
Nokialla on hallussaan ”musta laatikko”, jonka sisältö ei avaudu kunnolla edes yhtiötä työkseen seuraaville – huippukannattava liiketoiminta jauhaa vuolasta kassavirtaa, flight centre travel group (europe) ab, filial i finland 2792640-1.

  • Kaupparekisterissä
  • Ennakkoperintärekisterissä
  • Työnantajarekisterissä

Yrityksen perustiedot

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Yrityksellä ei ole tilikausitietoja.


Sisältää yritystä koskevat Kaupparekisteriin merkityt viralliset tiedot.

6,49 € (sis. alv. 24%)

Yrityksen maksuhäiriöt

Yrityksen maksuhäiriöistä näytetään tyyppi, päivämäärä, summa ja velkoja.


Tilinpäätös on yrityksen viimeisin Patentti- ja rekisterihallitukselle toimittama tilinpäätös.

9,75 € (sis. alv. 24%)


Sisältää yrityksen kaupparekisteriin ilmoittamat vastuuhenkilöt ja nimenkirjoittajat.


Sisältää osakeyhtiön tai asunto-osakeyhtiön kaupparekisteriin ilmoittamat yhtiötiedot.

Alma Talent Tietopalvelut

Tarvitsetko virallisia yritystietoja säännöllisesti? Ota käyttöösi Alma Talent Tietopalvelut!


  • Yritys- ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä (YTJ)

04.11.2016 –

  • Kaupparekisteri (PRH)

08.11.2016 –

  • Ennakkoperintärekisteri (YTJ)
  • Arvolisäverovelvollisuusrekisteri (YTJ)

01.12.2016 –

Ei rekisteröintiä

  • Työnantajarekisteri (YTJ)
  • Vakuutusmaksuverovelvollisuusrekisteri (YTJ)
  • Verohallinnon perustiedot (YTJ)

14.12.2016 –

Entiset nimet

Entinen nimi tyyppi voimassa ( ytj ).

  • Entinen nimi Corporate Travel Northern Europe AB, filial i Finland Tyyppi Päätoiminimi Voimassa 08.11.2016 – 05.05.2017
  • ATT: Alma Talent Tietopalvelut
  • PRH: Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus
  • YTJ: Yritys- ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä
  •  Y-tunnus 2792640-1 2792640-1 
  •  Kylänvanhimmantie 29, 00640 Helsinki
  •  Äyritie 12 A, 01510 Vantaa
  •  www.fcmtravel.com/fi-fi
  •  Kaupparekisterissä
  •  Ennakkoperintärekisterissä
  •  Työnantajarekisterissä

Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) Ab, Filial I Finland on perustettu vuonna 2016. Se on ulkomaisen elinkeinonharjoittajan sivuliike,  jonka kotipaikka on Ulkomaat , ja pääasiallinen toimiala Matkatoimisto .  

Taloustietoja ei ole saatavilla viimeisen viiden vuoden ajalta.

Tietojen lähde: Yritys- ja yhteisötietojärjestelmä (YTJ), Fonecta

Onko tämä sinun yrityksesi? Voit muuttaa näytettäviä tietoja maksuttomassa Oma Fonecta -palvelussa. Kirjaudu Oma Fonecta -palveluun tästä .

  •  Matkahaukka Kirkkonummi Kirkkonummi
  •  American Express Global Business Travel Vantaa
  •  Matkatoimisto CWT Helsinki
  •  Heidi M.A.K.E.U.P
  •  Acushnet Sverige Aktiebolag - filial i Finland Vantaa
  •  THE MEN by My o My Helsinki
  •  Kaiko Clothing Company Oy Helsinki
  •  Made in Hitis Kemiönsaari
  •  IAM, Real Estate Helsinki
  •  VT10 Hämeenlinna Oy Hämeenlinna
  •  Förbundet Hem och Skola I Finland RF Helsinki

Muut yritykset osoitteessa Kylänvanhimmantie 29

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial i Finland

Uusimmat ilmoitukset.

