conditions within the Alpha and Beta Quadrants in an attempt to gain intelligence on the race that had defeated them. This tactic seemingly came to an end when the crew of the USS Voyager were able to convince the 8472 on one station to make peace with the Federation over the misunderstanding that all races within the galaxy had declared war on Species 8472. ( VOY episode : " In the Flesh ")

Armada timeline [ ]

Unfortunately this time of good will was not to last and in 2377 8472 returned to purge the galaxy of all life, striking not just in the Delta Quadrant but also into Federation space in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Stray 8472 ships also found themselves involuntarily pulled into the galaxy by the Cardassians who had found a way to open a rift into fluidic space and used it as a weapon pulling in agitated 8472 vessels at their whim.

This invasion was defeated by the combined alliance of the Borg stranded in the Alpha Quadrant and the Federation who ventured into fluidic space to destroy the Rift Maker organisms which maintained the gateways into the Galaxy ( ST video game : Armada II )

25th century [ ]


A group of Undine follow their leader.

The earlier truce was later revealed to be only an agreement with a section of the Species 8472 population, and not all-encompassing. Whether Species 8472 wished to continue its genocidal schemes or make peace was unknown for a time. In 2390 the USS Enterprise -E was in the McAllister C-5 Nebula and detected quantum singularities that possibly indicate Species 8472 in the area. The next year , Starfleet created a task force to investigate the possible return of Species 8472. The team interviewed members of the USS Enterprise and former members of the USS Voyager crew.

Not known to many, Species 8472, who was also known as the Undine, had been active in the late 24th century where they infiltrated the Gorn Hegemony government and subverted them in order to force them to fight in a drawn-out conflict with the Klingon Empire . Later in 2395 , the Undine attempted to kill Ja'rod of the House of Duras whereupon it would masquerade as him. Ja'rod whilst on shore leave was ambushed by three members of the shapeshifting species but was able to slay two of the infiltrators and capture the third for questioning onboard the IKS Kang . Through interrogation, Ja'rod learnt of the Undine's motivations to infiltrate the Klingon High Command and after the defeat of the Gorn , the Undine involvement in their government came to light to the Klingon High Council thus heightening the Klingon 's xenophobia towards other races. ( STO website  : The Path to 2409 )


An Undine warrior battles a Borg Drone.

The first major sign of active Undine war efforts against the galactic powers was when they abducted the Vulcan ambassador Sokketh and replaced him with one of their own. This member of the species was stationed at Earth Spacedock and in 2409 Starfleet was tasked with escorting him to P'Jem where the world was discovered to be blockaded by a Klingon task force. It was only after battling these Klingons did the Starfleet forces learn that Sokketh was an Undine who fled whereupon one of their dreadnaughts entered into the system. The arrival of Starfleet reinforcements managed to destroy the Undine ship and defeat the threat posed by this infiltration. ( STO mission : " Diplomatic Orders ")

At this point, the Undine were involved in not only combating the Federation and Klingon races but also the Borg. The Collective in the meantime sought the means to complete its original goal when it entered into fluidic space namely to assimilate the Undine. They were successful in capturing several members of the species in the region of space known as NGC-4447 . Ultimately, they succeeded in assimilating one member of the race to serve as a prototype for future assimilations of the species. However, a strike force from Battle Group Omega succeeded in destroying the drone along with its guards. ( STO mission : " Assimilation ")

Despite the state of war with the other races, Starfleet attempted to forge peaceful relations with the Undine by entering into fluidic space from a stable portal in the Zemet system . Though negotiations failed, it did lead to the Federation's first contact with another inhabitant of this extradimensional realm known as the Hylasa . It was also discovered during this expedition that the Undine had, again, been provoked into acting in normal space: the Iconians had attacked the Undine and framed the nations of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants for the incursion, likely in an attempt to weaken both groups. ( STO mission : " Fluid Dynamics ")

Undine Soldiers (STO)

Undine soldiers.

The Undine began a series of major offensives very late in 2409 . During a battle between the Dyson alliance, comprising the Federation, Klingon Empire , and the Romulan Republic , and the Voth , both sides passed through an Iconian Gateway from the Solanae Dyson Sphere and entered the Jenolan Dyson Sphere . An Undine battle group blasted its way through the Jenolan sphere's neutronium main door, accidentally obliterating a Voth Citadel -class starship , but the allied ships were able to defeat the task force. After a disagreement over the ownership of the Dyson sphere nearly erupted into a shooting war between the members of the alliance, Rear Admiral Tuvok proposed a conference to settle the matter. ( STO mission : " A Step Between Stars ")

In 2410 Tuvok's summit was interrupted by the appearance of a large Undine armada within the Dyson spheres that set course for Earth . This fleet inflicted severe damage to Earth Spacedock , necessitating a near-complete rebuild, and caused heavy casualties to Starfleet before reinforcements could stop it. Amidst the battle, Tuvok discovered in a mind-link with the Undine previously masquerading as Eric Cooper that the attack on Earth was a diversion: the Undine were really after Qo'noS . Reinforcements including the USS Enterprise -F and the RRW Lleiset rushed to the Klingon homeworld and were able to blunt the offensive, destroying an Undine planet killer in the process. After the battle, the Federation and Klingon Empire declared an armistice, ending the Federation-Klingon War of 2405-2410 . ( STO mission : " Surface Tension ")

