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Viaje Mega Costa Rica


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8 días | 7 noches

DÍA 1  MÉXICO – SAN JOSÉ Cita en el aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México para abordar el vuelo con destino a la ciudad de San José. ¡Bienvenidos a Costa Rica! Nuestro personal estará preparado para recibirles y trasladarles hasta su hotel. Resto del día libre. Alojamiento en San José.

DÍA 2  SAN JOSÉ – Visita de Ciudad Se inicia el tour pasando por su hotel para iniciar el recorrido por el Parque Metropolitano en donde se encuentra el Museo de Arte así inicia una travesía por la capital de San José viviendo una experiencia cultural, durante el recorrido se pueden apreciar importantes atractivos culturales de San José, disfrutando de música típica, donde un guía bilingüe les proporcionará toda la información respectiva y evacuará sus dudas. Haremos caminatas en la Plaza La Cultura, almorzaremos un rico platillo costarricense, Teatro Nacional (vestíbulo), Museo de Oro, Monumento Nacional, Parque Nacional, y Mercado Central donde tendremos un espacio para hacer compras. Alojamiento en San José. NOTA: Los ingresos al Teatro y Museos está sujeto a programación de actividades.

DÍA 3    SAN JOSÉ Día libre para disfrutar de las actividades opcionales disponibles en el área o bien relajarse y disfrutar de las instalaciones del hotel. Alojamiento en San José.

  • OPCIONAL: Excursión Isla Tortuga. Esta excursión inicia temprano en la mañana, saliendo de San José hacia Puntarenas, donde abordaremos el yate hacia Isla Tortuga. Tortuga es una hermosa isla ubicada en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. Una vez en Isla Tortuga, usted experimentará un día lleno de hermosos paisajes, aguas cálidas del océano y música en vivo. Podrá explorar los alrededores, tomar el sol, nadar. Luego, disfrutará de un delicioso almuerzo preparado por nuestra tripulación. No está disponible los lunes, martes y jueves. Mínimo 02 pasajeros.

DÍA 4  SAN JOSÉ Día libre para actividades personales. Alojamiento en San José. 

  • OPCIONAL: Volcán Poas y Cataratas La Paz. Se toma la carretera Panamericana con destino a la Ciudad de Alajuela, observando el Monumento a Juan Santamaría y el famoso Parque de los Mangos. En el ascenso al Volcán haremos una parada para una breve explicación sobre nuestro grano de oro, el café, y continuaremos el recorrido a través de cultivos de helechos, flores y fresas. En este momento se hace notorio el cambio en la temperatura y la variada vegetación, reparándonos para disfrutar los placeres del exuberante bosque nuboso del Volcán Poás. En el Volcán se podrá observar el impresionante cráter principal, con fumarolas de azufre (según condiciones climáticas). Continuando hacia la zona caribeña, nos detendremos para descubrir los Jardines de la Catarata La Paz, un parque natural, donde caminaremos por verdaderos senderos espectaculares que nos conducirán a la Catarata Magia Blanca (la más grande y espectacular del área). En el parque también visitaremos los observatorios de mariposas y aves, además de la impresionante galería de colibríes, el aviario, la casa antigua, un ranario y serpentario. Finalizada la caminata tomaremos un delicioso almuerzo tipo buffet, para luego iniciar el regreso a San José. Mínimo 02 pasajeros.

DÍA 5  SAN JOSÉ  Día libre para actividades personales. Alojamiento en San José. 

  • OPCIONAL: Volcán Arenal y Termas De Baldí / Tabacón. Localizado al norte de Costa Rica, se encuentra el impresionante Volcán Arenal, fenómeno natural que atrae a miles y miles de turistas por su paisaje incomparable, y la increíble forma cónica, en la que se puede apreciar la actividad que ha tenido con el paso de los años, y las columnas de humo y ceniza que libera. Para poder llegar a esta maravilla de la naturaleza nos trasladamos hacia la zona norte del país, siendo inevitable realizar una breve parada en el famoso pueblo de Sarchí, tan conocido internacionalmente por sus laboriosos artesanos que le dan renombre a Sarchí como La Cuna de la Artesanía Costarricense. Siguiendo nuestro viaje pasaremos a través de plantaciones de diversos productos agrícolas, plantas ornamentales, fincas de ganado, hasta llegar al pueblo de La Fortuna para tomar el almuerzo en un acogedor restaurante justo al frente del volcán. Descansaremos en uno de los mejores sitios de aguas termales de la zona, donde de manera opcional se podrá realizar un masaje o tratamiento reservado anticipadamente. Para cerrar con broche de oro, una excelente cena será servida, siempre con la mejor vista del Volcán Arenal. Después de la cena iniciamos el regreso directo a la Ciudad de San José. Recomendaciones: Traje de baño, repelente, suéter y toalla. Mínimo 02 pasajeros.

DÍA 6 SAN JOSÉ  Día libre para actividades personales. Alojamiento en San José. 

DÍA 7    SAN JOSÉ Día libre para actividades personales. Alojamiento en San José. 

DÍA 8 SAN JOSÉ – MÉXICO A la hora indicada traslado al aeropuerto para abordar vuelo regular con destino la ciudad de México


Formas de pago para viajes


Para conocer las Pólíticas, términos y condiciones de este programa, descarga nuestro Contrato de Adhesión.

¿Tus hijos menores viajan al extranjero sin ti o en compañía de un tercero mayor de edad?

