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Star trek: voyager’s species 8472 villains explained.


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  • Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager as the deadly aliens that scared the Borg Collective, impressing viewers with their CGI design.
  • Captain Janeway formed an alliance with the Borg to combat the dangerous Species 8472, who had the ability to wipe out all life in their galaxy.
  • Peace was eventually negotiated with Species 8472, but their potential return as antagonists in the Star Trek universe remains a possibility, especially with the destruction of the Borg and Starfleet's presence in the Delta Quadrant.

Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager season 3, billed as the Star Trek villains that were deadly enough to scare the Borg Collective. Impressed by the advances in CGI that allowed Voyager 's VFX team to realize the sentient macro viral life forms in "Macrocosm", plans were made to create a pure computer-animated alien species. Executive Producers Jeri Taylor and Brannon Braga, and CGI Effects Director Dan Curry are all credited with the genesis of this unique Star Trek alien. Voyager season 3 finally introduced the Borg, but the team wasn't willing to rest on their laurels when it came to big bads for Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) to face.

At a 2009 Star Trek convention in New Jersey, Kate Mulgrew stated (via Trek Movie ) that Species 8472 were her favorite Star Trek: Voyager aliens , and they proved popular with fans. It's easy to see why, as they resembled H.R. Giger's iconic Xenomorph designs for Ridley Scott's Alien , representing something truly extraterrestrial, hitherto unseen in Star Trek . So dangerous were Species 8472 that Captain Janeway entered into an alliance with the Borg Collective to defeat them. However, in keeping with the more open-minded and accepting worldview of Gene Roddenberry's original Star Trek vision, the terrifying aliens were actually just misunderstood.

Star Trek: Voyager's Species 8472 Explained

Janeway first encountered Species 8472 in the Star Trek: Voyager season 3 finale "Scorpion", when Kes (Jennifer Lien) learned of the aliens' intention to wipe out all life in their galaxy via her telepathic gifts. Telepathy was the only way that the aliens had to communicate until they began to replicate the Human form later in Voyager . Species 8472 had an incredible immune system that purged all foreign bodies, like Borg nanoprobes from their bodies, making them a formidable opponent. The DNA of Species 8472 was also deadly to other species as their cells were capable of consuming infected bodies from the inside.

In Star Trek: Voyager 's season 4 premiere, it became clear that the Borg had triggered a conflict with Species 8472 by entering into their native realm of fluidic space. This aggressive action was enough to convince Species 8472 that all life forms in non-fluidic space were hostile and must be destroyed. This belief wasn't helped by Janeway's Borg alliance to fight Species 8472. Later, to prepare for an invasion of the Federation, Species 8472 created a staging ground in the form of a fully-inhabited replica of Starfleet Academy. However, thanks to a budding - if unconventional - romance between Commander Chakotay (Robert Beltran) and the member of Species 8472 masquerading as Commander Valerie Archer (Kate Vernon), peace was negotiated with the aliens.

Will Species 8472 Return In Star Trek?

Peace can sometimes be a fragile thing in the Star Trek universe, so it's certainly possible that Species 8472 could return as antagonists. They were convinced in Star Trek: Voyager season 5 that the Federation posed no threat to them, but times do change. The final destruction of the Borg Collective and Starfleet's increasing presence in the Delta Quadrant in the early 25th century could be enough to inspire some members of Species 8472 to question their assessment of the Federation.

One of the more likely modern starships to encounter Species 8472 would be Star Trek: Prodigy 's new Voyager because the fully CGI aliens would work brilliantly in animation. In Prodigy season 1, Janeway stated a desire to right some of the wrongs from Voyager's original journey. The initial aggression between the Federation representatives and Species 8472 could be one of the Star Trek: Voyager mistakes that she wishes to rectify. Returning to fluidic space for an update on their progression could ease Janeway's conscience over her short-lived alliance with the Borg.

  • Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

Forgotten Trek

Designing Species 8472

Concept artist Steve Burg had to design the first non-humanoid alien of Star Trek . Species 8472, which would first appear in “Scorpion”, was a departure from any race seen yet.

It would also be the first fully computer-generated species of Star Trek .

Although the technology was still far from perfect, according to VFX supervisor Ronald B. Moore, it was good enough for Voyager ’s needs.

