Tourism Teacher

13 Social impacts of tourism + explanations + examples

Understanding the social impacts of tourism is vital to ensuring the sustainable management of the tourism industry. There are positive social impacts of tourism, demonstrating benefits to both the local community and the tourists. There are also negative social impacts of tourism.

In this article I will explain what the most common social impacts of tourism are and how these are best managed. At the end of the post I have also included a handy reading list for anybody studying travel and tourism or for those who are interested in learning more about travel and tourism management.

The social impacts of tourism

Preserving local culture, strengthening communities, provision of social services, commercialisation of culture and art, revitalisation of culture and art, preservation of heritage, social change, globalisation and the destruction of preservation and heritage, loss of authenticity , standardisation and commercialisation, culture clashes, tourist-host relationships, increase in crime, gambling and moral behaviour, social impacts of tourism: conclusion, social impacts of tourism- further reading.

Firstly, we need to understand what is meant by the term ‘social impacts of tourism’. I have covered this in my YouTube video below!

To put it simply, social impacts of tourism are; 

“The effects on host communities of direct and indirect relations with tourists , and of interaction with the tourism industry”

This is also often referred to as socio-cultural impacts.

Tourism is, at its core, an interactive service. This means that host-guest interaction is inevitable. This can have significant social/socio-cultural impacts.

These social impacts can be seen as benefits or costs (good or bad). I will explain these below.

happy friends on camper van roof

Positive social impacts of tourism

There are many social benefits of tourism, demonstrating positive social impacts. These might include; preserving the local culture and heritage; strengthening communities; provision of social services; commercialisation of culture and art; revitalisation of customs and art forms and the preservation of heritage.

thai temple under blue sky

It is the local culture that the tourists are often coming to visit.

Tourists visit Beijing to learn more about the Chinese Dynasties. Tourists visit Thailand to taste authentic Thai food. Tourists travel to Brazil to go to the Rio Carnival, to mention a few…

Many destinations will make a conserved effort to preserve and protect the local culture. This often contributes to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, the protection of local heritage, and a renaissance of indigenous cultures, cultural arts and crafts.

In one way, this is great! Cultures are preserved and protected and globalisation is limited. BUT, I can’t help but wonder if this is always natural? We don’t walk around in Victorian corsets or smoke pipes anymore…

Our social settings have changed immensely over the years. And this is a normal part of evolution! So is it right that we should try to preserve the culture of an area for the purposes of tourism? Or should we let them grow and change, just as we do? Something to ponder on I guess…

Tourism can be a catalyst for strengthening a local community.

Events and festivals of which local residents have been the primary participants and spectators are often rejuvenated and developed in response to tourist interest. I certainly felt this was the way when I went to the Running of the Bulls festival in Pamplona, Spain. The community atmosphere and vibe were just fantastic!

history of the running of the bulls

The jobs created by tourism can also be a great boost for the local community. Aside from the economic impacts created by enhanced employment prospects, people with jobs are happier and more social than those without a disposable income.

Local people can also increase their influence on tourism development, as well as improve their job and earnings prospects, through tourism-related professional training and development of business and organisational skills.

Read also: Economic leakage in tourism explained

girl in white long sleeve shirt and black skirt sitting on swing during day time

The tourism industry requires many facilities/ infrastructure to meet the needs of the tourist. This often means that many developments in an area as a result of tourism will be available for use by the locals also.

Local people often gained new roads, new sewage systems, new playgrounds, bus services etc as a result of tourism. This can provide a great boost to their quality of life and is a great example of a positive social impact of tourism.

Tourism can see rise to many commercial business, which can be a positive social impact of tourism. This helps to enhance the community spirit as people tend to have more disposable income as a result.

These businesses may also promote the local cultures and arts. Museums, shows and galleries are fantastic way to showcase the local customs and traditions of a destination. This can help to promote/ preserve local traditions.

red art relaxation girl

Some destinations will encourage local cultures and arts to be revitalised. This may be in the form of museum exhibitions, in the way that restaurants and shops are decorated and in the entertainment on offer, for example.

This may help promote traditions that may have become distant.

Many tourists will visit the destination especially to see its local heritage. It is for this reason that many destinations will make every effort to preserve its heritage.

This could include putting restrictions in place or limiting tourist numbers, if necessary. This is often an example of careful tourism planning  and sustainable tourism management.

This text by Hyung You Park explains the principles of heritage tourism in more detail.

Negative social impacts of tourism

Unfortunately, there are a large number of socio-cultural costs on the host communities. These negative social impacts include; social change; changing values; increased crime and gambling; changes in moral behaviour; changes in family structure and roles; problems with the tourist-host relationship and the destruction of heritage.

unrecognizable female black player sitting on football field

Social change is basically referring to changes in the way that society acts or behaves. Unfortunately, there are many changes that come about as a result of tourism that are not desirable.

There are many examples throughout the world where local populations have changed because of tourism.

Perhaps they have changed the way that they speak or the way that they dress. Perhaps they have been introduced to alcohol through the tourism industry or they have become resentful of rich tourists and turned to crime. These are just a few examples of the negative social impacts of tourism.

Read also: Business tourism explained: What, why and where

woman in white and red dress holding yellow flowers

Globalisation is the way in which the world is becoming increasingly connected. We are losing our individuality and gaining a sense of ‘global being’, whereby we are more and more alike than ever before.

Globalisation is inevitable in the tourism industry because of the interaction between tourists and hosts, which typically come from different geographic and cultural backgrounds. It is this interaction that encourage us to become more alike.

Here are some examples:

  • When I went on the Jungle Book tour on my travels through Goa, the tourists were giving the Goan children who lived in the area sweets. These children would never have eaten such sweets should they not have come into contact with the tourists.
  • When I travelled to The Gambia I met a local worker (known as a ‘ bumster ‘) who was wearing a Manchester United football top. When I asked him about it he told me that he was given the top by a tourist who visited last year. If it was not for said tourist, he would not have this top.
  • In Thailand , many workers have exchanged their traditional work of plowing the fields to work in the cities, in the tourism industry. They have learnt to speak English and to eat Western food. If it were not for the tourists they would have a different line of work, they would not speak English and they would not choose to eat burger and chips for their dinner!

Many people believe globalisation to be a bad thing. BUT, there are also some positives. Think about this…

Do you want an ‘authentic’ squat toilet in your hotel bathroom or would you rather use a Western toilet? Are you happy to eat rice and curry for breakfast as the locals would do or do you want your cornflakes? Do you want to struggle to get by when you don’t speak the local language or are you pleased to find somebody who speaks English?

When we travel, most tourists do want a sense of ‘familiar’. And globalisation helps us to get that!

social impact of tourism definition

You can learn more about globalisation in this post- What is globalisation? A simple explanation .

bread with soup

Along similar lines to globalisation is the loss of authenticity that often results from tourism.

Authenticity is essentially something that is original or unchanged. It is not fake or reproduced in any way.

The Western world believe that a tourist destination is no longer authentic when their cultural values and traditions change. But I would argue is this not natural? Is culture suppose to stay the same or it suppose to evolve throughout each generation? 

Take a look at the likes of the long neck tribe in Thailand or the Maasai Tribe in Africa. These are two examples of cultures which have remained ‘unchanged’ for the sole purpose of tourism. They appear not to have changed the way that they dress, they way that they speak or the way that they act in generations, all for the purpose of tourism.

To me, however, this begs the question- is it actually authentic? In fact, is this not the exact example of what is not authentic? The rest of the world have modern electricity and iPhones, they watch TV and buy their clothes in the nearest shopping mall. But because tourists want an ‘authentic’ experience, these people have not moved on with the rest of the world, but instead have remained the same.

I think there is also an ethical discussion to be had here, but I’ll leave that for another day…

You can learn more about what is authenticity in tourism here or see some examples of staged authenticity in this post.

Read also: Environmental impacts of tourism

Similarly, destinations risk standardisation in the process of satisfying tourists’ desires for familiar facilities and experiences.

While landscape, accommodation, food and drinks, etc., must meet the tourists’ desire for the new and unfamiliar, they must at the same time not be too new or strange because few tourists are actually looking for completely new things (think again about the toilet example I have previously).

Tourists often look for recognisable facilities in an unfamiliar environment, like well-known fast-food restaurants and hotel chains. Tourist like some things to be standardised (the toilet, their breakfast, their drinks, the language spoken etc), but others to be different (dinner options, music, weather, tourist attractions etc).

Do we want everything to become ‘standardised’ though? I know I miss seeing the little independent shops that used to fill the high streets in the UK. Now it’s all chains and multinational corporations. Sure, I like Starbucks (my mug collection is coming on quite nicely!), but I also love the way that there are no Starbucks in Italy. There’s something great about trying out a traditional, yet unfamiliar coffee shop, or any independant place for that matter.

I personally think that tourism industry stakeholders should proceed with caution when it comes to ‘standardisation’. Sure, give the tourists that sense of familiar that they are looking for. But don’t dilute the culture and traditions of the destination that they are coming to visit, because if it feels too much like home….. well, maybe they will just stay at home next time? Just a little something to think about…

woman in white tank top doing yoga exercise

On a less philosophical note, another of the negative social impacts of tourism is that it can have significant consequences is culture clashes.

Because tourism involves movement of people to different geographical locations cultural clashes can take place as a result of differences in cultures, ethnic and religious groups, values, lifestyles, languages and levels of prosperity.

The attitude of local residents towards tourism development may unfold through the stages of euphoria, where visitors are very welcome, through apathy, irritation and potentially antagonism when anti-tourist attitudes begin to grow among local people. This is represented in Doxey’s Irritation Index, as shown below.

social impact of tourism definition

Culture clashes can also be exasperated by the fundamental differences in culture between the hosts and the tourists.

There is likely to be economic inequality between locals and tourists who are spending more than they usually do at home. This can cause resentment from the hosts towards the tourists, particularly when they see them wearing expensive jewellery or using plush cameras etc that they know they can’t afford themselves.

Further to this, tourists often, out of ignorance or carelessness, fail to respect local customs and moral values. 

