camping etang de la bonde

Camping Etang de la Bonde – Pertuis – Luberon – Les Chênes Verts

Réservez vos  vacances dans le vaucluse  près de pertuis au bord de l’etang de la bonde. votre camping familial entre  sannes et cabrières d’aigues , camping près de pertuis (10 minutes), il bénéficie d’une situation géographique exceptionnelle aux portes du parc national du luberon, au sud du vaucluse..

carte luberon vaucluse

En vacances dans ce camping de 2 ha, vous profiterez de la tranquillité du parc, vous aurez la possibilité de vous baigner à l’Étang de la Bonde qui se trouve à 200 m seulement du camping. ​Les adeptes de calme et de tranquillité y trouveront leur bonheur ! VISITEZ LE COLORADO PROVENCAL

camping wifi luberon

WIFI autour de l’accueil

Par choix économique et écologique, le wifi n’est pas disponible sur les emplacements.

etang de la bonde pertuis

Les Villages de la vallée d’Aigues en Luberon

Séjournez dans le Vaucluse – Luberon et partez à la découverte en famille d’une nature préservée aux paysages à couper le souffle. A partir de votre camping près de Pertuis, visitez les villages typiques du Luberon comme Cabrières d’Aigues, La Tour d’Aigues, Cucuron, Grambois, la Bastide des Jourdans, Ansouis, Lourmarin. Chacun a son patrimoine et son histoire mais aussi ses spécialités locales : artisanat, gastronomie. Souriez ! Vous êtes en Luberon !

camping la tour d'aigues

Etang de la Bonde

baignez-vous à 200m du camping

colorado provencal luberon

Le Colorado provençal Luberon

40 min du camping

village de Gordes en luberon

Villages provençaux du Luberon

10 min du camping

camping la tour d'aigues

Bastide de Loubrières – Pertuis

15 min du camping

camping la tour d'aigues

La Tour d’Aigues – Luberon

Tous les tarifs

Plan du camping

Nos services / activités

Vous recherchez un camping dans le Vaucluse pas cher et familial, à 2 pas de l’étang de la Bonde, le camping 2 étoiles Les chênes Verts est fait pour vous. Pas de grandes prestations , nous allons à l’essentiel : un accueil chaleureux et l’objectif de vous apporter des vacances zen à proximité de l’Etang de la Bonde.

Nos emplacements et mobil homes sauront satisfaire votre exigence de qualité à un prix abordable pour de belles vacances en Vaucluse au sud du Luberon, dans la vallée D’Aigues, près de Pertuis .

Vous apprécierez le calme et l’apaisement d’une nature préservée en dégustant un verre de rosé du Luberon sur la terrasse de votre mobil home.

camping pertuis snack


En juillet et août

camping pizzas

Tous les soirs sauf le jeudi

camping luberon pertuis enfants


Votre location de mobil home à pertuis.

En séjournant aux Chênes Verts, camping 2 étoiles à Pertuis dans le Vaucluse choisissez la location de vacances qui convient le mieux à vos envies. Divers types d’hébergements vous attendent au camping : mobil home 4 personnes avec terrasse, mobil home 6 personnes, mais aussi une tente Igloo en bois ou un lodge Safari.

Camping familial ou pour les randonneurs de 2 à 7 personnes. Si vous êtes plutôt campeur, profitez de nos grands  emplacements pour tente, caravane ou camping-car  à l’ombre des chênes pour de belles vacances à Pertuis dans le Vaucluse- Luberon !

camping la tour d'aigues


1 / 2 personnes – A partir de 150 €

location insolite Luberon


4 personnes – A partir de 250 €

location de mobil home en Luberon


2 à 6 personnes – A partir de 250 €

Emplacement de camping à l’Etang de la Bonde – Vaucluse

Réservez votre emplacement de camping à Cabrières d’Aigues,

camping la tour d'aigues

baignez-vous à 300m du camping

camping la tour d'aigues


De grands emplacements pour tente, caravane et camping-car

Nos emplacements pour tente sont spacieux et peuvent accueillir, de grandes tentes, caravanes et camping-cars . Des branchements électriques de 6 ampères sont disponibles à tous les emplacements.

Vos vacances en Luberon, terre authentique du Vaucluse

Colorado provençal.

À Roussillon, petit village du Vaucluse, vous trouvez le plus grand gisement d’ocres du monde. Les différentes teintes que l’ont retrouve actuellement, rouge, jaune et ocre, sont dues à la Goethite, connue depuis la préhistoire et utilisée comme pigment, dans la grotte de Lascaux. C’est au moment de la Révolution qu’on redécouvre ces pigments naturels qui aujourd’hui reviennent en force dans les activités liées à la peinture, la décoration, la poterie ou encore le bâtiment. Le sentier de l’ocre vous permet de découvrir ces paysages magiques du colorado provençal. Image par Greudin [Public domain]

camping la tour d'aigues

La TRUFFE trésor du Luberon

La terre du Luberon, grâce à l’implantation du chêne vert et du chêne blanc, est favorable  à la truffe. C’est l’un des terroirs français les plus réputés pour la qualité et la quantité de ses champignons dits tuber melanosporum. Ses sols, essentiellement calcaires ont permis l’implantation de nombreux chênes truffiers permettant ainsi la récolte du fameux diamant noir.

Image par WikiImages  de  Pixabay  

Les Villages perchés

Le Vaucluse abrite un nombre impressionnant de villages classés parmi les plus beaux de France. Leur particularité d’être perché et d’offrir de fantastiques panoramas est une raison suffisante. Mais ces villages sont aussi un patrimoine historique remarquable, étant souvent des anciennes places fortes du moyen-âge ayant gardé leur unité architecturale. Parmi ces villages, on peut citer pour exemple, Ansouis, Gordes, Roussillon et Ménerbes,  Lourmarin et son château Renaissance, Cucuron typique de l’urbanisme provençal construit en cercles autour du piton rocheux, origine du village. Cette liste est loin d’être exhaustive tellement le Vaucluse regorge de beaux villages.

meyrargues vaucluse

Les curiosités du Luberon

Le graffiti de Cucuron- Le baptistère de Cadenet – Le pavé du Luberon (pain )- La forêt de cèdres à Cabrières d’Avignon- Le marché de Velleron ouvert exclusivement aux agriculteurs locaux- Et n’oublions pas parsemés ça et là dans le paysage, au détour d’un chemin les « bories », les cabanes en pierres sèches.

Vos activités autour de Pertuis dans le Vaucluse

En séjournant dans votre camping 2 étoiles du Vaucluse, vous aurez accès à de multiples activités telles que :

  • ​ Randonnée pédestre  ou cycliste dans le parc régional du Luberon aux paysages extraordinaires,
  • De superbes balades à cheval
  • La baignade et bain de soleil au lac de la Bonde . Nul besoin de la piscine chlorée, optez pour le naturel !
  • Sans oublier les activités canoë et kayak à proximité.