As a member of the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce , you get exclusive benefits, such as free advisory services and versatile networking opportunities. Succeed with us!

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Hae koko Suomesta tai läheltäsi

Hae henkilöitä nimellä tai numerolla

Hae yrityksiä

Hae palveluita läheltäsi

Hae yrityksiä tai palveluita

Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) Ab, Filial I Finland

Kylänvanhimmantie 29, 00640 Helsinki




Yrityksen sijainti, sijainti ja reitti.

Päivitä ja lisää tietoja yrityksestäsi

Kirjaudu maksuttomaan Oma Fonecta -palveluun ja muokkaa yrityksesi tietoja.

Talous- ja päättäjätiedot

Enemmän taloustietoa

Päätoimiala: Matkatoimisto

Y-tunnus : 27926401


Saatat olla kiinnostunut

Kaipaatko minilomaa?

Bed and breakfast


Lomaosakkeet, lomahuoneistot

Haluatko uudistaa hiustyylin?

Kampaamot ja parturit

Mökki kuntoon kesäksi


Parketin asennus




Lataa Fonecta Caller sovelluskaupasta

Sovelluksella haet yhteystietoja ja tunnistat saapuvat puhelut

Fonecta Caller

Caller Pro -tilaus

Usein kysyttyä

Anna palautetta

Muut palvelut


Palvelut yrityksille

Oma Fonecta

Tietoa Fonectasta

Tutustu työnantajaan

Flight centre travel group (europe) ab, filial i finland - tietoa työnantajasta, perustiedot.

  • Y-tunnus 2792640-1
  • Kotipaikka HELSINGFORS
  • Yritysmuoto SL
  • Toimiala Matkatoimistojen toiminta


  • Käyntiosoite Kylänvanhimmantie 29, 00640, Helsingfors
  • Postiosoite Kylänvanhimmantie 29, 00640, Helsingfors

Agreement for Travel Management Services

  • Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial i Finland, trading as FCM Travel Solutions (registration number 2792640-1). Our address is Äyritie 12 A, 01510 VANTAA, Finland ("us", "we", "our"); and
  • The company or other entity named in the account application form attached to these terms and conditions or in any quote or invoice provided by us referencing these terms and conditions (“you”, “your”).

This Agreement commences on the date you sign this document or the date you place a booking through us (whichever occurs sooner) and shall continue for the duration of time we provide travel management services to you. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon three months written notice.

Understanding this Agreement

The provider of your travel service will have its own terms and conditions (such as airline conditions of carriage or accommodation or car hire terms). All such terms and conditions (including limitations of liability) apply to any travel service booked pursuant to this Agreement and, accordingly, a reference to “this Agreement” shall mean (i) the terms and conditions set out herein; (ii) the terms and conditions of the Flight Centre Travel Group Data Processing Addendum (see below); (iii) the terms and conditions set out in your credit account approval letter (if applicable); and (iv) all terms and conditions of any provider of your travel services. To the extent of any inconsistency between a travel service provider’s terms and conditions and the terms and conditions set out herein, the travel service provider’s terms and conditions shall prevail, save to the extent that any provision in the travel service provider’s terms and conditions is deemed to be invalid or unenforceable. Your travel service providers will be identified on your itinerary or travel documents and their respective terms and conditions will be available directly on their websites or by contacting them. Alternatively you can ask us for copies. You must read all applicable travel service provider terms and conditions carefully because in every case they will apply to the provision of your travel services.

For the purposes of Directive (EU) 2015/2302 on package travel and linked travel arrangements and the Finnish legislation implementing that Directive, the parties agree that this Agreement is a general agreement for the arrangement of business travel.

Where we provide you with a quote for a scheduled airline ticket, the price shall be valid until close of business on the day of the quote (if nothing else is stated) or such shorter time we may specify (excluding airline taxes, which are subject to change and may be re-quoted at the time your booking is confirmed). In all other cases, prices are subject to availability and can be withdrawn or changed without notice. Price changes may occur by reason of matters outside our control which increase the cost of the product or service. Such factors include adverse currency fluctuations, fuel surcharges, taxes and airfare increases. Please contact us for up to date prices.