Llena el formato de autorización de salida del territorio de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos de niñas, niños, adolescentes o personas bajo tutela jurídica


Cuando se trate de excursiones, servicios o paquetes de viaje que tengan destino en el extranjero, dada su naturaleza por ser servicios que se harán uso, goce o disfrute de ellos fuera de México, las publicaciones, los precios de las cotizaciones, confirmaciones, precios totales se presentarán en moneda extranjera, haciendo mención de que el precio de venta será el resultado de la conversión de la moneda extranjera a moneda nacional y podrán ser pagados en Pesos MXN (Moneda Nacional) al tipo de cambio que rija en el lugar y fecha en que se haga el pago único o bien en cada una de las fechas en que se realicen pagos parciales. Este tipo de cambio se determinará conforme a las disposiciones que para esos efectos expida el Banco de México en los términos de su Ley Orgánica y conforme a lo dispuesto en el Artículo 8º de la Ley Monetaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos referente a las obligaciones de pago en moneda extranjera contraídas dentro o fuera de la República para ser cumplidas en esta, que se solventarán entregando el equivalente en moneda nacional, sirviendo para todos los efectos consiguientes de anticipos, liquidación, incluso reembolsos, bonificaciones, compensaciones, penalizaciones o cancelaciones. Del mismo modo, las obligaciones de pago en moneda extranjera contraídas dentro de la República Mexicana para ser cumplidas en esta se deben solventar en Moneda Nacional al tipo de cambio que rija al momento de efectuarse el pago, o en la moneda extranjera a elección de ambas partes, lo anterior con fundamento en los apartados 5.1.3 y 6.2.4 de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-010-TUR-2001. Toda la información referente a las formas de contratación, uso y manejo de precios en moneda extranjera, forman parte de nuestro contrato de adhesión en términos y aplicación de la Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor, a la Ley Monetaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y a la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-010-TUR-2001. Dicho contrato de adhesión forma parte integral de toda cotización y en general de las documentales de viaje que reciben los usuarios-turistas.

TODOS LOS PRECIOS PUBLICADOS EN ESTE SITIO WEB SON DE CARÁCTER REFERENCIAL E INFORMATIVO. NINGUNO DE LOS PRECIOS QUE SE PUBLICAN SON DE CARACTER FINAL O DEFINITIVO EN TANTO EL CLIENTE NO SOLICITE UNA COTIZACION FORMAL MISMA QUE SE ELABORA Y ENTREGA DE ACUERDO A SUS PROPIOS INTERESES, REQUERIMIENTOS Y PRESUPUESTO. Los precios son referenciales e informativos dado que se sujetan a requerimientos específicos del cliente como son entre otros, sin ser limitativos: clase de vuelos; categoría de hoteles; clase de ocupación sencilla, doble triple, etc edades de los clientes; condiciones especiales que ameriten contratación de servicios especiales o particulares; temporalidad en la que se viaja y otro sin número de condiciones, características y particularidades que le son muy propias de cada uno de nuestros clientes. Toda cotización se elabora en base a estas condiciones y una vez que el cliente cuenta con ella es de nuestra la responsabilidad y obligación de dar cabal cumplimiento al precio y a los servicios que se contratan. Toda cotización se sujeta a su debido contrato, mismo que se anexa a la cotización misma. Toda la información de la cotización en su conjunto determina la libre decisión por parte de el cliente para cotntratar en dichos términos. Toda la información que se entrega al cliente cumple y se sujeta invariablemente a la normatividad vigente como son entre otras Ley Federal del Consumidor, Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-010-TUR-2001 Del mismo modo, las obligaciones de pago en moneda extranjera contraídas dentro de la República Mexicana para ser cumplidas en esta se deben solventar en Moneda Nacional al tipo de cambio que rija al momento de efectuarse el pago, o en la moneda extranjera a elección de ambas partes, lo anterior con fundamento en los apartados 5.1.3 y 6.2.4 de la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-010-TUR-2001. Toda la información referente a las formas de contratación, uso y manejo de precios en moneda extranjera, forman parte de nuestro contrato de adhesión en términos y aplicación de la normatividad vigente. Para todos los casos el contrato de adhesión forma parte integral de toda cotización y en general de las documentales de viaje que reciben los usuarios-turistas.

Conchal Adventures Costa Rica

Immerse yourself in an extraordinary adventure with our Mega Combo tour, set amidst the rustic Costa Rican back roads and stunning landscapes near the Rincon de la Vieja volcano . Let us pick you up from your hotel and take you on a scenic drive through charming villages and mountains, setting the stage for an incredible experience in nature.

Upon arrival at our unique location, situated at an altitude of 750 meters (2,460 ft) above sea level, our expert team will be ready to provide you with a one-of-a-kind adventure on our Mega Combo tour. As your safety is our priority, you’ll be equipped with top-notch safety gear and receive thorough instructions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience that will create memories to last a lifetime.

Embark on your adventure by starting with the exhilarating zip-line course. Soar through the air on 7 different zip-lines, offering breathtaking views of the main craters and valleys of Rincon de la Vieja volcano. Feel the rush as you zip through the treetops, experiencing the thrill of a lifetime.

Afterward, saddle up for a thrilling horseback ride. As you traverse the scenic trails, admire the magnificent main crater of the volcano from a distance. Hear the rhythmic sounds of hooves hitting the ground and feel connected to nature as you explore the surroundings on horseback.

Conclude your unforgettable day with a heart-pounding, 400-meter (1,300 ft) waterslide that will leave you breathless. Plunge down the slide and let the adrenaline surge through your veins. At the bottom, a refreshing pool awaits, inviting you to cool off and repeat the exhilarating slide as many times as you desire.