With the end of the war, a new alliance was formed, known as the Alpha Quadrant Alliance , but one loose end still remained. The Undine masquerading as Cooper continued to strike at Tuvok, trying to destroy his mental defenses and take him out. Aided by the captain who joined him in stopping the Solanae Dyson Sphere from jumping, Tuvok was able to track down Cooper's location and board his modified bioship. Here, Tuvok was able to contact one of the Undine's higher-ups and was able to convince them that the Needs of the Many outweigh the Needs of the Few and that, by working together, the Undine could be strong and survive. Despite Cooper's protests, they agreed and ended up destroying Cooper for his weak-minded thoughts. The Undine retreated back into fluidic space. ( STO mission : " Mindscape ")

Alternate realities [ ]

In an alternate timeline , the USS Voyager crew discovered that this species was still at war with the Milky Way galaxy in other alternate timelines due to the fact that their realm does not have such timelines. The Torres Generator was used to seal the barriers between their realm and all other alternate timelines. As a species, they preferred the name " Groundskeepers " to "Species 8472". ( VOY - Infinity's Prism short story : " Places of Exile ")

First Splinter timeline [ ]

By 2381 Willem Batiste , an undercover agent for Species 8472, used Project Full Circle to maneuver the USS Voyager back to the Delta Quadrant where he intended to return to his home in fluidic space . After being betrayed by McDonnell he was rescued by the Species 8472 member known as Valerie Archer . Although initially refusing to accept him, due to his potential as a 'pollutant' to the fluidic space, he was eventually allowed to complete his journey home. ( VOY novel : Unworthy )

Biology [ ]


Species 8472 are a tripedal species and perhaps one of the tallest species encountered by the Federation . They do not possess vocal cords however do possess eyes which serve as their sensory organs. They are telepathic which they use to great effect in scanning the minds of other races and using it as a form of tracking mechanism when hunting enemy starships.

The race uses their large arms in combat to great effect with a single strike being possibly fatal to any species known, this is in part due to their amazing immune system. Species 8472 are perhaps the ultimate expression of biological perfection as they possess a near flawless immune system that attacks and destroys any form of 'infection'; both biological and technological. This was also the reason why the Borg failed in assimilating them. Species 8472 use this to their advantage in melee by physically attacking their opponents, transferring blood and immune cells to their target. Victims of such strikes can be best described as being 'eaten alive' as the immune cells from Species 8472 are transferred to its victim which begin to destroy its new 'host'. ( VOY episode : " Scorpion ")

Despite their large size, they are capable of shape shifting and are capable of taking humanoid forms which they use to infiltrate other species when it became necessary after their war with the Borg. However, this seems to be a difficult process for them one which can fail as the members that do so have been known to experience a process known as ' reversion '. This essentially means that the race cannot maintain their form and reverts back to their natural appearance. Upon death, the body is also known to return to its natural form. ( VOY episode : " In the Flesh ")

Their evolution in fluidic space seems to have given them quite a few characteristics that differ from other races one of which is them capable of surviving in the vacuum of space without any form of protection; which suggests that they do not respire as humanoids do. They do not even need to sleep for rest and find the concept very 'alien'. Another fact of their evolution is their being capable of entering periods of hibernation when faced with injury in an attempt to heal themselves. Finally, their mastery of biology allows them to effectively poison themselves should they face capture.

The race appears to have five sexes though little else is known in this regard. ( VOY episode : " Someone to Watch Over Me ")

Culture [ ]

Species 8472 2381

A hologram of an individual in 2381 .

Nearly nothing is known about the races culture due to the species xenophobic nature. In all their purges, they have been known to be aggressive and single minded in their aims to destroy all other forms of life and had marked both the Borg and Federation as enemies. Whether this remains as the case after Voyager's attempted negotiations with the race is unknown however considering their invasion of the Alpha Quadrant, it is possible that they believe all races are hostile and need to be destroyed.

During their first invasion into the galaxy, a common telepathic command that would be send from their minds would be 'the weak will perish'. This perhaps suggests that the race believes in a survival of the fittest policy and do not tolerate 'weaker' species. However, they also believed that the intrusion into their realm by the Borg was a threat to their 'genetic integrity' but as to what this means is unknown. It is perhaps possible that having not encountered another species before, that Species 8472 was simply responding to the threat of invasion as the Borg were the race that had first attacked them.

Species 8472's central authority and leadership are not known to the powers of normal galactic space, nor is it known exactly how centralized their organization is or how widespread their telepathic connection to each other is. A number of factions apparently exist, with differing opinions of the Federation and other inhabitants of galactic space. Different insignia are known, and are possibly associated with the separate factions. While the faction initially involved in Borg encounters began the first infiltration program, they were convinced by the crew of Voyager that the Federation was not a threat to fluidic space. However, a majority of Undine consider the Federation to be their sworn enemy. ( STO novel : The Needs of the Many ) Their single-minded purpose made them a threat to all other species who were targets of their aggression. ( ST video game : Armada II )

Their name was initially a designation given to them by the Borg though it was claimed that the actual name of the race was the Undine. This was the closest approximation capable of being produced to a humanoid speech organ though a translation to Federation Standard meant that the Undine translated to mean "Groundskeepers" . It was believed that this name was used to imply their stewardship in the protection of fluidic space. ( STO novel : The Needs of the Many )

Species 8472 Bioships

Nicor class bioships destroying a Borg cube .

