28 Beautiful Travel Words that Describe Wanderlust Perfectly

Travel words and wanderlust synonyms

Describe your travels with these unique and beautiful travel words from different languages around the world.

I love travelling and I love languages, so imagine my excitement when I came across a treasure trove of travel words and wanderlust synonyms that describe how we feel before, during, and after we travel. 

Just like a photo can’t fully capture what it feels like to stand on the edge of a fjord , neither can ‘wanderlust’ fully express how we feel when we crave our next adventure. These travel words are literary gems which have been gathered from languages around the world. From Japanese to Swedish , Latin to Greek , travel brochures of the future will be peppered with travel words like of resfeber , livsnjutare, and coddiwomple .

Wanderlust meaning

As you’ll see in the list below, every language has its own variation of how it explains and defines what wanderlust is. In English, wanderlust means to have a strong desire for or impulse to travel, wander and explore the world.

Learn a language from home

During these times it can be bittersweet to think about travelling when we have to stay at home and practice social distancing, let this list of wanderlust-filled words inspire you to a learn a language from home and prepare yourself for your next trip. Being travel fluent is the best way to enrich your travel experiences.

Without further ado, here are 28 beautiful travel words you should slip into your vocabulary. When you’re done, take and look at this collection of inspirational travel quotes . I’d love to hear which ones are your favourites in the comment section below.

Table of Contents

  • Eleutheromania
  • Quaquaversal
  • Schwellenangst
  • Strikhedonia
  • Livsnjutare
  • Novaturient
  • Coddiwomple

1. Resfeber  (n.)

Origin: Swedish

Definition: The meaning of resfeber refers to the restless race of the traveller’s heart before the journey begins when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.

It’s that moment just after you buy your plane tickets and excitement and fear floods in all at once, creating a mixture of emotions that make you feel anxious or physically ill.

Resfeber Tote Bag

For more inspiration, don’t miss my guide to cool gifts for language learners and the best travel accessories and travel gadgets here.

2. Sonder (v.)

Origin: Unknown

Definition: The realisation that each passerby is living a life as complex as your own.

The full definition, taken from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows reads:

[Sonder is] the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries, and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

I often feel this way when I pass groups of strangers, speaking a language that is completely foreign to me, and realise just how incredibly big the world is. We all have a life that is full of different connections, memories and possibilities. That’s sonder.

The internet suggests this may not be a real word, either way, the concept is beautiful.

3. Solivagant (adj.)

Origin: Latin

Definition: Wandering alone. A solitary adventurer who travels or wanders the globe.

Not all those who wander are lost, but all those who wander alone are definitely solivagants . From the Latin word solivagus , meaning lonely or solitary, solivagant describes anyone who enjoys meandering around new countries, alone, in order to take it all in.

4. Fernweh (n.)

Origin: German

Definition: This German word,means an ache to get away and travel to a distant place, a feeling  even stronger than wanderlust. If wanderlust wasn’t poetic enough for you, allow me to present fernweh , a German word that literally translates to “distance-sickness.”

While someone with wanderlust might sit at home and happily fantasise about all the places they might visit, someone with fernweh would feel a deeper sense of longing, a sort of homesickness but for foreign lands.  For me, it’s wanting to be back in Rome . Fernweh is one of most those beautiful untranslatable words I’ve ever come across.

Carry this beautiful word with you with my Fernweh T-Shirt available in men’s and ladies styles and black or white. Buy it here.

Gifts for language learners and travellers - Fernweh T-Shirt

5. Sehnsucht (n.)

Definition: A wistful longing and yearning in the heart for travels past and future.

One author translated it as the “ inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what .” Another compared it to “ a longing for a far-off country, but not one which we could identify.”

When you return from travelling and wish you could do it all over again and experience every moment like it was the first.


6. Eleutheromania (n.)

Origin: Greek

Definition: An intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

We all want to be free, and travelling shows us how the freedom in the lives of others that is different from our own. Eleutheromania describes a person who has a strong desire and obsession for freedom.

7. Cockaigne (n.)

Origin: French , Middle French

Definition: An imaginary land of luxury and idleness.

Every destination seem like a wonderland or cockaigne before you set foot there and see it for yourself.

The term c ockaigne ” comes from the Middle French phrase pais de cocaigne, which literally means “the land of plenty.” The word was first popularised in a 13th-century French poem that is known in English as “The Land of Cockaigne.”

8. Quaquaversal (adj.)

Definition: Moving or happening in every direction instantaneously.

This perfectly describes my state when I’m in a new place and want to see and do everything at once.

9. Dérive (n)

Origin: French

Definition: A spontaneous and unplanned journey where the traveller leaves their life behind allows themselves to be guided by the landscape and architecture.

Literally translated as “drift”,  dérive is the idea that even if you drift you will end up on the right path. This could describe life in general, but it also describes small journeys. When you’re wandering through a new city and you just happen to wander on a path that takes you to great discoveries.


10. Ecophobia (n.)

Origin: English

Definition: This word came into English word via Greek and means a fear or dislike of one’s home.

I don’t dislike my home, but recently I can’t stop thinking about going back to Lofoten, Norway.

11. Numinous (adj.)

Definition: A powerful feeling of both fear and fascination, of being in awe and overwhelmed by what is before you.

Originally, this word refers to having a strong religious or spiritual quality; but it can also be used to describe how you feel when you see things that are so beautiful that you realise how wonderful the world is and the small part you play in it.   Hiking Trolltunga was a numinous moment for me.

12. Schwellenangst (n.)

Definition: Fear of crossing a threshold to begin a new chapter.

From s chwelle (“threshold”) and a ngst (“anxiety”), this word explains that feeling you get before deciding to set out on a new journey. Argh! Did I make the right decision?

13. Strikhedonia (n.)

Definition: The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it”.

Another personal favourite word on this list. Not only is it the joy I feel, but the freedom to be able to say “to hell with it” and book that next trip and embark on your next adventure.

14. Vagary (v.)

Definition: A whimsical or roaming journey.

From Latin, vagārī meaning “ to roam”, is an unpredictable idea, desire or action to travelling without knowing the destination, and not caring.

15. Livsnjutare (n)

Definition: Literally meaning, “enjoyer of life”, this describes a person who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme.

If you’re reading this, that’s probably you!  Need more inspiration?

16. Commuovere (v.)

Origin: Italian

Definition: To stir, to touch, to move to tears.

Just like the euphoric emotions I felt whilst whale watching.

17. Sturmfrei (adj.)

Definition: The freedom of being alone and being able to do what you want.

Literally translating to “stormfree”, this describes the freedom of not being watched by others and being alone in a place where you have the freedom and ability to do what you want.

Another great German word. Travelling solo can be especially rewarding because you have complete control. No compromises, no one else to please. Just you and the big wide world.

18. Saudade (n.)

Origin: Portuguese

Definition: This Portuguese word describes the emotional state of nostalgia and longing for someone or something distant. S audade  was once described as “the love that remains” after someone is gone.

Saudade  is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places, or events that brought excitement and happiness but now triggers the senses and makes one live again.

19. Yūgen (n.)

Origin: Japanese

Definition: A profound and mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe.

An awareness of the Universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words.

20. Acatalepsy (n.)

Definition: The impossibility of comprehending the universe.

Henry Miller said “ One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. ” Do we ever really understand the world and what we see on our  travels,  and how they mould us? Sometimes, if at all, it takes time to discover how these things change our lives.

21. Trouvaille (n.)

Definition: A chance encounter with something wonderful.

Whether it’s stumbling across a hidden back street, a quaint cafe, or connecting with a local, trouvaille describes those magical moments we experience in our journeys. 

22. Hygge (n.)

Origin: Danish

Definition: Pronounced hue-guh , hygge describes the warm feeling you get while enjoying the company of great friends and all life has to offer.

Hygge is the conscious appreciation of recognising everything you have and enjoying to the present moment.

23. Onism (n.)

Definition: The world is a big place as not everyone will get to see it. Onism describes understanding that we’ll never get to see it all. It’s the frustration of being stuck in just one body that can only inhabit one place at a time. I felt this way before going to Copenhagen !

Similar to the Swedish word ‘resfeber’, onism describes the feeling of knowing that you’ll never be able to see it all. They say that the more you travel, the harder it gets to stay in one place.

24. Novaturient (adj.)

Definition: A desire to change and alter your life.

This was exactly how I felt when I quit my job and moved to Rome . There was this strong urge that pulled me towards my dream of pursuing a life of speaking Italian and travelling. I knew I  wouldn’t be living my life if I didn’t go.

25. Yoko meshi (n.)

Definition: This untranslatable gem describes the stress of speaking a foreign language .

The Japanese word ‘meshi’ literally means ‘boiled rice’ and ‘yoko’ means ‘horizontal,’ together it means ‘a meal eaten sideways.’ The Japanese have created a beautiful way of describing the unique kind of stress you experience when speaking a foreign language. Furthermore, ‘yoko’ also references the fact that Japanese is normally written vertically, whereas most foreign languages are written horizontally. Clever, right?

Related: 69 Wonderful Japanese Expressions That Will Brighten Your Day

26. Selcouth (adj.)

Origin: Old English

Definition: When everything you see and experience is unfamiliar and strange, yet you find it marvellous anyway.

It’s that feeling you get when you travel to a foreign land and food, culture, customs, or language, is strange and different to everything you’ve experienced before, yet you love it and find it fascinating.

27. Eudaimonia (n.)

Definition: A state of being happy whilst travelling and everything feels great.

That intense excitement and appreciation when you travel and everything feels great. Seeing the Northern Lights was one of the best experiences of my life, a feeling I won’t forget.

28. Coddiwomple (v.)

Origin: English slang

Definition: To travel purposefully towards an unknown destination.

A brilliant word, coddiwomple is when you have a vague idea of your destination within a care for how long it takes to arrive. A great example is when you go hiking, you know you’ll eventually reach the summit, but every part of the trail along the way is just as beautiful.    Like the time I hiked Norway’s Trolltunga.

Travel Words Coddiwomple

If you enjoyed these words, then let wordsmiths Stephen King, Mark Twain and the Dalai Lama transport you around the world with these inspirational travel quotes or start using some of the beautiful untranslatable words from other languages.

Want to know more about learning languages? Start here!

  • 18 Unexpected Advantages & Health Benefits of Learning A Foreign Language
  • The World’s Most Beautiful Untranslatable Words from Around the World: The Ultimate List A-Z
  • 13 Ways to Seamlessly Integrate Language Learning into Your Daily Life
  • What Type of Language Learner Are You? Your 4-Step Personalised Learning Plan
  • 15 Top Language Learning Resources You Should Use
  • 7 Reasons Why You Should Go on a Language Holiday
  • 11 Life-Changing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Language
  • How to Learn Your First Foreign Language in 8 Simple Steps: A Beginner’s Guide
  • 42 beautiful Inspirational Quotes for Language Learners
  • Language learning tips: 11 Polyglots Reveal The Secrets of Their Success
  • Top 10 Best Ways to Learn a Language Better and Faster
  • How to Learn Italian Before Your Trip
  • Free Travel Phrase Guides
  • How a ‘Potato’ improved my French Pronunciation
  • How Many Languages are there in the World?
  • Hilarious Idiomatic Expressions that Will Brighten Your Day
  • 78 FREE Dictionaries to Learn a Language Fast [Free eBook Download]
  • 22 KEY Travel Phrases That Will Transform Your Travels [Free Guide]

Over to you!

Which one of these travel words do you identify with the most? What others would you add? Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation.

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Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. What separates her from other instructors is her ability to explain complex grammar in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner using her unique 80/20 method. Get her free guide 9 reasons you’re not fluent…YET & how to fix it! Planning a trip? Learn the local language with her 80/20 method for less than the cost of eating at a tourist trap restaurant Start learning today!

Italian Cognates & Loanwords: 17 Rules to Expand Your Vocabulary + FREE PDF

124 inspirational travel quotes that’ll make you want to travel in 2022, 12 comments.

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Amazing list! One word I’d add is the Dutch word “gezellig” or “gezelligheid” – similarly to hygge, it describes a feeling of warmth/comfort/coziness/quaintness in certain settings or around certain people.

Thank you so much for sharing this Heba. So interesting to learn that Dutch has a similar word 🙂

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This is such a fun article! Love these words and phrases!

Glad to hear it! Thank you so much, Eric 🙂

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So many of these describe me or my feelings about seeing the world. But, if I had to pick one, the one that best describes how I choose my destinations would be “selcouth”. I so want to be a stranger in a strange land. To have my belief that there is no such thing as “normal” affirmed again and again and over again.

What a beautiful word. Thanks for sharing, Janet 🙂

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Thanks Michele what a wonderful list of inspirational words. It nearly made me cry as I realised that I suffer from acute eleutheromania! ha

Thanks Juliana 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed this list. Eleutheromania? I know how you feel hehe

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Unique list i must say – If you want to add one more word than check this !

In Hindi language (India) traveler called as “Musafir”

thanks Niraj 🙂

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Thanks for sharing this! Really enjoyed it a lot ❤

Thanks Donah, I’m so glad you enjoyed it 😉

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100 Unique and Creative Travel Words with Beautiful Meanings

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Everyone (who knows me) knows how I love words. I hoard words . Everyone also knows how I love to travel. I eat, drink, and sleep travel 🙂 Here, in this post, I’ve blended two of my passions – words and travel. The post rounds up the creative travel words that describe wanderlust perfectly. You’ll never be at a loss for words while narrating your travel experiences once you equip yourself with these unique words about travel.

Unusual Travel Words with Beautiful Meanings

Wanderlust (n.).

Origin: German Pronunciation: vawn-duh-luhst Meaning: a strong desire to travel

Resfeber (n.)

Origin: Swedish Pronunciation: race-fay-ber Meaning: the restless race of the traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together; the nervous feeling before undertaking a journey

Related Read: 27 Cool Swedish Words You Must Know

Strikhedonia (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: strik-he-don-e-a Meaning: the joy of being able to say “to hell with it”

Eleutheromania (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: eleuthero-ma-nia Meaning: an intense and irresistible desire for freedom

Origin: Hawaiian Pronunciation: ak-i-hi Meaning: listening to directions and then walking off and promptly forgetting them

akihi travel words

Exulansis (n.)

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pronunciation: exu-lan-sis Meaning: the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it — whether through envy or pity or simple foreignness—which allows it to drift away from the rest of your life story, until the memory itself feels out of place, almost mythical, wandering restlessly in the fog, no longer even looking for a place to land.

Hodophile (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: hodo-phile Meaning: a lover of roads; one who loves to travel

Saudade (n.)

Origin: Portuguese Pronunciation: sau-da-de Meaning: a nostalgic longing for something or someone that was loved and then lost, with the knowledge that it or they might never return; “the love that remains”

Fernweh (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: feirn-veyh Meaning: an ache for distant places; a longing for far-off places; an urge to travel even stronger than wanderlust; being homesick for a place you’ve never been

Selcouth (adj.)

Origin: Old English Pronunciation: sel-kooth Meaning: unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous

selcouth travel words

Serendipity (n.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: seh-ruhn-di-puh-tee Meaning: finding something good without looking for it

Pilgrimage (n.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: pil-gruh-mij Meaning: a journey, especially a long one, made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion

Gökotta (n.)

Origin: Swedish Pronunciation: yo-kot-ah Meaning: literally translates to the early cuckoo morning or dawn picnic to hear the first birdsong; the act of rising early in the morning to hear the birds sing at sunrise and appreciate nature

Schwellenangst (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: shwel-en-ahngst Meaning: fear of embarking on something new; fear of crossing a threshold

Voyage (n.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: voy-ij Meaning: a long journey involving travel by sea or in space

voyage travel words

Origin: Japanese Pronunciation: yoo-gehn Meaning: a profound awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep, powerful, and mysterious for words

Origin: Danish Pronunciation: hue-gah Meaning: the Danish practice of creating warmth, connection, and well-being; a complete absence of anything annoying or emotionally overwhelming; taking pleasure from the presence of gentle, soothing things; celebrating the everyday

You Might Like: Cool Danish Words We Need in English Now

Vagary (n.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: va-ga-re Meaning: an unpredictable instance, a wandering journey; a whimsical, wild, and unusual idea, desire, or action

Origin: Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pronunciation: mo-rii Meaning: the desire to capture a fleeting experience

“With every click of the shutter, you’re trying to press pause on your life. If only so you can feel a little more comfortable moving on living in a world stuck on the play.”

Musafir (n.)

Origin: Arabic Pronunciation: mu-sa-fir Meaning: traveler

Musafir remains one of my most favorite words associated with travel.

musafir travel words

Odyssey (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: aw-duh-see Meaning: a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience

Sonder (n.)

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pronunciation: sohn-dehrr Meaning: the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

Gadabout (n.)

Origin: Middle English Pronunciation: gad-uh-bout Meaning: a habitual pleasure-seeker; a person who moves about restlessly and aimlessly, especially from one social activity to another; a person who travels often or to many different places, especially for pleasure

Acatalepsy (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: ey-kat-l-ep-see Meaning: incomprehensibleness; the impossibility of comprehending the universe; the belief that human knowledge can never have true certainty

acatalepsy travel words

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: noh-mad Meaning: a person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer

Cockaigne (n.)

Origin: Middle English Pronunciation: ko-keyn Meaning: an imaginary or fabled land of luxury and idleness

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pronunciation: o-ni-sm Meaning: the awareness of how little of the world you’ll experience

“The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time, which is like standing in front of the departures screen at an airport, flickering over with strange place names like other people’s passwords, each representing one more thing you’ll never get to see before you die—and all because, as the arrow on the map helpfully points out, you are here.”

Nemophilist (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: ni-mo-fi-list Meaning: a haunter of the woods; one who loves the forest for its beauty and solitude

Trouvaille (n.)

Origin: French Pronunciation: troo-vee Meaning: a lucky find; a chance encounter with something wonderful and valuable

trouvaille travel words

Safarnama (n.)

Origin: Persian Pronunciation: su-fur-nama Meaning: travelogue; an account of the travels

Smultronställe (n.)

Origin: Swedish Pronunciation: smool-tron-stall-uh Meaning: literally translates to place of wild strawberries; a special place discovered, treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress or sadness

Livsnjutare (n.)

Origin: Swedish Pronunciation: livs-noo-tuhreh Meaning: literally translates to enjoyer of life; someone who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme

Wayfarer (n.)

Origin: Old English Pronunciation: wey-fair-er Meaning: someone who travels, especially on foot

Kopfkino (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: kof-kino Meaning: literally translates to head cinema; the act of playing out an entire scenario in your mind

kopfkino travel words

Hireath (n.)

Origin: Welsh Pronunciation: her-rith Meaning: a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past

Peripatetic (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: per-uh-puh-tet-ik Meaning: a person who travels from place to place

Luftmensch (n.)

Origin: Yiddish Pronunciation: looft-mensh Meaning: literally translates to an air person; an impractical dreamer with improbable plans and no business sense; one with their head in the clouds

Solivagant (adj.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: soh-lih-va-ghent Meaning: wandering alone

Waldeinsamkeit (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: vahyd-ahyn-zahm-kahyt Meaning: literally translates to woodland solitude; the feeling of being alone in the woods

waldeinsamkeit travel words

Ecophobia (n.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: eco-phobia Meaning: a fear or dislike of one’s home

Origin: Japanese Pronunciation: u-key-yo Meaning: literally translates to the floating world; living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life

Meraki (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: may-rah-kee Meaning: to do something with soul, creativity, and love; when you leave a piece of yourself in your work

Wabi-sabi (n.)

Origin: Japanese Pronunciation: wabe-sabe Meaning: finding beauty in imperfections; an acceptance of things as they are

Vorfreude (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: vor-froy-dah Meaning: the joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures

vorfreude travel words

Cosmopolitan (n.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: koz-muh-pahl-i-ten Meaning: belonging to all the world; not limited to just one part of the world; someone who has traveled a lot and feels at home in any part of the world

Peregrinate (v.)

Origin: Middle English Pronunciation: per-i-gruh-neyt Meaning: to travel or wander from place to place

Sojourn (n.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: soh-jurn Meaning: a temporary stay

Shinrin-yoku (n.)