Think about it. Is it right to go topless on a beach if within the local culture it is unacceptable to show even your shoulders?

There are many examples of ways that tourists offend the local population , often unintentionally. Did you know that you should never put your back to a Buddha? Or show the sole of your feet to a Thai person? Or show romantic affection in public in the Middle East?

A little education in this respect could go a long way, but unfortunately, many travellers are completely unaware of the negative social impacts that their actions may have.

The last of the social impacts of tourism that I will discuss is crime, gambling and moral behaviour. Crime rates typically increase with the growth and urbanisation of an area and the growth of mass tourism is often accompanied by increased crime.

The presence of a large number of tourists with a lot of money to spend and often carrying valuables such as cameras and jewellery increases the attraction for criminals and brings with it activities like robbery and drug dealing.

Although tourism is not the cause of sexual exploitation, it provides easy access to it e.g. prostitution and sex tourism . Therefore, tourism can contribute to rises in the numbers of sex workers in a given area. I have seen this myself in many places including The Gambia and Thailand .

Lastly, gambling is a common occurrence as a result of tourism. Growth of casinos and other gambling facilities can encourage not only the tourists to part with their cash, but also the local population .

As I have demonstrated in this post, there are many social impacts of tourism. Whilst some impacts are positive, most unfortunately are negative impacts.

Hopefully this post on the social impacts of tourism has helped you to think carefully about the impacts that your actions may have on the local community that you are visiting. I also hope that it has encouraged some deeper thinking with regards to issues such as globalisation, authenticity and standardisation.

If you are interested in learning more about topics such as this subscribe to my newsletter ! I send out travel tips, discount coupons and some material designed to get you thinking about the wider impacts of the tourism industry (like this post)- perfect for any tourism student or keen traveller!

As you can see, the social impacts of tourism are an important consideration for all industry stakeholders. Do you have any comments on the social impacts of tourism? Leave your comments below.

If you enjoyed this article on the social impacts of tourism, I am sure that you will love these too-

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  • social impacts of tourism

Tourism significantly influences social structures by fostering cultural exchange and understanding, which often leads to increased global awareness and economic development in host communities. However, it can also result in negative effects, such as cultural commodification and strain on local resources and infrastructure, contributing to social inequality. Balancing these social impacts is crucial for sustainable tourism development that respects both the visitors and the host community's needs and heritage.

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What is a cultural benefit of interacting with tourists?

How does tourism often contribute to preserving cultural heritage?

What is a key social impact of tourism related to local interactions?

What are social impacts of tourism?

Which of the following is a positive social impact of tourism?

How can tourism promote cultural preservation?

What is one positive social impact of tourism on local communities?

What is cultural erosion in the context of tourism?

What problem does overcrowding cause in tourist areas?

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Definition of Social Impacts in Tourism

Social impacts of tourism refer to the effects that tourism has on the social fabric of a community. These impacts can be both positive and negative, influencing the lifestyle, culture, values, and overall well-being of local residents. Understanding these impacts is vital for managing the tourism sector effectively and ensuring balanced community development.

Positive Social Impacts

Tourism can have several beneficial effects on communities, enhancing their quality of life. Some of these positive social impacts include:

  • Cultural Exchange : Tourists and locals can interact, leading to greater cultural understanding and shared experiences.
  • Preservation of Traditions: Tourism often encourages the preservation and promotion of local arts, crafts, and traditions.
  • Community Pride: The recognition and appreciation received from visitors can enhance local pride and cultural identity.
  • Improved Infrastructure: Tourism can lead to the development of better local infrastructure, benefitting both tourists and residents alike.

Positive Social Impacts of Tourism

Tourism often brings significant benefits to local communities. These positive social impacts can greatly enhance the quality of life for residents and foster cultural exchange and understanding.

Cultural Exchange and Understanding

One of the key social impacts of tourism is the promotion of cultural exchange . Tourists bring diverse perspectives and cultures, providing opportunities for locals to engage in cultural exchange and understanding. This interaction can lead to the sharing of unique traditions, cuisines, and languages, contributing to a more harmonious global society.

Example: A local festival celebrated by a community becomes more vibrant when tourists participate, adding their own cultural elements, enriching the experience for both visitors and hosts.

Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Tourism can stimulate the preservation of cultural heritage by increasing interest in traditional practices and sites. When tourist demand increases, locals are encouraged to value and preserve their cultural history.

Deep Dive: In many regions, tourism acts as a financial incentive to maintain and restore historical landmarks. Funds generated by tourism can be used to repair aging structures, ensuring that cultural heritage sites remain intact for future generations.

Community Development and Pride

Tourism can strengthen community pride and identity. As tourists come to appreciate a community's unique qualities, residents can feel a greater sense of honor and pride in their heritage and environment.

Increased tourism often leads to improvements in local facilities, such as parks and cultural centers, which benefit both tourists and residents.

Improvement in Infrastructure

The boom in tourism activity frequently necessitates improved infrastructure , including roads, transportation, and public services. These enhancements can improve the daily lives of the local population.

Example: The construction of a new airport for tourists can reduce travel time for locals, boosting local commerce and accessibility.

Negative Social Impacts of Tourism

While tourism can bring numerous benefits, it also has its share of challenges. These negative social impacts can affect local communities in various ways, leading to changes in lifestyle and societal norms.

Cultural Erosion

Tourism can sometimes lead to cultural erosion , where local traditions and customs begin to diminish under the influence of foreign visitors. This can result in the gradual loss of cultural identity and leading to less authenticity in cultural displays.

Deep Dive: In many tourist destinations, performances of traditional dances or rituals are sometimes altered to cater to the expectations of tourists, deviating from their original context and purpose.

Overcrowding and Strain on Resources

An influx of tourists can result in overcrowding in popular areas, overwhelming the local infrastructure. This overcrowding can place a strain on public resources, such as water supply, waste management, and transportation systems , affecting the overall quality of life for residents.

In many cases, the infrastructure of tourist hotspots was not originally designed to handle the volumes of visitors they receive.

Displacement of Local Communities

Displacement occurs when tourism development forces locals to move away from their homes, often to make way for hotels, resorts, or other tourist facilities. This can disrupt communities and disconnect people from their heritage.

Example: The development of a new luxury resort might require the relocation of local residents, affecting their livelihoods and social structure.

Conflict and Resentment

Tourism can sometimes lead to social conflict and resentment among locals. This may arise from an unequal distribution of economic benefits and increased cost of living, making it difficult for residents to afford goods and services. Such tensions can grow over time, fracturing community relationships.

To summarize, the negative social impacts of tourism must be understood and managed to ensure that the benefits of tourism are not outweighed by its challenges.

Positive and Negative Social Impacts of Tourism

Tourism profoundly influences the social dynamics of destinations. By examining both positive and negative social impacts, you can understand how tourism affects communities and cultures.

Social Impact of Tourism on Local Communities

Tourism shapes local communities in various ways. It can boost local economies and strengthen community pride, while also risking cultural homogenization and resource strain. Consider the following:

  • Economic Opportunities: Increased job opportunities in sectors such as hospitality , entertainment, and transportation.
  • Community Cohesion: Shared projects and interests can unite communities, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Cultural Exchange: Interaction with tourists can broaden perspectives and improve communication skills.
  • Resource Pressure: Tourism can lead to strained public services and infrastructure.

social impacts of tourism - Key takeaways

  • Definition of Social Impacts in Tourism: The effects of tourism on the social fabric of a community, influencing lifestyle, culture, and well-being.
  • Positive Social Impacts of Tourism: Include cultural exchange, preservation of traditions, community pride, and improved infrastructure.
  • Negative Social Impacts of Tourism: Comprise cultural erosion, overcrowding, displacement of locals, and conflict.
  • Cultural Exchange: Interaction between tourists and locals, fostering cultural understanding and shared experiences.
  • Examples of Tourism Social Impacts: Preservation of cultural heritage through increased awareness and funds from tourism, and strain on resources due to overcrowding.
  • Social Impact of Tourism on Local Communities: Tourism affects local economies, community cohesion, cultural exchange, and can put pressure on resources.

Flashcards in social impacts of tourism 24

It generally reduces interest in cross-cultural communication.

It leads to cultural stagnation due to lack of exchange.

By merging local cultures with foreign ones, diminishing uniqueness.

Increased production of local goods.

Strictly economic effects on local businesses.

Decreased cultural identity among residents.

social impacts of tourism

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Social and cultural impacts

When we travel we consume places and local cultures. That can happen with more or less interaction with the local population. Maybe you only get to meet the hotel and restaurant staff? The influx of temporary visitors with other goals and means than the local population (see Behaviour on holiday) affects the local community and its inhabitants’ quality of life and culture, in the short and long term. Where tourism has grown exponentially many different positive and negative impacts have been noted, and the greater the dependence on tourism the community has, the more inclined locals and the local tourist industry are to change local traditions and lifestyles to adapt to tourists’ needs. 

Local populations’ reactions to increased tourism occur in different ways. They have different strategies to adapt their day to day life around tourists. Some embrace development wholeheartedly. These are often locals with a connection to the tourism industry. Others create barriers, in other words they keep their distance from tourists and rarely interact. Locals might avoid touristy squares and streets. Other distancing strategies are withdrawal involving removing themselves completely from the area during the tourist season. Maybe you have another place to move to for the time being. An extreme strategy, appearing recently in Barcelona and Venice, for instance, is opposition. In this case tourism has affected their life quality very negatively, and the volume of tourism is so extreme that the local population demonstrate or act violently against tourism actors.

In a review of earlier research, Australian researchers listed the potential positive and negative impacts from a social perspective. In the table below is a selection of the most prominent:

social impact of tourism definition

It’s important to take into account potential social and cultural impacts when planning for tourism. Often the focus is on tourism as a tool for socio-economic development (money and jobs), but a majority of local residents more often come into direct contact with the impacts listed in the table above. The impacts are more obvious in less rural communities and in destinations where the distances (cultural, economic, powerful, etc.) between tourists and local residents are greater. 