Technology [ ]

Species 8472 uses biological technology which seems to possess aspects of their own genetic structure. They are capable of moving between normal space and their own fluidic realm through the use of Quantum singularities . Their kind had no need for resources such as dilithium , metals or latinum but instead used bio-matter. Virtually any substance was capable of being broken down into bio-matter for the needs of Species 8472. Such acts were achieved through Collector craft that gathered the necessary raw material that was taken to the Transmuter to undergo the bio-matter transmutation process. ( ST video game : Armada II )

The technology used by this race was entirely organic in nature with their starships and space station's actually being genetically designed organisms bred for specific purposes. Many of these simply required a single pilot to operate them with nearly all such 'structures' being mobile allowing them to navigate through space on their own power. The biological traits of their technology also meant that they did not require repair but simply healed themselves from any injuries. These same traits also made it nearly impossible to board, transport or tractor their vessels. ( ST video game : Armada II )

As their starships are living creatures, they respond to the telepathic commands of its 'pilot'. This has several advantages for them, one of which is that the ships are capable of healing themselves after battle. Their organic form also is immune to tractor beam and transporter technology which prevents their capture. Their battleships emit a form of bio-pulses that are highly energetic and capable of dealing considerable damage to Borg cubes . They could combine and reroute these pulses into a frigate vessel which could generate such power that it was capable of cracking and destroying planets. This seems to require four to eight battleship vessels in addition to the frigate to accomplish this task which shows their power in regards to energy manipulation.

Despite this, it is known that they are vulnerable to specific nanoprobe weapons which are designed to 'act' as part of the immune system before destroying the creature. This works equally well on both an individual member of the race and their starships due to the similarity in genetics between the two.

The race is known to employ several different types of starships and organisms in battle, most of which are biological in origin. However there are space stations known as terraspheres that were near mechanical in appearance. There have been known sights of active shipyards employed by the race however there have been mobile 'starbases' that produce the simpler bio-ships while gateways into fluidic space allow the entry of larger more powerful warships.

The following are what assets they use in space:

  • Species 8472 battleship
  • Species 8472 frigate
  • Species 8472 behemoth
  • Species 8472 destroyer
  • Species 8472 scout
  • Species 8472 defender
  • Species 8472 mothership
  • Species 8472 active embryo
  • Species 8472 passive embryo ( ST video game : Armada II )
  • Dahut -class frigate
  • Nicor -class cruiser
  • Dactylus -class bioship
  • Dromias -class cruiser
  • Vila -class battleship
  • Tethys -class dreadnought
  • Undine planet killer ( ST video game : Star Trek Online )
  • Command bioship ( STO mission : " Mindscape ")

Known individuals [ ]

  • David Gentry
  • Designate 1001
  • Designate 2232
  • Designate 3020
  • Designate 4187
  • Eric Cooper
  • Valerie Archer

Appendices [ ]

Behind the scenes [ ].

Species 8472 first featured in Star Trek: Voyager in the two-part episode " Scorpion " whereupon they played smaller roles throughout the show. They were later utilized as a faction as well as a story element within Armada II where they engaged in an invasion of the galaxy as well as forced the Borg to ally with the Federation in order to combat the menace.

In Christopher L. Bennett 's short story " Places of Exile ", the race played a role where it was detailed that they lacked any parallel realities intersecting their universe, and due to their invasions of the normal universe they faced the threat of duplication of their invasion forces. This along with the activation of the Torres Generator was an attempt to explain the lack of further presence of Species 8472 in the Star Trek universe. The Boothby infiltrator also indicated that they preferred to be called "Groundskeepers" though this is not a canon name for the race.

They also feature in the backstory of Star Trek Online and were particularly involved in the Klingon storyline as being a motivating factor for their increased xenophobia. In the game, they are given the name of Undine similar to the novel name, but this is not a canon term for the race and they remain known as Species 8472 for this article.

External links [ ]

  • Species 8472 article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Undine article at The Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • 1 The Chase
  • 2 Preserver (race)
  • 3 Totality (Andromeda)
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Star Trek Voyager - The war between the Borg and Species 8472

  • Thread starter TheNightCreature88
  • Start date Mar 11, 2021



  • Mar 11, 2021

Is it just bad writing or does it makes sence that Species 8472 were beyond anything the Borg can muster? What bothers me a bit is this: How can a hyper-advanced race the Borg that has assimilated over thousands of species, incorporate knowledge and technologies that's even more advanced than themselves. And with a super hive-mind, they couldn't figure just one bit how to push back against the fluid dimension alien?  


Trans Demon Girl

They did figure out how to push back though, ask the protagonists from the Federation for help. Can't argue with results.  


(Verified Nobody)

Well, part of the problem is that the Borg aren't 'hyper advanced'. They have a faster FTL and a much deeper understanding of cybernetics and nanotech. But otherwise aren't actually much more advanced than the Federation is. But really, the issue the Borg were having in fighting Species 8472 is that one, they were unable to assimilate them or their tech and two, Species 8472's weapons were way more powerful than anything the Borg had previously faced. These two things meant that they couldn't overwhelm them like they usually do. But, as to your question about if it is a result of bad writing? Yeah, mostly. They needed a way for Voyager to be able to get through Borg Space without being destroyed, and their solution was "the Borg are busy with something much more dangerous".  


  • Mar 12, 2021
Asdaylightdies said: And with a super hive-mind, they couldn't figure just one bit how to push back against the fluid dimension alien? Click to expand... Click to shrink...

Major Diarrhia

Major Diarrhia

They should have been able to figure it out since the solution was pretty simple, not that I remember the solution itself. It might have been more interesting if the Borg couldn't solve the problem because the solution was at too small a level. Borg consciousness and perception is vast, the minutiae of drones is basically automatic and beneath the notice of the whole, so coming up with an easy analysis by an individual is kind of outside their thinking. I think that would have fit better than ossified thinking and need for consensus. The problem is we've seen the Borg use individual drones, Locutus and 7 of 9, to act out solutions. It might have been interesting to see the Collective weaken as a tactic to increase individual thought in drones to better analyze at the situation at the small level. But, it makes just as much sense the Borg couldn't do that with groups because individualism is a disease to the Collective, really letting up on even one drone could be dangerous, and the Collective is about maximum control. The real problem with the presentation of the Borg might be how they're aware they have a fault and still can't figure it out themselves. But, as noted, to their credit they do know who can figure it out and enlist their help.  