Vos vacances dans le Luberon

Amateurs d’histoire , férus de patrimoine, durant votre séjour dans le Luberon vous aurez la chance de découvrir des lieux exceptionnels chargés d’histoire comme les Abbayes, les musées ou les moulins de Provence. Empruntez la route des châteaux du Luberon : le château de Lourmarin, le château d’Ansouis ou encore le château de Gordes. Amoureux de la nature le département du Vaucluse en Luberon vous fera découvrir des paysages à couper le souffle. Admirez les nombreux points de vue : celui de Bonnieux, la vue en hauteur de la citadelle de Forcalquier ou le panorama du village de Cadenet.

Pour vos balades et randonnées , ne ratez pas les sentiers des Ocres du Luberon et le Colorado Provençal. Découvrez une multitude d’itinéraires balisés à faire à pied, à vélo ou à cheval. Sans oublier les nombreuses activités natures telles que le canoë, le canyoning ou l’escalade ou la visites des grottes ou des mines d’Ocres. Pour les Gourmets , en Luberon, vous découvrirez l’authenticité des goût en savourant les produits des marchés provençaux : les figues, le miel de lavande, le fromage de chèvre, l’huile d’olive et les truffes. Vous dégusterez la spécialité de la région dans les retaurants typiques : l’agneau du Luberon, un must !

camping luberon pres de pertuis

Visitez le Luberon

Le massif du Luberon est un massif montagneux peu élevé qui s’étend d’est en ouest entre les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence et le département de Vaucluse. Le massif, comprenant notamment les montagnes du Grand et du Petit Luberon, mesure plus de 60 kilomètres de long pour une largeur de 5 kilomètres environ, et son point culminant est le Mourre Nègre, sommet arrondi qui s’élève à 1 125 mètres d’altitude, dans le Grand Luberon. Le Vaucluse comprend plusieurs rivières et sources, le seul plan d’eau, c’est l’étang de la Bonde.

Le climat du Luberon est méditerranéen , son relief lui confère une diversité des écosystèmes et lui apporte une variété, tant dans la faune que dans la flore. Le massif se trouve au cœur du parc naturel régional du Luberon. Il est devenu un lieu emblématique de la haute Provence, réputé au-delà des frontières de la France.

L’économie du Luberon est basée principalement sur le tourisme, l’artisanat et le Vignoble couvert par 2 appellations contrôlées. Durant vos vacances dans le Luberon au camping des Chênes Verts, ne manquez pas de visiter les marchés de Provence , le miroir économique et culturel de la richesse provençale.

Nos 48 emplacements sont aménagés dans le plus grand respect de l’environnement afin que vous puissiez passer un séjour agréable, reposant et convivial. Le camping est ouvert du samedi 1er avril au samedi 30 septembre. Les horaires de l’accueil :

Basse saison et moyenne saison de 10h00 à 12h00 et 16h00 à 19h00

Juillet-Août de 8h00 à 12h30 et de 16h00 à 19h30

Camping Pertuis, camping Luberon pas cher

crédit photo Pont du GardBenh LIEU SONG [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]

camping cheques vacances

8218 campings en France

Recherche avancée

Résultats proposés d’après votre saisie

Destinations, recherchez parmi nos 8218 campings sur la carte ou choisissez une région dans la liste :.

  • Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes
  • Bourgogne - Franche-Comté
  • Centre-Val de Loire
  • Hauts-de-France
  • Ile-de-France
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • Pays de la Loire
  • Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
  • Champagne-Ardenne
  • Franche-Comté
  • Languedoc-Roussillon
  • Midi-Pyrénées
  • Nord-Pas-de-Calais
  • Poitou-Charentes
  • Rhône-Alpes

Recherche par thématique ou favoris

Thématiques loisirs.

  • Les campings avec accès direct à la plage
  • Les campings avec piscine chauffée
  • Les campings avec piscine couverte
  • Les campings Bien-être : balnéo, hammam, sauna...
  • Les campings équipés de mini-club enfants
  • Les campings équipés de parcs aquatiques
  • Campings avec hébergements insolites (cabanes dans les arbres, yourtes...)
  • Les campings les plus animés
  • Les campings autour des lacs et rivières
  • Campings « sportifs » (randonnée, cheval, canoë-kayac…)
  • Les campings écolos
  • Les campings proposant des locations de luxe
  • Les campings ouverts à l’année
  • Votre résidence secondaire en camping

Nos favoris

  • Les plus beaux campings Cote d'azur - Méditerranée
  • Les plus beaux campings de l'intérieur
  • Top 20 Bretagne
  • Top 20 Atlantique Sud
  • Les campings de rêve
  • Les campings de charme
  • Top 20 Vendée
  • Campings en Europe

Chaînes de camping

  • Les campings Capfun
  • Les campings Cybèle Vacances
  • Accueil camping france
  • Recherchez votre camping
  • La Tour-d’Aigues

1 camping à la La Tour-d’Aigues

Voir sur la carte Voir le résultat

Les principales destinations du Vaucluse

  • Vaison-la-Romaine
  • Villes-sur-Auzon
  • Saint-Saturnin-lès-Apt
  • Pernes-les-Fontaines

Les principaux sites touristiques du Vaucluse

  • La Provence

Notre sélection de campings

camping la tour d'aigues


La sorguette étoiles, val de durance étoiles, les fontaines étoiles, 1 camping correspond à votre recherche, camping municipal.

Voir la fiche

Camping Jantou

Au yelloh village les tournels 5*, rêve et bien-être ont rendez-vous avec les vacances, vos vacances en camping, roussillon, le village au charme singulier en camping.

28/03/2024  Classé parmi les Plus Beaux Villages de France, Roussillon est une commune située au cœur de la vallée du Lubéron dans le ...

Gordes, le camping pour explorer les hauteurs d'une merveille provençale

12/01/2024  Placé au centre du Vaucluse en région Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, Gordes, fait partie des Plus beaux villages de France ...


Une expérience de vacances inoubliables

08/01/2024 L’offre Marvilla Parks vous propose de découvrir différents univers : la mer avec des adresses labellisées au bord de la ...

Vaucluse, camper dans la douceur provençale

02/06/2022  Situé au sud-est de la France, le département du Vaucluse fait partie de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Comment ne ...

Vacances en camping : des locations pour toutes les envies partout en France

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Camping à Najac, la destination typique rêvée

03/04/2024 Placé dans l’Aveyron en région Occitanie, Najac, inscrit sur la liste des Plus Beaux Villages de France, est installé sur un ...


a stone gateway

© vestiges du chateau

a stone facade

© georges j

stone buildingd

La Tour-d'Aigues, Provence

A small village with an impressive ruined Renaissance chateau at its centre

Visitors to La Tour d'Aigues are mostly drawn here thanks to it's large and impressive ruined castle, which dates back to 1550 and which was burnt down at the time of the Revolution. 

The chateau has undergone various stages of renovation work over the years, and some of these works have revealed a number of interesting archaeological finds which are now housed in the museum on the castle grounds. 