Payment terms

Credit card and lodge card payments will be taken at time of booking/invoicing and will incur merchant fees. You authorise us to charge all fees incurred by you in relation to the services provided to the card designated by you. If payment is not received from the card issuer or its agents for any reason, you agree to pay us all amounts due immediately on demand. You indemnify us against any loss that may be experienced by us due to any fraudulent use or otherwise of that credit card.

Amendment and cancellation fees

Cancelled bookings may incur charges. These charges can be up to 100% of the cost of the booking, regardless of whether travel has commenced. Fees and extra charges may also apply where a booking is changed and when tickets or documents are re-issued. Where we incur any liability for a travel service provider cancellation fee or charge for any booking which you cancel, you agree to indemnify us for the amount of that fee or charge. Where you seek a refund for a cancelled booking for which payment has been made to the travel service provider, we will not provide a refund to you until we receive the funds from that travel service provider.

If you have purchased a return flight, multi-stop or round the world flight and you do not check in on a confirmed flight, the airline will register you as a ‘no show’ and your tickets on your subsequent flights may be cancelled. Please contact us as soon as possible if you do not intend to check-in for a confirmed reservation in these circumstances.

Passports & visas

All travellers must have a valid passport for international travel and many countries require at least 6 months validity from the date of return. Some countries also require a machine-readable passport and/or unstamped available pages. When assisting with an international travel booking, we will assume that all travellers on the booking have a valid passport. If this is not the case, you must let us know. It is important to ensure you have valid passports, visas and re-entry permits which meet the requirements of immigration and other government authorities. Any fines, penalties, payments, delay or expenditures incurred as a result of such documents not meeting the requirements of those authorities will be your sole responsibility (except to the extent caused by fault on our part). 

If you need information regarding visas, passports and other travel document requirements for your trip, please contact us. We can provide you with general information on visa and passport requirements that apply to international travel bookings you make with us. We can also obtain more specific information from an external visa advisory service provider on your behalf (if you wish, we can obtain visas for you through this external service and fees will apply). We do not warrant the accuracy of visa and passport information provided by any external service and accept no liability for any loss or damage which you may suffer in reliance on it (except to the extent caused by fault on our part).

For travel to Australia, Canada or the United States please be advised that there are compulsory pre-registration requirements for visa waiver programs. If you have registered before, please check your registration is valid and has not lapsed. Please note, you may not meet the eligibility requirements and may be required to obtain a visa.

Travel insurance

For all travel we strongly recommend that you take out appropriate travel insurance to cover your travel arrangements. It is your responsibility to ensure you have valid travel insurance that covers and is appropriate for your needs. We will not be liable for any loss you incur if and insofar as you are able to claim for damages under a travel insurance policy. We can arrange travel insurance for you or provide you with a quote or general information about the travel insurance options available to you.

Travel advice

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may have issued information about your travel destination. We strongly advise you go to Ulkoministeriö matkustustiedotteet to find out more about your destination prior to the commencement of travel. 

You must ensure that you are aware of any health requirements and recommended precautions relevant to your travel and ensure that you carry all necessary vaccination documentation. In some cases, failure to present required vaccination documentation (e.g. proof of Yellow Fever vaccination) may deny you entry into a country or invalidate your travel insurance cover. We recommend that you consult with your local doctor, travel medical service or specialist vaccination clinic before commencing your travel. We would be happy to provide you details of travel clinics on request.

When you make a booking with us, you acknowledge and agree that we will be acting as an agent only for the relevant transport, accommodation or other travel service provider. Our obligation to you is to (and you expressly authorise us to) make travel bookings on your behalf and to arrange relevant contracts between you and travel service providers. The travel service provider, and not Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, will be responsible to you for the provision of the relevant travel service. Any services we provide to you are collateral to our agency relationship with the travel service provider and are separate to the actual provision of the travel services. Your legal recourse for travel services is against the specific travel service provider and, except to the extent a problem is caused by fault on our part, not against us. Specifically, if for any reason any travel service provider is unable to provide the travel services for which you have contracted, your remedy lies against the travel service provider and not with us.