Ap, J., & Crompton, J. L. (1993). Residents' Strategies for Responding to Tourism Impacts. Journal of Travel Research, 32(1), 47-50.  Deery, M., Jago, L., & Fredline, L. (2012). Rethinking social impacts of tourism research: A new research agenda. Tourism Management, 33(1), 64-73 Hunt, E. (2017, August 4). ‘Tourism kills neighbourhoods’: how do we save cities from the city break? The Guardian. Lundberg, E. (2014). Tourism Impacts and Sustainable Development. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg.

Göteborgs Universitet

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What is Social Tourism and How It Is Redefining Travel with Examples

By: Zaui Software

September 9, 2024

Table of Contents

What Does Social Tourism Mean and How It Is Redefining Travel with Examples

The impact on a tourism destination.

The tourism industry has its own long list of benefits and detriments. In a tourist destination, money flows into the local economy with booms in tourism development. Businesses emerge, housing values increase. More tax dollars are received for infrastructure and social services progress. Local artisans and entrepreneurs also find new opportunities to showcase their crafts and services, boosting the cultural fabric and economy. 

But it can also bring serious challenges with a lack of tourism management. Tourism growth can create mass tourism as tourist numbers explode. Straining local resources, creating huge waste problems and degrading the natural environment. This influx can lead to overcrowding, increasing the strain on infrastructure and leading to higher living costs for residents. The tourist may outprice the locals resulting in a loss of local culture that was there for generations. Furthermore, the over commercialization of cultural heritage sites can lead to the degradation of their authenticity and significance. 

social impact of tourism definition

What is Social Tourism?

Social tourism is a concept that combines travel with social, cultural, or environmental benefits, focusing on impactful, accessible tourism and social inclusion. It benefits both travelers, local population and the environment when done right.

Like the old campsite rule goes, “Leave it better than when you found it.”

social impact of tourism definition

It’s not just about visiting new places but also about contributing positively to the local people. Fostering social connections creates a healthier tourism industry. This approach not only enriches the travel experience but also helps in building more resilient and sustainable communities. 

Social tourism aims to provide travel opportunities to people who might not typically have access, such as low-income individuals, the elderly, or people with disabilities. It also emphasizes responsible and sustainable tourism practices that adds to (not exploits) the areas being visited. By prioritizing these groups, social tourism helps ensure that travel benefits are more widely shared. 

What are the 4 key elements of Social Tourism?

Tourism research shows there are four key elements of social tourism.

1. Inclusivity and Accessibility  

Social tourism initiatives often work to remove barriers to travel, ensuring that all people, regardless of their socioeconomic status, can experience the benefits of travel and tourism activities. This might involve providing subsidized travel options, organizing trips for specific groups, or creating accessible travel experiences for those with disabilities. Making travel more inclusive helps to bridge social divides and fosters a sense of global community. 

social impact of tourism definition

2. Community Engagement

Social tourism encourages travelers to engage with local communities in meaningful ways. This can include staying in locally-owned accommodations, utilizing local businesses, participating in community-based tourism projects, attending local events or engaging in cultural events. Such engagement promotes mutual respect and understanding between travelers and the local community, enriching the experince on both sides.

3. Sustainability and Responsibility  

The focus is on minimizing the negative impacts of tourism development on the environment and local communities while maximizing the positive. This includes promoting eco-friendly travel practices, supporting local economies, and preserving cultural heritage through sustainable development and responsible tourism. Sustainable practices ensure that tourism can continue to be a source of benefit without depleting the resources it depends on. 

4. Educational and Cultural Exchange

Social tourism often includes an element of learning and cultural exchange, where travelers and host communities share knowledge, skills, and cultural practices. This can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures and ways of life. Educational experiences can transform travel into a journey of personal growth and global awareness.

social impact of tourism definition

How social tourism is redefining travel with examples

Social tourism is evolving as travelers seek more meaningful and responsible ways to explore the world. Tourism research shows both social enterprise and for profit companies thrive when social tourism is an important aspect of operations. 

Here are some of the top global trends in social tourism:

social impact of tourism definition

1. Growth of Community-Based Tourism

Trend : There is a rising demand for community-based tourism (CBT), where travelers engage directly with local communities, staying in locally-owned accommodations and participating in community-led activities.

Impact : This trend supports local economies and provides authentic cultural experiences, allowing travelers to connect more deeply with the places they visit.

Example: Chiang Mai, Thailand

social impact of tourism definition

Overview : Chiang Mai is a hub for cultural tourism and has seen significant growth in community-based tourism. The surrounding villages offer homestays and cultural experiences that allow visitors to engage with local traditions and lifestyles.

Highlights : Hill tribe experiences, handicraft workshops, and sustainable agriculture tours.

2. Emphasis on Sustainability

Trend : Sustainability is becoming a core focus in social tourism. Travelers are increasingly conscious of their environmental impact and prefer eco-friendly options, from accommodations to transportation.

Impact : Many tour operator companies are adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing carbon footprints, minimizing waste, and promoting conservation efforts. This trend is leading to the development of green tourism certifications and standards and provide attached social benefits.

Example: Copenhagen, Denmark

social impact of tourism definition

Overview : Copenhagen is known for its commitment to sustainability and has been recognized as one of the greenest cities in the world. The city promotes eco-friendly tourism through extensive bike lanes, green spaces, and sustainable urban planning.

Social Tourism Initiatives : Copenhagen offers community-based experiences that focus on sustainable living, such as guided tours of urban gardens, renewable energy projects, and eco-friendly neighborhoods like Vesterbro.

3. Inclusive and Accessible Travel

Trend : There is a growing movement to make travel more inclusive and accessible to people with disabilities, the elderly, and low-income individuals. This includes tourism professionals designing tours and accommodations that cater to diverse needs and aims to extinguish social exclusion.

Impact : Businesses are recognizing the importance of accessibility in tourism, leading to more tailored offerings that ensure everyone can enjoy travel experiences.

Example: Wheel the World

social impact of tourism definition

Overview : Wheel the World is a travel company dedicated to making adventure travel accessible for people with disabilities. They offer a wide range of accessible travel experiences, from city tours to outdoor adventures, all designed with inclusivity in mind.

Social Tourism Focus : Wheel the World collaborates with local communities and businesses to ensure that their tours are both accessible and supportive of local economies. They provide accessible accommodations, transportation, and activities in destinations worldwide, including Machu Picchu, Patagonia, and more.

4. Voluntourism with a Focus on Ethical Practices

Trend : Voluntourism, where travelers volunteer their time and skills in communities, is evolving to prioritize ethical practices. There’s a shift away from short-term, superficial volunteering towards long-term, impactful projects that truly benefit local communities.

Impact : Ethical voluntourism is gaining traction, with a focus on programs that are community-driven, sustainable, and aligned with local customs rather than just the desires of tourists.

Example: Global Vision International (GVI)

social impact of tourism definition

Wildlife Conservation in South Africa : Volunteers contribute to ongoing wildlife research and conservation efforts, including tracking animals, monitoring behavior, and assisting with anti-poaching initiatives.

Teaching and Community Development in Fiji : Volunteers work with local schools and community centers to improve education, promote health and wellness, and support local infrastructure projects.

Marine Conservation in Thailand : Volunteers participate in coral reef monitoring, beach cleanups, and environmental education programs aimed at protecting marine ecosystems and promoting sustainable fishing practices.

5. Cultural Preservation and Heritage Tourism

Trend : There is increasing interest in cultural preservation and heritage tourism, where travelers engage with and support the maintenance of local traditions, languages, and historical sites.

Impact : This trend is helping to preserve endangered cultures and heritage sites while providing economic benefits to communities. It also educates travelers about the importance of cultural diversity and history.

Example: Explora Rapa Nui on Easter Island, Chile

social impact of tourism definition

Overview : Explora Rapa Nui is a sustainable tourism initiative that focuses on preserving the rich cultural heritage and natural environment of Easter Island, one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world. The initiative is part of the Explora chain, known for its commitment to sustainable travel and deep cultural immersion.

6. Rise of Digital Nomadism and Social Impact Travel

Trend : With the rise of remote work, more digital nomads are seeking travel opportunities that allow them to contribute positively to the communities they visit. This includes participating in social wellbeing projects while living and working abroad.

Impact : This trend is leading to the development of coworking and coliving spaces that integrate social impact initiatives, allowing digital nomads to support local communities while enjoying a flexible lifestyle.

Example Impact Hub

Overview : Impact Hub is a global network of coworking spaces designed for social entrepreneurs, innovators, and organizations committed to creating positive social and environmental impact. With locations in over 100 cities worldwide, Impact Hub provides a collaborative environment where individuals and organizations can work, connect, and grow their impact-driven ventures.

 7 . Focus on Localized Travel Experiences

Trend : There’s a growing preference for localized travel experiences, where tourists explore off-the-beaten-path destinations and engage in everyday life activities of local residents.

Impact : This trend is helping to disperse tourism away from overcrowded hotspots, promoting more equitable distribution of tourism benefits and reducing the strain on popular destinations.

Example: Withlocals

social impact of tourism definition

  • Overview : Withlocals is a global platform that connects travelers with local hosts who offer personalized, private tours and experiences in their cities or regions. The platform focuses on creating authentic, off-the-beaten-path travel experiences that allow visitors to engage with local cultures and everyday life.

8. Educational Travel and Lifelong Learning

  • Trend : Educational travel is becoming increasingly popular, with travelers seeking experiences that offer personal growth, new skills, or deeper knowledge about the destinations they visit.
  • Impact : Programs offering language immersion, craft workshops, historical tours, and environmental education are gaining popularity, appealing to travelers interested in learning and personal development.

Example: Learning Journeys by National Geographic Expeditions

social impact of tourism definition

Overview : National Geographic Expeditions offers Learning Journeys that blend educational content with travel. These trips provide opportunities to explore diverse cultures, history, and environments through the lens of National Geographic’s expertise.

9. Use of Technology to Enhance Social Tourism

Trend : Technology is playing a larger role in social tourism, from platforms that connect travelers with volunteer opportunities to apps that promote sustainable travel choices.