Continuing on, immerse yourself in Costa Rican culture with a mini-tour that includes tastings of traditional rosquillas, a type of biscuit, along with tortillas and cheese. Savor the flavors and learn about the local culinary traditions. Additionally, discover the art of pottery and gain insights into the country’s rich heritage.

After working up an appetite, indulge in a mouthwatering Costa Rican lunch featuring organic ingredients sourced from our own farm. Sample the local flavors and savor the gastronomic delights that make Costa Rican cuisine so special. Every bite showcases the vibrant and fresh ingredients that define this culinary experience.

To further enhance your excursion, we offer a visit to a spa. Step into the steam room to open your pores, allowing the volcanic mud to revitalize your skin and leave you feeling rejuvenated. Once the mud has dried, rinse it off in a refreshing shower before immersing yourself in the mineral hot spring pools. These pools are strategically located throughout the tranquil spa area, each offering different temperatures for your relaxation and enjoyment.

If you’re seeking a hiking adventure, our Volcanic Hike is the perfect choice. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of this volcanic landscape while enjoying a guided exploration of nature’s wonders. Observe unique plant and animal species, witness stunning geological formations, and learn about the volcano’s fascinating history.

Join us for the ultimate Costa Rican adventure on our Mega Combo tour and create memories that will last a lifetime. Reserve your spot now and get ready for an extraordinary experience filled with thrills, natural beauty, cultural immersion, and relaxation. Let us take you on a journey that will leave you with a deep appreciation for the wonders of Costa Rica.

  • This is: Private tour only
  • Difficulty: Medium Hard
  • Price: $185 P/person 4Pax
  • Price: $200 P/person 3Pax
  • Price: $245 P/person 2Pax
  • We reserve the right to require a minimum of four adults paying the full price, and discounts may be offered for children.

 On this tour, you’ll be having full private transportation, and our guide or driver will be with you the tired time making sure that everything is going as planned and that if you have of the tour or where to go next he’ll be there for that. Now when we get to the please where you’ll be doing all the activities we can not promise that every activity will be private because this place will have a lot more people but for sure we’ll try to get every single activity privately.

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Let's Create Unique Memories

Travel is unique to each person. At Swiss Travel, we tailor our services to your specific needs. With 50 years of experience, we offer personalized travel planning in Costa Rica.

Our multilingual experts provide high-standard service, timely responses, and detailed proposals. We handle logistics, lodging, and activities with precision.

Once in Costa Rica, we ensure your itinerary exceeds expectations, assist with last-minute changes, and make sure you’re enjoying a Pura Vida experience.

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Swiss Travel Receives Certification from the Central American Quality and Sustainability System

We are thrilled to announce that Swiss Travel, as a Certified Sustainable Company, has recently been certified by the Central American Quality and Sustainability System (SICCS in Spanish), thanks to the homologation made by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute of

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Sustainability: How it Benefits the Planet and Swiss Travel’s Commitment

Learn about the concept of sustainability and its benefits to the environment, economy, and society. Discover how Swiss Travel Costa Rica promotes sustainable tourism practices and contributes to environmental conservation, community engagement, and education.

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Winter is a time when many people are looking to escape the cold and find a warm and sunny destination to relax and recharge. Costa Rica, with its beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, and diverse wildlife, is a popular choice for

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Buena Vista Mega Combo Day Pass

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From USD 92.99

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Tour Guanacaste Buena Vista Mega Combo Day Pass

Get ready for an action-packed day of adventure at the Rincón de la Vieja Volcano in Guanacaste, Costa Rica! Our Mega Combo tour is designed to give you the ultimate Costa Rican experience, all in one incredible location.

Start your day with a thrilling canopy tour as you zip-line along the volcano's slopes, taking in breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Feel the rush as you soar through the treetops, an experience that will leave you exhilarated and amazed.

After your adrenaline-pumping zip-lining adventure, it's time to cool off in style. Get ready to slide down the world's longest jungle waterslide, a whopping 1,400 ft of wet and wild excitement. The fun doesn't stop there – immerse yourself in Costa Rican culture with live demonstrations of pottery and tortilla making, followed by a mouthwatering traditional lunch that will tantalize your taste buds.

But that's not all! Your day continues with a leisurely horseback ride down scenic volcanic trails, allowing you to connect with the natural beauty of the area at a relaxed pace. And after all the excitement and exploration, it's time to unwind. Indulge in the soothing embrace of natural hot springs, sauna and steam rooms, mud baths, and serene pools nestled throughout the jungle. Beyond the adventure, we're also a mountain lodge and a sanctuary for nature enthusiasts, offering you the chance to immerse yourself in Costa Rica's rich biodiversity across acres of captivating forests. Get ready for a day filled with thrills, culture, and the wonders of nature!

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We provide transportation from anywhere in Guanacaste but we recommend selecting our self-transportation option to guarantee you the best price possible. Don't worry, guides from the tour will meet you upon your arrival. Alternatively, if you require a rental vehicle, we can arrange to deliver one to you and retrieve it once you've completed the tour. Benefit from our commitment to providing the lowest guaranteed price. Explore the tour at a pace that suits you best. To get a price quote, confirm availability and make a reservation, please click the "Book Now" button and provide your preferred date and time. At the time of booking, only a small deposit is necessary, with the full payment being accepted on the day of the tour once your reservation has been confirmed. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!