We exercise care in the selection of reputable travel service providers but we are not ourselves a provider of travel services and have no control over, or liability for, the services provided by third parties. We are responsible to ensure that we process your booking with reasonable skill and care and, accordingly,

our liability to you (except for fraud, or death or personal injury caused by our negligence) will be limited to supplying the relevant service again or paying the cost of having the relevant service supplied again. Our liability will also be limited to the extent that any relevant international conventions, for example the Montreal Convention in respect of travel by air, the Athens Convention in respect of travel by sea, the Berne Convention in respect of travel by rail and the Paris Convention in respect of the provision of accommodation, limit the amount of compensation which can be claimed for death, injury, or delay to passengers and loss, damage and delay to luggage.

In no event do we accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise, for any injury, damage, loss, delay, additional expense or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly by the acts, omissions or default, whether negligent or otherwise, of third party providers over whom we have no direct control, force majeure or any other event which is beyond our control or which is not preventable by reasonable diligence on our part. We also do not accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise, for consequential loss (meaning indirect loss, loss of revenue, loss of reputation, loss of profits, loss of actual or anticipated savings, lost opportunities, including opportunities to enter into arrangements with third parties or loss or damage in connection with claims against you by third parties) howsoever caused in connection with your booking.

Special requirements

Please speak to us about any special requirements you may have for your travel arrangements such as special meal and seating requests, room type or access. Please understand that travel service providers may not be able to accommodate every request.

Loyalty programs

Your travelers may provide membership details for loyalty programs at time of booking or add them to their profile. Please encourage your travelers to check their loyalty program for the specific terms of their membership. We cannot guarantee that the travel service provider will credit them with points for their booking. Any loyalty program discrepancies in relation to their booking must be communicated to us within six months of their flight departure date.

Travel documents

Travel documents include airline tickets, hotel vouchers, rental car vouchers or any other document (whether in electronic form or otherwise) used to confirm an arrangement with a travel service provider. Travel documents may be subject to certain conditions and/or restrictions including (without limitation) being non-refundable, non-date-changeable, non-transferable and subject to cancellation and/or amendment fees. Travel documents cannot be transferred to another person to use. All airline tickets must be issued in the name of the passport/photo identity holder. An incorrect name on a booking or on the travel documents may result in an inability to travel on that booking and the booking being cancelled. Please review your travel documentation carefully and advise us immediately of any errors in names, dates and timings. You must ensure you have all your travel documents and e-tickets prior to travel. Please let us know if you believe you have not received any required documentation.

A flight described on your travel documents and/or itinerary as “direct” will not necessarily be non-stop. All departure/arrival times are provided by the airlines concerned and are estimates only. They may change due to air traffic control restrictions, weather conditions and operational requirements.

Data protection

To protect your employees’ personal data we maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures as set out in the Flight Centre Travel Group (“FCTG”) Data Processing Addendum, available at fi.fcm.travel/trust-and-compliance . The parties agree that the terms of the FCTG Data Processing Addendum are incorporated by reference into this Agreement and form part of this Agreement as though set out herein.

Services provided under this Agreement (including booking services and all ancillary services such as booking platform access, payment processing, traveller tracking and reporting) shall be considered an instruction to process personal data. You may provide instructions to us over the phone, by email or through one of our booking platforms.

We will also provide an option for select individuals within your organisation to receive the latest travel news, alerts and offers. Recipients may opt-out at any time.

Money not held on trust

All money paid by you to us will be our property and will be a debt due and payable to the travel service provider, if not paid directly to the travel service provider. You agree and acknowledge that such money will not be held by us on trust for and on behalf of you and we may hold such money in any account as we see fit, including with our own and/or our other clients’ money.