Danger Close

Danger Close

My life for super earth.

The Undine really are just that much stronger than the Borg.  



I feel a better write up would be the Borg decide to create their own group of "elites" to fix the Undine problem. They do this at the same time they go to get help from Janeway and voyager. The idea being the undine are doing too much damage for the queen to wait for her crack team to solve the issue. Of course what happens next is the queen and said crack team have a falling out and what starts is a borg civil war. This Civil war becomes the ongoing issue that keeps the Borg tied up. Multiple sides with their own take on what the "collective" should look like. Then add in the Caeer to the mix for the finale etc....  

Ladiesman said: Think of it this way. You're on a team of 10 people. Any decision you make has to be agreed upon by all 10 people or the action will not be taken. The current plan for lunch is already scheduled to be Pizza. However, 9 of your team decide they want Chinese for lunch. 1 wants Pizza. There is no consensus, they got with the pre-determined option. The Borg can't innovate because in those trillions of voices, somebody is bound to disagree, and that's that. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Major Diarrhia said: The problem is we've seen the Borg use individual drones, Locutus and 7 of 9, to act out solutions. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Major Diarrhia said: it makes just as much sense the Borg couldn't do that with groups because individualism is a disease to the Collective, really letting up on even one drone could be dangerous, Click to expand... Click to shrink...

Time Wizard.

Time Wizard.

The Borg are not unstoppable. A hive-mind will not save if you are outclassed enough. There are a bunch a species well above the Borg such as the Q, Douwd. However, the solution to defeating species 8472 was discovered by Voyager who able all accounts should have vastly less computing power and resources than the Borg Collective.  

Ladiesman said: Their apparent strength is their weakness, and something that was referenced in the shows. The Borg are inflexible and incapable of more advanced thought. Their hivemind requires consensus among trillions of individual voices that are one. There is no creativity. There are no different perspectives. The Borg have lost the ability to innovate. They can only assimilate. When they set to a task, they don't think of how they can accomplish that task... they think of who else may have found a way to accomplish that task, take it from them, then apply it. They won't take anything out of context or use something off-label. If they have a technology that works as a tractor beam, they will only use it as a tractor beam. They will never find a way to convert that tractor beam into a repulsor beam. They would identify a need for a repulsor beam and go find somebody that has one to assimilate it. It's why they needed Voyager to adapt their own technology... the Borg are incapable of that type of thinking. Think of it this way. You're on a team of 10 people. Any decision you make has to be agreed upon by all 10 people or the action will not be taken. The current plan for lunch is already scheduled to be Pizza. However, 9 of your team decide they want Chinese for lunch. 1 wants Pizza. There is no consensus, they got with the pre-determined option. The Borg can't innovate because in those trillions of voices, somebody is bound to disagree, and that's that. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Asdaylightdies said: Just to take a example. It seems their weapons have a hard time locking on Species 8472 ships. So why didn't they use their vast catalogue to find a technology that can adapt the problem? It must be something there in their vast hard drive they can use. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


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Another issue is how the Borg learn about things, especially when it comes to organics. Normally they inject some nanoprobes, which latch onto cells, and begin assimiliating the cell to learn all about the biological makeup. 8472's hyper-aggressive immune system destroyed the nanoprobes before they could start assimilating the cell to learn about it, giving them no data. Since the Borg lacks out of the box thinking, they don't have any other ways to investigate the problem and try and determine a solution. Even just trying to go through their vast archives to find a solution is probably going to come up short unless they've assimilated other races who have had experience in dealing with life forms from alternate dimensions.  

Bo_Lo Knight

Bo_Lo Knight

it was a combination of factors that made the Borg unable to reverse engineer what made 8472 so deadly. factors that the USS Voyager stumbled past. see poor Harry got cut by one and had several 8472 cells killing him that they had access to, something the Borg where unable to do because they kept having their ships blown to chunks and the collective on board these ships being unable to grab and run as they where you know on a blown up ship with Comms being shit and all. with the help of some borg grade Nanoprobes the Doctor could actually work on 8472 cells directly and make his "cure".  

The borg were probably not helped by their tactic of letting a new species get some good shots in to learn about their weapons. This almost backfired against the federation. If Picard had been more aggressive in Q who, the Enterprise could have destroyed the cube before it adapted to federation weapons. 8472 had even more potent weapons so cubes kept getting one shotted. This is also probably how Voyager was able to tank a shot from a bioship. Federation shields weren't perfect, but at least they had some effect, unlike the borg having nothing up.  