Impact : Tech-driven platforms like community tourism booking sites, virtual reality experiences that showcase destinations ethically, and apps promoting eco-friendly travel options are making it easier for travelers to engage in social tourism.

Example: Workaway

social impact of tourism definition

Overview : Workaway is a global platform that connects travelers with hosts offering volunteer opportunities in exchange for accommodation and meals. The platform emphasizes cultural exchange and community engagement, making it a popular choice for travelers seeking meaningful experiences while contributing to local projects.

10. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Integration

Trend : More companies, especially within the tourism and hospitality industry, are integrating social tourism into their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies. This includes organizing employee volunteering trips, supporting local communities where they operate, and promoting responsible travel practices.

Impact : This trend enhances a company’s reputation and contributes to the broader social tourism movement by embedding social responsibility into their business models.

Example: Intrepid Travel

social impact of tourism definition

  • Overview : Intrepid Travel is a global adventure travel company known for its small-group tours that emphasize responsible travel, cultural immersion, and sustainable practices in its tourism policy. The company has made social tourism a core component of its CSR strategy, focusing on positive impacts for both travelers and the communities they visit.

11. Innovations in online travel marketplaces

Trend: Travelers are looking to spend travel money ethically, and with travel providers that value sustainability and other social initiatives. Travelers are also looking to make bookings that benefit local communities rather than large, third-party companies.

Impact: Purchasing travel experiences from people and teams committed to sustainability and social projects directly supports those important initiatives. And making direct bookings rather than through resellers helps more of the money travelers spend to stay local.

Example: Painted Circle

social impact of tourism definition

Overview: Painted Circle is an innovative travel marketplace that was actually created by tour operators. Unlike big travel resellers, Painted Circle only serves as an online travel guide that then helps travelers make direct bookings – this helps travel businesses keep more money local while also being able to offer better deals to travelers. Businesses can join for free here .

Social Tourism Initiatives: Painted Circle provides a free platform for travel businesses to showcase their efforts to promote inclusion, sustainability, and social impact. They also provide travelers the opportunity to access special offers and discounts through an innovative travel pass that helps even more money circulate to local economies and nonprofit organizations.

These trends reflect a broader shift towards more responsible, meaningful, and sustainable tourism industry practices. As social tourism continues to grow, it’s likely that these trends will evolve further, driven by changing consumer values and the global emphasis on sustainability and social impact.

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Chapter 1. History and Overview

1.5 Impacts of Tourism

As you can already see, the impacts of the global tourism industry today are impressive and far reaching. Let’s have a closer look at some of these outcomes.

Tourism Impacts

Tourism can generate positive or negative impacts under three main categories: economic, social, and environmental. These impacts are analyzed using data gathered by businesses, governments, and industry organizations.

Economic Impacts

According to the 2019 edition of the UNWTO International Tourism Highlights report , international tourist arrivals reached 1.4 billion, a 5% increase in 2018. UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili stated that the sheer growth of the industry was driven by a strong global economy, surge of the travel-ready middle class from emerging economies, technological advances, and more affordable travel costs among others (UNWTO, 2019). At the same time, the UNWTO (2019) reported export earnings from tourism, or the sum of international tourism receipts and passenger transport, reached a staggering USD 1.7 trillion. This demonstrates that the industry is a major economic engine of growth and development.

Europe has traditionally been the region with the highest tourism dollar spending with USD 570 billion, followed by Asia and the Pacific (USD 435 billion), the Americas (USD 334 billion), Middle East (USD 73 billion), and Africa (USD 38 billion). Asia has shown to have the strongest growths in both arrivals (+7%) and spending (+7%). Africa equally shared a +7% growth in arrivals, suggesting a new interest in travelling to the continent.

What are the trends that are motivating people to travel? The six consumer travel trends, according to the UNWTO (2019) include:

  • Travel “to change” or focusing on more authentic travel, transformation, and living like a local.
  • Travel “to show” or capturing “instagramable” moments, experiences, and visiting selfie-worthy destinations.
  • Pursuit of a healthy life or engaging into active travel that involves walking, wellness, and sports tourism.
  • Rise of the “access” economy.
  • Solo travel and multigenerational travel as a result of single households and an aging population.
  • Rising awareness on travel with sustainable advocacies, thoughtful consideration about climate change impacts, and plastic-free travel.

Social Impacts

Because tourism experiences also involve human interaction, certain impacts may occur. Generally, social impacts in tourism are related to guest-to-host or host-to-guest influences and changes. Studies of these encounters often relate to the Social Exchange Theory, which describe how tourists and hosts’ behaviours change as a result of the perceived benefits and threats they create during interaction (Nunkoo, 2015).

Positive social impacts in tourism include learning about different cultures, increasing tolerance and inclusion through LGBTQ+ travel, increasing amenities (e.g., parks, recreation facilities), investment in arts and culture, celebration of Indigenous peoples , and community pride. When developed conscientiously, tourism can, and does, contribute to a positive quality of life for residents and a deeper learning and appreciation for tourists.

Two women wrapped in rainbow pride flags face a street with their backs to the camera.

Unfortunately, tourism also has its shortcomings and is culpable for some detrimental impacts. However, as identified by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2003a), negative social impacts of tourism can include:

  • Change or loss of indigenous identity and values
  • Culture clashes
  • Physical causes of social stress (increased demand for resources)
  • Ethical issues (such as an increase in sex tourism or the exploitation of child workers)

Some of these issues are explored in further detail in Chapter 12 , which examines the development of Indigenous tourism in British Columbia.

Environmental Impacts

Tourism relies on, and greatly impacts, the natural environment in which it operates. In many cases, the environment is an essential resource that outdoor recreation and ecotourism cannot exist without. Even though many areas of the world are conserved in the form of parks and protected areas, tourism development can still have severe negative impacts from misuse, overuse, and neglect. According to UNEP (2003b), these can include:

  • Depletion of natural resources (water, forests, etc.)
  • Pollution (air pollution, noise, sewage, waste and littering)
  • Physical impacts (construction activities, marina development, trampling, loss of biodiversity)

The environmental impacts of tourism knows no boundaries and can reach outside local areas and have detrimental effects on the global ecosystem. One example is increased emissions from necessary tourism elements such as transportation. Air travel for instance, is a major contributor to climate change. Chapter 10 looks at the environmental impacts of tourism in more detail.

A overview of the negative and positive impacts:

Whether positive or negative, tourism is a force for change around the world that is capable of transforming the environment from micro- to macro-scales at a staggering rate.

Media Attributions

  • Pride by Mercedes Mehling is licensed under an Unsplash Licence .

Groups specially protected in international or national legislation as having a set of specific rights based on their historical ties to a particular territory, and their cultural or historical distinctiveness from other populations. Indigenous peoples are recognized in the Canadian Constitution Act as comprising three groups: First Nations, Métis, and Inuit.

Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC - 2nd Edition Copyright © 2015, 2020, 2021 by Morgan Westcott and Wendy Anderson, Eds is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Tourism significantly influences social structures by fostering cultural exchange and understanding, which often leads to increased global awareness and economic development in host communities. However, it can also result in negative effects, such as cultural commodification and strain on local resources and infrastructure, contributing to social inequality. Balancing these social impacts is crucial for sustainable tourism development that respects both the visitors and the host community's needs and heritage.

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What is a cultural benefit of interacting with tourists?

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What are social impacts of tourism?

Which of the following is a positive social impact of tourism?

How can tourism promote cultural preservation?

What is one positive social impact of tourism on local communities?

What is cultural erosion in the context of tourism?

What problem does overcrowding cause in tourist areas?

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Definition of Social Impacts in Tourism

Social impacts of tourism refer to the effects that tourism has on the social fabric of a community. These impacts can be both positive and negative, influencing the lifestyle, culture, values, and overall well-being of local residents. Understanding these impacts is vital for managing the tourism sector effectively and ensuring balanced community development.

Positive Social Impacts

Tourism can have several beneficial effects on communities, enhancing their quality of life. Some of these positive social impacts include:

  • Cultural Exchange : Tourists and locals can interact, leading to greater cultural understanding and shared experiences.
  • Preservation of Traditions: Tourism often encourages the preservation and promotion of local arts, crafts, and traditions.
  • Community Pride: The recognition and appreciation received from visitors can enhance local pride and cultural identity.
  • Improved Infrastructure: Tourism can lead to the development of better local infrastructure, benefitting both tourists and residents alike.

Positive Social Impacts of Tourism

Tourism often brings significant benefits to local communities. These positive social impacts can greatly enhance the quality of life for residents and foster cultural exchange and understanding.

Cultural Exchange and Understanding

One of the key social impacts of tourism is the promotion of cultural exchange . Tourists bring diverse perspectives and cultures, providing opportunities for locals to engage in cultural exchange and understanding. This interaction can lead to the sharing of unique traditions, cuisines, and languages, contributing to a more harmonious global society.

Example: A local festival celebrated by a community becomes more vibrant when tourists participate, adding their own cultural elements, enriching the experience for both visitors and hosts.

Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Tourism can stimulate the preservation of cultural heritage by increasing interest in traditional practices and sites. When tourist demand increases, locals are encouraged to value and preserve their cultural history.

Deep Dive: In many regions, tourism acts as a financial incentive to maintain and restore historical landmarks. Funds generated by tourism can be used to repair aging structures, ensuring that cultural heritage sites remain intact for future generations.

Community Development and Pride

Tourism can strengthen community pride and identity. As tourists come to appreciate a community's unique qualities, residents can feel a greater sense of honor and pride in their heritage and environment.

Increased tourism often leads to improvements in local facilities, such as parks and cultural centers, which benefit both tourists and residents.

Improvement in Infrastructure

The boom in tourism activity frequently necessitates improved infrastructure , including roads, transportation, and public services. These enhancements can improve the daily lives of the local population.

Example: The construction of a new airport for tourists can reduce travel time for locals, boosting local commerce and accessibility.

Negative Social Impacts of Tourism

While tourism can bring numerous benefits, it also has its share of challenges. These negative social impacts can affect local communities in various ways, leading to changes in lifestyle and societal norms.