  • Welcome Cocktail
  • Horseback riding adventure
  • Cultural Tour + Buffet lunch
  • Hot springs & mud baths
  • Waterfall Salitral
  • Jungle waterslide 
  • Hanging Bridges
  • Canopy zip line experience
  • Approximately 8 hours
  • Buena Vista Del Rincon, Cañas Dulces


  • Enter Costa Rica
  • Rincon de la Vieja Tours

Buena Vista Mega Combo

Free vacation planning.

Ziplining is one of the most adrenaline-pumping activities on the itinerary. There are 10 cables and 11 platforms that will take you gliding through the tree canopy and allow you to see the rainforest from a totally different perspective. Your guides will provide helmets, harnesses and safety instructions before heading out with you on your adventure.

Alternatively, you may prefer to look down into the jungle canopy while hiking over hanging bridges suspended above and within the trees. Nature enthusiasts, who prefer taking their time to observe their surroundings, find that this option is just as fun, walking through and above the forest on very secure metal bridges attached by steel cables.

Horseback Riding in Buena Vista is a wonderful way to connect with what nature has to offer as you amble through the countryside saddled up on a well trained horse. You will be matched with your horse according to your riding ability and given a helmet along with safety instructions before going on the guided ride. The trail is 2 miles long with stunning views of the Rincon de la Vieja volcano. You’ll ride until you reach the hot springs where you can stop to luxuriate in the warm waters. If you would prefer to visit the hot springs by tractor instead of by horseback, your guide will be more than happy to make those arrangements for you.

The hot springs at Buena Vista are fed into naturally landscaped pools and are heated by the geothermic activity of the Rincon de La Vieja Volcano. They are naturally warm and full of minerals, great for relaxation and rejuvenation especially after zipping and hiking and horseback riding! Be sure to bring your bathing suit and towel for this portion of the tour.

A short walk from the hot springs is the Salitral Waterfall, a beautiful site to see. This small but mighty waterfall is situated in the middle of the rainforest and pours down a towering rock face. It is a great place to sit and relax, meditate or take incredible photos of the beauty surrounding you.

One of the most unique activities in this combination package is the mountain waterslide, also known as the Jungle Slide. It is 1300 feet long and weaves down the mountain through the rainforest. You will be given an inflatable tube to use to ride in the open flume on your thrilling decent down the waterslide.

This full day Mega Combo tour is filled with fun allowing travelers to experience almost all the adventures for which Costa Rica is well known. To top it all off, a delicious buffet lunch is also provided during the tour.

Please bring comfortable hiking clothing and shoes, bathing suit and towel, camera, and bottle of water. Long hair must be covered and contained for some of the activities. Transportation is NOT included from hotels other than Buena Vista Lodge.

What to Bring

  • Insect Repellent
  • Sturdy Shoes
  • Bathing Suit
  • Dry Clothes

Cancellation Policy

Buena Vista Mega Combo: Cancellation Policy

Latitude: N 10° 47' 47" Longitude: W 85° 24' 16.95"

  • Overall 91.2% (4 Guest Ratings)
  • Experience: 87.5%
  • Expectations: 87.5%
  • Guides: 97.5%
  • Logistics: 92.5%
  • Value: 92.5%

The tour was much more relaxed than we were expecting. It was nice to be able to have some downtime between activities if we chose to have it.

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Mega combo adventure, mega combo tour.


Zip Lining, Water Slide, Horseback Riding, Hot Springs and Cultural Activities!

Mega Combo Adventure  Tour and Water Slide in Guanacaste, is performed at highest peak of the  Rincon de la Vieja Volcano , delivering magnificent views of the mountains and Guanacaste valleys.

The Mega Combo Tour adventure combines the best of Guanacaste’s in one day. This tour is very appropriate for families with young kids, being safe and fun at all levels.

Our Mega Combo Tour features a 35 minute low-pace horseback riding crossing amazing and colorful gardens and orchards. Here you’ll enjoy the ride through the jungle trails observing the picturesque views of the mountains that surrounds the Rincon de la Vieja Volcano.

The horseback ride ends at the first platform of the zip lining, where you will zip through the jungle’s tree tops crossing more than 10 zips and platforms.

tours mega combo guanacaste tours

This activity is a great opportunity to see birds, iguanas, white faced monkeys and howler monkeys. For those seeking a rush of adventure, you can take the “water slide” going down the hillside facing twists and turns ending in a warm pool.

After this thrilled of adventure, you’ll enjoy a delicious Costa Rican lunch to then, change clothes and finish off the day spread rejuvenating on a warm volcanic mud on yourselves and then, soak in the natural hot springs pools surrounded by the flora and fauna of Guanacaste.

mega combo guanacaste tours

Departure Point:

  • Guanacaste hotels, villas or private residences

Departure Time:

  • 8:00 am (may vary depending of your location)
  • 8 hours (approx. – Flexible)

Return Details:

  • Returns to original departure point


  • Air conditioned transportation
  • Entrance fees
  • Lunch in restaurant
  • Bilingual guide
  • Horseback riding
  • Hot springs
  • Water slide


  • Gratuities (optional)
  • Souvenir photo service (available to purchase)

What to Bring?

  • Comfortable clothing, swimming suit, tennis shoes, bug spray, change of clothing and towels. Raincoat is recommended during rain season


  • Private or very small group tour
  • Family friendly tour
  • Flexibility to customize the itinerary to best suit your needs
  • Local and bilingual tour guide
  • Tour conducted at your own pace
  • Fly through the rain forest on a zip line
  • Picturesque views of the lush vegetation in the jungle
  • Up close jungle experience on a horseback riding
  • Possibility of animal encounters
  • Shops for local crafts on the way
  • Relaxing soak in the hot springs and volcanic mud baths
  • Cooler with bottles of fresh water on the vehicle
  • Vegetarian meal option available

Additional Info:

  • A minimum of two passengers is required for each booking

Located at the base of Rincon de la Vieja Volcano, Mega Combo tour offers a great variety of activities suitable for all ages

Get a fast quote, airport services & tours.