Kamui4356 said: The borg were probably not helped by their tactic of letting a new species get some good shots in to learn about their weapons. This almost backfired against the federation. If Picard had been more aggressive in Q who, the Enterprise could have destroyed the cube before it adapted to federation weapons. 8472 had even more potent weapons so cubes kept getting one shotted. This is also probably how Voyager was able to tank a shot from a bioship. Federation shields weren't perfect, but at least they had some effect, unlike the borg having nothing up. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
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Robert Beltran, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo, Jeri Ryan, Roxann Dawson, Ethan Phillips, Tim Russ, and Garrett Wang in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

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Robert Duncan McNeill, Kate Mulgrew, Roxann Dawson, and Tim Russ in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

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Robert Beltran

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Roxann Dawson

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Robert Duncan McNeill

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  • Trivia When auditioning for the part of the holographic doctor, Robert Picardo was asked to say the line "Somebody forgot to turn off my program." He did so, then ad-libbed "I'm a doctor, not a light bulb" and got the part.
  • Goofs There is speculation that the way the Ocampa are shown to have offspring is an impossible situation, as a species where the female can only have offspring at one event in her life would half in population every generation, even if every single member had offspring. While Ocampa females can only become pregnant once in their lifetime, if was never stated how many children could be born at one time. Kes mentions having an uncle, implying that multiple births from one pregnancy are possible.

Seven of Nine : Fun will now commence.

  • Alternate versions Several episodes, such as the show's debut and finale, were originally aired as 2-hour TV-movies. For syndication, these episodes were reedited into two-part episodes to fit one-hour timeslots.
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Robert Beltran, Jennifer Lien, Robert Duncan McNeill, Kate Mulgrew, Robert Picardo, Jeri Ryan, Roxann Dawson, Ethan Phillips, Tim Russ, and Garrett Wang in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

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Star Trek: Should Janeway Have Let Species 8472 Wipe Out The Borg?

From strange alliances, to biological warfare, many fans question the difficult decisions made by the Captain of the USS Voyager.

Over the years, Star Trek has had its ups and downs. The Original Series, iconic as it is today, was canceled due to poor viewership, and even the series that fans consider the greatest, The Next Generation , had a very poor rating until season two landed. One of the most divisive programs was, and still is, Voyager, which gets a lot of negative reviews not only due to the often poor writing, but from some morally convoluted decisions made by the protagonists. One of the biggest examples of this is when Captain Janeway sided with the Borg, who were on the brink of extinction, and decided to help them defeat Species 8472. But was this really such a bad decision?

Starting off with the giant tribble in the room, the biggest issue fans have with what Janeway did, was not that she sided with the Borg and helped them survive, but that she did so by committing genocide. Species 8472, the designation given to this alien race by the Borg, were some of the nastiest aliens found within the Star Trek universe, a bunch of extra-dimensional apex predators. They were, despite first appearances, incredibly intelligent, and came from a dimension known as fluidic space, which was accessed by the Borg in an attempt to assimilate them through quantum singularities. They were, despite being organic, immune to assimilation, and the Borg's attempt was considered an act of war. They drove the Borg out of their space, and followed them into the Federation/Borg dimension, with the explicit aim of Borg xenocide.

RELATED: Star Trek: What Are The Origins of the Borg?

This might seem, at first, like a good thin. The Borg have been primarily villains throughout their tenure on Star Trek , a terrifying force hell-bent on assimilating and destroying cultures. They seemed to be unstoppable, with the Federation only able to hold them back rather than defeat them properly, they were always a looming threat in the background. Species 8472 offered a solution, if the crew of the USS Voyager had simply sat back and allowing them to wipe the Borg out. Species 8472's aggression wasn't even unjustified or unprovoked — the Borg had invaded their space and tried to assimilate them. Bt of course, things for Captain Janeway were never simple.

The biggest issue with allowing this plan to unfold was that Species 8472 were really nasty. Janeway did consider the idea of letting them destroy the Borg, consequently making the universe a much better and safer place, but this all ended when she met a member of the species. They were ruthless and attacked without provocation. All attempts to communicate were met with the words "the weak shall perish" — a motto on par with the Borg's “resistance is futile.” Before she left the show , the character Kes managed to make telephonic communication with them, which resulted not only with her being seriously injured, but led her to reveal their nefarious plans: Species 8472 would not stop at ending the Borg, but would continue to “purge” the galaxy. Considering how effectively they were killing Borg, something the Federation had been struggling to do for years, they were a considerable threat to all life in the universe.

Their plan to wipe out all life in the galaxy stemmed from their desire to never allow another living organism to enter their fluidic space, as the Borg had opened a door that could be opened again. Species 8472 just wanted to be left alone, and they would annihilate anyone that could potentially jeopardize this. It thus makes sense why Janeway did what she did. Faced with two highly powerful foes that stood in her way to return home, she made a deal with the more reasonable one. What's more, they had worked out an effective way to wipe out Species 8472. They had found a way to harness what were basically bioweapons, moderating nanoprobes created by the holographic doctor , but could not use them on the scale needed to stop 8472. Thus, they partnered up with the Borg, who used the weapon in exchange for relatively free passage through their space.

Many fans take issue with the way in which Janeway sided with the Borg, the use of a genocidal biological weapon used on nightly intelligent sentient beings truly being the icing on the cake. However, there is a resounding consensus that overall it was the right decision to make. The Borg were powerful and terrifying, and continued to pose a real threat to the Federation, but it’s a case of "better the devil you know." The Borg, in all their culture absorbing, assimilating glory, were a far better option than the ruthless desolation and xenocide at the hands of 8472, who had made it clear that they would not stop until every living organism that was not a member of their race was wiped out.

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Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki

Spezies 8472

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  • Diskussion (7)

Ein Mitglied von Spezies 8472

Spezies 8472 ist die Borgbezeichnung einer nonhumanoiden Spezies , deren richtiger Name unbekannt ist. Sie stammt ursprünglich aus dem Fluiden Raum , einer anderen Dimension, die durch eine Quantensingularität erreicht werden kann.

"Die Schwachen werden zugrunde gehen."