The village lies not far from the Luberon national park , which is worth a short drive to get to to enjoy its many hiking, cycling and mountain biking trails. 

Sights & Attractions in [locality]

As well as the ruins of the castle, there is also a 13th century church in La Tour d'Aigues and a museum housing an earthenware pottery collection (with finds discovered in various renovations of the chateau) which can be found in the lower levels of the castle. You can also tour round some of the vineyards that surround the village and do a spot of wine tasting. 

Events in [locality]

There is are regular markets here on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June to September in the castle square. In summer you'll also be able to enjoy the South Luberon dance, theatre and music festival in the castle grounds. 

Dining in [locality]

There are a small handful of restaurants in the village, mostly French but then there is both a Vietnamese and a Thai restaurant too. 

La Tour d'Aigues can be found in the South Luberon, which is part of the Vaucluse region of Provence. It's around 6km north east of Pertuis, the closest town which only takes around 10 minutes by car. Further south, Aix en Provence can be reached in roughly 35 minutes drive. 

Start Planning

green bikes lined up in front of bike shop

Start Exploring

photo of a collection of historic buildings


  • Un peu d'histoire ...
  • Regard sur le passé ...
  • Origines à la Révolution
  • Toute l'actualité
  • Les commerçants
  • L'agenda
  • Les transports
  • La photothèque
  • Plan de La Tour d'Aigues
  • Les quartiers
  • Le Conseil Municipal
  • Les délibérations
  • Les commissions
  • Les services municipaux
  • Les marchés publics
  • Salle du Pays d'Aigues
  • Nouveaux arrivants
  • L'office de tourisme
  • Le camping municipal
  • Séjourner à la Tour d’Aigues
  • Préparer son séjour à La Tour d'Aigues
  • Les sorties du sud Luberon à la semaine
  • Le Pays d'Aigues à vélo
  • La cantine municipale
  • Les crèches de COTELUB
  • Les établissements scolaires
  • Le transport scolaire
  • Assistantes maternelles
  • Accueil de loisirs sans hébergement
  • Club jeunes Le Transfo
  • La Croix-Rouge Française
  • Centre social l'Aiguier
  • Institut la Bourguette
  • Les professionnels de la santé
  • Les recommandations vaccinales
  • Défibrilateurs automatiques
  • Le centre d'intervention
  • Débroussaillement règlementaire
  • La charte de l'environnement
  • Les définitions
  • Les mesures
  • La collecte des ordures ménagères
  • La collecte des encombrants
  • L'emploi du feu
  • Artistiques
  • Culturelles
  • Enfance & jeunesse
  • Humanitaires
  • Copie acte de décès
  • Copie acte de mariage
  • Copie acte de naissance


  • Vous êtes ici :  
  • LTDA-RokSprocket Features |
  • Carnaval - Edition 2014

Informations de la Tour d'Aigues

Exposition à la bibliothèque (2), les oeuvres de philippe leclerc.

Exposition du 4 avril au 4 mai 2024 -  à la bibliothèque, 20 place de la Fraternité Oeuvres réalisées en technique mixte (gouache, encre ..) sur papier. Elles ont été sélectionnées par son fils Blaise qui vit à Cucuron depuis 1984.

Concert Eglise (21)

Violon et orgue.

Dimanche 14 avril – 17h  à l' église Notre-Dame de Romegas ENSEMBLE BASILIC Jean-Christophe SELMI et Agnieszka RAJCA, violons Julien AMEDRO, violoncelle Virginie KAEPPELIN, orgue L'Ensemble BASILIC nous présente un programme de musique de chambre autour des sonates et des concertos avec orgue : Mozart, Vivaldi, Corelli, Corrette

plein tarif : 15€ / tarif réduit : 10€ / gratuit pour les moins de 12 ans renseignements et réservations :  [email protected]  /04 90 77 72 40 – 06 86 78 70 90

Amicale party

Fête de l'amicale laïque.

Le samedi 13 avril 2024 à partir de 10h30 au camping de La Tour d'Aigues 

Buvette et snacking organisés par les parents bénévoles au profit de l'école Lucie AUBRAC

Conseil Municipal 2024 (3)

Conseil municipal.

Une réunion du Conseil Municipal aura lieu le vendredi 12 avril 2024  à 18h30  salle du Conseil Municipal de la mairie de La Tour d'Aigues

Ordre du jour :  Approbation du procès verbal de la séance du 7 décembre 2023 1. Vote des taux des impôts locaux 2024, 2. Budget primitif 2024 : budget principal, 3. Clôture du budget annexe : régie funéraire, 4. Clôture du budget annexe : camping, 5. Conventions objectifs année 2024 : les Amis du Livre, Arts Sports et Loisirs, Centre social L'Aiguier, 6. Demande de subvention.

Conseil communautaire

Réunion du conseil communautaire cotelub.

Le mercredi 10 avril 2024 à 18h30 , salle Simone Veil à Villelaure : ORDRE DU JOUR

Le Printemps des voix

Lire la suite...

Salon de la mode

Salon de la mode et du bien-être.

L'association des commerçants de La Tour d'Aigues proposera cet événement le dimanche 7 avril 2024 de 10h à 17h à la salle du Pays d'Aigues. Nombreux stands, démonstrations, détente virtuelle, buvette/food truck

Entrée libre


Recrutement garde régionale forestière luberon.

Pour la campagne 2024 de la Garde régionale forestière en Luberon,  le Parc naturel régional du Luberon recrute des jeunes du territoire.

Dans le cadre du dispositif mis en place par la Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur pour la sensibilisation du public aux incendies de forêt, le Parc naturel régional du Luberon recrute 28 jeunes issus du territoire du Luberon et motivés pour la prévention des risques incendie, de fin juin à fin août 2024.

Association Arts Sports et Loisirs

6 Avr 2024 Les Rencontres Vocales

7 Avr 2024 Salon de la mode et du bien-être

16 Avr 2024 08:00 - 18:00 Vide-grenier comité des fêtes

08:00 20 Avr 2024 - 09:00 21 Avr 2024 Grand ménage de printemps

21 Avr 2024 Marché aux fleurs

Au Fil de l'Eze

illustration fde 43

Feuille de l'Eze

La Feuille de l'Eze à télécharger

Contacter la mairie | Les services municipaux | Démarches et formalités | Les nouveaux arrivants | Marchés publics

camping la tour d'aigues

Infos pratiques

Plan de la ville | Les services d'urgence | Le marché hebdomadaire

camping la tour d'aigues


Agenda | La feuille de l'Eze | Au fil de l'Eze | Inscrivez-vous aux lettres d'information

Site officiel © Mairie de La Tour d'Aigues - Directeur de la publication : Pierre AUBOIS - Rédactrice en chef : Annick REYNAUD - Webmaster : Concept Site Web . logo

Camping Municipal de La Tour d'Aigues in La Tour d'Aigues

  • La Tour d'Aigues
  • Camping Municipal de La Tour d'Aigues

Camping Municipal de La Tour d'Aigues

  • Rue Georges Rouard 84240 - La Tour d'Aigues Frankrijk Departement: Vaucluse [email protected] Tel: +33 625352644 /
  • Aantal plaatsen:  50  / Hoogte:  245  m Afstand vanaf Utrecht: 1186 km, waarvan 1127 km snelweg. GPS coördinaten: 43.72734 / 5.55199 ( 43° 43' 38.4'' N    5° 33' 7.2'' O )


Municipal camping

  • Website van de camping.
  • Kaart en Route
  • Campings in de buurt

Foto's & Video's

Satelliet beelden

Meningen over Camping Municipal de La Tour d'Aigues

Camping Municipal de La Tour d'Aigues

Algemene beoordeling

Stuur Mevr. connie en leo sturmer. een email.