  • Barrio Tabores 25mts Sur de Cancha de futbol 5 Sardinal de Carrillo, Guanacaste 50503 Costa Rica
  • (506) 7202-7500
  • [email protected]

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Tripadvisor Award

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A Reservation in Advance  is Required for all tours.  No Walk ins

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Mega Combo Day Pass


Mega Combo Tour Costa Rica


This Extreme Mega Combo Tour Rincon de la Vieja Volcano is a truly one of the best ways to spend a day full of pure adrenaline! Extreme Canopy Tour – Hanging Bridges – Water Slide – Horseback Riding – Thermal Hot Springs – Waterfall – Lunch

  • The longest jungle water slide in Costa Rica (420 meters)
  • Jungle Zipline
  • Horseback riding
  • Tractor safari
  • Volcanic mud bath
  • Natural hot springs
  • Relaxing Volcanic steam sauna
  • Costa Rican typical Lunch

$ 105.00

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mega travel costa rica

You will be able to experience one of the most interesting regions in Costa Rica

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Visit Costa Rica

Welcome to the official site of Costa Rica

Welcome to Costa Rica! This beautiful country is known for its stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and incredible wildlife. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, Costa Rica has something for everyone.

Some of the top attractions include Arenal Volcano, Manuel Antonio National Park, La Paz Waterfalls, Papagayo Peninsula, Tamarindo beach, Rio Celeste, Monteverde Cloud Forest and Corcovado National Park.

You can enjoy activities such as surfing, snorkeling, fishing, ziplining and hiking. Costa Rica is also home to many unique and diverse animal species such as sloths, monkeys, birds, turtles and more. We hope you enjoy your stay!

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The Costa Rica Essentials

Essential Costa Rica is about promoting organic ingredients, unspoiled nature and authentic experiences.


Fill your calendar with the most wonderful natural and wildlife events.


Sun and Beaches

Costa Rica occupies a privileged spot with beaches in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.


Costa Rica is a land of volcanoes, rainforests and cloud forests, huge waterfalls and mighty rivers.


If stress is a part of your daily life, Costa Rica is the cure.


Costa Rica has a great place to experience nature’s wonders with your children; the country is a must for families!


Costa Rica is considered one of the most bio-diverse regions in the world.


Costa Rica in English, means rich coast. Every cruise ship visiting Costa Rica understands why.

Costa Rica has a wholesome environment and is an excellent place for families.


The richness of Costa Rica stems from the cultural diversity of its people.


Honeymoon & Weddings

Costa Rica is waiting for you to live this experience.


Where to Go?

Located on the central Pacific coast, the Puntarenas region extends from Punta Conejo south to Puerto Caldera to the mouth of the Bongo River. The region’s rich coastline overlooks small islands, inlets, beaches and beautiful natural wonders. The port town of Puntarenas serves as the center of the region and is home port to a ferry that carries visitors over to the tip of the Nicoya Peninsula.


South Pacific

The combination of breath-taking white-sand beaches, sweeping mountain views and an ideal tropical climate has made Guanacaste one of Costa Rica’s most popular regions. It boasts many of the country’s popular beaches, including Playa del Coco, Playa Flamingo, Playa Conchal and the Papagayo Peninsula. By day visitors can challenge themselves with a surf lesson, cool off under a waterfall at Rincón de la Vieja National Park, discover the craters of an active volcano with the same name and more before enjoying the active nightlife in Tamarindo.


Northern Plains

Recognized as home of Arenal Volcano National Park, which boasts 75% of Costa Rica’s bird population, the Northern Plains present endless activities for visitors. Excursions range from hiking and waterfall rappelling to canopying and exploring via a hanging bridge tour. Those looking for activities on the water will find that Lake Arenal is an ideal location for canoeing, fishing and kite surfing.


Central Valley

Those in search of cultural and natural attractions will find both in the Central Valley region. Home to the destination’s capital city, San José, many of Costa Rica’s most popular museums can be found in this urban setting including the Gold Museum, Jade Museum, National Museum and Children’s Museum, in addition to the architectural jewel of San José, the National Theatre.


Central Pacific

Beautiful beaches, wildlife sanctuaries, lagoons, rivers and waterfalls make the Central Pacific region an ideal destination for visitors in search of variety. The region stretches from the city of Puntarenas to Dominical de Osa and is made up of some of Costa Rica’s most visited areas including Monteverde, Quepos, Jacó, Bahía Ballena and Manuel Antonio. The region’s climate creates a unique landscape that transitions from tropical wet forest to tropical forest to tropical dry forest, providing the opportunity to observe a wide range of plants and animals.


The diverse coastline of the Northern Caribbean region attracts anglers, naturists and water enthusiasts in search of unique experiences. The North Caribbean region is famous for its interconnected canals and for Tortuguero National Park, where visitors have the opportunity to witness green turtles nesting. Limón City, the largest city on the country’s Caribbean coast, is perched in the center of the coast. The Southern Caribbean boasts some great beaches and picturesque parks, which are complemented by the area’s inviting culture.

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Things to do in Costa Rica; hidden gems

Mega Fun Combo

$ price varies on group size.