  • 1 Physiologie
  • 2 Technologie
  • 3 Gesellschaft und Politik
  • 4 Kultur und Sprache
  • 5 Geschichte
  • 7 Mitglieder von Spezies 8472
  • 8.1 Auftritte
  • 8.2 Wissenswertes
  • 8.3 Apokryphes
  • 9 Externe Links

Physiologie [ ]

Spezies 8472 klettert an der Außenhülle

Spezies 8472 an der Hülle der USS Voyager .

Die äußerste Schicht des Körpers der Spezies 8472 bilden Muskeln , die nicht von einer Haut umspannt werden. In ihren Zellen existiert ein Vielfaches an DNS im Vergleich zum Menschen . Durch diese Komplexität ist eine Assimilation für die Borg unmöglich, da das Immunsystem alles abblockt und die Nanosonden aktiv vernichtet ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil I ).

Diese Spezies ruht niemals und empfindet Schlaf als seltsam. Das Nervensystem scheint wie bei Humanoiden auf der Basis von bioelektrischen Impulsen zu funktionieren. Wenn sie bedroht werden und keinen Ausweg haben, schleusen sie ein Gift in ihren Kreislauf, um so Selbstmord zu begehen ( VOY : In Fleisch und Blut ).

Spezies 8472 verfügt über fünf unterschiedliche Geschlechter . ( VOY : Liebe inmitten der Sterne ).

Die Zellen dieser Spezies verfügen über eine hochgradig komplexe genetische Verschlüsselung und sind in der Lage, anderes organisches Material und somit Individuen anderer Spezies in ihresgleichen umzuwandeln. Die Betroffenen lösen sich von innen auf. Ein weiterer Effekt dieser Komplexität ist die extrem hohe Resistenz gegen die Nanosonden der Borg, da diese in ihrer normalen Modifikation nicht auf den genetischen Code von Spezies 8472 zugreifen können ( VOY : In Fleisch und Blut ).

Spezies 8472 verfügt über eine hohe Regenerationsfähigkeit. Auch die Kälte und Atmosphärenlosigkeit des Weltraums scheint ihr zumindest für einige Zeit nichts auszumachen ( VOY : Die Beute ).

Technologie [ ]

Bioschiff Gravimetrietorpedo

Ein Bioschiff von Spezies 8472

Die Stärke dieser Spezies rührt hauptsächlich daher, dass sie über Bioschiffe verfügt, welche aus organischem Material gebaut sind und die mental direkt vom Piloten gesteuert werden. Ein jedes Raumschiff braucht nur einen einzigen Piloten, und die Waffen - und Schildsysteme sind denen der USS Voyager und sogar denen eines Borg-Kubus weit überlegen. Mehrere Schiffe der Spezies sind in der Lage, ihre Waffen zu bündeln und so einen ganzen Planeten zu vernichten ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil I ).

Die bis jetzt einzig bekannte Möglichkeit, gegen solche Schiffe zu bestehen, entwickelt die Crew der USS Voyager , indem sie diverse Photonentorpedos sowie eine Mark-X-Sonde mit einer Sprengkraft von 200 Isotonnen , mit Nanosonden modifiziert. Ein solches Trägersystem ist in der Lage, beinahe 15 Schiffe auf einmal zu zerstören bzw. außer Gefecht zu setzen ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil II ).

Gesellschaft und Politik [ ]

Die Gesellschaftsform von Spezies 8472 ist nahezu völlig unbekannt. Sie erachten alles Leben unserer Milchstraße als primitiv, was wohl von ihrem Erstkontakt mit den Borg herrührt. Später stellt sich jedoch heraus, dass eine friedliche Koexistenz mit der Föderation zumindest im Bereich des Möglichen liegt. In die Enge getrieben und allein sind Individuen der Spezies 8472 ängstlich und aggressiv. ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil I , In Fleisch und Blut , Die Beute )

Kultur und Sprache [ ]


Ein Interface der Spezies 8472

Eine Form von Sprache bzw. Schriftzeichen scheint nicht zu existieren, weil Spezies 8472 mittels Telepathie kommuniziert. Dies ist mit ein Grund, warum über ihre Kultur , ihren Heimatplaneten und ihr Leben im Fluiden Raum wenig bekannt ist.

In den Voyager-Episoden geben die Spezies 8472 meist ein scharfes, fauchendes Geräusch von sich, jedoch ist nicht klar, ob dies eine Form von verbaler Kommunikation ist oder nur eine Abwehrgeste (z.B. als Warnung). Ebenfalls ist nicht klar, ob das rechts gezeigte Interface auf dem Bioschiff neurale Bahnen sind oder doch Schriftzeichen.

Geschichte [ ]

Die Borg öffnen erstmals 2373 ein Portal in den Fluiden Raum. Ihr Ziel ist es, Spezies 8472 zu assimilieren , um ihre überlegenen biologischen und technischen Eigenschaften in das Borg-Kollektiv zu übernehmen. Spezies 8472 zeigt sich jedoch enorm widerstandsfähig gegenüber den Nanosonden und technisch den Borg bei weitem überlegen.

Als diese Spezies durch die Borg erstmals Zugang in diese Galaxie bekommt, startet sie eine groß angelegte Invasion , um das „Schwache“ aus der Galaxie zu tilgen. Ihr „ Kreuzzug “ kann durch den Einsatz modifizierter Nanosonden vorerst gestoppt werden, jedoch begegnet die Voyager der Spezies 8472 ein weiteres Mal im Jahre 2375 ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil I , Skorpion, Teil II ).