Campingtips in de buurt

La Tour-d'Aigues

Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the vaucluse.

La Tour-d'Aigues - Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Vaucluse

Located on the small river of Eze, La Tour-d'Aigues enchant you with its natural setting and its many vineyards. Enjoy the charm and beauty La Tour-d'Aigues to discover including its streets, its church and its castle.

Geographical information

Nearest cities & towns, things to see and do.

The castle of La Tour d'Aigues: A masterpiece of the Renaissance in Provence , Château de La Tour d'Aigues is located at the foot of the Luberon Mountains. Unfortunately burned in 1780 and then in 1792, he left us as remains in ruins. There are now only a few facades and basements (nearly 1000 m² rehabilitated). The facades are beautiful to see, despite the absence of real castle. His plans inspired the largest castles of de-France Island (The Louvre, Ecouen, Anet) and the elegant proportions of its facades are worth a close look.

The rue des Grands Fours: Old portal walls, open to facilitate the flow. On the right, to see a door surmounted balustrades recovered from the ruins of the castle after the Revolution (1792). The monument is abandoned, it serves as a career to villagers.

City Hall: The entry consists of a large arch leads to a closed yard is a former convent located inside of a prior serving as a housing for 5 canons. The priory was sold as national property in 1791, date installed City Hall. Today, all the buildings are used by the city and right side for housing the priest left. Formerly, the church and priory were out of town, expansion of it has embraced them.

The Notre Dame Romegas: Romegas comes from the Latin "dock" meaning "invasive herb." Mentioned since 1096 in texts, nothing remains of that era. The choir of the church, part reserved for clergy, is oriented to the east in the direction of Jerusalem. The 3 windows represent the symbol of the Trinity. Special feature: the apparent liter (black mark on the walls of the nave), was painted in the death of one of La Tour-d'Aigues lords to express the grief of the village. It is very rare to find yet visible. In the first southern chapel dating from the thirteenth century, it is made in the early sixteenth century a group carved in stone: "entombment". Most of the furniture (wooden statues, paintings, chair..) dates from the seventeenth century, as the sacristy. The pyramidion was restored in 2014 on plans and methods of original buildings installed by carpenters companions in the village.

Place Church: This is the site of the old village cemetery. Located at the time outside the walls and located south of the church. Head to the street of Aeolus, the end of the square, opposite the church.

The entrance to the Old Village: This part of town already existed in the Middle Ages. The houses were built on the right as a line of walls that demarcated the city.

The street of Aeolus: "Aeolus" refers to the Greek god of the wind. This name seems logical since it is a windy street (portal circular walls and infiltration of the wind). But this is a distortion of the Provencal word "Oulo" pots meaning, because we are actually in the old street of pottery workshops.

The door Remparts: Limits of the village until the fourteenth century when the expansion begins outside the walls. The door is in poor condition but still distinguishes the traces of the original grilles. Down the street Breach.

Stairs: They date from the Middle Ages and gave access to the house. Below, the stables for animals (1 or 2 goat, donkey, no more). Take Rue des Grands Fours (on the left).

Oratories: Niche welcoming a statuette of a religious figure. often located at the corner of two passages to protect both (against pestilence, epidemics and other disasters...). These niches, or their statues, were largely damaged and / or stolen at the time of the Revolution.

The mullioned windows: Large windows cut into 4 or 2 because the time technology did not allow to create large windows or windows for the wealthy. Openings were often sealed by the skins of beasts greased laid on chassis fitted with oiled paper for the poorest. They date from the sixteenth century: late Middle Ages and early Renaissance (Renaissance = search light).

At the first intersection, look to your right.

The street Portal Romieu: Street going down, always so often frozen darkness and slippery in winter called "street Rompe Cue" (ass break the street). Also called Street of the portal because it overlooks an ancient gateway in the ramparts (now destroyed).

Take the Old Castle Street.

The core 1 Village housed the 1st castle, called "Tour de Beranger" the eleventh century (wooden construction). Perhaps he confined to a tower? The buildings are rounded because they followed the fortifications and the shape of the rock (better visibility and easier to defend). The walls disappeared for 2 reasons: expansions and the appearance of large firearms (guns...). The walls were no longer enough. The first village occupied an advantageous position, overlooking the valley of the Eze west and placed on a natural barrier (cliff), giving excellent visibility for monitoring. The new and current castle dates from the thirteenth century built around a square tower called Roman but probably turn passing for payment of the grant (contribution collected by the city to the import of goods).

Take rue de la Chapelle.

The old chapel of Penitents: It housed the White Penitents (brotherhood created by Henry III in 1585, also called "white-beaten" because they struck with humility, self-flagellation). The penitents were religious and lay men and women, and had intended to organize good works. They shared actions to care for the poor, the sick, prisoners... The chapel was destroyed in the eighteenth-nineteenth century because it was unoccupied and fell into ruins.

The beautiful facade: Beautiful facade with beautiful ornaments. House belonging to a family of good Aix nobility of the Estière of Bourgais. To see the other side of the facade, on the Castle Square.

The portal Burliaire: No one knows the exact meaning of the name, only assumptions exist related perhaps to the games that took place on the Palace Square, the term Bourlerie means "play the ball" at the time medieval.

The other front side: No ornament on the magnificent façade of this house, because the lord who held the castle at the time (family Lesdiguieres) in prohibited construction in front of the castle not to compete with ornaments its beautiful entrance gate. Constrained by this request, the house is decorated on the other side.

Events and festivities

La Tour-d'Aigues Pottery Market: early May in partnership with the Terres de Provence association, the Tour-d'Aigues town hall and the General Council of Vaucluse .

As usual, the Potier Market will take place on the main square of the castle from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

On this occasion, about thirty confirmed professional ceramists will exhibit their work (tableware, jewellery, decoration, sculpture) and their different production techniques (stoneware, porcelain, earthenware, raku, smoked clay, etc.).

Many activities that will be offered throughout the day in a festive atmosphere: the unmissable earth workshop for children, the sale of solidarity bowls, the lottery to elect the most beautiful stand (2 draws during the day). Come in large numbers for an ever richer day of exchanges, encounters and visual pleasure!