“We’d suggested it before,” but the producers were reluctant. “With CGI you’re always on the cusp. We’re not really good at people yet. Jurassic Park was showing us that we could do things as long as they weren’t too real.”

The seeds had been sown in the Season 3 episode “Macrocosm”, which featured giant microbe-like creatures that were completely computer-generated.

The producers had been impressed by what they saw and wished to take the technology further. So when they came up with an alien race that was destroying the Borg, they were ready to experiment with a CG alien.

Determined to take full advantage of this technology, VFX producer Dan Curry suggested that, if it was going to look really alien, the creature should have three legs.

“We had a script for a vicious alien creature that had to be so powerful and so fearsome that it was able to chop up and destroy the Borg,” he recalled.

When we got the story, I was interested in creatures that had weird locomotive properties. I guess it goes back to the old fifties sci-fi book The Day of the Triffids , about these tripod plants that come to Earth and cause trouble.

Curry did some crude sketches and worked with John Teska and Steve Burg, swapping drawings back and forth until they came up with the 8472.

Curry’s proposal, however, was not immediately passed on to Foundation Imaging, the company which would make the CGI. Ron Moore explained that this was because he did not want to impose a design on the people he works with too early in the process:

We approached Ron Thornton at Foundation and said, “Look, here’s what we’re trying to do. Why don’t you have your guys draw something up and we’ll look it over.” The way I like to work with the CG houses is to be nebulous. I don’t like to be real specific, because it ties their hands in.

So, with plenty of room for latitude, Foundation Imaging turned to Burg, a veteran of films such as The Abyss and Contact , and of several earlier Foundation Imaging projects, including Hypernauts . Steve had designed the three-legged Gloose that had stuck in Curry’s mind. Burg worked with Thornton, Foundation Imaging’s owner, who passed all of Curry’s and Moore’s comments onto him.

Big and ferocious

“The main desire,” said Burg, “was to do a creature that was definitely not a man in a suit, just to see how that would work out. They were still writing the script at that moment, so there was only a very brief description.”

It said it was big and ferocious and terrifying and moved very quickly; it was 14 feet tall at one point. That was about it. There aren’t really that many limitations on what you can accomplish. It’s mostly about artistic choices. You don’t have to think about physical limitations like with a puppet creature. I would say creatures and robots are very much like character design for animation. You just have to try to evoke a certain feel and create an overall impression.

Burg’s initial drawings, however, did not particularly impress the producers. “They thought that it was too human-like,” he said, “and too similar to the creature from Alien .”

I think it was the head they were most concerned about. They wanted something like the alien, but they didn’t want a ripoff. They wanted something that was that distinct; something very nasty and powerful. It also had to be intelligent. The thing about an alien, unfortunately, is making it smart usually means making it something we can relate to on a human level. Probably, real aliens would be so weird that they’d be unfathomable. But this is film and television; we have to be able to understand it fairly quickly.

Once the first drawing had been rejected, Thornton told Burg he should produce some quick sketches showing a variety of looks they could choose from.

The next batch were just basic silhouettes. Some have three legs; some have two legs; some of them have a split, tripodal base, with below the knee bifurcated. I don’t think I had any real strong idea. In that situation you basically try to do as many variations as you can and hope that one of them will click.

The series of drawings included several three-legged creatures that were close to what Curry was looking for. The producers chose one of these drawings and asked Burg to develop it further. This involved a fair amount of work, since the view they had chosen showed the creature from behind and not its face.

Species 8472 concept art

Burg concentrated on the creature’s body. As he confronted the difficulties of its alien anatomy, it started to take on a more definite form.

With CG, even if things don’t have to support their own weight, you still have to think about how it will move in a general sense. The biggest problem was dealing with that third leg. In the end it became like a human leg, but it started out as more of a symmetrical tripod; all the legs pointed out from the middle and the body was more centrally located. A tripod is one of those things that sounds great, but if you have a tripod, and the creature still has a front and back, what do you do? I think it moved back toward something you could relate to; it became sort of a centaur.

By this stage, Burg was starting to develop a clear idea of what Species 8472 would look like, even if the final design was still forming with each successive drawing.