This expedition is one of our top sellers and it holds true to its name: Mega Fun Combo (is Mega Fun!!!).  This Costa Rican Tour is perfect for travelers on a time-crunch (or for a group with diverse needs), as it packs in several of Costa Rica’s most popular activities into one exciting, fun-filled day.  While many other tour companies offer similar tours, the secret to our success and popularity is our amazing, friendly, local guide who will soon become your new best friend!

This expedition at the Rincon de la Vieja consists of an incredible ten-cable zip line, hanging bridges to observe wild life, a 400-meter water slide in the jungle (you can repeat as many times as your legs will carry you back up) and horse back riding.  Additionally, there is a unique, cultural aspect to the tours as you will learn about coffee roasting; hand-made pottery; historical sugar cane making process; moonshine making; and may even get to taste fresh, fire-oven baked goodies. 

Then to ease your tired bodies, you can also enjoy the natural hot springs and mud bath . The spa area has a sequence: first the hot sauna will open up your pores and then the volcanic mud bath will rejuvenate your skin.  You let the mud dry as you listen to the calming sounds of the jungle, then enjoy a cold shower and finish with a dip in the naturally heated hot spring pools. This leaves your skin, body and soul feeling refreshed.

Trip Details: 

Pick Up/Drop Off:   We pick up from all major hotels in the area at 7:00 am. Return time varies at it is a private tour and all groups are different, but most groups return around 4:00 pm.

Meals/Snacks:  Available for purchase

What to Wear/Bring:  Comfortable clothing for hiking with bathing suit; sunscreen, hiking/water shoes; a simple backpack that you can carry easily; your attitude for adventure; a smile

What Not to Bring:   Things of value that should not get wet or you’d be sad if they got lost (examples:  iPad; iWatch, car keys to a rental car; your passport).

Mega Fun Tour; Costa Rican Adventure

Adrenaline Combo Rincon De La Vieja

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Review: Rio Perdido, Costa Rica

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Review: Rio Perdido, Costa Rica

Rio Perdido

Located in costa rica, style & character, service & facilities, food & drink.

Rio Perdido is located in the heart of Costa Rica’s Guanacaste province, renowned for its diverse landscapes and natural beauty. Nestled within a 1,500-acre private reserve, the resort is positioned near the town of Bagaces, approximately an hour’s drive southeast of Liberia, the capital of Guanacaste. This area is known for its dramatic volcanic landscapes, rich biodiversity, and pristine wilderness, offering a stunning backdrop for the resort.

The property is set amidst a unique dwarf forest characterized by its compact and diverse plant life. This distinctive ecosystem is complemented by the nearby thermal gorge, a natural wonder cherished by the indigenous Cabecar tribes for its mystical qualities. The gorge features natural hot springs that wind through the property, creating a serene and rejuvenating environment.

Rio Perdido is a haven of well-being in the heart of Costa Rica’s Guanacaste province, offering an authentic Costa Rican experience amid breathtaking natural beauty. Cooled by a constant breeze and surrounded by a unique dwarf forest, this enchanting resort embodies the essence of Costa Rica’s renowned PURA VIDA lifestyle.

Just an hour’s drive from Liberia, the hotel is set on a 1,500-acre reserve, once revered by the Cabecar tribes for its mystical thermal gorge. Thoughtfully designed to blend with its surroundings, Rio Perdido provides a luxurious retreat while preserving its pristine environment.

The location of Rio Perdido allows guests to easily access some of the region’s most remarkable natural attractions, including national parks, waterfalls, and wildlife reserves. The proximity to Liberia’s international airport makes it a convenient destination for international travelers, while the surrounding natural beauty and tranquility provide an ideal setting for both adventure and relaxation.

Rio Perdido in Costa Rica offers a harmonious blend of modern design and sustainable architecture, creating a tranquil sanctuary that seamlessly integrates with its natural surroundings. The resort’s aesthetic features clean lines, natural materials like wood and stone, and open, airy spaces that facilitate a connection with the environment.

Emphasizing eco-friendly practices, Rio Perdido utilizes solar power, rainwater harvesting, and natural ventilation systems to minimize its environmental impact. The ambiance is serene and elegant, with an understated luxury that invites guests to unwind and immerse themselves in the lush landscape. Celebrating Costa Rican culture, the resort incorporates local art, textiles, and cuisine, offering an authentic and enriching experience amidst the breathtaking beauty of Guanacaste’s unique ecosystems.

Guests can immerse themselves in the wonders of nature with activities such as swimming in natural hot springs along a mile-long thermal gorge or exploring over 20 miles of hiking trails abundant with exotic flora and fauna. The resort offers zip-lining, mountain biking, and white-water tubing for thrill-seekers, while those seeking relaxation can unwind by the pool or indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments.

Accommodations at Rio Perdido blend modern comfort with sustainability, featuring 30 forest bungalows that provide a serene retreat amid Costa Rica’s stunning natural beauty. Each bungalow is thoughtfully equipped with complimentary Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and contemporary bathrooms, ensuring a comfortable and restful stay.

Dining at Rio Perdido celebrates Costa Rica’s rich culinary heritage, where the chef-led team crafts seasonal, locally sourced cuisine that honors tradition while incorporating innovative accents. Guests can savor exquisite meals at the atmospheric open-air restaurant, which upholds sustainable food and beverage practices, ensuring a memorable dining experience. For a truly private and unforgettable occasion, guests can enjoy a special dinner under the starry sky on a Floating Platform situated nearly 50 meters above the river convergence.

At Rio Perdido, guests are invited to embrace adventure and relaxation, from exploring the reserve’s unique ecosystems to indulging in volcanic mud body painting and cliff-side yoga sessions. Whether in search of tranquility or excitement, Rio Perdido offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with nature and rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit.