Origin: Japanese Pronunciation: shin-rin-yo-ku Meaning: literally translates to forest bathing; a leisurely trip to the forest for recreation, relaxation, meditation, and therapy

Origin: Thai Pronunciation: ti-eow Meaning: to wander or roam around in a carefree way

tîeow travel words

Origin: Serbian Pronunciation: mir-ak Meaning: enjoyment of the simple things in life; the feeling of bliss and sense of oneness with the universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures; the pursuit of small, daily pleasures that all add up to a great sense of happiness and fulfillment

Dépaysement (n.)

Origin: French Pronunciation: de-pe-iz-ma Meaning: the feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country; disorientation due to experience of unfamiliar surroundings; being out of your element like a fish out of water

Itinerant (n.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: ai-ti-nr-uhnt Meaning: one who travels from place to place

Numinous (adj.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: noo-muh-nuhs Meaning: having a strong religious or spiritual or supernatural quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of divinity; describing an experience that makes you fearful yet fascinated, wed yet attracted – the powerful, personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired

Heimweh (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: haim-ve Meaning: homesickness; nostalgia; a longing for home

heimweh travel words

Sprachgefühl (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: shprahkh-guh-fyl Meaning: the character and spirit of a language; an intuitive sense of the rule and rhythm of language

Mångata (n.)

Origin: Swedish Pronunciation: mo-an-gaa-tah Meaning: the glimmering, roadlike reflection of the moonlight on water

Dromomania (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: dro-mo-ma-nia Meaning: an uncontrollable impulse or desire to wander or travel

Sehnsucht (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: zen-zukt Meaning: the inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what; a yearning for a far, familiar, non-earthly land one can identify as one’s home

Dérive (v.)

Origin: French Pronunciation: de-rive Meaning: literally translates to drift; a spontaneous and unplanned journey where the traveler leaves their life behind for a time to let the spirit of the landscape and architecture attract and move them

dérive travel words

Absquatulate (v.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: ab-skwoch-uh-leyt Meaning: to leave abruptly without saying goodbye

Thalassophile (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: thal-as-o-fahyl Meaning: a lover of the sea; someone who loves the sea or ocean

Yoko meshi (n.)

Origin: Japanese Pronunciation: yoh-koh-mesh-ee Meaning: literally translates to a meal eaten sideways; refers to the peculiar stress of speaking a foreign language

Forelsket (v.)

Origin: Norwegian Pronunciation: phor-rel-sket Meaning: the euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love

Read More: 14 Beautiful Norwegian Words We Need in English Now

Rückkehrunruhe (n.)

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pronunciation: rukee-ren-ruhee Meaning: the feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness—to the extent you have to keep reminding yourself that it happened at all, even though it felt so vivid just days ago—which makes you wish you could smoothly cross-dissolve back into everyday life, or just hold the shutter open indefinitely and let one scene become superimposed on the next, so all your days would run together and you’d never have to call cut.

rückkehrunruhe travel words

Eudaimonia (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: u-de-mon-e-a Meaning: literally translates to human flourishing; a contented state of being happy, healthy, and prosperous

Sturmfrei (adj.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: stirm-fra Meaning: literally translates to storm-free; the freedom of not being watched by a parent or superior; being alone in a place and having the ability to do what you want

Origin: Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation: yu-yi Meaning: the desire to see with fresh eyes, and feel things just as powerfully as you did when you were younger-before expectations, before memory, before words

Photophile (n.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: pho-to-phile Meaning: Derived from the biological term “photophilic” for an organism that thrives in full light, it means a person who loves photography and light

Traipse (v.)

Origin: Unknown Pronunciation: trayps Meaning: to walk or go aimlessly or idly or without finding or reaching one’s goal

traipse travel words

 Neophile (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: neo-phile Meaning: one who loves or has a strong affinity for anything new or novel

Ballagàrraidh (n.)

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pronunciation: bal-la-ga-rye Meaning: the awareness that you are not at home in the wilderness

Vacilando (v.)

Origin: Spanish Pronunciation: vah-see-lan-doh Meaning: to wander or travel with the knowledge that the journey is more important than the destination

Quaquaversal (adj.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: kwey-kwuh-vur-sul Meaning: moving or happening in every direction instantaneously

Coddiwomple (v.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: kod-ee-wom-pul Meaning: to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination

coddiwomple travel words

Vemödalen (n.)

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pronunciation: ve-mo-da-len Meaning: the fear that everything has already been done

“The frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist—the same sunset, the same waterfall, the same curve of a hip, the same closeup of an eye—which can turn a unique subject into something hollow and pulpy and cheap, like a mass-produced piece of furniture you happen to have assembled yourself.”

Commuovere (v.)

Origin: Italian Pronunciation: com-muo-ve-re Meaning: a story that touches or stirs you and moves you to tears

Natsukashii (adj.)

Origin: Japanese Pronunciation: nat-soo-kash-ee Meaning: of some small thing that brings you suddenly, joyously back to fond memories, not with a wistful longing for what’s past, but with an appreciation of the good times

Querencia (n.)

Origin: Spanish Pronunciation: keh-rehn-syah Meaning: a place from which one’s strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self

Novaturient (adj.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: no-vah-ter-y-ent Meaning: desiring or seeking powerful change in one’s life, behavior, or situation

novaturient travel words

Komorebi (n.)

Origin: Japanese Pronunciation: koh-moh-ray-bee Meaning: sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees

Flâneur (n.)

Origin: French Pronunciation: flah-nœr Meaning: one who strolls around aimlessly but enjoyably, observing life and his surroundings

Hanyauku (v.)

Origin: Kwangali Pronunciation: ha-ahn-yoh-kuu Meaning: to walk on tiptoes across the warm sand

Dès Vu (n.)

Origin: Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Pronunciation: des-vu Meaning: the awareness that this will become a memory

Gallivant (v.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: gal-uh-vant Meaning: go around from one place to another in the pursuit of pleasure or entertainment

gallivant travel words

Nefelibata (n.)

Origin: Portuguese Pronunciation: ne-fe-le-ba-ta Meaning: literally translates to cloud-walker; one who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams, or one who does not obey the conventions of society, literature, or art; an unconventional or unorthodox person

Petrichor (n.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: pet-ri-kawr Meaning: a distinctive scent, usually described as earthy, pleasant, or sweet, produced by rainfall on very dry ground; the smell of earth after rain

Circumnavigate (v.)

Origin: Latin Pronunciation: suh-kuhm-na-vuh-gayt Meaning: to sail or travel all the way around the world

Hitoritabi (n.)

Origin: Japanese Pronunciation: hitori-tabi Meaning: traveling alone; a solitary journey

Torschlusspanik (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: tursh-luss-pan-ik Meaning: literally translates to gate-closing panic; a sense of anxiety or fear caused by the feeling that life’s opportunities are passing by and diminishing as one ages

torschlusspanik travel words

Globetrotter (n.)

Origin: English Pronunciation: globe-trawt-uh Meaning: a person who travels widely

Menggonceng (v.)

Origin: Indonesian Pronunciation: menggon-ceng Meaning: to travel by getting a free ride, usually on the back of a friend’s bicycle

Vagabond (n.)

Origin : Old French Pronunciation: va-guh-baand Meaning: a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job

Gemütlichkeit (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: guh-myt-likh-kahyt Meaning: a feeling of cozy warmth, friendliness, and good cheer with a sense of belonging

Erlebnisse (n.)

Origin: German Pronunciation: ayr-leeb-nis-eh Meaning: an experience that one feels most deeply, and, in a sense, ‘lives through’ – not just mere life experience, but something memorable which happens to someone

erlebnisse travel words

Livslogga (v.)

Origin: Swedish Pronunciation: Meaning: literally translates to life log; continually capturing and documenting one’s life through pictures

Poudrerie (n.)

Origin: French Pronunciation: pu-dre-ri Meaning: fallen snow blown by the wind from the ground, appearing like fine powdery particles across the streets and highways

Yeoubi (n.)

Origin: Korean Pronunciation: yu-bi Meaning: literally translates to fox rain; a sunshower – the event of having a light rain while the sun is still shining

Morriña (n.)

Origin: Galician Pronunciation: mo-rina Meaning: a very deep, nostalgic, and melancholic homesickness experienced as one intensely longs to return home; “a ‘saudade’ so strong it can even kill”

 Víðsýni (adj.)

Origin: Icelandic Pronunciation: vith-see-nee Meaning: a panoramic view

Xenophilia (n.)

Origin: Greek Pronunciation: zen-uh-fil-ee-uh Meaning: love for, attraction to, or appreciation of foreign people, manners, customs, or cultures

xenophilia travel words

Do you have other words that describe travel? Send them over! We’d be happy to add them to our list of words for travel lovers.

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creative travel words

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Anjali Chawla

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42 inspiring & unusual travel words (besides wanderlust).

We’ve all tried to find words to describe a travel experience, and sometimes nothing seems to quite explain it right.

I love discovering new ways to express myself, and over the years I’ve slowly collected the below list of creative travel words that are either not commonly used in English or are from another language or are words that describe travel emotions we go through much better.

Travel Words

If you’re a bit of a Pinterest addict like me you might have heard some of these alternative words for travel before, but hopefully, some are new.

After all, we could all use some other words for wanderlust!

These are just a few of my favourite words associated with travel.

As someone who writes about travel all the time, I love finding new words for travel and to describe travel experiences.

Inspiring Travel Words - Montenegro

Everyone knows wanderlust, but are there words for wanderlust in other languages, or even just another word for travel too? 

I first wrote this post back in 2015 with just 24 new travel words that I had found over the course of the year while I was living abroad in Spain .

Since then I’ve come across many more so I’ve updated it to include the new ones!

Each travel word definition has been written in my own words, with a photo of my own, and examples from my own experiences. 

I hope that you’re able to learn some new words for travel (that aren’t wanderlust but are other words for wanderlust!) and be a bit inspired by them like I have been!

The unusual travel words you need to know:

Resfeber  (n), origin – swedish.

The tangled feelings of fear and excitement before a journey begins.

This is one of the most popular words associated with travel and all over Pinterest!

We’ve all felt this. That jolt in your heart when you book your flights, or when you tell your family and friends what you’re about to do.

Now that feeling has a word you can use!

This feeling is for new travellers and old alike. I still feel it when I embark on new journeys, especially before I moved to Spain to teach English .

resfeber travel words

Fernweh (n)

Origin: german.

Farsickness. An urge to travel even stronger than wanderlust.

That feeling you get when you’ve been home too long and you ache to be out into the world again.

Sometimes you don’t know where you want to be, but you know that it’s away. Sometimes you know where, and you want to get there as quickly as possible. This is that feeling.

I’ve had a serious case of the post travel blues , and felt this to the extreme!

It’s one of my favourite words related to travel, since it really does describe how I’ve felt on so many different occasions.

fernweh travel words

Origin: French

To drift unplanned, led only by the landscape and architecture around you.

The idea that even if you drift you will end up falling into a path that is lined out for you by your surroundings. This could describe life overall, but it also describes small journeys.

When you’re wandering through a new city and you just happen to wander on a path that takes you to great discoveries.

This happened to me in Stockholm, when I went to the archipelago and saw absolutely nothing of the city, and again in Lisbon where we made no plans and just let the city show us where to go.

This is a travel word I’ve seen less often, probably because many of us love to plan our trips, tick things off a bucket list and not miss out, but sometimes if you just allow yourself to wander you’ll find the most unexpected and best things of your trip.

derive travel word - wandering led only by the landscape

Numinous (adj)

Origin: latin.

Feeling both fearful and awed by what is before you.

I don’t know why but there’s something intriguing about finding Latin words for travel. Maybe it’s because it’s not a language we really use anymore, but it forms the basis for so much of ours now.

There are quite a lot of words for travelling that are Latin based, or that we can turn into a word associated with travel.

Firstly referring to divinity, but I think it is a wonderful way to describe how you feel when you see things that are so amazing you’re not sure whether to be amazed or realise your own insignificance in the world. It’s the magical feeling when you see something truly awe-inspiring, be it the scenery before you, or just something amazing falls into place when you’re travelling.

Visiting the rice terraces of China was that moment for me.

numinous travel words

Schwellenangst (n)

Fear of crossing a threshold to embark on something new.

Ok so this German word isn’t traditionally a word related to travel but it could be used as one of those words to describe a travel experience now.

Maybe referring literally to a door, but a great way to explain that feeling you might have before deciding to set out on a new journey.

Did you make the right decision? Those questioning feelings now have a name. I thought I might have made a mistake in moving to Spain but really, it was just this feeling of fearing something new.

schwellenangst travel words

Strikhedonia (n)

Origin: greek.

The joy of being able to say “to hell with it”.

A popular Greek word associated with travel!

This is what you can do when you decide to quit everything, stop making excuses , and explore the world.

Something you say when you book your flights or you decide to do something on your journey that you wouldn’t normally do. You’re travelling, who cares right?!

Now you have a word related to travel for that awesome feeling.

strikhedonia travel words

A wandering or roaming journey.

An unpredictable idea, desire or action.

Travelling without knowing the destination, and it doesn’t matter.

I got completely lost with friends in the Alpujarras in southern Spain , and it didn’t matter one bit. This is another Latin word for travel that we should definitely bring back into our vocabulary!

vagary travel words

Sehnsucht (n)

A wistful longing and yearning in the heart for travels that have been and travels to come.

When you’re not travelling this can be an overwhelming feeling, or when you think about the travel you’ve done and you wish you could relive it all over again.

This feeling is why you need to make the most of every moment! It’s why the more you travel, the harder it gets .

This is one of those other words for wanderlust that we could use instead, although not as easy to say I admit!

sehnsucht travel words

Eleutheromania (n)

The intense desire for freedom.

This is probably one of the closest words to explaining wanderlust in different languages. People often say that travelling makes them feel free, and eleutheromania is the desire for this feeling.

We seem to find freedom in other cultures, or just in being outside the norm, and when you stop travelling, you crave it again.

I think this is what led me to make the crazy decision to move abroad for the first time at 16 !

Definitely one of my favourite other words for wanderlust and a firm favourite on Pinterest when you look for travel words.

eleutheromania travel words

Livsnjutare (n)

Origin: swedish.

Someone who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme.

Someone I try to be. One that takes chances, takes risks, and always chooses the adventure .

This other word for travel could be used in place for wanderluster, nomad or traveller.  We could all stand to appreciate what we have and make the most of life, and so this is an inspirational travel word! 

livsnjutare travel words

Sturmfrei (adj)

The freedom of being alone and having the ability to do what you want.

Travelling solo can be especially rewarding because it’s all up to you. You can make your travel journey exactly how you want it to be. No compromises, no one else to please. Just you and the road.

You might meet amazing people when you travel , but being on your own is real freedom.

This isn’t traditionally a word associated with travel either, but instead with being in a place alone or without supervision from your parents, so like when they leave you at home for the weekend as a teenager.

But isn’t that slightly giddy feeling of being able to do whatever we want similar to how we feel when we travel? No one’s watching, so you can be who you want and let go!

sturmfrei travel words

Solivagant (adj)

Wandering alone.

The kind of traveller many of us are. Solo travel has exploded so much that it is no longer out of the ordinary.

As most solo travellers know, you’re not alone for long as you make your friends on the road . But sometimes, it’s the wandering journey you take alone that is the most rewarding.

This is a word for someone that travels a lot or someone on a solo journey.

It’s definitely a popular description amongst travel bloggers too!

solivagant travel words

Saudade (n)

Origin: portuguese.

Nostalgia and the love that remains. A desire to be near to something or someone distant.

This is a travel word for after your journey ends and you just want to be back where you were, or with the people you met on the way. It’s the feeling that’s left after it all ends.

It’s what makes you want to return to your favourite place , even if you know it might not be the same. Part of the definition of this travel word is also about looking forward positively to the future!

saudade travel words

Origin: Japanese

An awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and mysterious for words.

That feeling when it’s dark and you look at the stars and your wonder for all the things in the world wells up inside of you.

I felt like this when I saw the northern lights in Iceland during the wintertime . It was the most amazing experience and if I had any word to describe it then this would be it!

Other words for wanderlust or travel - yūgen

Acatalepsy (n)

The idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything.

Acatalepsy is a word that we can associate with travel. 

Can you truly understand your travels, the things you see, and how they affect you?

Sometimes it takes time to process how travel might have changed your life, and sometimes we never truly know why we take the journeys we do and what they’ll mean for us until afterward.

We can reflect on amazing travel moments , but never fully know their impact until much later! 

acatalepsy travel words

Origin: In doubt

The realisation every person is living their own vivid life.

I stumbled across this word and fell in love with the meaning, as it’s something I sometimes think about. How each person’s life is as full of different connections, memories, and possibilities as my own.

Although research tells me Sonder may not be a real word, the concept is beautiful and I think it can be a word closely associated with travel.

When we’re travelling we realise how everyone is living their own different and vivid life, sometimes close to our own and sometimes on a completely other level!

sonder travel words

Trouvaille (n)

Something lovely found by chance.

A street, cafe, an experience stumbled upon by luck.

I love when this happens in my travels. A moment drinking coffee under a lemon tree in the south of Spain , a garden or a lake or a swimming hole discovered with no one else around.

I love finding alternative words to describe a travel experience, and this is a great one! It’s so important to appreciate the little things, especially when we come across them in an unexpected way. 

trouvaille travel words

Origin: Danish

The cosy feeling you get while you’re enjoying the good things in life with friends.

When you’re out for a meal with people you met during your travels , and you feel content and right.

That feeling that you’re right where you’re meant to be.

This isn’t traditionally associated with travel and has become much more popular in recent years as a word describing a Danish way of living.

This word is now much more popular and well known than when I first wrote this post when I was an expat ! When I first came across it in 2015 I’d never heard of it before at all!

And I love that.

To me, it sounded like a word to describe the experiences I’d had while travelling, when I’d met an amazing group of people and we were enjoying a shared meal together at the end of an awesome day of exploring.

hygge travel words

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows – John Koenig

Awareness of how little of the world you’ll experience.

When you’re staring at the departures board and wishing you could go to all of those places at once.

It’s possible that the more you travel the harder it gets , and this is one of the reasons why. You can live abroad to try and travel more, but there’s still only so much to be seen.

This travel word is a little different in that it isn’t from another language but instead from a book.

However, it is another word that describes travel in that you’ll never reach the end of your exploration.

Travelling just makes you realise how much of the world there is still to see, and fuels your wanderlust even more!

onism travel words

Novaturient (adj)

A desire to change and alter your life.

This word for travel lovers describes the feeling that pushes you to travel.

When you know you’re not living the life you could be and there must be more out there for you.

It’s time to go and find it . I’ve never regretted travelling or moving abroad , even alone . It’s this knowledge and this feeling that makes me keep doing it!

novaturient travel words

Yoko meshi (n)

The stress of speaking a foreign language.

Literally translates to, “a meal eaten sideways”, and how I felt about speaking Spanish when I moved to Spain!

When people would tell me to “just start speaking” and it’s really not that easy.

Can you really learn a language just by moving abroad ? Maybe not, but you can try. Just be prepared for this feeling that you now have a travel word to describe!

yoko meshi travel words

Selcouth (adj)

Origin: old english.

Strange and uncommon, the way you see things when you travel.

Everything seems different and foreign, and it’s a good thing. We travel to seek out the things we don’t have at home .

This is another word that we can make into a word for travel, even though it doesn’t traditionally mean that.

It is one I could kind of see myself using to describe the odd things I’ve come across while travelling!

selcouth travel words

Eudaimonia (n)

The contented happy state.

That bursting feeling in your chest when you travel when it all feels right. The constant change in travel often puts our senses in overdrive and the highs are higher than ever. 

Learning to dive on the Great Barrier Reef was one of the best experiences of my life, and I won’t soon forget this feeling.

This Greek word is actually related to a philosophy that has been translated as meaning happiness or well-being, but I think that it’s the way we often feel when we travel, so it’s a word for travel lovers too!

eudaimonia travel words

Coddiwomple (v)

Origin: english slang.

To travel purposefully towards a vague destination.

When you have an idea of where you’re going, but it doesn’t matter how long it takes to get there.

The road doesn’t have to be a straight one. In fact, sometimes it’s better when it’s not .