The thing about any of these things, it’s not like it’s any one moment the design suddenly appears. It’s more of a process that evolves. There are various people who affect it. Your job is to try to capture the quality that people are looking for in a visual. I think that once this guy got underway, he began to take on his own identity. It’s really good when that happens. It’s almost like these things come out of a fog. It’s a gradual thing, but by the end it becomes its unique self.

Creating the CG

The task of creating the CG version of the Species 8472 was given to John Teska at Foundation Imaging.

By the time Teska became involved, Burg had already produced a set of drawings that showed what the creature should look like, but a lot of creative work remained to be done.

Species 8472 rendering

In fact, the producers handed him several drawings with instructions to use different elements from each one. These gave Teska an idea of what they wanted, but there was room for interpretation. The finished model turned out similar, but not quite identical, to Burg’s final concept drawings.

“It was something of a Frankenstein’s monster,” said Teska.

The key features, the things that distinguished the creature, were the three legs, the tendons in the neck and the basic head shape, all of which had been laid out in Steve’s artwork.” I followed that fairly closely. But, in addition to pulling these designs together, I had to go in and do deeper detail like sorting out the colors and working out literally what the flesh would look like — the wrinkles and things like that. Certainly, there was plenty of room to put my own ideas in and breathe life into it.

Species 8472 rendering

Species 8472

star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

The Coolest Starships in Star Trek: Voyager

Star Trek: Voyager broke new ground when it debuted in 1995. In addition to featuring the franchise's first female protagonist (Kate Mulgrew's Captain Janeway), it also went where no one had gone before: the mysterious Delta Quadrant . However, despite these innovations, Voyager retained many aspects of earlier shows, like The Next Generation 's mostly standalone episodes and the focus on cool ships and technology seen throughout the franchise.

8 Coolest Starships in Star Trek: The Original Series

The early CGI used for Voyager does somewhat detract from its inventive starship designs, as even the most interesting can look a little dated. However, many of these ships have stood the test of time. From lost science ships to rebel transports, Voyager has something for every breed of starship fan.

The Val Jean

First appearance: "caretaker" (season 1, episodes 1 & 2).

The Val Jean may be small, but in many ways, this Maquis fighter is responsible for everything that happens in Star Trek: Voyager . While fleeing from a Cardassian ship in the Badlands, Chakotay (Robert Beltram) and his crew are dragged into the Delta Quadrant by the godlike Caretaker . Janeway's Voyager is assigned to locate the Val Jean, a mission that results in the Federation vessel's unexpected voyage through the Delta Quadrant.

That the Val Jean is destroyed shortly after arriving in the Delta Quadrant has profound implications for the series. It forces the Maquis rebels to work with Voyager 's Starfleet crew (although the show's writers seem determined to ignore the dramatic potential of this set-up). Nor does the little ship go out without a fight—Chakotay uses it to ram a Kazon warship, buying Voyager time to escape.

First Appearance: "The Chute" (Season 3, Episode 3)

Neelix is one of Star Trek 's most divisive characters, with many fans questioning the appropriateness of his romantic relationship with Kes, a three-year-old Ocampan from the Delta Quadrant. Less controversial, however, is the Baxial , Neelix's personal freighter. This small starship may not look elegant, but it demonstrates significant speed and agility on multiple occasions, making it a vital tool in Voyager 's repertoire during the vessel's seven-year journey home.

8 Coolest Starships From Star Trek: The Next Generation

Despite only making a handful of appearances in Star Trek: Voyager (the Baxial 's exterior isn't even seen until the show's third season), Neelix's ship enjoys an unexpected afterlife in another classic sci-fi series. It can be seen docked to a space station in "War Stories", an episode of Joss Whedon's short-lived Firefly ; the freighter may be a footnote in Voyager itself, but its legacy casts a long shadow.


First appearance: "dreadnought" (season 2, episode 17).

The Delta Quadrant may be many light years away from the Federation, but that doesn't stop familiar ships and technology from making occasional appearances in Star Trek: Voyager . In "Dreadnought", Belanna Torres (Roxann Dawson) must confront her past when a Cardassian missile threatens a planet in the Delta Quadrant. Torres had planned to use the missile ship (nicknamed Dreadnought) against the Cardassian Union , only for it to be pulled into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker.