La Tour-d'Aigues Pottery Market

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A Moscow Free Walking Tour of the Iconic Red Square

Updated March 10th, 2020

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No visit to Moscow, Russia is complete unless you take a walk around the famous Red Square and see the iconic sights of the city. One of the best ways to see all the famous landmarks in Moscow and learn a little something about them too is on a free Moscow walking tour through the Red Square.

Continue reading for a sneak peek at what you will see on your free tour in Moscow and for tips on both the tour and visiting the sights. Make sure to save some time during your trip to go inside of the magnificent buildings because you will not be going in the buildings during the tour.

The State Historical Museum

Moscow State Historical Museum

The Moscow free walking tour begins at the Marshal Zhukov monument in front of the State Historical Museum . You can’t miss this massive red building. The museum’s interior is almost as spectacular as the artifacts you can see within. Read my post dedicated to the museum here to find out more on what you can see and tips for visiting. Admission is free with the Moscow City Pass .

The Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin

Behind the walls of the Kremlin lie the working offices of Russian’s government and president. When visiting the Kremlin you can see the Armory Chamber, Cathedral Square, the Patriach’s Palace and many more cathedrals. You definitely want to buy tickets ahead of time so you avoid the long-lines. You can get free admission with the Moscow City Pass . It’s also worth it to take a guided tour if you don’t speak Russian so you have more of an understanding of what you are seeing.

St. Basil’s Cathedral

Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral

If asked to conquer up an image of Moscow, St. Basil’s Cathedral might just be the most likely image you picture. The cathedral has a museum that you can visit at a later time. You can buy tickets at the ticket kiosk outside the cathedral or receive free admission with the Moscow City Pass .

Moskva River

Moskva River

Next up on the tour is the Moskva River which runs through the center of Moscow. A cruise on the Moskva River is a great way to see the city from a different perspective.

GUM Shopping Mall

Who would think a mall would be one of Moscow’s most well-known attractions? GUM shopping mall across from the Kremlin makes up one of the four sides of the Red Square. The stores might be a bit too pricey for shopping, but the gorgeous interior is worth a visit. If that doesn’t convince you, the mall has some of the best ice cream! GUM is the only building you go inside during the free walking tour. There are pay bathrooms you can use while you have a few minutes of free time.

Kazan Cathedral

Moscow Kazan Cathedral

Located on the northeast corner of the Red Square, the Kazan Cathedral is another impressive dome-shaped building in Moscow that is also an active place of worship. Entering the cathedral is allowed, but remember to be respectful if people are worshipping.

Bolshoi Theater

Moscow Bolshoi Theater

Contrary to the previous buildings, the Bolshoi Theater isn’t along one of the four sides of the Red Square. Located a few minutes away, the theater is one of the best theaters in the world. Make sure to come back for a guided tour of the inside or make reservations far ahead of time to attend a ballet or opera.

Alexander Gardens

Moscow Alexander Gardens

The tour ends near the Alexander Gardens , a free public park located along the western Kremlin walls. The garden’s green lawns, sculptures and water fountains offer a nice place to take a stroll or relax a bit after some busy sightseeing.

Moscow Red Square

You can visit all these sites on your own, but the best part of doing the Moscow free tour is that you learn more information and have the potential to meet new people!

During my tour I started to talk to a woman from Malaysia and she invited me to join her and her friends for a Russian meal afterwards. It’s these little impromptu meetings and opportunities that I love most about traveling and add more to the sightseeing experience. While I was a little hesitant about going to the tour myself I told myself it would be a great opportunity to possibly meet new people. I love when things work out like that!

If you have already seen the iconic sights of the Red Square and are looking for other things to do in Moscow check out my What to Do in Moscow post that gives more off-the beaten track things to do in Moscow!

Moscow Free Walking Tour Visiting Information

Moscow Free Walking Tours

How to Get There

The Moscow Free Walking Tour begins at the Marshal Zhukov monument in front of the State Historical Museum (a large red building). The website shows a map with the exact meeting point.

To get to the red square area you can take the blue 3 metro line to the Ploshchad Revolyutsii stop, or the green 2 line to the Teatralnaya station or the red 1 line to the Okhotny Ryad station. For more on how to use the metro read my Moscow Metro Guide .

Tours every day at 10:30am – 1pm in English

If you need a toilet before the start of the tour the Okhotny Ryad and GUM shopping malls are both close to the start of the tour. You will need to pay to use the toilets. There is a quick break mid-way through the tour at the GUM shopping mall where you can use the toilet if needed.

During the mid-way break in the tour you can buy some ice cream at the GUM shopping mall. There aren’t many other options or time for anything else. After the tour there are a lot of restaurants in the area. There are a couple of Varenichnaya №1 locations nearby if you would like some authentic Russian food. Their speciality is Russian dumplings. Another classic choice nearby is Grand Cafe Dr. Jhivago. While you can try traditional Russian foods like borscht and Olivier Salad, you may need a reservation. GUM has several restaurants, including a couple of buffets upstairs.


While I would start off your visit to Moscow with a tour of the Red Square, make sure to come back to each place to tour the inside. If you are visiting several sights consider buying the Moscow City Pass  to save money on admissions.

Other Tour Options

Another company  Moscow Free Tour  does a similar free walking tour in the Red Square. Check the site for the details on the starting point and times. If you prefer a private paid tour with a hotel pick-up and a visit to St. Basil’s Cathedral included check out this tour . For a private paid tour with a hotel pick-up and a visit to the Kremlin included you may want to take this tour or this one . Even if you don’t typically take tours, I would recommend taking tours as much as possible in Moscow. Many people do not speak English and most information is not in English either.

Where to Stay in Moscow

Find somewhere to stay in Moscow near the Red Square so you are convenient to all the sights!

More About Russia

  • Moscow Things to Do:  Unique Things to Do ,   Spartak Stadium
  • Moscow Markets:  Izmailovsky Market ,   Danilovsky Market
  • Moscow Museums:  Moscow City Museum ,  Victory Museum ,  Museum of the Patriotic War in 1812 ,  State Historical Museum ,
  • Moscow Life:  Malls ,  Christmas in Moscow ,  Metro ,  Learning Spanish ,  My Russian Apartment ,   What is Life Really Like in Russia ,  FiFa World Cup ,  Russian Winters , and more posts about  life abroad in Russia .
  • St Petersburg:  City Guide ,  The Hermitage Museum ,  Kayaking the Rivers & Canals ,   Peterhof Palace

The Best Way to Visit Moscow's Red square

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Security is the Name of the Game – 10/14/17

Oh so very lost, all the time – 9/27/17, 22 comments.

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The Kremlin looks rather imposing. It would be great to explore the history in Moscow.

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There is a lot of history in Moscow to explore!

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What a handy guide to get the most of Moscow’s red square! I’ve always wanted to try a walking tour and this looks like the perfect place to start!

I really enjoy walking tours, I think they are a great way to get to know a new place!