Copyright Luxury Travel Diary 2014 - 2024. Duplication outside of luxurytraveldiary.com is forbidden.

Image(s) courtesy of Rio Perdido.

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Costa Ricans Polarized Over Jaguar Law

Protecting your assets: lessons from costa rica’s ‘madre patria’ mega-case, costa rica faces drinking water crisis, july gardening in costa rica: harvest, plant and compost, costa rica’s press freedom decline: iachr expresses concern.

Tico Times

Costa Ricans have been dealing with a critical situation regarding the supply of drinking water. Despite dialogue and continuous protests, the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewerage (AyA) has been unable to resolve the issue.

The Ombudsman’s Office pointed out several causes for this problem, including territorial disorder, lack of protection in water recharge areas, inadequate planning, lack of project execution, and poor coordination between the AyA and local authorities. Climatic phenomena, especially hotter and drier summers, have also had an influence. However, they are not the only culprit.

The reality is that the country has been facing a severe supply problem for quite some time, preventing it from meeting the nationwide demand for this service. Communities such as Hatillo, Mata Redonda, Coronado, Desamparados, and Alajuelita are among the most affected in the Greater Metropolitan Area.

These areas complain about continuous rationing, which often occurs without prior notice and lasts longer than expected. The Ombudsman’s Office considers that the efforts made by AyA have not been sufficient. The institution has implemented some emergency actions, such as rationing schedules, supplying tanker trucks, incorporating new wells into the metropolitan aqueduct system, and installing tanks in highly vulnerable areas. However, these measures fail to address the underlying problem.

According to the Ombudsman’s Office, AyA must implement efficient planning and execution of medium and long-term infrastructure projects to improve the water and hydraulic capacity of the aqueduct systems.

Recent reports by the Public Services Regulatory Authority ( ARESEP ) show that the institution has 57% of drinking water losses, incomplete project executions that take 10 to 15 years, and 80% of meters under-registering consumption.

The report also revealed non-compliance in the verification of water quality by all service providers in the country, and the absence of a strategy to keep water quality information updated annually by the National Water Laboratory.

The Ombudsman’s Office highlighted that they had called AyA’s attention to the lack of foresight and implementation of measures to meet the population’s supply needs years ago. They also indicated that they would prepare a report for each community affected by the water problems.

Tico Times

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Costa Rica News

This Peaceful Costa Rica Beach Is A Secret Tropical Escape

C osta Rica is the perfect country to relax by the ocean, as its tranquil coastline is a natural Caribbean paradise. If you want to visit one of the best beaches in Costa Rica then head to Playa Chiquita which is a haven for wildlife with plenty of fun activities to keep tourists entertained. It also has a prestigious "Blue Flag" award as it is so clean and tidy.

Situated on the East Coast, Playa Chiquita is in the Limón province, nestled between the popular beaches of Puerto Viejo de Talamanca and Playa Punta Uva. It is surrounded by forest without a road to get to it which makes this beach feel more private. If you want to be infused with the Costa Rican spirit of "Pura Vida" then this is the place to do it. Once you arrive, you'll immediately understand why this beach is one of the best things to do in Costa Rica .

Read more: The Prettiest Waters Around The World

Things To Do At Playa Chiquita

Playa Chiquita is the perfect place to relax and feel like you're a castaway on a desert island. You can even add to this secluded experience by taking a horseback ride through the rainforest. As the water is so clear, you can snorkel off the beach and see some of Costa Rica's exquisite marine life. If wildlife is your thing, go for a hike in the nearby Gandoca-Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge where you can spot snakes, birds, and even ocelots if you're lucky.

Its coastline is part of the protected reserve so you can dive with the sea turtles and manatees that call this place home. On the other side of Playa Chiquita is the Jaguar Rescue Center at Punta Cocles. Here you can see native wildlife like monkeys, sloths, macaws, and deer being nursed back to health. If you prefer to party, head to nearby Puerto Viejo which has a thriving nightlife scene, and afterwards, you can return to the peace of Playa Chiquita.

Places To Stay At Playa Chiquita

As Playa Chiquita is surrounded by rainforest, most of the accommodations are close to the road, slightly set back from the beach. According to Tripadvisor reviews, Casa Moabi is one of the best places to stay here. It is a traditional-style house with a tropical garden where wildlife like birds and monkeys come to visit. This hotel is a short walk to the beach and it offers a delicious breakfast.

Villa Casa Azul y Arena Blanca Apartamentos has 5 out of 5 stars on its Google Reviews so this is a popular option with travelers. Visitors love it because it is in a great location, with kind hosts and clean rooms. An offbeat option near Playa Chiquita is the Tree House Lodge which has 4.5 stars on Google . Guests enjoy it as the open layout means that you can easily see the wildlife that surrounds you and the beach is only a few minutes away. Costa Rica is a top destination for solo travelers so wherever you stay, you're bound to make some new friends.

Read the original article on Explore .

Playa Chiquita in Costa Rica

A travel expert who has been to more than 90 countries says these are the best under-the-radar destinations

  • Samantha Brown shared three underrated travel destinations to avoid crowds.
  • Brown has visited over 90 countries in her 20-year career as a seasoned travel host.
  • She said Australia and Canada offer unique experiences.

Insider Today

From Europe and Asia to South America and Australia, Samantha Brown has been to more than 90 countries around the world.

The Emmy-award-winning travel host of the PBS show " Samantha Brown's Places to Love " takes viewers across the globe to share what it's like to experience different cultures.