The ATR-4107 Dreadnought may only be an unmanned drone, but its advanced defensive capabilities make it more than a match for both Voyager and a fleet of alien ships. It can also carry a maintenance crew, supports an advanced tactical computer, and is powerful enough to devastate whole planets. Luckily, Torres is able to destabilize the Dreadnought's warp core, destroying the ship before it obliterates the world of Rakosa.

First Appearance: "Alice" (Season 6, Episode 5)

Star Trek may be a science fiction series, but it occasionally dabbles in the supernatural . In "Alice", Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeil) enters into a twisted relationship with the eponymous Alice , an alien shuttlecraft with a mind of its own and a sinister side. Alice uses an advanced neurogenic interface to interact with its pilot, allowing for unprecedented navigational input. However, this interface has a drawback: when the rogue ship is attacked by Voyager , the neurogenic technology causes Paris to feel pain when Alice is damaged.

The ship is also home to a ghost in the machine. Taking the form of a beautiful woman, Alice's computer seduces Paris and uses him to pilot the ship towards a dangerous anomaly. Indeed, despite Alice 's sentience, the shuttle is entirely dependent on an organic pilot and is destroyed following Voyager 's rescue of Paris.

USS Relativity

First appearance: "relativity" (season 5, episode 24).

While Kirk's Enterprise makes frequent trips back and forth through history , time travel is something of a rarity in the wider franchise. As such, the appearance of a Federation ship specially dedicated to time travel in Star Trek: Voyager is notable. In "Relativity", the crew of Voyager finds themselves contending with some time travel shenanigans when a version of the Relativity 's captain travels back through time in a misguided attempt to change history.

In addition to being able to travel through time as well as space, the Wells -class starship possesses advanced systems appropriate to its 29th-century origins. Many of the starships seen in the franchise have transporters, but Relativity outdoes them: it can transport crew members anywhere in history thanks to its temporal transporters. However, overuse of this technology can have negative side effects for the traveler.

USS Equinox

First appearance: "equinox" (season 5, episode 25).

The short-range survey vessel Equinox finds itself out of its depth when, like Voyager , it is accidentally pulled into the Delta Quadrant. Things go from bad to worse when most of the crew are immediately killed, an event which drives the ship's Captain Ransom (John Savage) towards a desperate course of action. Ransom plans to use an alien lifeform as fuel in order to expedite his return to the Alpha Quadrant, much to Janeway's disgust.

The design of the Nova -class starship is interesting, as it combines Voyager 's aesthetics with those seen in The Next Generation movies (particularly the starship's nacelles ). The Equinox may be one of Starfleet's more immoral vessels, but it still makes a memorable contribution to Star Trek history.

Species 8472 Bio-Ship

First appearance: "scorpion" (season 3, episode 26).

The Borg may represent one of the greatest threats to the Federation, but the cybernetic race isn't actually at the top of the Delta Quadrant's pecking order. In "Scorpion", Voyager discovers a war between the Borg and the mysterious Species 8472—a war that the Borg are losing. In order to secure safe passage through the region, Janeway must ally with the Borg. However, even the combined might of the Federation and its greatest foe may not be enough to overcome the bio-ships of Species 8472.

Star Trek: Voyager's Most Bizarre Episode

Constructed from the same biological matter as their creators, these ships are capable of regenerating any combat damage. Offensively, the bio-ships pose a considerable threat: just one is capable of destroying a usually impregnable Borg cube, while several bio-ships could work together to destroy whole planets. Voyager 's crew develops innovative new weapons based on Borg technology in order to counter the vessels, forcing them back into Species 8472's native fluidic space.

USS Voyager

The titular USS Voyager is an Intrepid -class science vessel designed for long-term exploration. While far smaller than many Starfleet vessels, Voyager possesses many innovative technologies, including super-efficient variable geometry warp nacelles and bio-neural circuitry which allows for faster and more efficient computational work than was possible on previous starships. However, the latter technology can be a curse as well as a blessing: in "Learning Curve", cheese made by Neelix nearly destroys Voyager after its bacterial cultures infect the ship's bio-neural gel packs.

Voyager has one of Starfleet's most impressive track records, as it makes contact with numerous species in the Delta Quadrant. Admittedly, some fans have their doubts about the ethics of Voyager 's captain , but this does nothing to detract from the vessel's incredible legacy. It's no surprise, then, that several other vessels also bear the Voyager name, as seen in Star Trek: Picard and Star Trek: Discovery . It may not be as iconic as the Enterprise -D or as punchy as the Defiant , but the USS Voyager is still one of Star Trek 's coolest ships.