Beim ersten Kontakt mit Spezies 8472 wird Fähnrich Harry Kim während einer Außenmission durch eine Berührung mit einem Virus infiziert . Die fremden Zellen bewirken einen Abbau beziehungsweise eine Transformation der Zellen von Innen heraus, was tödlich enden kann. Mit Hilfe von mehreren Dosen modifizierter Nanosonden gelingt es, den fremden Virus zu denaturieren. ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil II )

Im selben Jahr sucht ein Angehöriger von Spezies 8472 auf der Flucht vor Hirogenjägern Unterschlupf auf der Voyager . Janeway will ihm Asyl gewähren, Seven of Nine jedoch beamt ihn auf das Hirogenschiff, wo er seinen sicheren Tod findet. ( VOY : Die Beute )

Raumstation Terraspähre 8

Terrasphäre 8

Einige Monate später, also im Jahr 2375 , entdeckt die Crew der Voyager eine Basis, auf welcher Spezies 8472 eine Simulation des Hauptquartiers der Sternenflotte auf der Erde in einer Biosphäre unterhält. Sie selbst verhelfen sich mit Hilfe von isomorphischen Injektionen zu einem humanoiden Aussehen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass 8472 plant, die Sternenflotte zu unterwandern. Die Crew der Voyager beginnt mit der Infiltrierung der Sphäre, fliegt jedoch auf. Wenig später werden die ersten diplomatischen Kontakte geknüpft. Janeway übergibt 8472 Pläne der Nanosonden-Technologie. Die Anführer von Terrasphäre 8 versichern ihren guten Willen zu einer friedlichen Koexistenz. ( VOY : In Fleisch und Blut )

2376 berichtet B'Elanna Torres dem Poeten Kelis , der die Geschichte der Voyager zu einem Theaterstück verarbeitet, dass man bei einem Kampf mit Spezies 8472 nicht an eine Liebesgeschichte denkt. ( VOY : Die Muse )

2377 erwägt Axum , Spezies 8472 zu kontaktieren, um sie zu einem Angriff auf die Borg zu überreden. Seven of Nine meint zu diesem Plan, dass die Todfeinde der Borg sicher ganz erpicht darauf sind, anzugreifen. ( VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Teil II )

Als Q (Sohn) 2377 an Bord der USS Voyager langweilig ist, schlägt er Captain Kathryn Janeway vor, gegen Spezies 8472 zu kämpfen. ( VOY : Q2 )

2378 nimmt Admiral Kathryn Janeway aus der Zukunft Kontakt mit ihrem jüngeren Ich auf und fordert sie auf, ihr Shuttle zu untersuchen, um ihre Skepsis zu überwinden. Dem Admiral ist bewusst, dass ihr früheres Ich denken wird, sie könnte ein verkleidetes Mitglied von Spezies 8472 sein. ( VOY : Endspiel, Teil I )

Die Spezies 8472 greift mit ihren "Armen" an und überträgt bei Kontakt DNS, welche den Patienten von innen "auffrisst".

Mitglieder von Spezies 8472 [ ]

  • Valerie Archer
  • David Gentry
  • weitere Mitglieder von Spezies 8472

Hintergrundinformationen [ ]

Auftritte [ ].

  • Skorpion, Teil I
  • Skorpion, Teil II
  • In Fleisch und Blut
  • Liebe inmitten der Sterne (auf einem Interface)
  • Die Muse (erwähnt)
  • Unimatrix Zero, Teil II (erwähnt)
  • Q2 (erwähnt)
  • Endspiel, Teil I (erwähnt)

Wissenswertes [ ]

Spezies 8472 wurde mittels CGI bei Foundation Imaging erstellt.

Apokryphes [ ]

In dem Online-Rollenspiel Star Trek Online wird die Rasse als Undine bezeichnet. STO spielt Anfang des 25. Jahrhunderts. Dort haben die Borg auch eine Möglichkeit gefunden, die Undinen zu assimilieren

Externe Links [ ]

Undine in der Memory Beta

  • 1 Das fehlende Fragment
  • 3 Urhumanoide


  1. Species 8472 Bioship

    star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

  2. USS Voyager with Borg enhancements for the fight with species 8472

    star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

  3. "Spezies 8472"

    star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

  4. USS Voyager (Star Trek)

    star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

  5. How many 8472 bioships(Star Trek) can take down the IGF Atlas(Voltron

    star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

  6. Unveiling the Enigmatic Species 8472: The Untold Menace of Star Trek

    star trek raumschiff voyager 8472


  1. Star Trek

  2. Borg vs. Species 8472

  3. Species 8472 attack!

  4. First episode of the Borg VS Species 8472 (Star Trek: Voyager)

  5. Voyager Last Battle With Species 8472 Part 1

  6. Species 8472: First Contact


  1. Species 8472

    Species 8472 was the Borg designation for a non-humanoid species native to a dimension called fluidic space, accessible through quantum singularities. Their highly developed biology and organic technology rendered them tactically superior even to the Borg, who considered them the "apex of biological evolution". Seven of Nine rated Species 8472 devious and highly intelligent, claiming it would ...

  2. Star Trek: Voyager's Species 8472 Villains Explained

    Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager season 3, billed as the Star Trek villains that were deadly enough to scare the Borg Collective. Impressed by the advances in CGI that allowed Voyager's VFX team to realize the sentient macro viral life forms in "Macrocosm", plans were made to create a pure computer-animated alien species.Executive Producers Jeri Taylor and Brannon Braga, and ...

  3. Species 8472

    Species 8472 is a fictional extraterrestrial species in the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.Species 8472 is a designation given to them by the Borg.The multiplayer game Star Trek Online gives their proper name as Undine.. When the USS Voyager made contact with them, Species 8472 were engaged in a war with one of Star Trek ' s perennial antagonists, the Borg.