I love this travel word because I can imagine an old English gentleman discussing his latest “coddiwomple”!

coddiwomple travel words

Flâneur (n)

Someone who strolls aimlessly but enjoyably, observing life and the surroundings.

This is what I love to do when I get to a new city, or through the countryside .

When we travel we seem to have fewer worries in general, allowing us to place ourselves more IN the moment.

Plus walking a city and people watching is a great way to learn about a new culture! It’s also a lovely way to spend a romantic date !

unusual travel words - flaneur

Nefelibata (n)

“Cloud-Walker”. One who lives in the clouds of their own imagination, or who does not obey the conventions of society, literature or art. An unconventional person.

Probably the way people have described me on occasion!

For those who don’t travel, or don’t know how to begin, the idea can seem fantastical and unconventional.

But these days there are so many people breaking free of “cubicle” life and working as digital nomads with the world as their office, working different travel jobs ,  saving to move abroad , or taking a year off to travel. Phil and I now work for ourselves and travel as we like (with kids!).

It may be unconventional to some, but for the rest of us, it’s life.

unusual travel words - nefelibata

Brumous (adj.)

Origin: english.

Of gray skies and winter days, filled with heavy clouds or fog.

This may be a travel word you only use if you travel to the United Kingdom, especially in Scotland (it’s not the weather though, you just need the right clothes !)

It’s well known as the land of rainy days and fog, and I’ve experienced first hand.

However, I visited the Isle of Skye , one of the beautiful places in the UK, in the wind and rain and it was no less amazing. So really, I don’t mind if I have to describe some of my travels this way.

unusual travel words - brumous

Vorfreude (n)

The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.

When we book a new trip and in the time before we go, this is the way we often feel.

We can think about the people we’ll meet , and all the exciting things we’re going to experience.

I love watching movies about places I want to go and then imagining myself there too, which is basically this feeling!

unusual travel words - vorfruede

Commuovere (v)

Origin: italian.

Heartwarming, something that stirs and moves you.

I love finding new words that don’t translate into English. This one is a prime example of a word that is difficult to explain, but the best I can do is heartwarming, something that moves you to tears in a good way.

Maybe you’re wondering how this relates to travel… crying?!

Well, I’ve definitely shed a few tears over travel, from the good to the bad, and I’ve definitely been moved and awed by the things that I’ve seen.

unusual travel words - commuovere

Peregrinate (v)

Travel or wander around from place to place.

A pretty simple word that we could use to describe our travels and yet it seems to have fallen out of favour. “We peregrinated around the Scottish Highlands .” It works right?!

unusual travel words - peregrinate

Nemophilist (n)

Origin: english.

A haunter of woods, one who loves the forest and it’s beauty and solitude.

There’s something magical about walking through the woods, and even more so in a foreign country.

When I lived in Canada on a study abroad one of my favourite things to do was wander through the huge forests there. So much so my new friends and I once got lost for 8 hours…

unusual travel words - nemophilist

Querencia (n)

Origin: spanish.

The place where you are your most authentic self, from where strength is drawn, where you feel at home.

I’m so excited to have a Spanish word, after learning Spanish while giving in Spain.

This word comes is related to the verb querer , which is to want or desire.

It can be associated with bullfighting, as it is also the name for the area of the bullring where the bull takes its stand, but I like to think of it more as a travel word, of course.

unusual travel words - querencia

Komorebi (n)

The sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees.

If you’re on those forest walks when you’re travelling like above, then this is hopefully what you’ll see!

Another unusual word that doesn’t translate directly into an English word, but one that describes a beautiful sight.

unusual travel words - komorebi

Hireath (n)

Origin: welsh.

A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was. The nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past.

Homesickness isn’t quite the right translation for this beautiful Welsh word, it’s more than that. It’s one of my favourites though as I often reminisce about my previous travels and times in my life.

It’s strange to think back to times like our babymoon in France , and how we had no idea what was ahead of us. As much as I love our life now I sometimes wish to live those times again!

unusual travel words - hireath

Smultronställe (n)

Literally “place of wild strawberries” a special place discovered, treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress or sadness.

When I went to Luleå in the north of Sweden in summer we discovered wild strawberries growing on an island in the middle of the archipelago.

That’s what I think of when I see this word because what better place to be? These are often the kind of places we discover when we travel.

unusual travel words - Smultroställe

Mångata (n)

The reflection of the moon on the water.

Something I only seem to see or see the most when I’m travelling.

It reminds me of being by the sea, of the Full Moon Party in Thailand and of the early darkness when I lived in the Gold Coast, Australia, where this photo was taken!

unusual travel words - mangata

Photophile (n)

Origin: possibly english or greek.

A person who loves photography and light.

This one is a little in dispute. It could originate from the word for organisms that love light, “photophilic”, but have been adjusted to fit with photographers too.

Or, it could come from the same origins as “hodophile” in that “phos” means light and “philos” means friends. I can’t find concrete evidence either way, but that’s the beauty of finding new words!

Photophiles carry their camera wherever they go, and many travellers now do the same.

I used to have an old point and shoot camera, and then I stuck to mostly iPhone before finally getting a “proper” camera. I’ve been testing it out in Spain at places like the Alhambra , and in Portugal around the streets of Lisbon .

But there was nothing quite like the midnight sun in Luleå last summer.

unusual travel words - photophile

Dépaysement (adj.)

Feeling that comes from not being in one’s own country. Being out of your element, a fish out of water.

Living abroad has often made me feel like this , especially in the early days.

Sometimes we can idealise moving abroad and not realise how it will affect us , but eventually, a place will feel like home, even if it’s a different concept of home than before.

unusual travel words - depaysment

Hodophile (adj.)

“Lover of roads”. One who loves to travel.

Does this travel word really need an explanation?

There’s something magical about setting out on a trip with the open road before you. My absolute favourite was driving across the Nullabor in Australia! It’s one of the longest straight roads in the world.

unusual travel words - hodophile

Cockaigne (n)

Origin: an english word with french origin.

Imaginary land of luxury and idleness; the land of plenty.

This word originates from a medieval myth, a land of plenty where society’s restrictions are defined and the harshness of life in medieval times does not exist.

Although we’re not in this time anymore, we could use this word to describe our ideal land of plenty now. One where people are not persecuted for their religion or race, one where equality reigns supreme, maybe one we will all be able to travel to one day?

unusual travel words - cockaigne

Wayfarer (n)

Someone who travels, especially on foot.

Maybe not as unusual a word as some on this list, and one that you may already know. I considered making this my blog name when I started blogging !

It’s a word that makes me think of older times when people travelled in a more whimsical way that had nothing to do with social media. You went wherever the wind took you!

unusual travel words - wayfarer

Absquatulate (v)

Origin: north american english.

To leave without saying goodbye.

Invented in the US in the 1830s as a word that sounded vaguely Latin, to make it seem older.

It means to make off with someone or something without announcing you’re going! The way many of us might feel we want to leave for our travels. No fuss, please!

unusual travel words - absquatulate-2

Have you heard of these travel words and would you use them? Do you think they explain things better than we usually can?

If you liked them, pin them!

Sonja - Migrating Miss

Sonja is from New Zealand but now lives in Scotland with her husband and two little boys, after having lived in 5 other countries along the way including the USA, Australia, Canada, and Spain. Travelling has always been her passion and she has now made it her full-time job and worked in the industry for the last 8 years. She shares her living abroad experiences and best tips to make your travel experiences the best they can be!

55 thoughts on “ 42 Inspiring & Unusual Travel Words (Besides Wanderlust) ”

Amazing list! Looking to impress a number of my fellow travelers with this list now!

I swear some of them can be worked in to normal conversation! Others may be a little different but it’s so nice to have words that describe those travel feelings.

Sonja, that’s a great one!! Sharing it all over now:) love all the words and the idea of such a post:)

Thanks so much Monika! I have been sitting on all of these for a long time. They are saved all over my phone and written in personal journals, so I thought it was time to share!

I’d add: ecdemomania <3

That’s a good one I didn’t have! I’ll have to add it to the next list 🙂

I absolutely love these! I so often find myself having a hard time describing my deep seeded need to get away, always be moving, or travel solo. The long pause and struggle I have to express the answer to “why” when asked about my journeys can feel very awkwardly isolating, and not in the good way of standing alone on a mountain top or wandering an empty desert. I like to feel all alone in the world sometimes but other times, I want to be a part of something, a community, and understood. Seeing words like you have dug up to share in this post do just that. The fact that there are words in so many languages to describe exactly how I feel, means that I am not really alone, even when I have been on a road with no signs of humans for days!

Thanks Bethany! You are definitely not alone! I too loved discovering that there are words that actually describe how I feel when I can’t even really describe it myself. It means that there are other’s that have felt like this, and so much so that whole words have been created for it. I hope you find a way to explain how you feel and why you want travel and movement in your life. All the best x

Wow, I love these, thank-you!

Thanks! I’ve been collecting them for awhile, I love finding out about different words that we can use to explain our feelings, not that I would end up actually saying most of these!

Your list of words is awesome! But Germans actually don’t use “sturmfrei” in the context of traveling. It’s being said when your parents have left home for one or more nights so you can invite friends and party. 😉 it’s not a description about how we feel, it’s more a description of the situation itself. I definitely like your interpretation – hopefully it’ll become a part of travelers diaries.

Thanks Josi! It’s good to know the real meaning behind the word. I like the idea of trying to adapt it as a travel word too, so fingers crossed others see it like you too! 🙂

Thank you Sonja, This was a fun list. I doubt I will be able to work them into my vocabulary. I don’t think I can even pronounce most of them. Perhaps it would be fun to have a follow up post that included the pronunciation of each. You clearly have comfort with many languages. I envy that. Happy Trails to You, Michelle

Haha no they are not exactly everyday words! I think a few may be easier than others, but anyone actually understanding them is the problem! I love the idea that sometimes other languages can explain things better than English though, and I do find it fascinating in learning Spanish that things are not always a direct translation. The use of words can be so different! Happy travels to you too!

I loved reading these words! Thanks for finding them and creating the pin for them! What an excellent way to express our traveling emotions!

Thanks so much! You’re most welcome :). I have to admit I don’t use them a whole lot in my blog writing, but I just love them!

I love your words. Thank you.

Thanks for your comment!

This is a great list, I enjoyed it! Thanks. However, I just want to correct a minor detail. While I was reading along, I got surprised by the word “onism” as I am Danish and has never in my life heard of this word before, whereas “hygge”, the other Danish word on your list, is very commonly used. I looked up “onism” on the internet and found that it comes from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows which is a compendium of invented words written by John Koenig. I suppose it is made as a combination between the words “monism” (Greek?) and “onanism” (English?), so there is nothing Danish about its origin (at least not that I could find) x

Thanks Ida! I tried to research everything as much as I could (hours in fact haha) and I’m not sure how I ended up with that one! I’ll take another look but I suspect I’ll find the same as you and change it! Thanks again 🙂 x

I loved reading this post and found myself relating to almost every one! ? Thought the accompanying photos were perfect too. It’s given me inspiration for a new travel/art journal …

Thanks so much! It makes me really happy to hear I’ve given someone else inspiration 🙂 🙂

Wow !! Love them.. I was actually looking for a new word which would describe my travel agency. I think I should be able to come up with something using the list of words, u’ve mentioned in this post.

That’s great I’m glad they’re able to help you! Best of luck.

Thnx a lot for giving this sort of knowledge about the words who r completely new to me. Keep posting these words along with their meaning it helps a lot.

Thanks dea… It perfectely helped me to explain my inner feelings , but some words have difficulty in pronouncing . I wrote down every word in ma notebook for future description pf my Travel Thanks alot yaar <3

Hi, I would like to know if there is a word for this feeling describes below,

‘I feel at home when I’m travelling, but when I’m actually at home, I feel weird.

I don’t think wanderlust is the word, can you please help me?

I’m sorry I’m not sure! I only know these words and the other post I did about unusual travel words. It’s possible something exists though and I’ll keep an eye out since I love finding unusual words 🙂

Was looking for travel words from Greek origin, and have found it, thanks so much. Love your page as well, maybe we see each other on the road sometime 🙂

Thanks so much! I’m glad they’re useful 🙂

So who copied who? 🙂 https://www.theintrepidguide.com/travel-words-that-describe-wanderlust-perfectly/#.WjWJFCPMwmo

Great list!

OMG!!!! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!!! I can’t believe how similar some of the wording of this is!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 I first published this in early 2016.

Thank you for compiling such a great list! I may be incorrect, but shouldn’t ‘Vagary’ be listed as a noun rather than a verb?

It appears it’s listed as a noun now to mean something unpredictable but it came from the verb to wander!

So great to see Eleutheromania included in the list, passionate about freedom!

One of my favourites!

This is a very impressive, creative and original list. Will revisit many times. Thanks for sharing 🙂

42? How did anyone even get to this comment section? I had to scroll for 2 days just to get to leave this comment. This is really outrageous. 7 would have been plenty. We are internet users here, not book readers.

Two days well spent I’m sure 😉

When one is confined within the four corners of the home, because of the pandemic, this list is very encouraging! Thank you Sonja, many of the words here describes various emotions I have already experienced. Two more weeks of lockdown, I have time to do a project, finding my travel photos that match the words :).

Love this post! I’m feeling so much fernweh at the moment <3

Same here!!

Thank you so much for these! At this time of great challenges in the world, it is comforting to know that I can read the wonderful words you have compiled to capture all the positive feelings travel evokes. Slainte!

I couldn’t find all of these travel words anywhere else. You know, I am gonna bookmark it right away. Thanks for sharing these travel phrases. I love it. Looking forward to reading more of these informative articles 🙂

Amazing read. Needed these for getting a travel domain name. Bookmarked this post already. It’s very useful. Looking forward to reading more of these awesome travel blogs.

Ha ha what a random post! Learned so many new words from this, excited to casually *drop* them into my conversations

Haha so many! I mean, half I think I’ve never said but it’s fun to learn their meaning and find words that can describe the things we feel and think when we travel x

Wonderful article, it must have taken a lot of work to put together so many words 🙂

Thanks! I collected them over a few years and then reworded in my own words :).

Nice article. Thanks for sharing these travel phrases. Looking forward to reading more of these informative articles .

Stunning article, loved to read. will read more for sure…

Was very helpful article

I love this list of inspiring words for travel! I’m always looking for new ways to explore new places and this list has given me some great ideas.

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  • Ask RAI / Inspiration / Quotes / Travel / World Languages

ᐅ TRAVEL LOVER: 100 Unique + Creative Travel Words From Around the World

Published January 18, 2024 · Updated January 18, 2024

Get inspiration from around the world with these catchy and creative travel words in other languages >> A list of the best words for travel lovers. ❤️

Fernweh synonym for wanderlust travel words

Travel. It can leave you speechless and then turn you into a storyteller . The experience has a tendency to make us feel a plethora of emotions and when you’re reliving those times there may not be an accurate word to describe the travel experience , the adventure, the magic, the moments, or the way you felt.  This loss of words is more common than you may think. Especially since the English language is limited when it comes to words related to travel or words to describe a person who loves to travel.  Sure, you could use the popular travel word wanderlust, but it is also often way overused (have you noticed every new travel influencer and their dog jumping on the wanderlust-wagon?). Rather use these wanderlust synonyms below instead.

Wanderlust (n.) Origin:  German Definition:  A strong, innate, impulse or desire to travel the world

How do you explain your deep-seated need to get away or the desire to always be on the move and live a nomad existence? Is there a travel-related word to describe the mix of excitement and anxiety one feels on starting a new journey? Are there other creative words for travellers to articulate the curiosity to experience other cultures , other exotic foods , other landscapes, and other ways of life around the world? How can you express the profound feeling of awe you feel on the awareness of the vastness and beauty of the universe when observing the stars? Or the thrill of discovering a hidden waterfall during a hike up a mountain to catch the last sunset?

Fortunately, there are foreign words from other cultures and different languages to voice these special moments. These beautiful travel words , often with no English equivalent, are meant to educate and inspire you. And perhaps even assist with your next clever travel caption for the gram or pinterest.

>> Must Read:

  • More foreign language guides: How to say Hello , Thank You , Goodbye , and Love in different languages around the world
  • Fun list: Best travel questions , the world’s best flags , or these road trip questions
  • The top 50 travel songs to add to your playlist
  • Why is travel important? Find 10 key benefits of travelling the world
  • Get inspired: Short quotes about traveling and funny travel quotes

What do you call someone who loves travel?

Hodophile — one who loves to travel

Studies have shown that people who spend their money on experiences rather than material stuff, such as travel, tend to be more open minded, creative, carefree, and happier in their life. *searches for my next flight out.

Creative words for travel lovers Hodophile Greek language

Travel the Word: Unique + Beautiful Travel Words from Other languages of the World

A handful of my favourite words associated with travel. Save a couple of your own favorites from this list , bookmark this page, and add them to your vocabulary before your next adventure!   Describe your explorations with these foreign words about travel taken from different languages around the world . Ready. Let’s go…. 

v. = verb n. = noun adj. = adjective

In alphabetical order….

Absquatulate (v.)

to leave without saying goodbye.

Origin:  North America My close friends know that I absquatulate. Like, a lot.  So no surprise there, when the urge to pack your things and just disappear shows up… with no time to say goodbye. Continue reading to find more creative words for travelers.

Coddiwomple (v.)

To travel purposefully towards a strange location.

Origin: English slang Some days you wander with no plan at all, seeing where the day will take you. And other days, you coddiwomple. I do like the sound of this unusual word related to travel.

Cosmopolitan (v./adj.)

A citizen of the world or at home all over the world.

Origin: English This definition varies, depending on whether you use the word as a noun or an adjective. Even though, the origins of these creative travel words are from English, it can be traced back to Pythagoras, who first used the Greek word kosmos as a way to describe the order of the universe.  Travellers naturally feel at home in the world and the saying, “home is where the heart is” applies perfectly. 

Fernweh synonym for wanderlust travel words

Dérive (n.)

To drift unplanned on a spontaneous journey, leaving everyday life behind and guided by the scenery, architecture, and landscapes.

Origin: French One of my favourite words to describe my travel experience. This untranslatable travel term perfectly describes spontaneous exploration.  There is no strict plan, instead going with the flow away from the beaten beaten path and towards unplanned discoveries such as a beautiful sunset .

Dromomania (n.)

An uncontrollable and irrational impulse or psychological urge to wander or travel without purpose.

Origin: Greek Dromomania, also referred to as travelling fugue or vagabond neurosis, is seen as an abnormal and uncontrollable psychological impulse to wander. It comes from a combination of the Greek words dromos and mania to diagnose those with this condition to spontaneously abandon their everyday lives to travel long distances, even taking up different identities and occupations. This irrational desire stems from a strong emotional and physical need to constantly be travelling and having new experiences. It also often involves sacrificing security, relationships, and careers in the hunt for these experiences. Fantasies about exploring occupy their thoughts and dreams. I guess, I have a serious undiagnosed case of the dromomania.

Ecophobia (n.)

A fear or distaste of home.

Origin:  Greek Now, this unusual word for travel can be used in the literal sense. Or, as I prefer, to describe when you can’t stop thinking about a different place. A place, other than where you live. Say, an exotic tropical island ?

Eleutheromania (n.)

The intense and insatiable desire for freedom.

Origin: Greek When asked why I pursue travel so much, my response often involves an insatiable yearning for freedom, amongst the many other reasons for exploring the globe.   Yes, I’ve since learned that freedom comes from within as much (or even more) than your external circumstances. However, the very act of travelling does leave me feeling free and eleutheromania perfectly describes the desire for this feeling.  For sure, one of my favourite words associated with travel holidays and tourism.

Eudaimonia (v.)

A state of feeling happy and content whilst travelling.

Origin: Greek This is one of my favourite words associated with travel because it such an apt description of the journey. The joy of wandering, the excitement of new discoveries, the contented state of living the dream…. and everything feels perfectly alright. Even when things go wrong . 

Beautiful Travel word Numinous Latin language

Exulansis (n.)

When you give up trying to talk about an experience because none are able to relate to it.