Star Trek: Voyager

Release Date January 16, 1995

Genres Sci-Fi

Creator Rick Berman, Michael Piller, Jeri Taylor

Number of Episodes 172

Network UPN

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

The Coolest Starships in Star Trek: Voyager

Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki

Spezies 8472

  • Quelltext bearbeiten
  • Versionsgeschichte
  • Diskussion (7)

Ein Mitglied von Spezies 8472

Spezies 8472 ist die Borgbezeichnung einer nonhumanoiden Spezies , deren richtiger Name unbekannt ist. Sie stammt ursprünglich aus dem Fluiden Raum , einer anderen Dimension, die durch eine Quantensingularität erreicht werden kann.

"Die Schwachen werden zugrunde gehen."


  • 1 Physiologie
  • 2 Technologie
  • 3 Gesellschaft und Politik
  • 4 Kultur und Sprache
  • 5 Geschichte
  • 7 Mitglieder von Spezies 8472
  • 8.1 Auftritte
  • 8.2 Wissenswertes
  • 8.3 Apokryphes
  • 9 Externe Links

Physiologie [ ]

Spezies 8472 klettert an der Außenhülle

Spezies 8472 an der Hülle der USS Voyager .

Die äußerste Schicht des Körpers der Spezies 8472 bilden Muskeln , die nicht von einer Haut umspannt werden. In ihren Zellen existiert ein Vielfaches an DNS im Vergleich zum Menschen . Durch diese Komplexität ist eine Assimilation für die Borg unmöglich, da das Immunsystem alles abblockt und die Nanosonden aktiv vernichtet ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil I ).

Diese Spezies ruht niemals und empfindet Schlaf als seltsam. Das Nervensystem scheint wie bei Humanoiden auf der Basis von bioelektrischen Impulsen zu funktionieren. Wenn sie bedroht werden und keinen Ausweg haben, schleusen sie ein Gift in ihren Kreislauf, um so Selbstmord zu begehen ( VOY : In Fleisch und Blut ).

Spezies 8472 verfügt über fünf unterschiedliche Geschlechter . ( VOY : Liebe inmitten der Sterne ).

Die Zellen dieser Spezies verfügen über eine hochgradig komplexe genetische Verschlüsselung und sind in der Lage, anderes organisches Material und somit Individuen anderer Spezies in ihresgleichen umzuwandeln. Die Betroffenen lösen sich von innen auf. Ein weiterer Effekt dieser Komplexität ist die extrem hohe Resistenz gegen die Nanosonden der Borg, da diese in ihrer normalen Modifikation nicht auf den genetischen Code von Spezies 8472 zugreifen können ( VOY : In Fleisch und Blut ).

Spezies 8472 verfügt über eine hohe Regenerationsfähigkeit. Auch die Kälte und Atmosphärenlosigkeit des Weltraums scheint ihr zumindest für einige Zeit nichts auszumachen ( VOY : Die Beute ).

Technologie [ ]

Bioschiff Gravimetrietorpedo

Ein Bioschiff von Spezies 8472

Die Stärke dieser Spezies rührt hauptsächlich daher, dass sie über Bioschiffe verfügt, welche aus organischem Material gebaut sind und die mental direkt vom Piloten gesteuert werden. Ein jedes Raumschiff braucht nur einen einzigen Piloten, und die Waffen - und Schildsysteme sind denen der USS Voyager und sogar denen eines Borg-Kubus weit überlegen. Mehrere Schiffe der Spezies sind in der Lage, ihre Waffen zu bündeln und so einen ganzen Planeten zu vernichten ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil I ).

Die bis jetzt einzig bekannte Möglichkeit, gegen solche Schiffe zu bestehen, entwickelt die Crew der USS Voyager , indem sie diverse Photonentorpedos sowie eine Mark-X-Sonde mit einer Sprengkraft von 200 Isotonnen , mit Nanosonden modifiziert. Ein solches Trägersystem ist in der Lage, beinahe 15 Schiffe auf einmal zu zerstören bzw. außer Gefecht zu setzen ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil II ).