Anti-bribery and corruption

Each party shall comply, and shall ensure that each of its employees, officers, directors, contractors and agents complies with all applicable laws, regulations, codes and sanctions, including but not limited to anti-bribery and corruption, foreign corrupt practices, anti-terrorism and anti-slavery laws. Neither party shall engage in any course of conduct that would cause the other party to be in violation of the laws of any jurisdiction, including, without limitation, the laws, regulations, codes and sanctions referred to in this clause. Each party shall ensure that it has in place and maintains policies and procedures adequate to prevent bribery and corruption, foreign corrupt practices, terrorism, slavery and human trafficking and to ensure compliance with the applicable laws, regulations, codes and sanctions referred to in this clause. Each party shall, and shall ensure that each of its employees, officers, directors, contractors and agents shall uphold the highest standards of business ethics and conduct, and undertake not to give or receive any advantage that could be perceived as payment or receipt of a bribe, not to make facilitation payments, not to bribe a foreign public official, and not to engage in slavery or human trafficking.

Final provisions

Each time a material change is made to this Agreement by us we will provide a copy of the updated Agreement to you. It is your obligation to check the updated Agreement. If you continue to receive services from us then you agree that you are deemed to have accepted the updated Agreement.

If any dispute arises in relation to this Agreement, the laws of Finland will apply. The rules on conflicts of law shall be excluded. You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Finland and waive any right that you may have to object to an action being brought in those courts. Any provision (or part of any provision) of this Agreement which is invalid in any jurisdiction is invalid in that jurisdiction to that extent, without invalidating or affecting the remaining provisions (or part provision) or the validity of that provision in any other jurisdiction.

EU Community List

We bring to your attention the existence of a 'Community List', which contains details of air carriers that are subject to an operating ban within the EU. The Community List is available for inspection at ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/air/safety/air-ban/index_en.htm .

Revision ref: 2 January 2019.

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Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB

  • Vretenvägen 9, 17154, Solna, 077-0456480 - ( see on map )



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Finland Holiday Deals

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Port Douglas Holiday | Book now! | $605* bonus value return from $1659* for two

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Sustainable & Eco

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Winter & Ski

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Top destinations

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Frequently asked questions

Your Finland packing list depends on the time of year you plan to travel, especially if you plan to visit in winter, as you’ll need some seriously heavy-duty layers. Even if you’re travelling in summer, you can be caught out by a cool breeze or a flash rain cloud so best do some season specific research. Be sure to pack comfortable shoes and your sense of adventure.

Finland is a place of geographical extremes, from the remote wilderness of Lapland to the deep forest of Lakeland and the effortless cool city vibes of Helsinki. You could have an entirely different holiday depending on the time of year and the region you choose to visit. For a thoroughly modern Nordic experience, head to Helsinki where you can skip between UNESCO World Heritage listed sites and contemporary art galleries, stopping for dinner at a Michelin-starred Finnish restaurant. If you’re planning a trip around Christmas time, be sure to stop in at Rovaniemi to say hey to Santa Claus.

Life happens - we get it! Read more here .

This is one of those questions that comes down to personal preference, while some prefer the long sun-kissed summer days from June to August, others opt for the magical winter wonderland from December to February. The great news is that there are no wrong answers here, so the best time to visit Finland is any time you can.

Experience the magical Northern Lights, dive into a traditional Finnish sauna (if you know, you know), indulge in delicious Finnish cuisine, meet Santa Claus, explore the stunning natural beauty of the wilderness on foot, bicycle or the most fun option, on a dog sled. Oh and if you visit in summer, the midnight sun is an experience that promises to linger in your memory long after your holiday has ended.

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© Flight Centre Travel Group Limited. ATAS Accreditation No. A10412.

*Travel restrictions & conditions apply. Review any specific conditions stated and our general terms at Terms and Conditions . Prices & taxes are correct as at the date of publication & are subject to availability and change without notice. Prices quoted are on sale until the dates specified unless otherwise stated or sold out prior. Prices are per package.