Cultural Erosion

Tourism can sometimes lead to cultural erosion , where local traditions and customs begin to diminish under the influence of foreign visitors. This can result in the gradual loss of cultural identity and leading to less authenticity in cultural displays.

Deep Dive: In many tourist destinations, performances of traditional dances or rituals are sometimes altered to cater to the expectations of tourists, deviating from their original context and purpose.

Overcrowding and Strain on Resources

An influx of tourists can result in overcrowding in popular areas, overwhelming the local infrastructure. This overcrowding can place a strain on public resources, such as water supply, waste management, and transportation systems , affecting the overall quality of life for residents.

In many cases, the infrastructure of tourist hotspots was not originally designed to handle the volumes of visitors they receive.

Displacement of Local Communities

Displacement occurs when tourism development forces locals to move away from their homes, often to make way for hotels, resorts, or other tourist facilities. This can disrupt communities and disconnect people from their heritage.

Example: The development of a new luxury resort might require the relocation of local residents, affecting their livelihoods and social structure.

Conflict and Resentment

Tourism can sometimes lead to social conflict and resentment among locals. This may arise from an unequal distribution of economic benefits and increased cost of living, making it difficult for residents to afford goods and services. Such tensions can grow over time, fracturing community relationships.

To summarize, the negative social impacts of tourism must be understood and managed to ensure that the benefits of tourism are not outweighed by its challenges.

Positive and Negative Social Impacts of Tourism

Tourism profoundly influences the social dynamics of destinations. By examining both positive and negative social impacts, you can understand how tourism affects communities and cultures.

Social Impact of Tourism on Local Communities

Tourism shapes local communities in various ways. It can boost local economies and strengthen community pride, while also risking cultural homogenization and resource strain. Consider the following:

  • Economic Opportunities: Increased job opportunities in sectors such as hospitality , entertainment, and transportation.
  • Community Cohesion: Shared projects and interests can unite communities, fostering a sense of belonging.
  • Cultural Exchange: Interaction with tourists can broaden perspectives and improve communication skills.
  • Resource Pressure: Tourism can lead to strained public services and infrastructure.

social impacts of tourism - Key takeaways

  • Definition of Social Impacts in Tourism: The effects of tourism on the social fabric of a community, influencing lifestyle, culture, and well-being.
  • Positive Social Impacts of Tourism: Include cultural exchange, preservation of traditions, community pride, and improved infrastructure.
  • Negative Social Impacts of Tourism: Comprise cultural erosion, overcrowding, displacement of locals, and conflict.
  • Cultural Exchange: Interaction between tourists and locals, fostering cultural understanding and shared experiences.
  • Examples of Tourism Social Impacts: Preservation of cultural heritage through increased awareness and funds from tourism, and strain on resources due to overcrowding.
  • Social Impact of Tourism on Local Communities: Tourism affects local economies, community cohesion, cultural exchange, and can put pressure on resources.

Flashcards in social impacts of tourism 24

It generally reduces interest in cross-cultural communication.

It leads to cultural stagnation due to lack of exchange.

By merging local cultures with foreign ones, diminishing uniqueness.

Increased production of local goods.

Strictly economic effects on local businesses.

Decreased cultural identity among residents.

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social impact of tourism definition

What's the problem with overtourism?

With visitor numbers around the world increasing towards pre-pandemic levels, the issue of overtourism is once again rearing its head.

When locals in the charming Austrian lakeside village of Hallstatt staged a blockade of the main access tunnel, brandishing placards asking visitors to ‘think of the children’, it highlighted what can happen when places start to feel overrun by tourists. Hallstatt has just 800 residents but has opened its doors to around 10,000 visitors a day — a population increase of over 1,000%. And it’s just one of a growing number of places where residents are up in arms at the influx of travellers.

The term ‘overtourism’ is relatively new, having been coined over a decade ago to highlight the spiralling numbers of visitors taking a toll on cities, landmarks and landscapes. As tourist numbers worldwide return towards pre-pandemic levels, the debate around what constitutes ‘too many’ visitors continues. While many destinations, reliant on the income that tourism brings, are still keen for arrivals, a handful of major cities and sites are now imposing bans, fines, taxes and time-slot systems, and, in some cases, even launching campaigns of discouragement in a bid to curb tourist numbers.

What is overtourism?

In essence, overtourism is too many people in one place at any given time. While there isn’t a definitive figure stipulating the number of visitors allowed, an accumulation of economic, social and environmental factors determine if and how numbers are creeping up.

There are the wide-reaching effects, such as climate change. Coral reefs, like the Great Barrier Reef and Maya Bay, Thailand, made famous by the Leonardo DiCaprio film, The Beach , are being degraded from visitors snorkelling, diving and touching the corals, as well as tour boats anchoring in the waters. And 2030 transport-related carbon emissions from tourism are expected to grow 25% from 2016 levels, representing an increase from 5% to 5.3% of all man-made emissions, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). More localised issues are affecting locals, too. Renters are being evicted by landlords in favour of turning properties into holiday lets, and house prices are escalating as a result. As visitors and rental properties outnumber local residents, communities are being lost. And, skyrocketing prices, excessive queues, crowded beaches, exorbitant noise levels, damage at historical sites and the ramifications to nature as people overwhelm or stray from official paths are also reasons the positives of tourism can have a negative impact.

Conversely, ‘undertourism’ is a term applied to less-frequented destinations, particularly in the aftermath of the pandemic. The economic, social and environmental benefits of tourism aren't always passed on to those with plenty of capacity and, while tourist boards are always keen for visitors to visit their lesser-known attractions, it’s a more sustainable and rewarding experience for both residents and visitors.

social impact of tourism definition

What’s the main problem with it?

Overcrowding is an issue for both locals and tourists. It can ruin the experience of sightseeing for those trapped in long queues, unable to visit museums, galleries and sites without advance booking, incurring escalating costs for basics like food, drink and hotels, and faced with the inability to experience the wonder of a place in relative solitude. The absence of any real regulations has seen places take it upon themselves to try and establish some form of crowd control, meaning no cohesion and no real solution.

Justin Francis, co-founder and CEO of Responsible Travel, a tour operator that focuses on more sustainable travel, says “Social media has concentrated tourism in hotspots and exacerbated the problem, and tourist numbers globally are increasing while destinations have a finite capacity. Until local people are properly consulted about what they want and don’t want from tourism, we’ll see more protests.”

A French start up, Murmuration, which monitors the environmental impact of tourism by using satellite data, states that 80% of travellers visit just 10% of the world's tourism destinations, meaning bigger crowds in fewer spots. And, the UNWTO predicts that by 2030, the number of worldwide tourists, which peaked at 1.5 billion in 2019, will reach 1.8 billion,   likely leading to greater pressure on already popular spots and more objection from locals.

Who has been protesting?

Of the 800 residents in the UNESCO-listed village of Hallstatt, around 100 turned out in August to show their displeasure and to push for a cap on daily visitors and a curfew on tour coach arrivals.

Elsewhere, residents in Venice fought long and hard for a ban on cruise ships, with protest flags often draped from windows. In 2021, large cruise ships over 25,000 tonnes were banned from using the main Giudecca Canal, leaving only smaller passenger ferries and freight vessels able to dock.

In France, the Marseille Provence Cruise Club introduced a flow management system for cruise line passengers in 2020, easing congestion around the popular Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde Basilica. A Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) spokesperson said, “Coaches are limited to four per ship during the morning or afternoon at the Basilica to ensure a good visitor experience and safety for residents and local businesses. This is a voluntary arrangement respected by cruise lines.”

While in Orkney, Scotland, residents have been up in arms at the number of cruise ships docking on its shores. At the beginning of 2023, the local council confirmed that 214 cruise ship calls were scheduled for the year, bringing around £15 million in revenue to the islands. Following backlash from locals, the council has since proposed a plan to restrict the number of ships on any day.

social impact of tourism definition

What steps are being taken?  

City taxes have become increasingly popular, with Barcelona increasing its nightly levy in April 2023 — which was originally introduced in 2012 and varies depending on the type of accommodation — and Venice expects to charge day-trippers a €5 fee from 2024.

In Amsterdam this summer, the city council voted to ban cruise ships, while the mayor, Femke Halsema, commissioned a campaign of discouragement, asking young British men who planned to have a 'vacation from morals’ to stay away. In Rome, sitting at popular sites, such as the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps, has been restricted by the authorities.

And in Kenya’s Maasai Mara, meanwhile, the Narok County governor has introduced on-the-spot fines for off-roading. He also plans to double nightly park fees in peak season.

What are the forecasts for global tourism?  

During the Covid pandemic, tourism was one of the hardest-hit industries — according to UNWTO, international tourist arrivals dropped 72% in 2020. However, traveller numbers have since been rapidly increasing, with double the number of people venturing abroad in the first three months of 2023 than in the same period in 2022. And, according to the World Travel Tourism Council, the tourism sector is expected to reach £7.5 trillion this year, 95% of its pre-pandemic levels.

While the tourism industry is forecast to represent 11.6% of the global economy by 2033, it’s also predicted that an increasing number of people will show more interest in travelling more sustainably. In a 2022 survey by, 64% of the people asked said they would be prepared to stay away from busy tourist sites to avoid adding to congestion.

Are there any solutions?  

There are ways to better manage tourism by promoting more off-season travel, limiting numbers where possible and having greater regulation within the industry. Encouraging more sustainable travel and finding solutions to reduce friction between residents and tourists could also have positive impacts. Promoting alternative, less-visited spots to redirect travellers may also offer some benefits.

Harold Goodwin, emeritus professor at Manchester Metropolitan University, says, “Overtourism is a function of visitor volumes, but also of conflicting behaviours, crowding in inappropriate places and privacy. Social anthropologists talk about frontstage and backstage spaces. Tourists are rarely welcome in backstage spaces. To manage crowds, it’s first necessary to analyse and determine the causes of them.

Francis adds: “However, we must be careful not to just recreate the same problems elsewhere. The most important thing is to form a clear strategy, in consultation with local people about what a place wants or needs from tourism.”