Origin: Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows How many times have you given up trying to explain yourself or something you’ve done because those around you are just not on the same wavelength as you and are unable to relate or even understand. Yeah, I know this feeling all too well and exulansis is one of the most unique travel words I’ve come across to articulate this.

Fernweh (n.)

Distance sickness. A yearning, a longing, an ache to be elsewhere. To be in a far away place.

Origin: German Not as popular or overused as wanderlust, this catchy travel word has gained much traction over the past few years. This German word is often described as feeling homesick for a far away place. A place you’ve never been to before.  This urge to travel is strong and fernweh, a synonym for wanderlust, describes the aching desire to be far away from home.

Flâneur (n.)

Someone who strolls aimlessly and enjoyably, observing life and their surroundings.

Origin: French One of the best words describing travel lovers, flâneur derives from the French  flâner, meaning to stroll or saunter. My favourite kind of days when travelling do not have a plan nor involve a requirement to be in a particular place. It is simply wandering around aimlessly at a comfortable pace, observing the local life and appreciating the day as it unfolds.  Yes, I am a big time flâneur.

Forelsket (adj.)

The overwhelming euphoric-feeling that takes place at the early stages of falling in love.

Origin: Norwegian

Gadabout (n.)

A habitual pleasure-seeker who moves about restlessly or aimlessly.

Origin: Old Norse It is used to refer to a person who gads or walks idly about. A person who’s constantly on the move, restlessly seeking amusement along the way.

Gallivant (v.)

to roam without a plan… to wander about, seeking pleasure or diversion.

Origin: German No list of creative travel words is complete without including gallivant. This word is used to describe the action of going to many different places as a form of enjoyment while completely forgetting or disregarding other things you should be doing. As an example, using travel as a form of escape, something that many a lover of travel is guilty of.

Unique travel words for travelling Saudade

Hiraeth (n.)

A homesickness for a place which you can’t return to. A longing for what may no longer exist.

Origin: Welsh This Welsh term describes not just a longing for home, but a nostalgic desire to reconnect with a place or time period you can’t return to or that may not exist anymore.

Hodophile   (adj.)

A lover of roads . A love of travel.

Origin: Greek A unique word to describe a person who loves to travel.  I mean, what’s there not to love about exploring the world. The unusual sights, the new tastes, the beautiful landscapes and the people you meet along the way. Raise your hand if, like me, you’re the biggest hodophile? *guilty as charged

Holoholo (n.)

to ride or walk around for pleasure.

Origin: Hawaiian One of my favorite Hawaiian words , it is the perfect description of something I do a lot when exploring a new country.

Hozhoni  (n.)

a feeling of being filled with beauty and balance.

Origin: Navajo

The feeling of comfort, relaxation, and coziness in certain settings around certain people, particularly friends.

Origin: Danish This unusual word is not just reserved for travel and holiday, but it is perfectly suited to describe those moments when you’re enjoying a meal, drinks, and those simple pleasures with friends around the world. The Dutch words gezellig or gezelligheid is similar to hygge, describing that feeling of ease and coziness when you’re around friends you feel comfortable with. 

Creative words for the travel lover

Kismet (n.)

Destiny, sometimes referred to as fate, is a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future, whether in general or of an individual .

Origin: Arabic This beautiful Arabic-derived word refers to one’s destiny and something that one believes was meant to be. 

Livsnjutare (n.)

A person who truly enjoys life and lives it to the extreme .

Origin: Swedish This unique trip word, of Swedish origin, is often used to describe someone who enjoys life and lives it to the full, making the most of each moment. When I am wandering around the world, in places like Mexico , it certainly feels like living to the extreme. 

The feeling of enjoyment and oneness with the Universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures .

Origin: Serbian

Meraki (n.)

Doing something with creativity, with love, with soul — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing.

Origin: Greek A beautiful word, that also happens to be one of my favourites. Meraki, derived from Greek, describes the action and the feelings that results when one does something with complete focus and love. Being so caught up with what you’re doing as if your entire being and soul is part of the whole experience. Moments of meraki flood my experience often when painting or when exploring a beautiful landscape.

Monachopsis (n.)

The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place .

Origin: Greek It comes from the combination of words monos and opsis, where ‘monos’ means solitary or unique and ‘opsis’ refers to like or appearance.

Nefelibata (n.)

One who lives in the clouds of their own imagination and does not obey convention.

Origin:  Portuguese  Ok, this is me. Just a beautiful meaning word to describe a person who loves to travel. The direct translation is “cloud-walker,” referring to those, like myself, who live in their own world/imagination. An unconventional person that does not blindly follow the rules of society.  More about me here.

Creative Travel words in other languages

Novaturient (adj.)

A desire to alter your life. The feeling that pushes you to travel.

Origin: Latin This is the feeling that pushed me to quit my job and travel the world. You know, when you are curious to discover what more is out there. 

Numinous (adj.)

The powerful, personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired.

Origin: Latin Numinous has its origins in Latin, meaning to be both fearful, awed, and inspired by what you see and experience before you. Exploring tends to bring up all the human emotions, often simultaneously, and these catchy travel words are an apt description of the experience. Like the time I went trekking among some of the highest mountains in the world in Nepal .

The awareness of how little of the world you will experience.

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Once you start seeing the world, you realise just how much more there is to see out there.  And you actually reach a point, somewhere along the journey, where you come to the realisation that no matter how extensive your travels are, you will only ever experience a little bit. This realisation is referred to as onism.  This creative word associated with travel is not from a foreign language, but actually originates from a book by John Koenig. 

Peregrinate (v.)

Travel or wander from place to place.

Origin: Latin From the Latin peregrinari, meaning “to travel abroad,” this type of inspirational travel words refers to a long journey in which you travel to various different places, especially on foot.

Peripatetic (adj.)

A person who travels from place to place.

Origin: Greek Originating from the Greek word peripatein, “to walk up and down,” this adjective is used to describe backpackers who are constantly moving from place to place, living a nomadic existence .

Creative travel words about traveling lover

Photophile (n.)

A person who loves photography and light.

Origin: English This pretty word is derived from the biological term of the same name for an organism that loves or thrives in light . If you carry a camera with you wherever you go and post to photo sharing websites ( like instagram ) all day, you’re a photophile.

Quaquaversal (adj.)

Directed outwards in all directions from a common centre

Origin: Latin A good word for travel and the desire to experience everything all at the same time. 

Querencia (n.)

The place where you are your most authentic self. Where one’s strength is drawn from; where one feels at home.

Origin: Spanish The term comes from the Spanish verb “querer,” which means “to desire.” Many long term travellers feel at home in the world and their most authentic self when connecting with this place. One of the best words for travel lovers. 

Resfeber (n.)

the restless race of a traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.

Origin: Swedish Another catchy word related to travel, resfeber is universally used to describe the mixed emotions one feels just before the journey begins. These emotions include both excitement as well as anxiety and nervousness when starring in the face of the unknown. Like that time I had decided to climb Kilimanjaro , the highest mountain in Africa . 

Rückkehrunruhe ( n.)

The feeling of returning home after a trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness. 

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Words for travel in Other languages

Saudade (n.)

a deep emotional state of nostalgic or melancholic longing for something or someone far away that one cares for and loves.

Origin: Portuguese This is the creative word to use when you’re fondly thinking back to a beautiful moment during your travels and longing to return to that experience.

Schwellenangst (n.)

a fear of, or aversion to, crossing a threshold or entering a place to begin a new chapter.

Origin: German That anxious and fearful feeling you get when you’re about to begin a new chapter in your life, like a new travel adventure to the Caribbean islands . That’s schwellenangst.

Sehnsucht (n.)

a wistful longing and yearning of the heart for travels that have been and travels to come.

Origin: German

Selcouth (adj.)

Strange and uncommon. Unfamiliar, rare, and yet marvellous.

Origin: Old English This is one of my favourite travel words on this list. Not only because of its unusual sound, but also because it is an appropriate way of describing the way you see things when you travel. Everything is unfamiliar and strange, yet we find it inviting and marvellous anyway, much like my time in these South American countries .

Smultronställe (n.)

A special place discovered for solace and relaxation.

Origin: Swedish This Swedish word directly translates to “place of wild strawberries,” used to describe a location or place in this world where you feel most at home. A place that serves as a refuge from any stress and/or sadness. This place, once discovered, is often returned to for comfort and consolation.

Creative Catchy travel words associated with travel

Sojourn (n.)

To stay as a temporary resident. A short period when a person stays in a particular place.

Origin: Old-French Like the months I’ve spent in one of my favorite cities Paris , over the years.

Solivagant (adj.)

A lone wanderer. A solo traveller. A person who revels in the act of wandering alone.

Origin: Latin This popular word, to describe a person who loves to travel alone, as opposed to vacationing with family or friends . It originates from the Latin sōlivagāns, with sōlus meaning “alone” and vagāns meaning “wander.”

Sonder (n.)

The realisation that everyone you pass is living a life just as complex as yours.

Origin: Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows Have you ever had that realisation that a random stranger is living a life that is just as complex and vivid and important as your own. This is sonder. Just a beautiful word and one of the best for travel lovers. 

Strikhedonia (n.)

The joy of being able to say “to hell with it.”

Origin: Greek This word about travel perfectly describes the time you stop making excuses, quit everything, book a one way flight , and explore the world.  Exactly what I did in 2013, leaving behind my well-paying career in finance to travel the world . 

Sturmfrei (adj.)

The freedom of being alone. The ability to do what you want.

Origin: German This German word that directly translates to “storm-free.” However, its real meaning has nothing to do with the weather nor a description about how we feel. It is more a description of the situation itself, such as having the house to one’s self or not having to wait or compromise on what you want to do as a solo traveller.

Catchy travel word foreign language Nefelibata Portuguese

Thalassophile (n.)

a lover of the sea.

Origin: Greek A coconut, a tropical island, a hammock, (maybe some cute animals like those found on Flamingo Beach Aruba ), and a bungalow that leads directly onto the beach and into the sea. Is there anything more that you need, fellow thalassophile?

To wander or roam around in a carefree way

Origin: Thai

Traipse (n.)

To go on foot. A tedious or tiring journey on foot

Origin: unknown

Travitude (n.) 

when you start to feel grumpy cause you to miss traveling.

Anyone been feeling this way recently? I sure have.

Tripophobia (n.)

The fear of not having any travel trips currently booked.

When the world and travel shut down in 2020, thipophobia was the main emotion running through my veins. What kind of life is it where there are no adventures to look forward to and you’re forced to remain in the same location for the foreseeable future. You tell me?

Hiraeth word for traveling

Trouvaille (n.)

Something lovely discovered by chance. A chance encounter with something wonderful.

Origin: French When travelling, especially without much of a plan and with an open heart, it is not uncommon to discover something beautiful purely by chance. These discoveries make for some of the most memorable experiences. This interesting travel word is often used by French travellers to describe a chance encounter. It’s time the rest of us use this word too the next time we unexpectedly stumble upon an inspiring landscape, a cute cafe, or a welcoming local. 

Vacilando (v.)

The act of wandering when the experience of travel is more important than reaching the a destination.

Origin: Spanish The word, from Spanish, aims to describe someone who travels for travel sake, and not to reach a particular goal or destination. For us, the journey is more important than the destination or vacation spot .  While others despise the act of getting to a place, I savour it and enjoy the long plane, boat, or bus rides and the happenings along the way, especially if the journey occurs in a beautiful setting like the Spanish islands or Greek islands . One of the most inspiring travel words that should be a part of every globetrotter’s vocabulary. 

Vagary (v.)

A whimsical or wandering journey.

Origin: Latin With its origins in 16th-century Latin, Vagārī translates as, “to roam.” This unique travel word to describe the travel experience of an unpredictable or impulsive desire or action for a wandering journey.

Vorfreude (n.)

The joyful anticipation when looking forward to something or while imagining future pleasures.

Origin: German Much like the idea or plan of moving abroad and living in Costa Rica .

Waldeinsamkeit (n.)

The feeling of solitude, being alone in the woods and connected to nature.

Miss Traveling words synonyms for wanderlust

Wayfarer (n.)

Someone who travels, especially on foot.

Origin: English The travel term may seem modern, but it goes back all the way to the mid-1400s as a combination of way defined as “a path or course leading from one place to another,” and fare, meaning “to go, travel.”

Xenophilia (n.)

An attraction to foreign peoples, foreign cultures, and/or customs.

Origin: Greek This attraction, appreciation, and affinity for foreign people, their cultures and customs is what draws many to explore the world. These unique travel words, as a synonym for wanderlust, comes from the Greek “xenos,” meaning “unknown, stranger, foreign” and “philia,” defined as “attraction or love.”

Yoko meshi (n.)

The stress of speaking a foreign language.

Origin: Japanese Another word related to travel that literally translates to, “a meal eaten sideways.” It is used to explain the difficulty and stress when trying to speak a language that is not your native language, whether at home or when abroad. Like, that time I found myself in St Petersburg , struggling to speak Russian to get around the city.

The desire to feel things just as intensely as you did when you were younger.

Origin: Chinese As you grow older, life seems to be less exciting. Travelling overseas and exploring new places is one way of mitigating this. Yu Yi is an inspirational Chinese word that describes the yearning to feel things the way you did while growing up, before expectations, before memory, before words.

a profound, mysterious awareness of the vastness and beauty of the universe… and the sad beauty of human suffering.

Origin: Japanese This untranslatable travel word is used for those moments that lead to a greater awareness and trigger a deep emotional response within.

Inspiring Creative travel words foreign language

Over to YOU… Did you enjoy traveling the word? How many of these these creative travel words have you heard before? Which one(s) your favorite and which of these unique words associated with travel do you resonate with most? What phrases describe the travel experience and make for the best words for travel lovers in your language? Let me know in the comments below or start a conversation with me on social media.

>> Read next:

  • Learn these words in other languages: Beautiful . Light . Cheers
  • The ultimate list of smile quotes to keep you smiling all day
  • The best quotes about travelling to inspire you
  • How many countries in the world? And should you visit all?
  • Sustainable travel: 10 ways to become a more responsible tourist
  • Be inspired: An ode to my fellow travellers .
  • What should you do with you life? What is the purpose of life?

Your fellow hodophile, Rai

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Paradise in Pink: 15 Amazing Pink Sand Beaches in the World ❤️

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 by Raihaan · Published May 21, 2024

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Beyond Wanderlust: 30 Words Every Traveler Should Know

By emily petsko | jun 13, 2022, 5:14 pm edt.

travel 8 words

For those who travel, wanderlust is a familiar feeling. It’s that nagging voice in your head that says, “Yes, you do need to book that flight,” even if your bank account says otherwise. Regardless of how many passport covers this word may adorn, it doesn’t begin to cover the spectrum of emotions and experiences that can be revealed through the act of travel. Here are 30 travel words from around the world to keep in your back pocket as you're exploring this summer.

From the Latin vagari , meaning “to wander,” this 16th-century word originally meant a wandering journey . Nowadays, "vagaries" refer to unpredictable or erratic situations, but that doesn’t mean the old sense of the word can’t be invoked from time to time.

2. Selcouth

An Old English word that refers to something that’s both strange and marvelous . It's a great way to sum up those seemingly indescribable moments spent in an unfamiliar land.

Who hasn’t felt a strong desire to be somewhere—anywhere—other than where you currently are? That’s fernweh , or “ farsickness ," and this German word has been described as a cousin of wanderlust, another German loan word.

4. Dépaysement

Anyone who has traveled abroad will recognize this feeling. The French word refers to the sense of disorientation that often sets in when you step outside your comfort zone, such as when you leave your home country.

Another gift from the French, this word literally translates to “drift,” but thanks to some mid-20th century French philosophers, it can also refer to a spontaneous trip , completely free of plans, in which you let your surroundings guide you.

6. Peregrinate

To peregrinate is to travel from place to place, especially on foot. Its Latin root, peregrinus (meaning “foreign”), is also where the peregrine falcon (literally “ pilgrim falcon ”) gets its name.

7. Perambulate

Similar to peregrinate, this word essentially means to travel over or through an area by foot. So instead of saying that you’ll be walking around London, you can say you’ll be perambulating the city’s streets—much more sophisticated.

8. Numinous

This English word could appropriately be used to describe the Grand Canyon or the Northern Lights. Something numinous is awe-inspiring and mysterious. It's difficult to understand from a rational perspective, which gives it a spiritual or unearthly quality.

9. Peripatetic

The young and the restless will want to incorporate this word into their lexicon. The adjective refers to those who are constantly moving from place to place—in other words, a nomadic existence. It stems from the Greek word peripatein (“to walk up and down”), which was originally associated with Aristotle and the shaded walkways near his school (or, according to legend, his habit of pacing back and forth during lectures).

10. Waldeinsamkeit

You’re alone in a forest. It’s peaceful. The sun is filtering through the trees and there’s a light breeze. That’s waldeinsamkeit . (Literally "forest solitude." And yes, Germans have all the best travel words.)

11. Shinrin-Yoku

In a similar vein, this Japanese word means “ forest bathing ,” and it's considered a form of natural medicine and stress reliever. There are now forest bathing clubs around the world, but you can try it out for yourself on your next camping trip. Take deep breaths, close your eyes, and take in the smells and sounds of the forest. Simple.

12. Solivagant

In those moments when you just want to run away from your responsibilities, you may consider becoming a solivagant : a solo wanderer .

13. Yoko Meshi

This Japanese phrase literally translates to “ a meal eaten sideways ,” which is an apt way to describe the awkwardness of speaking in a foreign language that you haven’t quite mastered, especially over dinner.

14. Resfeber

You just booked your flight. Your heart starts racing. You’re a little nervous about your journey, but mostly you just can’t wait to get going. The anticipation, anxiety, and excitement you get before a big trip is all rolled into one word— resfeber —and you can thank the Swedes for it.

15. Flâneur

Taken from the French flâner , meaning to stroll or saunter , this word describes someone who has no particular plans or place they need to be. They merely stroll around the city at a leisurely pace, taking in the sights and enjoying the day as it unfolds.

16. Gadabout

This could be construed as the traditional English equivalent of flâneur . Likely stemming from the Middle English verb gadden , meaning “to wander without a specific aim or purpose,” a gadabout is one who frequently travels from place to place for the sheer fun of it. In other words: a modern-day backpacker.

17. Hiraeth

Sometimes, no matter how amazing your vacation may be, you just want to come home to your bed and cats. This Welsh word sums up the deep yearning for home that can strike without warning. As Gillian Thomas put it in an interview with the BBC , “Home sickness is too weak. You feel hiraeth , which is a longing of the soul to come home to be safe.”

This Japanese word can be taken to mean “graceful elegance” or “subtle mystery,” but it’s much more than that. It's when the beauty of the universe is felt most profoundly, awakening an emotional response that goes beyond words.

19. Schwellenangst

Translating to “ threshold anxiety ,” this German word sums up the fears that are present before you enter somewhere new—like a theater or an intimidating cafe—and by extension going anywhere unfamiliar. The fear of crossing a threshold is normal, even among the most adventurous of travelers—but it often leads to the most unforgettable experiences.

20. Commuovere

Have you ever seen something so beautiful it made you cry? That’s commuovere in action. The Italian word describes the feeling of being moved, touched, or stirred by something you witness or experience.

This Danish word refers to a warm feeling of contentedness and coziness, as well as the acknowledgment of that feeling. Although not explicitly related to this term, author Kurt Vonnegut summed up the idea behind this concept quite nicely when he said, “I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.'"

22. Hanyauku

Here's one for those who have a beach trip coming up. Taken from Kwangali, a language spoken in Namibia, hanyauku is the act of tiptoeing across hot sand.

23. Smultronställe

travel 8 words

This Swedish word translates to something along the lines of “place of wild strawberries,” but its metaphorical meaning is something along the lines of a "happy place." Whether it’s a hidden overlook of the city or your favorite vacation spot that hasn’t been “discovered” yet, smultronställe refers to those semi-secret places you return to time and time again because they’re special and personal to you.

24. Dustsceawung

This Old English word describes what might happen when you visit a place like Pompeii or a ghost town. While reflecting on past civilizations, you realize that everything will eventually turn to dust. A cheery thought.