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Finland Holiday Deals

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

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flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

All Inclusive

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland


flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Culture & History

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Family & Kids

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Food & Wine

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Local Holidays

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Nature & Wildlife

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Relax & Recharge

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Romantic & Honeymoon

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Sports & Events

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Sustainable & Eco

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Winter & Ski

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Top destinations

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Frequently asked questions

Your Finland packing list depends on the time of year you plan to travel, especially if you plan to visit in winter, as you’ll need some seriously heavy-duty layers. Even if you’re travelling in summer, you can be caught out by a cool breeze or a flash rain cloud so best do some season specific research. Be sure to pack comfortable shoes and your sense of adventure.

Finland is a place of geographical extremes, from the remote wilderness of Lapland to the deep forest of Lakeland and the effortless cool city vibes of Helsinki. You could have an entirely different holiday depending on the time of year and the region you choose to visit. For a thoroughly modern Nordic experience, head to Helsinki where you can skip between UNESCO World Heritage listed sites and contemporary art galleries, stopping for dinner at a Michelin-starred Finnish restaurant. If you’re planning a trip around Christmas time, be sure to stop in at Rovaniemi to say hey to Santa Claus.

Life happens - we get it! Read more here .

This is one of those questions that comes down to personal preference, while some prefer the long sun-kissed summer days from June to August, others opt for the magical winter wonderland from December to February. The great news is that there are no wrong answers here, so the best time to visit Finland is any time you can.

Experience the magical Northern Lights, dive into a traditional Finnish sauna (if you know, you know), indulge in delicious Finnish cuisine, meet Santa Claus, explore the stunning natural beauty of the wilderness on foot, bicycle or the most fun option, on a dog sled. Oh and if you visit in summer, the midnight sun is an experience that promises to linger in your memory long after your holiday has ended.

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© Flight Centre (UK) Limited, Registered in England No. 02937210.

* 0800 calls are free for landlines and mobiles. 0333 calls are included within inclusive minutes package on mobiles, otherwise standard rates apply. 0844/0845 calls are 7p/pm plus your local carrier charge. Prices are per person twin share, correct as at the date of publication, subject to change and may be higher/unavailable for certain dates. Airfares are economy on specified airlines from London, unless otherwise stated. For full booking conditions visit Booking Conditions . Some of the flights and flight-inclusive holidays on this website are financially protected by the ATOL scheme. But ATOL protection does not apply to all holiday and travel services listed on this website. We will provide you with information on the protection that applies in the case of each holiday and travel service offered before you make your booking. If you do not receive an ATOL Certificate then the booking will not be ATOL protected. If you do receive an ATOL Certificate but not all the parts of your trip are listed on it, those parts not listed will not be ATOL protected. Please see our booking conditions for information, or for more information about financial protection and the ATOL Certificate go to: www.caa.co.uk .

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Med Allabolag Plus kan du ta del av bolagets uppskattade värdeintervall. Hur räknar vi?

89 kr exkl. moms / mån

Säkrare affärer med, kreditupplysning.

  • Kreditbedömning med UC:s unika Riskklass
  • Riskprognos
  • Rekommenderad kreditlimit
  • Namn, adress och telefonnummer



  • Företagets namn
  • Verksamhet, adress
  • F-skatt- och momsregistrering
  • Aktiekapital, inteckningar

Upp till 12 års historik


Senaste: Årsredovisning 2023

  • Gratis för dig med allabolag konto
  • Vattenmärkt med allabolag logotyp

Allabolag Plus

Med Allabolag Plus får du tillgång till bolagshändelser, uppskattat bolagsvärde och bevakning av upp till 25 bolag. Varje månad får du även följande produkter:

  • 10 st Kreditupplysning Bas
  • 1 st Registeringsbevis
  • 1 st Årsredovisning utan vattenstämpel

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Checklista för dig som har eget företag

If Skadeförsäkring Tips och råd för dig som har eget - ladda ner vår checklista med årets företagsnyheter.

Så beräknar vi bolagsvärde

Intervallet är baserat på ucs unika värderingsmodell i kombination med riv-modellen (residual income valuation). riv är en så kallad överavkastningsmodell och bygger på redovisningsdata såsom exempelvis årsbokslut..

Bolagsvärdet är en kvalificerad bedömning av ett företags teoretiska värde som inte nödvändigtvis reflekterar ett eventuellt försäljningspris av bolaget.