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You have highlighted all the main sights around and in the Red Square indeed! I have visited Moscow in winter and the atmosphere was magical…even though it was cold 🙂 I’m looking forward to visiting in summer too!

Yes, there is a magical feel during the winter. I have to say I prefer the warmer, brighter summers though 🙂

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Follow My Anchor

I am planning to go to Moscow and St. Petersburg this year so reading this was very helpful. I would love to do the walking tour! What time of year did you do it? I am planning to go in August as I really can’t stand the cold 😀 Do you think August might be a good time to visit Moscow? Thank you so much for your information!

I did the walking tour in September. July and August are the best times to visit Moscow in my opinion, so you are going at a great time! I lived in Moscow for a year so I have a lot of posts about Moscow and a couple for St. Petersburg too. Please check out my other posts as you are planning your trip and feel free to send any questions my way!

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I’m a huge fan of taking free walking tours whenever my husband and I travel. We learn more about the history from the local’s perspective. Your walking tour in Moscow looks fun. The St. Basil’s Cathedral is beautiful and would love to see it. Thanks for sharing the must-see places in Moscow!

I’m a big fan of free walking tours too! I completely agree that you get a good perspective and introduction to the history of the city.

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I would love to take the walking tour to get a good coverage of the area! The tip about paying for the bathrooms is great. That’s something I didn’t realize when I went to Europe for the first time from the US.

I always find it annoying paying for bathrooms in Europe!

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I visited Moscow in June this year for the World Cup and I loved it. St. Basil’s Cathedral was the highlight for me, it’s such an impressive piece of architecture. I would’ve liked to visit more of Russia but maybe next time!

I really enjoyed Moscow during the World Cup too. The city was much livelier than usual!

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I have been to St. Petersburg but never to Moscow. I think that these kind of tours are very useful to gather many information but I second your suggestion to visit the palaces inside as they have stunning interior decor and art treasures.

Yes, I think both going on tours and getting an overview and touring the inside of places are good to do.

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Shreya Saha

St. Basil’s cathedral is definitely a beautiful place to visit. I would also love to stroll by the Alexander gardens and maybe spend some time in the shopping mall call mom maybe visit the theater, also I would love to visit Kremlin and the State Historical Museum. That’s a great list you have managed to provide here.

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Never been to Russia, but the country’s history and culture has always fascinated me. Great list of things to do in Moscow’s Red Square. Kremlin is definitely on top of my list!

Russia does have a fascinating history and culture!

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The architecture here always looks so beautiful. I would love to go to Russia. Some helpful tips here that would really help me navigate a future trip. I love the Russian ballet so a trip to the theater would be a must for me.

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City Sightseeing Moscow Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour with Optional Cruise

camping la tour d'aigues

  • Hop-on or hop-off at any of Moscow’s main highlights
  • Views of Moscow from an open-top, double-decker bus
  • Learn about the city with recorded commentary
  • Visit Red Square, Alexander Gardens, and more
  • Bus pass inclusions: 48 or 72 hour bus pass + walking tour
  • Boat pass inclusions: 60 minute boat trip + walking tour
  • Bus & Boat pass inclusions: 48 hour bus pass + 60 minute boat trip + walking tour
  • Vouchers valid for 12 months
  • Hotel pickup and drop-off
  • Food and drinks, unless specified
  • Location Name: The route begins at Red Square but you can board at any stop
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Stroller accessible
  • Near public transportation
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Red Route runs from 10:00am - 6:00pm, every 25 minutes. Duration - 60 minutes. First stop - Bolotnaya Square.
  • Most travelers can participate
  • Green Route runs from 10:00am - 6:00pm, every 60 minutes. Duration - 120 minutes. First stop - Bolotnaya Square.
  • Orange Route (currently suspended) runs from 10:30am - 6:30pm, every 30 minutes. Duration - 140 minutes. First stop - Museum of Cosmonautics
  • Walking tour runs daily at 10:45am. Duration - 2 hours 30 minutes. Meeting point - Next to monument of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
  • Boat tour operates 5th May - 20th October, from 11:30am - 6:30pm. Duration - 60 minutes. Meeting point - Zaryadye Park Pier.
  • Mobile and paper vouchers are accepted for this tour.
  • Vouchers can be redeemed at any of the stops along the routes.
  • Vouchers are valid for 12 months
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.