She's been hosting travel shows on various networks for 25 years, including Travel Channel's "Great Vacation Homes."

In a recent conversation with Business Insider, Brown highlighted three underrated destinations that will wow you without the crowds.

Darwin is an underrated destination in Australia.

mega travel costa rica

Darwin is at the top of Australia in the Northern Territory.

"It's closer to Asia than it is to Melbourne or Sydney," Brown said. Singapore is about 300 miles closer than Melbourne, according to Google Maps.

Despite the roughly four-hour flight between Darwin and these more popular Australian destinations, Brown says it's a hidden gem worth visiting because of its unique landscapes in the two bordering national parks, Mary River and Litchfield.

The surrounding national parks may make you feel as if you're on another planet.

mega travel costa rica

Brown travels to Darwin to see waterfalls, pools, and unique landscapes at Mary River and Litchfield National Parks.

"You're in this phenomenally different landscape from the Outback. Darwin feels as if you are not only hitting a new country but a new planet," she said. "It's unlike anything you've ever seen. And I think if you've traveled that far, you need to see that."

If you enjoy train travel, board the Ghan from Darwin to Adelaide. It is known as one of the most scenic railways in the world , with dramatic landscapes inaccessible by other transportation modes.

If you can't get to Europe, take a trip to Montreal.

mega travel costa rica

"If Europe is too expensive, go to Montreal ," Brown said.

The city in Canada's eastern province of Quebec is just a 90-minute flight from NYC.

The French-Canadian city feels like Paris, according to Brown.

mega travel costa rica

The French-Canadian city reminds Brown of Paris with historic architecture, cobblestone streets, and French culture.

Most Montreal locals speak French, and with a European aesthetic, it's easy to see why Brown considers it a comparable destination.

"Montreal is one of the best cities in the world," she said. "The 400-year-old city feels like Europe for half the cost."

She's particularly a fan of the public art scene. According to the city's website , more than 1,000 pieces are displayed around Montreal and are free to view.

Brown recommends taking yourself on a free tour. From the streets to the underground metro stations, Montreal is full of art.

"I love public art, and I love places that we are all allowed to inhabit with no money," Brown said.

A great place to start is Place Jacques Cartier , a public square filled with street artists and vendors, as BI previously reported.

Costa Rica may not seem like a hidden gem, but it is during the rainy season.

mega travel costa rica

In Central America, Costa Rica is a hot spot for tourists. From beaches and jungles to volcanoes and cloud forests, travelers can have a range of experiences in one trip.

But fewer tourists visit in the summer, as Costa Rica's wet season begins in late May and spans six months.

Many tourists don't know that the rain clears up midseason for July.

mega travel costa rica

In the midst of the wet season, rain stops in Costa Rica in July, Brown told BI.

"It happens every year, just for the month of July," she added.

Since many travelers assume Costa Rica is rainy all summer, prices for flights and hotels decrease.

"You can go to the Caribbean side, where all the resorts are, or you can go to the interior, where there are volcanoes and rainforests," Brown said. "You're going to a place that everyone loves to go to. The biodiversity is off the charts. But you're going at a time when no one thinks to go."

For more ideas on where to travel this summer , Brown released the ultimate itinerary in a Summer Travel Trends Report in collaboration with Klarna.

mega travel costa rica

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  24. Ultimate Guide: What to Do in Costa Rica for an Unforgettable ...

    Why Costa Rica Tops Every Travel Bucket List. According to the Costa Rican Tourism Board, a whopping 2.9 million tourists visited this gem in 2019. Why? The answer's simple: with over 5% of the ...

  25. Review: Rio Perdido, Costa Rica

    Rio Perdido is located in the heart of Costa Rica's Guanacaste province, renowned for its diverse landscapes and natural beauty. Nestled within a 1,500-acre private reserve, the resort is positioned near the town of Bagaces, approximately an hour's drive southeast of Liberia, the capital of Guanacaste.

  26. Costa Rica Faces Drinking Water Crisis

    Travel. Sports. Lifestyle. Art and Culture. Coffee. Science and Tech. Classifieds. Advertise. ... Home Costa Rica Costa Rica Faces Drinking Water Crisis. Costa Rica Faces Drinking Water Crisis. By Tico Times. July 8, 2024. ... Lessons from Costa Rica's 'Madre Patria' Mega-Case. July 9, 2024. Honduras Uses Imprisoned Gang Members to Erase ...

  27. This Peaceful Costa Rica Beach Is A Secret Tropical Escape

    C osta Rica is the perfect country to relax by the ocean, as its tranquil coastline is a natural Caribbean paradise. If you want to visit one of the best beaches in Costa Rica then head to Playa ...

  28. Full Day Mega Combo Adventure provided by Tony Expeditions

    Full Day Mega Combo Adventure. Full Day Mega Combo Adventure provided by Tony Expeditions - La Cruz, Costa Rica. La Cruz. Hotels. Things to Do. Restaurants Flights Vacation Rentals Travel Stories Cruises Rental Cars. More.

  29. The Best Hidden Gem Destinations, According to a Travel Expert

    In Central America, Costa Rica is a hot spot for tourists. From beaches and jungles to volcanoes and cloud forests, travelers can have a range of experiences in one trip.

  30. Mega super asking for passport number in order to get discounts

    A great place to share your Costa Rica travel stories that will contribute to this collection of advice for those traveling to Costa Rica. From tips on the top spots to see, best adventure tours to take, where to stay and eat, best beaches and towns, etc. ... Hi, like the title says went into mega super and they wanted my passport number, name ...