25. Vacilando

In some Spanish dialects, the word vacilando describes someone who travels with a vague destination in mind but has no real incentive to get there. In other words, the journey is more important than the destination. As John Steinbeck described it in his travelogue Travels With Charley : “It does not mean vacillating at all. If one is vacilando , he is going somewhere, but doesn't greatly care whether or not he gets there, although he has direction. My friend Jack Wagner has often, in Mexico, assumed this state of being. Let us say we wanted to walk in the streets of Mexico city but not at random. We would choose some article almost certain not to exist there and then diligently try to find it.”

26. Lehitkalev

Backpackers and budget travelers, this one is for you: The Hebrew word lehitkalev translates to “dog it” and means to deal with uncomfortable living or travel arrangements.

27. Komorebi

This beautiful Japanese word is a good one to save for a sunny day spent in the woods. Komorebi translates to “sunshine filtering through the leaves.” Does it get any lovelier than that?

This Balinese word refers to something that is simultaneously chaotic and joyful. It isn’t specifically a travel word, but it does seem to fit the feelings that are often awakened by travel.

29. Trouvaille

Translating to a “lucky find,” this French word can be applied to that cool cafe, flower-lined street, or quirky craft store that you stumbled upon by chance. Indeed, these are the moments that make travel worthwhile.

30. Ullassa

Just in case you needed another reason to plan that trip to Yosemite, here's one last word for nature lovers. The Sanskrit word ullassa refers to the feelings of pleasantness that come from observing natural beauty in all its glory.

A version of this story ran in 2018; it has been updated for 2022.

Adventurous Couples and Family Travel Blog

Adventurous Couples and Family Travel Blog

Bring Culture Into Your Life

25 Words Every Traveller Should Have in Their Vocabulary

travel 8 words

25. Numinous (adj.)

Origin: English

Definition: Describing an experience that makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted.

24. Dépaysement (n.)

Origin: French

Definition:  The disorientation felt in a foreign country or culture. The feeling of being a fish out of water.

23. Dérive (n.)

Origin: Latin/French

22. Sehnsucht (n.)

Origin: German

Definition:  The inconsolable longing in the human heart for a far, familiar, non-earthly land one can identify as one’s home.

21. Fernweh (n.)

Definition: A craving for travel. Being homesick for a place you’ve never been.

20. Sonder (v.)

Definition: The realization that each random passer-by is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

19. Hodophile (adj.)

Origin:  Greek

Definition:  “Lover of roads”, or better “love of travel.”

18. Resfeber (n.)

Origin:  Swedish

Definition: The restless race of the traveller’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.


17. Nemophilist (n.)

Origin: Greek

16. Vagary (n.)

Origin: Latin

Definition: An unpredictable instance, a wandering journey; a whimsical, wild or unusual idea, desire, or action.

15. Coddiwomple (v.)

Origin: English Slang Word

Definition: To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.

14. Annu Miarabilis (n.) (phr.)

Definition:  A remarkable or notable year in history; a year of wonders and miracles, used to speak hopefully of the future.


13. Wanderlust (n.)

Definition: A strong, innate, impulse or desire to travel the world.

12. Yūgen (n.)

Origin: Japanese

Definition:  An awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and mysterious for words.

11. Sojourn (n.)

Origin: Latin, Old French

Definition: A period of time when you stay in a place as a traveler or guest.

10. Strikhedonia (n.)

Definition:  The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it!”

9. Eleutheromania (n.)

Definition: An intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

8. Smultroställe (n.)

Origin: Swedish

Definition:  A special place discovered, treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress and sadness.

7. Solivagant (adj.)

Origin:  Latin

Definition:  Wandering alone.

6. Wayfarer (n.)

Definition:  Someone who travels, especially on foot.


5. Livsnjutare (n.)

Definition: One who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme

4. Sturmfrei (adj.)

Definition: The freedom of not being watched by a parent or superior; being alone at a place and having the ability to do what you want.

3. Cosmopolitan (adj.) (n.)

Definition: At home all over the world,” and as a noun, “a citizen of the world.

2. Selcouth (adj.)

Definition:  Unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvellous.

1. Peregrinate (v.)

Definition: Travel or wander around from place to place.

Which word do you connect with the most?

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I just realized this word , it fits me wonderful I just got another pickup truck and I’m a junker going to put this on the clincher!!!

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I didn’t know many of these terms even when I am fond of travelling! Thank you for sharing these!

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Hi , you are very nice 😍😍😍 this site is really amazing and awesome! Thank you so much to provide us !

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Such great information about the words every traveller should have in their vocabulary thanks sharing this article

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Superb article

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Great Post! This Post is very informative & helpful for trip to India. I got too much information about it & I will go to rann utsav of kutch in my holidays. Thanks for sharing such a amazing post.

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Thanks sharing this article about the every traveler should have vocabulary

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You’ve (via this post 😁) made me feel like getting few of those inked on myself!!! Hell yeah, I could relate to multiple ❤❤❤ Lots of love and best wishes to both of you!

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Thanks so much! I’m literally planning my next tattoo right now.

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Thanks sharing this article about the traveler should have in their vocabulary

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Thank you so much for sharing this its really amazing

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Thank you so much for sharing this info

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Thanks sharing this article about the traveler

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Thanks sharing this article

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amazing such a nice blog , you write very well blog for travelling

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Thanks for your post

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I like Nemophilist. I wrote a book about a young wanderer named Everett Ruess. who roamed the southwest of America for four years (in the early 30s) before disappearing. He changed his name to Nemo near the end. Some think because he was a fan of Jules Verne’s Captain Nemo and others believe because of it’s Latin meaning, “No man or no one”. He was definitely one who loved nature. TheNextSkill is my website. Do visit.

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Ahh these are so cool Happy to learn the word! Good Hopes & Wishes Sanoosh.Online

Thanks For these Words. I have read them Carefully and Also they Help Me in Travelling. Good Luck!!! Regards Hoverboards Reviewer

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Very nice topic and very helpful for who students are studying in other languages. Regards:

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Very nice topic and very helpful for who students are studying in other languages. Regards: Learn French Online

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You’re English is AMAZING! I can’t believe you’ve only been learning for a few years. Keep up the amazing work 🙂 Languages are a beautiful thing and that’s amazing that you can speak 3. https://essayspeechon.com/ That my website!!!

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Amazing. The knowledge given by your blog is awesome. I usually read and increase my knowledge. Thanks for such amazing post.

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Great books great knowledge

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The word that truly inspires me is Freedom “Eleutheromania ” The wonderful and aesthetic. Regards

Excellent information I always seeking for. Really nice

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The Language, specially the English, is really one of the wonderful and most eloquent language. It makes you understand a certain thoroughly by the availability of various options and sources in front of you. Truly enjoyed it, Regards,

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Generally, from the above topic, we can infer this concept that luck alone does not exist in the world. But I think we had better define each word located in this phrase then we interpret and analyze the whole phrase. These are “luck, preparation, and opportunity”; I mean unless we define these words, we may not be able to get out the correct and exact concept from this phrase which we are looking for.

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Well, I have been round a few countries lately, and got to know this, I can definitely say that this one is really really a helpful and beneficial guide for all travel geeks.

Stay blessed.

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Wow! The travel needs the variety so is for the vocab, Best read Indeed

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THE FERNWEH , HODOPHILE & NEMOPHILIST are my type of travelling terms that matches soulfully.. i appreciate your collection. thanks for sharing ..

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Wow 🙂 This is an amazing collection of ideas! Waiting for more helpful info .

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Heartfelt words for a traveller as well the one who is longing for it hardly😍

This was indeed highly useful

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I wonder if Eleuthra is named after Eleuthriomania? It is so beautiful there and what a coincidence!

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Nice blogpost, find it usefull. I found this most common english word in all languages on provocab website

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However, it’s spelled smultronställe, literally meaning a place where you can find wild strawberries. Smultron = wild strawberries. I also speak German and adore words like Fernweh and Wanderlust. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

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Yes, agree with that, it’s really necessary, espeically when you go to new locations. I’ll add them to my vocubulary. Thanks alot.

Amazing info. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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Love these words. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

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Thanks – these are amaing words to know … .and I love travelling. I may go to Findland this summer.. The word I love most if Coddiwomple…. Hope to become one in the future.

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Totally agree with these. I added a few to my list for the future. Thanks for sharing this.

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I was a Coddiwompler. Beware of getting comfortable.

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I’m a travller and I can say this is a great list needed for anyone who want to travel. Excellent Work!

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Yes, agree with that, it’s really necessary. I am also a traveler, I want to come and explore all over the world and language seems to be the biggest barrier. Thank you for sharing, that’s great

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These are necessary words for a traveler. I think you traveled to many countries.

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I named my sailboat Coddiwomple. Can’t think of a more fitting name for a fine sailing vessel

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I just learned this word , it fits me perfect I just got a new pickup truck and I’m a junker gonna put this on the topper!!!

Take me with you!

What a great name for a boat. Do you need a first mate?

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Outstanding list! I’m glad that Swedish, with only 10 million native speakers, was able to contribute with no less than three words among the top 18. However, it’s spelled smultronställe, literally meaning a place where you can find wild strawberries. Smultron = wild strawberries. I also speak German and adore words like Fernweh and Wanderlust. Thanks again and keep up the good work!

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Oh this is comment love!

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coddiwomple is my new favorite word I just learned it because a friend posted it on Facebook and so I ended up on this page thank you for sharing all these great words I feel like I relate to almost every one of them but rarely get the chance to travel. So I fulfil the need Vine taking as many spontaneous road trips as I possibly can

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How do you pronounce livsnjutare? I tried searching it but there are many pronunciations I just don’t know which is the real one.

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love these words – thanks! and happy coddiwompling.

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Such a Great article. Thanks for sharing.

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Sorry for my comment earlier, I foolishly believed the “post comment” button would turn a darker shade of green if one finished filling out the formula so I accidentally posted an unfinished comment. 🙂 Sometimes it’s really striking to me how every language lacks beautiful words, even if it’s a universal language such as English, especially since I myself speak at least 3 languages fluently. (German, English and Italian) But I don’t necessarily find this to be a problem , since it makes each language unique. The number 12 is primarily to my liking, seeing that I’m a fan of both the meaning and the language of origin, I’m 14 and started learning English at 11, so please bear with my mistakes 😀

You’re English is AMAZING! I can’t believe you’ve only been learning for a few years. Keep up the amazing work 🙂 Languages are a beautiful thing and that’s amazing that you can speak 3.

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I agree that number 12 is the most interesting here. Yūgen. I’m so delighted to find there is a word to describe this.

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Fernweh! I realy love your word. ? TY for sharing

You’re very welcome!

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I think travel is very good for life and mind.

I couldn’t agree with you more.

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Me too. It’s one of my favs 🙂

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Livsnjutare. Always.

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Hey, I would love sources on these terms. Did you use any special sources, perhaps some kind of etymological dictionary?

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I like Nemophilist. I wrote a book about a young wanderer named Everett Ruess. who roamed the southwest of America for four years (in the early 30s) before disappearing. He changed his name to Nemo near the end. Some think because he was a fan of Jules Verne’s Captain Nemo and others believe because of it’s Latin meaning, “No man or no one”. He was definitely one who loved nature.

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“Anno mirabilis” instead of “”Annu miarabilis” Apparently a double typo?

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numinous as things really are as opposed to phenominal= as things appear

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Sturmfrei. Happy to learn the word!

Fernweh! 🙂 I love that word. 🙂

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Ahh these are so cool! I already knew a few of them, I really like Hedophile 🙂

I like that one too 🙂

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Smultroställe I personally have one near home, well I guess everyone has one 😀

That’s so important to find a place close to where you live. That way it’s always there…not too far away for when you need that time to get away.

Number 9, for me. This is what has been within me alays

That’s one of my favourites too.

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Enjoyed this. My favourite was #4: Sturmfrei and #18: Resfeber.

I can definitely relate to both of those as well. I think 13, 9 and 17 connect with me the most.

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I read out your content and I really enjoy you this. Your blog is so informative for travel. I’ll wait for your next post.

Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tale of 2 Backpackers

Unusual & Creative Travel Words that you must know in 2019

Blogging Tips & SEO

Last Updated on: Apr 11, 2019  

About this blog: This contains 38 unique and creative travel words that you can use in your travel vocabulary. Use them in your travel captions or use them for naming your blog . 

Oh, yes! We love to travel. And we love to get amazed at new experiences. We love to look over in awe at the jaw-dropping scenery before us. At times, words fail. The feeling, the emotions that we encounter after scaling a summit, or after having a scuba diving experience cannot often be described with words. I am sure all of us have these moments when we fall short of words. But there are some beautiful and creative travel words that describe these various feelings very well. Some of these words might not have English equivalents.

As a traveller and writer, I often keep looking for words to describe my feelings. The more I look into these words, the more I fall in love with them. These words have such powerful emotions and feelings! So we decided to share some of our favourite unusual and creative travel words with you.

Table of Contents


Peregrinate (v.).

Origin: Latin

Definition: To travel or wander around from place to place

travel words with beautiful meanings-peregrinate

The feeling we have whenever we are visiting any new place. We love to wander around and discover the hidden and not so hidden gems. And Darjeeling happens to be one of our favourite places to wander around. What’s yours?

Nemophilist (n.)

Origin: English

Definition: One who is fond of the forest

travel words with beautiful meanings-nemophilist

Serendipity (n.)

Definition: The fact of finding interesting or valuable by chance

travel words with beautiful meaning-serendipity

Trouvaille (n.)

Origin: French

Definition: Something lovely discovered by chance

travel word with beautiful meaning - trouvaille - blog name ideas

These two words are so close to our hearts. That we would be together was destiny, but our meeting was definitely serendipity! We had been travelling together for a long time, but it was only after our Amarnath Yatra , that we truly realized what travel means to us and what we actually want of our life.

Eudaimonia (n.)

Origin: Greek

Definition: The contented happy state when you travel


Eleutheromania (n.)

Definition: The intense desire for freedom


These two Greek words so wonderfully summarize our feeling when we travel. Travelling makes us contented and happy.

Sonder (n.)

Origin: Unknown

Definition: The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own


Resfeber (n.)

Origin: Swedish

Definition: The tangled feelings of fear and excitement before a journey

unusual-travel-words-resfeber - blog name ideas

This always happens before a journey. There is a perpetual state of excitement as well as nervousness before I start any journey. And I enjoy both the state.

Before our trip to Uzbekistan, I had a bad case of travel anxiety after I read about Airbnb scams. It was only after I found out methods to detect Airbnb scam , I caught a break.

Fernweh (n.)

Origin: German

Definition: An urge to travel even stronger than wanderlust ; farsickness


Dérive (n.)

Definition: To drift unplanned, only led by the landscape and architect around you.


Have you done this? Have you travelled without any fixed plan? Often it is the unexpectedness of a journey that makes it even better. When we went to Majuli , we did not know where we would visit next. It was an impromptu decision to next visit Meghalaya . And this time we decided to give Shillong and Cherrapunji a miss and visit the offbeat places in Meghalaya . It was surely a memorable trip!

Solivagant (adj.)

Definition: Wandering alone. A solitary adventurer who travels and wanders the globe.


Strikhedonia (n.)

Definition: The joy of being able to say “to hell with it”


The feeling we had when we visited Ladakh !

Numinous (n.)

Definition: The powerful, personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired


I had this feeling when I trekked the Rupin Pass summit . It was an overwhelming experience to stand there and look at the Kinner-Kailash range before me.

Forelsket (n.)

Origin: Norwegian

Definition: The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love


This is such a beautiful and creative travel word. The first time we fell in love with each other, it was confusing. But the tangled emotion that I was feeling at that time was probably known as “forelsket”! And I think it is the same feeling when we fall in love with each other after completing every trek or doing something that we never thought we would do.

Hireath (n.)

Origin: Welsh

Definition: A homesickness for a home which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was.


Sehnsucht (n.)

Definition: A wistful longing and yearning in the heart for travels that have been and travels to come.


Livsnjutare (n.)

Definition: Someone who loves life deeply and enjoys life


Sturmfrei (n.)

Definition: The freedom of being alone and having the ability to do whatever you want.


Sometimes, being alone is the best thing that we can gift ourselves.

Coddiwomple (v.)

Definition: To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination


Nefelibata (n.)

Origin: Portugese

Definition: One who lives in the cloud of their own imagination; an unconventional person


This word so describes me. I love to live in my own imagination.

Hodophile (adj.)

Definition: A lover of roads. One who loves to travel.


Schwellenangst (n.)

Definition: Fear of crossing a threshold to embark on something new.


Don’t we all have the fear while starting anything new? It might be a new job, or a new life at a different city, or even changing our lifestyle. I was always very complacent with my life with a high paying job. But there was a void somewhere. Even after I knew that I have to take the leap, the fear hold me back. The fear of uncertainty was keeping me back from doing what I loved.

Today, I have crossed that threshold. And let me tell you the joy that it brings is totally worth all the difficulties and problems and hard work that went. What is the fear that is holding you back?

Vagary (v.)

Definition: A wandering or roaming journey


Saudade (n.)

Definition: A nostalgic longing to be near something or someone who is distant.


Origin: Danish

Definition: The cosy feeling you get when you are enjoying the good things in life with friends


Commuovere (v.)

Origin: Italian

Definition: To stir, to touch, to move to tears


The feeling we had after completing the Chadar Frozen River Trek .

Origin: Japanese

Definition: A profound and mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe

creative travel words-yūgen

Definition: Awareness of how little of the world you will experience

Travel words with beautiful meaning-onism

These two words sum it all. The universe, the world is so mysteriously beautiful. We can feel and experience only a part of this beauty!

Petrichor (n.)

Definition: The smell of earth after rain

travel words with beautiful meaning -petrichor-domain-name-ideas

Flâuner (n.)

Definition: A person of leisure, deliberately aimless, simply wandering the streets, soaking in the city

travel words with beautiful meaning-flâuner

Whenever we visit any city, we love to walk around. It is the best way to discover the charm of a city. We loved to roam around Yangon and explore the city on foot discovering its gems, hidden or otherwise!

Sometimes Kolkata , our hometown does this to us. We simply wander around, soaking in the little delights, wandering around the lanes and bye lanes and falling in love over and over again with the city. And so does Delhi !

Jijivisha (n.)

Origin: Sanskrit

Definition: The strong eternal desire to live and continue living


Rasasvada (n.)

Definition: The taste of bliss in the absence of all thoughts


Exactly what we felt after seeing the Everest and Kanchenjunga ranges in front of us from the Phalut. The Sandakphu-Phalut Trek is a great experience.


Definition: Lit. “ Place of wild strawberries ”; a special place discovered, treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress and sadness.


Darjeeling and Sikkim is our “place of wild strawberries”. What is yours?

Querencia (adj.)

Origin: Spanish

Definition: A place where one feels safe, A place where one feels at home


Musafir (n.)

Origin: Urdu

Definition: Traveller


Vuslat (n.)

Origin: Turkish

Definition: A union or reunion after being apart for a long time with one’s beloved

This is one of my favourite creative travel words.


Thalassophile (n.)

Definition: A lover of ocean


Waldeinsamkeit (n.)

Definition: The feeling of being alone in the woods


So did you find your travel inspiration from these beautiful and unusual travel words? What is your favourite? Let us know in comments.

Pin this post for a later dose of inspiration!

unusual travel words with beautiful meanings

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Agni Amrita Travel Blogger

Hey! we’re Agni & Amrita.

We have been travelling together since the last 15 years and writing independent and personal travel content since 2014. Travel is one of the best teachers and through this blog, we aim to share our experiences and travel tips. We encourage you to travel more and see the world through your eyes and not through filtered templates.

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Rishikesh Vinyasa Yoga School

If you love to travel and excited to know different places in world then pack your bag and travel to India. India the birth place of yoga. Good for peace your mind and relaxing body.

Anahita Irani

Brilliant post, some of these descriptive words I read for the first time. Bookmarked for future reference. Thanks for Sharing.

2 Backpackers

Thank you Anahita. Glad that you liked the post.

Sandy N Vyjay

These are indeed words that provide full expression to the meaning of travel. Thanks for adding to my vocabulary. this is indeed the serendipity of reading travel blogs.

Thank you Sandy and Vyjay!