camping la tour d'aigues

  • DebbJ 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles Great way to get oriented to Moscow We started our Moscow experience with the hop on hop off. It was a great way to get orientated to the city. The additional optional tours were also good, we did the Metro tour which I highly recommend, we also paid for the Kremlin tour. The hop on hop off has three different lines all included. Only fault was the bus was sometimes full and you had to wait for the next one which was about 15 minutes (in the cold). Read more Written January 6, 2020
  • UmaDelhi 0 contributions 5.0 of 5 bubbles 2 days are required Very very good audio guides- the voice quality was also good and also the anecdotes of history were brilliant. Russia is truly beautiful Read more Written September 1, 2019
  • BeverleyT 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Boat trip - TERRIBLE We got on the bus, but couldn’t buy a 1 day ticket. They suggested we do the 1 hour boat trip and said they would drop us to the dock. 1) they dropped us in the wrong place 2) they were lost because of the marathon Then the boat, after we finally found it: 1) stinking fumes, actually gagging 2) no commentary, in fact, no interaction unless you begged 3) offered us 2 for 1 icecreams as they had melted and refrozen as the fridge gets turned off at night Honestly, we enjoyed the afternoon in the boat but spent all of it laughing at just how awful it was!!! The worst thing in Moscow! Read more Written August 18, 2019
  • niruDurbs 0 contributions 3.0 of 5 bubbles Not the best value for the price The ticket is quite expensive and covers three different routes in a 24 hour period. The red route is quite exciting and takes about an hour. The bus comes every 10 to 15 minutes. However the other two routes take about two hours each and buses come every 30 to 40 minute period. If the bus is full then you have to wait at the stop for the next bus. So personally I feel that not much can be seen this way. I definitely was not impressed. However it must be noted that one can learn a lot about the history of Moscow Read more Written July 3, 2019
  • IrishCueTravel 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles SLO Motion Not all their fault , but if you plan on trying this Attraction be patient! Traffic is a big problem first and foremost. But to add additional unnecessary delays; the bus stops at each site for 15 minutes at a time or More ! I gave up half way through ( 45 minutes) ; and walked back to the starting point in 10 minutes! Read more Written June 4, 2019
  • michael g 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Worst hop on/hop off EVER Waited for 40 minutes in the cold rain for a bus that never came... unacceptable. Traffic is so bad that when on a bus the previos day it was barely moving. My advice-get a subway pass and a good travel guide book and do sightseeing on your own! Read more Written October 24, 2018
  • Rebecca J 0 contributions 3.0 of 5 bubbles Boat element was excellent We purchased a ticket online for the boat and bus for 2 days. The boat element was wonderful, we saw some amazing parts of Moscow along the river side. The bus element was very disappointing as it only started at 10am and was finished by 6:30pm. It was extremely warm when we were there and it would have been great to do the tour in the cool of the day. There was also no air conditioning in the down stairs part of the bus. They also turned away passengers at one of the stops as the bus was full and there was not another bus for 40 minutes. Read more Written September 26, 2018
  • Monismith2014 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles it was very enjoyable it was very interesting seeing things we saw walking around from the bus. so much more to see. we had a lot better view of the attractions from the height of the bus.also the bus was reasonable slow which gave us time enough for photos. it stopped at sparrow hill for 10 minutes for picture taking Read more Written September 20, 2018
  • fati666222 0 contributions 4.0 of 5 bubbles The best way to see Moscow We did both routes but if you have little time then only do the red route.Its very informative and it takes you to the important sights.The staff on the bus are very friendly and helpful. Read more Written August 20, 2018
  • adolfo17 0 contributions 3.0 of 5 bubbles The worst hope-on hope-off service I've ever seen Diffiult to understand the route maps and stops. Staff wouldn't help either. Lengthy stops. No air conditioning. Read more Written August 4, 2018
  • Peter F 0 contributions 3.0 of 5 bubbles Two Routes There is a short red route which depending on the traffic takes about an hour. The route is generally around the Red Square area. The ear phones were small and sometimes the commentary did not link up with the sites you were seeing. The green bus takes you on a longer route and ours took two and a half hours due to the heavy traffic. I would not recommend this trip unless it is raining or you want to fill in time. The sights we saw were nothing outstanding with plenty of time at certain stops for photos. Also the driver stop for a bite to eat at one stop. Read more Written July 30, 2018
  • Bernardo P 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Boat Trips Moscow, Russia Yesterday, I booked a boat trip with the web page and was totally horrible, didn’t have audio guide as it shows on the picture-Nobody Talk-. The girl on the picture-light blue bag-ask for 100 Rubles for show her the QR Code while I had the Booking and PIN number cause she must see the vessel name-Didn’t say nothing and after she said board any vessel. I suggest take the trip and pay on site, avoid fake internet pages, there are many other services with a lot of entertainment, don’t take this ones. Read more Written July 14, 2018
  • Kathrynowl91 0 contributions 3.0 of 5 bubbles Good way to see some sites We usually do these tours when we travel. They get you round and you see the sight . The traffic is quite heavy so it is a bit slow but there is not a lot they can do about it. We only did the red route. Just a note people don’t queue here when the bus comes it’s a bit of a free for all. Read more Written July 13, 2018
  • Daniyal91 0 contributions 3.0 of 5 bubbles Was Ok.! Started our tour of moscow from here, We had got the 2 Day Pass with the boat ride. The route and the map was good but not well managed. The bus didn't stop at many points. Were were unaware a couple of times at what point we were and missed them. Headphones and maps were provided. Would recommend one should check out the route map before going and decide which places to stop in advance, this way one can manage and enjoy the tour more and us it more effectively.! The boat ride was Ok, a little crowded. No guide provided, just a boat ride with restaurant service Read more Written July 12, 2018
  • WilliamDyer 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Poor service on boat and too many waiting times on buses For the price, you should expect at minimum English speaking tour guides with decent experience, but at least in my case that did not happen both in buses and boats. And in the boat even tough we were 90% English speaking tourist at least, the tour guide spoke 95% of the time in Russia, and only 3 sentences in English, I really counted how many times she spoke in English. And at the end she asks us if we have any questions? Of course I told her I couldn’t ask her anything since I didn’t understand 95% of what she was saying. The boat tour is not worth it, just take the bus that would be my advice. Second minus is the waiting times, in the boat they made us wait an hour before it departed, and in many stops with the buses waiting times of 20-30 minutes. I actually think I lost that day around 2 hours doing nothing. Be careful. Read more Written July 10, 2018

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Guga guters

City Sightseeing Moscow Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour with Optional Cruise provided by City Sightseeing Moscow

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The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square. Explore the metropolis with a tourHQ guide.

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Moscow Tour Guides

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Jorge De Reval

I am a happy, enthusiastic, amusing Spanish guy. Lively and hyperactive. Recently became qualified ...

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Stephen Florian

Holds a Masters Degree in Theatre Arts.

Julia Koval

Julia Koval

Hello!My name is Julia and I work as a guide last 4 years, but before together with my friends we ...

Ekaterina Smirnova

Ekaterina Smirnova

Please note: I'm away from Moscow June 11-26, 2021. I am a native Muscovite but traveled ...

Tanya Neyman

Vasil Valiev

Occupation: Senior guide-translator. Guiding since 2012 in Altai mountains, North of Russia ...

Marina Spasskaya

Marina Spasskaya

Hi there! My name is Marina and I'm a licensed Moscow city guide.Moscow is like ...

Ali Haider

Greetings from Saint Petersburg. This is your private tour guide Ali in Saint Petersburg. I was ...

Maria Deulina

Maria Deulina

Dear friends,My name is Maria, I am a licensed guide about Moscow. Being a native Muscovite I have ...

Ashraf Rabei

Ashraf Rabei

My name is Ashraf ...I'm graduated from faculty of tourism and hotel guidance department, in Egypt ...

Hengameh Ghanavati

Hengameh Ghanavati

My name is Hengameh Ghanavati. Im a licenced international tour guide since 2014 and I have ...

Todd Passey

Todd Passey

We are a cooperative of highly experienced, certified, professional guides. Each guide takes ...

Tim Brinley

Tim Brinley

Young at heart, adventurous, organized, good people skills, a good speaker, entertaining, ...

Nikolay Borkovoy

Nikolay Borkovoy

Hace 32 años nací en la ciudad de Moscú. Tengo experiencia trabajando como guía turístico en ...

Anika Socotra-International

Anika Socotra-International

Our mission is to provide you with the kind of holiday you want: where you can relax in wonderful ...

The sprawling, mind-boggling metropolis of Russian Moscow has long been one of the theatrical stages on which the great dramas of Europe and Asia have been played out in grand style. Burned by Napoleon in 1812, immortalised by Tolstoy, utilised by the Bolsheviks and championed as a bastion of heroic defiance by the post-war communists, it’s almost hard to believe just how defining the historical events that found their home on Moscow’s streets have been. Moscow tour guides will easily be able to mark the major must-see landmarks on the map, from the onion-domed orthodox Saint Basil's Cathedral, to the political powerhouse of Red Square just next door, while others will be quick to recommend a ride on Moscow’s famous subterranean metro system, or a visit to the UNESCO-attested Novodevichy Convent on the city’s southern side. But Moscow is a city also in the throes of a cultural wrangling between the old and the new. Creative energies abound here: Boho bars and pumping super clubs now occupy the iconic mega structures of the old USSR; high-fashion outlets, trendy shopping malls and luxurious residential districts stand as testimony to a city that’s now the undisputed playground of the world’s super-rich, while sprawling modern art museums dominate the cultural offering of the downtown districts north of the Moskva River.  