Gesellschaft und Politik [ ]

Die Gesellschaftsform von Spezies 8472 ist nahezu völlig unbekannt. Sie erachten alles Leben unserer Milchstraße als primitiv, was wohl von ihrem Erstkontakt mit den Borg herrührt. Später stellt sich jedoch heraus, dass eine friedliche Koexistenz mit der Föderation zumindest im Bereich des Möglichen liegt. In die Enge getrieben und allein sind Individuen der Spezies 8472 ängstlich und aggressiv. ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil I , In Fleisch und Blut , Die Beute )

Kultur und Sprache [ ]


Ein Interface der Spezies 8472

Eine Form von Sprache bzw. Schriftzeichen scheint nicht zu existieren, weil Spezies 8472 mittels Telepathie kommuniziert. Dies ist mit ein Grund, warum über ihre Kultur , ihren Heimatplaneten und ihr Leben im Fluiden Raum wenig bekannt ist.

In den Voyager-Episoden geben die Spezies 8472 meist ein scharfes, fauchendes Geräusch von sich, jedoch ist nicht klar, ob dies eine Form von verbaler Kommunikation ist oder nur eine Abwehrgeste (z.B. als Warnung). Ebenfalls ist nicht klar, ob das rechts gezeigte Interface auf dem Bioschiff neurale Bahnen sind oder doch Schriftzeichen.

Geschichte [ ]

Die Borg öffnen erstmals 2373 ein Portal in den Fluiden Raum. Ihr Ziel ist es, Spezies 8472 zu assimilieren , um ihre überlegenen biologischen und technischen Eigenschaften in das Borg-Kollektiv zu übernehmen. Spezies 8472 zeigt sich jedoch enorm widerstandsfähig gegenüber den Nanosonden und technisch den Borg bei weitem überlegen.

Als diese Spezies durch die Borg erstmals Zugang in diese Galaxie bekommt, startet sie eine groß angelegte Invasion , um das „Schwache“ aus der Galaxie zu tilgen. Ihr „ Kreuzzug “ kann durch den Einsatz modifizierter Nanosonden vorerst gestoppt werden, jedoch begegnet die Voyager der Spezies 8472 ein weiteres Mal im Jahre 2375 ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil I , Skorpion, Teil II ).

Beim ersten Kontakt mit Spezies 8472 wird Fähnrich Harry Kim während einer Außenmission durch eine Berührung mit einem Virus infiziert . Die fremden Zellen bewirken einen Abbau beziehungsweise eine Transformation der Zellen von Innen heraus, was tödlich enden kann. Mit Hilfe von mehreren Dosen modifizierter Nanosonden gelingt es, den fremden Virus zu denaturieren. ( VOY : Skorpion, Teil II )

Im selben Jahr sucht ein Angehöriger von Spezies 8472 auf der Flucht vor Hirogenjägern Unterschlupf auf der Voyager . Janeway will ihm Asyl gewähren, Seven of Nine jedoch beamt ihn auf das Hirogenschiff, wo er seinen sicheren Tod findet. ( VOY : Die Beute )

Raumstation Terraspähre 8

Terrasphäre 8

Einige Monate später, also im Jahr 2375 , entdeckt die Crew der Voyager eine Basis, auf welcher Spezies 8472 eine Simulation des Hauptquartiers der Sternenflotte auf der Erde in einer Biosphäre unterhält. Sie selbst verhelfen sich mit Hilfe von isomorphischen Injektionen zu einem humanoiden Aussehen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass 8472 plant, die Sternenflotte zu unterwandern. Die Crew der Voyager beginnt mit der Infiltrierung der Sphäre, fliegt jedoch auf. Wenig später werden die ersten diplomatischen Kontakte geknüpft. Janeway übergibt 8472 Pläne der Nanosonden-Technologie. Die Anführer von Terrasphäre 8 versichern ihren guten Willen zu einer friedlichen Koexistenz. ( VOY : In Fleisch und Blut )

2376 berichtet B'Elanna Torres dem Poeten Kelis , der die Geschichte der Voyager zu einem Theaterstück verarbeitet, dass man bei einem Kampf mit Spezies 8472 nicht an eine Liebesgeschichte denkt. ( VOY : Die Muse )