Noor Anand Chawla

This post was such a treat! I love travel and I love words, and it was nice to recognise a few that I knew, and learn new ones that I didn’t!

Thank you so much! So glad that you liked the post.


I am not just inspired but so well educated too now. Y next travel will now be so well-informed.

Thank you Sanjay!


Thanks for sharing this, great to know these word and their meaning. And yes I can say now I am Nemophilist. 🙂

Thank you Sundeep!

Abhinav Singh

That is a very unique topic for a blog. Though I would want to identify myself with all the term, but I find myself closest to be a Nemophilist and Trouvaille. I also identify with Resfeber. No matter how much I have travelled, I still get a little nervous (and excited) before a foreign trip.

Thanks Abhinav. I can understand that nervous and excited feeling before a foreign trip!


Such words , very useful must say. I love to read and learn new things. These will definitely help me to increase my vocab.

Thank you Pamela!

Gurjeet Chhabra

Woow so many beautiful, unique travel words i am unaware off. Love it

Thank you Gurjeet!


Wow that made for an interesting read. Adding them to my dictionary right away!

Thanks so much.

Sapna Bansal

Thanks for enhancing my vocabulary.. none them was familiar to me so far.

Thank you Sapna! I did not know a few before writing this.


Always admire your writting skills and this time thanks for introducing new words in my dictionary. Great way to increase ones vocabulary with pictures origin and all.

Thank you Pallavi. So glad that you liked the post.


Excellent post..very informative!!


Amazing list! This should keep me busy for a while. I would like to add French noun Flânerie – Aimless strolling or sauntering without a set plan or defined destination; walking at a leisurely pace, simply observing as you’re being taken along. Sometimes I write about similar topics. Here is an example post I wrote in case you or any of your readers find it interesting. Our content complements each other nicely, perhaps we can collab in some way in the future. Keep up the good work. Can’t wait to see something new from you! Cheers!

Agni Amrita

Thank you so much for the comment and another beautiful word. You blog is amazing too. Maybe we can connect over for a collab in some way. Looking forward.

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Synonyms of travel

  • as in to trek
  • as in to traverse
  • as in to fly
  • as in to associate
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Thesaurus Definition of travel

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • peregrinate
  • road - trip
  • knock (about)
  • perambulate
  • pass (over)
  • cut (across)
  • proceed (along)
  • get a move on
  • make tracks
  • shake a leg
  • hotfoot (it)
  • fast - forward

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • hang (around or out)
  • slow (down or up)
  • collaborate
  • take up with
  • keep company (with)
  • rub shoulders (with)
  • fall in with
  • pal (around)
  • rub elbows (with)
  • mess around
  • be friends with
  • interrelate
  • confederate
  • cold - shoulder

Thesaurus Definition of travel  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • peregrination
  • commutation

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Thesaurus Entries Near travel

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“Travel.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/travel. Accessed 8 Jun. 2024.

More from Merriam-Webster on travel

Nglish: Translation of travel for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of travel for Arabic Speakers

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about travel

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noun as in journey

Strongest matches

  • sightseeing

Strong matches

  • commutation
  • peregrination

Weak matches

  • globetrotting

verb as in journey on a trip or tour

  • cover ground
  • get through
  • go into orbit
  • knock around
  • make a journey
  • make one's way
  • take a boat
  • take a plane
  • take a train
  • take a trip

Discover More

Example sentences.

You just travel light with carry-on luggage, go to cities that you love, and get to hang out with all your friends.

He did travel to China and Australia while the story was unfolding.

In doing so he exposed the failure of other airlines in the region to see the huge pent-up demand for cheap travel.

“The tribe is really made of people who put travel as a priority in their entire lifestyle,” says Evita.

Brands like Lo & Sons and Delsey are already tapping Travel Noire to connect with black travelers.

One thing was certain: Grandfather Mole could travel much faster through the water than he could underground.

The mothers know better than any one else how hard a way the little girl will have to travel through life.

He could lie in bed and string himself tales of travel and adventure while Harry was downstairs.

Under ordinary circumstances these men can travel with their burden from twenty to thirty miles a day.

The rules regulating travel on highways in this country are called, "the law of the road."

Related Words

Words related to travel are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word travel . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

verb as in tour

verb as in flow

  • mill around
  • move around

noun as in systems of information exchange

  • information technology
  • public relations
  • telecommunications

verb as in make good time

  • make headway
  • make strides

verb as in sail

  • keep steady pace
  • push off/push on
  • wander about

Viewing 5 / 93 related words

On this page you'll find 177 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to travel, such as: driving, excursion, flying, movement, navigation, and ride.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Untranslatable Foreign Words Journey Traveler

Have you ever been to a place so beautiful, amazing, or surreal that there were no adequate words in your language to describe it? Or maybe you’ve been to a place where everything is just so different from home that it’s hard to find the right way to talk about it.

travel 8 words

Blake Miner

Do you ever feel like you need a new word to describe your travel experience? Something that really captures the feeling of being in a new place, seeing amazing things and living life on the go? Well, you’re in luck. Because foreign languages have all sorts of great words for describing travel . Here are 17 of our favorites that help describe feelings you experience on the road in a way English just can’t.

These thought-provoking foreign words each explain a concept that isn’t as simply or easily expressed in English.

Bon voyage !

Travel Words From Foreign Languages

1. flânerie.


Definition : Aimless strolling or sauntering without a set plan or defined destination; walking at a leisurely pace, simply observing as you’re being taken along. 

Part of Speech : Noun

Origin : French


Definition : A longing or craving for distant, far-off places; “homesick” for places you’ve never been to. Literally: farsickness. 

Origin : German


  Definition : To become free or untied; to break loose .

Part of Speech : Verb

Origin : Tagalog

4. Novaturient


Definition : Desiring to alter your life; a feeling that pushes you to want to travel. 

Part of Speech : Adjective

Origin : Latin

5. Metanoia


Definition : The journey of transforming your mind, heart, self, or way of life .

Origin : Greek


Definition : A deep, profound awareness of the universe; an unfathomable realization that triggers an emotional response .

Origin : Japanese

7. Peripatetic


Definition : A person who spends his time walking or traveling from place to place .


Definition : A deep, nostalgic, melancholic yearning for something or someone absent; accompanied by the realization that what you’re longing for will never be experienced again.

Part of Speech : Noun  

Origin : Portuguese

9. Lebenskünstler


Definition : A “life artist” who is able to deal with any arising problems in a very artful, almost magical manner. Literally: someone who has mastered Lebenskunst (the art of life).


Definition : A quality of coziness and comfort accompanied by feelings of well-being, relaxation, contentment and presence; often likened to the feeling of drinking a warm cup of cocoa on a snowy day .

Parts of Speech : Noun, adjective

Origin : Danish

11. Resfeber


Definition : The restless feeling before starting out on a journey; a mix of anxiety, excitement and anticipation.

Origin : Swedish

12. Shinrin-yoku


Definition : The practice of going into the woods seeking out a mentally soothing experience; taking in the forest atmosphere with your senses. Literally: “forest bathing.”  

13. Nefelibata


Definition : Someone who doesn’t conform to the conventions of society, literature, or art; an unconventional, unorthodox person who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams . Literally: “cloud walker.”


Definition : A vague sense of unease, sadness, melancholy, nostalgia or yearning; a type of spiritual anguish.

Origin : Russian


Definition : Drifting; a spontaneous, unplanned journey in which the traveler relinquishes control and is guided solely by the landscape and architecture.

16. Rasāsvāda


Definition : The sensation of bliss in the absence of all thought.

Origin : Sanskrit

17. Trouvaille


Definition : A chance encounter with something wonderful; a valuable discovery; a lucky find .

A Final Word

We hope you’ve enjoyed this brief foray into the strange, wonderful world of foreign travel words. What’s your favorite? Leave us a comment below! And don’t forget to share with your friends – they may find some of these words useful on their next trip abroad (or even just in their day-to-day lives).

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This Post Has 8 Comments

Pingback: The best way to learn a new language to travel - Love and Road

Pingback: Flâneur Quotes: A Collection of Words Related to Flâneurs and Flânerie

Pingback: What I'm Committing to Overall in 2020 » Flâneur Life

Pingback: 9 Famous Thinkers from History Who Were Habitual Walkers

' src=

Aw I love these words! I know a little French and an even smaller amount of Spanish but putting these words from all different languages is such a good idea. Alpas is a great one! Soph – https://sophhearts.com x

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I know the feeling of yugen well. It’s being moved to tears when you watch the sunrise from a mountain top, or suddenly realizing how very small you are when confronted with the vastness of the ocean.

' src=

Interesting list. I’m curious to also know how you discovered these words.

Pingback: Flânerie Definition: What Does it Actually Mean? » Flâneur Life

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Travel Words

Words related to travel.

Below is a massive list of travel words - that is, words related to travel. The top 4 are: journey , trip , adventure and tourism . You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with travel, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common travel terms by using the menu below, and there's also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get travel words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter "journey" and click "filter", and it'd give you words that are related to travel and journey.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words' direct semantic similarity to travel, then there's probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related , or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of travel in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with travel - you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it's the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a travel vocabulary list, or just a general travel word list for whatever purpose, but it's not necessarily going to be useful if you're looking for words that mean the same thing as travel (though it still might be handy for that).

If you're looking for names related to travel (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren't all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with travel, then it's obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with travel.

If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying travel related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site - I hope it is useful to you! 🕊

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  • change of location
  • international
  • see new place
  • visit other country
  • accommodation
  • exploration
  • destinations
  • choose destination
  • adventure travel
  • destination
  • transportation
  • cruise ship
  • intercontinental
  • backpacking
  • go to airport
  • holidaymakers
  • hand luggage
  • get on plane
  • on the road
  • extreme tourism
  • go back home
  • hospitality
  • accomodation
  • round trip ticket
  • peregrinate
  • experiences
  • communication
  • circumnavigation
  • return ticket
  • save your money
  • immigration
  • get somewhere
  • peregrination
  • accommodations
  • business trip
  • drive your car
  • train ticket
  • volunteer travel
  • translation
  • travel long distance
  • caravanning
  • return home
  • cosmopolitan
  • buy souvenir
  • arrive at destination
  • fly in airplane
  • move around
  • sightseeing
  • overnighting
  • experience different culture
  • cybertravel
  • go somewhere
  • globetrotters
  • plane ticket
  • learn foreign language
  • autobiography
  • motion sickness
  • fellow traveller
  • travel purposefully
  • amazon rainforest
  • vacationers
  • board plane
  • mode of transportation
  • overnighters
  • get to work
  • entertainment
  • lose something
  • book holiday
  • passenger ticket
  • bedroom community
  • visit relative
  • reservations
  • take the air
  • circumnavigate
  • toll highway
  • mode of transport
  • road warrior
  • head for hill
  • get driver's license
  • water travel
  • circulation
  • gravitation
  • brachiation
  • itineraries
  • horseback riding
  • mt. everest
  • kilometrage
  • vagabonding
  • county highway
  • time space convergence
  • reverse commuter
  • hypertravel
  • go someplace
  • spring break
  • vagabondage
  • telecommuting
  • human migration
  • manipulation
  • commutation
  • slice through
  • betake oneself
  • thanatourism
  • bullock cart
  • pilgrimages
  • hang around
  • progression
  • telecommute
  • between deck

That's about all the travel related words we've got! I hope this list of travel terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with travel, but perhaps tenuously (if you've currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here , but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐜



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40 Basic Vocabulary Words and Common Phrases for Travel in English

Travel in English

Embarking on a journey to a foreign country can be both exciting and a bit daunting, especially when language barriers come into play. But fear not, we’ve got you covered! This page is dedicated to all the globetrotters out there who are keen on enhancing their English language skills specifically for travel.

We’ve curated a list of 40 essential English words and phrases that will prove to be your best companions on your travels.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or planning your first overseas trip, mastering these words and phrases will not only boost your confidence but also enrich your travel experiences. So, let’s dive in and start preparing for your next adventure with our comprehensive travel vocabulary guide. Happy learning and safe travels!

40 essential English words and phrases for travel

  • Passport – “Don’t forget to bring your passport to the airport.”
  • Luggage – “Please make sure your luggage is not left unattended.”
  • Reservation – “I have a reservation under the name Smith.”
  • Itinerary – “Our itinerary includes stops in Rome, Paris, and London.”
  • Destination – “Our final destination is Sydney.”
  • Accommodation – “I’ve booked accommodation for three nights in the city center.”
  • Sightseeing – “We’re going sightseeing in the old town tomorrow.”
  • Currency – “What’s the local currency in Japan?”
  • Boarding Pass – “Please have your boarding pass and identification ready.”
  • Departure – “Our departure time is 6:00 PM.”
  • Arrival – “Our estimated arrival time is 8:00 PM.”
  • Customs – “You’ll need to declare any items at customs.”
  • Visa – “Do I need a visa to travel to the United States?”
  • Tourist – “As a tourist, I love exploring new places.”
  • Landmark – “The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris.”
  • Guidebook – “I bought a guidebook to learn more about the city’s history.”
  • Souvenir – “I bought a souvenir from each city we visited.”
  • Jet Lag – “I’m feeling a bit of jet lag after the long flight.”
  • Travel Agency – “The travel agency arranged all of our accommodations.”
  • Backpack – “I prefer to travel with a backpack instead of a suitcase.”
  • Could you help me, please? – When you need assistance.
  • How much does this cost? – When you want to know the price of something.
  • Where is the nearest…? – When you’re looking for something specific, like a bathroom or a subway station.
  • I would like to book… – When you want to make a reservation.
  • Do you speak English? – When you need to find someone who speaks English.
  • I’m lost. Can you help me? – When you need directions.
  • Can I have the menu, please? – When you’re at a restaurant and want to see the menu.
  • I’m allergic to… – When you need to inform someone of your allergies.
  • Can I have the bill, please? – When you’re ready to pay at a restaurant.
  • What time does it open/close? – When you want to know the operating hours of a place.
  • Can I have a ticket to…, please? – When you’re buying a ticket.
  • Where can I catch the bus/train? – When you need to find the bus or train station.
  • Is it far from here? – When you want to know the distance to a place.
  • Can you recommend a good…? – When you’re looking for recommendations.
  • Do you accept credit cards? – When you want to know if you can pay with a credit card.
  • What’s the Wi-Fi password? – When you need to connect to the internet.
  • I’d like to go to… – When you’re telling a taxi driver your destination.
  • Is there a pharmacy nearby? – When you need to find a pharmacy.
  • Can I try this on? – When you’re shopping for clothes and want to try something on.
  • Could you take a picture of us, please? – When you want someone to take a photo of you and your group.

Wrapping Up Our English Travel Vocabulary Journey

And there you have it! We’ve journeyed through 40 essential English words and phrases that will help make your travels smoother and more enjoyable. Remember, language is a powerful tool that can open doors to understanding new cultures, making new friends, and creating unforgettable experiences.

Don’t worry if you can’t memorize all the words and phrases at once. The beauty of language learning is that it’s a continuous process. Keep practicing, and soon these words will become second nature to you.

But why stop at 40? If you’re eager to expand your travel vocabulary even further, we have an exciting offer for you. Follow us on Instagram and send us a direct message to get your hands on our comprehensive eBook (write “Travel eBook”), which features 200 essential English words and phrases for travel, plus 2 special bonuses!

We hope this guide will be a valuable resource for your travel adventures. Whether you’re exploring bustling cities, tranquil countryside, or exotic beaches, these phrases will help you navigate your way with confidence.

Thank you for joining us on this linguistic journey. We wish you all the best in your English learning and your future travels. Remember, every journey begins with a single step, or in this case, a single word. Happy travels and happy learning!

>> Learn more English vocabulary

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Travel Glossary – The ULTIMATE List of Travel Terms

Unravel the mysteries of travel terms, acronyms, and all the essential backpacking jargon.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time adventurer, The Broke Backpacker travel glossary is your passport to understanding the language of the road.

Will leaning on a colourful rickshaw/ tuk tuk in India with a field of sunflowers behind him and a pile of backpacks on the roof

Travel Glossary

Accommodation: The place where you’ll stay during your trip — your home away from home. This can range from a snazzy hotel suite to a bunk bed in a buzzing hostel.

Adventure Travel: Exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations and experiencing adrenaline-pumping activities. The type of travel for those who prefer hiking boots over flip-flops.

Airline Alliance: A partnership among airlines to provide passengers with extended networks, smoother connections, and often, better perks. Like a friendship bracelet, but for airlines.

Airport Code: The three-letter identity tag for airports around the globe, making booking flights and navigating airports simpler. Think of it as the airport’s nickname.

Airport Terminal: The specific area in an airport where you check-in, pass security, and board or disembark your flight. It’s the traveller’s hub within the travel hub.

Backpacker: A traveller known for carrying their life in a backpack, seeking immersive experiences, and often on a budget. Backpackers are known to be part wizard, part ninja, with their ability to pack light yet still have everything they need.

Broke Backpacker: A backpacker traveling the world on a tight budget, often hitchhiking, Couchsurfing and cooking their own food whilst camping out under starry nights. Broke Backpackers are resilient, kind-hearted and always find a way to hustle and make ends meet.

Begpacker: Someone who funds their journey by begging for money in the countries they visit. Not exactly the hero of our travel tales.

Bikepacking : Backpacking by way of bicycle. Travellers pack their things onto a luggage rack and cycle around — sometimes for weeks, and sometimes indefinitely.

Boarding Pass: Your golden ticket to board a plane. For some, a travel collectible of sorts; for others, a paper quickly forgotten in the seat pocket.

Budget Travel: Stretching every little bit of your hard-earned cash as far as it can take you — and seeing the world without breaking the bank. That is what a Broke Backpacker does, baby!

Business Class: A step up from Economy Class, usually with wider seats and better meals. A taste of the high life, often experienced courtesy of points or special offers.

Busking : The art of funding one’s travels (or saving for them) by performing in a public place in exchange for tips. Usually connected to street musicians.

Carry-On Baggage: The essentials you can take with you on the plane. Packing it is something many consider an art, fitting everything a close second to magic.

Checked Baggage: The luggage you trust the airline to transport in the belly of the plane. Also commonly referred to as a “test of faith” amongst the community.

Codeshare: An agreement between airlines where a flight is operated by one but marketed by another. Say you call your mate to take you on a ride, but he shows up in his neighbour’s car… sort of like that.

Couchsurfing: Staying with a host for free, usually sleeping on their couch or spare bed. A powerful tool in a Broke Backpacker’s arsenal, and a term made popular by the Couchsurfing travel app .

Customs and Immigration : The checkpoint at international borders where officials check your documents and luggage. It’s the final boss battle before entering a new country.

Digital Nomad: An individual who works remotely from different parts of the world, often in cafes, co-working spaces, or beach bars. They’ve mastered the art of making anywhere an office.

Domestic Travel: Travelling within your own country, aka something we should all do more often. Our backyard is right there, and it is probably hiding a shit ton of gold.

Eco Tourism: A type of travel focused on conservation, supporting local communities, and minimizing impact on the environment. Often associated with volunteering projects , but not exclusively.

Economy Class: The most common and budget-friendly travel class. Broke Backpackers rarely know any other, really.

Fare Alert: A notification service that alerts you to the best flight deals. Like having a personal scout for travel bargains.

First Class: The epitome of luxury in the sky, with gourmet meals and lie-flat seats. A rare gem for budget travellers, usually only spotted in daydreams.

man on empty plane flight

Gap Year: A year of travel, often taken by students as a break between high school and college, but increasingly popular with adults seeking a career break or life reset.

Ghost Fares: Listed flight deals that vanish when you try to book them. Like chasing a mirage in the desert of internet deals.

Glitch Fare: An error in listing the price of a flight, often ridiculously low. This is what we live for, amigos!

Guest House: A cozy, home-like accommodation option, often run by locals. It’s where you get the warmth of home, without all the boring chores.

Haggling : A type of bargaining for the lowest possible price that tends to be the default way of shopping in many parts of the world, particularly when goods are not sold for fixed amounts.

High Season: The peak travel period with the highest demand and prices. It’s when everyone else has the same travel idea as you.

Hitchhiking: The art of catching free rides with passing vehicles, usually by sticking your thumb out on the side of the road. It’s a gamble of patience and luck, with stories for a lifetime.