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    camping la tour d'aigues

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    Vous trouverez 1 camping à La Tour-d'Aigues et 3 campings à proximité. Découvrez CAMPING MUNICIPAL et L'ÉTANG DE LA BONDE situé à Cabrières-d'Aigues à 4,99 km et LES HAUTES PRAIRIES situé à Lourmarin à 15,05 km. Les principales destinations du Vaucluse. Bédoin ; Avignon ; Vaison-la-Romaine ;

  6. Camping LA TOUR D'AIGUES, mobile home and bungalow up to -60% off

    Choose your favourite campsite at LA TOUR D'AIGUES and take advantage of our special rates of up to 60% off to book at the best price. Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm. 020 3445 6022 (price of a local call) My space Search for a reservation.


    Voici un petit camping familial qui jouit d'un emplacement agréable dans un environnement verdoyant. Dominé par les imposantes ruines du château de La Tour-d'Aigues, il se situe à proximité des commerces, et il jouxte les terrains de tennis, de basket, de hand-ball et de football en libre accès (sauf tennis).

  8. Les meilleurs campings à La Tour-d'Aigues

    CAMPING MUNICIPAL. Petit camping familial dans un environnement verdoyant à La Tour-d'Aigues. Lire la suite. Camping à La Tour-d'Aigues 84240: retrouvez les coordonnées de toutes les meilleures adresses du Petit Futé (CAMPING MUNICIPAL).

  9. Camping 5 étoiles

    Réservez l'esprit tranquille avec l'Annulation Gratuite ! Annulez gratuitement votre réservation sans motif jusqu'à 30 jours avant le début de votre séjour (1). Campings 5 étoiles - Réservez vos vacances en camping dans LA TOUR D'AIGUES. Réservation facile et rapide en ligne.

  10. Campings à La Tour-d'Aigues

    Campings à La Tour-d'Aigues: Trouvez facilement la bonne adresse pour votre prochain voyage avec ce large choix d'établissements de qualité.

  11. Camping de l'Étang de la Bonde

    Pour une pause gourmande, rendez-vous au snack et à la buvette avec une vue sur l'étang. Possibilité de louer des pédalos pour 4 personnes et des paddles durs et gonflables. Horaires (2023) : Lundi au jeudi: de 12h à 19h00. Vendredi au dimanche: de 11h à 19h00. Si exceptionnellement, les clients du camping désirent louer un pédalo ...

  12. Les meilleurs 7 campings : La Tour-d'Aigues, France (2023)

    Recherchez, comparez et réservez vos vacances en camping: La Tour-d'Aigues | Sur vous trouverez tous les campings dans et autour de La Tour-d'Aigues . Back. À propos de Blog Paramètres. Choisissez la langue Top 10 destinations. Campings San Vincenzo ...

  13. Découvrir le village de La Tour d'Aigues

    L'incontournable du Pays d'Aigues. Situé au bord de la petite rivière de l'Eze, La Tour d'Aigues est un joli village faisant partie de la communauté de communes COTELUB et du Parc Naturel Régional du Luberon. À vocation essentiellement agricole, La Tour d'Aigues est entourée de vastes plaines cultivées et de coteaux de vignes qui produisent un vin réputé.

  14. Camping LA TOUR D'AIGUES, mobil home et bungalow jusqu'à -60%

    Camping Piscine La Tour D'aigues; Camping Piscine Couverte La Tour D'aigues; Questions fréquentes sur les campings à LA TOUR D'AIGUES. Camping ajouté à vos favoris. Voir ma liste. Liste de favoris pleine. Supprimé de vos favoris. Le plus grand choix. avec plus de 3000 campings référencés.

  15. La Tour-d'Aigues, Provence

    Visitors to La Tour d'Aigues are mostly drawn here thanks to it's large and impressive ruined castle, which dates back to 1550 and which was burnt down at the time of the Revolution. The chateau has undergone various stages of renovation work over the years, and some of these works have revealed a number of interesting archaeological finds ...

  16. La page d'accueil

    Conseil Municipal. Une réunion du Conseil Municipal aura lieu le vendredi 12 avril 2024à 18h30 salle du Conseil Municipal de la mairie de La Tour d'Aigues. Ordre du jour : Approbation du procès verbal de la séance du 7 décembre 2023 1. Vote des taux des impôts locaux 2024, 2. Budget primitif 2024 : budget principal, 3.

  17. Camping Municipal de La Tour d'Aigues in La Tour d'Aigues

    Een rustige camping( zeer eenvoudig, ook het sanitair) maar geweldig gelegen aan de voet van het kasteel van La Tour d'Aigues op ca. 100 m. van het dorpscenrum. Hier is op dinsdag een leuk marktje. Het is een vlak terrein van ongeveer 50 plaatsen onder goed onderhouden verschillende soorten loofbomen.

  18. La Tour-d'Aigues

    1369 90 € to 2769 90 € per week. Stone house of 80m² on 2 levels, with 2 bedrooms and two bathrooms, kitchen open to the dining room and living room. Sous l'Amandier also offers a terrace with a view of the vineyards and a heated swimming pool. Bathrooms of 6m² with walk-in…. Located 9.3 km from La Tour-d'Aigues.

  19. Best Moscow Walking Tours

    Get the chance to chat with locals and learn about their lives. Get a more intimate experience of the city on a small-group tour. This is an ideal tour for first-time visitors to Moscow. Book My Tour Learn More. Very popular. 2 Hours. Iconic metro stations, The world's deepest metro station, walking. From € 38.

  20. A Moscow Free Walking Tour of the Iconic Red Square

    The State Historical Museum. The Moscow free walking tour begins at the Marshal Zhukov monument in front of the State Historical Museum. You can't miss this massive red building. The museum's interior is almost as spectacular as the artifacts you can see within.

  21. City Sightseeing Moscow Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour with Optional Cruise

    Hop-on or hop-off at any of Moscow's main highlights. Views of Moscow from an open-top, double-decker bus. Learn about the city with recorded commentary. Visit Red Square, Alexander Gardens, and more. What's included. Bus pass inclusions: 48 or 72 hour bus pass + walking tour.

  22. Camping 4 étoiles

    Campings 4 étoiles - Réservez vos vacances en camping dans LA TOUR D'AIGUES. Réservation facile et rapide en ligne. Menu campings Camping Dernière Minute. Campings Pays de la Loire. ... Campings LA TOUR D'AIGUES. 4 étoiles Fermer. Rechercher quand je déplace la carte. Chargement . Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter pour recevoir les ...

  23. Private Local Guides & Guided Tours in Moscow

    Tell us your destination, date, and group size. Our team of travel experts and guides will design a tailored itinerary just for you. Enjoy your trip with peace of mind knowing everything is taken care of. The epicenter of modern Russia, Moscow booms with shiny new skyscrapers, the bulbous onion domes of the tsars and politically-rich Red Square.