  4. Species 8472 bio-ship

    The Species 8472 bio-ship was a type of organic-based vessel used by Species 8472 in large numbers during their invasion of the Milky Way Galaxy in 2373. (VOY: "Scorpion") In 2373, the Borg provoked a war with Species 8472 by invading fluidic space. ... (Star Trek Voyager: A Celebration, p. 206) It was created as a CGI model built by Foundation ...

  5. Species 8472 energy focusing ship

    The Species 8472 energy focusing ship was a type of organic starship used by Species 8472. Similar in configuration to the more numerous bio-ship, it was also capable of crossing between normal space and fluidic space by means of quantum singularities. The energy focusing ship could utilize the energy weapon discharges of eight other bio-ships to fire a powerful beam capable of destroying a ...

  6. aliens

    In the case of 8472, they hadn't found the needed combination yet, and appear to have been trying approach 3. Humans make intuitive "fill-in-the-gaps" while borg don't. Humans tend to qualitatively judge while borg seem to boolean judge things; this allows humans to better detect similarity of a failure that took longer to fail and of success.

  7. "Star Trek: Voyager" In the Flesh (TV Episode 1998)

    In the Flesh: Directed by David Livingston. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill. The Voyager crew discovers Species 8472 training to pose as human beings in a recreation of Starfleet Headquarters, a prelude to infiltration.

  8. Designing Species 8472

    Species 8472, which would first appear in "Scorpion", was a departure from any race seen yet. It would also be the first fully computer-generated species of Star Trek. Although the technology was still far from perfect, according to VFX supervisor Ronald B. Moore, it was good enough for Voyager 's needs. "We'd suggested it before ...

  9. Star Trek: Voyager's Species 8472 Villains Explained

    Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager season 3, billed as the Star Trek villains that were deadly enough to scare the Borg Collective. Impressed by the advances in CGI that allowed Voyager's VFX team to realize the sentient macro viral life forms in "Macrocosm", plans were made to create a pure computer-animated alien species.

  10. Scorpion (Star Trek: Voyager)

    Star Trek: Voyager. ) " Scorpion " is a two-part episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager that served as the last episode of its third season and the first episode of its fourth season (the 68th and 69th episodes overall). "Scorpion" introduced the Borg drone Seven of Nine and Species 8472 to the series.

  11. EPIC Space Battles

    Species 8472 was the Borg designation for a non-humanoid species native to a dimension called fluidic space, accessible through quantum singularities. Their ...

  12. The Hirogen hunt Species 8472

    Helping a wounded Hirogen, Janeway finds that their prey has boarded Voyager, a member of species 8472. Will Seven disobey her captain? #startrek #startrekv...

  13. Species 8472

    Physically, species 8472 has a roughly humanoid head and torso on a tripedal base. There is a mouth but they do not communicate by speech, instead relying on telepathy. The extent of their telepathic abilities are unknown, but are thought to be very long ranged, perhaps even trans-dimensional. Beyond this little is known about this enigmatic ...

  14. Species 8472

    Species 8472 was the Borg designation for a tripedal species from a realm known as fluidic space. They were first encountered within the Delta Quadrant by the Borg in 2373 and were also known as Groundskeepers and as the Undine. The Klingons referred to the Undine as qa'meH quv. (VOY episode: "Scorpion"; VOY - Infinity's Prism short story: "Places of Exile"; ST video game: Star Trek Online ...

  15. Star Trek Voyager

    Mar 11, 2021. #3. Well, part of the problem is that the Borg aren't 'hyper advanced'. They have a faster FTL and a much deeper understanding of cybernetics and nanotech. But otherwise aren't actually much more advanced than the Federation is. But really, the issue the Borg were having in fighting Species 8472 is that one, they were unable to ...

  16. Voyager Last Battle With Species 8472 Part II

    Star Trek Voyager Season 4 Episode 01 Scorpion, Part II

  17. Why did species 8472 in voyager rip up the Borg bodies and ...

    Here is Russell Watson's re-recording of "Faith of the Heart" 20 years later, at age 54-55. He has in the past survived cancer twice and a brain aneurysm. Also, he was born in 1966. 172.

  18. Star Trek: Voyager (TV Series 1995-2001)

    Star Trek: Voyager: Created by Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Jeri Taylor. With Kate Mulgrew, Robert Beltran, Roxann Dawson, Robert Duncan McNeill. Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.

  19. Star Trek: Should Janeway Have Let Species 8472 Wipe Out The Borg?

    Species 8472 offered a solution, if the crew of the USS Voyager had simply sat back and allowing them to wipe the Borg out. Species 8472's aggression wasn't even unjustified or unprovoked — the ...

  20. how to defeat species 8472 with 2 ships

    Tal won't kill the 8472 hostiles in time. They have a massive gun that fires in the 8th round. You need damage output. I use the voyager with 5 captain, Neelix and Janeway on the sides. The Doctor below decks. Neelix makes the summons cheaper. 5 and The Doctor increase loot. Janeway boosts damage to ensure the hostile is destroyed before round 8.

  21. Spezies 8472

    Spezies 8472 ist die Borgbezeichnung einer nonhumanoiden Spezies, deren richtiger Name unbekannt ist. Sie stammt ursprünglich aus dem Fluiden Raum, einer anderen Dimension, die durch eine Quantensingularität erreicht werden kann. "Die Schwachen werden zugrunde gehen." Die äußerste Schicht des Körpers der Spezies 8472 bilden Muskeln, die nicht von einer Haut umspannt werden. In ihren ...