Homestay: Staying with a local family, experiencing their way of life. Be a guest, not a tourist.

Hostel: Budget-friendly accommodations, often with shared rooms and communal spaces. A good hostel is a home, and one where stories and friendships are as plentiful as bunk beds.

Hub Airport : A major airport that serves as a central point for connecting flights. Think London, Dubai, Singapore… the grand central stations of the skies.

Layover: The waiting period between connecting flights. An unscheduled mini-adventure, some would say.

Legroom: The space available for your legs on a flight. Often feels like a luxury in economy class.

Long-Haul Flight: A flight covering a long distance, usually over six hours. On long-haul flights, time truly becomes an illusion, and time zones mere suggestions. Reality is not the same anymore.

Low Season: The travel period outside of peak times, offering fewer crowds and often better deals. It’s the introvert’s prime time to travel.

Low-Cost Carrier: Airlines that offer no-frills flights at lower prices. They’re the unsung heroes for budget travellers. If you’re based in Europe, I’m sure you’re familiar with Ryanair and their crazy deals .

Money Belt : A sleek, secret weapon that expertly hides your cash inside of an inconspicuous-looking belt. Money belts are top-tier backpacker safety tools.

Off Season: Similar to Low Season, a time when travel is less in demand. It’s when destinations breathe a sigh of relief and welcome you with open arms and cheaper prices.

Off-The-Beaten-Path Travel: Exploring places that are not on the typical tourist radar. It’s for those who view the road less travelled as a personal invitation or a challenge.

One-Way Flight: A flight not returning to the origin point. One could say that’s exactly the kind of ticket you should be booking… but that’s just me. 😉

Overbooking: When airlines sell more tickets than there are seats. The airline industry’s version of musical chairs.

Overland Travel: Travelling across land, often through multiple countries, by bus, train, or car. Overland travel is the scenic route to adventure and there’s little that can beat it.

man riding a motorcycle in the karakoram mountains

Package Tour: A pre-arranged travel package including flights, accommodation, and sometimes meals and tours. Travel on easy mode!

Packing List: The checklist of essentials for your trip. You can look at it as the line between “I have everything” and “I forgot my toothbrush.”

Peak Season: The busiest travel season, with the highest demand. When your favourite spots become everyone’s favourite spots.

Responsible Tourism: Travel that minimizes negative impacts on the environment and local communities. The idea is that you ALWAYS leave places better than you found them.

Revenge Travel: The surge in travel after periods of restrictions or lockdowns, like what we experienced after the decade-year of 2020. The world’s comeback tour is on!

Rural Tourism: Exploring the countryside, away from the city hustle, and finding beauty in the serene and the simplest of things.

Shoulder Season: The sweet spot between peak and off-peak seasons, offering a balance of good weather and lower prices. It’s the savvy traveller’s dream season.

Sleep System : Core essentials of any broke backpacker’s tool kit that allow one to sleep anywhere . We’re talking sleeping mat, sleeping bag, and pillow type of setup, but not all systems are built equal!

Solo Travel: The art of travelling alone, discovering the world, and perhaps a bit of yourself along the way. It’s where independence meets adventure.

Souvenir: A memento from your travels, ranging from the classic fridge magnet to the more eclectic and exotic goods. Some more entrepreneurial travellers even manage to turn it into a business .

Sticky Place: A destination that feels so right you have no choice but to stay. You’ve booked a couple of nights, but you’ve been there for at least a couple of weeks.

Stopover: A break in your journey, allowing you to explore a city before continuing on. It’s like a travel bonus level.

Sustainable Travel: Travelling in a way that ensures destinations are preserved for future generations. It’s about treading lightly and caring deeply.

danielle and harvey extending visa in krabi, Thailand

Transit Visa: A visa required for passing through a country to a final destination. It’s the paperwork pit stop of your journey.

Travel Hacks: Tips and tricks to make travel easier, cheaper, or more enjoyable. A cheat code for the travel game.

Urban Exploration: Discovering the hidden gems and secrets of urban environments, often accompanied by some form of outlaw defunct urban space invasion. Epic.

Visa : A travel document that is required to enter certain countries. Visa policies will differ wildly depending on the destination and your nationality.

Visa Waiver: An agreement allowing travellers to visit a country without a visa for a short period. It’s the travel equivalent of a hall pass.

Wild Camping: Setting up camp in unmarked spots in the wilderness. It’s about as close to nature as you can get without becoming a bear.

Work Exchange: Volunteering your time in exchange for food, accommodation, or experience. The barter system meets backpacking.

World Heritage Area/Site: Locations recognized for their cultural, historical, or scientific significance. It’s the world’s way of saying, “This place is awesome.”

Xenophilia: A love for foreign cultures. The heart of every true traveller.

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Travel Adjectives: Describing Words with Examples

travel 8 words

Traveling is an exhilarating experience that allows us to explore new places, immerse ourselves in different cultures, and create unforgettable memories. But how do we capture the essence of our travel experiences and convey them to others? That’s where adjectives come in. Adjectives are powerful tools that help us paint a vivid picture of our adventures, adding depth and flavor to our travel stories. In this article, I’ll introduce you to a variety of adjectives that will help you describe your travel experiences with precision and flair. From breathtaking landscapes to bustling cities, get ready to enhance your travel vocabulary and bring your adventures to life through the magic of words.

When we think of travel, we often imagine stunning vistas, vibrant markets, and enchanting destinations. But how do we put these experiences into words? That’s where descriptive adjectives come in. They allow us to convey the beauty, excitement, and uniqueness of the places we visit. In this article, I’ll share with you a collection of adjectives that will help you paint a vivid picture of your travel experiences. Whether you’re wandering through ancient ruins, exploring hidden gems, or indulging in local cuisine, these adjectives will help you capture the essence of your journey and transport your readers to the heart of your adventures. So, let’s dive in and discover the world of descriptive words for travel!

Table of Contents

How to Describe travel? – Different Scenarios

When it comes to describing travel experiences, there are numerous scenarios to consider. Each scenario offers a unique opportunity to capture the essence of the adventure and convey it to others. As a seasoned traveler, I have explored various corners of the world and discovered effective ways to describe different travel scenarios. Here are some approaches that you can use to paint a vivid picture of your journeys:

1. Describing Natural Beauty

Whether you find yourself standing in front of majestic mountains, mesmerizing waterfalls, or breathtaking sunsets, describing the natural beauty is essential to bringing the scene to life. To effectively convey these stunning sights, consider using descriptive adjectives that showcase the grandeur and beauty of nature. Here are a few examples:

  • Majestic : The towering mountains stood proudly against the backdrop of the clear blue sky.
  • Enchanting : The waterfall cascaded down gracefully, creating a mesmerizing display of shimmering water.
  • Spectacular : The sunset painted the sky with vibrant hues of orange, pink, and purple, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

2. Exploring Vibrant Markets

One of the most exciting aspects of travel is immersing oneself in vibrant markets filled with local culture and flavors. To capture the bustling atmosphere and unique experiences of these markets, consider using lively adjectives that depict the vibrant scenes. Here are a few examples:

  • Lively : The market was a vibrant hub of activity, with people bargaining, colorful stalls, and fragrant spices filling the air.
  • Exotic : The market was a treasure trove of exotic fruits, aromatic herbs, and intricate handicrafts from around the world.
  • Thrilling : The market was a hive of energy, with street performers captivating the crowd and the aroma of sizzling street food tantalizing the senses.
  • Majestic : The ancient ruins towered above me, a testament to the grandeur of civilizations long gone.
  • Timeless : Walking through the historical site, I could feel the weight of the past, as if time had stood still.
  • Intriguing : The intricate carvings on the walls told

Describing Words for travel in English

When it comes to describing travel experiences, using the right adjectives can make all the difference. They help to paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind and convey the essence of the adventure. In this section, I’ll share some descriptive words that can be used to bring travel experiences to life.

Natural Beauty

One of the most captivating aspects of travel is the opportunity to witness the beauty of nature. Whether it’s a breathtaking mountain range, a serene beach, or a lush forest, there are a variety of adjectives that can be used to describe these natural wonders. Here are a few examples:

  • Majestic : The towering mountains stood tall, their peaks hidden in clouds.
  • Idyllic : The picturesque beach was adorned with golden sand and crystal-clear waters.
  • Enchanting : The forest was a magical oasis, with sunlight streaming through the lush canopy.

Vibrant Markets

Exploring local markets can be a sensory feast, with colorful displays, bustling crowds, and enticing aromas. To capture the vibrant atmosphere of these markets, here are some adjectives to consider:

  • Lively : The market was a bustling hub of activity, with vendors shouting their prices and customers haggling for the best deal.
  • Exotic : The air was filled with the fragrance of spices from far-off lands, teasing the senses and igniting a sense of adventure.
  • Charming : The market was a treasure trove of handmade crafts, each item telling a story of the local culture and traditions.

Ancient Ruins

Visiting ancient ruins allows us to step back in time and get a glimpse into the past. These historical sites are often steeped in mystery and wonder. Here are some adjectives that can help bring these ancient ruins to life:

  • Majestic : The towering ruins of the ancient temple rose from the ground, a testament to the grandeur of a civilization long gone.
  • Intriguing : The crumbling walls held secrets of a bygone era, inviting visitors to unravel their hidden stories.
  • Timeless : Standing amidst the ancient ruins, one couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the history that unfolded within these walls.

Adjectives for travel

When it comes to describing travel experiences, using the right adjectives can make all the difference. They help to paint a vivid picture and convey the essence of a place. In this section, I’ll share some positive and negative adjectives that can be used to describe travel experiences, along with example sentences to demonstrate their usage. Let’s dive in!

Positive Adjectives for Travel

Traveling can bring a sense of excitement, wonder, and joy. Here are twelve positive adjectives that can capture the essence of a travel experience:

These positive adjectives can help convey the beauty, excitement, and unique characteristics of different travel experiences.

Negative Adjectives for Travel

While travel can be a rewarding and enriching experience, there are also instances where negative adjectives can be used to describe certain aspects. Here are five negative adjectives that can be used:

While these negative adjectives may not be ideal for every travel experience, they can provide a balanced perspective and help manage expectations.

Using the right adjectives is crucial for effectively describing travel experiences. Positive adjectives can capture the beauty, excitement, and uniqueness, while negative adjectives can provide a more balanced view. Remember to choose your words carefully when sharing your travel stories – they have the power to transport your audience to far-off places and bring your adventures to life.

Synonyms and Antonyms with Example Sentences

Synonyms for travel.

When it comes to describing travel experiences, using a variety of adjectives can help paint a vivid picture for your audience. Here are some synonyms that you can use to add depth and richness to your descriptions:

Example sentences:

  • The adventurous hike through the rainforest was filled with hidden treasures.
  • The view from the mountaintop was absolutely exhilarating .
  • The Taj Mahal is a stunning example of architectural grandeur.
  • The dance performance was so captivating that I couldn’t look away.
  • The sunset over the beach was truly mesmerizing .

Antonyms for travel

Adding some contrasting adjectives to your descriptions can help create a well-rounded portrayal of a travel experience. Here are some antonyms for travel that you can use to highlight different aspects:

  • The tour guide’s explanation was so boring that I almost fell asleep.
  • The museum exhibit was rather dull , with no interactive elements.
  • The city was unremarkable , lacking any distinctive landmarks.
  • The long layover made the journey feel tedious and never-ending.
  • The architecture in the neighborhood was quite drab , lacking any vibrant colors or unique designs.

By incorporating a mix of synonyms and antonyms into your travel descriptions, you can provide a well-rounded portrayal of your experiences and engage your audience in a more dynamic way. Remember to choose the right adjectives based on the context and specific characteristics of your travel adventures.

In this blog post, I’ve discussed the significance of using descriptive adjectives to effectively convey travel experiences. By incorporating synonyms and antonyms into our descriptions, we can create a more vibrant and engaging portrayal of our adventures.

Throughout the article, I’ve provided numerous examples of travel adjectives along with example sentences to illustrate their usage. This not only helps us paint a vivid picture for our audience but also allows us to capture the essence of our experiences in a more dynamic way.

By utilizing a mix of synonyms and antonyms, we can create a well-rounded description that showcases both the positive and negative aspects of our travels. This adds depth and authenticity to our storytelling, making it more relatable and compelling for our readers.

Descriptive adjectives are powerful tools that enable us to share our travel experiences in a way that captivates and inspires others. So, the next time you embark on a new adventure, remember to choose your words wisely and let the magic of descriptive adjectives transport your audience to the heart of your journey.

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Travel Vocabulary for English-Language Learners

With a follow-up quiz for extra practice

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The travel-related words below are the most important terms to know when talking about travel or taking vacations . Words are categorized into different sections depending on the type of travel. You'll find example sentences for each word to help provide context for learning, as well as a short quiz at the end to test your knowledge.

Air Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Airport : I went to the airport to catch a flight to San Francisco. Check in : Make sure to get to the airport two hours early to check in. Fly : I like to fly on the same airline to get mileage points. Land : The airplane will land in two hours. Landing : The landing took place during a storm. It was very scary! Plane : The plane is packed with 300 passengers. Take off : The airplane is scheduled to take off at 3:30 p.m.

Vacation Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Camp : Do you like to camp in the woods? Destination : What is your final destination? Excursion : I'd like to take an excursion to the wine country while we're in Tuscany. Go camping : Let's go to the beach and go camping next weekend. Go sightseeing : Did you go sightseeing while you were in France? Hostel : Staying in a youth hostel is a great way to save money on vacation. Hotel : I'll book a hotel for two nights. Journey : The journey will take four weeks and we'll visit four countries. Luggage : Can you carry the luggage upstairs? Motel : We stayed in a convenient motel on our way to Chicago. Package holiday : I prefer to buy package holidays , so I don't have to worry about anything. Passenger : The passenger felt ill during the voyage. Route : Our route will take us through Germany and on to Poland. Sightseeing : The sightseeing in this town is rather boring. Let's go shopping . Suitcase : Let me unpack my suitcase and then we can go swimming. Tour : Peter went on a tour of the vineyard. Tourism : Tourism is becoming an important industry in almost every country. Tourist : Every May, many tourists from around the world come to see the flower festival. Travel : Travel is one of his favorite free time activities. Travel agent : The travel agent found us a great deal. Trip : The trip to New York was lovely and interesting. Vacation : I'd love to take a nice long vacation on the beach.

Overland Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Bicycle : One of the best ways to see the countryside is to ride a bicycle. Bike : We rode a bike from shop to shop. Bus : You can catch a bus for Seattle at the bus station. Bus station : The bus station is three blocks from here. Car : You might want to rent a car when you go on vacation. Lane : Make sure to get into the left lane when you want to pass. Motorcycle : Riding a motorcycle can be fun and exciting, but it's also dangerous. Freeway : We'll have to take the freeway to Los Angeles. Highway : The highway between the two cities is quite lovely. Rail : Have you ever traveled by rail? Go by rail : Going by rail offers the opportunity to get up and walk around as you travel. Railway : The railway station is down this street. Road: There are three roads to Denver. Main road : Take the main road into town and turn left at 5th Street. Taxi : I got in a taxi and went to the train station. Traffic : There's a lot of traffic today on the road! Train : I like riding on trains. It's a very relaxing way to travel. Tube : You can take the tube in London. Underground : You can take the underground in many cities throughout Europe. Subway : You can take the subway in New York.

Sea / Ocean Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Boat: Have you ever piloted a boat? Cruise: We will stop at three destinations during our cruise through the Mediterranean. Cruise ship: It's the most elegant cruise ship in the world! Ferry: Ferries allow passengers to take their cars with them to their destination. Ocean: The Atlantic Ocean takes four days to cross. Port: There are all kinds of commercial ships in the port. Sailboat: The sailboat requires nothing but the wind. Sea: The sea is very calm today. Set sail: We set sail for the exotic island. Ship: Have you ever been a passenger on a ship? Voyage: The voyage to the Bahamas took three days.

Travel Vocabulary Quiz

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10 destinations that hit their absolute peak in summer

Where to travel across the U.S. this summer for glorious weather and joyous vibes.

Hawaii, California, Portugal — some places are fabulous to visit all year round. But not everywhere can be so lucky.

Take, for example, the Midwest.

Your coolest summer

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For much of the year, this cluster of the country gets hit with harsh winters, severe springs and over-too-fast falls. But come summer? The Midwest bursts to life with festivals, lake days and firefly-flecked nights.

Nowhere is this more true than Chicago, where residents pour outside to patios and parks at the first sign of warmth. By June, the beaches along Lake Michigan, which sit steps from skyscrapers, are filled with visitors and locals.

“It’s truly magnetic,” said Helen Nguyen, founder of Preserve Travel , who has lived there for the past three years.

The Midwest is not the only part of America to experience this peak summer phenomenon. Here are 10 places across the country (and Canada) that appreciate the extra sunshine the most.

Arctic air swirls through Chicago with a vengeance in the winter, and the whipping cold keeps its grip on the city through the spring. Locals are rewarded with a summer so glorious you can feel the energy in the air.

“Everyone’s out,” Nguyen said. “The city feel so alive.”

There are free events and activities all summer long, from fireworks at Navy Pier every Wednesday and Saturday, to music festivals and museum days .

But for all-time summer vibes, head to the ballpark to eat a Chicago dog and see the Cubs or the White Sox play.

San Juan Islands, Wash.

A jewel of the Pacific Northwest, the San Juan Islands “are truly something special,” said Mark Williams, co-author of the LGBTQIA+ travel book “Out in the World.”

During the warmer months, the Salish Sea is teeming with Chinook salmon, orcas and kayakers. Three main islands connected by ferry celebrate the artistic community with gallery walks (San Juan and Lopez islands), an arts festival (San Juan Island) and studio tours (Orcas and Lopez islands).

Farmers spotlight their produce, including a pear discovered by an Orcas Island grower, at markets and farm-to-table establishments.

For a wisp of winter without the cold, climb to the top of Mount Constitution on Orcas Island. The islands’ highest point affords views of Vancouver, the mainland and the snow-capped peaks of Mount Baker and Mount Rainier.

New Buffalo, Mich.

Michigan is rife with Great Lakes beaches: on Mackinac Island and in Saugatuck and Grand Haven, for example. But Nguyen sends clients to another favorite, just 70 miles from downtown Chicago. In New Buffalo, visitors can lounge on the sand overlooking Lake Michigan, go sailing or hike in nearby parks.

The area has reasonably priced vacation rentals — and llama farms — as well as charming bed-and-breakfasts like Goldberry Woods , an inn on an organic farm where guests can stay in luxury suites, cottages or one of two vintage campers.

Santa Fe, N.M.

While its Southwest neighbors struggle with extreme heat, Santa Fe keeps relatively cool in the summer. Lindsay Messina, co-founder of Fioraé Luxury Travel , says visitors can expect average highs in the 80s.

All summer long, the city teems with art shows, live music, outdoor movies, artisan markets, and beer , food and wine festivals. Once the sun goes down, look up; Santa Fe is a premiere stargazing destination.

The region’s celestial beauty is best appreciated outside the city from one of New Mexico’s “dark sky parks,” certified by the International Dark Sky Association . Or you can hop on Santa Fe’s new StarGazer train. During the two-hour tour, train riders have access to an outdoor open-air flatbed car for an unobstructed view.

In August, the 102nd Santa Fe Indian Market features jewelry, pottery, textiles, paintings, sculptures and other creative works by more than 1,000 artists from at least 200 Native American tribes. Indigenous musicians will also perform on stages in Santa Fe Plaza; models will strut their stuff in a fashion show; and food vendors will sell fry bread, Frito pies and Pueblo stews.

Milwaukeeans eat frozen custard all year, but during the summer, they don’t need an ice pick to consume the eggy cousin of ice cream. (During the recent filming of “ Top Chef ,” the judges lapped up Leon’s .)

Custard is best enjoyed by the water. In Milwaukee , visitors can choose among three rivers or Lake Michigan. Bradford Beach, the city’s largest public beach, is a hot spot for volleyball and migratory birds. Since 2020, it has offered free use of beach wheelchairs.

Traveling south, visitors can choose among smaller sunbathing spots such as McKinley Beach before hitting Henry Maier Festival Park . The 75-acre fairground hosts nonstop events, including the annual Summerfest , which takes place over three weekends and features 600 musical acts.