2377 erwägt Axum , Spezies 8472 zu kontaktieren, um sie zu einem Angriff auf die Borg zu überreden. Seven of Nine meint zu diesem Plan, dass die Todfeinde der Borg sicher ganz erpicht darauf sind, anzugreifen. ( VOY : Unimatrix Zero, Teil II )

Als Q (Sohn) 2377 an Bord der USS Voyager langweilig ist, schlägt er Captain Kathryn Janeway vor, gegen Spezies 8472 zu kämpfen. ( VOY : Q2 )

2378 nimmt Admiral Kathryn Janeway aus der Zukunft Kontakt mit ihrem jüngeren Ich auf und fordert sie auf, ihr Shuttle zu untersuchen, um ihre Skepsis zu überwinden. Dem Admiral ist bewusst, dass ihr früheres Ich denken wird, sie könnte ein verkleidetes Mitglied von Spezies 8472 sein. ( VOY : Endspiel, Teil I )

Die Spezies 8472 greift mit ihren "Armen" an und überträgt bei Kontakt DNS, welche den Patienten von innen "auffrisst".

Mitglieder von Spezies 8472 [ ]

  • Valerie Archer
  • David Gentry
  • weitere Mitglieder von Spezies 8472

Hintergrundinformationen [ ]

Auftritte [ ].

  • Skorpion, Teil I
  • Skorpion, Teil II
  • In Fleisch und Blut
  • Liebe inmitten der Sterne (auf einem Interface)
  • Die Muse (erwähnt)
  • Unimatrix Zero, Teil II (erwähnt)
  • Q2 (erwähnt)
  • Endspiel, Teil I (erwähnt)

Wissenswertes [ ]

Spezies 8472 wurde mittels CGI bei Foundation Imaging erstellt.

Apokryphes [ ]

In dem Online-Rollenspiel Star Trek Online wird die Rasse als Undine bezeichnet. STO spielt Anfang des 25. Jahrhunderts. Dort haben die Borg auch eine Möglichkeit gefunden, die Undinen zu assimilieren

Externe Links [ ]

Undine in der Memory Beta

  • 3 Kodos, der Henker

star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

USS Voyager

USS Voyager

Die USS Voyager ist eine Legende auf Augenhöhe mit der USS Enterprise und steht wie sonst nichts für den Satz "Die nie ein Mensch zuvor gesehen hat". Kurz nach ihrem Start wurde die USS Voyager über 70.000 Lichtjahre von ihrer Heimat entfernt in den Delta-Quadranten geschleudert und war damit das erste Föderationsschiff, das den Delta-Quadranten erfolgreich durchquerte und zahlreiche Erstkontakte knüpfte. Während seiner siebenjährigen Reise wurde dieses Schiff zu mehr als einem Forschungsschiff - es wurde ein Zuhause für seine vielfältige und hochqualifizierte Besatzung. Abgesehen vom emotionalen Wert ist die USS Voyager eines der technologisch fortschrittlichsten Schiffe der Föderationsflotte, einschließlich der verbesserten Sensorausrüstung und der Fähigkeit, eine Warpgeschwindigkeit mit dem Faktor 9,975 zu erreichen, was sie zu einem der am besten geeigneten Schiffe für die Erforschung der Galaxie macht.

Begib dich auf ein spannendes Abenteuer, sammle Artefakte und entdecke die verborgenen Wunder des Delta-Quadranten, indem du die USS Voyager baust. Lass dich treiben, während du in unbekannte Gebiete vordringst und deinen Aufstieg als legendärer Entdecker beginnst.

Wie kannst du die USS Voyager deiner Flotte hinzufügen?

Um Pläne für die USS Voyager zu erwerben, musst du OPS 30 erreichen und Hirogen-Feinde im Delta-Quadranten besiegen. Sammle Hirogen-Relikte als Siegesbeute und raffiniere sie in der Voyager-Raffinerie. Sobald du OPS-Level 34 erreichst und alle Pläne gesammelt hast, kannst du die USS Voyager bauen.

Die USS Voyager ermöglicht es dir, Isolytischer-Schaden-Artefakte und Schiffsteile für verschiedene Schiffe zu erwerben, einschließlich der Cerritos, Amalgam, G4-Schiffen und mehr.


Fortschrittliche Sensoren (aktiv) enthüllen versteckte Feinde im Delta-Quadranten, wie z. B. die schwer fassbaren Spezies 8472. Dieser Zustand hat seinen Preis, Deuteriumkanister, Dauer und Abklingzeit.