As it stands, overtourism is a seasonal issue for a small number of destinations. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, a range of measures are clearly an option depending on the scale of the problem. For the majority of the world, tourism remains a force for good with many benefits beyond simple economic growth.

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UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

Ethics, culture and social responsibility.

  • Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
  • Accessible Tourism

Tourism and Culture

  • Women’s Empowerment and Tourism

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The convergence between tourism and culture, and the increasing interest of visitors in cultural experiences, bring unique opportunities but also complex challenges for the tourism sector.

“Tourism policies and activities should be conducted with respect for the artistic, archaeological and cultural heritage, which they should protect and pass on to future generations; particular care should be devoted to preserving monuments, worship sites, archaeological and historic sites as well as upgrading museums which must be widely open and accessible to tourism visits”

UN Tourism Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics

Article 7, paragraph 2

This webpage provides UN Tourism resources aimed at strengthening the dialogue between tourism and culture and an informed decision-making in the sphere of cultural tourism. It also promotes the exchange of good practices showcasing inclusive management systems and innovative cultural tourism experiences .  

About Cultural Tourism

According to the definition adopted by the UN Tourism General Assembly, at its 22nd session (2017), Cultural Tourism implies “A type of tourism activity in which the visitor’s essential motivation is to learn, discover, experience and consume the tangible and intangible cultural attractions/products in a tourism destination. These attractions/products relate to a set of distinctive material, intellectual, spiritual and emotional features of a society that encompasses arts and architecture, historical and cultural heritage, culinary heritage, literature, music, creative industries and the living cultures with their lifestyles, value systems, beliefs and traditions”. UN Tourism provides support to its members in strengthening cultural tourism policy frameworks, strategies and product development . It also provides guidelines for the tourism sector in adopting policies and governance models that benefit all stakeholders, while promoting and preserving cultural elements.

Recommendations for Cultural Tourism Key Players on Accessibility 

UN Tourism , Fundación ONCE and UNE issued in September 2023, a set of guidelines targeting key players of the cultural tourism ecosystem, who wish to make their offerings more accessible.

The key partners in the drafting and expert review process were the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee and the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT) . The ICOMOS experts’ input was key in covering crucial action areas where accessibility needs to be put in the spotlight, in order to make cultural experiences more inclusive for all people.

This guidance tool is also framed within the promotion of the ISO Standard ISO 21902 , in whose development UN Tourism had one of the leading roles.

Download here the English and Spanish version of the Recommendations.

Compendium of Good Practices in Indigenous Tourism

Compendium of Good Practices in Indigenous Tourismo

The report is primarily meant to showcase good practices championed by indigenous leaders and associations from the Region. However, it also includes a conceptual introduction to different aspects of planning, management and promotion of a responsible and sustainable indigenous tourism development.

The compendium also sets forward a series of recommendations targeting public administrations, as well as a list of tips promoting a responsible conduct of tourists who decide to visit indigenous communities.

For downloads, please visit the UN Tourism E-library page: Download in English - Download in Spanish .

Weaving the Recovery - Indigenous Women in Tourism

Weaving the recovery

This initiative, which gathers UN Tourism , t he World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA) , Centro de las Artes Indígenas (CAI) and the NGO IMPACTO , was selected as one of the ten most promising projects amoung 850+ initiatives to address the most pressing global challenges. The project will test different methodologies in pilot communities, starting with Mexico , to enable indigenous women access markets and demonstrate their leadership in the post-COVID recovery.

This empowerment model , based on promoting a responsible tourism development, cultural transmission and fair-trade principles, will represent a novel community approach with a high global replication potential.

Visit the Weaving the Recovery - Indigenous Women in Tourism project webpage.

Inclusive Recovery of Cultural Tourism


The release of the guidelines comes within the context of the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development 2021 , a UN initiative designed to recognize how culture and creativity, including cultural tourism, can contribute to advancing the SDGs.  

UN Tourism Inclusive Recovery Guide, Issue 4: Indigenous Communities

Indigenous Communities

Sustainable Development of Indigenous Tourism

The Recommendations on Sustainable Development of Indigenous Tourism provide guidance to tourism stakeholders to develop their operations in a responsible and sustainable manner within those indigenous communities that wish to:

  • Open up to tourism development, or
  • Improve the management of the existing tourism experiences within their communities.

They were prepared by the UN Tourism Ethics, Culture and Social Responsibility Department in close consultation with indigenous tourism associations, indigenous entrepreneurs and advocates. The Recommendations were endorsed by the World Committee on Tourism Ethics and finally adopted by the UN Tourism General Assembly in 2019, as a landmark document of the Organization in this sphere.

Who are these Recommendations targeting?

  • Tour operators and travel agencies
  • Tour guides
  • Indigenous communities
  • Other stakeholders such as governments, policy makers and destinations

The Recommendations address some of the key questions regarding indigenous tourism:

indigenous entrepreneurs and advocates

Download PDF:

  • Recommendations on Sustainable Development of Indigenous Tourism
  • Recomendaciones sobre el desarrollo sostenible del turismo indígena, ESP

UN Tourism/UNESCO World Conferences on Tourism and Culture

The UN Tourism/UNESCO World Conferences on Tourism and Culture bring together Ministers of Tourism and Ministers of Culture with the objective to identify key opportunities and challenges for a stronger cooperation between these highly interlinked fields. Gathering tourism and culture stakeholders from all world regions the conferences which have been hosted by Cambodia, Oman, Türkiye and Japan have addressed a wide range of topics, including governance models, the promotion, protection and safeguarding of culture, innovation, the role of creative industries and urban regeneration as a vehicle for sustainable development in destinations worldwide.

Fourth UN Tourism/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture: Investing in future generations. Kyoto, Japan. 12-13 December 2019 Kyoto Declaration on Tourism and Culture: Investing in future generations ( English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Japanese )

Third UN Tourism/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture : For the Benefit of All. Istanbul, Türkiye. 3 -5 December 2018 Istanbul Declaration on Tourism and Culture: For the Benefit of All ( English , French , Spanish , Arabic , Russian )

Second UN Tourism/UNESCO World Conference’s on Tourism and Culture: Fostering Sustainable Development. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. 11-12 December 2017 Muscat Declaration on Tourism and Culture: Fostering Sustainable Development ( English , French , Spanish , Arabic , Russian )

First UN Tourism/UNESCO World Conference’s on Tourism and Culture: Building a new partnership. Siem Reap, Cambodia. 4-6 February 2015 Siem Reap Declaration on Tourism and Culture – Building a New Partnership Model ( English )

UN Tourism Study on Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage  

The first UN Tourism Study on Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage provides comprehensive baseline research on the interlinkages between tourism and the expressions and skills that make up humanity’s intangible cultural heritage (ICH). 

UNWTO Study on Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage

Through a compendium of case studies drawn from across five continents, the report offers in-depth information on, and analysis of, government-led actions, public-private partnerships and community initiatives.

These practical examples feature tourism development projects related to six pivotal areas of ICH: handicrafts and the visual arts; gastronomy; social practices, rituals and festive events; music and the performing arts; oral traditions and expressions; and, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe.

Highlighting innovative forms of policy-making, the UN Tourism Study on Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage recommends specific actions for stakeholders to foster the sustainable and responsible development of tourism by incorporating and safeguarding intangible cultural assets.

UN Tourism Study on Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage

  • UN Tourism Study
  • Summary of the Study

Studies and research on tourism and culture commissioned by UN Tourism

  • Tourism and Culture Synergies, 2018
  • UN Tourism Study on Tourism and Intangible Cultural Heritage, 2012
  • Big Data in Cultural Tourism – Building Sustainability and Enhancing Competitiveness (

Outcomes from the UN Tourism Affiliate Members World Expert Meeting on Cultural Tourism, Madrid, Spain, 1–2 December 2022

UN Tourism and the Region of Madrid – through the Regional Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Sports – held the World Expert Meeting on Cultural Tourism in Madrid on 1 and 2 December 2022. The initiative reflects the alliance and common commitment of the two partners to further explore the bond between tourism and culture. This publication is the result of the collaboration and discussion between the experts at the meeting, and subsequent contributions.

Relevant Links


Photo credit of the Summary's cover page:

What Does Social Tourism Mean and How it is Redefining Travel? 

Marc Truyols

What does social tourism mean? 

How is it usually financed , what is the objective of social tourism , how can we help social tourism , real-life examples, final thoughts .

The tourism industry offers an abundance of benefits. It encourages economic growth, creates jobs, and brings massive amounts of revenue to some of the most popular tourism destinations. However, it’s not always beneficial directly to the local communities, and it’s not always accessible to all . 

On average, from every $100 spent by travelers in developing countries, only $5 stays in the local economy , resulting in significant tourism leakage . The widely-adopted traveling practices such as booking hotel accommodations, buying mass-produced souvenirs, or choosing international food chains rather than local restaurants often cause long-term harm to the community. 

Not to mention the issues of over-tourism that disrupts the daily life of the locals, increases pollution, and harms the environment. 

Fortunately, trends are changing in the tourism sector. Travelers are becoming increasingly aware of the consequences of over-tourism and how this issue is impacting the destinations they visit – which is why more and more people are starting to adopt social and sustainable tourism . 

Social tourism is a growing trend that prioritizes building positive relationships between visitors and host communities and developing “ programs, events, and activities that allow all population groups to enjoy tourism ”. 

Take a look below to learn what social tourism entails and how it’s redefining travel. 

Social tourism is a broad concept that encompasses countless events and activities. Different holiday types, such as working holidays , for instance, can fall under the category of social tourism. Activities you engage in at the destination, the type of destination you choose, and even the type of accommodation you book or some unique client group a tourism organization works with could all be labeled as social tourism. 

What does social tourism mean? 

In a nutshell, social tourism focuses on providing economic, social, and cultural benefits to travelers and their host communities. 

On the one hand, travelers can participate in social tourism by contributing to their destinations – volunteering, participating in local projects, helping build homes for disadvantaged local groups, supporting local artists and crafters, donating, and more. 