Bolagsvärdet baseras på

  • Aktuella bokförda substansvärden
  • Prognoser om bolagets utveckling av eget kapital
  • Avkastning på eget kapital
  • Nettovinster
  • Kalkylräntor och residualvinster
  • Verksamhetsinriktning

Dessa bolag kan värderas

  • Aktiebolag med minst 3 registrerade bokslut
  • Senast inlämnat bokslut får inte vara äldre än 24 månader
  • Aktivt företag med positivt justerat eget kapital för alla år
  • Viss omsättning för senaste tre åren
  • Riskklassat av UC
  • Entydig bokslutshistorik för att möjliggöra framtidsprognoser

Vælg branche

Flight Centre Travel Group Europe, filial af Flight Centre Travel Group Europe AB, Sverige

Regnskab & nøgletal

Kontaktinformation, officiel virksomhedsinformation, brancher/søgeord.


CRM integration

Proff API gør det nemmere at integrere dagligt opdateret virksomhedsinformation i dine systemer og applikationer på en standardiseret måde.

Andre leverandører i samme branche

  • Horizons A/S
  • FDM f.m.b.a.

Vis alle i "Rejsetjenester" (2406)


CVR-nr : 38063367

99,- kr ex.moms

Virksomhedsrapport med kreditvurdering, kreditmaksimum, antal kreditdage, advarsler og stamdata.

Proff™ i samarbejde med


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Ønsker du at blive Proff-kunde nu, eller vil du gerne høre mere om hvad vi kan gøre for din virksomhed? Ring os i dag på 89 87 51 12 eller udfyld formularen til højre, og lad os tage en uforpligtende snak.

Dine kontaktoplysninger

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Investor Centre

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Annual Reports

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

ASX Announcements

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Dividend History

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Investor Calendar

flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Flight Centre Travel Group Limited Dividend Summary.

Flight Centre Travel Group Limited Annual General Meeting.

The Flight Centre Travel Group Limited Annual General Meeting will be held at:

The Emporium Hotel South Bank, Frangipani 1 & 2, Level 1, 267 Grey Street, South Brisbane

Wednesday 15 November 2023

10:00am (Brisbane time)

Key Dates 2023/24

28 February, 2024 ‍ 2023/24 Half Year results released

30 August , 2024* 2023/2024 Full Year results released

14 November, 2024* Company AGM

*Dates subject to change.

G.F. Turner, G.W. Smith, J.A. Eales, R.A. Baker, C.M. Garnsey, K.E. Rankin

General Admin: +61 7 3083 0088 Company Secretariat: Caroline McPherson Investor and Media Relations: Haydn Long – [email protected]

Principal Registered Office in Australia

275 Grey Street, South Brisbane QLD 4101

Share Registry

Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd 200 Mary Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 Tel: 1300 552 270

Stock Exchange Listings

Flight Centre Travel Group shares are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange

Ernst & Young


  1. Flight Centre Travel Group

    flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

  2. Flight Centre Travel Group Continues European Expansion

    flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

  3. Flight Centre Travel Group Careers

    flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland


    flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

  5. Flight Centre Travel Group / Livn

    flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland

  6. FLT

    flight centre travel group (europe) ab filial i finland


  1. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial i Finland

    Kauppalehden yritystietopalvelusta löydät yrityksen Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial i Finland taloustiedot, perustiedot, liikevaihdon ja rekisteritiedot. Klikkaa ja tutustu!

  2. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) Ab, Filial I Finland

    Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) Ab, Filial I Finland on perustettu vuonna 2016. Se on ulkomaisen elinkeinonharjoittajan sivuliike, jonka kotipaikka on Ulkomaat, ja pääasiallinen toimiala Matkatoimisto.

  3. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial i Finland

    Kauppa Tieto Verkosto

  4. FCTG

    The Flight Centre Travel Group (FCTG) is headquartered in Brisbane (Australia) and has company-owned leisure and corporate travel business in 24 countries, spanning Australia, New Zealand, the Americas, Europe, the United Kingdom, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates and Asia.