Ein Astometrischer Scan (aktiv) scannt das Raumschiff eines Spielers und gibt den Standort seiner bzw. ihrer Station preis. Dieser Zustand hat seinen Preis, Deuteriumkanister, Dauer und Abklingzeit.

Deuteriumkanister können nach der Raffinierung von Hirogen-Relikten in der USS Voyager Raffinerie vorgefunden werden. Hirogen-Relikte sind in den Delta-Quadrant-Systemen von Hirogen-Feinden anzutreffen.

Wie kann ich sie verbessern?

Um die USS Voyager zu verbessern, musst du exotische Biotoxine und Anomalieproben raffinieren. Diese wertvollen Materialien müssen in der Voyager-Raffinerie raffiniert werden, um ihre wahre Macht zu nutzen und die Fähigkeiten des Raumschiffs zu verbessern.

Exotische Biotoxine können über Bioschiffe von Spezies 8472 im Velixys-System erworben werden, während Anomalie-Proben in Systemen wie FSEP-505, FSEP-3819, FSEP-247 und FSEP-001 abgebaut werden können.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Bioschiffe von Spezies 8472 sind schwer zu fassen und können nur mit Fortschrittlichen Sensoren entdeckt werden.

star trek raumschiff voyager 8472

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  2. Species 8472

    Species 8472 is a fictional extraterrestrial species in the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.Species 8472 is a designation given to them by the Borg.The multiplayer game Star Trek Online gives their proper name as Undine.. When the USS Voyager made contact with them, Species 8472 were engaged in a war with one of Star Trek ' s perennial antagonists, the Borg.

  3. Star Trek: Voyager's Species 8472 Villains Explained

    Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager season 3, billed as the Star Trek villains that were deadly enough to scare the Borg Collective. Impressed by the advances in CGI that allowed Voyager's VFX team to realize the sentient macro viral life forms in "Macrocosm", plans were made to create a pure computer-animated alien species.Executive Producers Jeri Taylor and Brannon Braga, and ...

  4. Species 8472 bio-ship

    The Species 8472 bio-ship was a type of organic-based vessel used by Species 8472 in large numbers during their invasion of the Milky Way Galaxy in 2373. (VOY: "Scorpion") In 2373, the Borg provoked a war with Species 8472 by invading fluidic space. ... (Star Trek Voyager: A Celebration, p. 206) It was created as a CGI model built by Foundation ...

  5. Designing Species 8472

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  6. "Star Trek: Voyager" In the Flesh (TV Episode 1998)

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    Physically, species 8472 has a roughly humanoid head and torso on a tripedal base. There is a mouth but they do not communicate by speech, instead relying on telepathy. The extent of their telepathic abilities are unknown, but are thought to be very long ranged, perhaps even trans-dimensional. Beyond this little is known about this enigmatic ...

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    Species 8472 were introduced in Star Trek: Voyager season 3, billed as the Star Trek villains that were deadly enough to scare the Borg Collective. Impressed by the advances in CGI that allowed Voyager's VFX team to realize the sentient macro viral life forms in "Macrocosm", plans were made to create a pure computer-animated alien species.

  9. Species 8472

    Species 8472 is a designation given to them by the Borg. The multiplayer game Star Trek Online gives their proper name as Undine. When the USS Voyager made contact with them, Species 8472 were engaged in a war with one of Star Trek' s perennial antagonists, the Borg. They are noted for being a tripedal and telepathic species and for their use ...

  10. aliens

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    The Borg started the war with Species 8472 LONG before Voyager had even entered Borg space. And they were losing badly because their only way of learning to defeat them was assimilation which 8472 was immune to. ... The subreddit for everything Star Trek: Deep Space Nine! Feel free to post pics, videos, articles, your opinions & questions ...

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  14. Scorpion (Star Trek: Voyager)

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  15. STFC: Species 8472 Location

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    the Q normally don't interfere with the 3d universe (as a whole). the douwd we don't know how many of them are there but if douwd can just with one thought eradicate a species 8472 would be toast. nagilum same with the douwd one thought poof 8472 suffer massive casualties. but what i can see is hte prophets, organians, the metrons would wtf pwn ...

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  22. Star Trek

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