On the other hand, some travelers can be the beneficiaries of social tourism . Countless government and private tourism organizations provide travel opportunities to those groups that wouldn’t otherwise be able to enjoy traveling – impoverished families, people with disabilities, children, and seniors, for instance. 

Moreover, some popular travel destinations are starting to invest in building a more accessible infrastructure that improves the traveling experience for all. You’ll find wheelchair-accessible beaches in Cyprus , braille-etched railings at Castel Sant’Elmo in Naples, and “ touchable paintings ” at museums worldwide. 

Considering that social tourism can take many forms, it’s not surprising that it’s known under many different names – sustainable tourism, accessible tourism, tourism for all, enlightening tourism, and responsible tourism , among others. 

Social tourism can be financed in one of several ways, depending on its particular type. If you want to contribute to the destination you’re visiting, you’d most commonly have to finance any activities and events you participate in out of pocket . 

You could join a charitable organization that covers expenses for certain activities, such as building homes for the locals, for instance, where it might cover the costs of the materials. However, you’d still likely have to pay for any other travel-related expenses yourself – accommodation, transportation, food, and more. 

Social tourism events and activities for children, impoverished families, people with disabilities, and others, on the other hand, are most commonly fully financed by local and federal governments , employers, non-profit organizations, and charities . On occasion, the participants could even receive a small spending allowance that enables them to fully enjoy their travels. 

The main objectives of social tourism include: 

  • Supporting local communities – leaving a positive mark on the communities in your travel destinations; 
  • Discovering new destinations – visiting places off the beaten path and going to less traveled-to countries; 
  • Learning about new cultures – getting to know the locals, their languages, cultures, traditions, and history; 
  • Providing economic benefits to host countries – shopping local, investing in arts and crafts from the local artists, improving the local economy; 
  • Making travel accessible to all – allowing everyone to experience the wonders of traveling, regardless of their socio-economic group, age, health, or more. 

Ultimately, the main goal of social tourism is connecting travelers with their host countries, helping build international relationships, and making travel more enjoyable and more responsible. 

There are multiple ways to promote and support social tourism: 

How can we help social tourism

  • Support charities and non-profits – many social tourism charities rely on contributions from individuals to create immersive programs and activities that help tourists and host countries; 
  • Make donations – donate to relevant organizations that support local communities in your favorite travel destinations or those that offer travel opportunities to underprivileged groups in your area; 
  • Volunteer – join volunteer groups that connect you with locals; 
  • Avoid popular destinations – go off the beaten path and travel to lesser-known destinations; 
  • Talk to your local government representatives – as many social travel activities are government-funded, you can talk to the local representatives to find the best ways to support social tourism. 

You don’t have to go out of your way to support social tourism. Even minor changes to your typical traveling habits could help – booking accommodation with a host family instead of a hotel, buying souvenirs from local artists, eating at small local restaurants, recycling while traveling, and more. 

As evidenced so far, Social Tourist isn’t just a Charlie D’Amelio’s apparel brand. It’s an increasingly important concept that presents immeasurable benefits to travelers and their host communities. Therefore, it’s not surprising that we’re seeing more and more real-life examples of social tourism. 

Take a look at just a few organizations that are helping make social tourism mainstream. 

Make a Difference (MAD) Travels 

Make a Difference (MAD) Travels is a unique social entrepreneurship based in the Philippines. It offers sustainable, one-of-a-kind travel experiences to international tourists who want to make a difference. It focuses on building relationships between travelers and their destinations of choice , leading exciting off-the-beaten-path tours, introducing travelers to the local cultures, and offering educational courses and experiences. 

What’s more, MAD Travels enables you to support local communities even from a distance. You can support communities in Zambales or Rizal by gifting a tree planted on your behalf or shopping for local Filipino products like organic honey or bamboo straws directly from the Mad Travels site. 


Awaken is all about traveling with a purpose. Based in Ecuador, it started as an at-risk youth foundation and has evolved into a social tourism organization that helps you support the communities you visit while enjoying immersive travel experiences. 

The organization’s main aim is to support children and their parents who come from juvenile detention centers and immerse them back into society. By joining one of Awaken’s programs, you can travel to some of Ecuador’s most mesmerizing destinations, join volunteer groups, go on active tours, and learn all about the local people, culture, and history. 

Invisible Cities 

Invisible Cities is a UK-based social enterprise that supports homeless people through travel. Currently available only in some of the biggest cities in the UK, including Glasgow, Manchester, Edinburgh, Cardiff, and York, it helps teach homeless people how to become walking tour guides in their cities. 

Invisible Cities offers comprehensive skill-building training and encourages its guides to deliver authentic tours focusing on the monuments and locations they have chosen. 

The organization aims to dispel myths and stereotypes regarding homelessness and improve the lives of those impacted by it. 

Operation Groundswell 

Operation Groundswell offers immersive programs across Central and South America, East Africa, and Asia, redefining backpacking experiences and allowing you to get truly immersed in the cultures you’re exploring. 

Started by a group of backpacking enthusiasts, it’s grown to be one of the largest organizations of its kind. You can join open, pre-planned programs or even design your own custom experiences. Choose the regions you want to visit, select the theme you’d like to learn more about (such as human rights, health, environment, or education), and design an active holiday you’ll never forget. 

Good Travel 

Good Travel promotes travel experiences that lead to a positive social, economic, and environmental impact. To that end, the organization collaborates with local businesses that give back to their communities, partners with international non-profit organizations, and donates to countless global charities. 

Each trip is designed to fit the Good Travels ethos, offset our carbon footprint, support marginalized groups, boost the local economy, and deliver memorable travel experiences. 

Although there are many pre-planned trips to countries like Peru, New Zealand, Fiji, and others, you can also develop a personalized itinerary that suits your traveling preferences. 

Okavango Craft Brewery 

Okavango Craft Brewery in Northern Botswana is a unique addition to the list. Not specifically created as a social tourism organization but rather a great local brewery with a cause, it enables you to support Okavango’s people and elephants and enjoy good beer made from locally-sourced ingredients. 

As you enjoy your dinner and drinks, you’ll help the brewery support the NGO EcoExist non-profit organization that helps promote a sustainable existence between farmers and elephants in areas with high elephant-human conflict. If you’re traveling in the area, pay the brewery a visit to help support the farmers that allow you to enjoy local beers. 

Have Fun Do Good 

Have Fun Do Good (HFDG) is an organization developed for adventure-seekers who want to do good on their travels. Whether staying close to home or traveling to far-off destinations, HFDG helps you create immersive travel experiences and join volunteer programs that enable you to make a difference. 

You’ll get to meet new people, explore beautiful locations, learn about new cultures, and support international charities. 

HFDG offers small group travel experiences and corporate events that can improve your team-building and help your business support good causes. 

International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)

International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO) is one of the largest (and oldest) social tourism non-profits, established in 1963. It promotes responsible, accessible tourism for all that benefits individuals and communities across the globe. 

The organization has five primary goals to improve: 

  • Accessibility; 
  • Fair business; 
  • Environment; 
  • Solidarity; 
  • Quality of life. 

ISTO aims to make leisure, holidays, and tourism accessible to all – the youth, seniors, people with disabilities, and others. It partners with local businesses and governments to create opportunities for everyone to enjoy tourism without limitations while simultaneously supporting and benefiting the local populations, their cultural heritage, and their environment. 

Elevate Destinations 

Elevate Destinations operates under the belief that travel is sacred, and as such, it should always have a positive social and environmental impact. Therefore, it offers memorable travel experiences that help you find greater meaning in the world while connecting with coglobal communities, supporting the environment, and preserving our natural surroundings. 

Elevate Destinations offers immersive, family-friendly trips, adventurous travels for adrenaline-seekers, learning journeys, charity challenges, donor travel experiences, and more for individuals and organizations alike. 

Moreover, it’s developed a new travel program, “Buy a Trip, Give a Trip”, that allows you to support local youths. The program gives local children an opportunity to visit some of the most popular tourist sites in their own countries. 

Responsible Travel 

Last but certainly not least is Responsible Travel , an organization that focuses on nature preservation and empowering local communities. It prioritizes responsible travel, reducing carbon emissions, developing accessible travel opportunities, and organizing volunteer events that allow you to give back to the communities you’re visiting. 

It also has a “Trip for Trip” program that allows you to send a disadvantaged child on a day trip when you book your own holiday, all at no additional cost. 

Social tourism is quickly taking off, becoming one of the biggest tourism trends of the decade. Allowing you to visit some of the most astonishing destinations, support your host communities, preserve nature, and make travel accessible to all, social tourism is making a world of difference one trip at a time. 

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Marc Truyols

Marc Truyols has a degree in Tourism from the University of the Balearic Islands. Marc has extensive experience in the leisure, travel and tourism industry. His skills in negotiation, hotel management, customer service, sales and hotel management make him a strong business development professional in the travel industry.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Positive social cultural impacts of tourism, negative social cultural impacts of tourism, factors that influence the social cultural impact of tourism, reference list.

The social cultural impact of tourism refers to the positive and negative effect or impact of tourism on the cultural heritage, traditions, customs, and social life style of host communities. This paper will look at the positive and negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism on host communities and tourists, as well as the different factors that influence these impacts.

It is, however, important to keep in mind that all society’s problems can not be blamed on tourism, nor can all positive social developments be attributed to tourism (Liu 2003, p. 25). There are other factors that contribute to society’s problems and development, such as globalization and the influence of the mass media.

The positive socio-cultural impacts of tourism include employment, improvement of infrastructure, transfer of knowledge into a country, and improvement to the economy. These are discussed in the following subsections.

In most countries, the tourism sector provides employment opportunities to a huge percentage of the population. To facilitate tourism operations, people get employed to work in the hotel industry, the transport sector, and national parks as tour guides (Green 2005, p. 13). The economic benefits that are derived from tourism in terms of employment of a nation’s population ultimately impact people’s standard of living.

Provision of Shared Infrastructure

The development of tourist infrastructure, such as airports and leisure facilities, can also benefit local communities, as long as the infrastructure is not developed for the exclusive use of tourists (Allen et al. 1993). This tourist infrastructure affects the social and cultural lives of local communities because their way of living would have been different had the infrastructure not been established and shared.