  5. Our Global Locations

    Our Global Locations. FCTG has a network that extends throughout Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, India, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, France, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and South Africa.The company's global corporate ...

  6. Corporate Directory

    Graham Turner, CEO since 1995, began his journey in the travel industry after a career as a vet, co-founding a budget travel operation in Europe, North Africa, and Asia with a converted bus. This venture evolved into the Flight Centre Travel Group. Turner's leadership has seen the company expand from a small chain to a major public entity.

  7. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) Ab, Filial I Finland

    Etsitkö yrityksen Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) Ab, Filial I Finland tarkempia tietoja. Yrityksen toimipiste on paikkakunnalla Helsinki. Yritys toimii toimialalla Matkatoimisto.

  8. FCM Travel Solutions

    FCM Travel Solutions on rekisteröity Suomessa nimellä on Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial I Finland.

  9. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial i Finland

    Tutustu yrityksen Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial i Finland liikevaihtoon, henkilöstön lukumäärään sekä avoimiin työpaikkoihin Oikotiellä.

  10. Agreement for Travel Management Services

    Agreement for Travel Management Services. Between. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB, filial i Finland, trading as FCM Travel Solutions (registration number 2792640-1). Our address is Äyritie 12 A, 01510 VANTAA, Finland ("us", "we", "our"); and. The company or other entity named in the account application form attached to these terms and ...

  11. About

    Flight Centre Travel Group (FCTG) is one of the world's largest travel groups with a vast leisure and corporate travel sales network that extends throughout four major regions: Australia and New Zealand, The Americas (specifically the United States, Canada and Mexico), EMEA (the United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland, Europe and the United Arab Emirates), and Asia (including India, China ...

  12. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB

    Vretenvägen 9, 17154, Solna, 077-0456480 - ( see on map ) Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB - Travel agency activities.

  13. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) Ab, Filial I Finland

    Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) Ab, Filial I Finland Helsinki postnumero 00640. Katso Käyttäjän Google profiili, Tuntia, Puhelin, Verkkosivusto ja muuta tähän liiketoimintaan liittyvää. Cybo arvostelu

  14. Arrivon by FCM Travel Solutions

    Tavoitat asiakaspalvelumme 24/7. +358 75 326 3852. [email protected]. Suomenkielinen asiakaspalvelumme on tavoitettavissa arkisin klo 08.30-16.30. Muina aikoina puhelut yhdistyvät lisämaksulliseen 24/7-päivystyspalveluun, jolloin palvelukielinä ovat englanti ja ruotsi.

  15. Finland Holiday Packages & Deals 2024 from Flight Centre AU

    Finland holiday deals customized by the travel experts at Flight Centre. Book now for the adventure of a lifetime!

  16. Our History

    FCL become Flight Centre Travel Group (FCTG), a change that reflects the company's transformation from its traditional roots as a travel agent to world-class travel retailer of leisure and corporate travel products.

  17. Finland Holiday Packages & Deals 2023/24

    Finland holiday deals customized by the travel experts at Flight Centre. Book now for the adventure of a lifetime!

  18. Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB

    Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB,559052-5829 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Flight Centre Travel Group (Europe) AB

  19. Our Brands

    Flight Centre Travel Group's (FCTG) corporate business includes six major brands that service the needs of organisations of all sizes across multiple industries. Its global corporate network spans more than 90 countries worldwide and is made up of company-owned offices and strategic licensing agreements with leading local agencies. Corporate travel is an important part of the travel market ...

  20. Flight Centre Travel Group Europe, filial af Flight Centre Travel Group

    Proff.dk giver dig firmainformation om Flight Centre Travel Group Europe, filial af Flight Centre Travel Group Europe AB, Sverige, 38063367. Find kontaktinfo, regnskabstal, ledelse, bestyrelse og ejere.

  21. Investor Centre

    Flight Centre Travel Group (FCTG) is committed to responsible and sustainable travel and tourism, including the identification and prevention of all forms of modern slavery in its business and supply chains. 19/12/2023. View.