Boise, Idaho

Even with the extra hours of daylight, you’ll need several days to fully explore the Boise River Greenbelt , the city’s main recreational artery. The 25-mile pathway runs from Lucky Peak State Park , a watersports hub on a dammed lake, to Garden City.

At the northern terminus, you can river surf or stand-up paddle on a man-made wave at Boise Whitewater Park. The paved route overlaps with the Urban Wine Trail, a collection of wineries and meaderies with tasting rooms.

Several stops along the Boise Idaho Potato Trail are also accessible from the greenbelt. The restaurants, breweries and other eateries put an innovative spin on the spud. The state’s primary crop appears on pizza and as an ale, a doughnut and an ice cream creation that looks deceptively like a baked potato.

Portsmouth, N.H.

Angela Hughes, owner of Trips & Ships Luxury Travel , recommends the centuries-old seaport town for “its unique blend of historical charm, cultural richness and scenic beauty.”

Sightseeing cruises putter around the Piscataqua River, a liquid state line shared with Maine, and the Isles of Shoals , a nine-pack of islands six miles off the coast. For history buffs, the Strawbery Banke Museum is like a Yankee Williamsburg, with costumed “roleplayers” and artisans demonstrating traditional crafts.

The guided tour calendar for the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshir e fills up during the summer, or if you prefer to walk at your own pace, follow the map to the two dozen downtown sites.

In Prescott Park, theater fans can discover high-caliber productions at the Players’ Ring , but without the sweaty Broadway masses.


Freezing rain. Unforgiving wind. Sleet. Ice. These are some of the words that describe a Minneapolis winter.

Minnesotans embrace the cold, but ask locals about the summer, and you’ll get descriptors like “heaven,” “priceless” and “magical.”

“There can be an infectious buzz about it,” said Minnesota native and St. Paul resident Kyle Potter, editor in chief of Thrifty Traveler .

Potter points to the city’s many breweries and restaurants designed with summer in mind, with massive patios overlooking the Mississippi River or garage door walls that get rolled up as soon as the temperatures allow. And, of course, there’s the Minnesota State Fair to round out the season with a bang, or at least a bucket of chocolate chip cookies .

For a true taste of Minnesota summer, “get a rental car, drive two-ish hours north and go see Lake Superior,” Potter said, recommending stops in Duluth or Grand Marais to jump into the frigid waters or explore them by canoe.

“But you don’t have to go far at all,” Potter added. “Just within city limits, within half of an afternoon you can knock out three of Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes.”

Camden, Maine

After spending the winter months getting buried under snowstorm after snowstorm, Maine transforms into the poster child for the quintessential East Coast summer.

Most visitors flock to Portland for the piping hot food scene or north to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. For less traffic, try Camden on Penobscot Bay along Maine’s MidCoast.

The town has cool restaurants and wine shops , quaint ice cream stands and plenty of places to buy lobster-themed paraphernalia. Stay in one of Camden’s many historic inns or rough it at a campsite in nearby Camden State Park, which is within walking distance of the town.

Quebec City

The provincial capital of Quebec is often touted as an alternative for Paris. The dupe is especially important this summer, when the City of Light hosts the Olympics (and a horde of additional visitors).

Similar to its European counterpart, the city’s outdoor cafes, gardens and parks flourish in the warmer months. A section of the St. Charles River trail, which runs from Lake Saint-Charles to the Old Port, switches from cross-country skiing to inline skating and cycling.

On the St. Lawrence River, shuttles transport visitors to such attractions as Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, a cathedral touted as the oldest pilgrimage site in North America.

For a dip, the Promenade Samuel-De Champlain recently opened a section called Station de la Plage, which features an Olympic-size infinity pool with a sandy beach along the river banks.

Did we miss your favorite summer city? Share your tip in the comments.

Where to go

Our favorite destinations: These 12 destinations are at the top of our wish list for where to go this year, without crowds.

Travel like a local: Residents share their favorite places in our top city guides: New Orleans , Rome , Tokyo and Mexico City .

National parks: Explore tips from locals for visiting Yosemite , Glacier and Everglades .

Tales from the road: Trace a route along the southern coast of Puerto Rico . See how jamón gets made in the heartland of Spanish pork .

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traveller room Destiny 2

All 8 Vision of the Traveler locations in Destiny 2

Image of Leo Gillick

Locating all eight of the Vision of the Traveler will award some pretty sweet loot and complete the Visionary Triumph in Destiny 2. They don’t take too long to find once you know where they are.

Where to find all 9 Vision of The Traveler collectibles

One of these will require you to have unlocked the Slayer Cyst. This can be done by completing multiple Alone in The Dark missions from Micah-10 . Make sure you have at least got to this point before attempting to collect all of the Vision of The Traveler collectibles from around the Pale Heart.

Vision of The Traveler #1

The first can be found in a small alcove just a short walk away from the Lost City spawn point. It is down the tunnel guarded by two Cabal. Head to the point marked on the map, and you’ll see the collectible waiting for you.

Vision Of The Traveler Locations 1

Vision of The Traveler #2

The second one is incredibly easy to find and can be found by teleporting to The Landing spawn point. From there, turn immediately left and drop off the side of the cliff . It is directly beneath you, on a small outcrop of land.

Vision Of The Traveler Locations 2

Vision of The Traveler #3

For the third Vision of The Traveler location in Destiny 2, start from The Landing spawn point and make your way to The Refraction. Make your way through the caves and linear tunnels until you come close to the point marked on the map. From here you will come out into the open air again, where you must take a left.

Vision Of The Traveller Destiny 2

Drop down into the small crevasse , where there is a small indent into the cliff face. Here you will find the next Vision of The Traveler in Destiny 2.

Vision of The Traveler #4

This one is very easy to find, but I found myself screaming at my Guardian while trying to grab it. Spawn at The Blooming in The Pale Heart and head straight forward towards the large cave mouth on the opposite side of the clearing.

Vision Of The Traveler Locations 2 Tree

To the right of this cave mouth, you will notice a huge grey tree. The Vision of The Traveler is located at the end of the furthest branch right at the top of it . Good luck trying to grab it. My Warlock moves like an oil tanker.

Vision of The Traveler #5

This one will require you to have unlocked The Seclusion by playing through a number of the Alone in The Dark missions. Once you have reached The Seclusion, you will come across a room with a door barred by Runes. Shoot the runes around the room to unlock this door.

Vision Of Traveler

Once the door is unlocked, you will then have to fight an ogre . Kil the Ogre to reveal a path that opens up behind it, revealing the fifth Vision of The Traveler location in Destiny 2.

Vision of The Traveler #6

The sixth Vision of The Traveler location is going to take an age to get to but is simple enough to find. Make your way all the way up the mountain pass to the location marked on the map. You will find it tucked behind a satellite dish .

Vision Of The Traveler Locations 6

Vision of The Traveler #7

Vision of The Traveler number 7 is an easy one to spot as it is hidden in plain sight. Spawn at The Impasse and take a look to your left . You should see a huge grey pyramid building . So, make your way over to it and look for the stairs just behind it.

Vision Of The Traveler Destiny 2

On one of the sides of the stairs there is the Vision of The Traveler sitting out in the open inside a ring.

Vision of The Traveler #8

The final Vision of The Traveler location in Destiny 2 is right in the Transgression . To reach the point marked on the map, you will have to go all the way through the red stormy area and out into the hall at the end. Here, you must jump up onto the middle building and through a corridor on your right. This will take you to the final location of the Vision of The Traveler collectibles in Destiny 2.

Vision Of The Traveler Locations 8

Where to put the Vision of The Traveler

Once you have collected the Vision of The Traveler in Destiny 2, return to the Lost City spawn point . Make your way through the building on your right and simply follow the path until you reach an open area.

Here are plinths for each Vision of The Traveler. Place them all to complete the Triumph.

All Summer Game Fest 2024 Developers Set To Participate And What We Want To See Featured(1)

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Nhl predictions: june 8 w/ edmonton oilers vs florida panthers.

  • June 8, 2024

Dan Mount, Editor

NHL predictions

Welcome back to another day of NHL Predictions. Each day, Last Word on Hockey takes a look at the games that are happening and gives our predictions for each one, breaking down head-to-head and other factors that may play in. We also have a featured game of the day, which is considered must-watch TV. Today’s featured game is the Edmonton Oilers vs Florida Panthers. Be sure to check out more NHL predictions in the coming days as the 2024 NHL Stanley Cup playoffs roll on.

NHL Predictions

Edmonton oilers vs florida panthers, season head-to-head: oilers 0-2 panthers.

TV: ABC, Sportsnet, TVAS, CBC

The big day has finally arrived and Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final is here . We’re down to two teams that will slug it out for the right to lift Lord Stanley’s Cup. The Panthers are making their second straight trip to the Final while the Oilers are back for the first time since 2006. Edmonton is seeking its first championship since 1990 while Florida is looking for its inaugural NHL crown.

Florida has played like a favourite for most of the season while Edmonton was towards the bottom of the league at the start of the season. However, a coaching change gave the Oilers the fuel it needed to reach the Final. Edmonton is looking to be the first Canadian team to host the Cup since 1993. However, a tall order awaits them. Let’s look at all the storylines heading into Game 1 in our NHL predictions.

The Oilers Story

Edmonton saw its season slipping away, but made the move to hire Kris Knoblauch as head coach. The Oilers then went on a tear and comfortably made the post-season. Series victories over the Los Angeles Kings , Vancouver Canucks and Dallas Stars seem Edmonton in the final again.

The Ollers boast four of the top five scorers in the post-season. Connor McDavid is tops in points with 31, including 26 assists. Leon Draisaitl is next in line with 28 points while Evan Bouchard leads all defencemen in points with 27. Zach Hyman is the playoffs leading goal-scorer with 14 so far. Goalie Stuart Skinner will get to call in between the pipes for Edmonton.

The Panthers Story

Florida comes in on a mission after losing to the Vegas Golden Knights in last year’s championship series. The Panthers have been great most of the season and have great structure on defence. Series wins over the Tampa Bay Lightning , Boston Bruins and New York Rangers have the Cats in the Final. Everyone raves about the Panthers’ defence, but the team can also score goals.

Matthew Tkachuk leads the team in points with 19 while Carter Verhaeghe tops the team in goals with nine. Aleksander Barkov has played like a Selke Trophy winner all post-season for the team. He has 17 points while soon-to-be free agent Sam Reinhart has eight goals. Florida doesn’t score like Edmonton, but it gets the job done. Sergei Bobrovsky draws the start for Florida.

Styles make fights and there are some differences. Edmonton will want to get out and speed up things. However, Florida wants to use its size and physical play to bully the opposition. Defence wins championships and we’ll default to that setting in Game 1 at least.

Prediction: Panthers win 4-2.

Prop Bets of the Night

There are plenty of good props to be had in Game 1 for tonight. On the Edmonton side, we think Skinner might be busy and we suggest the over on +25 saves on this one. For Florida, Gustav Forsling has been putting up over seven shots in the last four games. We’ll take the over on +3.0 shots tonight.

NHL predictions will be back with Game 2 on Monday.

Main photo by: Perry Nelson – USA Today Sports

Dan Mount, Editor

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  2. 100 Unique and Creative Travel Words with Beautiful Meanings

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  3. Travel. Vocabulary

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  4. 28 Travel Words that Describe Wunderlust Perfectly

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  5. 397 Travel Words to Speak Freely while Travelling and Feel Safely

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  6. Travel Words (The Best 49 Wanderlust Words For Travel Lovers)

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  1. Difference between TRAVEL, TRIP, & JOURNEY: Confusing Words in English

  2. How $40,000 Bought Their Slice of Caribbean Paradise

  3. A simple but MASSIVE mistake!

  4. Essential travel vocabulary lesson

  5. Travel, trip, journey, tour, voyage, cruise

  6. 20 Phrasal Verbs for Travelling


  1. 28 Beautiful Travel Words that Describe Wanderlust Perfectly

    4. Fernweh (n.) Origin: German. Definition: This German word,means an ache to get away and travel to a distant place, a feeling even stronger than wanderlust. If wanderlust wasn't poetic enough for you, allow me to present fernweh, a German word that literally translates to "distance-sickness.".

  2. 100 Unique and Creative Travel Words with Beautiful Meanings

    Merak (n.) Origin: Serbian. Pronunciation: mir-ak. Meaning: enjoyment of the simple things in life; the feeling of bliss and sense of oneness with the universe that comes from the simplest of pleasures; the pursuit of small, daily pleasures that all add up to a great sense of happiness and fulfillment.

  3. 42 Inspiring & Unusual Travel Words (Besides Wanderlust)

    Farsickness. An urge to travel even stronger than wanderlust. That feeling you get when you've been home too long and you ache to be out into the world again. Sometimes you don't know where you want to be, but you know that it's away. Sometimes you know where, and you want to get there as quickly as possible.

  4. ᐅ TRAVEL LOVER: 100 Unique + Creative Travel Words

    Origin: Greek. This attraction, appreciation, and affinity for foreign people, their cultures and customs is what draws many to explore the world. These unique travel words, as a synonym for wanderlust, comes from the Greek "xenos," meaning "unknown, stranger, foreign" and "philia," defined as "attraction or love.".

  5. Travel Words (The Best 49 Wanderlust Words For Travel Lovers)

    Below I have a comprehensive list of synonyms for travel words, from different language origins. The list goes beyond vacation words and travel terms. These interesting travel-related words are also related to journey in the literal but also figurative meaning. Many of these words' meanings can't be summed up in one word in English.

  6. Beyond Wanderlust: 30 Words Every Traveler Should Know

    1. Vagary. From the Latin vagari, meaning "to wander," this 16th-century word originally meant a wandering journey. Nowadays, "vagaries" refer to unpredictable or erratic situations, but that ...

  7. 25 Words Every Traveller Should Have in Their Vocabulary

    Origin: Swedish. Definition: The restless race of the traveller's heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together. 17. Nemophilist (n.) Origin: Greek. Definition: A haunter of the woods; one who loves the forest and its beauty and solitude. 16. Vagary (n.) Origin: Latin.

  8. Creative Travel Words with Beautiful Meanings

    Origin: Norwegian. Definition: The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love. This is such a beautiful and creative travel word. The first time we fell in love with each other, it was confusing. But the tangled emotion that I was feeling at that time was probably known as "forelsket"!

  9. TRAVEL Synonyms: 237 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for TRAVEL: trek, journey, trip, tour, voyage, roam, wander, pilgrimage; Antonyms of TRAVEL: crawl, creep, drag, hang (around or out), poke, linger, lag, loiter

  10. 95 Synonyms & Antonyms for TRAVEL

    Find 95 different ways to say TRAVEL, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  11. 17 Eye-Opening Foreign Travel Words That Describe Wanderlust

    Definition: A vague sense of unease, sadness, melancholy, nostalgia or yearning; a type of spiritual anguish. Part of Speech: Noun. Origin: Russian. 15. Dérive. Definition: Drifting; a spontaneous, unplanned journey in which the traveler relinquishes control and is guided solely by the landscape and architecture.

  12. Travel synonyms

    Another way to say Travel? Synonyms for Travel (other words and phrases for Travel). Synonyms for Travel. 1 169 other terms for travel- words and phrases with similar meaning. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. words. phrases. idioms. Parts of speech. verbs. nouns. adjectives. Tags. movement.

  13. Travel Words

    Below is a massive list of travel words - that is, words related to travel. The top 4 are: journey, trip, adventure and tourism. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with travel, and as you go down the relatedness ...

  14. TRAVEL in Thesaurus: 1000+ Synonyms & Antonyms for TRAVEL

    What's the definition of Travel in thesaurus? Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Travel meaning and usage. Thesaurus for Travel. Related terms for travel- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with travel. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. Parts of speech. verbs. nouns. adjectives. Synonyms Similar ...

  15. 40 Basic Vocabulary Words and Common Phrases for Travel in English

    We've curated a list of 40 essential English words and phrases that will prove to be your best companions on your travels. +33 1 77 47 03 44 ... (write "Travel eBook"), which features 200 essential English words and phrases for travel, plus 2 special bonuses! We hope this guide will be a valuable resource for your travel adventures. Whether ...

  16. Travel Glossary

    T. Transit Visa: A visa required for passing through a country to a final destination. It's the paperwork pit stop of your journey. Travel Hacks: Tips and tricks to make travel easier, cheaper, or more enjoyable. A cheat code for the travel game. U. Urban Exploration: Discovering the hidden gems and secrets of urban environments, often accompanied by some form of outlaw defunct urban space ...

  17. Travel Adjectives: Describing Words with Examples

    Describing Words for travel in English. When it comes to describing travel experiences, using the right adjectives can make all the difference. They help to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind and convey the essence of the adventure. In this section, I'll share some descriptive words that can be used to bring travel experiences to life.

  18. 8-letter words starting with TRAVEL

    TRAVEL. ATTENTION! Please see our Crossword & Codeword, Words With Friends or Scrabble word helpers if that's what you're looking for. 8-letter Words. traveled. traveler. travells. travelog.

  19. Travel Vocabulary for English-Language Learners

    Air Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences. Airport: I went to the airport to catch a flight to San Francisco. Check in: Make sure to get to the airport two hours early to check in. Fly: I like to fly on the same airline to get mileage points. Land: The airplane will land in two hours. Landing: The landing took place during a storm.

  20. What is another word for travel

    To move in a circular orbit around. To travel by jet aircraft. Noun. A journey, especially over long distances. The travel industry. A movement of animals or people from one region to another. The movement of people or things from one place to another. The movement or transportation of goods or passengers. Adjective.

  21. Travel Words: Fun word games

    Travel Words: Word fun game is free to play, though some in-game items can also be purchased for real money. - Play an exciting word swipe puzzle: connect the letters to beat lots of exciting levels! - Get special rewards: guess the word and finish level to get stars! - Do your best to beat bonus levels to earn gold and diamonds for your design ...

  22. Words with TRAVEL

    Words with TRAVEL A list of all TRAVEL words with their Scrabble and Words with Friends points. You can also find a list of all words that start with TRAVEL.Also commonly searched for are words that end in TRAVEL.Try our five letter words with TRAVEL page if you're playing Wordle-like games or use the New York Times Wordle Solver for finding the NYT Wordle daily answer.

  23. Travel words: Word find games

    Connect the letters in the fun puzzle word game. We've prepared thousands of word swipe puzzle levels for you! And you'll beat them together with fantastic characters: skilful designer Mia and her cute corgi Peach. Have fun during your game path, solve puzzles, unlock new levels at Travel Words with Mia and her friend Peach. Word Puzzle Features:

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    By Andrea Sachs. and. Natalie B. Compton. June 8, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. EDT. A bright summer day at Millennium Park in Chicago with the Bean sculpture. (Shutterstock) Hawaii, California, Portugal ...

  25. Travel News, Tips, and Guides

    The latest travel news, deals, guides and tips from the travel experts at USA TODAY. All the travel insights you need to plan your dream vacation.

  26. All 8 Vision of the Traveler locations in Destiny 2

    Vision of The Traveler #3. For the third Vision of The Traveler location in Destiny 2, start from The Landing spawn point and make your way to The Refraction. Make your way through the caves and ...

  27. CDC Current Outbreak List

    Please see the Travelers' Health site for a complete list. Level 1 - Oropouche Fever in the Americas June 2024. Level 2 - Chikungunya in Maldives May 2024. Level 1 - Global Measles May 2024. Level 2 - Global Polio May 2024. Level 1 - Meningococcal Disease in Saudi Arabia - Vaccine Requirements for Travel During the Hajj and Umrah Pilgrimages ...

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    2. Asador Etxebarri (Atxondo, Spain): It was a good night for Spain, home to the world's second-best restaurant as well. Located in the country's Basque region, this inviting, rustic restaurant in ...

  29. NHL Predictions: June 8 w/ Edmonton Oilers vs Florida Panthers

    June 8, 2024. Dan Mount, Editor. Welcome back to another day of NHL Predictions. Each day, Last Word on Hockey takes a look at the games that are happening and gives our predictions for each one, breaking down head-to-head and other factors that may play in. We also have a featured game of the day, which is considered must-watch TV.

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