For example, Maun, which is a rural area in Botswana, is a famous fast stop destination for tourists visiting the Okavango Delta and Moremi Game Reserve. Existing leisure facilities such as modern international airport, restaurants and shopping malls were originally intended for tourists, but are also shared by the local community (Long et al. 1990). Therefore, the social lives and contemporary culture of local residents are remarkably different from those in other major villages in Botswana.

Transfer of Knowledge into a Country

Tourism promotes the transfer of knowledge to the host country. When experienced people from a developed country visit a developing country, opportunities are created for knowledge to be transferred from one community to another. Ultimately, developing countries are able to benefit.

Economic Improvement

Most tourist destinations across the world are able to improve their economies as a result of tourism activities. Among others, tourism enables countries to earn foreign currency which enables them to effectively trade with foreign states. In Kenya, the tourism sector employs a large number of people who work in world class hotels and the transport sector, among others. Tourism also contributes greatly to national income.

Some of the negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism on the host community include decline in morality, interruption of family and gender relationships, interference with value systems and religions, reduction of culture to a commodity, and staged authenticity. These are discussed as follows.

Decline in Morality in Society

Exposure to the different values of tourists and, in some cases, irresponsible tourist behavior, may give rise to various moral and societal problems, such as crime, prostitution, gambling, unhealthy eating and drinking, and drug abuse.

Interruption of Family and Gender Relationships

In many traditional societies, the father, who is the head of the family, has the responsibility to provide for his family. By providing employment, wages, and a disposable income to other members of the traditional family unit, which can be seen as a positive development, tourism can interrupt traditional family and gender relationships, and create discord in the family.

The end result may be communities that do not function properly because the traditional division of work has been overruled and undermined (McGehee & Andereck 2004).

An example of this disruption can be observed in the families of the employees of safari companies that operate in the Okavango Delta and are separated from their families for months on end. However, it must be noted that interruption of family and gender relationships, as is the case with the other impacts, can not be attributed to tourism alone, as there are other industries, such as the mining industry, that also tend to have the same effect.

Interference with Value Systems and Religion

Tourism may introduce different and sometimes opposing values to established value systems and religion. On the one hand, host communities in developing countries sometimes perceive tourists from developed countries as too liberal and lacking in morals, and find them insensitive to local norms and taboos. On the other hand, local populations often reject old ways and adopt the ways of visitors too quickly. This most often happens if the practices are from rich, developed countries and the local population is in a less wealthy developing country (Murphy 1981, p. 56). While adopting foreign practices may not always be bad, it may cause culture shock, lack of social cohesion, and loss of cultural identity if it happens too quickly. No human culture should ever be sacrificed at the expense of another.

Reducing Culture to a Commodity

This involves reducing culture to another product with a price tag. In the context of the cultural impact of tourism, this wears the worth, dignity, value, and sanctity of particular cultures. Cultural practices, although often preserved by tourist interest, may lose their real value and meaning.

An example includes the practice of performing sacred dances and rituals for the tourists for money. Similarly, watching the divination by a traditional healer, sangoma, or inyanga, can reduce it from being a spiritual exercise to a financial transaction or theatrical performance.

Staged Authenticity

This is experienced when the host community stages or enacts certain authentic elements of its culture for the benefits of tourists, even though those cultural elements may no longer be part of their normal modern daily living. This means that authentic elements of culture become rehearsed and non-authentic as they are performed out of context.

Examples of authentic cultural elements that may be staged out of context for tourists include traditional dances, certain rituals or practices, the wearing of traditional dresses purely for the benefit of tourists, and the re-enactment of long gone or ancient lifestyles.

In all the above, while these elements may be an authentic representation of how the hosts used to live, they may not be a true reflection of how they live today, and hence the representation is reduced to a mere staging of something.

As an example, think of an authentic traditional dance performance by singers in animal skins at the Market Theatre in Johannesburg. The problem with this performance is that it may not be a true reflection of the contemporary and living culture of the place, and might even reinforce tourist’s perception that, in this particular case, Africans are still primitive.

In general, the social cultural impact of tourism is not the same across the world, and a number of factors affect the impact of tourism on any community.

Ordinarily, most tourist-host interactions occur at the tourist destination region, when tourists purchase goods and services from local people, when tourists and local residents use the same facilities such as beaches, shops, restaurants, and other amenities and infrastructure, or when they purposefully meet to exchange ideas and information.

The type of interaction between tourists and hosts influence the relationship and the attitudes they have towards each other, and this in turn influences the social cultural impact of tourism (Wang & Pfister 2008).

The tourist-host relationship and thus the social cultural impact of tourism is affected by the differences between tourists and hosts, the type of contact between tourists and hosts, the importance of tourism in a community, and community tolerance threshold which refers to how willing a community is to bear the inflow of tourists and their influences. These are discussed as follows.

Differences between Tourists and Hosts

The differences between tourists and hosts that can affect the social cultural impact of tourism are their basic value and logic systems, religious beliefs, traditions, customs, lifestyles, behavioral patterns, dress codes, sense of time budgeting, and attitudes towards strangers.

Basic Value and Logic Systems

The values and the logic systems of a host community and tourists will determine what they value and how they value it. If the hosts and tourists have different values and logic systems, it could cause attraction or resentment whenever there is an interaction.

Religion, Traditions, and Customs

When tourists and hosts belonging to different religions come into contact with one another, there are likely to be shocks and new discoveries. For example, the public display of affection between males and female Christian tourists may be shocking to many Muslims in the Middle East.

Contact between tourists and hosts whose traditions differ might cause greater impact. For example, the scantily dressed tourist may, in the long run, impact on the dress code of many rural communities in Africa. The reaction might be to copy them or loathe them for not adhering to local norms and social codes. Variations in traditional practices can be found even among people of the same race and language.

The similarity of customs between the guest and the hosts lessen the possibility of misunderstanding each other. For example, tourists from Cape Town visiting Durban will find many customary similarities to their hosts and may not have any impact on their host community. Differences in customs, however, do not always mean that there will be a negative social cultural impact.

Lifestyle differences can be caused by income differences. The rich tend to lead similar lifestyles even though their cultures may not be identical, as the way they spend their money on property, travel, and entertainment, for example, is usually similar. Such lifestyle differences might have an impact if the hosts copy, envy, or morally judge the tourists, or vice versa (Pizam 1978, p. 98).

When the dress code of tourists is different from that of hosts, the hosts tend to be either attracted to or offended by the dress of the visitors. In most cases, the hosts tend to envy and copy the dress style of tourists, which may not always be acceptable.

Sense of Time Budgeting

People from developed countries generally value time and think that it is polite to be on time for appointments. On the other hand, people from developing countries generally have a more relaxed attitude towards time, and are not as strict in keeping appointments. Such differences can be a source of misunderstanding or even conflict between tourists and the host community.

Attitude towards Strangers

Some cultures and societies view strangers with suspicion while other cultures are more open towards outsiders. The more open the host communities are towards strangers, the greater the social cultural impact of tourism is likely to be on them.

Type of Contact between Tourists and Hosts

The type of activities tourists engage in, such as passive or active activities, can determine the type of contact and level of interaction with a community. The more active the activity, the greater the interaction with the host community, and the more likely tourism is to have an impact on them (Lankford 1994, p. 35).

For example, formal contact, as in the case where tourists receive services from their hosts, makes it necessary for tourists and the local community to interact with each other and is a platform where cultures, norms, and values are exchanged. Thus, it is an opportunity for both parties to copy the behavior and mannerisms of the other.

In a similar way, informal contact that takes place where tourists and hosts share the same facilities such as stadiums, streets, or beaches may have either a good or bad influence on tourists or hosts or both.

The Importance of Tourism in the Community

The way tourism is perceived by the local people in communities, especially their perceptions about its importance to their livelihood, will impact on tourist-host relationship. In cases where there is an excitement about tourists and the benefits that their presence will bring, the tourist-host relationship is usually good due to mutual admiration between tourists and their hosts (Hafeznia et al. 2007).

In contrast, when the novelty of meeting new cultures wears off and tourists begin to irritate the locals, probably due to their large numbers, their competing for the limited resources with locals, or the real or perceived ills that tourists bring, tourism might be seen as having less importance and a more antagonistic relationship will begin to develop (Huang & Stewart 1996).

Community Tolerance Threshold

As stated earlier community tolerance threshold refers to how willing a community is to bear the inflow of tourists and their influences. Where the members of a community are less irritable and able to accept tourists regardless of their mannerisms, then tourism will have an impact on them (Aref & Redzuan 2010). On the other hand, when members of the host community are irritable, it becomes very difficult for tourists to penetrate their society and the tourism will have little or no impact at all on the local community.

As explained in this paper, the social cultural impact of tourism is not the same across the world. Various factors that differ from location to location influence not only the type of impact, but also whether those impacts will be negative or positive.

The type of interaction between tourists and hosts influences their relationship and the attitudes they have towards one another, and this in turn influences the social cultural impact of tourism. Typically, the tourist-host relationship and thus the social cultural impact of tourism are affected by differences between tourists and the host communities. Other factors are the type of contacts created and how tourism is regarded by the local community.

The location of tourism, such as a rural or urban location or in a developed or developing country, determines whether the social cultural impact on the location will be positive or negative. To a great extent, the number of tourists visiting a location affects the level of impact on the host community. For example, a large number of tourists will have a greater influence on the host community, because there are many chances of a local person meeting a tourist.

The origin of tourists also affects the social cultural impact of tourism because there might be notable differences between them and the hosts due to their origin, which might intensify the impact. The stage of tourism development in a destination affects the host community’s knowledge of tourism and attitude towards tourists, and its reaction to tourism.

Reactions of host communities in the development stage can include hostility, lack of charity, and imitation. These in turn affect the nature of social cultural impacts that result from tourism. To some degree, the length of the tourist season influences the intensity of the social cultural impact. The longer the interaction, the greater the impact of tourism on the host community will be.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 14). Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism.

"Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism." IvyPanda , 14 Apr. 2019,

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